Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители. Мои расходы. Денежная ответственность.
Оценка 5

Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители. Мои расходы. Денежная ответственность.

Оценка 5
Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители. Мои расходы. Денежная ответственность.
Лабораторное занятие №4.pdf

Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители. Мои расходы. Денежная ответственность. Цели:

Обучающие: развитие навыков чтения (изучающее чтение); освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме. Развивающие: развитие умений прогнозирования содержания текста по заголовку и


Воспитательные: воспитывать бережное отношения к деньгам и умение правильно их тратить.


Ход занятия


2.Постановка целей Занятия. Мотивирование наз.

3.Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.

Выполнение заданий

Упр.1 стр.28 Задачи: прогнозирование содержания текста по заголовку и иллюстрациям.

Suggested Answer Key A: British teenagers spend their money on clothes, mobile phone cards, sweets and bus fares. B: You’re right. They also spend it on computer games, going out and magazines/books/ comics, etc.

Упр.2 стр.28 Задачи: развитие навыков изучающего чтения. Answer Key 1 F 3 B 5 E 2 A 4 C 6 D Упр.2б стр. 28 Развитие умений аргументировано отвечать на вопрос. Упр.3 стр.28 Задачи: повторение изученных и введение новых слов по теме; подбирать синонимы к словам. Suggested Answer Key

consumers: people who buy things for their own use

retailer: shop owner/seller catching up: reaching the same level

as something digging deeper into their pockets: paying out more money than usual handing out: giving away

making ends meet: having enough money to live on resist: stop from doing something

survive: live;

get by student loan: money the government lends students to pay for their studies pocket money: money parents give children to spend as they wish


household chores: routine jobs done around the house

can’t afford to splash out: not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things shopping sprees: buying lots of things at the same time saving up: gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

5 Рефлексия изученного.

6.Домашнее задание. Выучить слова для устного опроса стр 28

Keys 1b 2a 3k 4d 5n 6l 7j 8- 9i 10h 11g 12m 13c 14f






4. catching up

5.making ends meet

6.                 resist

7.                 survive

8.                 student loan

9.                 pocket money

10.            can’t afford to splash out

11.            shopping sprees

12.            saving up

13.            digging deeper into their pockets

14.            handing out

a.                 shop owner/seller

b.                 people who buy things for their own use

c.                 paying out more money than usual

d.                 reaching the same level

e.                 gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

f.                  giving away

g.                 buying lots of things at the same time

h.                 not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

i.                   money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live;

k.     routine jobs done around the house

l.       stop from doing something

m.   : having enough money to live on




4. catching up

5.making ends meet

6.                 resist

7.                 survive

8.                 student loan

9.                 pocket money

10.            can’t afford to splash out

11.            shopping sprees

12.            saving up

13.            digging deeper into their pockets

14.            handing out

a.                 shop owner/seller

b.                 people who buy things for their own use

c.                 paying out more money than usual

d.                 reaching the same level

e.                 gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

f.                  giving away

g.                 buying lots of things at the same time

h.                 not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

i.                   money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live;

k.     routine jobs done around the house

l.       stop from doing something

m.   : having enough money to live on




4. catching up

5.making ends meet

6.       resist

7.       survive

8.       student loan

9.       pocket money

10.   can’t afford to splash out

11.   shopping sprees

12.   saving up

a.                 shop owner/seller

b.                 people who buy things for their own use

c.                 paying out more money than usual

d.                 reaching the same level

e.                 gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

f.                  giving away

g.                 buying lots of things at the same time

h.                 not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

i.                   money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live;

k. routine jobs done around the house

13.            digging deeper into their pockets

14.            handing out

l.       stop from doing something

m.   : having enough money to live on




4. catching up

5.making ends meet

6.                 resist

7.                 survive

8.                 student loan

9.                 pocket money

10.            can’t afford to splash out

11.            shopping sprees

12.            saving up

13.            digging deeper into their pockets

14.            handing out

a.                 shop owner/seller

b.                 people who buy things for their own use

c.                 paying out more money than usual

d.                 reaching the same level

e.                 gradually collecting money by spending less than usual

f.                  giving away

g.                 buying lots of things at the same time

h.                 not having money to buy luxuries, expensive things

i.                   money parents give children to spend as they wish j. live;

k.     routine jobs done around the house

l.       stop from doing something

m.   :having enough money to live on




Трата денег.

Упр.5 стр.29 Работа с лексикой

Answer Key 1 pay 4 save 7 earn 2 lend 5 waste 3 borrow 6 cost

Упр.6 стр.29 Портфолио-развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Suggested Answer Key

A: How much money do you get, Josh?

B: I get £15 a week.

A: What do you spend it on?

B: Things like CDs, computer games, comics and going out. What about you, Hayley?

A: Well, I get £70 a week and I spend my money mainly on snacks, bus fares, going to the gym and going out. Etc

Упр.7 стр.29 рефлексия изученного материала.

Домашнее задание: упр.7 стр.29


Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители

Лабораторное занятие№ 4. Молодые потребители

Домашнее задание. Выучить слова для устного опроса стр 28

Домашнее задание. Выучить слова для устного опроса стр 28

Трата денег. Упр.5 стр.29 Работа с лексикой

Трата денег. Упр.5 стр.29 Работа с лексикой

B: Things like CDs, computer games, comics and going out

B: Things like CDs, computer games, comics and going out
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