Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2
Оценка 4.7

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Оценка 4.7
Документация +4
английский язык
2 кл
Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2
Публикация является частью публикации:

в фокусе


Учебник для 2 класса общеобразовательных учреждений


Министерством образования и науки

Российской Федерации

2-е издание


Express Publishing



удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922


Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году.

На учебник получены положительные заключения Российской академии наук и Российской академии образования.

Авторы:  Н.И. Быкова, Дж. Дули, МД. Поспелова, В. Эванс Authors:        Virginia Evans, Јеппу Doolqy, Офа Podolyako, Julia Vaulina


Authors' AcknowledgementS

We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this book. Thanks аге due in particular to: Мету] Phi1 lips (Editor in Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Мпа Peters and Rianna Diammond (editorial assistants); дех Вапоп (senior production controller) and the Express Publish'ng design team. We would also 1ike to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscriPt, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the ЬооК. Special thanks to Daniel and Nadia who play the parts of Larry and Lulu as well as то Nicholas and КК.

Colour lllustrations: Рап, Stone.

While every effort hos Ьееп made то trace Же copyright holders, if опу have Ьееп inodvertently overlooked the publishers will be pleased to таКе Же necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

Английский язык : учеб. для 2 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений /

Аб4   [Н №1. Быкова, Дж. Дули, МД. Поспелова, В. Эванс] — 2-е изд. — М. : Express Publishing .

Просвещение, 2008. — 144 с. : ил. — (Английский в фокусе). — [SBN 978-5-09-019100-5.

удк 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922

Учебное издание

Серия «Английский в фокусе»

Быкова Надежда Ильинична

Дули Дженни

Поспелова Марина Давидовна Эванс Вирджиния

Английский язык

Учебник для 2 класса

общеобразовательных учреждений

Центр германских языков

Руководитель центра В. В. Копылова Зам. руководителя Н.И. Максименко

Редактор ЕР. Михальчук

Компьютерная верстка МА, Семичева

Налоговая льгота — Общероссийский классификатор продукции ОК 005-93 - 953000, Изд. лиц. Серия ИД № 05824 от

12.09.01. Подписано в печать с диапозитивов 17.03.08. Формат 60х90 уз. Бумага мелованная, Гарнитура Прагматика. Печать офсетная. Уч.-изд, л. 18,0. Тираж 50 ООО экз. Заказ N2 2425.

Открытое акционерное общество «издательство «Просвещение». 127521, Москва, 3-й проезд Марьиной рощи, 41.

Express Publishing. Liberty Ноше, New Greenham Park, Newbury, Berkshire RG19 6HW Тек: (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mai1: [email protected].ик

ОАО Тверской ордена Тфудового Красного Знамени полиграфкомбинат детской литературы им, 50-летия СССР.

С) Express Publishing, 2006 lSBN 978-5-09-019100-5 Издательство «Просвещение», 2006

Все права защищены

Student •s book

Let's Gol



Hello or Goodbye? Look and say.

My Letters!

Listen, point and repeat.

ant bed

cat dog





Look and write the first letter in your notebook.

— orse

— at

                     — nt              

— lass

— lag

                          — og                                 — ed

My Letters!

Listen, point and repeat.


                            1 lamp

I mouse Inest 0 0 p


pin queen

a Look, read and choose.


a queen

a dog

a ant

b pin

b kangaroo

b ink

a mouse

a jug

a lamp

b horse

b orange

b flag


a ant

a glass

a bed

b nest

b jug

b lamp


My Letters!

Listen, point and repeat.

S  tree rabbit  snake

vest u umbrella

box W window

yacht z zip

a horse

b snake

c kangaroo

a box

b yacht

c jug

a mouse

b dog

c rabbit

a glass

b vest

c nest

Copy and complete in your notebook.

                   m      e — la           

Read and choose.

Letter Blends!

Listen and repeat.

                                   sheep                   fish                                    ship

Listen and repeat.

                                      chick           cheese

Say and point to the odd ones out.

Letter Blends!

Listen and repeat.

                                                 thumb thimble

Write the words in your notebook.

a f or ph? Copy and complete.   elephant

Big and Small!

             Listen and repeat.




Listen and repeat.

Sing        do.

Hello, hello, hello,

I'm Punch, hello, hello! Hello, hello, hello, I'm Judy, hello!

Hello, hello, hello,

I'm Nanny Shine, hello! Hello, hello, hello, I'm Larry, hello!

Hello, hello, hello, I'm Lulu, hello!


My Family!

Listen and repeat.



              Listen and read.

Mummy: Larry, Lulu, close your

Lulu: Hello, Mummy!


Larry: Hello, Daddy!

Larry & Lulu: OK. Daddy: Open your

                                                                                                                                    eyes now!

Grandma & Grandpa: Hello, Larry! Hello, Lulu!

Larry: Grandma! Grandpa!

Lulu: Nanny! This is Grandma and this is Grandpa!   

Starter Module

My Family!

ØListen and repeat.



gree whfite

      Copy and colour.

                                                      a red window                                a blue vest


                           a white egg   a green tree

Starter Module

o Sing and do.

Come and meet My family!

Mummy, Daddy,

My brother and me!

Come and meet My family!

Mummy, Daddy,

My sister and me!

Come and meet

My family!

Grandma and Grandpa Are coming for tea!

Starter Module

My Home!

           Listen and repeat.

tree house                                                                          bed

aGuess             say.

1 It's a chair read and choose. cheese


    rabbit                                 box

            Sing        do.

         In my tree house,     In my tree house,

       In my tree,                   In my tree,

There are lots of colours    There are lots of things for you to see! for you to see!

       Red and yellow,          table, a chair,

          Green and blue!     And a bed, you see,



Listen and repeat.

gardenbedroom                        black/brown

house kitchen



Where's Chuckles?

He's in the house!

     Oh no! He's in the house!        Chuckles, come here!

Chuckles, come here! Where's Mummy? Chuckles is in the house!

She's in the kitchen!

Where's Daddy?

He's in the bedroom!

1 Lulu: Chuckles, come here!

2 Larry: Where's Daddy?

Larry: Oh no! He's in the

Lulu: He's in the



Lulu: Where's Mummy?

3 Larry: But where's

Larry: Look! Mummy's in the



Lulu: Quick! Let's go!

Read again and choose.



Sing and do.

Chuckles is in the house,

Chuckles is in the tree,

Chuckles is in the tree house, Looking at you and me!

 In the Bath!

              Listen and repeat.



a Sing and do.

This is my house, This is the door! The windows are clean, and so is the floor!


Outside there's a chimney,

As tall as can be, With smoke that goes up, Come and see!


Chuckles is in the

/e/ or /t/? Copy the table and complete it.

                             red                        bed       queen

                                             egg                green sheep


Read and then write about your bedroom.

a bird house                 a green house         a garden gnome


Country Mouse: Hello, Town Mouse.

Welcome to my house!

It's very small, but it's very nice.  lovely house

For two small mice!

Town Mouse: Oh no! It's very bare!

Where's the table?

Where's the chair?

No bedroom, no bathroom, No kitchen - oh, dear!

I want to go home,

I don't like it here!


I - 41

I know



Read       choose.

Read and choose.

a black chair

a yellow radio

  a red bed a blue bath

a brown table a green tree house

My Birthday!

Listen and repeat.


     happy                      sad

                       six           nine        seven           ten eight

Man: You're happy today,          Lulu: Hello, Nanny!

Lulu!   Let's go into the Lulu: Yes! It's my birthday! house! Man: How old are you today? Nanny: OK, dear! Lulu: I'm five! Bye!  

Where's Mummy?

            Where's Daddy?       Nanny: Don't be sad,

Where's Larry? Lulu! Let's go Where's my birthday into the garden, party?  dear!

All: SURPRISE! Read again and choose.

How old is Lulu?

Read and say. Then copy and complete.

He's                                     He's

It's a                                 They are


    Sing        do.

Listen and repeat.




1 Lulu: This is a lovely party! Mrnm, burgers! I like burgers!

2 Lulu:Chips too! Yummy! I like chips!

Larry: Look, Lulu! Sandwiches! Lulu: Thank you, Larry!

3 Lulu: Oh, bananas! Thank you, Chuckles! I like bananas too!


             Sing and do.

Yummy, yummy chocolate, That's what I like!

Chocolate on a biscuit, Chocolate on a cake!

I don't like eggs,

And I don't like cheese!

But yummy, yummy chocolate,

My Favourite Food!

Listen and repeat.

milk  chocolate pizza   orange juice   cake

a Sing and do.


Listen and read.

Lulu: What's your favourite food, Nanny?

Nanny: Well, my favourite food is pizza!

Larry: My favourite food is ice cream!

Nanny: What's your favourite food, Lulu?

Lulu: Well ...

Lulu: My favourite food is ...

chocolate cake! Everyone: Happy birthday to you ...

aRead again and complete.

Nanny's favourite food is . . .


             Listen and repeat.

Candles on a chocolate cake!

/tJ/ or /k/? Copy the table and complete it.



C 0 0


/ tf/


                                                         chips             cake cheese

                                                      sandwich      candle chocolate


Read and then write about your favourite food.

        Fish and chips                    Kebab  Curry

F n at sc 00 Q




Country Mouse: Come along, Town Mouse. Time to eat!

Town Mouse: But Country Mouse, where's the meat? Country Mouse: Oh dear! No meat for me.

I'm a country mouse, you see. I eat bread and cheese, And honey from bees.

58 -


I know

Count and choose.

     one/ two                  seven/ nine ten/eight

       six/seven                     three/five four/six

Read and choose.

12• apple

  eggs• apples

3banana     4burger  bananas • burgers

5chip               6• sandwich

  chips • sandwiches

a Read and match.

1    candles

2    ice cream

3    chocolate

4    pizza

5    sandwiches

6    party

My Animals!

                     øØListen and repeat.bird horse

fishk) L)     sing

swim frog run

62 Module

1 Larry can

a jump.

2 Lulu can

b swim.

3 63

7b a Read, match and say.

1         froga sing

2         bird b jump

3         chimpc swim

4         fishd run


horsee dance

1 A frog can jump.

      What can they do? Look and say.


              Larry                                                Bob Peter

1 Larry can dance.

I can jump like a frog, Boing, boing!

I can swim like a fish, Splish, splash, splish!

I can jump and I can swim, I can dance and I can sing!

And I can run and run and run Just like this!

I Can Jump!

De Listen and repeat.


Module 3


•DeListen and read.

1 Larry: Chuckles!

Lulu: Chuckles, where are

2 Larry: Look! There's Chuckles in the tree!

Lulu: Can you climb the tree, Larry?

Larry: No, I can't.

3                                 Lulu: Look! What's that?

Larry: Ha, ha! It's a girl chimp.

4                                 Lulu:

Larry: Yes,


Nanny: Oh dear!

'O Read again and choose. Larry can/can't climb the tree.


Sing and do.

Can you fly?

Can you fly? Can you fly? No, I can't!

Can you

Can you Can you

Yes, I can!

Can you

Can you fly Can you climb? Yes, I can!

Can you fly? No, I can't!

At the circus

In the town,

There's a very funny clown!

The clown can run, And the clown can jump, Run and jump all day, Hey!

At the circus

In the town,

There's a very funny chimp!

The chimp can climb,

And the chimp can swing, Climb and swing all day, Hey!

Read again and choose.

Now, boys and girls, look at . . . a  Chuckles. b Cherry.



           Let's make a mask!

Sing and do.

I'm a horse!

And I can jump,

Look at

I'm a cat! I'm a

And I can

Look at

I'm a fish! I'm

And I can swim,

Look at me! Look at me!

I'm a chimp! I'm a chimp!

And I can climb and swing! Look at me! Look at me!


Read and then write about yourself.

Town Mouse: Look at my living room!

Look at my chair!

And look at the table over there!

76 -

Look and complete in your notebooks.

— mp

Look, read and complete.

      Bob                   Chuckles

 ... can dance.

2                  ... can sing.

         Alan                        Sam

3                  . can swing.

. can run.

My Toys!

Listen and repeat.

teddy bear toy soldier




gel-isten and read.


1 Larry

2 Lulu

3 Chuckles

a ballerina

b teddy bear

c toy soldier

Read, match and say.

             1 teddy bear               2 toy soldier 3 ballerina

            a         b           c

1 It's a

Read and choose.


The teddy bear is in the toy box.


The teddy bear is under the table.


                                        The teddy bear is                                                  the shelf.



She's got

blue eyes!

dark hair mouth




1                    1b

Nanny: Yes, she's very pretty!

2                    Larry: Look at my toy soldier! He's got dark hair!

Nanny: Oh yes. He's wonderful! But what about Chuckles' teddy bear?

3                    Larry: Chuckles, what have you got? Is it your teddy bear? Lulu: Oh, clever Chuckles!

4                    Larry: Oh no! Look at the teddy bear! Nanny: Oh, Chuckles! Don't be sad!

Read again and complete.

        1 My ballerina's got ... eyes.  2 My toy soldier's got .. hair.

                 Sing and do.

In my toy box

I've got a teddy bear, And a ballerina

With long dark hair!


АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник для 2 класса общеобразовательных учреждений

АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Учебник для 2 класса общеобразовательных учреждений

ББК 81.2Англ-922 Аб4 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году

ББК 81.2Англ-922 Аб4 Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году

Express Publishing. Liberty Ноше,

Express Publishing. Liberty Ноше,

Let's Gol aChit-Chat 4

Let's Gol aChit-Chat 4

Hello or Goodbye? Look and say

Hello or Goodbye? Look and say

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

Look and write the first letter in your notebook

Look and write the first letter in your notebook

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

I mouse I nest 0 0 p orange pin queen a

I mouse I nest 0 0 p orange pin queen a

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

My Letters! Listen, point and repeat

W window yacht z zip

W window yacht z zip

Copy and complete in your notebook

Copy and complete in your notebook

Read and choose. Letter Blends!

Read and choose. Letter Blends!

Listen and repeat. chick cheese

Listen and repeat. chick cheese

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Letter Blends! Listen and repeat

Letter Blends! Listen and repeat

Copy and complete. elephant

Copy and complete. elephant

Big and Small!

Big and Small!



Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2



Listen and repeat.

Listen and repeat.

Sing do. Hello, hello, hello,

Sing do. Hello, hello, hello,

Hello, hello, hello, I'm Lulu, hello!

Hello, hello, hello, I'm Lulu, hello!

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

My Family! Listen and repeat

My Family! Listen and repeat

Listen and read. Mummy: Larry,

Listen and read. Mummy: Larry,

Larry: Hello, Daddy! Larry &

Larry: Hello, Daddy! Larry &

(6(6vts. ed gree whfite Copy and colour.

(6(6vts. ed gree whfite Copy and colour.

Starter Module o Sing and do

Starter Module o Sing and do

Come and meet My family! Mummy,

Come and meet My family! Mummy,

My Home! Listen and repeat

My Home! Listen and repeat

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 2

Guess say. 1

Guess say. 1

Sing do.

Sing do.

Green and blue! And a bed, you see,

Green and blue! And a bed, you see,

Where's Chuckles? Listen and repeat

Where's Chuckles? Listen and repeat

Chant Where's Chuckles? He's in the house!

Chant Where's Chuckles? He's in the house!

Chuckles, come here! Where's Mummy?

Chuckles, come here! Where's Mummy?

Lulu: Chuckles, come here! 2

Lulu: Chuckles, come here! 2

Read again and choose. I

Read again and choose. I

Sing and do.

Sing and do.

Chuckles is in the tree house,

Chuckles is in the tree house,

In the Bath!

In the Bath!

This is my house, This is the door!

This is my house, This is the door!



Chuckles is in the /e/ or /t/?

Chuckles is in the /e/ or /t/?

red bed queen egg green sheep

red bed queen egg green sheep
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