Конспект урока по предмету «Английский язык» с использованием игровых, ИКТ-технологий
(6 класс)
Тема: «Покупки»
Цель и задачи:
Ø Закрепить лексику по теме, развивать навыки монологической и диалогической речи в рамках данной тематики.
Ø Отрабатывать умение учащихся выражать своё мнение.
Ø Развивать навыков чтения и аудирования, умение высказывать своё мнение на английском языке.
Ø Воспитывать толерантность к иноязычной культуре, пробудить интерес детей к культуре страны изучаемого языка.
Ø Развивать способности к межкультурному взаимодействию.
Ø Развивать память, логику, внимание, мышление детей.
Оборудование: презентация, доска, проектор, экран, текст
Ход урока:
I. Организационный момент
– Good morning! Take your seats, please and get ready for the lesson. If you are ready, let us start. Today we continue talking about shopping and different shops, stores and department stores. The aim of our lesson is to practice the vocabulary related to shopping and to discuss your attitude towards shopping. (Приложение 1)
II. Фонетическая разминка
– To begin with, let’s remember some English sounds and words on the topic “Shopping” (Слайд 2)
[l] – dollar, towel, wool, loaf, flour, kilo
[ei] – change, pay, exchange, lemonade, bacon, baker
[?] – salon, cash, fat, wrap, blanket, bag, can
[p] – pound, pillow, pepsi, pork, piece
[ai] – size, hi-fi, tie, price, buy, five
[i:] – beef, piece, sheet, cream, meat
III. Работа по теме. Отработка лексики
А) Употребление в речи названия продуктовых магазинов
– What kind of shops do you know?
– Look at the photos and guess (Слайды
3, 4)
– What do shoppers usually buy at these shops?
– Listen to me and name the shops I am going to describe
People can buy biscuits, cakes, sweets there.
You can buy fish in this shop.
People buy milk, cream, cheese, different dairy products there.
You can buy pork, beef, chicken, mince, lamb and sausages in this shop.
We can buy salt, sugar, rice, macaroni, flour there.
Б) Работа в парах. Отработка названий продуктов и магазинов.
– Do you often receive guests? (Слайд
– You are going to invite friends. Read the two recipes. Work in pairs. Discuss
what you need to prepare English Tea and Scones and where you can buy it.
Fill in the kettle with cold water
Boil the water
Warm the pot
Put one teaspoon of tea in the pot for each person and one extra for the pot
Pour hot water into the pot
Melt and mix dark chocolate and nuts
Bake 40 minutes in a hot oven
Cut the cake and enjoy it
В) Игра «Что изображено на картинке?»
– Well done. Now I would like you to remember what’s
the English for буханка хлеба,
банка кока-колы,
бутылка масла,
пакет муки?
– Now we shall play a little. There are some pictures, you are to guess what
food is in them. The following questions will help you:
IV Аудирование
– Let us listen to the dialogue but first the words
– lamb, steak, mince, either (Слайд
– I think, judging by the words you can guess what shop will be mentioned in
the dialogue.
– Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird?
– Yes, please
– Do you want beef or lamb?
– Beef, please
– This lamb’s very good
– I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t
– What about some steak?
This is a nice piece
– Give me that piece, please
– And a pound of mince,
– Do you want a chicken, Mrs. Bird? They’re very nice
– No, thank you
– My husband likes steak, but he doesn’t like chicken
– To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don’t like chicken either! (Приложение 2)
First Listening. (Слайд
– Who is speaking?
– What is the woman’s name?
– What kind of meat is mentioned in the text?
– Does he want beef or lamb?
– Why doesn’t she want to buy some lamb?
– What else does she want o buy?
– Does she buy a chicken or steak? Why?
Listen to the dialogue once more and fill in the gaps. Work in pairs.
Do you want any ____today, Mrs. Bird?
– Yes, please
– Do you want ___or lamb?
– ____, please
– This lamb’s ___ ____
– I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t
– What about some steak? This is a nice piece
– Give me that____, please
– And a ______ of mince, too
– Do you want a _____, Mrs. Bird? They’re very nice
– No, thank you
– My husband likes ______, but he doesn’t like chicken
– To tell you the truth, Mrs. Bird, I don’t like chicken either!
Act out the dialogue. (Слайд
V. Беседа по теме Department Stores
Listen to the poem (Слайд 10)
A department store is big
Shop assistants are so quick
Many things are in the shop
From the bottom to the top:
Belts and handbags, leather gloves,
Stylish dresses, jeans and scarves,
Metal bottoms, buckles, thread,
A panama and a hat,
Silver bracelets, golden rings
And a lot of hairpins
– As you can understand now we shall talk about a
department store. What is a department store?
– What department one can find in a department store?
– What things are sold in a jewelry department? Ready-made clothes department?
– Look at the table and match the departments and the things you can buy there.
the phrase “…, …, … are sold at the …” (Слайд 11)
Stationary |
a) balls, sneakers, chess, bikes, skates, skis |
Footwear |
b) sheets, blankets, pillows, towels |
Knitwear |
c) face powders, lipstick, shampoos, eye pencils |
Perfumery |
d) ties, shirts, trousers, jackets |
Women’s clothing department |
e) paper, pens, pencils, rubbers |
Men’s clothing department |
f) sandals, shoes, boots, high-boots, slippers |
Sport goods |
g) pullovers, sweaters, mittens, caps |
The white sale |
h) dresses, skirts, blouses |
(1e, 2f, 3g, 4c, 5h, 6d, 7a, 8b)
– What questions do customers and shop-assistants always ask?
(Can you recommend a good shop? Could you help me, please? Excuse me, I’m looking for a … Does it suit me? Can I try it on? Do you have it in a larger (smaller) size?)
– Now I’d like you to read the dialogue, decide who says what and put the conversation in the correct order (Слайд 12)
Shop-assistant |
Customer |
a) Hello! Can I help you? |
b) Yes, I also want a copy of MUSIC NOW magazine |
c) Thanks. How much is that? |
d) Yes, I’d like to buy a ? 10 phone card, please |
e) It’s on the shelf behind you |
f) That’s ? 12.50, please |
g) Anything else |
– Now, read the right variant of the dialogue. (Слайд 13)
Shop-assistant |
Customer |
a) Hello! Can I help you? |
d) Yes, I’d like to buy a ? 10 phone card, please |
g) Anything else |
b) Yes, I also want a copy of MUSIC NOW magazine |
e) It’s on the shelf behind you |
c) Thanks. How much is that? |
f) That’s ? 12.50, please |
VI. Обобщение
– In conclusion I’d like to ask you some question.
– Is it a must or a pleasure for you to buy provisions?
– Do you make a shopping list when you buy food?
– Tell us about your last shopping. How often do you go shopping? With whom did
you go shopping last time? What did you buy at the shop? How much did it cost?
Use the phrases (Слайд
In my opinion shopping is a … because…
I don’t think that shopping is a …
I agree with …
I can’t agree with…
Best of all I like to go to … and buy…
I (don’t) spend much money on…
– What do you usually buy for a pleasure?
– What do you think about shopping?
VII. Подведение итогов
– Well, our lesson is almost over. Thank you for being active during the lesson. It was very interesting to listen to your points of view. Your marks for the lesson are the following… now, please, write down your home task. Ex.7 p.287 (orally), to write 6-7 sentences about your last shopping. (Слайд 15)
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