Публикация является частью публикации:
![]() |
в фокусе-
Контрольные задания
Пособие для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений
3-е издание
Express Publishing
373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ-922
Серия «Английский в фокусе» основана в 2006 году.
Авторы: О. Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, О. Е. Подоляко, В.
Эванс AJthors: Vlrginia Evans, Јеппу Dooley,
0lga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina
AJthors' Acknowledgements
We would like to thank аи the Staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing this ЬооК. Thanks are due in particular to: Meryl Phillips (Editor-in-Chief); Julie Rich (senior editor); Мпа Peters and Rianna [)iammond (editorial assi5tants); дех Вдпоп (senior production control[er) and the Express Publishing design team. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments апс| feedback were invaluable in the production ofthe book.
Colour lllustrations: Рал. Stone.
While every effort has Ьееп made То Тосе аи the copyright holders, if опу have Ьееп inadvertentty ovedooked the publishers wi11 Ье pleosed То тоКе the necessory arrongements Же first opportunity.
Сборник контрольных заданий является компонентом учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. Он включает 1 О контрольных заданий в двух экземплярах, которые выполняются по завершении работы над каждым модулем. Сборник обеспечивает процесс контроля на регулярной и объективной основе,
Учебное издание
Серия «Английский в фокусе»
Ваулина Юлия Евгеньевна дули Дженни
Подоляко Ольга Евгеньевна Эванс Вирджиния
Английский язык Контрольные задания
9 класс
Пособие для учащихся
общеобразовательных учреждений
Центр группы германских языков
Руководитель Центра В. В. Копыловд
Зам. руководителя Центра по проектам И. Н. Темнова руководитель проекта Ю. д. Смирнов Выпускающий редактор М. А. Семичев
Редактор С. Ю, Денисова
Корректор Н. Д, Цухдй
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Entry Test |
p. |
5 |
TEST 1 |
(Module l)
9 |
TEST 2 |
(Module 2)
p. |
13 |
TEST 3 |
(Module 3)
17 |
TEST 4 |
(Module 4)
P. |
22 |
Mid Test |
1-4) |
26 |
TEST 5 |
(Module 5)
p. |
30 |
TEST 6 |
(Module 6)
. |
p. |
34 |
TEST 7 |
(Module 7)
p. |
38 |
TEST 8 |
(Module 8)
p. |
42 |
Exit Test |
1-8) . |
46 |
Writing . |
p. |
50 |
Key to Tests/OptionaI Writing &
Tapescripts...................... |
p. |
62 |
NAME: . CLASS: . |
DATE: MARK: 80 (Time: 45 minutes) |
Choose the correct item.
1 Stop . time playing computer games 12 John usually has eggs and some orange do your homework!juice for breakfast.
A losing B missing C A scrambled B roast C grilled
Jenny isn't here, she . . at her 13
Susan's father works as
an air traffic at house tonight.the airport.
A stays B is staying C A programmer B warden
3 When we were in Rome, C controller
. of the city. 14
Mark really needs to
speak to you. He .
A tour B excursion C expedition you every five minutes for the last two hours!
4 Since Brian has always been interested in the A 's been calling B 's calling stars and planets, it's no wonder he chose to C was calling
study ....... .15 If you buy more than three books at this shop, A Astronomy B Engineering C they you a better price.
5 Be careful! You into that car! A are giving B would give C will give A will crash B are crashing 16 The chicken is OK, but the rice is a little .
![]() |
6 Can you please get ready? There's 17 James had to . . schools because his family before our guests arrive.went to live in a different part of town.
A a lot of B very little C few A leave B move C change
7 Little David has . . much taller since the 18 After the huge earthquake, the small village last time I saw him.was left ruins.
A developed B increased C grown A on B in C by
8 This school in the 1960s. 19 Jenna grew tired of her long hair, so she
A was built B builtdecided short.
9 I use your phone, please? A to be cut B to have it cut
A Should B Must C May C it was cut
When we don't
water flowers they 20 Liz informed us that she .. tickets to the A will die B dieshow
A hadn't found B didn't find
11 Paul . . going to bed C hadn't been found feels sleepy at around 11:00 pm.
A didn't use to21 You don't need a to get on the Internet.
C doesn't get used toA data B software C password
..... .. my favourite subject when I was33 Why go shopping in the city centre
when I can at school.find everything I need at my . . market? A has been B were
C wasA native B foreign C local
23 Can you repeat what you said please?34 The famous tennis player has announced that A clearer B most clearlyhe will not be taking part in any more ....... .
C more clearlyA half-times B championships
C tournaments
Kenneth his
hometown since he came to live in the city. 35 Cynthia pays 30 euros .hour for guitar A hasn't
B hasn't been visitingB an C the
C wasn't visiting 36Ted? Let me introduce you to him.
Are you sure this
is ..... .. leather? It doesn'tA Have you met look like it. B Have you been meeting A original B
genuine C realisticC Do you meet
I usually like
eating out, but tonight I'd like37 Since you lost Lilly's CD, . you could
do is . at home. apologise to her.
A eating B l eat C to eatA the least B little C the less
27 Frank ..... .. for six hours without a break, so38 When Nick's computer broke down it . ..... to he decided to stop somewhere to rest.a technician.
![]() |
28 Stephen is very because he doesexcited about his trip to Spain.
weightlifting five times a week.A had never travelled
A plump B overweight C muscularB was never travelling
C had never been travelling
You . . get a
taxi to the airport. I'll give you a lift if you want. 40
I asked Joe about the broken window, but he A mustn't B don't have tojust
... .... his shoulders and said nothing.
C can'tA clenched B shrugged C tapped
Paul wanted to buy
that DVD player, so he41 The hotel was nearly buried in snow when a(n) asked the
salesman how much .... .... hit the small skiing resort.
A did it cost B it cost C it
costs tornado B flood C avalanche
What would you do
if you someone42 I'll send you the email as soon as I'm able to famous? to the Internet.
A had met B met C would meetA connect B download C install
32 James spends a lot of time on his computer43 If Alex hadn't left home so late he his . with his online friends.flight.
A chatting B telling C textingA didn't miss
B wouldn't have missed
C wouldn't miss
C) C) Prosvesheheniye
Lisa asked
her brother . her computer56 Please hurry, sir, all the other passengers have without
asking her first.already ..... .. the plane.
A don't use B not to use C to not useA caught B boarded C taken
45 Are you sure you feel . to come on the57 Robin ..... .. Karen that she couldn't go to her picnic with us?birthday party.
A enough well B too well C well enoughA told to B said C told
I think your . .
shirt will go perfectly with58 Are you sure I still have your book? I remember your new jeans. ..... .. it to you
two weeks ago.
A striped cotton blueA returning B to return C return
B cotton blue striped 59 They have decided to rebuild the old town
C blue striped cotton
library which during the earthquake. 47 It's not worth so much money on a
pairA drowned B collapsed C cracked of shoes that you'll only wear once
or twice.
60 Do you like the salad? It's made . fresh A spending B you spend C spendfrom our garden. vegetables
48 The show ....... at 8:00, so we have plenty ofA by B of C with time to get to the theatre.
61 Although Nathan has a very . . nose, he's
A has started B is starting C starts actually quite handsome.
49 Lilly . . have taken up squash; she hatesA bushy B curly C crooked indoor sports.
62 Emma has a tough deadline to meet, so she's
A mustn't B can't C shouldn't
been working . . for the last few days.
![]() |
63 They town for a week, but they haven't
A media B grapevine C headlines
visited us yet.
Can you please
stop playing that terrible songA have been in B have gone to over and over
again? It's . . me crazy! C have been to
A taking B flying C driving64 Can you . . some cheese for the spaghetti,
52 . you hurry up and get ready, we'll beplease?
really late.A pickle B peel C grate A If B When C Unless
65 You need to be lessand realise that 53
Badminton is a fun
sport, and you don't reallythere is a positive side to everything.
need any ....
. equipment for it.A insincere B optimistic C pessimistic A technical B
opposing C physical 66 that you can be so insensitive at a
54 Marshall ...s... be less selfish and start caringtime like this!
about other people besides himself.A don't believe
A should B needs C oughtB 'm not believing
55 The has decided to make some last-C wasn't believing minute changes to tomorrow's front page.67 The ....... we leave, the less traffic we'll find A producer B editor C directorin the streets.
early B earlier C earliest
usually has a small ..... .. of chocolate 75 Celia . . about her little brother;
it's so after lunch.annoying to hear the same things every day!
A bar B loaf C sliceA had always complained
B is always complaining
69 I haven't really decided yet, but I think I
C will always complain . a party for my birthday.
A 'm going to have B 'm having 76 Jeremy at the gym every day. C 'Il haveA works out B goes C practises
The . at the
supermarket gave me the 77 Of course you can trust Pete! He's one of the wrong change; I
gave her a €10 note, but she. people I know.
thought I gave her a €5 one.A patient B sociable C reliable
A operator B cashier C teller78 Stewart wants to get a .... ... as an accountant.
71 Lilly thinks that baggy trousers look .A work B career C job ridiculous, so she never wears them.79 We were surprised that George was A too B much C enoughmoving to a new school.
72 Don't worry; everyone came in late today, so A to hearing B to hear C hearing
we're all in the same .....80
Harry's much better at
tennis than me; I can A boat B track C ship. him.
73 What Sonya . . hate most when she was a A win B beat C gain nurse were the night shifts.
A was used to B got used to C used to
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Would you like to wait for him?
A has gone to B has been in
C has been to
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
• march • raised • strong • life • display • make • feel • transformed • return
• bright • street • spare • contest
I Over the years, this organisation has
. a lot of money for different local charities.
If you see a
spider, ... sure you don't kill it; I've heard it's bad luck.
The night sky
burst with colour when the magnificent fireworks began.
Henry really
enjoyed the opportunity to experience . as a knight at England's Medieval Festival last
5 Throwing Mum and Dad a surprise party for their anniversary this year is really a idea!
B Underline the correct item.
always makes a wish before she blows out/lets off the candles on her birthday
12 Bob and Sue always exchange/receive gifts with each other on Christmas Eve.
13 Many people in the US dress up/decorate their Christmas trees with popcorn.
The Nice Carnival
is a winter event which invites/attracts millions of festival-goers to France each year.
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6 We always sing Christmas carols during the holidays, as it is a .................... tradition in my family.
Why don't you
take part in the cooking I'm sure you'll be the winner!
It's amazing how
the town residents have the local square into an openair theatre for next week's music festival.
Take a change of warm clothes with you on
your camping trip; I've heard it gets quite cold in the mountains at night.
The children were
thrilled to see Disney floats at this year's colourful parade.
16 Please remind/remember me to call Linda tonight. I forgot to tell her about the costume party on Saturday.
17 Are Rosie and Sue winning/entering the school's singing competition this year?
18 Everyone at the party made/took a toast to Lisa and wished her a Happy Birthday.
19 In many countries around the world, people
throw/pull streamers and dance in the streets to celebrate New Year's Eve.
20 Don't expect the children to wait patiently/ slowly for the treasure hunt to begin; they're too excited!
marks: — 10x1 10
C Choose the correct answer.
Georgia .
. many fancy dress costumes. Why don't you borrow one from her for tonight's
A is having B has C has had
22 . stunning costumes they're wearing!
A What B How C What a
23 That dress great on Maria; pink is really her colour.
A is looking B has been looking
C looks
24 The children . in the garden all morning; that's why their clothes are dirty. A have played B have been playing C play
25 The Prague Spring International Music Festival . in the middle of May and lasts for about two weeks.
A starts B is starting
C has started
D Fill in: when, who, which, where, whose.
John, .. brother is a clown, is throwing a
costume party next week.
December 25th, . Christmas takes place, is also my
parents' anniversary.
.. the Eurochocolate Festival is held every year, is a city in central
![]() |
Has Mark found time to buy a costume for the
Halloween party
A just B now C yet
Kate has not
walked under a ladder heard it was bad luck. A for B since C ago
Whythis cheese? Is there something wrong
with it? A you are smelling B do you smell
C are you smelling
My brother . plays
April Fool's jokes on people because he doesn't want to embarrass
A usually B sometimes C never
Janet about taking part in the Mardi Gras parade next week.
A think B is thinking C thinks
Lyn is the girl..... is having the party on Friday.
The costume.................. George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.
Marks: —
C) © Prosveshcheniye
E Choose the correct response.
I'm a bit
anxious about something. 37 I found 20 pounds in the street! 38
Oh, no! There's
a huge spider in the bath! .... 39
I didn't do
well in the competition. |
A It's alright. It's quite harmless. B That's a load of rubbish! C
What's the
matter? D Lucky you! E Better luck next time. |
F Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated).
Hanaml.• A Flowering Celebration!
The beginning of spring (March-April) is a very special time in Japan, because this is when Japan's famous cherry trees come into flower. The Japanese celebrate this happy time with festivals and flower-viewing parties.
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When the first flowers open on the trees, national joy breaks out! There are rides and games for children in the street, music and dance performances, tea ceremonies, flower displays, and much more. But the most special thing that people do at this time is have 'hanarni' parties. Hanami means flower watching. In hanami parties, families and friends take a picnic and go and sit under a cherry tree to look at and admire the flowers. Hanami parties take place during the daytime and also at night, because when it is dark, lights light up the cherry trees.
Hanami is very important to the Japanese. Cherry blossoms appear on trees for only one week before they fall to the ground and die, and for the Japanese this symbolises the short nature of childhood and life. So hanami is a time when Japanese people like to think about how important life is.
41 Spring is the Japanese people's favourite time of year.
It is not
easy to know the day the cherry flowers will open.
43 Hanami takes place a week after the cherry trees blossom.
44 The cherry flowers do not stay on the trees for very long.
45 When the cherry flowers appear, people hope for long lives.
Marks: — 5x3 15
G Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about special occasions and match the
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NAME: . CLASS: . |
DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Complete the sentences using the appropriate verb from the list below in the correct form.
• do • make • hang out • keep • dust • take |
• mop |
I The only thing left to do is 4 Take off your shoes before going into
the the furniture, and then the house will be kitchen; Mum has just . the ready for tonight's party.
You can't5 I don't know how Samantha manages to
now. It's raining and all the clothes will get. the ironing so fast; it takes wet.me
an hour just to iron two shirts!
Timmy likes
helping around the house, 6 Messy people find it difficult to hates having to. their rooms tidy.
out every night. 7
Pamela always . her bed as soon as she gets up in
the morning.
B Underline the correct item.
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9 Dan's muscles relaxed/went soft after his14 Ian isn't a very sociable/silly person, as he's not accident, as he was unable to exercise forvery comfortable with meeting new people.
months.15 Peter and Frank play football at their local 10 Of all the housework/household chores, doingfootball hall/pitch every day.
the dishes is the one Jenny hates most.16 Deforestation and the effects of tourism on Il David was tired of the noise and pollution of thenatural habitats are two of the reasons why big city, so he decided to move to a small,many plant and animal species are in danger of isolated/industrial town in the countryside.becoming extinct/destroyed.
12 Mrs Finch is very arrogant/nosy; she always17 Objects in space float because of the lack/zero peeps at us from behind the curtains to seeof gravity.
what we're doing in the garden.18 The astronauts who work on the International
Space Station make/do a lot of experiments.
C Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Do you mind .
(get) off 25 Mark's parents never let him ....... the phone? I need to make a call.
(stay) out late on weeknights.
Sam avoids .
(shop) at 26 John has been working all morning, but he's the corner shop because it's
a bit expensive. stopped (have) some 21 George has offered lunch.
the dog for a walk while I'm busy with the 27 Why don't we leave a bit later
tomorrow? I can't stand . (wake) up 22 They are tired of .................„........ (live) early!
in the dirty, noisy city, so they've decided to 28
Sarah made her sister
..... ...
move to the countryside. (promise) never to take her things again.
Danny wants .
(become) 29 You must. (tidy) up your an astronaut when he grows up. own room. I'm not your
slave, you know!
24 I don't remember
(turn) off the lights upstairs. Can you please check?
Marks: — 22 11X2
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e.g. Bryan is too selfish (selfish) to care about anyone else's problems but his own.
The park is .
. (close) to walk to 34
Did you get .
. (sleep) last night? You from
here.seem tired.
Tom is .. (forgetful) to remember 35
Christine is
. . (busy) to babysit that he has an
appointment with the dentist;for Timmy tonight; she has a lot of homework you'd
better remind him.for tomorrow.
One thing that I
don't like about this area is 36 Our living room isn't .. (big) for that it's
(noisy). this sofa; we need to get a smaller one.
33 James doesn't like the cottage his parents want to rent for the summer because he doesn't find it . (modern).
E Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.
• I hope not. • What have I done now? • Sorry! I didn't realise it annoyed you.
• Don't worry about it. • You drive me crazy. • That's not very nice.
A: Peter
never tidies his room. He always B: expects me to do it.
41 A: Joe, come here right now!
B: B:
F Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (42-46). There is one heading you
do not need to use.
How would you feel about living in a house
that was only 2.6m long by 2.6m wide by 2.6m high? Well, in Europe
sorne people are doing just that. Micro compact Cm-ch i) homes are very small homes that are no bigger than the
size of a small room!
43 •
![]() |
![]() |
44 .
The company that makes these tiny homes says that they
designed them to solve the difficulty many Europeans have in getting their own
home. Too many people cannot afford accommodation in Europe and these low-cost homes
are perfect for someone who wants a place where they can live for a short time.
45 .
The first people to
try living in m-ch homes were university students. Students love them because
although small, they are very modem with flatscreen n/s and comfortable
So what's 'micro living' like? Well, you have to be a
very neat, tidy and organised person, because in order to do one thing, you
have to first finish another and put everything away. Also, the lack of space
means you can't have many personal items. But if you want a cheap, cosy, modern
space that you can call your own, a micro home may be for you!
Marks: —
G You will hear an interview between Adam Wilkins, a science teacher and The Science Hour programme host, Jeremy Jenkins. Listen and mark statements 47-50 as True, False, or Not
The world's population
increases by half a 49 Many people do not realise the size of the billion every
year.damage we cause to the environment.
A True B False C Not statedA True B False C Not stated
50 Water pollution is one of the biggest threats to 48 People destroy forests to build factories.
A True B False C Not stated
A True B False C Not stated
Marks: — 12
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A Choose the correct word to fill in the gaps.
sharp humped
a) The Colossal Squid differs from other types of squids in that it has sharp hooks on its tentacles.
b) Most descriptions of lake monsters are about creatures with long necks and humped backs.
1 sightings sights 5 spotted glanced
a) Old castles are very popular .. .....
. a) When Richard and Ian heard the angry in Britain. shouts they around the
b) Two fishermen reported . room to see where they were coming from.
of a strange
ten-legged creature in the b) Has the research team .. . lake yesterday.
anything unusual in the area?
2 survived existed 6 horrifying violent
a) Although many people say they have
seen a) Last night I dreamt that a
Bigfoot, there are no fossil remains that whirlpool was pulling me to the bottom of prove the creature ever the ocean.
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
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he couldn't move.
3 glaring staring
a) Rosie couldn't stop . at 7 reflection shadow the beautiful rainbow, as it was the first a) The moon was so bright that James could time she had ever seen one. see his ............ in the lake.
b) Why are you . . at Stewart b) When David saw the . . of a so
angrily? Has he done something wrong? strange animal in the bushes, he started
shaking like a leaf.
4 extinct mythical
a) People thought the Coelacanth was a(n)
imagination illusion a) Jonathan's vivid .. is what
species of fish, until a fisherman caught one in 1938. makes him able to write spine-chilling ghost stories.
b) Annie loves story books about dragons, b) Did the
and other creatures. magician really make the man disappear or was it just an
Marks: — 16
B Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
• similar • giant • lurks • glimpse • dull • appears • alike • mind • corridor • human
• fantasy • brain • impact
9 These two paintings look so much15
Cubism and Surrealism
are two styles of
that you have to look really painting that have had a great .
closely to see the few differences
they have.on modern art.
10 This couldn't be a(n) print; it's 16
Garry really lives in
world! far too wide and half a metre long!He believes that he will be the
one who will Il Eric has a brilliant
he's sure to take pictures of Bigfoot first!
become a famous scientist
one day. 17 I don't like this painting. I think
The strange
creature disappeared before webrown and grey colours the managed to catch a ... ..... .. . of it.
artist has used give it a sad feeling.
According to
Norwegian legend, the Kraken18 The old castle had a dark, mysterious was a(n) ..... ...........
. monster that lived in. leading to the dungeons below.
the sea.
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C Put the verbs into the correct past tense.
Benjamin (gasp) in horror 23
Sandra .
(paint) for three years
when he saw the ghostly figure.
before she sold her first painting.
Claire .. (drive) along a country 24
Alex didn't go to the
photographic exhibition road when a huge creature came out of because he
(not/finish) his
nowhere and fell onto her car.
While Lisa .....
.... ..... .... (read) a book, her 25 The research team (find) an brother was listening to
music.unusual fossil and took it back to the lab to 22
It was the first time
that Elizabethexamine it.
(ever/see) pictures of Bigfoot.
D Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. e.g. James believed in ghosts when he was a child. (used to) James used to believe in ghosts when he was a child.
Eleanor's parents never
bought her books about monsters when she was a child. (used to)
27 29 Sally visited her grandparents quite often when she still lived in London. (would)
Marks: — 4 4x1
E Underline the correct item.
Everyday English F Choose the correct response. |
Our house can't/may be
haunted; we've lived33 Susan may/must be at the photographic here for years and
we've never seen or heardexhibition, but I'm not sure.
anything unusual going on.34 The magician's assistant hasn't truly 31 The style of that painting must/may bedisappeared; our eyes may/must be playing
Cubism, because the artist has used squaretricks on us!
and rectangular shapes.35 You may not/can't have seen a ghost. They're
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strange that I was thinking about John at the exact moment he called me?
A: Last
night I dreamt that a huge spider wasA: Do you have any idea what dreaming
about chasing me.wild animals means?
B: a That's a thoughtlB: a I can't say for sure.
b What do you think this means?b That can't be right.
37 A: I woke up at 2:00 am and couldn't get backA: Don't worry, your dream probably means to sleep.that you're stressed.
B: a Poor you!B: a Is everything alright?
b That's a relief!b Do you really think so?
A: Your dream
might mean that you'll meet someone new. B: a That's horrible!
b You can't be serious! Marks: —
C) C'
G Read the text and match the phrases (A-F) to the gaps (41-45). There is one extra phrase.
Nature's joke? - the strange and wonderful
The platypus is a strange little creature found only in Australia. When the first platypus was sent to Europe in the 19th century, the scientists who examined it just could not believe their eyes. They believed the platypus was a joke, 41) . ... . They thought some fun-loving Australian had put the feet and nose of a duck onto the body of a rat, 42)
But platypuses are real, 43) . Platypuses have a nose like a duck, webbed feet like a duck, soft brown fur on their body and a long, flat tail like a beaver. As if that weren't strange enough, even though they are mammals (which means they feed their babies milk), platypuses don't give birth to live babies 44) . No wonder scientists couldn't decide for a very long time if platypuses were birds, reptiles or mammals.
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but instead lay eggs just like birds
B because of its extremely strange appearance
C that produce poison strong enough to kill a dog
D just to play a trick on them
E and there is no other creature like them on Earth
F which makes them part-reptile, part-mammal, part-bird
H Listen to some people talking on a radio programme about dreams and match the speakers (1-5)
to the statements (A-E).
A The speaker's dream felt very real. B The speaker believes that dreams have a special meaning. C The speaker is describing a dream that he/she has often. D The speaker is describing a nightmare he/she had as a |
46 Speaker I 47 Speaker 2 48 Speaker 3 49 Speaker 4 50 Speaker 5 |
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A Fill in the correct phrase.
• figurative speech • artificial brain • phone line • emotional response |
• email account • broadband connection |
I You
can't expect a robot to show a(n) 4 George didn't have an Internet
connection, so They have he checked his
no feelings! to see if it
was working.
2 Why don't you get a(n) ..... ..... ... 5 Do you believe robots will ever be able to
.? You'll be able to get understand
idioms or other parts of on the Internet much faster than you do now.
3 I can't send or receive anything over the 6 Scientists are working on creating a(n)
Internet until I've set up my .... ..... .. .. .which will make robots think on their
DATE: . MARK; 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
![]() |
• caters • exists •
discover • divided • invented • overcome • subscription • modem perform • deletes • become • server •
7 Some experts believe that robots with human 12
I don't think that a
machine that can think on intelligence will someday its own .
Timothy can't connect to
the Internet because 8 Did you know that there are robots which can his computer
doesn't have a(n) tasks such as serving tea and 14 One of the problems robotics experts
have to vacuuming the carpets?
when creating a household 9 John cancelled his monthly . . to
robot is getting it to understand and respond his Internet Service Provider
because it was to everyday language.
too expensive. 15
Ben used recycled
materials to
10 Experts are as to whether his robot for the science exhibition.
robots will ever take the
place of human 16 Andy has a new gadget again; teachers in the classroom. he really loves making
I l Ben never goes anywhere without his laptop, as it .....
............. for all his business needs. Marks: —20
C Underline the correct verb form.
lecture will have started/starts at 6 pm so we have plenty of time to get
18 Are you showing/WiII you show me how to get free music downloads from the Internet?
19 Mark is really good with computers; I'm sure he is passing/will pass the IT test tomorrow.
20 This time next week, we'll have attended/'ll be attending the technology exhibition in Boston.
21 The printer is making funny noises; it is going to break/will break down again.
22 By the end of the year, Eric will be working/ will have been working on his new computer gadget for almost seven months.
D Choose the correct answer.
27 I will call you when I in London.
A will arrive B arrive C
am arriving
28 Bob rebooted his computer .... ..... the screen would stop freezing.
A in order B in case C so that
29 The scanner isn't working. When someone to fix it?
A do you call B will you call C have you called
30 Richard is hooked on the Internet he even does all his shopping online. A very B such C so
31 Christine saved her work on a disc would have an extra copy if something wrong with her computer and she lost it.
A so that B so as C in order
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35 Mr Higgins is giving/gives a demonstration of the new robot tomorrow evening.
By this time next month, we will have completed/will be completing our computer training course.
I am installing/will install the anti-virus software on your computer as soon as I get home tonight, I promise.
Do you buy/Are you buying Peter a new games console for his birthday?
The robots of the future
will have .
amazing abilities that they will be able to do almost anything.
A such an B so C such
Anne called Frank .. ask him about her computer problem.
A so that B so as C to
I will not download the file I've installed anti-virus software. A by the time B until C while
Daniel bought a used computer . . spend all of his savings.
A in case not B so as not to C in order not
18 )
E Choose the right response.
Can you give me a hand
with the printer? 38 Let me take a look at that computer problem for you. 39 I've lost some files. 40 I suggest that you reboot the system. |
C That's really kind of you.
F Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (41-45). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.
Would you want to live. FO REVER?
For thousands of years human beings have dreamt of cheating death and the aging process. In their fantasy world, they live forever and remain young and beautiful in Old age. Well, it may sound incredible, but there are some scientists who believe that mankind will soon have the technology to make this dream come true!
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Some scientists believe that medical technology is moving so fast that by the end of this century, advanced antiaging technologies will be available, and it will let people live for hundreds or maybe even thousands of years if they want to. Of course, few people would want to live
to 1000 if they had to spend hundreds of years looking and feeling like a 90-year-old. But some researchers think medicine will be able to keep people looking and feeling as beautiful and fit at 500 years Old as they were at the age of 25!
Naturally, the possibility of living so long raises many problems. If people don't die. how will the Earth cope when it gets so overcrowded? Many people believe that scientists should not develop anti-aging technology, and that they should let nature take its course, as it has been doing for millions of years.
Of course, most scientists believe that humans will never possess such technology. But if living to 1000 becomes possible, do you think it would be a dream .... or a nightmare? And, ifyou had the choice, would you choose to live forever?
G Listen to some people talking about mobile phones and match the speakers (1-5) to the
A I only make short phone calls on my
mobile. C I spend a lot of money on my mobile phone. D I don't like the way people phrase text messages. E Mobile phones are good for reasons of safety. |
46 Speaker 1 47 Speaker 2 48 Speaker 3 49 Speaker 4 50 Speaker 5 |
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Choose the correct item.
I When Jane was a child, she8
books about sea monsters.
A was having
B would have9
C used to have
Can you be a
little more careful, please? You . coffee on my keyboard.
A spill B will be spilling10
C are going to spill
3 There have been many reported
Bigfoot all over the world.
A sights B sightings C illusions 11
4 Mark, . cousin works on the become an astronaut too someday.
A who B whose C which 12
Experts say machines that will do
most chores around the house will soon ...... part of our everyday reality.
A become B overcome C exist 13
6 In the film, a horrifying sea monster creates a
whirlpool and pulls three large ships to the bottom of the sea.
A sharp B rustling C violent 14
Henry believes that scientists will someday build robots that will be
.... .. to think on their own.
![]() |
C clever enough
Ever since I changed my to broadband, I can get on the Net much faster.
A subscription B connection C account
Maria ...... handicrafts for three years before she decided to open up her own pottery shop. A was making B had been making
C had made
The atmosphere at the carnival was fantastic; people were throwing and dancing in the streets all night.
A crackers B streamers C fireworks
Emma is on holiday, so I ... ... after her cat until she returns.
A 'm looking B look C 've looked
.. .... creatures such as giants, dragons and sea monsters often appear in Northern European folklore.
A Optical B Mythical C Extinct
You'd better save your
documents . . the computer crashes.
A in order that B in case
C so that
Tom finally managed . his computer when he had understood the cause of the problem. A to fix B fixing C to fixing
We can't log on to the Internet because there is a problem with our phone ...... .
A server B line C drive
David of
dressing up as a pirate for the23 This time next month, the astronauts the
Halloween party on Saturday.Earth.
A thinks B is going to thinkA will be orbiting B are orbiting
C is thinkingC will have orbited
I'll help you with
your homework as soon as I 24 After doing her chores, Mary went on . the phone. some phone calls.
A will get off B get offA make B making C to make
C am getting off
25 Peter and Bob enjoy playing football at their
18 Could you take a look at Anne's computer? Shelocal every Saturday.
...... to fix it all morning and it still doesn't work.A porch B pitch C place
A tries B has tried
You can't make
George. his secret if he
C has been trying doesn't want to.
19 It . have been John who answered theA tell B to tellC telling phone last night; I know there was no one else
![]() |
people or being in public places.
A must B can C may
A silly B helpful C sociable
20 Cake sales are a great way to . money for 28 The robot exhibition was interesting that charities, as they are inexpensive and easy to we're planning to visit it again next week. organise.
A so B such an C such
A win B raise C attract
29 Scientists at NASA spent over ten years 21 Susan skydiving before, and she was very designing a special pen which can write in excited about her first dive.
. gravity.
A had never tried
A spacious B zero C vacuum B has never tried
C had never been trying 30 Has Tim living on his own yet? used to B been used to
22 One of the most exciting events in Berlin's
C got used to Carnival of Cultures is its colourful, four-day
street .
Marks: —
A contest B march C parade60
Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (31-35).
There is one heading you do not need to use.
The Tunguska Explosion
A lithe over 100 years ago, on the morning of 30th June 1908, there was a huge explosion in the sky above the Tunguska River in Siberia. It was as if a giant bomb had gone off over the area In fact, the explosion was so powerful that it killed 80 million trees, destroying a natural area of over 13,000 square kilometres in size.
32 .
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There are many ideas about what happened. These ideas range from the oårernely unlikely (a UFO exploded) to the unlikely (a black hole passed through the Earth). But there is one idea that many scientists think may be right. This is that a meteorite (which is a rock from outer space) about 35 metres in length and weighing millions of kilos, entered the Earth's atmosphere that day and exploded.
Still, not all scientists think that this explanation can be correct. They pay attention to the fact that no one has ever found a piece of rock from a meteorite on the ground in Tunguska. They also wonder why trees in the area now grow extremely quickly. Not only this, but whatever it was that exploded over Tunguska left no mark behind.
In truth, Tunguska remains as much a mystery today as it was 100 years ago. Nevertheless, scientists intend to carry on examining the Tunguska forest and the surrounding area in the hope that one day they
Will discover the answer to this fascinating mystery
C You will hear two friends talking. Listen and mark statements 36-40 True, False or Not stated.
mother is celebrating her birthday this39 Sam gave his mother an expensive
birthday Saturday.present last year.
A True B False C Not statedA True B False C Not stated
37 Anna hasn't decided what she wants to buy40 Sam is going to make a video for his mother's her mother.next birthday.
A True B False C Not statedA True B False C Not stated
38 Sam is playing hockey later today.
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NAME: . CLASS: . |
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
• designing • artistic • still • portray • starring • stunts • remain • private • set
• miniature • plots • spray
I No one knows the author's name, as he chooses 5 The artist's sculptures are so to ...... .
anonymous.small that they fit on the top of a pinhead.
absolutely loves adventure films 6 Most of his paintings . scenes which are. in medieval times.
from the town where he grew up.
The children had
to sit perfectly7 You can't draw graffiti on that man's house, while the photographer was taking
their it's .................. property!
picture. 8
Children often express
their .
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B Fill in the correct phrase.
• action-packed • special effects • box office • all-star • potter's wheel • model making
10 Rick loves films, as they are The
in Harry Potter were full of
excitement and adventure scenes.brilliant; it really looked like the characters
Shakespeare in Love is a
great romanticcould do magic!
comedy with an amazing .. cast The .
success Mama Mia made including
Joseph Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrowover 69 million pounds in the UK alone.
Geoffrey Rush.Claire made a beautiful clay vase on the 12
Steve made a fantastic
replica of an ancient.
we gave her for her birthday.
ship in ..... class.
C) O
C Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
John is by far the (talented) 20
Nick sculpts much
. (accurately) pupil in the art
class.than I do because he pays attention to every 17
Which of Beethoven's
compositions do you little detail.
think is the . (famous) ? 21
..................... (much) Anne practiced,
18 Sue has been practicing a lot, so her artwork is. (easy) it became for her getting
(good) and to paint portraits.
all the time.22 The author's book is quite good, but it's not as 19
That's the (bad) film I've
. (interesting) as his last novel.
ever seen; the characters were shallow and 23 Willard Wigan's sculptures are the the
ending was dull and predictable. (tiny) works of art in the world.
D Underline the correct item.
We left in
the middle of the film because it30 It's fairly/completely impossible to
find was extremely/completely slow-paced.tickets to the ballet.
25 Tim would sooner/would prefer see a31 Jane would rather/would prefer to take science fiction film than a comedy.pottery classes than learn how to sculpt.
![]() |
in front of a live audience tomorrow night.33 Olga prefers/would rather going to the cinema 28 We would prefer/would rather go to a classicalon a weekday, when it's not so crowded. music concert than go to a rock concert.
29 The Sydney Opera House is a very/completely famous theatre in Australia.
E Complete the dialogue using the phrases below.
• What do you think of Mozart? • Sure, count me in! • I absolutely love it!
• What sort of music do you like? • I can't make it, I'm afraid.
Chris: Hey, Pete. We're all going to a jazz concert tonight. Do you want to come with us?
Pete: 34) . . And to be honest, I'm
not too keen on jazz.
Chris: I didn't know
that. 35)
• Actually, I'm really into classical music. Chris: I like that too. 36)
• My favourite!
Chris.• Well, that's great, because I have tickets to The Magic Flute. Do you like it?
Pete: 37)
Chris: So,
do you fancy coming to that? Pete: 38)
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Which film (A, B, or C) ...
extremely popular all over the world?
40 is about someone trying but not succeeding?
41 does not seem realistic to some people?
42 was first a very successful book?
43 is about daily life experiences?
44 is interesting even though the plot is not original?
45 was not going to play in cinemas at first?Marks: —14
G Listen to some people talking about music on a radio programme and match the speakers (1-5)
The speaker enjoys going to concerts. |
B The speaker is not sure he/she is talented enough. |
46 Speaker 1 |
C The speaker only likes listening to a particular type of music. |
47 Speaker 2 |
D The speaker's family inspired him/her to become a professional |
48 Speaker 3 49 4 |
musician. |
Speaker |
E The speaker feels nervous about performing in public. |
50 Speaker 5 |
to the
statements (A-E).
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Circle the correct answer.
I The postal delivered the parcels6
Ian couldn't drive in
the rain because one of yesterday morning.his windscreen ......... was broken.
A officer B worker C attendantA wipers B headlights C seats
2 Mr Anderson is giving a presentation on green7 Cindy ... ...... into tears when a car almost hit transport at the town this evening.her dog as it ran into the street.
A station B office C hallA took B made C burst
Sarah has joined
a community action group 8 My grandmother has joined a senior . which helps find foster . for
animalsclub, where she can go on trips and do that have nowhere to
live.interesting activities with other people A homes B shelters C farmsaround
the same age as her.
4 A number of students in our school oldmembers B citizens C persons A
books and school supplies to local charities9 Although you can't really tell by her untidy every year.desk, Kate is actually a very ......... secretary A donate B encourage C supportwho does her job well and quickly.
![]() |
A natural B full C worthwhile
B Underline the correct word.
We had been driving for
an hour before we13 When you get to Sheffield, just follow the found a petrol
stop/station to fill the car withstreet signals/signs telling you which
fuel.direction to take to get to the university.
I l Sharon loves children and often gets14 Thomas is an excellent surgeon, as he has a lot involved/volunteers with children's charities.of experience and very skilful/careful hands.
12 I think the secretary/cashier at the supermarket made a Mistake and gave me more change than she should have.
Marks: —
5x1 5
t) C)
C Fill in the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets.
15 The Eiffel Tower
. (visit) by 19 You don't need to go to the post office. The about six
million people each year. parcel ....
. (already/send). 16 The exhibits in the museum must not 20
A new swimming pool
. (touch). (build)
in the leisure centre last month.
Luckily, the fire
(put out) before anyone got hurt.
Jason believes
that all types of public transport . (power) by natural gas in the
D Rewrite the sentences using the causative.
e.g. Brian's mum is going to lengthen his jeans. Brian is going to have his jeans lengthened.
A professional painter is
drawing 23 Susie's father will fix the handlebars on her bike. Jane Susie .
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E Fill in: however, whenever, whichever, whatever or wherever.
... ..... .... .....
country she visits, Ann always 28busy you are, you can always buys a
souvenir to take back home with her. find a little extra time to help out in
your 26
. you do, don't forget to take a community.
seaplane tour while
you're in Sydney; you'll 29 Alex always visits Palermo he's have an amazing time.in Italy.
27 Annabel's puppy follows her Marks: — she goes. 15
F Complete the sentences using the correct reflexive pronoun.
e.g. The kitten is too young to take care of itself.
Andersons renovated their summer house 32 Behave .
. children, or we'll leave
because it was cheaper than the party
hiring someone to do it. 33
We were very pleased
31 I made the costumes for the charity Funwhen we found the puppy a new home.
The dog's owner .
. has admitted that he hasn't been
taking very good care of his dog.
G Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.
• Yes, there's one just around the corner. • No, just a ten-minute walk away. • Is it a long way from here? |
• Of course. Where are you going? • Go past the bank and turn left into Smith Street. • About every ten minutes. |
How often do the 38
A: Is there a toy store
around here?
run? B:
39 A: The department store is on Nicholson Street, across the park. B:
H Read the text and match the headings (A-F) to the paragraphs (40-44). There is one extra heading you do not need to use.
The Øolshoi Theatre
40 .
The Bolshoi Theatre — one of the world's biggest and most spectacular theatres — is known in all four comers of the world as the home of the outstanding Bolshoi Opera and Ballet companies.
41 .
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42 .
During its history, the theüe has seen performances by some of Russia's most famous artists and by some of the world's best-loved composers. tt has also survived some
tough moments: three fires, the construction of the Moscow metro ine underneath it and bombing during the war.
In 2005, engreers announced that the Bolshoi Theatre extrerœty unstable and that could fal down at any thne. So summer, the theatre was closed and repair tam began Curremjy, the reconstruction of the Bolstl)i Theatre is expected to be completed around 2011.
When the theatre reopens, several things wil have changed. But one thing won't which is the theatre's appearance. Every step is being taken to make absolutely certain that this magnificent theatre. when it reopens, wi look exacty as it always did.
You will hear two friends talking.
Listen and mark statements 45-48 True, False or Not stated.
At the
moment, Alex's Wednesday afternoons 47 are free.
A True B False C Not stated
46 Ben volunteers at the hospital a couple of nights a week.
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Ben's mother is a doctor.
A True B False C Not stated
Alex says that he would like to be a hospital volunteer too.
A True B False C Not stated
Marks: — 12
TEST 7 (Module 7)
DATE: MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
• thirsty • burn • embarrassed • chewing • beat • sweat • screamed • tasty
• roast • eating • home-made • cut • starving • bite • shaking
I On
cold winter nights, Joanna likes to sit by 8 David was very nervous about giving a
speech the fire and eat a bowl of hot . in class, and started . like a leaf. soup.9
Tracy is so afraid of
being in enclosed spaces
I love .. bread! It's so much better that
just thinking about getting into a lift than what we buy at the bakery.makes
her heart faster.
When I was young,
we always had .... .. 10 Parents can teach their children good beef and mashed
potatoes for Sunday dinner.habits by offering them healthy 4 Rick hasn't eaten anything all day;
I'm sure food choices.
he'sIl Mum jumped on a chair and
5 It's bad enough that Tim is so afraid of flying loudly when she saw a mouse in the kitchen.
thinking about it makes him ................ . 12 Jason is eating so fast that it looks
like he's 6 If you want to lose weight, you should not even his food!
down on sweets and exercise more. 7
The best way to .
. calories is to exercise and drink
plenty of water.
Marks: — 24 12x2
B Underline the correct item.
Are you
sure Phillip joined/took up mountain16 Fear is a basic human/nervous emotion
which climbing? I thought he was scared of heights.is often accompanied by
panic or shock.
14 Anne is thinking about putting on/going on a17 Carrots improve your eyesight, as they are diet, as she wants to lose some weight.rich/full in vitamins A and C.
Kate tries to
avoid desserts/snacks such as18 Jim leads/passes such a busy life that he rarely
crisps and biscuits, as they are unhealthy and finds time to work out at the
gym. only make her hungrier.
Marks: 12
C Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If I (be) you, I would be very 23
careful; there are poisonous snakes in this
20 If grass isn't watered, it24 (not/grow).
21 The cat .................. (not/scratch) Harry if he hadn't tried to pull its tail.25 22 Your headache will go away if you
. (take) some aspirin. 26
D Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Ann wishes
she . (have) more 30
time so that she could take up a
If only Timothy (use) his 31
common sense more often.
Alan wishes he (bring) some warm clothes with him
so that he wouldn't feel so cold.
E Underline the correct item.
your phobias instead of avoiding them35 might/ought help you overcome your
33 You mustn't/don't have to approach a wild36 animal; they can be very unpredictable.
![]() |
(eat) breakfast this morning, I would have been able to concentrate better
on my maths test.
Never follow a particular diet unless you
(discuss) it with your doctor first.
If George . (exercise) regularly,
he would be in better shape.
The operator .. (connect) you to the emergency
service you want if you dial 999.
Marks: _
Jane wishes she . (take) the self-defence class when
she had the chance. If only I
(not/be) tired all the time; maybe I should get more sleep.
If you don't know the correct answer in a test, use your intuition; it may/needs help you.
If someone tries to snatch your bag, you shouldn't/don't have put up a fight; just run away.
Marks: —
F Choose the correct response.
37 Emergency Services. Which service do you require?
41 Is that 999, Emergency Services? |
G Read the text and fill in the gaps (42-46) with the phrases (A-F). There is one phrase you do not need to use.
It is a sad reality that children all around the world are putting on more and more weight, 42) Unhealthy meals and snacks are freely available in many primary and secondary schools, which raises the serious question of whether schools should ban junk food in order to help children keep their weight
![]() |
better in the classroom 43) . . In addition, given a choice between junk food and healthy food, a child will always choose junk food. As eating too much junk food can cause serious diseases, it is inappropriate that schools offer children junk food, 44) .
There are also, however, very good reasons for not banning junk food in
schools. For example, telling a young child that they are not allowed to have a
particular type of food simply makes that food more appealing to the child. So,
a ban could in fact increase the appeal of junk food. What is more, as children
will still be able to get junk food outside of school, banning it in schools
will do little good, 45) .
All in all, the strong arguments on both sides of the debate make it clear that it is difficult to decide if banning junk food in schools is a good idea. It seems unlikely, however, that 'hiding' foods from children will do much good. What seems more likely to work is educating children about healthy eating habits.
Parents have the greatest influence over a child's eating habits, thus it is perhaps in the home 46)
A if junk food wasn't available in schools D and not in schools, where food education must
B which might mean that weight levels will go take place down
E as it is their job to protect and care for children
C and many health experts say junk food is
F as this action will not change
responsible children's general eating habits
Marks: — 10
H Listen to two friends talking and mark statements 47-50 True, False or Not stated.
parents want him to get his dog from an49 Ian thinks it's a mistake for Claire
to stay away animal shelter.from dogs.
A True B False C Not statedA True B False C Not stated
48 Claire is afraid even when she sees a drawing of50 John's fear of dogs is even worse than Claire's.
a dog.A True B False C Not stated
A True B False C Not stated
Marks: — 8
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A Fill in the missing word. There are three words you do not need to use.
• total • first aid kit • experience • sprained • bruised • face
• bump • survived • cast • sling • map • rucksack
David carries most of his camping supplies in 6 Everyone should have a .
. in his
their homes, as small injuries or
accidents can 2 I don't think we're going in the right happen at any time.
direction; according to the7 Helen Keller not only managed to we
should be heading south.
. her own challenges, but she
3 Your ankle looks swollen; are you sure you also helped and inspired many other people haven't ...... . it?with disabilities.
It was a . miracle that Liz 8
John's eye was badly .
when recovered from her spinal
injury, as she was he was accidentally hit by the ball during not expected to
ever walk again.baseball practice.
DATE: . MARK: 100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
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Marks: — 18 9x2
B Underline the correct item.
Tim climbed up the tree
and recovered/13 Sarah found a(n) harmed/injured bird and took rescued the kitten.it to
the vet.
Il Experts say that ointment/sunscreen should14 He decided to go surfing instead of/besides rock be used daily if we are out in the sun longerclimbing. than 10 minutes.
12 Why is Alicia wearing a(n) sling/ice-pack on her arm? Did she
break it? Marks:
5x1 5
D Rewrite the following sentences into reported speech using the verbs in brackets.
e.g. "l think you should see a doctor about that cut on your leg," Cynthia said to Sam. (advised) Cynthia advised Sam to see a doctor about that cut on his leg.
![]() |
![]() |
"I will not
pay for your skydiving lessons, 25 "My throat's feeling sore,"
Jennifer said.
Tom," Anne said. (refused) (complained)
"I'll help
you with your application form," Mary said to Sarah. (offered)
E Underline the correct item.
Can you
tell James that there's someone/29 There is something/nothing wrong with
your anyone on the phone for him?wrist; it's not even swollen.
27 Everyone/Someone in the trekking club loves30 Helping out at the animal shelter is so easy extreme sports.that anyone/no one can do it.
Researchers come
from everywhere/nowhere Marks: _ to explore Antarctica.5X1 5
F Fill in the appropriate question tag.
Mike likes
extreme sports 34 A compass always points to the north,
Henry has never
been kitesurfing 35 Let's apply for the volunteer position
33 It was an inspiring story,Marks: — 10
G Complete the exchanges using the phrases below. There is one extra phrase.
• Oh, dear! What happened? • Ouch! That hurt! • Oh, that's good.
• Get well soon. • Yes, it really hurts. • Hmm I don't know.
A: You got a
very 39 A: John's in hospital with a broken leg.
B: B:
37 A: My karate teacher says I've made a lot of 40 A: I've been under the weather for the past few days. B: B:
Marks: — B: 10
H Read the text and mark the sentences T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated).
Test 8 |
Aim for the stars!
Richard Branson is one of England's most successful businessmen, He has started more than 360 businesses, built up a personal fortune of more than £3 billion, and is the 20th richest person in Britain today. Not bad for a man who still couldn't read at the age of eight, and for whom school wasn't just a challenge — it was a nightmare. Richard Branson has dyslexia — a condition which makes it very difficult to learn to read, write and spell correctly. Doctors say that about 10% of the population has dyslexia. However, when Richard was young, no one from his school or family environment realised the sort of problems he was trying to deal with when it came to reading and writing properly. Back then, people didn't know that dyslexia was a learning disorder. Evenjone just thought people with dyslexia were not very clever |
Richard was embarrassed by the problems he had with his schoolwork, and had a very difficult time in school. But he was determined not to let his learning disability prevent him from succeeding in life. So, he concentrated . on his other qualities such as his creativity, as well as his ability to inspire people and make them enthusiastic about trying their best. And by doing so, he found great success. Richard says that dyslexia is a challenge, but it is also a gift. People who have dyslexia have to deal with many challenges and often experience and see the world in a different way. He adds that the ability to see things differently is a great advantage in life. 'My interest in life comes from setting myself huge. apparently impossible challenges and trying to achieve them', he says. Richard shows that we should all aim for the stars! |
41 At the age of eight, Richard was having bad dreams about school. 42 Richard's teachers understood that he had learning difficulties. 43 Richard had to see a special doctor about his learning disorder. 44 Richard has a talent for encouraging others to do well in something. Marks: — 45 Richard enjoys trying to achieve goals that seem hopeless. 5x2 10 |
Listen to some people talking about facing challenges and match the
speakers (1-5) to the statements
A The speaker likes setting him/herself new goals. |
46 Speaker I |
B The speaker believes that being hopeful is the key to overcoming |
47 |
challenges. |
48 Speaker 3 |
C The speaker challenges him/herself to overcome his/her fears. |
49 Speaker 4 |
D The speaker did something that he/she didn't think he/she could do. |
50 Speaker 5 |
![]() |
NAME: .. CLASS: . |
100 (Time: 45 minutes) |
A Choose the correct item.
I That's the school . . parade float
won first9 After Barney his chores, he had some prize last year.rest.
A which B that C whoseA had been doing B was doing
2 Make sure you include .. .... in your daily diet.C had done
A too protein B protein enough10 Jane ... ... five of her paintings so far, but she C enough proteinhopes she'll sell more.
A is only selling B has only sold
If you're looking
for a dog, why don't you get one from the animalC only sells
A hall B shelter C stationIl Wasn't it very kind of Nick ...... us move the furniture?
4 Sue asked the police officer where .... .. her stolen car.C helping
A to help B help
A they had found12 If only I so much homework to do! I'd B did they findlove to go out with my friends.
EXIT TEST (Modules 1-8) |
C had they foundA wouldn't have B hadn't had
C didn't have
5 We want to have a beach party so we can say a(n) . . goodbye to summer, before we start13 I can't come to the cinema tonight; I to school.a fancy dress party with my brother later.
A end B final C finallyA have gone B am going C go
Tom is really
afraid of dogs, and every time he 14 You've managed to make your little
sister cry! sees one he just .
Are you happy with
A freezes B embarrassesA herself B yourself C yourselves
Since there is ......
gravity in space, astronauts 7 Don't forget to call Mr Smithers when youhave to strap
everything down so it doesn't to the office. float away.
A get B will get C are gettingA vacuum B airless C zero
8 With four little children running around, it's16 They managed to catch a ...... of the dolphin not always easy for Sarah to . . the housebefore it disappeared back into the water. tidy.A glimpse B sighting C look A keep B make C do
worry, it's just a scratch. Clean it, put a 25 We'd better book tickets to the show
. on it and you'll be fine.
. the concert sells out.
A cast B sling C plasterA so that B in order C in case
18 Sam still has some difficulty portraits,26 Though the film has a(n) .... .. cast, it hasn't but he'll improve with practice.received very good reviews.
A to paint B to painting C paintingA all-star B box office
19 If I you, I'd cut down on all that junk food.C action-packed
A had been B were C would be27 Sally is ...... person I've ever met; she hardly talks to anyone.
20 Do you think that robots will ever be able to
. more complicated tasks such as driving a most shy B the
shyer C the shyest A
or flying a plane?28
The neglected puppies
from their A exist B overcome C perform irresponsible owner.
That cut on your
arm looks bad; you need toA were removed B had removed . by a doctor.
![]() |
B have been seen29 You can't invite . . you want to the party! C have it seenWe can only have twenty guests.
22 Jane forgot Stephen to the party, so sheA whichever B whenever C whoever sent him another invitation.30 This dress looks perfect on you; you A inviting B invited C to inviteshould buy it.
What time Susan to her piano lesson this
B absolutely C extremely
A are you taking
B do you take
will you take
24 By the time Linda gets here, we for her for more than an hour.
A have been waiting
will have been
C are going to wait
Exit Test
B Read the text and mark statements 31-35 T (True), F (False) or NS (Not stated).
stunning originals as well as reproductions
of well-known portraits of Leo Tolstoy and Alexander Pushkin. Some Vereinov is an inspirational example of being able to your inner strength and determination to become successful and then use this success to help others. |
History has proven time and time again that there are people who can rise above difficulties and face great Challenges in a way that is inspiring to all. Many people with serious disabilitiesoften manage to not only look past their condition, but even go on to achieve greatnessJTWo shining examples Of this are Ludwig van Beethoven and Helen Keller.
Ânothef brilliant case is that of Alexander. Vereinov, a famous Russian artist: BoriÝin 1956, Vereinov suffers from cerebral palsy, acondition which seriously affects body and muscle rnðvernent. His first attemptS at painting began at a special hospital for children suffering from cerebral palsy, where he spent his childhood. Since he had no control of his hands, Vereinov used his mouth to hold his paintbrushes. The problem was that the people at the hospital were afraid he would hurt himself, so he wasn't allowed to paint; which is why he did all his works of art at night, in secret.
Today, Alexander Vereinov iS an internationally recognised mouth artist, who has produced many paintings. His original works include the that his reproductions of other well-known
Together with Maxim Goubanov, a Russian
Alexander Vereinov Disabled RussianCitizens wheelchairs, medicine, do not have
Alexander use
31 Beethoven and Keller were born disabled.
32 Vereinov started painting at an early age.
33 Vereinov only painted at night because they did not let him paint during the day.
34 Vereinov's copies of famous works of art are extremely accurate.
35 Vereinov gives part of his money to charities for the disabled.
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C Listen to some people talking about challenges and match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-E).
An international teenage magazine is putting together a series of articles on festivals around the world. Write an article on a popular festival in your country to send in to the magazine. (120180 words)
You may use the plan and ideas below to help you write your article.
Para I: • what is the name of the festival? • when/where/why does it take place? Para 2: • what preparations do people make for this festival? |
Para 3: • what happens on the actual day? Para 4: • how do people feel before/during and after the festival? • what do you most like about it? |
Useful Expressions:
• colourful clothes • enthusiastic crowds • stay up all night • dance the evening away
Optional Writing |
• brightly decorated • cheer excitedly • fantastic time • festive atmosphere
Below is part of an email you received from your pen-friend Sue. Read the email and send a reply to your friend. You may use the plan below to help you write your email. (80-100 words)
![]() |
Para I: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: |
opening remarks reason for writing •
describe the
house • closing remarks |
![]() |
Para 1: Who was with you? e.g. my dad What were you doing? e.g. fishing Where were you? e.g. on Lake Windermere Para 2: What happened first? e.g. suddenly fishing line started moving What did you do? e.g. we pulled fishing line -Y biggest fish we'd ever caught |
Para 3: Para 4: |
What happened next? e.g. took fish home & cleaned it found ring mum had lost in the lake inside it What happened in the end? e.g. mum thrilled cooked special dinner e.g. we got £300 reward How did you feel? e.g. really happy mum gave me £20 |
@ ©
Plan |
Para I: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: Para 5: |
introduce the subject and state your opinion present an argument supporting one side of the issue e.g. robots can do chores around house more free time for people present another argument supporting one side of the issue e.g. robots can always be there to offer help —+ assistance to elderly or disabled people/ watch over children while parents are away present an opposing viewpoint e.g. people may depend on robots too much even simple tasks may become difficult or tiring restate your opinion |
![]() |
Robotics experts
predict that it will not be too long before robots become an ordinary part of
most |
You have received an email from your new English-speaking pen-friend Andrew.
... And that's how I usually spend my free time. What do you do when you have a day off school? How do you usually spend your weekends? Have you planned anything special for this weekend? |
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You have received an email from your English pen-friend William. Read the extract from William's email and write a suitable reply to him (120-180 words). You may use the plan and ideas below to help you write the email.
Plan |
Para 1: • informal greeting • name/type of film; who stars in it Para 2: • short summary of the plot Para 3: • general comments on the plot and the main characters Para 4: • your recommendation |
Useful phrases:
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Write an email to your English pen-friend to tell him/her all about your visit to a popular place of interest in your city or country (120 -150 words).
![]() |
How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written for some time, but I've been a bit busy lately. Let me tell you about my visit to . Bye for now, |
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© Publishing Prosveshcheniye
Plan |
Para I : opening remarks/ reason for writing e.g. what position you are applying for/where you saw it Para 2: personal information and relevant qualifications e.g. student, school exams, previous volunteer work Para 3: include skills, relevant interests, and personal qualities e.g. language skills, always on time/ reliable Para 4: closing remarks |
![]() |
Exit Test
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Robert.
I really loved the concert! What kind
of music do you enjoy? Have you ever
to a concert? What artist would you really like to see perform live?
back soon,
![]() |
© Publishing Prosveshcheniye
Key to Tests, Optional Writing
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B |
8 9 |
spacious went |
12 13 |
nosy |
17 |
c |
33 c |
49 |
B |
65 c |
10 |
household |
14 |
sociable 18 do |
18 |
B |
34 c |
50 |
Il |
isolated |
15 |
pitch |
19 |
B |
35 B |
51 |
c |
67 |
c |
19 |
getting |
23 |
to become 27
waking |
4 A |
20 |
52 |
c |
20 |
shopping |
24 |
turning 28 promise |
5 c |
21 |
c |
37 |
53 |
A |
69 c |
21 |
to take |
25 |
stay 29 tidy |
6 B 7 c |
22 23 |
c c |
38 |
B |
54 55 |
A |
70 |
22 |
living |
26 |
to have |
8 |
24 |
A |
40 |
B |
56 |
B |
72 A |
D |
30 |
close enough |
34 enough sleep |
9 c |
25 |
B |
41 |
c |
57 |
c |
73 |
c |
31 |
too forgetful |
35 too busy |
10 B |
26 |
c |
74 |
32 |
too noisy |
36 big enough |
27 |
43 |
B |
59 |
B |
75 |
33 |
modern enough |
A |
28 |
C |
44 |
B |
60 |
c |
76 |
13 c |
29 |
B |
45 |
c |
61 |
77 |
c |
37 |
Don't worry about it. |
14 A |
30 |
B |
46 |
c |
62 |
B |
78 |
c |
38 |
I hope not. |
31 |
B |
47 |
63 |
79 |
39 |
Sorry! I didn't realise it annoyed you. |
16 B |
32 |
48 |
c |
64 |
c |
80 |
40 41 |
That's not very nice. What have I done now? |
TEST 1 |
43 A |
44 D 45 E 46 B |
I raised 2 make 3
display 4 life |
5 bright 6 strong 7 contest |
9 |
spare |
G |
47 |
B 48 C |
49 A 50 TEST 3 |
10 street |
8 transformed |
B |
blows out |
15 annual |
19 |
throw |
A |
a) sights |
5 a) glanced |
12 exchange |
16 remind |
20 |
patiently |
b) sightings |
b) spotted |
13 decorate 14 attracts |
17 entering 18 made |
2 3 |
a) existed b) survived a) staring |
6 a) violent b) horrifying 7
a) reflection |
c |
21 |
B 23 c |
25 A 27 B |
29 c |
b) glaring |
b) shadow |
24 B |
26 c 28 c |
30 |
4 |
a) extinct b) mythical |
8 a) imagination b) illusion |
D |
31 |
whose |
33 where |
35 which |
32 |
when |
34 Who |
9 |
alike human |
13 14 |
giant 17 dull appears 18 corridor |
E |
36 |
c |
39 E |
40 |
Il mind 12 glimpse |
15 16 |
impact fantasy |
F |
41 |
T |
43 |
45 |
NS |
c |
19 gasped 20 was driving |
23 had been painting 24 hadn't finished |
G |
46 |
B 47 C |
48 E TEST 2 |
49 |
50 |
D |
21 was reading 22 had ever seen |
25 found |
26 When I was still at school, I would read a new ghost |
I dust |
3 take |
5 do |
7 |
makes |
story every week. |
2 hang out |
4 mopped |
6 keep |
27 In the past, my sister used to make fun of Surrealist paintings, but now she loves them. 28 Eleanor's parents never used to buy her books about monsters when she was a child. |
Key to Tests
29 Sally would ViSit her grandparents quite often when c 36 c 37 38 B 39 B 40 c she still lived in London.
E 30 can't 32 may 34 must TEST 5
31 must 33 may 35 can't
A remain 4 stunts 7 private
F 36 b 37 a 38 b 39 a 40 2 set 5 miniature 8 artistic
3 still 6 portray 9 plots
G 41 B 42 D 43 E 44 A 45 c
B 10 action-packed 13 special effects
11 all-star 14 box office
H 46 D 47 B 48 E 49 c 50 A
12 model making 15 potter's wheel
TEST 4 c 16 most talented 20 more accurately
17 most famous 21 more, easier
I emotional response 4 phone line 18 better, better 22 interesting 2 broadband connection 5 figurative speech 19 worst 23 timest
3 email account 6 artificial brain
D 24 extremely 29 very
7 become 11 caters 15 build 25 would sooner 30 completely
8 perform 12 exists 16 invented 26 totally 31 would prefer
9 subscription 13 modem 27 slightly 32 rather
10 divided 14 overcome 28 would rather 33 prefers
17 starts 22 will have been working E 34 I can't make it, I'm afraid.
Will you show 23 is
giving 35 What sort of music do you like?
19 will pass 24 will have completed 36 What do you think of Mozart?
20 'Il be attending 25 will install 37 I absolutely love it!
21 is going to break 26 Are you buying 38 Sure, count me in.
27 B 29 B 31 A 33 c 35 B F 39 B 41 c 43 c 45 B
c 30 c 32
c 34 B 42 B 44 A
E 36 E 37 D 38 c 39 A 40 46 D 47 E 48 A 49 C 50 B
41 c 42 F 43 A 44 E 45 B
G 46 B 47 C 49 E 50
(MODULES 1-4) B 10 station 12 cashier 14 skilful
Il gets involved 13 Signs
1 c 7 c 13 B 19 25
2 C 8
B 14 A 20 c 15 is visited 18 will be powered
3 B 9 B 15 B 21 A 27 c 16 be touched 19 has already been sent
10 B 16 c 22 c
17 was put out 20 was built
5 17 B 23 29
6 c
12 B 18 c 24 c 30 c D 21 is having her portrait drawn (by a professional painter). 22 has had her London flat designed by a famous architect.
B 31 c 32 D 33 A 34 F 35 B 23 will have the handlebars on her bike fixed (by her father).
24 had her arm examined (by a doctor) yesterday.
Key to Tests
E 25 Whichever 27 wherever 29 whenever c 15 Joan asked Sam if he had ever travelled to a foreign
26 Whatever 28 However country.
16 Mum told me not to be late for dinner.
F 30 themselves 32 yourselves 34 himself 17 James
and Lilly said that they couldn't go whitewater 31 myself 33 ourselves rafting
that weekend.
18 Liz said that Andrew had taken up trekking three G 35 About every ten minutes. years before.
36 Go past the bank and turn left into Smith Street. 19 Lee said that Mark would begin kitesurfing lessons 37 No, just a ten-minute walk away. in summer.
38 Yes, there's one just around the corner. 20 Sandy told me that the children were going on a 39 Is it a long way from here? roller coaster ride the next/the following day.
H 40 E 41 c 42 A 43 B 44 D D 21 Bill explained that he couldn't be at basketball practice because he had broken his arm.
1 45 46 B 47 C 48 A 22 Anne refused to pay for Tom's skydiving lessons.
23 Mary offered to help Sarah with her application form.
24 Dad warœd the children to play with the pen knife.
TEST 7 25 Jennifer complained that her throat was feeling sore.
A I tasty 5 embarrased 9 beat
E 26 someone 28 everywhere 30 anyone 2 home-made 6 cut 10 eating
27 Everyone 29 nothing
3 roast 7 burn Il screamed
starving 8
shaking 12 chewing
F 31 doesn't he 33 wasn't it 35 shall we
32 has he 34 doesn't it
![]() |
14 going on 16
human 18 leads
G 36 Yes, it really hurts. 37 Oh, that's good. c 19 were 23 had eaten
38 Hmm ... I don't know.
21 doesn't grow 24 discuss
39 Oh dear! What happened?
22 wouldn't have scratched 25 exercised
Get well soon.
23 take 26 will connect
H 41 42 F 43 Ns 44 T 45 T
D 27 had 29 had brought 31 were not
28 used 30 had taken
c 47 E 48 D 49 A 50 B
E 32 might 34 needn't 36 shouldn 't
33 mustn t 35 may EXIT TEST
37 B 38 39 D 40 E 41 c 1 c 7 A 13 B 19 B 25 c
2 c 8 A 14 B 20 c
42 c 44 E 45 F 46
D 9 c 15 c 21
c 27 c
H 47 c 48 49 A 50 5 17 c 23 29 c
6 12
c 18 c 24 B 30
A 1 rucksack 4 total 7 face
2 map 5 bump 8 bruised c 36 c 37 B 38 E 39 A 40 D
3 sprained 6 first aid kit 9 survived
B 10 rescued 12 sling 14 instead of
Il sunscreen 13 injured
Suggested Answers to Optional Writing
In Kovran, Siberia, we have a week-long celebration called the Alkhalalalaj Harvest Festival. It takes place every third week in September. The festival celebrates the end of the harvest after a tong summer of working in the fields.
People prepare for this festival by carving a wooden pole. The male villagers walk for 70 km to place the beautiful carved pole on top of Mount Elvel. They also leave food for Kamuli, the mountain god. When the men return from the mountain, the villagers prepare for the more fun-packed activities.
When the big day comes, school children sing to open the festival. The enthusiastic crowds cheer excitedly while watching a display of fire dances, music, and singing. There is a atmosphere, with people in colourful clothes dancing the evening away. We all stay up all night eating and drinking along the brightly decorated village streets.
The Harvest Festival is truly a fantastic event. We all feel tired but very happy after the week-long activities. What I love most about it is the music and dancing that continues all through the night.
Hi Sue,
for your email. It was great to hear that you're well. I'm doing OK too. Let me
tell you about my new life! Our new house in the country is amazing. It has
four bedrooms and a big living room and kitchen. There's also an attic, which Dad will change into
a games room. What I love about it most is the garden. It's huge! The town
isn't bad, either. I really like the wide, tree, lined streets. What I don't
like, though, is that it's very quiet. Well, that's it for now. Write soon.
Last weekend, Dad and I went fishing on Lake
Windermere. It was a beautiful sunny day and the water was very calm. Mum had made sandwiches
for us to eat, and we were having a great time talking and laughing.
We had been fishing for about an hour when, all of a sudden, my fishing line started moving. Dad helped me pull the line, but the fish was very Strong and we had to pull for more than half an hour before we got it on board. When we did, we saw the biggest fish we had ever caught! We took the fish home and Dad started cleaning it. Mum and I were watching him when, suddenly, he cried out "Look! A ring!" We looked, and there inside the fish was the ring that Mum had lost when she and Dad were at the lake a few weeks before!
All of us were so surprised, we
couldn't stop laughing and shouting. Mum was so happy that she even gave me
£20 to buy myself a treat. I can't wait to go fishing again!
Robotics experts predict that it will not be too long before robots
become an ordinary part of most households. In my opinion, the presence of
robots in homes will be a wonderful thing.
First of all, robots will be able to do all the chores around the house. For example, they will be able to do the cleaning, the cooking, and maybe even the shopping. As a result, families Will be able to spend more quality time together.
Secondly, robots wilt be able to act as carers. For instance, they will be able to babysit children and look after the elderly. Consequently, families will not need to spend extra money on expensive home help, so they will have more money to improve their lives.
On the other hand, people may come to depend on robots too much. This means that if
their robot stops working they may find it especially difficult or tiring to do
even the simplest of tasks.
All in all, it seems to me that robots will be extremely useful around the house, but no matter how helpful they may be, we should not rety on them completely.
Dear Andrew,
Thanks for your email. It sounds like you have fun in your spare time.
Let me tell you about myself. When I have a day off school, I often hang out with
my friends. We usually listen to music or go to the cinema. At the weekends, I
do my chores in the morning and I play football at the local pitch in
the afternoons. This weekend Dad and I have planned something special. We've
decided to go fishing by the lake. We might even
camp there overnight. I'm sure it'll
be a lot of fun! I have to go now. Your friend, Richard
Dear William,
I've just received your mail and I think taking your brother and his friends to the cinema for his birthday is a great idea. I suggest you go and see Speed Racer, which is an action film based on a 1960s Japanese cartoon. It stars Emile Hirsch and Christina Ricci.
Suggested Answers to Optional Writing
The film is
about a brilliant racing car driver called Speed Racer. Speed Racer finds out
that some powerful business people are making drivers cheat in races in order
to make a lot of money. So he decides to do something to stop the bad guys. The
plot is clever but a little hard to follow in the first 20 minutes or so, but
keep watching it because the action is great! The characters are likeable and
well-developed, while the ending is exciting, which the kids will love. Well,
that's about it! I really recommend this fitm because 10-year-old boys will
love all the amazing car races, Let me know how it goes! Alex
Dear Sam,
How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written for some time, but I've a bit busy lately. Let me tell you about my visit to the Moscow Zoo with my sister and her friends last weekend. It's an amazing place! It has more than 5,000 animals and birds, and different areas such as a Night Animal House and an African Animals section.
When we got there, we went straight to see the big cats. There are Siberian tigers and Snow leopards in the Moscow
Zoo. Have you ever seen these incredible cats up close?
There are also aquariums with fish from all over the world. In the afternoon, we had lunch at one of the zoo's cafés.
I'm telling you, the whole experience was great. I can't wait to go back there again because there is so much more to see and do at the Moscow Zoo! Bye for now, Natasha
A recent survey in the UK found that 6% of school children team self-defence in schools. But the question is whether more children should be encouraged to learn self-defence.
There are advantages to running self-defence classes in schools. Firstly, self-defence techniques teach children how to either avoid a threatening situation, or how to protect themselves against an attacker. Consequently, they learn how to use their common sense to stay wt Of trouble and also become more confidat, as they are no longer vulnerable targets. Secondly, taking a self-defence class keeps children fit, as it is an excellent form of exercise. As a result, children get in shape and lead a healthier life.
On the other hand, there are some arguments against running self-defence courses in schools. To begin with, classes and equipment may be expensive. Because of this, it is not affordable for everyone. Moreover, some people may misuse the skills they have been taught. For instance, instead of running away in a threatening situation, children may try to put up a fight against a violent attacker and become seriously injured.
conclusion, there are arguments both for and against children learning
self-defence in schools. I strongly believe that self-defence should be taught
in schools, as it is important that children know how to protect themselves. However, it should be up to parents to
decide whether or not their children will take part.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing with reference to your advertisement in Friday's edition of the 'Mirror Review'. I am interested in applying to be a volunteer at the local animal shelter.
I am fifteen years old and
I am in my fwrth year of high school. As for previous I have wŒked as a volunteer at
the local zoo feeding and cleaning the animals. In addition, last summer I
worked part-time at my father's animal clinic where I learned to deal with a
variety of animals. I am described by my teache•ß as cheerful, hardworking
and reliable. Moreover, I am particularly good at languages. I have just taken
the Lower English exam and passed with a grade A. My interests include
football, tennis and trekking. Please find my application form attached. I can
be contacted at the number on my application form at any time. I would be very
grateful if you considered me as a volunteer. look forward to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,
Mary Smith
Dear Robert,
Thank you for your letter. It was nice of you to drop me a line.
I like many different kinds of music, but I mostly listen to pop. I haven't been to many concerts, but I actually had the chance to see Shakira live last year when I was in London, and she was really fantastic!
My favourite artist is Beyonce. I'd really tike to see her perform live because she's a fantastic singer and I love all her music. My favourite songs are 'Irreplaceable and 'Me, Myself and I'.
Well, that's atl for now. Write back soon.
Interviewer: I asked some young people about special
occasions in their country and how they celebrate them.
Speaker i: (young woman)
In Bolivia, a girls' sixteenth birthday is very important. The birthday girt wears a white dress and dances the first dance with her father or grandfather. She also dances with fifteen other partners, as each dance represents one year of her life. It is a sign of becoming a lady.
Speaker 2: (man)
Holi, the Hindu Festival
of Colours takes place each year in India around the end of February or the
beginning of March. Everyone throws blue, green and yellow powders at one another on the second day of
Holi. In fact your clothing is never same again! It's all great fun and people
believe that the powders will keep illnesses away.
Speaker 3: (man)
People in Thailand
celebrate their new year by throwing water over one another. Songkran, the Thai
New Year, hapsms each year in mid-April. The Thai people and visitors use
buckets, bowls, garden hoses, water guns, and even elephants to carry the water.
Speaker 4: (woman)
Las Fallas Festival is a
week-long festival in which celebrates Saint Joseph 's Day with loud music, partying, and fire
dances around huge open fires, where people tell stories from
the past. Many people
dress in traditional costumes, though modern cŒtumes are also common. The
festival ends with an amazing fireworks display.
Speaker 5: (man)
The Ivrea Carnival in Italy includes fantastic street parties and parades
but what makes it different from other carnivals are the orange battles, where
people separate into special teams and throw oranges at each other. This comes
from a custom that started in the Middle Ages, when local residents threw the beans that the local ruler gave
to the poor out onto the streets to express their dissatisfaction.
Welcome to the show, Adam. We keep hearing that humans are destroying the
different habitats on Earth. Could you tell us What this actually means?
Adam: Certainly! Man has been damaging the land, sea, and air around him and as a result he is also threatening the sumval of plants and animals that live there.
Jeremy: Why is this happening?
Adam: One Of the reasons is that we are increasing the world's population by about one and a half billion people every ten years. More people means we need more food and therefore more land to grow the food. So, in trying to feed all these people, we
destroy the habitats of the animals
and plants that live in the areas we transform into farms. ExiYts believe that
over one hundred species become extinct every day because of us. Jeremy: What
are some other causes of habitat destruction?
Adam: Scientists believe that the
poisonous chemicals we throw in the sea witl cause the sea life to change or
die out. Also, they say that we are destroying the forests, which make half of
the oxygen in the world. Of course we cannot live without oxygen, but a large
number of us seem to believe that this problem isn't so serious and hope that
it Will just go away by itself! Jeremy. So how can we stop destroying natural
Adam: There are dozens of things we can do, but I believe that we should
first turn our attention to our seas, lakes and rivers. People keep throwing
rubbish and poisonous chemicals into
them, putting wildlife at risk. And this is one of the most serious problems that a huge number of plant and animal species face. Jeremy: Well, you've given all of us much to think about, Adam, thank you for your time. Adam: Thank you.
Interviewer: I've asked some people to talk about dreaming. Here's what they said.
1: (man)
The night before I went to school for
the first time, I had dreamt that my teacher was going to be that big, green
ugly monster! Naturally, the next day I was kicking and screaming and refusing
to go to school. When my mother finally managed to drag me there and I met my
teacher, I felt so relieved! She looked like an angel!
Speaker 2: (woman)
I think that what we see in our sleep tells us something important about us and that nightmares try to warn us of something bad. That's why I always keep a dream dictionary by my bed, and I often look at it whenever I have had a particularly strange dream.
Speaker 3: (woman)
I was very upset when I lost my favourite pen that my granddad had given me. We searched the whole house but we found nothing. I went to bed worrying and dreamt that while I was walking in the garden, I saw a shiny object under the rose bush. When I woke up the next morning, I went to that bush and my pen was there, exactly like in my dream!
Speaker 4: (young boy)
I keep dreaming about the same thing most nights. In my dream, I am always waiting a long time for buses and trains. Therefore, I am always late getting to school. When I get there, my teacher screams and shouts at me. I always wake up tired but relieved that it isn't true.
Speaker 5: (young boy)
Last night, I went to bed after reading a horror book on mysterious monsters around the world. Later I dreamt about
fighting and kicking a huge ugly sea monster that was trying to eat me! I woke up screaming and fell off my bed as I was trying to escape from the terrifying creature!
Interviewer: We asked some people to tell us what they think about mobile phones, and this is what they said.
Speaker 1: (man)
Mobile phones are great, but there are some things about them that I don't like. For example, I don't like it that I always want to check my phone to see if I have a message. Also, I don't like it when I panic if my phone isn't near me. What I'm saying is I don't think it's good that I rely so much on a gadget!
Speaker 2: (woman)
I love my mobile phone. Mostly, I use it to send text messages to my friends. I probably send between 100 and 200 text messages a week. It's expensive to send so many texts, though. I have a big phone bill every month. But I don't care, because it's worth the cost to stay in touch with my mends.
Speaker 3: (woman)
Some people say that mobile phones can cause illnesses. They say they are dangerous because of the radiation. I don't know if this is true, but just to be on the safe side, I only use my mobile for quick conversations. If I know I am going to have a long conversation, I use a regular phone.
Speaker 4: (teenage girt)
Mobile phones are one of the best inventions. No matter where I am, I can always contact my parents if I need help. This makes me feel secure, and it makes my parents feel safe too. They worry about me less now because they know they can contact me at any time.
Speaker 5: (man)
There's one thing that really annoys me about mobile phones. It's to do with text messaging. I don't like how people shorten every word they can, and spell words incorrectly. Sometimes you can't even understand what someone has written, because there is not one word in their text message that is spelt how it shwld be!
Mid Test (Modules 1-4) — Listening
Sam: Hi Ånna! What are you doing?
Anna: I'm going into town to buy a present for my mum. It's her birthday this weekend.
Sam: Oh. What are you going to buy her?
Anna: I'm not sure. I was thinking about getting her a book, but I've changed my mind. A book is a bit boring.
Sam: I agree. A book isn't exciting at all!
Anna: I know. Oh dear I'm no good at choosing presents! Sam: Don't worry! I love shopping for presents! I can come with you if you like and help you.
Anna: Really? Are you sure? Don't you have hockey practice today?
Usually, yes. But our coach is ill today, so I'm free. Come on, let's go!
Anna: OK. I was thinking of going to that huge store in the city centre, first.
Sam: Good idea. We'll definitely find something there.
Anna: I hope so. I want to buy Mum something really nice. What did you get your mum for her last birthday, Sam? Sam: Well, I didn't have much to spend, so I borrowed a video camera from a friend and made her a movie.
Anna: Wow! That was definitely a bright idea!
Sam: Well, I recorded everyone in my family and some of Mum's friends. We all said what Mum means to us or told a funny story. Anna: She must have loved it.
Sam: She did! In fact, she liked it so much she asked me to make another video for her next birthday.
Anna: Wow, you really do have good ideas! I'm glad you're helping me today.
Interviewer: I spoke to some people about music. Here's what they said.
Speaker 1: (young man)
Both my parents and my older brother have a career in music, so our house has always been full of tunes and melodies. One of my first memories is sitting beside my mother at the piano listening to her play a beautiful piece of classical music. So it should come as no surprise that I'm following in their footsteps, and starting a career in the music industry too.
Speaker 2: (young woman)
I don't know how they did it, but my friends have convinced me to join a local singing contest with them! I love singing, and I'm always the first to grab the guitar and start a singsong, but that's only when I'm among friends. This time dozens of strangers will be listening to me, and I'm not so sure whether they'll appreciate my voice!
Speaker 3: (young man)
those of us who love music, I believe there's nothing better than seeing your
favourite singer or band perform live. For me, nothing compares to watching them on
stage and sharing the thrill and excitement with the other members of the
audience. Of course I can't afford to go to live shows all the time, but I do
so whenever I get the chance!
Speaker 4: (teenage girl)
couldn't really say I have a broad musical taste ... and it's not that I
haven't tried to get into lots of different types of music, because I have. My brother and
sister have completely different tastes to mine and I have to hear their music
every day at home. So you couldn't even say that I'm not exposed to different
types. But the fact is, I only like pop. And if you like something, I don't see
anything wrong with sticking to it.
Speaker 5: (young man)
I really want to become a professional musician, I wonckr whether I have a natural ability to create beautiful music. I mean, playing around on the piano and coming with happy little tunes is one thing, but doing this professionally is not something I'm sure I'll be able to do well. One thing is sure, though. I'll give it a try!
Alex: Hi Ben! How was football practice?
Ben: Great! What did you do this afternoon, Alex?
Alex: Nothing. I don't have anything to do after school on Wednesdays. My Art teacher suggested that I join an afterschool Art class. So I am thinking about doing that. Ben: That's a great idea! You're really good at painting and drawing.
Alex: Thanks. Where are you going now? You look like you are in a hurry.
Ben: I am. I'm on my way to the hospital. I'm a volunteer there. Usually, I only work on Saturday mornings. But today they called me and asked if I c,txlld help out this evening for a few tn.Jrs.
Alex: Oh. What's it like being a volunteer?
Ben: It's great! The patients are always happy to see me. It makes me feel really good to know that I am doing something to help people.
Alex: Wow. How long have you been a volunteer?
Ben: For one year. My Mum works at the hospital. She gave me the idea about volunteering. She thought I would like to do something worthwhile.
Alex: I think I would like to help people who are ill, too. Do you think I could go with you sometime to see what you do?
Ben: Of course. In fact, why don't you come With me now?
Alex: I would love too! Ben: Great. Let's go!
Ian: Hi Claire! Guess what! Mum and Dad have finally agreed to let me have a pet!
Claire: Really? That's great, Ian! What are you going to get? Ian: Adog! Definitely, a dog! I'm going to get one from an animal shelter. Do you want to come with me and help me choose one?
Claire: No. I don't like dogs.
Ian: You don't like dogs! Why not! Everyone likes dogs!
Claire: Everyone but me. Don't laugh but I'm really scared Of them. I shake like a leaf even when I look at a picture of a dog, or see one on television.
Ian: But why? A dog won't hurt you.
Claire: I don't know why. My mum thinks it's because a dog bit me on the hand when I was a baby. Ian: What happens when you see a dog?
Claire: Well, I Start shaking and sometimes even crying too. I can't even run away if I see a dog, because I freeze on the spot and can't move.
Ian: Wow. But you're wrong to avoid dogs. You'll never get over your fear if you keep avoiding them.
Claire: I've tried. But it's no good.
Ian: Poor you.
Claire: Yes. But my brother, John, says it's worse for him! Just like you, he really wants a pet dog. But of course there is no way we can have one in our house!
Ian: Oh well, you can tell him he can come and see my dog whenever he wants.
Claire: Thanks! I will.
Interviewer: I spoke to some people about dealing with challenges, and here's what they said.
Speaker I: (young woman)
When my friends asked me to go rock climbing with them, I wasn't sure, because I am scared of heights. But I decided to be brave and try it. It was scary, but when I got to the top, I felt a real sense of achievement. Next week, I am trying skydiving. I think it is important to face whatever it is that scares you.
Speaker 2: (man)
A ser-ious injury really changes your life. I don't remember much about the accident, but I remember waking up in a hospital rocgn with two broken legs and a bruised spine. Now, six months later I have fully recovered, but I don't think I could have done it without the support and encouragement of those close to me.
Speaker 3: (woman)
I am very close to my family. close, in fact, that living in another country was something that I thought I couldn't cope with. But when I was 18, I had to go overseas to study. I thought I would miss my family too much and have to leave university before I finished my degree. I'd just never imagined that I could make it on my own. But, I did stay, and ended up loving it.
Speaker 4: (young man)
It's very satisfying to that seem nearly impossible at first. That's why, as soon as I finish one challenge, I'm off to face the next, more difficult one. For example, last year I ran half a marattm. This year, I am training to the whole marattm. Next year, I want to climb the tallest mountain in the UK.
Speaker 5: (woman)
I've always believed that positive thinking plays an important role in a person's life. I've had to face many difficulties and I've found that the best way to deal with them successfully is to have a positive attitude. The way we think about something has a strong impact on how we feel and how we behave, so if you believe in your ability to achieve something and hope for the best, good things Will probably happen to you.
Tapescripts |
Exit Test (Modules 1-8) — Listening
Interviewer: I spoke to some young people about challenges, and here's what they had to say.
Speaker I: (young man)
When my friend first suggested we try skydiving, I thought that he was crazy! Why would I want to jump out of a plane, or do anything else that might put my life at risk? But now, four years later, not only do I go skydiving whenever I get the chance, but I also love kitesurfing, whitewater rafting and any other exciting activity that presents a real challenge for me!
Speaker 2: (young woman)
I've always thought that life's difficult enough, without us trying to make it harder. That's why I don't understand people who put themselves in danger through various extreme sports, or any other activities that may cause injuries. It's not that I'm afraid, but "better safe than sorry" is my motto!
Speaker 3: (teenage boy)
I think I am old enough to start working. I've discussed it with my parents and we've decided that I'll be working part-time at my dad's restaurant, after school. It'll be a real challenge for me, trying to balance school and work. But I think I'll be able to cope well.
Speaker 4: (young man)
I ast year my friends persuaded me to go trekking in the mountains with them. It wasn't that bad, but what I remember most about the experience are all the cuts and bruises I got! Sure, it was challenging enough for me to walk for hours through forests and up the mountainside, but I'd have to think twice before going with them next time.
Speaker 5: (young woman)
One of the things I enjoy most in life is to get involved in new and exciting things in the company of my friends. Unfortunately, my best friends are also my most boring friends! I can never seem to tear them away from their computers or TVs long enough for us to do something different, something thrilling. So, when it comes to kitesurfing or skydiving, I'm on my own!
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