Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Оценка 5

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК

Оценка 5
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английский язык +1
Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Данная презентация в программе Power Point содержит подробное описание основных моментов обновления среднего образования в республике Казахстан. Каждый пункт, подлежащий обновлению, разъясняется визуально, при помощи изображений, схем, таблиц, графиков и диаграмм. Презентация подготовлена на английском языке, так как предназначена для студентов педагогических вузов специальности "Иностранный язык".
Презентация_Особенности программы_АЯ_Основная школ.pptx

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Key features of the updated English language Programme (secondary school, grаdes 5-9) Astana 2017

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Making connections between key documents: subject programmes, course plans and assessment guidance The state educational standard Subject programme Learning objectives Course Plans Suggested activities based  on learning objectives Guidance for Formative  Assessment Supports decisions  regarding Formative  Assessment of learning  objectives Lesson Plans Details lesson objectives

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
listeni ng speaki ng NOW readin g writing Use of English In the past grammar vocabulary

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
English language programme analysis 1. Number of hours per year 2. Level-based programme grade s 5 6 7 8 9 2013 2016 note 68 68 68 68 68 102 102 102 102 102 The number of hors is enough to gain the B1 level by the end of the secondary school (grade 9) total: 340 510 grade s 5 6 7 8 9 CEFR- levels 201 3 А1 201 6 A2 A2 B1 note level B1 will provide students with opportunity to study subjects in English in high school; read authentical texts, process information in English; work with different recourses

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Key features of the updated English language Programme – general overview Level В2 Functio literacy nal Learn non­language  subjects in English “Use of English” is  learnt through the  language skills Academic reading  and writing Use of English in  real life situations Integration  with non­ language  subjects  Topic: Science: myth or  truth (Chemistry, Physics) Topic: Space ­ Analysis of sci­fi film  from different perspectives  (Physics)  Topic: Different Ways of  Living  ­ Evaluating the benefits of  living without money  (Economics) The programme allows  to enter leading  institutions of higher  education without  additional training Ability to process  information Topic: Stress and Fear  ­ Giving advice on how to  reduce stress (Psychology) New topics Active learning Reading for  pleasure  ­ fiction  and non­fiction texts project – research  on the relevant  Independent  topics Bloom’s taxonomy - high-order thinking skills development: understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, remember, create Differentiation – tasks are focused on learning styles in a mixed ability class

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Learning Objectives vs Lesson Objectives The learning objectives Learning objectives are the learning outcomes of the unit or topic i.e. what the learners should be able to know and do at the end of the series of lessons or the topic. Learning objectives are fixed. Learning objectives over-arching the objectives for the topic or unit describe

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
The learning objectives 6 strands  Content - C Listening - L  Speaking - S  Reading - R  Writing - W  Use of English – UE Work with the subject programme and find

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Learning Objectives vs Lesson Objectives The lesson objectives Lesson objectives are the learning outcomes of the lesson i.e. what the students should be able to know and do at the end of the lesson that they could not do at the beginning. Lesson objectives are flexible. The students should be given the lesson objectives at the beginning of every lesson in order to be aware of the focus for learning. Lesson objectives should be S M A R T S­specific  M­measurable A­achievable R­realistic T­timed

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
The lesson objectives • SPECIFIC ­ precise and clear, rather than overly broad or ambiguous;  says exactly what the learner will be able to do • MEASURABLE ­ quantifiable: you establish concrete criteria for  measuring leaners’ progress toward the attainment of each objective you  set. Be able to answer questions such as: how much, how many, how will  me and my learners know when it is accomplished? • ACHIEVABLE ­ within scheduled time and specified conditions • REALISTIC ­ relevant to the needs of the participant and the  organization. You must truly believe that it can be accomplished. • TIME BOUND/ TIME FRAMED ­ achievable by the end of the training  session

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
The lesson objectives • all relate to the main topic of the lesson. • be SMARTER • student-centered. The focus needs to be on the student’s needs. • not look like this: "Teacher will teach the Past Perfect.“ • !!! - "By the end of the lesson, students will understand the Past Perfect," cannot be measured. Here are some examples of lesson objectives for lesson plans covering the main topic of the Past Perfect verb tense: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: • distinguish Past Perfect sentences from Simple Past sentences. • demonstrate knowledge of the proper form of the Past Perfect by writing five sentences in the Past Perfect. • demonstrate correct usage of the Past Perfect by speaking (or writing) three sentences correctly using this tense.

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК

Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Progression – the spiral curriculum A spiral curriculum allows pupils to revisit a subject matter's content at the different levels of development of the subject matter being studied. This allows previous knowledge to be reviewed and extended and ensures that no knowledge is forgotten to never be used again.

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Spiral curriculum Topics are revisited,  sometimes within and across  terms Topics should be taught in  greater depth each time Level of difficulty should  increase

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Using your senses to learn Ears Eyes Voice Touc h X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Features of the model: 21st-century skills Problem solving Critical thinking Enquiry Informatio n handling Independent learning Creating and designing Practical skills 14 Collaboration

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
• “Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking, while you’re thinking, in order to make your thinking better.” • Richard Paul 15

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Approximate mapping of 21st century skills onto Anderson and Krathwohl’s revised [2001] hierarchy of Bloom’s cognitive domain Critical Thinking Problem-solving Decision-making Informatio n Literacy Life and career Citizenshi p Communication Collaboration ICT Literacy Creativity and Innovation Learning to learn , meta- cognition Personal and social responsibility 21st Century skills: Ancient, ubiquitous, enigmatic? Cambridge Assessment 2013

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Typical G5, 7 ‘thinking’ task rubrics (as an example use presentations Grade 7 lesson Healthy Habits or Grade 5 Living Things: A Wild Cat)

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Integration with non-language subjects (cross-curricular links) The key feature of the Programme is the cross-curricular links other academic subjects which implies teaching and learning English as a Third Language within the content using mathematics, science, or (as an example use presentations Grade 7 lesson Healthy Habits or Grade 5 Living Things: A Wild Cat)

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Reading for Pleasure & Independent Projects

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Reflective teaching and learning   - means a process of self-observation and self-evaluation Teachers should start a process of reflection in response to a particular problem that has arisen with their classes, or simply as a way of finding out more about their teaching. The ways to reflect are: - keeping a diary - peer observation - recording lessons - learner feedback (surveys, different feedback forms, plenaries, etc.) - conducting action research.- Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? - What did the learners learn today? - What was the learning atmosphere like? - Did my planned differentiation work well? - Did I stick to the set timing for each activity?

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Reflective teaching and learning Effective feedback Specific Negative Positive Non­specific

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Why Differentiate? • All kids are different • One size does not fit all • Differentiation provides all students with access to all curriculum

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
How Differentiate? to modify to vary activities within the teaching mix to keep all learners be involved in lesson outcomes

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Differentiated by task • Tasks are set according to learners’ abilities. They may differ in content or structure. • This may be as simple as having a choice between a variety of questions getting progressively more difficult. Or learners can attempt different tasks covering the same topic. completely

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Differentiated by outcome • Each learner is set the same investigative, creative and/or open-ended task. Learners produce a variety of solutions/designs dependent on their ability, strengths and learning preferences. • Simple examples would be for learners to design and answer their own problems/questions about a topic being studied. • Learners being given investigations may just test and report results, whilst the more able may be able to generalise and justify more easily.

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Differentiated by support A varying amount of support can be offered to  students in a variety of ways       instruction/prompt modification.     Less  able  students  can  be  supported  through        More  able  students  will  need  to  feel  challenged  too,  their  input  possibly  providing  support  for  weaker  pupils,  or  be  given  more  challenging  instructional  tasks  or  additional contextualised problems.

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
How to organise lesson objectives in a short term plan • ALL – every pupil in the class will achieve this • MOST – a large proportion of the class will achieve this • SOME – a few of the more able will achieve this. Some pupils will not try to achieve this but instead focus on earlier success criteria

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Особенности программы обновления содержания среднего образования в РК
Guided Discovery – motivates learning
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