Цель урока- 1.Образовательная:развитие навыков диалогической речи2.Развивающая: развить внимание, память , воображение 3.Воспитательная: развить умение работать в паре, развитие лояльности, сочувствия
1.Соотнести слова с их значением
2.Дополнить предложения
3.Прослушать диалог и заполнить пропуски
4.Ответить на вопросы
5.Составить диалог по образцу
Ex.1 Match the words with their meanings
1 Trolley a. a big purse
2 Wallet b. to give money to a seller
3 Check out c. changing room
4 To pay d. to put on some clothes
5 To weigh e. cash desk
6 Fitting room f. a shopping cart
7 To try on g. to put something on scales
Ex.2 Listen to the dialogue and be ready to answer the questions
What is the woman buying?
What quantity is she buying?
Ex.3 Complete the dialogue
A: Good afternoon. What … you like?
B:Good afternoon. I am… for cheese and milk.
A:How … cheese would you like?
B:I would like a…. cheese.
A:Ther …. 200 gr.
B: Could you … a little. I need some more.
A:Sure. Here is. Would …. like anything else?
B:Yes, please. Have you … milk?
A:Yes, we have. How … bottles would you like?
(продолжение далее)
B:I … like 1 bottle. Where … the check-out?
A: You can … here. I am a …. And a shop assistant at the same time.
B:How … do I have to pay?
A:348 rubles, please. How would you like to pay?
B:In cash, here is my ….
A:Thank you, here is your ….
B: Thank you. Good bye, have a … ….
A: Bye, have a nice day.
Ex.4 Make up a dialogue using key words
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