Методическая разработка
Специальность: 39.02.02 Организация сурдокоммуникации
Тема: Моя профессия - специалист в области сурдокоммуникации
Цель: Развитие коммуникативных навыков
1. Запишите и выучите слова по теме
My future profession
Sign Language Interpreter |
переводчик языка жестов |
deaf and hard of hearing people |
глухие и слабослышащие люди |
grown-up person |
взрослый человек |
to pay enough attention |
уделять достаточно внимания |
well-paid or low -paid work |
хорошо оплачиваемая или низкооплачиваемая работа |
salary |
зарплата |
Russian Sign Language interpreter |
переводчик русского жестового языка |
hearing impaired individuals |
люди c нарушением слуха (слабослышащие) |
to provide equal access |
предоставлять равный доступ |
to convert sign language into spoken language |
преобразовывать язык жестов в разговорный язык |
to have mental health issues |
иметь проблемы с психическим здоровьем |
in a relevant subject area |
в соответствующей предметной области |
ability to process information |
способность обрабатывать информацию |
to serve only as a broker between parties |
служить только посредником между сторонами |
2. Прочитайте и переведите текст устно.
Read and translate the text.
My profession is a Russian Sign Language interpreter
Choosing a profession is a really important step in the life of every grown-up person. The choice will influence every single day of our future life.
There are plenty of different professions. It may be easy or difficult work, well-paid or low-paid. However, what is even more important is that the work must bring joy. Of course, the salary is important nowadays but if you are not happy with your job, the salary will mean almost nothing.
My future profession is a Russian Sign Language interpreter. A Sign Language interpreter is a specialist who helps hearing impaired or deaf individuals to understand Russian language by converting it into sign language.
Sign language interpreters understand and convert sign language into spoken language and vice versa. They maintain the nuances and the stress of the message in the recipient language.
The main task of Sign Language interpreter is to provide hearing, deaf, and hard of hearing people equal access to information and verbal conversation
Working as a sign language interpreter involves listening to the language then communicating it clearly in the sign language, with hand signs, gestures and facial expression or the other way around.
Sign interpreters cannot advise, change, promote, explain, or participate while they are interpreting. They can only pass on what the speaker or signer is saying, ensuring it is communicated with the same spirit or tone. They forfeit the right to control the communication, and serve only as a broker between parties.
Every individual who is deaf or hard of hearing is different, and so is their ability to process information. Therefore, sign interpreters need to allow an appropriate amount of time for the information that is presented to be processed by the receiver.
As a sign language interpreter, we will use skills as a translator and interpreter for the deaf and hard of hearing, that may have mental health issues.
We must take responsibility for providing clear translations in situations like emergencies, events, etc.
We should be able to display superior levels of listening and communication skills.
High memory recall and attention to detail is equally valuable, as an interpreter must correctly remember what is being communicated, to translate it in the best possible manner.
In certain cases, sign language interpreters must organize or assist with developing and implementing special needs workshops or events, e.g. deaf awareness workshops.
We should be prepared to take on roles at academic institutions, medical clinics, courts, government departments and other job settings.
Sign Language Interpreters should possess at least a college degree in a relevant subject area.
Why have I chosen this particular profession? The answer is quite simple. Demand for sign language interpreters has skyrocketed in our area. Seeing the need, I decided to become a sign interpreter.
I like helping people. When I study sign language, a new world seems to be opened to me. I can find something unusual, unique, fascinating or even strange there but it is the wonderful experience.
The profession of a sign interpreter gives us an opportunity to learn critical thinking and ethical responses by the code of professional conduct. It teaches us to make decisions right here and right now. This is the main reason why I want to be an interpreter.
I will do my best to become an efficient sign interpreter in the future because this is the work that can make me happy.
3. Составьте текст. Make up the text “My Specialty”.
1. Who are you? (My first name is … . My surname is … .) 2. How old are you? (I am … years old.) 3. Do you work or do you study? 4. Where do you study? (I study at ….) 5. Are you a full-time or a part-time student, or do you study by correspondence? (I am a … student. I study by … .) 6. What faculty (department) are you in? (I am in a … .) 7. What year are you in? (I am in … year.) 8. What is your future specialty? (My future speciality is … .) 9. What will you be? (I shall be a … .) 10. Where will you work? (I shall work at … as a …) 11 .Do you like your future speciality? 12. Why do you like your future speciality? (I like my specialty because … .) 13. What does the Sign Language Interpreter do?
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