Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"
Оценка 4.9

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Оценка 4.9
Домашнее обучение +4
английский язык +1
7 кл—11 кл +1
Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"
Слова служебных частей речи, к числу которых относятся и предлоги, несмотря на значительную количественную ограниченность по сравнению о неисчислимостью слов знаменательных, играют роль первостепенной важности в организации высказывания. Здесь предлагается тест "Контроль употребления предлогов" .В нем представлены такие предлоги , как in, on, at, by, with, after, about,for, beetween, next. Первое задание теста содержит 20 вопросов с выбором одного варианта из четырёх. Второе задание предполагает самостоятельный выбор предлога (9 предложений). Третье упражнение - вставить предлоги along, through, across, past в текст. Подобных упражнений 6 штук.Предлагается тест "Контроль употребления предлогов" .В нем представлены такие предлоги , как in, on, at, by, with, after, about,for, beetween, next. Первое задание теста содержит 20 вопросов с выбором одного варианта из четырёх. Второе задание предполагает самостоятельный выбор предлога (9 предложений). Третье упражнение - вставить предлоги along, through, across, past в текст. Подобных упражнений 6 штук.
TECT 2.docx
On b)At In d) Of In In At On With At By On In At To At To Of b) On d) In b) On d) To b) At d) In b) On d) In b) On d) In b) At On d)To In b) On d)Of In b) On d)At With b) On d) In b) On d) 11. Jane is very fond … banana ice-cream. a) c) 12. They promised to come … Sunday afternoon. a) At b) On c) In d) Out 13. We couldn’t see the sky … the clouds. a) Through b) Over c) After d) 14. The largest country … the world is Russia. a) On b) c) From d) 15. When did you make friends … Andrew? a) To b) c) About d) 16. Our winter holidays last … two weeks. a) Between b) In c) To For d) 17. I haven,t seen Jane ... last Friday. Since a) On b) c) To d) From 18. Can you give us some facts … traditional English holidays? About b) a) c) Of d) 19. There is a table … the window. a) Next b) Next to d) c) 20. I think I can buy … you a drink . a) With b) To d) c) 1. The train will arrive … the station in time. a) c) 2. Mary is good … sports. a) c) 3. I want to stay … home tonight. a) c) 4. You can write … pencil. At a) In c) 5. Don’t sit … the grass. a) At c) About 6. There is a chair … the corner of the room. a) In At c) 7. My birthday is … July. a) From c) At 8. Yesterday I listened to the music … the radio. a) c) 9. She’ll go … a diet next week. a) c) 10. There isn’t a cloud … the sky. a) c) 2. Put the necessary prepositions: 21. Where's he living now? - Somewhere ___ Belfast. 22. It'll take me ___ five months to finish the project. 23. It's better not to ring him now when he's ___ the classes 24. How often d'you go ___ business trips? 25. I arrived at the station and heard the shout "All ___!" 26. Could you help me hang the picture ___ the wall? 27. The first artificial earth satellite was launched _______October 4th __ 1957 . 28. Now he's a chief and puts ___ airs. Ex. 3. Вставить—along, through, across, past Our cottage is rather far. You should drive—the church,--a small wood, then—the river (there is a wooden bridge) and finally—the wide road. Our house is by this road. 2. Paul is a good swimmer. He can swim—the river. 3. She went—me without saying a word. 4. The burglar got into the house—the open window. 5. He ran—the lawn and came up to the French window. 6. They went —the bank of the river talking loudly. 7. Oil flows—a pipeline. 8. When she was going—the jewellery shop, her attention was attracted by a necklace in the shop window. From Out of Near to To For -- 4. Put in —down, up, under, among, between, below, over, above 1.Why are you so late? – Our car stuck-------------------the bridge. 2.You may divide this money—-----------------you both. 3. You are cold. Put this plaid -----------------– your knees. 4.She could see him –-------------------------people in the crowd. 5. It seems to me that she is—------------------------twenty-one. 6. There is nothing new--------------------—the sun. 7. The branch hit me just—---------------------the elbow. 8. There is an oak tree –------------------------------ birches and pines near my house. 9. Climb—---------------------at once! You may fall! 10. My house –-------------- the street, on the hill, and my brother lives—---------------the street, by the river. 11. Differences in pronunciations----------------------—British English and American English are numerous. 12. We are on the second floor in the dining room now.------------ – it there used to be a bedroom of the countess and ---------------- it you can see the famous orangery which has been carefully kept for two centuries already. 13. For her there is not much choice---------------—Paul and Nick. 5. Choose the right option 1. He is a wicked boy. I’m sure he did it… ( by \on ) purpose. 2. She shouted ( at/ to) me that I was wanted ( on / to ) the phone. 3. Take a pen. You can’t sign contracts ( by/ in )pencil. 4. The voyage was tiring. The sea was rough and we had to be ( in/ at ) sea more than a fortnight. 5. He lives ( at/ on )a farm somewhere in Texas. 6. Put your signature (on/ at ) the bottom of the page. Don’t write ( at/ in )the middle, put it (at/ on ) the right. 7. She made this sweater herself (at/ by ) hand. 8. He through an egg ( to / at ) the speaker. 9. The car that was going ( with / at ) the speed of 70 miles per hour braked ( on / at ) the traffic lights. 10.The participants of Greenpeace rally were standing ( by / in ) a line ( in front of / before ) the house of the mayor. 11.He was ( on / at ) work ( before / until ) 3 o’clock yesterday. 12.He was sent ( in / to ) prison for shoplifting ( by / at ) age of seventeen. 13.( In / On ) the whole, I liked our journey. But next year I’d like to go ( on / to ) cruise. 14.She is not ( by / on ) the phone in the country.- Why won’t she buy a mobile telephone? It is so convenient.-Her salary decreased ( on / by ) two hundred dollars this year and she can’t afford it. 15.( From / In ) my opinion, she must go ( to / on ) a diet. 6. Write down the right preposition with verb 1. Let"s hope ... best, dear! a) to b) for c) in 2. He insisted ... visiting Jane. 12. Sarah is afraid __ snakes. over of for to 13. He was sorry __ hurting her feelings. at after with for 14. John, I’m going to ask ... help. a) to b) in c) for 15. Don’t take this bag! It belongs ...Jane. a) to b) for c) -- 16. When I entered ... the room, the children were playing chess. a) in b) to c) -- 17. I didn’t understand anything. Could you explain it ... me once more? a) to b) for c) -- 18. I was fond of theater so I decided to join ... drama club at the University. a) to b) into c) -- 19. I care ... so much, dear! a) to b) for c) – 20. First, take the first turning __ your right, and then go straight ahead. on at in after 21. Becky studied __ a boarding school. with into at on 22. My house is close __ the bus stop. for on with to a) to b) in c) on 3. It depends ... you only. a) on b) to c) at 4. Look ... the blackboard and answer the questions. a) on b) to c) at 5. Listen ... the song. It’s really beautiful. a) -- b) for c) to 6. I’m waiting ... you, Tom. a) for b) to c) – 7. I can always rely __ my mum at on with for 8. Mike is not interested __ reading, he prefers watching films. about in of at 9. He is very attached __ his parents. to for from at 10. He was angry __ Ann about her behaviour. about for with in 10. Do you believe __ ghosts? in at for about 11. She isn't accustomed __ drinking champaigne. about for to

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"

Контроль знаний по теме "Предлоги в английском языке"
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