Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7
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Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

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Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7
Публикация является частью публикации:

J. M: Barrie retold by Virginia Evans Jenny Dooley-. Olga Podolyako Julia Vaulina

A reader for Spotlight

Express Publishing PROSVESHCHENIYE

James Matthew Barrie was born on 9th May, 1860, in Kirriemuir, Scotland. He was one of ten brothers and sisters. Barrie's mother loved his older brother David most of all. Sadly, David died in a skating accident when Barrie was six. His mother fell into depression and young Jamie was deeply affected by it.

Barrie became a writer when he left university. He worked for a newspaper called the Nottingham Journal, but his true love was the theatre. Barrie moved to London and started to write plays and books. In 1904, he wrote a play called Peter Pan, The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up. Later on, Barrie decided to turn the play into a book and changed the title to Peter Pan.

The book was full of magic and was a huge success with people of all ages. His books were very popular, but none were ever quite as successful as Peter Pan. Barrie became a baronet in 1913. He died in 1937 at the age of 77. People remember him as one of the greatest children's writers of all time.


Barrie wrote Peter Pan for the sons of names were George, Jack, Peter, Michael his dog, Porthos, in Kensington Gardens. enjoyed spending time with the boys. He stories. One of these stories was about a there was also some truth in it. Like Peter character's name comes from two sources:

of the woodlands. Mr and Mrs Llewelyn-Davies looked after the boys. He loved all of them and the magical Neverland would help them

There are several plays, musicals and there are statues of Peter Pan in England,


Peter Pan is a little boy who refuses to

Peter lives in the Neverland with his friends,

Peter invites Wendy Darling to The Neverland Wendy's brothers, John and Michael, come adventures there. They save the fairy Tinker the end, Wendy decides that the best London, and they live happily there. Wendy he ever grow up?


Davies. The boys' he was walking Davies family, and often told them a fairy tale, but to grow up. The naughty Greek god young, so Barrie story of Peter Pan

is so famous that

magical adventures. have a mother, so for the Lost Boys. children have many

his friends, Sylvia and Arthur Llewelyn and Nicholas. Barrie met the boys when became friends with the Llewelyn played games with them for hours, and character called Peter Pan. Peter Pan was

Pan, Barrie was a boy who refused Peter Llewelyn Davies, and Pan, the died when their sons were still very much, and he hoped that the recover from losing their parents.

films based on the story of Peter Pan. It Belgium, America, Canada and Australia.

up, and spends his time having

The Lost Boys. The Lost Boys do not and asks her to be a mother to the Neverland with Wendy. The

Bell, and they fight the dangerous Captain Hook. In for her is at home. She brings all the boys back to and the boys grow up, but what happens to Peter? Will



MR DARLING                                                   MRS DARLING

... is the father of Wendy, . is the mother of the three John, and Michael and the children. Mrs Darling is loving and husband of Mrs Darling. Mr imaginative and loves her family Darling is a strict man. more than anything in the world.

However, he loves his children and he only wants what is best for them.

JOHN                                                                     MICHAEL

... is the middle Darling ... is the youngest Darling child. child. He enjoys playing Michael likes games, too, and games and having       he often pretends to travel to adventures. He is quite    exciting places.

a brave boy. He loves his brother and sister, but he sometimes

teases Michael.


... is the oldest of the Darling children. She becomes good friends with Pete. Wendy also becomes a mother for the Lost Boys, and she enjoys her job very much. She is kind and loving.



... is a loving nanny. She looks after the Darling children. She is kind and good, and she loves the children very much. There is something a little bit strange about her ... Nana is a large dog!

a little bit uncaring.





... is a magical little boy.

... is a tiny, pretty fairy.

He never wanted to grow

She is Peter Pan's friend,

up, so he ran away when

and she goes everywhere

he was born. He now

with him. Tinker Bell

lives in the Neverland,

loves Peter, and she is

and he is the leader of the Lost Boys. He can be gentle and kind, but he is usually naughty, and

very jealous of Wendy.

... is the captain of the pirates and an evil man. Hook hates Peter Pan. He is afraid of the crocodile, because it wants to eat him.



... is a pirate and he

... works for Captain

lives in the

Hook. He is not very

Neverland. The

clever. He is very

children are afraid

afraid of his captain

of Starkey, because

so he always does

he is a very strict

what Hook tells him

                                and unkind man.               to do. Smee is not really a bad man.


The Lost Boys are young boys who used to live in the real world. Sadly, their parents lost them when they were babies and no one ever found them. The Lost Boys came to live in the Neverland. Peter looks after them, but they really need a mother, because they have never had one.



The Darling family lived in London. Mr Darling was a strict and serious man, but he loved his children very much. His wife was loving and sweet. There were three Darling children. Wendy was the oldest, then there was John, and last of all, there was Michael. The Darlings were not rich, but they wanted a nanny for their children. Luckily, they found Nana. Nana was perfect in every way. She loved the children and looked after them carefully. However, people stopped to stare when they saw the three children with their nanny. You see, Nana was a large yellow dog that the Darlings met in the park. Mr Darling worried that his neighbours might think she was strange, but Nana was the best nanny in London. She kept the children safe and she made them very happy. In fact, the Darling family was the happiest family in London until Peter Pan came.

The Darling children often dreamed of the magical land called the Neverland. They saw the strange land with its lagoons, caves and forests. The Neverland was different for each of the children. John lived in a boat turned upside down on the sand. Michael lived in a wigwam, while Wendy lived in a house made of leaves sewn together. They all dreamed of Peter, however, especially Wendy. She knew that Peter often came to the children's room at night while they were asleep. When she told her mother about this, Mrs Darling did not believe her.

"No one can get into the house without knocking, dear," said Mrs Darling.

"l think Peter comes in through the window, " said Wendy.

"But my love, the window is three floors up, " smiled Mrs Darling.

"Yes," said Wendy, "but Peter can fly. "

Mrs Darling was sure that Peter was just a dream, but the next night proved that Wendy had not been dreaming and that Peter was real.

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That night was Nana's night off and she went out. So, Mrs Darling bathed the children and put them to bed instead. She sang to them until they fell asleep. She kissed them all and sat by the fire to sew a shirt for Michael. The room was very warm and soon Mrs Darling fell asleep in her chair.

She dreamed that a strange boy flew out of the Neverland. Then, she saw Wendy, Michael and John. They were in that magical place, the Neverland. As she slept, the window blew open and a boy flew through it. There was a small light with him and it flew quickly about the room. The light woke Mrs Darling up and when she saw him, she screamed. Just then, Nana ran into the room. She was back from her night off and she heard Mrs Darling cry out.


Nana ran towards Peter and he jumped up to fly out of the window. As he tried to escape, she snapped at him and she pulled off his shadow.

Peter flew off into the night sky, but his shadow was in Nana's mouth. It looked like a piece of black cloth. Carefully, Mrs Darling took the shadow from Nana's mouth. She didn't know what to do with it. She didn't want to show it to Mr Darling. He might be angry with Nana. She thought about hanging it out of the window for Peter. He might come to get it later. But Mrs Darling didn't do that, because it looked like a dirty rag, and she was worried what the neighbours might think. She hid the shadow in a drawer in the bedroom so it would be safe.

Peter stopped crying and decided to talk. This girl looked nice.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Wendy Darling," she replied. "What's your name?" "Peter Pan. "

"Why are you crying?" Wendy asked again.

"l can't get my shadow to stick on," said Peter. "And anyway, I wasn't crying!" Wendy knew what to do.

"I'll sew your shadow back on for you," she said.

She took a needle and thread from Mrs Darling's sewing box and sewed Peter's shadow to his feet.

"There! "

Peter was very happy and he danced around the room.

"Oh! How clever I am!" he said as he continued to dance. "And you did a little, too. " So, Wendy met Peter Pan all because Nana was in the garden.

Wendy wanted to know more about this interesting boy.

"How old are you?" asked Wendy.

"l don't know," said Peter. "But I am quite young. I ran away the day I was born. I didn't want to grow up, you see. "

Wendy was very surprised.

"But where did you go?" asked Wendy.

"l went to live with the fairies for a long time," said Peter.

Wendy asked lots of questions about fairies and Peter told her about the beginning of the fairies. "Fairies come from babies' laughs," he told her. "But children don't believe in fairies any more. They know too much. "

He looked for Tinker Bell, and she flew to him. When Wendy saw the fairy, she was amazed. She wanted to talk to Tinker Bell, but Tinker Bell didn't like Wendy. She didn't want to be friends. She flew into the bathroom.

"So, where do you live now?" asked Wendy.

"l live in the Neverland with the Lost Boys," said Peter. "They are boys who were lost when they were babies and their parents never found them, so they don't have mothers." "Oh, the poor boys!" cried Wendy.

"Will you fly to the Neverland with me and be a mother to the Lost Boys?" asked Peter. "l can't!" said Wendy. "l can't fly!" "I'll teach you," said Peter.

"Will you teach John and Michael, too?" asked Wendy.

Wendy woke her brothers, and they jumped out of bed.

"All right," said Peter. "Just think lovely thoughts and they will lift you up in the air. "

Peter blew fairy dust on them and they began to fly around the room. Up and down they went, and round and round.

"This is such fun!" cried the children. "Let's go outside!"

Peter took Wendy's hand, and the four children flew out of the window and into the night sky. When Mr and Mrs Darling came home, their three beautiful children were gone.

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Peter and the children flew over the city and over fields and trees. They flew over the sea, and under the moon many times. Suddenly, Peter pointed and called to the others.

"Look!" he cried. "There it is! There's the Neverland!"

The children knew at once, because it was the same as it was in their dreams. They felt as if they were coming home.

Peter turned to the others.

"Do you want an adventure?" he asked. "Or do you want tea first?"

"Tea first, " said Wendy quickly. Michael held her hand tightly, nodding his head.

"What kind of adventure?" asked John.

"There is a terrible pirate down there," said Peter. "Let's go down and get him!" "A pirate?" asked John. "A real one?"

"Yes," said Peter. "His name is Hook, and he is the worst of all pirates." "Is he big?" asked John.

"Not as big as he was," said Peter. "l cut his hand off, you see!" "So, he can't fight?" asked John.

"Oh, he can fight!" said Peter. "He has a sharp hook on the end of his arm. "

The children looked down at the Neverland and saw that the whole island was full of life. The Lost Boys were looking for Peter. The pirates were looking for the Lost Boys. The Indians were looking for the pirates, and the animals were looking for the Indians. They all walked round and round the island, but they did not meet because they were all walking at the same speed.

The first to stop moving were the boys. They were tired, and they sat down on the ground near their underground home. Only the Lost Boys knew where the underground house was. The entrances were seven trees with holes in their trunks. There was one hole for each Lost Boy (Nibs, Tootles, Slightly, Curly and the Twins), and one for Peter Pan.

"Where is Peter?" asked Nibs.

"l want him to come back and fight the pirates, " said Tootles.

"l am not afraid of the pirates," said Slightly, but the other boys knew that this was not true. Everyone was afraid of Hook and his men.

Just then, there was a sound.

"Quick! The pirates are coming!" cried Nibs.

The boys disappeared into their underground home like rabbits just before the pirates arrived.

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Captain Hook and his men, Starkey and Smee, looked around, but they didn't see the entrances to the Lost Boys' house.

"Look everywhere!" said Hook. "l want those boys, and I want Peter Pan. He will be sorry that he cut off my hand!"

"But your hook is better than a hand, sir," said Smee. "You said you can comb your hair and do lots of jobs with it! Why are you angry with Peter?"

"Peter threw my hand to the crocodile!" said Hook. "The crocodile liked the taste so much that now he wants to eat the rest of me!"

"Ah!" said Starkey. "So that is why the crocodile follows you everywhere. "

"Yes," said Hook. "But luckily for me, the crocodile swallowed a clock. Now I can hear it every time it comes near me. "

"One day the clock will stop," said Smee. "Then the crocodile will get you. "

"That is what I'm afraid of," said Hook. He sat down on a large mushroom to rest, but then he jumped up again.

"That mushroom is hot!" he said. The pirates looked at the mushroom and saw that smoke was coming out of it.

"It's a chimney!" cried Hook. "This is where the Lost Boys live!"

tick Tick

The pirates listened, and they heard the voices of the Lost Boys. The boys felt safe in their house, and they were chatting happily.

"Did you hear them say Peter Pan's not at home?" Smee whispered.

"l did," said Hook with an evil grin. "l have a plan! We will go back to the ship and make a big cake with green sugar on the top. We will leave the cake on the shore of the Mermaids' Lagoon, and it will become damp. The boys often swim in the lagoon. When they see the cake, they will eat it. The Lost Boys have no mothers, and they don't know how dangerous it is to eat damp cake! Ha-haha! They will all die!"

"It's a brilliant plan!" cried Smee, and the pirates danced and sang. But suddenly, they heard a terrible sound.

Tick, tick, tick, tick!

Hook froze with one foot in the air.

"The crocodile!" he cried, and ran away as fast as he could, back to the pirate ship. Starkey and Smee followed, and for a while, they forgot all about the Lost Boys and the underground house.


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The Lost Boys heard a happy shout, and they ran from the underground house. "It's Peter!" they cried. "Peter is home!"

Peter landed in front of the boys, and the Darling children landed behind him.

"Hello, boys!" said Peter. "l am back, and I have a mother for you all! Her name is Wendy. " The Lost Boys fell on their knees in front of Wendy.

"Oh, Wendy, please be our mother!" they cried.

Wendy was very pleased.

"But I'm only a little girl," she said. "l don't know how to be a mother."

"It doesn't matter," said Peter. "You are kind and gentle, and you will love us. That's all we need.' "Very well, " said Wendy. "l will try my best."

So Wendy looked after Peter, John, Michael and the Lost Boys. Peter made entrances to thG underground house for each of the three Darling children, and they all lived together happily Wendy cooked their meals and kept the house tidy. She mended their old clothes and made the new ones. She put the boys to bed at night and did all the things that a mother should do.

She enjoyed doing it, and even when she shouted at the boys and made them take the' medicine, she had a big smile on her face.

As time went by, the Darling children didn't think about their real parents very much. They were sure that Mr and Mrs Darling would leave the bedroom window open for them. They thought they could fly home any time they liked, so they did not worry.

There were many exciting things to do in the Neverland. The children spent their days at the Mermaids' Lagoon, playing and swimming in the deep blue water. They ate their lunch on a rock and Wendy sewed and watched over them.

They watched the mermaids, who played games with the bubbles that they made. The bubbles were all colours of the rainbow. The children wished they could play with the mermaids but they were unfriendly. They swam away when the children came near, and they did not speak to them. Only Peter chatted to them and, if they were cheeky, he put salt on their tails.

The lagoon was a beautiful, magical place, but the children never stayed there until evening. Wendy made sure that the boys were always in bed before seven. They all knew that the lagoon was dangerous after dark.




One day, while the children were relaxing on a rock by the lagoon, Peter heard a sound.

"The pirates are coming!" he whispered. "Dive into the water!"

The children jumped into the water just in time. The next moment, a small boat appeared, an the pirate ship was just behind it. In the boat were Smee, Starkey and a beautiful girl. Her nam was Tiger Lily, and she was the Indian chief's daughter. There were ropes around her hands an feet, but she did not look afraid.

"Tie the girl to the rock, " called Hook from the ship.

Smee and Starkey pulled Tiger Lily out of the boat and tied her to the rock. Peter and Wend watched from the water.

"What can we do?" whispered Wendy. She was very upset. "Don't worry!" said Peter. "l can save her!" Peter made his voice sound like Hook's.

"Ahoy there, men!" he shouted.

"It's the captain, " said Starkey. "He must be swimming out to us." "Set the girl free!" called Peter in Hook's voice.

"But, Captain ..." started Smee.

"Do it now!" shouted Peter.

"How strange," said Smee. "But we must do what the Captain wants. " They untied Tiger Lily. She slipped into the water and swam away.

Peter and Wendy were very happy, but just then, they saw the real Hook. He was swimmin towards his men, and he looked very angry.








"l have terrible news," he said. "The boys have got a mother!" "What's a mother?" asked Smee.

When Wendy heard this, she felt sorry for Smee.

"The poor thing!" she cried. "He doesn't know what a mother is!"

"A mother," said Hook, "is someone who looks after children and keeps them safe. How can we catch the boys now that they have a mother?"

"Why don't we kidnap the boys' mother and make her our mother?" asked Smee. "Then we will be safe. "

"Never!" cried Wendy, but Peter pulled her under the water just in time. Hook was pleased with Smee's idea, and he smiled a terrible smile.



"Perfect," he said. "We will take all the children to our ship. We will make the boys walk the plank, but we will keep the mother for ourselves! But first, where is Tiger Lily?" "You told us to let her go," said Starkey.

"l did not!" shouted Hook.

"But it sounded just like your voice!" said Smee.

Hook began to shake with anger.

"Peter Pan is here!" he shouted. "He is playing tricks on me! Find him! I want him, dead or alive!"

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When Peter and the Lost Boys heard Hook shout, they jumped out of the water and began fight with the pirates. John, Michael and the Lost Boys fought with Smee and Starkey, but Pet went to look for Hook. They found each other on the rock. Peter climbed up one side and H climbed up the other side. At the top, when their hands reached out for something to pull them up they grabbed each other's arms!

Peter wanted to fight Hook, but he saw that Hook was lower on the rock than him. Peter want to be fair, so he tried to help Hook to the top of the rock. But before Peter could pull Hook up Hook fell back into the water. As Hook fell, he heard a terrible sound below him.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Hook swam back to the ship as fast as he could, with the crocodile close behind him. The L Boys laughed when they saw him. The boys found the pirates' little boat and sailed home in it.

"Peter and Wendy will fly home, " they thought. But they were wrong.

Peter and Wendy were on the rock, and the water was rising fast. The rock was becomi smaller and smaller. Wendy was too tired to fly or swim, and Peter was hurt. Just then, somethi touched Peter's face. It was the tail of a kite Michael made a few days ago.

"It's the tail of Michael's kite!" he said. "Do you remember how it lifted him off the groun Take it, Wendy!"

"l won't go without you," said Wendy. But Peter tied the kite's tail around Wendy and pushe her off the rock.

"Goodbye, Wendy!" he cried.




Wendy flew away with the kite and Peter was alone.

The water came higher and higher, and Peter watched it nervously.

"To die will be an awfully big adventure," he thought.

But just then, Peter saw the Never Bird. The Never Bird was a large white bird. She lived in a big nest which floated on the lagoon.

The Never Bird pushed the nest to the edge of the rock, then she flew up into the air. Peter could see two large white eggs in the nest.

"Get into my nest!" said the Never Bird to Peter.

"But what about your eggs?" asked Peter.

"Never mind," said the Never Bird. "l must save you." But there were tears in her eyes as she spoke. She put her wings over her face. She did not want to see what happened to the eggs.

Just then, Peter saw something large and black on the rock. It was Starkey's hat! Peter put the eggs in the hat and put the hat on the water. It floated perfectly. The Never Bird flew away happily.

Peter climbed into the nest and sailed to the shore. He left the nest where the Never Bird could find it. But the Never Bird loved her new nest and she decided to live in it forever.

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Peter and the Lost Boys knew that Hook wanted revenge. Luckily, the Indians were now the children's friends. To thank the children for saving Tiger Lily, the Indians set up camp above the underground house. They wanted to protect the children from the pirates. They did not know that Hook had a terrible plan.

One night, when the children were happily playing by the fire, the pirates attacked. They surprised the Indians. The Indians fought well, but in the end the pirates won the battle.

In the underground house, the children were silent as they listened to the terrible battle. When everything became silent above, they turned to Peter.

"Who won?" they asked.

Peter answered, "If the Indians won, they will beat their drum."

At that moment, Smee was sitting on the Indians' drum. When Hook told him to beat it, he realised what a clever and terrible captain he had.

The children heard the drum, and they flew up their trees to cheer with the Indians. Only Peter stayed inside. He was angry with Wendy because he didn't want to take his medicine. He did not know that the pirates were waiting for his friends at the top of the trees. He did not see the pirates take Wendy and the boys to their ship, the Jolly Roger.

Peter lay down on the bed and soon he fell asleep. Above the underground house, Hook was looking at the holes in the trees. All of the holes were too small for him, except for Slightly's hole. Poor Slightly ate and drank a lot, and each day he made his hole a little bigger so that his stomach could fit through it. Now the hole was just big enough for Hook. He slipped inside the tree and into the underground home.

Hook looked around the little house. He saw Peter asleep on the bed, and he saw Peter's cup on the table. Hook took a small bottle of poison from his pocket and poured it into Peter's cup. He smiled a terrible smile, then left the little house.

Peter slept until a tapping on the door of his tree woke him up. It was Tinker Bell, and he quickly let her in.

"l saw Wendy and the boys!" cried Tinker Bell in her bell-like voice. "They are with the pirates!" "Poor Wendy!" cried Peter. "l must rescue her!"

Peter saw the cup on the table and decided to take his medicine after all.

"It will make Wendy happy," he thought. But as he picked up the cup, Tinker Bell cried out,

The little fairy knew that something was wrong. She flew between the cup and Peter's mouth and drank all of the poison.

Peter was angry with Tinker Bell.

"Why did you drink my medicine?" he asked. But Tinker Bell did not answer. Her light becoming weaker and her voice was becoming quieter.

"What is the matter?" He was very afraid.

"It was poisoned, Peter," she told him softly.

"Did you drink it to save me, Tinker Bell?" asked Peter. "Yes," said the fairy, "and now I am dying. " "How can I make you better?" he asked.

"l think I could get better if children believed in fairies, " whispered Tinker Bell.

Peter looked around, but there were no children there. He called out to all the children of world who might be dreaming of the Neverland, and hoped that they could hear him.

"Do you believe in fairies? If you do, clap your hands!"

From far, far away, they heard the sound of clapping. Suddenly, Tinker Bell's light shone brigt again, and she flew about happily.

"Now we must rescue Wendy!" cried Peter, and he flew out of the house and across the trees the pirate ship.

?tick Tick Tick

On the Jolly Roger, the children were in trouble. Captain Hook wanted the boys to walk the plank. Smee tied Wendy to the mast, and Hook walked towards her. He never reached Wendy, because, suddenly, he heard a terrible sound.

Tick, tick, tick, tick.

Hook fell to the floor.

"Hide me!" he cried. "The crocodile is coming onto the ship!"

The pirates hurried to hide their captain as the ticking became louder and louder. But it was not the crocodile who climbed on board the Jolly Roger. It was Peter Pan! He untied Wendy, then he and the boys took any weapons they could find.

"Let's get the pirates, boys!" cried Peter.

The pirates ran back onto the deck, and a terrible fight began. Swords clashed and screams filled the air. Many of the pirates jumped into the sea and swam away. Everyone was moving so fast that it was difficult to see what was happening. Suddenly, Peter and Hook came face to face at last. Peter flew into the air and dived at Hook again and again. Hook could not fight off the flying boy. He jumped into the sea, where the real crocodile was waiting for him. Hook did not know that the crocodile was there because the clock inside the animal had finally stopped. And that was the end of the terrible Captain Hook.

After that the Jolly Roger was no longer a pirate ship. All the pirates were gone and Peter was the captain.

  o (2. QUOIldg Otowg          o

The children decided it was time to go home. First, they sailed to some beautiful islands anc then, they flew to London. Peter and Tinker Bell reached the Darlings' house first.

"Quick, Tink," Peter whispered. "Close the window! When Wendy comes, she will think her mother has forgotten her, and she will have to come back with me. "

But just then Peter saw Mrs Darling looking into the room. There were tears running down her face, and Peter knew that she loved Wendy as much as he did. He left the window open, and a few minutes later, Wendy, John and Michael flew through it.

"l think I know this place," said Michael.

"Of course you do, silly," said John. "There is your old bed."

"Listen!" said Wendy. "Mother is coming! Let's get into bed and pretend to be asleep, just as if we had never been away. "

So when Mrs Darling came into the room, she saw her children asleep in their beds. She called her husband, and Nana, and they stood and watched the children with huge smiles on their faces. was a lovely sight, but no one saw it except a little boy who stared through the window and wiped away a tear.

Of course, that is not the end of the story. Wendy asked her parents to adopt the Lost Boys. and Mrs Darling talked about it and of course, they agreed. They wanted to adopt Peter, too, but he refused. He wanted to live in the Neverland and be a child forever. The Lost Boys grew up, just like Wendy, John, Michael and every other child in England.

One day, Wendy got married and had a little girl of her own. Her name was Jane, and Wendy loved her very much. One night, while Wendy was watching Jane sleeping, a boy flew through the window.

He was exactly the same as ever.

"Hello, Wendy," he said.

"Hello, Peter," she answered. "Do you want me to fly away with you?" "Of course," said Peter.

"l can't come," Wendy said sadly, "l don't remember how to fly. "

"I'll soon teach you again, " smiled Peter, but his smile disappeared when Wendy stood up.

"You are grown up," he said.

"Yes," said Wendy. "The little girl in the bed is my baby. "

Peter looked at the sleeping child, and he started to cry. The sound woke Jane up.

"Why are you crying, boy?" she asked.

"l wasn't crying!" said Peter. "What is your name?"

"Jane. "

"l am Peter Pan. "

"l know," said Jane. She took Peter's hand, and they began to fly around the room. When they reached the window they looked back at Wendy.

Of course Wendy let them fly away for an adventure together. She watched them from the window until they were as small as stars.

Before you start

The Author

The Plot

Answer the questions.

       Look at      words. How are they

1 Where was J. M. Barrie born?

related to the story?

2 What was his full name?

• Peter • grow up • adventures

3 What was the name of his older brother?

• the Neverland • the Lost Boys

4 How many brothers and sisters did he

• mother • Wendy • John and Micha


• fairy • dangerous • home

5        What happened to his elder brother?

6        Which newspaper did he work for?

e London


7 Where did he move to?

The Characters


8 What was the title of the play? 9 What was the title of the book?

Who's ...


10 When did he die?

1 kind?



The Background



Correct the sentences.

2 imaginative? 3 playful?

1 Barrie wrote Peter Pan for the            

4 tiny?

of his friends.

5 evil?


2 The boys' names were George, Jack,

6 unkind?

      peter and Nicholas.

7 afraid?

3 Barrie met the boys when he was walking

8 strict?


his  Porthos.



4 He became friends with the Llewelyn

9 naughty?


5       Peter  was a fairy tale.

6       When Mr and Mrs Llewelyn Davies died,

      Barrie looked after the

7       There are  of Peter Pan in England.

10 brave?

Why do you think Mrs Darling is soNana goes out because it is her day off. certain that Peter is a dream and WendyPeter flies off.


Before Reading


Before Reading


Look at the title and the pictures.


Look at the first picture. What is Mrs


What do you think is happening in each


Darling doing? Who is the boy at the




window? Where are the children?


While Reading


Look at the second picture. What is


Read or listen to the episode and mark


happening to Peter? How do you think


the sentences T (true) or F (false).


he is feeling? Why is Nana angry?


Mr Darling is a serious man.          


While Reading


Nana hates the children.


Which of these things can you see in


The Darlings have three children.  


the pictures?


Nana is a large orange dog.            




The Darling children never


• shirt • bed • chair • window


dream of the Neverland.


• sunshine • shadow • dog • lamp


Wendy dreams of Peter more than her brothers.


• drawer • sofa


Mrs Darling thinks that Peter is


Read and correct the words in bold.


a dream.


The room was very cold.


After Reading


As she slept the door blew open.




She pulled off his shirt.


Discuss in pairs:


She hid it in a cupboard in the kitchen


• Have you ever dreamed of magical


so it would be safe.




Read or listen to the episode and put


• What do you think about the idea of having a dog as a nanny?


the events in the correct order.


• Have you ever had a pet that took care


Mrs Darling hides the shadow in a drawer.


of you?


Nana runs and pulls off Peter's shadow.


• What do you think is going to happen


Mrs Darling wakes up and screams.


in the next episode?


A boy flies through the window.




Mrs Darling falls asleep in her chair.

is certain he is not, when neither ofMrs Darling puts the children to bed.

them has actually seen him yet?

After Reading

Draw a picture of a dream you had and tell the class about it.

Discuss in pairs:

   What might the neighbours think and why do you think Mrs Darling cares?

   Do you think it is good to have a dog in the house? Why (not)?


pictures and the following words/phrases from the episode. What do you think happens in the episode? Listen, read and check.

   planned to go out • fairy

   cry • needle and thread

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode. Answer the questions.

1       What were Mr and Mrs Darling planning for that night?

2       Why did Mr Darling tie Nana up in the garden?

3       What were Peter and Tinker Bell looking for?

4       Why was Peter crying?

5       How did Wendy help Peter?

Look at the second picture and choose the right words to describe Tinker Bell.

• ugly • fairy • fat • pretty • child  tiny

What do you learn about Peter's character in this episode?

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why do you think Wendy helps Peter?

   Why does Peter tell her that he isn't crying?

   Do you ever get upset? Why?

   Do you help your friends?

Read the sentences below. Tick G/) the things you think are going to happen in the episode. Listen, read and check.

Wendy meets Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell wants to be friends with her.

They are all going to fly to the Neverland. The children don't like flying.

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and complete the sentences, using the names below.

    Michael • Tinker Bell • Wendy

    the Lost Boys • Peter • John

1        was very surprised.

2        He looked for  and she flew to him.

3        I live in the Neverland with

4        Will you teach  and


5        blew fairy dust on them.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why doesn't Peter know how old he is?

   Who is Peter with?

   What is a fairy?

   Where does Tinker Bell fly to? Why?

   Who are the Lost Boys?

   Where is Peter taking the children?

Why do you think Tinker Bell doesn't want to be friends with Wendy?

Have you ever had a dream about flying?

Where would you go if you could fly?

Before Reading

Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

   fields • sea • flowers • Peter

   the Netherland • pirates • houses

   island • rabbits Indians • fire

   the Lost Boys • fruit

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and match the characters to what they say.

"There's the Neverland. "

"Tea first. "

"Is he big?"

"l want him to come back and fight the pirates. "

"l am not afraid of the pirates. "

A Nibs

C Peter

E Wendy

B John

D Slightly

F Tootles

"Quick! The pirates are coming. "

After Reading

In pairs, discuss which of the words below best describe the way the

Darling children are feeling. Why?

   scared • sad • happy • confused

   excited • angry

How do you think Michael feels when they arrive at the Neverland? How do you know?

Draw a picture of what you think the Neverland is like and describe it to the class.

1 2 3 4



3 4

5 6


8 Before Reading

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Where are the pirates?

Why do you think Captain Hook is in the air?

Why are they running?

How do you think they feel?

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and complete the sentences.

Captain Hook and the pirates looked for to the Lost Boys' house. Once, Peter threw Hook's to the crocodile.

The crocodile swallowed a Hook  the clock every time the crocodile comes near him.

He sat on a hotto rest .

The pirates saw that the mushroom was a

Hook plans to give the Lost Boys a damp to kill them.

The pirates heard the crocodile and went back to the

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why is Captain Hook afraid of the crocodile?

   Do you think eating damp cake can kill you? Why (not)? Why do you think Hook believes this?

   Do you think it is all right to secretly listen to other people talking? Why (not)?

What do you think Captain Hook's ship is like? Draw a picture. Present it to the class.

pictures and the title. How are they related? Think of a title for each picture.

Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

   trees • plates • table • chair

   books • bottle • spoon • octopus

   window • mermaids • tablecloth

   toys • rock • bubbles

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and complete the text with the words in the list.

• sun • house • bed • clothes i lunch • mother • meals

Peter and the Darling children arrived in the Neverland. Peter told the Lost Boys that Wendy was their new 1) Wendy looked after the Lost Boys. She cooked their 2)  and tidied the 3) She mended their 4) and she put the boys to 5)  at night.

They played and swam at the Mermaids' Lagoon. They ate their 6)  on a rock, and relaxed in the 7) afterwards. They were very happy in the Neverland.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   In what way does Wendy change Peter's and the Lost Boys' lives?

   How important do you think it is to be with your family?

   Why do you think Wendy enjoyed

being a mother?


Where are We and Peter? Who is in the boat? What you think has happened to the girl?

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and ma the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1        The children jump into the boat just in time.

2        They tie Tiger Lily to the rock.

3        Peter and Wendy watch from the window.

4        Peter makes his voice sound like Hook's.

5        Smee doesn't know what a mother is.

6        Wendy wants to be a mother for the pirates.

7        The pirates want to take the children to their ship.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why does Peter pretend to be Captain Hook?

   How do you think Captain Hooks feels when he finds out?

   Why does Wendy feel sorry for Smee?

Why do you think people help other people? Discuss with a friend, using the ideas below, then tell the class.

   money • love • kindness • interest

What do you learn about Tiger Lily's character in this episode?

Why do you think Hook wants a mother? Does this affect your opinion of him?

Before Reading

Which of these things can you see in the pictures?

   ball • crocodile • clock • hill • sea

   trees • nest • ship • eggs • girl • rock • hat • bird • kite • lagoon

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and answer the questions.

1        Why did Peter try to help Hook to the top of the rock?

2        How did the Lost Boys get home?

3        Why couldn't Peter and Wendy fly?

4        How did Peter save Wendy?

5        Where did the Never Bird live?

6        Where did Peter put the Never Bird's eggs?

Read or listen to the episode and replace the words in bold with the correct names: Wendy, The Never Bird, Hook, Peter.

1        He swam back to the ship as fast as he could.

2        She was too tired to fly or swim.

3        Wendy flew away with the kite and he was alone.

4        It was a large white bird.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why do you think the Never Bird wants to sacrifice her eggs to save Peter?

   How do you think the Never Bird feels when Peter puts the eggs in the hat?

   Would you do the same?

Do you think Peter is always fair to Captain Hook? Why (not)?

Before Reading

Look at the pictures and title. How are they related?

While Reading

Read or listen to the episode and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).

1        The Indians are now the children's enemies.

2        The Indians set up camp in the underground house.

3        The pirates attack the Indians.

4        Hook beats the Indians' drum.

5        Peter is pleased with Wendy.

6        The pirates take the children to their ship.

7        Hook puts poison in Peter's medicine bottle.

8        Peter drinks the poison.

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:

   Why does Hook tell Smee to beat the drum?

   Do you play any musical instruments?

   Why does Peter decide to take his medicine?

   What do you do when you get ill?

   Why does Tinker Bell drink the medicine?

   Which group in the Neverland would you like to play with: the Lost Boys, the Indians, or the pirates? Which character in that group do you like most?

   Which part of the story did you like best?

What do you think Hook is thinking as he puts the poison into Peter's cup? Write three of his thoughts in speech bubbles.


pictures. What happens to


and the title. How


Tinker Bell in this episode? What is


are they related? Think of a title for


Peter doing next?


each picture.


While Reading


While Reading


Read or listen to the episode and


Read or listen to the episode and


correct the words in bold.


choose the correct words.


Tinker Bell needs children to believe in


The children sailed/flew to London.




Peter wanted to close/open the window.


Peter asks all the children in the world to


Mrs Darling was laughing/crying because


wave their hands.


she missed her children.


Hook wants the boys to walk the mast.


She was happy/sad to see the children in


Peter and the Lost Boys start to play with




the pirates.


Wendy had a little boy/girl.


The boys take any drums they can find.


Peter came back to sing/fly with Wendy.


The crocodile is waiting for Hook in the


He flew with Jane/Wendy into the night






The sword inside the crocodile has






Read or listen to the episode and


All the children are gone and Peter is the


match the characters to what they say.


•                             Bell get




you think that believing in something


John              C Jane             E



can make things better?

   How does Peter trick the pirates?

   What do you think will happen in the next episode?

What do you think the relationship


Wendy          D Michael

After Reading

Discuss in pairs:



between the Neverland and the


e Why does Peter want to close the


children of the world is?


bedroom window?


"l don't remember how to fly."

After Reading"There is your old bed."

"Quick, Tink. Close the window!"

Discuss in pairs."l know. "

"l think I know this place."

                                 How does Tinker              better? Do

   Do you feel sorry for Peter in the end?

Why (not)?

   Why do you think Wendy lets Jane fly away with Peter?

   How do you think Peter feels when he realises Wendy has grown up?

1           Who wrote Peter Pan? A Charles Dickens B J.M. Barrie

C Lyman Frank Baum

2           Who takes care of the children in the Darling family?

A    a rabbit           B a servant      C a dog

3           What do the children dream about?

A    Paris    B the Neverland

C Disneyland

4           What did Nana pull off?

A    Peter's foot     B Peter's arm C Peter's shadow

5           What did Peter's shadow look like?

A    a white cloth B a black cloth

C a black rag

6           Who is Tinker Bell?

A    a girl  B a baby        C a fairy

7           What kind of dust did Peter blow on the children to make them fly?

A    fairy dust        B star dust      C silver dust

8           Where do the Lost Boys live?         

A    in a cave         B in the trees

C in an underground house

9           Captain Hook thinks that the crocodile will

A    bite him.         B eat him.       C steal his clock.

10       Which girl flies away with Peter Pan at the end of the story?

A    Wendy            B Tinker Bell C Jane

Discuss in groups.

*      Which is your favourite character in Peter Pan? Why?

*      Which character didn't you like? Why?  Would you like to visit a place like the Neverland? Why (not)?  Can you think of another title for the story?

*      Imagine you are Peter Pan. What would your 'Neverland' be like?


Imagine that the story takes place today. Write a modern story about Peter Pan. Think about:

*      what Peter wears  where peter lives  what Peter does

*      how he feels

*      what the Darling family wear

*      what the Darling family think about Peter

*      what Captain Hook plans for Peter and the Lost Boys

*      how Smee and the pirates help him

Tell the class your story.

































































































































MOHb, yrqeTb







































































































р.4 fall into depression впасть в депрессию was affected by на него повлияло true /tru•/ (adj) настоящий а huge success огромный успех

р.5 truth / tru;O/ (п) правда to refuse /ta пђи.7/ (м) отказаться source(s) /so:rs/ (п) источник woodland /wudlands/ (п) лес to recover /ta пКл+/ (У) поправиться adventure(s) adventfaf / (п) приключение

р.б strict /stnkt/ (adj) строгий brave /brew/ (adj) смелый to tease /tatj;z/ (у) дразнить to епјоу /ta тсђ2!/ (у) получать удовольствие


р. 7 gentle / ±ent31/ (adj) мягкий, нежный naughty / nm•t1/ (adj) непослушный uncaring / лпКеагпј/ (adj) равнодушный jealous /cjglas/ (adj) ревнивый tiny     (adj) крошечный evil / j;v31/ (adj) злобный

р.8 serious /swaz/ (adj) серьезный to stare /ta stear j (у) уставиться, пристально смотреть to worry /ta w№i/ (у) беспокоиться

р.9 to dream /ta dri;m/ (у) видеть во сне lagoons / lagu;ns/ (п) лагуны cave(s) / Кеду / (adj) пещера to betieve /ta brli;v/ (у) верить to turn /smth/upside down перевернуть вверх дном

р. 10 а night off свободная ночь, выходной to bathe /ta beId/ (у) купать to blow ореп раскрыться от ветра

р. 11 to escape /ta ВКщр/ (у) сбежать to pull off /ta рџ1 av/ (у) стянуть (с кого-либо) а dirty rug грязный коврик

р. 12 to tie smb ир связать кого-либо bell /bgl/ (п) звоночек pretty / pr!tr/ (adj) хорошенький to search /ta sa;rtf/ (у) искать to stick it оп прикрепить

р. 13 а needle [а (п) игла а thread / а 0red/ (п) нить

р. 14 amazed /amelzd/ (adj) пораженный

р. 16 fields /f!lds/ (п) поля to nod /ta nad/ (у) кивать головой to cut off /ta КМ avl (м) отрубить

р. 17 entrance(s) /entrans/ (п) вход

                      (                   схво«


to disappear /ta с1№арыГ / (у) исчезать

р. 18 taste /test/ (п) вкус to swallow /ta swploo/ (У) глотать

р. 19 to chat /tatf&t/ (v) болтать damp / с1щтр/ (adj) сырой the shore of берег to fo[low /ta fnloo/ (у) следовать

р.20 tidy /taldl/ (adj) убранный to mend /ta mend/ (У) чинить to таКе smb do smth заставлять кого-либо делать что-либо

р.21 mermaid(s) /  (п) русалка bubbles /b&b31s/ (п) пузырьки cheeky /tfLkI/ (adj) нахальный to таКе sure убедиться

р.22 to relax /ta nlzeks/ (у) отдыхать the lndian chief индейский вождь rope(s) / гоџр/ (п) веревка to slip /ta sllp/ (м) выскользнуть, поскользнуться

р.2З to kidnap / ta k!dntep/ (у) похищать(человека) walk the plank быть сброшенным в море to shake /tafelk/ (у) трястись to play tricks подшучивать

р.24 to pull ир /ta pgl лр/ (м) тянуть вверх to grab /ta (у) схватить fair /fear j (adj) справедливый kite /kart/ (п) воздушный змей to lift smb off поднять кого-либо

р.25 nervously /na;rvaslI/ (adv) нервно nest /nest/ (п) гнездо to float /ta f100t/ (у) плавать, держаться на поверхности to push Ларц[/ (У) толкать wings / wmz/ (п) крылья

р. 26 revenge / тепсђ/ (п) месть to set ир сатр разбить лагерь to protect /ta pratekt/ (у) защищать to win the battle выиграть сражение to cheer with the lndians праздновать с индейцами

р.27 poison / рэиап/ (п) яд to rescue /ta rgskju:/ (у) спасать tapping       (п) постукивание

р.29 in trouble в беде weapon(s) /wepanl (п) оружие swords clashed мечи со звоном скрестились mast /ma:st/ (п) мачта

р. 30 to sail /ta sell/ (у) плыть (под парусом)

to wipe away вытереть

J. M: Barrie retold by Virginia

J. M: Barrie retold by Virginia

David most of all. Sadly, David died in a skating accident when

David most of all. Sadly, David died in a skating accident when

THE BACKGROUND Barrie wrote Peter

THE BACKGROUND Barrie wrote Peter





The Darling family lived in London

The Darling family lived in London

Wendy lived in a house made of leaves sewn together

Wendy lived in a house made of leaves sewn together

That night was Nana's night off and she went out

That night was Nana's night off and she went out

Nana ran towards Peter and he jumped up to fly out of the window

Nana ran towards Peter and he jumped up to fly out of the window

She hid the shadow in a drawer in the bedroom so it would be safe

She hid the shadow in a drawer in the bedroom so it would be safe

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

Peter stopped crying and decided to talk

Peter stopped crying and decided to talk

Qand o Peter and the children flew over the city and over fields and trees

Qand o Peter and the children flew over the city and over fields and trees

Indians. They all walked round and round the island, but they did not meet because they were all walking at the same speed

Indians. They all walked round and round the island, but they did not meet because they were all walking at the same speed

OtcocodtQe o Captain Hook and his men,

OtcocodtQe o Captain Hook and his men,

The pirates listened, and they heard the voices of the

The pirates listened, and they heard the voices of the

As time went by, the Darling children didn't think about their real parents very much

As time went by, the Darling children didn't think about their real parents very much

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

One day, while the children were relaxing on a rock by the lagoon,

One day, while the children were relaxing on a rock by the lagoon,

The boys have got a mother!" "What's a mother?" asked

The boys have got a mother!" "What's a mother?" asked

0 9. C Èttd o

0 9. C Èttd o

When Peter and the Lost Boys heard

When Peter and the Lost Boys heard

Wendy flew away with the kite and

Wendy flew away with the kite and

Po(gon loft CT)ctott o Peter and the

Po(gon loft CT)ctott o Peter and the

Peter was angry with Tinker Bell

Peter was angry with Tinker Bell

Did you drink it to save me, Tinker

Did you drink it to save me, Tinker

And that was the end of the terrible

And that was the end of the terrible

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

Компоненты УМК Spotlight 7

Before you start

Before you start

Why do you think Mrs Darling is soNana goes out because it is her day off

Why do you think Mrs Darling is soNana goes out because it is her day off

After Reading Draw a picture of a dream you had and tell the class about it

After Reading Draw a picture of a dream you had and tell the class about it

After Reading Discuss in pairs: •

After Reading Discuss in pairs: •

Before Reading Which of these things can you see in the pictures? • fields • sea • flowers •

Before Reading Which of these things can you see in the pictures? • fields • sea • flowers •

What do you think Captain Hook's ship is like?

What do you think Captain Hook's ship is like?

While Reading Read or listen to the episode and answer the questions

While Reading Read or listen to the episode and answer the questions

What happens to and the title

What happens to and the title

A John C

A John C

Who is Tinker Bell? A a girl

Who is Tinker Bell? A a girl

OBeCUTb hear heard heard hearing

OBeCUTb hear heard heard hearing

Glossary р.4 fall into depression впасть в депрессию was affected by на него повлияло true /tru•/ (adj) настоящий а huge success огромный успех р

Glossary р.4 fall into depression впасть в депрессию was affected by на него повлияло true /tru•/ (adj) настоящий а huge success огромный успех р
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