Ex.1.Use these beginnings of sentences to make up questions
*What is…? *Have a……?
*Here is…
*Do you have…?
*Could you ….?
*Would you like….?
*Where is…?
Ex.2. There are the meanings of words try to guess these words
*the document which you have to take for travelling
*the place where you travel to
*when the flight is not on time
*the seat far from the window
*the luggage which you can take with you to the cabin
*you have to pass this procedure before your flight
*you get this document after check in
*the place where you wait for your flight
Ex.3 Use the questions from the ex.1 to make up a dialogue
- passport, please?
-your destination?
-flight is delayed
a window or an aisle seat?
luggage to check in?(on the scales)
hand luggage?
your boarding pass
the gate is….., your seat is….
-the departure lounge…..
-my departure time?
a nice flight
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