Past simple or past continuous
Оценка 4.6

Past simple or past continuous

Оценка 4.6
Домашнее обучение +4
английский язык
6 кл—8 кл
Past simple or past continuous
Past simple or past continuous
Past Continuous and Past simple 7a.pptx

Выполнила ученица 7 класса а Халбаева полИна

Выполнила ученица 7 класса а Халбаева полИна

Выполнила ученица 7 класса а
Халбаева полИна

Past Continuous and past simple

Формирование предложений Past

Формирование предложений Past

Формирование предложений

Past Simple

- did not+V1
? Did+V1

+He went to the shop yesterday.

Past Continuous

+ was/were + Ving
- was not/were not+Ving
? Was/were +Ving

+He was going to school at 8 a.m. yesterday.

Употребление Past simple Описывает краткие действия в прошлом, то есть факты

Употребление Past simple Описывает краткие действия в прошлом, то есть факты


Past simple

Описывает краткие действия в прошлом, то есть факты.

Past continuous

Описывает действия, которые происходили в прошлом долго, как процесс.

Для определения времени Past simple or Past continuous можно использовать слова «долго» или
«раз и сделал»
# She was watching TV at 8 ( смотрел телевизор долго, процесс)
He woke up at 8 (проснулся раз и сделал, факт)

Когда еще употребляется Past continuous

Когда еще употребляется Past continuous

Когда еще употребляется Past continuous

Когда два действие одновременно длились в прошлом:
I was doing my h/m while my mum cooking dinner.
She was washing fruits while he was serving the table.

Длительное действие прерывается кратким. Мы используем Past Continuous для действия которое прервалось, и Past Simple для действия, из за которого оно прервалось:
I was reading a book when me mum came.
They were riding a bike when the storm began.

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

Jack (play) a video game when his brother, Tom, (enter) the room.
I (study) for my English test when my mother (come) home from work.
I (read) a book when my sister (leave) for the cinema.
Emma (wash) the dishes when the telephone (ring).
I (write) an email when the lights (go) out.

Определи время глагола в предложениях ниже и сделайте данные предложения отрицательными

Определи время глагола в предложениях ниже и сделайте данные предложения отрицательными

Определи время глагола в предложениях ниже и сделайте данные предложения отрицательными.

I was at home.
We were at the lesson.
We were learning English.
You were eating lunch.
You ate a sandwich for lunch.
It was raining hard.
It rained cats and dogs.

Определите время глагола в предложениях ниже и сделайте данные предложения вопросительными.

She was in New York.
She visited her friends in New York.
He was speaking to John.
He spoke to John about his work.
They were in the office.
They were working in the office.
They finished the work.

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

When I (wake up) this morning, it (snow) was snowing.
…you (learn)to drive while you (live) with your parents?
Richard (sleep) when I (call) him.
The boy (read)poems, and the girl (play) the piano.
I (not read)a newspaper when they (come)

Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам

Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам

Из имеющихся слов составьте вопросы к готовым ответам. Все вопросы должны быть в Past Continuous.

Where | the white bears | swimming | were ?
- In the swimming pool.
2. It | was | raining ?
- Oh, no. It wasn’t. The sun was shining brightly.
3. The elephant | what | eating | was ?
- Some grass and fruit.
4. What | was | playing with | the monkey ?
— With a small ball.
5. Were | how many lions | sleeping in the cage? — Both of them.

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

Past simple or past continuous

A. Steve (to have) an accident yesterday. He(to drive) his car when a bird (to fly) into his windscreen. He (to try) to stop quickly but he (to crash) into a wall. Luckily, he (not / to be) hurt.

B. Last week I (to go) to a talk by a famous writer. He (to talk) about his new book when I (to arrive). He (to give) such an interesting talk that I (to be) disappointed when it (to end).

C. Julie (to tidy) her bedroom last weekend. While she (to tidy) it, she (to find) some of the toys. She (not / to want) to throw them away, so she (to put) them in a box and (to store) them in the attic.

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