Контрольная работа по грамматике за 10 класс
Оценка 5

Контрольная работа по грамматике за 10 класс

Оценка 5
Контроль знаний
английский язык
10 кл—11 кл
Контрольная работа по грамматике за 10 класс
Предлагаемый тест позволит оценить уровень усвоения грамматического материала по английскому язку за курс 10 класса средней школы.
10кл final test.doc

Final test (10)


I  Choose the correct tense ( future simple, be going to , present continuous, present simple).

1   I can’t come to school tomorrow because I  am going to/ go to a doctor.

2   The train is leaving / leaves at exactly nine o’clock tomorrow, so don’t be late.       

3   We are having / have a party tonight.

4   The concert begins/ is beginning at 8.30.

5   I’ve decided  I  will / am going to be an engineer.

6   Have you missed the bus ? I will / am going to give you a lift home.

7   Look at those dark clouds in the sky! It is raining /is  going to rain in a few minutes.

8   I’m tired. I think I  will / am going to  have a bath and go to bed.


II  Rewrite the sentences in the passive beginning with the underlined words.

1.    Lots of people in the UK buy popular newspapers.

2.    Sue Green is presenting the new TV show.

3.    The police have arrested the driver.

The Mirror isn’t going to publish the celebrities’ photographs.

4.    The company will deliver the flowers the next day.

5.    You can buy newspapers on the train.

6.    I think they show too much sport on TV.

7.    The thief had taken all the paintings before the guard woke up.


III  Put  the  /  a  /  an  or  nothing  in the gaps.

1 When we visited  … Netherlands , we stayed  in … Amsterdam .

2 Are  …  Canary Islands popular with tourists from  … Britain?

3 My neighbour  has got  … very talkative pet parrot.

4 What do  …   pandas eat?

5 Her ambition is to climb  …  Ben Nevis  in …Grampian Mountains.


IV  Complete the Conditional sentences .

1 You will meet my cousin from Canada if you  (go) to the party.

2 I (can do) better in my maths exam if I had revised for it.

3 They ( be) healthier if they lived in the country.

4 If she hadn’t driven so fast , she ( not have) an accident.

5 What will I  do if I  ( not find) my keys?

6 I  ( not catch ) the train if they had not given me a lift to the station.

7 We would not ask him to help us if we ( know) he was  so  busy.

8      If he doesn’t  win a scholarship , he (not go) to the USA to study for a year.


      V  Report the sentences.

1 “I’ve borrowed your CD player.”  My brother said …

2 “We are watching a DVD now.” They said…

3 “We’re going to have a camping holiday next summer.” They said …

4 “I don’t enjoy travelling  by coach.” He said …

5 “We didn’t visit our grandparents last year.” They said…

6 “ I come here every week.” She said …

7 “Where is my bag?”  She asked …

8 “ Don’t go there alone .”  He told …


              VI   Form the word that fits the space .

1.    She became   …  when she went to the USA.                                           FAME

2.    He sings …  .  I’m surprised he is not a professional singer.                    BEAUTY

3.    Everyone was nervous about  the  …’s  visit.                                           INSPECT

4.    He received an excellent  …  .                                                                   EDUCATE

5.    Are you taking part at school …?                                                              PERFORM

6.    Thousands of … visit the Acropolis every  year.                                      TOUR

7.    He refused to take … for what had happened.                                           RESPONSIBLE

8.    I … ever go to the theatre. I don’t like it.                                                   HARD

9.    He took part in the world … last year.                                                        CHAMPION

10  He was feeling quite … about the past.                                                      SENTIMENT




Final test (10)


1 am going to

2 leaves

3 are having

4 begins

5 am going to

6 will give

7 is going to

8 will have



      1 are bought by lots of people in the UK.

2 is being presented by Sue Green.

3 has been arrested by the police.

4 are not going to be published by the Mirror.

5 will be delivered  the next day.

6 can be bought on the train.

7 is shown on TV.

8 had been taken before the guard woke up.


III         1 the ,  0    2 the, 0    3 a     4 0    5 0 , the



1 go

2 could have done

3 would be

4 would not have had

5 don’t  find

6 would not have caught

7 knew

8 will not go



1.      that he had borrowed my CD player.

2.      that they were watching a DVD then.

3.      that they were going to have a camping holiday the following summer.

4.      that he didn’t enjoy travelling by coach.

5.      that they hadn’t visited their grandparents the year before.

6.      that she came there every week.

7.      where her bag was.

8.      not to go there.



1 famous

2 beautiful

3 inspector’s

4 education

5 performance

6 tourists

7 responsibility

8 hardly

9 championship

10 sentimental


44-50                     “5”  ( 85%)

            32-43          “4”   (65%)

            13-31          “3”   (25%)

             0-12           “2”   ( < 25%)

Final test (10) I Choose the correct tense ( future simple, be going to , present continuous, present simple)

Final test (10) I Choose the correct tense ( future simple, be going to , present continuous, present simple)

He was feeling quite … about the past

He was feeling quite … about the past

44-50 “ ( 85%) 32-43 “ (65%) 13-31 “ (25%) 0-12 “ ( < 25%)

44-50 “ ( 85%) 32-43 “ (65%) 13-31 “ (25%) 0-12 “ ( < 25%)
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