Тема урока: «News stories»
Класс: 7
Цели: активизация лексики, развитие навыков просмотрового и поискового
чтения, аудирования, говорения.
1. Формировать приемы умственной деятельности, учить мыслить
2. Побуждать учащихся к использованию уже знакомой информации на
русском языке, на английском языке.
3. Практиковать учащихся в аудировании и устной речи.
4. Формировать системное представление учащихся о средствах массовой
5. активизация групповой работы и работы в паре
Материальное обеспечение урока: Учебник Spotlight 7 класс, портфолио
Spotlight 7 класс (дневник личных достижений), аудио диск для работы в
классе Spotlight7 класс, презентация, интерактивная доска, видео материал,
раздаточный материал
Ход урока
1. The beginning of the lesson
Т: Good morning boys and girls. How are you?
Р: Good morning teacher. Fine, thanks. And you?
Т:I’m very well, thanks. I am glad to see you.
Р: We are glad to see you too.
Т: Sit down, please. As usual we start our lesson with some questions.
What is the date today?
What day of the week is it today?
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
P1;Р2;:……….Т: In the lesson today we’re going to speak about news, about different types of
media where we can find news, about emotions that we feel reading newspaper
headlines. You will learn how to tell and react to news. So the theme of our lesson
is “News stories”
2.Phonetic drill
Т: There are a lot of English proverbs about news. Look at the board and read the
If people weren’t so bored then bad news wouldn’t be so popular.
Bad news is the first to come.
Ill news travels fast.
No news is good news.
News doesn’t sleep on the way
The earth has ears, news has wings.
T: Read them, please. Try to find Russian equivalent to them. (Pay attention to the
fact that “news” is singular.)
T: So news means new information and reports of recent events. Where can we
find news?
P: We can find it in the media.
T: First of all, tell me please what types of media do you know? (составление
Main types of news media
Print media The InternetBroadcast media
Newspapers Television Websites
Magazines Radio Webblogs
T: Please, pay attention to prepositions! Where we can find news?
in newspaper
on television
on the radio
on the Internet
T: Your next task is to match the words and their definitions. (раздаточный
The Internet
1. a paper printed and sold usually daily or weekly with news, advertisements
2. the process of sending and receiving messages through the air; broadcasting
programmes for people to listen to;
3. broadcasting programmes (the news, plays, advertisements, shows, etc.) for
people to watch on their television sets;
4. a way to communicate with your partner who might be a thousand miles
away using the computer (emails).4. Work with vocabulary (new words).
T: Now, please, open your vocabularies and write down new words from ex.2 page
local/national/international news, daily horoscopes, interviews, weather
reports, interesting articles, music, TV guide, cartoon strips, chat shows,
advertisements, celebrity gossip, fashion and beauty advice , documentaries.
5. Speaking
T: Boys and girls, what type of media do you prefer? Do you prefer watching TV?
Maybe you like listening to the radio or surfing the Net?
T: Yes, tastes differ! What does each type of media provide us with? Use the new
words to answer the question. “What does each type of media provide us with?”
P1: TV provides us with…..
P2: Radio provides us with …
P3: Newspapers and magazines provide us with…
T: We continue our lesson. Let’s repeat Past continuous. When do we use
P: We use Past continuous to describe: a) an action which was in progress
at a stated time in the past. We don’t know when the action started or
finished. At 1 o’clock this afternoon they were having coffee.
b) a past action which was in progress when another action interrupted
it. He was cooking when there was a power cut.
c) two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the
past. He was reading while she was sleeping.
d) background description to events in the story/ description.
They were travelling to London….
Past continuouswas (were) + Ving
Time expressions:
at 7 o’clock, at that moment, when…, while…, from…till, all day long
7.Speaking. Improve grammar skills in oral speech (Past Continuous)
T: Please, look at the pictures in your textbooks. These pictures were taken
yesterday afternoon at 6 o’clock. All these people were using different types of
media. What types of media was each person using? Mind your grammar. Use Past
Continuous in your answers. (ex.1,p.36)
P1:John was reading a text message on his mobile at 6 o’clock yesterday.
P2:Sue was watching TV at 6 …P3:Tony was reading a newspaper …
P4:Mary was reading a magazine …P5:Laura was sending emails
T: So the next task for you. Use the ideas to ask and answer questions about the
people in the pictures. Work in pairs. (ex.6, p.37)
Laura / read the newspaper / 6 o’clock?
A: Was Laura reading the newspaper at 6 o’clock?
B: No, she wasn’t. She was sending emails.
8.Relaxation pause
T: I think it’s time to have a rest. Stand up. Our eyes are tired, they need a rest.
Let΄s help them to be strong.
Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
T: That’s enough. Sit down please.
9. Prelistening questions, working with headlinesT:Look at the pictures and headlines (ex.3, p.36) and say where can you see the
1st,2nd, 3rd text? On the internet? In the newspaper? In the magazine? What is it
P1: I can see the 1st text on the Internet. The first text is about a bear etc
10. Listening and reading for specific information. (ex.3b, p.36)
T: Listen and say which text is about a) a brave pet b)an amazing success c)an
unwanted visitor d) a beast and a brave man.
11. Match the synonyms. Work in pairs.
T: During the lesson we’ve worked with some words and we’ve used them in the
sentences, we’ve listened to the text and now it’s time to start checking your
understanding of new vocabulary from the text .I’ll give you some cards with a
column of words from the text and you should match them to their synonyms.
1)Nursery rhyme
4)Run off
a) leave quickly
b) finally
c) a place that is safe
d) a wild animal
e) do something better than it was6)Beast
f) hot cereal
g) child’s poem
h) get better( feel better)
9)Break a record
i) without fear
12. Conclusion.
T: Today we talked about types of media. We know about politics, crimes, cultural and
sporting events. We can hardly imagine our life without MassMedia. Massmedia
has changed our lives in many ways. It has brought many positive things but also
many negative things. Work in a small group. Think hard!
You can learn a lot.
It takes a lot of your time.
Television makes people argue
and discuss things, think and
talk more.
TV is terribly bad for people’s
eyes and children don’t get
enough fresh air.
If you want to contact someone
in another part of the world
fast, the Internet could be for
The Internet is really bad news.
It's ruining our lives.T: Write down your homework. Textbook page 37 exercise 8 (portfolio) Write a
news story about something important that happened in your area last week.
The second task is to check grammar. (worksheets)
Thank you for such a good job. The lesson is over.