New- York in the past and today
Оценка 4.7

New- York in the past and today

Оценка 4.7
Контроль знаний +2
английский язык
9 кл—11 кл
New- York in the past and today
Данный текст “ New- York in the past and today” предназначен для учащихся 9-11 классов. Текст достаточно легкий для восприятия, не смотря на то, что там есть достаточно много фраз и слов, которые учащимся придется поискать в словаре или попробовать понять смысл по контексту текста. Время выполнения примерно 15 минут.
New- York in the past and today.docx
New- York in the past and today New York is a city where all the languages of the world are spoken. The first settlers came to New York from Holland in 1626. It was these Dutch settlers who bought all of Manhattan Island from the Indians from the equivalent of twenty- five dollars, while today some of this land costs a million dollars an acre. This island is the heart of the city. For transportation New York depends mainly on buses, the underground station and taxis. The buses are slow because of the crowded streets, whereas the subway trains can go as railroad trains, stopping only at the most important stations. New York is the city of the rich and the poor, the most beautiful buildings and shabby huts in dirty quarters. There are expensive hotels, restaurants, night clubs, cathedrals, and also the Opera- house and Museum of Art. But speaking about New York first of all we imagine high buildings, whicj are called skyscrapers. They distinguish this city from other ones. 1. The Dutch settlers were lucky enough to 2. Where is the Manhattan Island situated? a) buy the island very cheap. b) sell the land very expensive c) sign some valuable contracts a) In the centre of new York b) In the suburbs of new York c) A long way from new York 3. The Underground trains move a) As fast as rail road trains b) Slower that railroad trains c) Faster than railroad trains 4. New York is a city of a) Contrasts b) Old traditions c) Cowboys a) The Opera House b) The night clubs c) The skyscrapers 5. What is New York famous for?

New- York in the past and today

New- York in the past and today
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