ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.
Оценка 5

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

Оценка 5
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8 кл—9 кл
ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.
ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.
Монолог ОГЭ.pptx

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

Desjatova L.V.

Задание 3. Монолог За 1,5 минуты учащийся должен подготовить короткий монолог на заданную тематику

Задание 3. Монолог За 1,5 минуты учащийся должен подготовить короткий монолог на заданную тематику

Задание 3. Монолог

За 1,5 минуты учащийся должен подготовить короткий монолог на заданную тематику. Получить максимальный балл - 7 можно в случае, если монолог будет грамотным, понятным, красноречивым, с вступлением и выводом в конце.
Время на монолог дается небольшое - всего 2 минуты, за это время нужно высказать 10-12 предложений.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

Вступление I. Introduction

Вступление I. Introduction


I. Introduction
A general statement. What are you going to talk about?
It is common knowledge that…» — «Всем известно, что…».
«Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / inconceivable without…

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

Вступление EXAMPLE: You are going to give a talk about

Вступление EXAMPLE: You are going to give a talk about



You are going to give a talk about TV.

Our modern world is unthinkable / unimaginable / without television.
It is common knowledge that television plays one of the most important parts in people's life

Основная часть II. Body 1. Answer +

Основная часть II. Body 1. Answer +

Основная часть

II. Body
1. Answer + Supported details or Examples.
2. Answer + Supported details or Examples
3. Answer + Supported details or Examples.

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Expressions to use
Giving opinion/ Expressing Opinion:
In my opinion/ In my view…
As far as I am concerned…
I believe that.....

EXAMPLE: whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not;

EXAMPLE: whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not;


whether watching TV is still a popular pastime with teenagers, and why, or why not;
In my opinion, television is loosing its popularity among teenagers. OR Television is not as popular nowadays as it used to be .

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Giving an Example:
Take ………., for example…
A good example of this is…
To give an example…
I can give a relevant example here…
Look at…….., for instance
A good example of this is the Internet, which provides a lot of possibilities to find any kind of entertainments. For instance, there are lots of YouTube channels providing clips, shows, interviews with celebrities, and anything you like.

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Основная часть – средства логической связи

Liniking words to add another idea.
in addition
Moreover, teenagers find it more convenient ,since they can watch a program without any commercials.

Wh-How Often’ Questions As for me,

Wh-How Often’ Questions As for me,

Wh-How Often’ Questions

As for me, I ....... quite often. It really depends. If ——, it is likely that ——. Otherwise —–.
If it is weekends, it is likely that I may ———–
If it is summer, it is likely that I may ———-
If it is good weather, it is likely that I may ——–
how many hours a week you watch TV;
As for me, I don’t watch TV very often. It really depends. If my favourite TV show is on it is likely I watch it once or twice a week. Otherwise, I do not even turn it on.

Answering "Like " Questions Basic

Answering "Like " Questions Basic

Answering "Like " Questions

Basic Structure
I’m quite keen on/I am fond of ........., but in particular I’m really into ........ In addition to ........, I suppose I’m also pretty passionate about ..........
EXAMPLE I’m quite keen on sports, but in particular I’m really into football. In addition to football, I suppose I’m also pretty passionate about Badminton.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

Some Common Adjectives Related to

Some Common Adjectives Related to

Some Common Adjectives Related to Like/Love:

Exciting, interesting, amazing, fabulous, fascinating, eye catching, mind blowing, mouthwatering, relaxing, captivating, heart-touching, captivating.

There are several positive reasons for that. The main point is teenagers are involved in other different activities, which make them feel more captivating and exciting.

Заключение III. Conclusion/

Заключение III. Conclusion/


III. Conclusion/ Ending a point/ discussion:
In summary, I can say that…
So, that’s why I think that…
Anyway, that’s why…
Taking everything into account,
Taking everything into account, even though the Internet has replaced TV in some way, it still remains the main source of mass media.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение Задание 3. Монолог.

ОГЭ Говорение  Задание 3. Монолог.

Монолог “My school” Задание You are going to give a talk about your school

Монолог “My school” Задание You are going to give a talk about your school

Монолог “My school”

You are going to give a talk about your school. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what you like most about your school;
· what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;
· what you would like to change in your school life.
what your attitude to your school life is.

You have to talk continuously.

Примерный ответ Well, now I’m going to give a talk about my school

Примерный ответ Well, now I’m going to give a talk about my school

Примерный ответ

Well, now I’m going to give a talk about my school.
To begin with, I’d like to say that my school is one of the biggest schools in my city, where more than one thousand pupils get their education.
I like my school very much, but it is my classmates that I like best of all. We are all good friends and get on well with each other. We spend much time together doing sports, playing active games and so on.
As for weekdays, I find Monday the most difficult one because we have six lessons on this day, including Mathematics and Physics. Frankly speaking, I’m not good at these subjects, and I don’t enjoy these lessons.
In my opinion, much can be changed and improved in my school. For example, PE lessons. I’d like them to be more diverse. As a rule, we play volleyball and basketball at the lessons, or simply run at the stadium. It would be better if we had a chance to work out with weights and play games that are more interesting .
In conclusion, I’d like to emphasize the fact that school education is very important for teenagers and should help them build character and develop mind.

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