Greet the students. "Hello!"/"Good morning!"/"Good afternoon!"
“What`s your name? How are you?” What is the weather like today?/ what date is it today?/ How do you get to school today?Pre-learning/Warm-up
Shapes review:
Show PPT Slides 2-12. Learners should recognize names of the shapes shown and draw them on their paddles very quickly. One who draws and shows first is the winner.
- Give him/her a sticker.
Lesson: Numbers and
Teachers‘ name:
Grade 2
Number present:
Learning objectives(s)
that this lesson is
contributing to
Lesson objectives
Language objective
Value links:
Previous learning
CrossCurricular Link
Use of ICT
Intercultural awareness
Kazakh culture
Pastoral Care
Health and Safety
5 min
2.L1 Recognise short basic instructions for a limited range of
classroom routines spoken slowly and distinctly
2.S1 Make basic personal statements about people, objects and
classroom routines
2.S3 Pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly
2.S7 Place stress correctly on familiar polysyllabic words
All learners will be able to:
Identify 6 shape words with considerable support
Write 6 shape words with print support
Most learners will be able to:
Identify 6 shape words with support
Write 6 shape words independently after practice
Some learners will be able to:
Identify 6 shape words
Write 6 shape words independently
Learn new words for shapes
Triangle, rectangle, square, diamond, circle, oval
Respect, Cooperation
Students learned the words for transport and directions
PPT, video
Shapes common in foreign environments, like a baseball diamond
What shapes are in our environment
Assure you met all learners’ emotional, mental and physical
Make sure power cords/outlets are not a tripping hazard
Everyday classroom precautions
Planned activities
Greeting, Warm Up
morning!"/"Good afternoon!"
“What`s your name? How are you?” What is the
weather like today?/ what date is it today?/ How
do you get to school today?
5 min
PPT slide 222;(I/W)
Shapes review:
Show PPT Slides 212. Learners should
recognize names of the shapes shown and draw
them on their paddles very quickly. One who
draws and shows first is the winner.
Give him/her a sticker.
10 min
Listening Formative Assessment:
Give learners Worksheet #1, ask them to color
the shapes.
F/A Worksheet
Learners swop their works and peer
assess; (Super, Good, So so)
Whole class feedback.
Ask learners to put their works into F/A
Differentiation: Less capable learners get a
card with minimum shapes to work upon.
Provide each learner with a card.
PPT Slide 13
Practice some questions with a whole class as an
PPT Slide 1416/ Speaking
6 min
(W/P) How many shapes do you see?
Name the shape.
Learners practice questions in pairs.
Let some learners to answer in front of
the class.
Differentiation by support: Less capable
learners work with teachers’ assistance.
Before listening to learners look through
the song and try to guess what shapes are
Learners listen to a song “Mr. Shape
Whilelistening to learners fill in (draw)
the missing shapes.
After listening to learners check the
answers with a class.
Hand out a worksheet with jumbled
Check as a whole class.
Ask volunteers one by one to come to
the board and write an answer.
7 min
5 min
If there is a lack of time set this activity as a
home task.
Closing Reflection/SelfAssessment &
2 min
Ask students to look around and identify shapes
in the local environment (i.e. the desk is a
(W) Ask students to show with the thumbs up
signals how well they understand shapes.
Sign a goodbye song
Additional information
Worksheet #1
Worksheet #2
Goodbye Song Video
ch?v=Xcws7UWWDEsAssessment – how are you planning to
check learners’ learning?
Students will be assessed through the
paddle activity. The teacher can
monitor their spelling and writing.
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more
support? How do you plan to challenge the
more able learners?
More support:
These students may work with a stronger
student to support them during the vocab
The student may use their notes throughout all
activities for support
Moreable learners:
Encourage very strong students to model
Encourage students to use other words from
their vocabulary to give directions that are
more complex
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next
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