Министерство образования и науки Челябинской области Государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение «Озерский технический колледж» (ГБПОУ ОзТК)
рабочая тетрадь студента очной формы обучения специальности СП
специальность _______________________________
2021 год
1. Аннотация
2. Введение
3. Моя будущая профессия
4. Функции и обязанности мастера столярного и мебельного производства
5. Деревообрабатывающая промышленность
6. Виды древесины
7. Оборудование
8. Как написать резюме
9. Заключение
10. Список
используемой литературы
11. Woodworking history
12. Wood as a building material; it's benefits and disadvantages
13. The 10 safety rules every woodworker should know
14. Wood structure
15. Wood construction
16. Engineered wood
17. Wood main physical properties
18. Internal stresses, residual internal stresses, warping, electrical and sound conductivity.
19. Mechanical properties of wood
1. Аннотация
Данное учебное пособие предназначено для обучающихся 2 курсов средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений, изучающих столярное и мебельное производство.
Цель учебного пособия – подготовить обучающихся к самостоятельному чтению и пониманию иностранной литературы и к устному общению в пределах изучаемой тематики.
Учебное пособие построено на текстах и упражнениях, насыщенных лексикой в области столярного и мебельного производства. Такие тексты и упражнения способствуют повышению интереса обучающихся к изучению языка и помогают лучшему усвоению материала. Кроме того, они дают больше возможностей для разговорной речи в профессиональной среде.
Учебное пособие построено по тематическому принципу и включает 6 профессиональных разделов, охватывающие основные области мебельного производства. Каждый раздел содержит текст и упражнения на закрепление лексического и грамматического материала и рассчитан примерно на 2-4 академических часа. Каждый раздел имеет активный словарь, включающий профессиональную лексику, а также дополнительные слова, рекомендуемые для усвоения.
Упражнения делятся на лексические, грамматические и речевые. Ряд упражнений может быть использован для самостоятельной работы.
Теория грамматики вводится преподавателем или самостоятельно изучается по имеющимся грамматическим справочникам и учебникам. Грамматику следует вводить и первично закреплять до чтения текстов.
Для перевода текстов общеязыковой лексики необходимо пользоваться имеющимися словарями. При переводе текстов в аудитории желательно развивать языковую догадку учащихся. Ряд текстов, содержащих более 75% знакомой лексики, можно давать для чтения на общий охват содержания без использования словаря.
2. Введение
Умение работать с литературой по будущей профессии следует рассматривать как базовое при осуществлении любой профессиональной деятельности. Этим объясняется тот факт, что обучение учащихся средних профессиональных образовательных учреждений чтению и переводу должно рассматриваться в качестве основной цели преподавания, а чтение на иностранном языке как ведущий вид речевой деятельности.
В данном учебном пособии представлены разнообразные тексты и система упражнений на развитие у обучающихся навыков основных видов чтения. Целевая установка каждого вида чтения определяет направленность учебных заданий. Изучающее чтение направлено на формирование умения полного и точного понимания всей содержащейся в тексте информации.
Ознакомительное чтение предполагает развитие умения быстрого ознакомления с содержанием всего текста и извлечения из него основной информации. Поисковое чтение ориентировано на умение быстро найти в тексте определенные данные и является сопутствующим компонентом других видов чтения. Таким образом, чтение как базовое умение определяет по существу систему всех упражнений методической разработки и ее построение в целом.
Такая система обучения чтению ориентирована, в первую очередь, на выработку коммуникативных навыков, необходимой для будущей профессиональной деятельности.
Конечная цель обучения устной речи в неязыковых средних профессиональных образовательных учреждениях – научить учащихся высказываться по темам специальности, предусмотренным действующей программой по иностранным языкам.
Следует отметить, что система речевых упражнений, представленная в учебном пособии, предусматривает обучение умению соотносить средства языка с целью и спецификой обучения, в частности в области будущей профессиональной деятельности обучающихся.
Формирование специалиста нового типа, обладающего способностью к самостоятельной творческой деятельности и высокой профессиональной квалификацией, невозможно без целенаправленной организации самостоятельной работы обучаемого по всем видам речевой деятельности.
Развитие творческих начал возможно только в условиях учебного процесса, целенаправленно активизирующего самостоятельную деятельность. Самостоятельная работа является неотъемлемой частью системы учебного процесса и наиболее эффективным средством развития познавательной деятельности обучающихся. В общем виде самостоятельная работа представляет собой систему действий, которые в соответствии с учебной задачей и темой и с опорой на способности, опыт и знания преобразуют учебный материал с целью расширения и углубления опыта и знаний, формирования и развития познавательных способностей.
Поскольку чтение – это вид речевой деятельности, в котором можно практиковаться самостоятельно, формирование и развитие навыков и умений чтения может и должно осуществляться самостоятельно (после сравнительно небольшой практики с преподавателем).
3. Моя будущая профессия
1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выпишите и запомните незнакомые слова.
2. Составьте и выучите пересказ текста по теме «Моя будущая профессия».
My future profession
There are plenty of different professions. Some of my friends want to be doctors, others want to be lawyers or journalists, and some want to become designers, IT specialists.
I have always had a particular interest to woodworking. So I have already decided what I want to do. I want to have a job where I can apply my creative skills. I would like to have a job of a furniture maker.
If you want to be a good furniture maker, you need to be creative. I believe that work of furniture making can be compared with art. Good furniture is really an art object.
I think that if I am ambitious, everything becomes possible. I am sure that with good grades at college the success in my future career is possible.
3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям
1. Carbon improves the physical qualities of the metal. (general)
2. He will work in the field of Chemistry. (Where)
3. Our scientist took part in the atomic energy conference. (Who)
4. The students were listening to the professor with great attention. (How)
5. Some physicists made some interesting reports at the last International symposium. (What)
4. Откройте скобки в предложениях
1. Electricity (to move) in the world forever.
2. The electricity (to flow) through the wire in the light bulb and back to the battery.
3. In 1638, Galileo (to state) some of the fundamental concepts of mechanics, and in 1687, Isaac Newton (to publish) his Principia.
4. The scientists of the Pulkovo observatory (to make) a valuable contribution to the study of the cosmos.
5. you (to need) any additional information on this problem
4. Функции и обязанности мастера столярного и мебельного производства
1. Выучите данную лексику
chests of drawers
coffee table
2. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст. Составьте глоссарий.
The job of furniture makers
Furniture making is a broad term that refers to the production of pieces of furniture such as chairs, tables, chests of drawers, desks and cabinets for storage or display.
Furniture makers make both mass-produced products and individually designed furniture. They also manufacture the various components needed to produce fitted kitchens, bathrooms or bedrooms.
Furniture making is becoming an automated profession, carried out in large furniture factories where many of the traditional tasks are carried out by computer-controlled machines. As a result, furniture makers now spend a lot of their time setting and programming machinery.
For some jobs, furniture makers design their own pieces of furniture, but in most cases, they use an existing pattern or template. They must follow instructions about the quantity to be made and what materials to use. They are likely to work with a range of materials, including hardwood, softwood, glass, metal, plastic, leather and textiles.
They should:
· Carefully measure and mark out the materials, to make sure the parts will fit together properly.
· Cut and shape the materials using saws, chisels, planes, power tools and woodworking machinery.
· Glue joints and fit parts together to form sections of furniture.
· Fix the sections together using staples, dowels, screws and nails.
· Either finish the furniture or pass this job on to polishers and sprayers.
· Fit any hinges, locks, catches, glass, mirrors, drawers and shelves.
Furniture makers may also be involved in repairing damaged furniture or restoring antique furniture. Some furniture makers deal directly with customers, discussing designs and negotiating prices. Some may supervise and train apprentices.
3.Назовите основные функции и обязанности мастера столярного и мебельного производства.
5. Деревообрабатывающая промышленность
1. Прочитайте текст и дайте определение деревообрабатывающей промышленности
The wood industry or lumber industry is an industry concerned with forestry, logging, timber trade, and the production of forest products, timber, primary forest and wood products (e.g. furniture) and secondary products like wood pulp for the pulp and paper industry.
2. Переведите слова на русский язык
drilling – ________________________________________________
to connect sections – ______________________________________
a screw – ________________________________________________
a metal plate – ____________________________________________
a hinge – ________________________________________________
some joints – ____________________________________________
a portable electric drill – _____________________________________
a hand drill bit – __________________________________________
other purposes – ___________________________________________
a nail – __________________________________________________
tools for fastening – _______________________________________
a screwdriver – ___________________________________________
a hammer – ______________________________________________
gluing – _________________________________________________
white glue – ______________________________________________
high temperature – ________________________________________
3.Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст
Drilling enables a woodworker to connect sections of wood with screws, metal plates, and hinges. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints. Braces and hand drills have bits to make holes of different sizes for various purposes. Portable electric drills and drill presses also use bits to drill holes. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes. Fastening. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners, such as screws and nails, and with adhesives. Tools for fastening include screwdrivers and hammers. Screwdrivers insert screws that connect sections of wood and hold hinges and metal plates. Hammers are used to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal fasteners. Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking. Polyvinyl resin emulsion glue, or white glue, can be applied directly from the bottle. It should not be used if it will come in contact with water or high temperatures.
4.Найдите перевод слов и выражений в тексте
детали из дерева – ________________________________________
давать возможность плотнику – _____________________________
ручной бурав – __________________________________________
коловорот – _____________________________________________
для различных целей – ____________________________________
сверлильный станок – ____________________________________
насадка для шлифовки – __________________________________
закрепление – ____________________________________________
металлическое крепежное средство – _______________________
склеивающее вещество – _________________________________
вкручивать шурупы – _____________________________________
вбивать гвозди – _________________________________________
поливиниловый эмульсионный клей – ______________________
прямо из бутылки – ______________________________________
его не следует использовать – _______________________________
делать отверстия – ________________________________________
5.Определите являются ли утверждения верными или нет
1. A woodworker can connect sections of wood with the help of a hand drill only.
2. Woodworkers use nails to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.
3. There are bits of different size for portable electric drills and drill presses.
4. Braces and hand drills have attachments for sanding and other purposes.
5. Various adhesives are used for fastening sections of wood together.
6. Woodworkers use hammers to insert screws that connect sections of wood.
7. One of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood is drilling.
8. Screwdrivers are used for drilling.
9. White glue should be used after it will come in contact with water.
6. Выберите правильный вариант перевода
1. Drilling may also be required when constructing some joints.
а) Сверление возможно также необходимо, как и соединение стыков.
б) Сверление может также понадобиться при соединении некоторых стыков.
в) Сверление может также требовать соединения стыков.
2. They have attachments for sanding and other purposes.
а) У них есть дополнительные присоединения для посыпания песком и других целей.
б) Они приспособлены для шлифовки и других целей.
в) У них есть насадки для шлифовки и других целей.
3. Sections of wood are fastened together with metal fasteners …
а) Детали из дерева крепятся металлическими крепежными средствами…
б) Деревянные секции прикрепляют к металлическим крепежам …
в) Секции из дерева крепятся вместе с металлическими крепежами …
4. Gluing is one of the oldest methods of fastening sections of wood and a variety of adhesives are used in woodworking.
а) Склеивание один из древнейших методов скрепления деталей из дерева и различных клеящих материалов, используемых в деревообработке.
б) Склеивание один из древнейших методов при креплении секций из дерева к различным клеящим материалам и используется в деревообработке.
в) Склеивание один из древнейших методов соединения деталей из дерева и различные клеящие материалы используются в деревообработке.
7. Закончите предложения
1. Woodworkers use screws, metal plates and hinges …
a) … to make holes of different sizes.
b) … to connect sections of wood.
c) … to drive them in sections of wood.
2. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.
a) … bits…
b) …braces…
c) …attachments…
3. Woodworkers use … to drive in different types of metal fasteners.
a) …screwdrivers…
b) …hammers…
c) …braces…
4. Woodworkers use screwdrivers …
a) … to drive in nails and a variety of other types of metal hinges.
b) … to make holes of different sizes for various purposes.
c) … to insert screws that connect sections of wood.
8. Распределите слова по трем группам
Noun |
Verb |
– vary
– required
– attach
– contacted
9. Вставьте представленные выше слова в пропуски, изменив их форму при необходимости и переведите предложения
1. Woodworkers use screwdrivers to … sections of wood.
2. Screws, nails and adhesives are used for … sections of wood together.
3. Woodworkers use braces and hand drills to make holes for …purposes.
4. They usually … white glue directly from the bottle.
5. Drilling is also used to … some joints.
6. Connection of sections of wood may also … drilling.
7. Portable electric drills have … for sanding and other purposes.
8. They usually do not use white glue after it comes in … with water.
10. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту
1. What do woodworkers use drilling for?
2. How do they usually connect sections of wood?
3. What do woodworkers use for making holes of different sizes?
4. What do portable electric drills have for sanding?
5. What are metal fasteners used for?
6. What tools for fastening do woodworkers usually use?
7. How do woodworkers use hammers?
8. What is used for glueing sections of wood?
9. How can white glue be applied?
10. When shouldn’t white glue be used?
6. Оборудование
1. Ознакомьтесь с основными инструментами. Переведите и запомните.
The must-have tools for woodworking include the following:
· Power saws
· Hand saws
· Planes
· Sanders
· Files
· Hammer
· Mallet
· Drill
· Screw Gun
· Tape Measure
· Square
· Sawhorses
· Workbench
2. Найдите и выпишите лишнее слово.
1) apron, goggles, gloves, tool
2) mallet, saw, upholstery, plane
3) jack plane, sawdust, hammer, router
4) noise, table saw, lathe, sander
5) noise, dust, chemicals, overalls
6) two-man saw, table saw, circular saw, miter saw
7) overalls, apron, face shield, drill
8) screwdriver, power planer, ear plugs, sander
9) respirator, mallet, face shield, goggles
10) ground, secure, clamp, saw
3. Дополните таблицу известными вам словами (не менее 5 слов в каждой колонке).
Hand tools |
Power tools |
Protective equipment |
4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. Предложения переведите.
1) A plane is a tool for … wood. a) framing b) cutting c) nailing 2) The … of the plane can be made of wood or steel. a) body b) iron c) lever cap 3) A tool used for driving nails in and extracting them from the surface is called: a) chain saw b) tack hammer c) claw hammer 4) Find in the list an electrical tool: a) jigsaw b) framing hammer c) two man saw
5) A … is a cutting tool. a) hammer b) plane c) saw 6) To avoid an accident one should use proper: a) dust b) dull c) safety equipment 7) Unplug the drill before changing the: a) blade b) bit c) cutter 8) Electrical equipment must be … properly. a) grounded b) dull c) worn 9) Using dull tools might result in an: a) security b) equipment c) accident
7.Виды древесины
1. Запишите и выучите лексику по теме.
bark – кора
board – доска, плита
cutting – работы по дереву; отходы
drying – сушка
equipment – оборудование
flooring – пол, доска пола
forestry – лесное хозяйство
hardwood – древесина твердых пород
log house – бревенчатая постройка, рубленый дом
logging – заготовка и транспортировка леса
lumber – пиломатериалы, бревна
machinery – машинное оборудование
millwork – столярные изделия
moisture – влажность
plywood – клееная фанера
raw – сырой, необработанный
raw waste lumber – отходы лесопиления
redwood – красное дерево
repair – ремонт, восстановление
saw – пила; пилить
sawdust – опилки
sawing – распиловка
sawmill – лесопилка, лесопильный завод
timber – древесина, лесоматериалы
tool – инструмент, оборудование
whitewood – белая древесина хвойных и лиственных пород; ель обыкновенная
wood – лес, древесина, дрова
woodcraft – умение мастерить из дерева
woodworker – токарь по дереву, деревообработчик
woodworking – обработка древесины
workshop – мастерская
Trees (Деревья)
cedar – кедр
fir – ель, пихта
oak – дуб
pine – сосна
1. Прочитайте новые слова, познакомьтесь с их русскими эквивалентами.
fiber – волокно, клетчатка
fibrous – волокнистый
tissue – ткань
stem – ствол,стебель
root – корень
fuel – топливо
lignеоus – древесный
shrub – куст
abundant – обильный, изобилующий(чем-либо)
harvest – собирать урожай
carbon – углерод
yield – урожай, доход; сдаваться
density – плотность
conifer – хвойное дерево
deciduous – листопадный
interweave – вплетать, вставлять
extractive industries – добывающие отрасли промышленности
resin – смола
exude – источать, выделять, издавать
2. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
Wood is a hard, fibrous structural tissue found in the stems and roots of trees and other woody plants. It has been used for thousands of years for both fuel and as a construction material. It is an organic material, a natural composite of cellulose fibers (which are strong in tension) embedded in a matrix of lignin, which resists compression.
Wood is sometimes defined as only the secondary xylem ['zailəm ]in the stems of trees, or it is defined more broadly to include the same type of tissue elsewhere such as in tree roots or in other plants such as shrubs. In a living tree, it performs a support function, enabling woody plants to grow large or to stand up by themselves. It also mediates the transfer of water and nutrients to the leaves and other growing tissues.
Wood may also refer to other plant materials with comparable properties, and to material engineered from wood, or wood chips or fiber.
8. Как написать резюме
1. Imagine you are applying for a new job and you are in an interview.
Answer the following questionnaire. Ответьте на вопросы.
Interviewer: What is your name?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: And your surname?
You: _________________________________________________________
Interviewer: How do you spell it?
You: _________________________________________________________
Interviewer: How old are you?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Where are you from?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: What is your address?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: What is your telephone number?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Do you have an e-mail? Mobile phone?
You: ________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Do you have any hobbies?
You: __________________________________________________________
Interviewer: Thank you for answering these questions.
You: _____________________________________
2. If you want to apply for a holiday job or a position in a company, you should send them a CV (curriculum vitae, BE)/résumé (AE) and a covering letter (BE)/cover letter (AE).
Ознакомьтесь с особенностями написания резюме
A résumé is usually divided up into the following sections:
Personal and contact information: address, telephone number, (professional) email address, photo (only if explicitly asked for), age (only if explicitly asked for)
Education and qualifications: start with the most recent and only mention the most important ones
Work history and experience: list the most relevant and recent first, including holiday jobs, voluntary work and placements; mention the employer's name, your job title and how long you worked there, as well as giving a brief description of what you did in each job
Skills: put in skills that are relevant to the job; show that you have the skills by giving examples rather than just listing them
Interests and activities: give brief details and choose ones that reflect your skills and personality (but be truthful!)
3. Examine the example of resume and write down your own.
Ознакомьтесь с примерами написания резюме и напишите свое
Obtain a specialist position in woodworking industry
College of Information Technology ang Construction
School number
Part-time job
a High knowledge of woodworking technologies
a Experience in woodworking industry
New technologies Fitness Photography Travel
Name |
Address |
Mobile Number |
Education |
Work and volunteer experience |
Achievements |
Languages |
Referees |
9. Заключение
Данное учебное пособие предполагает формирование у обучающихся навыков и умений иноязычного общения в конкретных профессиональных и деловых сферах и по завершении курса обучения наличие следующих умений.
· умение читать со словарем тексты, тематически связанные с будущей профессией;
· умение читать тексты, смысловая ситуация которых может служить предметом беседы, высказываний и обсуждения на иностранном языке.
· умение с помощью словаря изложить в письменной форме содержание текста;
· умение правильно писать слова и словосочетания, входящие в лексический минимум, определенный программой;
Устная речь:
· умение выражать свои мысли в устной форме по пройденной тематике, относящейся к учебной и производственной деятельности обучающегося и его профессии.
· понимать на слух речь, содержащую усвоенный языковой материал; допускается использование незнакомой лексики, значение и смысл которой раскрывается на основе умения пользоваться языковой и лексической догадкой;
· иметь представление о культурных традициях в странах изучаемого языка.
Письмо и учебный перевод в курсе обучения рассматривается не как цель, а как средство обучения, входящее в систему упражнений при объяснении, закреплении и контроле языкового материала и его понимания при чтении.
A carpenter is someone who builds and repairs things made from wood. Humans have been building useful products out of wood for a very long time. Today those who make things like furniture, utensils, decorative items, toys, and musical instruments are known as woodworkers. Carpenters work on larger structures.
Carpenters make parts of buildings, such as staircases, door frames, and rafters. Their work may also include installing kitchen cabinets, countertops, molding, and trim.
Definition and Nature of the Work
Carpenters work throughout the construction industry. They are the largest group of the building trades workers. They saw, shape, and fasten wood to build houses and other buildings. They also build cabinets, doors, and other objects made of wood. They work on construction sites, inside buildings, in factories, and in small woodworking shops. Carpenters use both power and hand tools, such as hammers, saws, drills, and chisels. They fasten wood with nails, screws, bolts, and glue.
Carpentry work can be divided into two categories—rough carpentry and finish carpentry. Rough carpenters often work outdoors where they begin projects using unfinished wood and other building materials. They frame houses, build scaffolding, and make forms to be filled with concrete. Forms are used to mold concrete for bridges, highways, and house foundations. Finish carpenters include those who cut and fit doors, windows, and interior molding. They also build and install cabinets, lay hardwood floors, and panel rooms.
Some carpenters build sets for theaters and television studios. Others build wharves and docks. Millworkers, or carpenters who work in factories, make prefabricated, or ready-made, parts for buildings, such as window frames, cabinets, and partitions. These parts are shipped already assembled to the construction site. Other millworkers are employed by lumberyards, cutting lumber and building prefabricated structures such as walls, floors, and ceilings. Some carpenters specialize in cabinetmaking. Cabinetmakers custom design cabinets, counters, shelves, and other fixtures for homes, stores, and restaurants. A few cabinetmakers specialize in building fine furniture by hand. Some carpenters work with other materials in addition to wood. They apply drywall or pre-finished coverings such as vinyl to ceilings, walls, and partitions. Carpenters can also specialize in installing acoustical panels to soundproof rooms.
Most carpenters are employed by contractors and builders.
Those who work in cities often specialize in one kind of carpentry, while
carpenters working in rural areas may do many kinds of rough and finish
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3. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту. Будьте готовы отвечать на вопросы одногруппников.
4. Переведите:
a) To be shipped already assembled
b) To be employed by lumberyards
c) To cut lumber
d) To build prefabricated structures
e) To build fine furniture by hand
f) To apply drywall or pre-finished coverings
g) To install acoustical panels to soundproof rooms
h) To be employed by contractors and builders
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Along with stone, clay and animal parts, wood was one of the first materials worked by early humans. The development of civilization was closely tied to the development of increasingly greater degrees of skill in working these materials.
Among early finds of wooden tools are the worked sticks, some of the first examples of wooden hunting gear. Flint tools were used for carving. Since Neolithic times, carved wooden vessels are known.
Examples of Bronze Age wood-carving include tree trunks worked into coffins from northern Germany and Denmark and wooden folding-chairs. In Germany were founded fine examples of wooden animal statues from the Iron Age.
Ancient Egypt
There is significant evidence of advanced woodworking in Ancient Egypt. Woodworking is depicted in many extant ancient Egyptian drawings, and a considerable amount of ancient Egyptian furniture (such as stools, chairs, tables, beds, chests) has been preserved. Tombs represent a large collection of these artefacts and the inner coffins found in the tombs were also made of wood. The metal used by the Egyptians for woodworking tools was originally copper and eventually, after 2000 BC bronze as ironworking was unknown until much later.
Commonly used woodworking tools included ax, adze, chisel, pull saw, and bow drill. Mortise and tenon joints are attested from the earliest Predynastic period. These joints were strengthened using pegs, dowels and leather or cord lashings. Animal glue came to be used only in the New Kingdom period. Ancient Egyptians invented the art of veneering and used varnishes for finishing, though the composition of these varnishes is unknown. Although different native acacias were used, as was the wood from the local sycamore and tamarisk trees, deforestation in the Nile valley resulted in the need for the importation of wood, notably cedar, but also Aleppo pine, boxwood and oak, starting from the Second Dynasty.
Ancient Rome
Woodworking was essential to the Romans. It provided, sometimes the only, material for buildings, transportation, tools, and household items. Wood also provided pipes, dye, waterproofing materials, and energy for heat. Although most examples of Roman woodworking have been lost, the literary record preserved much of the contemporary knowledge. Vitruvius dedicates an entire chapter of his De architectura to timber, preserving many details. Pliny dedicated six books of his Natural History to trees and woody plants which provides a wealth of information on trees and their uses.
Ancient China
The progenitors of Chinese woodworking are considered to be Lu Ban and his wife Lady Yun, from the Spring and Autumn Period. Lu Ban is said to have introduced the plane, chalk-line, and other tools to China. This book is filled largely with descriptions of dimensions for use in building various items such as flower pots, tables, altars, etc., and also contains extensive instructions concerning Feng Shui. It mentions almost nothing of the intricate glue-less and nail-less joinery for which Chinese furniture was so famous.
Modern Day
With the advances in modern technology and the demands of industry, woodwork as a field has changed. The development of Computer Numeric Controlled (CNC) Machines, for example, has made us able to mass-produce and reproduce products, faster, with less waste, and often more complex in design than ever before. CNC Routers can carve complicated and highly detailed shapes into flat stock, to create signs or art. Rechargeable power tools speed up creation of many projects and require much less body strength than in the past, when boring multiple holes, for example. Skilled fine woodworking, however, remains a craft pursued by many. There remains demand for hand crafted work such as furniture and arts, however with rate and cost of production, the cost for consumers is much higher.
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4. Переведите:
a) Considerable amount of ancient Egyptian furniture
b) to be depicted in
c) literary record
d) to preserve
e) Mortise and tenon joints
f) most examples of Roman woodworking have been lost
g) the plane tools
h) to contain extensive instructions concerning Feng Shui
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From the outside, Mike Walker's workshop looks like a well-appointed lakeside retreat. It looks like that on the inside too—except for all the woodworking tools.
Obsessed with organization
Nestled in the forest on a shore of Lake Chelan in central Washington State, Mike Walker's 1,670-square-foot workshop is the epitome of organization. From the outset, plenty of storage space and an efficient workflow dominated the planning. "I am obsessed with organization," Mike says, "and we spent a lot of time planning spaces to accommodate all of the tools and accessories."
About his shop
TYPE: Dedicated outbuilding above a three-car garage and maintenance room
SIZE: 36x39'4'' plus 16x16' project design room (1,670 sq. ft. total)
CONSTRUCTION: Wood frame with 2x6 studs and R-30 insulation on masonry foundation. Ceiling height ranges from 9' to 17'. Lake-facing facade has Marvin low-E bronze-tinted windows.
HEATING: 5-ton Trane heat pump, 25-kilowatt electric furnace, and wood-burning stove
COOLING: Trane heat pump
ELECTRICAL: 200-amp single-phase and 200-amp three-phase service panel
LIGHTING: Ten 2x6' skylights, forty-eight 4' fluorescent lights, ten 75-watt recessed can lights
DUST COLLECTION: Oneida 3-hp cyclone, two JDS Air-Tech air cleaners
Lots of light
Skylights, fluorescent lights, canned lighting and a wall of windows give Mike sufficient illumination, day or night.
The floor plan
Mike's shop is built into the side of a hill, which dictated the position of the 8' sliding door on the back of the shop. Materials are stored just inside the door on embedded cantilever-type racks with adjustable arms, which were framed into the wall during construction. Placing the radial-arm saw nearby eases the job of cutting boards to length. With the tablesaw in front of the slider, it can be opened easily when ripping an extra-long piece. "We wanted storage close to the door so we didn't have to cart materials all over the shop," Mike says. "And we wanted the cutoff saw close by. The next thing you use is the tablesaw and jointer. It was kind of like dominoes from there."
Router table riding on air
This 42'' mobile routing table has an Incra precision router lift and Super System fence. Inside, a frame made of used truck parts and air bags allows Mike to raise the table off the floor and move it around the shop.
Storage space galore
Storage space abounds. The router table's multiple drawers provide plenty of storage for a set of twist rings, plus cutters, routers, and related equipment.
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4. Переведите:
a) Dedicated outbuilding
b) Ceiling height ranges from 9' to 17'.
c) built into the side of a hill
d) storage close to the door
e) to cart materials all over the shop
f) The router table's multiple drawers
g) Trane heat pump
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For the long term durability of historical wooden buildings, constructors and users who deal with this subject have to know wood properties exactly.
Wood is an organic, hygroscopic and anisotropic material. Its thermal, acoustic, electrical, mechanical, aesthetic, working, etc. properties are very suitable to use it is possible to build a comfortable house using only wooden products. With other materials, it is almost impossible. But wood has some disadvantages too. Following is some very short information about this subject.
Benefits of wood
Thermal Properties:
As we know, many, materials change in size and volume as the temperature changes. They expand with increasing of the temperature. This means linear and volumetric expansion. The expansion. The expansion causes decrease in the strength of materials. Steel, which is inorganic and non-combustible and therefore has an advantage against fire, but when used in buildings, it expands and collapses as a result of increase in heat.
Wood does not practically expand against heat. On the contrary, by the effect of heat, it dries out and gains strength. The only time wood expands a little is when the humidity level is below 0%, and this is only scientifically significant. In practice, the humidity level of wood does not drop under 5% even in the driest climate.
The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the wood is very low. Aluminium transmits heat 7000 times, steal 1650 times, marble 90 times and glass 23 times faster than wood. For this reason, wood is used for making matches, handles of hardware equipment, ceilings and wall coverings.
Specific heat of wood is high. That means high amount of energy is needed to increase and decrease the temperature of one-kilogram of wood. Wood requires almost twice amount of heat energy than stones and concrete; similarly, three times of energy is needed for heating or cooling steel.
Disadvantages of Wood:
· Wood energy produces green house gases.
· Transportation of wood to urban areas can be expensive.
· Wood is hygroscopic and it will absorb surrounding vapors loses moisture below the fiber saturation point.
· Biotic factors can cause decay of wood by mold fungi, bacteria and insects.
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4. Переведите:
A. is possible to build
B. Biotic factors
C. For this reason, wood is used for making matches
D. twice amount of heat energy
E. to cart materials all over the shop
F. expand against heat
G. The expansion causes decrease
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Woodworking is among one of the safest and enjoyable hobbies you can do, provided you adhere to a set of rudimentary and easy to follow safety rules. These woodworking safety rules are designed to be easy to remember and are mostly common sense. That being said, failure to comply with the safety rules can cause serious injury. The work shop is not the place to careless. It is the place to learn and adopt good safety working habits which will in turn make woodworking more fun and enjoyable.
1. Always Wear Safety Equipment
This might seem like a common sense kind of rule, but it’s an important one to remember. During usage of loud power tools like routers and surface planers, wearing ear protection is a noted advantage. Similarly, wear latex gloves while applying finishes. Never be without your safety glasses. These should be the first thing you reach for when entering the shop.
2. Wear The Right Clothes
The problem with wearing baggy or loose clothes is the very high chance that a part of them might get caught in a cutting head or saw blade. As a result, try to always wear clothes that you are a better match for the woodworking environment, but also protect you. Also always ensure that any dangling jewellery or metal such as chains or bracelets, are removed before commencing work.
3. Avoid Using Anything That Can Impair Your Reaction Time and Judgement
It’s like when you’re driving a car: you want to stay out of the alcohol and drug cabinets to avoid accidents. In the wood shop, the dangers are even higher by inadvertently using the wrong tool because you’re too out of it to see what you are doing wrong. NEVER mix alcohol with work, even if it’s just a beer…or ten.
4. Disconnect Power
Always remember to disconnect the power source itself before changing blades or bits on your power tools. In addition to ensuring the switch is off, make sure there is no electricity being powered to the tool, since the switch can malfunction and/or accidentally get turned on.
5. Use A Single Extension Cord
Using one heavy duty extension cord for all your power tools will ensure that you switch off the power for each tool. Too many cords can get confusing and be a tripping hazard.
6. Never Use Blunt Blades & Bits
While this might seem obvious seeing as how dangerous a dull cutting tool can be. Dull tools will need to be made to work harder to cut and as a result can bind or kick back. Sharp bits and blades will ensure cleaner cuts as well.
7. Check Stock for Existing Metal
Before sawing through or making a cut, ensure that the piece of stock doesn’t have existing nails, screws or other pieces of metal lodged into it already. Spinning blades and nails (and other pieces of metal) don’t mix well together causing damage to both the stock and the cutting head. It can also cause stock to kick back and cause injury, so always ensure (or use a metal detector to ensure for you) that the stock is clean.
8. Work Against The Cutter
Most power tools are built in a way that requires the direction a piece of wood moves through the tool, is the opposite direction of the cutting head’s movement. So you need to ensure that the blade or router bit cuts against the motion of the wood instead of with it.
9. Never Reach Over A Running Blade
Always wait until a spinning blade has stopped moving before reaching to remove waste or cut-offs etc. Or to be on the extremely safe side, remove waste by using a push stick or piece of scrap so as to ensure an inadvertent power tool switch malfunction, doesn’t turn deadly.
10. Minimize Distractions
When dealing with distractions, you want to ensure that you finish what you were doing (finishing a cut, especially when working with a power tool) before turning your attention elsewhere.
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4. Переведите:
A. built in a way
B. In the wood shop
C. woodworking environment
D. push stick or piece of scrap
E. a piece of wood moves through the tool
F. switch off the power
G. to remove waste or cut-offs
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Рисунок 1 - Строение дерева
Wood is a heterogeneous, hygroscopic, cellular and anisotropic material. It consists of cells, and the cell walls are composed of micro-fibrils of cellulose (40–50%) and hemicellulose (15–25%) impregnated with lignin (15–30%).
In coniferous or softwood species the wood cells are mostly of one kind, tracheids, and as a result the material is much more uniform in structure than that of most hardwoods. There are no vessels ("pores") in coniferous wood such as one sees so prominently in oak and ash, for example.
The structure of hardwoods is more complex. The water conducting capability is mostly taken care of by vessels: in some cases (oak, chestnut, ash) these are quite large and distinct, in others (buckeye, poplar, willow) too small to be seen without a hand lens. In discussing such woods it is customary to divide them into two large classes, ring-porous and diffuse-porous.
In ring-porous species, such as ash, black locust, catalpa, chestnut, elm, hickory, mulberry, and oak, the larger vessels or pores (as cross sections of vessels are called) are localized in the part of the growth ring formed in spring, thus forming a region of more or less open and porous tissue. The rest of the ring, produced in summer, is made up of smaller vessels and a much greater proportion of wood fibers. These fibers are the elements which give strength and toughness to wood, while the vessels are a source of weakness.
In diffuse-porous woods the pores are evenly sized so that the water conducting capability is scattered throughout the growth ring instead of being collected in a band or row. Examples of this kind of wood are alder, basswood, birch, buckeye, maple, willow, and the Populus species such as aspen, cottonwood and poplar. Some species, such as walnut and cherry, are on the border between the two classes, forming an intermediate group.
Hard and soft woods
It is common to classify wood as either softwood or hardwood. The wood from conifers (e.g. pine) is called softwood, and the wood from dicotyledons (usually broad-leaved trees, e.g. oak) is called hardwood. These names are a bit misleading, as hardwoods are not necessarily hard, and softwoods are not necessarily soft. The well-known balsa (a hardwood) is actually softer than any commercial softwood. Conversely, some softwoods (e.g. yew) are harder than many hardwoods.
There is a strong relationship between the properties of wood and the properties of the particular tree that yielded it. The density of wood varies with species. The density of a wood correlates with its strength (mechanical properties). For example, mahogany is a medium-dense hardwood that is excellent for fine furniture crafting, whereas balsa is light, making it useful for model building. One of the densest woods is black ironwood.
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4. Переведите:
A. to classify wood as either softwood or hardwood
B. The density of wood
C. no vessels ("pores") in coniferous
D. the particular tree that yielded
E. In ring-porous species
F. medium-dense hardwood
G. commercial softwood
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Wood has been an important construction material since humans began building shelters, houses and boats. Nearly all boats were made out of wood until the late 19th century, and wood remains in common use today in boat construction. Elm in particular was used for this purpose as it resisted decay as long as it was kept wet (it also served for water pipe before the advent of more modern plumbing).
Wood to be used for construction work is commonly known as lumber in North America. Elsewhere, lumber usually refers to felled trees, and the word for sawn planks ready for use is timber. In Medieval Europe oak was the wood of choice for all wood construction, including beams, walls, doors, and floors. Today a wider variety of woods is used: solid wood doors are often made from poplar, small-knotted pine, and Douglas fir.
The churches of Kizhi, Russia are among a handful of World Heritage Sites built entirely of wood, without metal joints. See Kizhi Pogost for more details.
New domestic housing in many parts of the world today is commonly made from timber-framed construction. Engineered wood products are becoming a bigger part of the construction industry. They may be used in both residential and commercial buildings as structural and aesthetic materials
n buildings made of other materials, wood will still be found as a supporting material, especially in roof construction, in interior doors and their frames, and as exterior cladding.
Wood is also commonly used as shuttering material to form the mold into which concrete is poured during reinforced concrete construction.
Wood flooring
Solid wood floor is a floor laid with planks or battens created from a single piece of timber, usually a hardwood. Since wood is hydroscopic (it acquires and loses moisture from the ambient conditions around it) this potential instability effectively limits the length and width of the boards.
Solid hardwood flooring is usually cheaper than engineered timbers and damaged areas can be sanded down and refinished repeatedly, the number of times being limited only by the thickness of wood above the tongue.
Solid hardwood floors were originally used for structural purposes, being installed perpendicular to the wooden support beams of a building (the joists or bearers) and solid construction timber is still often used for sports floors as well as most traditional wood blocks, mosaics and parquetry.
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4. Переведите:
A. Solid wood floor
B. roof construction
C. construction industry
D. planks or battens
E. hardwood floors
F. Engineered wood products
G. support beams of a building
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Engineered wood products, glued building products "engineered" for application-specific performance requirements, are often used in construction and industrial applications. Glued engineered wood products are manufactured by bonding together wood strands, veneers, lumber or other forms of wood fiber with glue to form a larger, more efficient composite structural unit.
These products include glued laminated timber (glulam), wood structural panels (including plywood, oriented strand board and composite panels), laminated veneer lumber (LVL) and other structural composite lumber (SCL) products, parallel strand lumber, and I-joists. Approximately 100 million cubic meters of wood was consumed for this purpose in 1991. The trends suggest that particle board and fiber board will overtake plywood.
Wood unsuitable for construction in its native form may be broken down mechanically (into fibers or chips) or chemically (into cellulose) and used as a raw material for other building materials, such as engineered wood, as well as chipboard, hardboard, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF). Such wood derivatives are widely used: wood fibers are an important component of most paper, and cellulose is used as a component of some synthetic materials. Wood derivatives can be used for kinds of flooring, for example laminate flooring.
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4. Переведите:
F. Approximately
G. composite panels
H. suggest that particle board
I. In ring-porous species
F. widely used
G. native form
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The main physical properties of wood include: color, luster, texture, macro-structure, odor, moisture, shrinkage, internal stresses, swelling, cracking, warping, density, sound - electro - thermal conductivity.
Color, shine, texture and macrostructure determine the appearance of wood.
Wood of different breeds have different color - from white - aspen, spruce to black - ebony. Tannins resin and pigments, founded in cells cavities, make wood more colorful.
Timber gloss - is the ability to reflect light beam pointedly. It depends on wood density, size and location of medullar rays, which reflect light rays pointedly, thereby creating the shine on the radial aspect. Beech wood, maple, oak, elm has the most characteristic luster. Aspen, poplar and linden has a matte surface due to a very narrow medullar rays, and thin cells walls. Wood gloss surface is enhanced and preserved for long periods of time by creating transparent protective - decorative coatings.
Texture - is a peculiar pattern formed by the medullar rays, fibers, and yearly layers of wood in different contexts. Texture saturation is determined by anatomical features of arborous breeds’ structure and the section direction, and by the color of early and late wood, rippling and by mixed up fiber arrangement.
Macrostructure is characterized by the width of annual rings - the number of annual rings per 1 cm of segment, measured in the radial direction in cross section. Softwood have good physical - mechanical features when the number of layers varies from 3 to 25. The percentage of late wood in timber is determined by softwood samples. The higher late wood content in timber, the more the density and better mechanical wood characteristics.
Essential oils, resins, tannins and other substances, founded in certain tree species, give them a smell
Humidity - is the ratio of moisture mass in a given wood volume to the weight of absolutely dry wood, expressed as a percentage. Moisture, soaking the cell membrane, named the bound or hygroscopic, and moisture that fills the cavity of the cells and intercellular spaces, named free or capillary.
During wood drying free water evaporates firstly and connected water - at the end of the drying process. The condition of timber, when cell walls contain the maximum amount of bound water, and only air fill the cavities, named the limit of hygroscopicity. There are the following stages of wood humidity: wet - humidity above 100%, freshly - humidity 50 - 100% air - dry humidity 15 - 20% dry - moisture 8 - 12% completely dry - humidity near 0%.
Weight and electrical methods are used for humidity estimation. Using the weight method W,%, humidity is determined by the formula W = 100 (m1 - m2) / m2, where m1 - mass of the wood sample before drying; m2 - mass of the sample in an absolutely dry condition. Using electrical method, humidity is determined by electrical moisture gauge. First method advantage - is an accuracy, second - is a quickness.
Shrinkage - is a reduction of linear measurements and wood volume during drying. Shrinkage occurs only during connected water evaporation. Shrinkage in the tangential direction is 6 - 10% in the radial 3 - 5% and along the grain 0.1 - 0.3%. Decrease of wood volume during connected water evaporation is called volumetric shrinkage. Full volumetric shrinkage of 12 - 15%. During bucking, allowances for shrinkage are foreseen, because carving wood and procurements have to be of a given size.
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4. Переведите:
A. mass of the wood sample before drying
More the density and better mechanical wood
free water evaporates
C. due to a very narrow medullar rays,
D. is characterized by the width of annual rings
E. given size.
F. water evaporation
G. moisture gauge
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Internal stresses - are stresses in the wood - round carving wood and sawn timber without an application of external forces. Its reason - is an inequality of moisture distribution along section of drying wood. In majority of wood drying technologies, water evaporates firstly from surface wood layers. And if it will be less than hydroscopic limit, that is 30%, shrinkage is happening. At the same time internal layers remain more humid, and this makes the process of surface layers shrinkage more difficult. In the issue internal tension occurs in timber, aand this tension stretch the wood out in surface zones and squeeze in internal. When the wood humidity is decreasing out of the hydroscopic limit in internal zone, it will be also dry. In the issue traction tension in surface zone is decreasing, but not fully. Because of residual lengthening in surface layers normal shrinkage will be delayed.
The process of technical drying in a vacuum infrared, in which these problems do not arise, is absolutely different.
Residual internal stresses in the dried sawn timber could cause changes in linear dimensions and shape of parts during their machining. The presence of stresses in the wood set with the cutting of the boards power sections. If immediately after section manufacturing their cogs will remain parallel, there are no internal stresses in wood, if they will disperse, in the external layers - stretching, and in the interior - compressive stresses: if cogs sections will be brought together - in the outer layers of compression, and in the interior - the tensile stresses.
Preserved after drying, the residual stresses could be removed through additional processing of sawn timber, wetting the surface with steam - or steaming water - spraying.
Warping - is a change in the form of the cross section during drying or wetting wood. Warping could be transverse and longitudinal. Lateral buckling is expressed by changing the form of board section. Its reason - is different shrinkage in the radial and tangential directions.
Along the length sawn could warp, acquiring an arched shape or helical surface shape.
During moistening and increasing of connected water content, wood swelling kakes place - an increase of linear dimensions and volume of timber.
Sound conductivity - is a material property to conduct sound. It is characterized by the speed of sound spreading in the material. Along the grain in the wood sound spreads at a speed of 5000 m / s in the radial direction - 2000 m / s, tangentially - 1500 m / sec. Sound conductivity of wood is different in longitudinal and transverse directions. This property of wood and its ability to resonate - to amplify sound without distortion tones is used in the manufacturing of musical instruments. The best material for them - spruce, fir, Caucasian and Siberian cedar.
Electrical conductivity of wood is characterized by its resistance to the passage of electrical current. It depends on wood species, temperature, humidity and the grain of the wood. Electrical conductivity of dry wood is negligible, which allows to use it as an insulating material - a wall outlet plugs and switches. With an increase in humidity from 0 to 30% electrical resistance of wood falls in million times. The electrical resistance of wood along the grain in several times lower than across the grain.
Thermal conductivity - is the ability of the material to store heat. Wood has low thermal conductivity, since it has a lot of voids filled with air. Therefore, the thermal conductivity of wood depends on its humidity: the less the moisture, the lower the thermal conductivity.
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4. Переведите:
A. an inequality of moisture distribution
B. It depends on wood species
C. allows to use it as an insulating material
D. Along the length sawn could warp
E. could be removed through additional processing of sawn timber
F. is different in longitudinal and transverse directions.
G. linear dimensions
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Mechanical properties include strength, toughness, hardness, elasticity, plasticity, brittleness, the ability of wood to hold metal fasteners, wear resistance.
Durability - is the ability of wood to resist degradation (tension, compression, bending, shear, etc.) under the action of external forces. Dense wood is generally more durable. Strength decreases rapidly with the increasing wood moisture. Strength reduces rapidly if there are any defects in wood.
Depending on the strength of the material allowable stressуы are established, to which material couls be exposed without integrity damages. The value of allowable stress is always much lower than the tensile strength, ie the lowest stress values at which a destruction of the material takes place.
Heterogeneous fibrous wood structure stipulates its unequal in different directions relatively to fibers. It resists the action of forces, tensile or compressive component along the grain, and bending forces directed across the grain, much lower resistance to compression across the grain of wood and chipping along and across the fibers. Thus, resistance to chipping wood along the grain in 1,3.1,5 times greater than the resistance to chipping across the grain, and in a direction perpendicular to the fibers (end-window) - in 3.5 times greater.
Impact strength - is the ability of wood to absorb the work without breaking.
Hardness - is the feature of wood to resist the introduction of body of a certain form. The hardness of the end surface is higher tangential and radial hardness to 30% for hardwood and 40% for softwood. According to the degree of hardness all tree species could be divided into three groups: mild - mechanical strength 40 MPa or less (spruce, pine, cedar, fir, poplar, linden, aspen, alder); solid - mechanical hardness 40,1.80 MPa (larch, birch, beech, oak, elm, elm, elm, sycamore, maple, hazel, walnut, apple, ash) are very solid - mechanical strength over 80 MPa (locust, birch, steel, hornbeam, dogwood, boxwood, yew).
Resilience - is the ability of timber to restore the original shape after the termination of the external forces. If these forces exceed a certain amount (the limit of elasticity), wood is either destroyed or changeits shape.
Plasticity - is the feature of wood to change its original shape under the action of applied forces and keep a new form after termination of the force. Bending, stamping, etc are based on this feature. Decidous wood breeds are better come under the bending(oak, ash, etc.) and absent-mindedly - vascular. Conifers have low ability to bend. Wet wood has higher ability to bend than dry wood.
Fragility - is the ability of wood to break down suddenly without significantly shape changing under the action of mechanical forces.
Сleavability - is the ability of wood to break down along the grain during penetration a wedge-shaped body into it. Wedge or hatchet, embedded into the wood, moves fiber apart, bend them to different sides and separates one part of fiber from another, forming a crack that goes in front of the blade of the wedge. It is easy to break up all the conifers and from hardwoods - beech, aspen, basswood, oak.
The ability of wood to hold metal fasteners - is a feature, explained by the wood elasticity. When hammering a nail fibers move apart partially, putting pressure on the lateral surface, causing the mutual friction, that keeps the nail in the wood. The resistance of wood to pulling of screws aproximately in 2 times greater than the resistance of pulling nails.
The wear resistance of wood is characterized by the ability to resist wear and tear, ie, the destruction in the friction process. Planks wear and tear from the lateral surface more than from machined side. Wearand tear decreases with increasing hardness and density of wood. Wet wood wears out more quickly than dry.
Severability - is a feature of wood to divide into parts of wood under the action of forces. machining of wood with the removal of chips is based on this feature - sawing, milling, turning, grinding, and without removing material - cutting materials on shears, punching, chopping or bundling of wood - wood for logs, wood chips on the needle-shaped shaving, a big chip on the micro - and fibrous.
1. Выпишите и переведите выделенные слова и словосочетания. Выучите их.
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3. Задайте 10 вопросов к тексту. Будьте готовы отвечать на вопросы одногруппников.
4. Переведите:
A. strength of the material
B. to divide into parts of wood
C. move apart partially
D. tear from the lateral surface more than from machined side..
E. According to the degree of hardness
F. to resist degradation
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