Control work № 1, V – 1
1. Зачеркни лишнее слово
1) Maths, English, Art, Italy
2) Volleyball, football, basketball, reading
3) Vet, nurse, woodwork, author
4) Monday, January, March, November
5) hand, ear, cheek, nose
6) thin, slim, smart, fat
7) fair, curly, dark, slim
8) swimming, hockey, surfing, canoening
9) dive, swim, hand, play
10) who, white, when, where
2. Вставь нужное слово: dark, dream, hero, landmark, wealth, favourite, hobby
1) My _________________ is to become a famous actress.
2) The Leaning Tower of Pisa is a famous __________________.
3) My ________________ is the famous tennis player, Serena Williams.
4) In many cultures, gold jewellery is a sign of ____________ and beauty.
5) Many people from Africa have got ______________ skin.
6) Geography is my _________________ subject.
7) My favourite _________________ is painting.
3. Выбери нужное слово.
1) Can/ have you drive a car?
2) How old are/ is Tonia?
3) They/ their house is in London.
4) Kelly is the worst/ bad singer in the class.
5) Carla hasn’t/ isn’t got long hair.
4. Поставьте артикли a или an.
1) ____ dog, 2) ______ union, 3) ______ pet, 4) ______ rabbit,
5)_____ egg, 6) ______ pretty girl, 7) ____ English book, 8) ____ apple
Control work № 1, V – 2
1. Зачеркни лишнее слово
1) History, Geography, Music, Poland
2) reading, writing, painting, running
3) waiter, artist, photography, pilot
4) February, Tuesday, Friday, Sunday
5) mouth, leg, feet, arm
6) young, old, pretty, middle-aged
7) short, thin, straight, long
8) golf, football, cricket, cycling
9) sing, cook, ear, ride
10) which, what, white, why
2. Вставь нужное слово: fighters, crosses, dream, famous, landmark, wavy, slim.
1) My _________________ is to become a famous artist.
2) Marlee has got ______________, dark hair.
3) The ________________ on the UK flag are symbols of nations in the UK.
4) Joe and Bill are fire _________________.
5) The Taj Mahal is a famous ______________ in India.
6) The Dayak women of Borneo are ___________ for their heavy earrings.
7) Janice is very tall and ___________.
3. Выбери нужное слово.
1) Has/ can Michael got a bike?
2) Dennis is better/ best at History than Maria.
3) Is she/ they a vet?
4) Pedro isn’t/ aren’t Spanish.
5) Charlie have/ has got fair hair.
4. Поставьте артикли a или an.
1) ______ pig, 2) ______ onion, 3) _____ car, 4) ____ ice-cream, 5) ____ elegant lady , 6) ______ Russian city, 7) ____ nut, 8) _____ angry cat
5. Вставьте глагол to be: am, is, are в Present Simple.
1) I __________ lazy.
2) My friend ___________ naughty.
3) My granny___________ kind.
4) My granddad ___________clever.
5) My teachers___________ funny.
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1) The Arctic Ocean is ____________(cold) than the Indian Ocean.
2) January is the ___________________(cold) month of the year.
3) Chinese is __________________(difficult) than English.
4) Which is the ________________(hot) month of the year?
5) Spanish is _______________(easy) than German.
7. Write e-mail your pen-friend. Напиши небольшое письмо своему другу (50-60 слов), используя следующий план:
· Your name, age and nationality
· A description of your appearance
· Your favourite hobby, school subject and sport
· Your favourite sport star and film star
· Ask your pen-friend about favourite sport
· Ask your pen-friend to write back
5. Вставьте глагол to be: am, is, are в Present Simple.
1) My friend ________ kind and nice.
2) These kittens _______ really funny!
3) I _____ 18.
4) My sister ______ very beautiful and clever.
5) We _______ friends forever!
6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
1) The rivers in America are much __________(big) than those in England.
2) The island of Great Britain is ____________(small) than Greenland.
3) Russia is a very _________________(large) country.
4) She speaks Italian _______________(good) than French.
5) St Petersburg is one of the _______________(beautiful) cities in the world.
7. Write e-mail your pen-friend. Напиши небольшое письмо своему другу (50-60 слов), используя следующий план:
· Your name, age and nationality
· A description of your appearance
· Your favourite hobby, school subject and sport
· Your favourite sport star and film star
· Ask your pen-friend about favourite sport
· Ask your pen-friend to write back
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