Письменная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть
Оценка 4.8

Письменная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть

Оценка 4.8
Контроль знаний
английский язык
9 кл
Письменная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть
Письменная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть
Письменная работа по английскому языку 9 класс 1 четверть.docx

Письменная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы) 9 класса_____________________________________________________


I. Match the English words with their translation.

1.     educational-

2.     a genre-

3.     horror-

4.     imagination-

5.     non-fiction-

6.     a romance-

7.     contemporary-

8.     a plot-

9.     remarkable-

10. suspense-

11. fiction-

12. scientific-

a.      образовательный

b.     воображение

c.      документальная литература

d.     ужас

e.      художественная литература

f.       научный

g.     любовный роман

h.     современный

i.       сюжет

j.       замечательный

k.     напряженное ожидание

l.       жанр



II.  Read the text and determine the truth of the statements after it.


“To be, or not to be, that is the question.” Surely, that is one of the most famous lines from any dramatic play ever written. And of course everyone knows that the author of the line was William Shakespeare. Or was it?

Most scholars of Elizabethan literature agree that William Shakespeare wrote the plays and sonnets that are credited to him. But every now and then, a new essay or book is published that says it has proof that someone else, not Shakespeare, was the author of such classics as Romeo and Juliet, Othello, and Hamlet.

The people who challenge Shakespeare’s authorship are called anti-Stratfordians, a reference to Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon. Doubting Shakespeare first became popular in the middle of the 19th century. By this time, Shakespeare had become an international icon; many said he was the greatest writer of all time. To some, this seemed unbelievable. Anti-Stratfordians argue that Shakespeare lacked the education and aristocratic experience needed to write plays like Richard III and Julius Caesar. Over the centuries, a number of important public figures have been persuaded by these arguments, including Mark Twain, Charlie Chaplin, and Sigmund Freud.

The three most popular theories are that Shakespeare’s plays were written by a group of writers, or by another professional writer of the time, or by a member of the nobility who did not want his name associated with the theater. This third theory is the basis for a 2011 movie titled Anonymous. This film argues that Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford, was the real author of Shakespeare’s plays. The movie is full of intrigue and mystery, centered on a plot against Queen Elizabeth I. In order to save his son from execution, de Vere agrees to never reveal that he is the true Shakespeare. The movie received mixed reviews from both film critics and audiences, and few were persuaded by the anti-Stratfordian theory.

While few people really believe Shakespeare did not write his plays, there is new evidence that he did sometimes work with other authors. This was a very common practice at the time. Shakespeare was a practical businessman as well as theater artist, and co-writing his plays would have just been the smart thing to do.

a) true                 b) false               c) not stated

1)   Everybody knows at least one line from Shakespeare.

2)   Most intellectuals of Shakespeare’s time believed that he wrote all his works himself.

3)   All anti-Stratfordians are the people who were not born in Stratford-upon-Avon.

4)   It was only in the 19-th century when it became fashionable to doubt Shakespeare’s authorship.

5)   Charlie Chaplin and Mark Twain argued anti-Stratfordians’ point of view.

6)   Of hundreds versions who could hide under the name of Shakespeare there are only three reliable.

7)   The plot of the movie Anonymous is centered around the intrigue of who the real Shakespeare was.

8)   There could be several authors who worked with Shakespeare on all his plays.


III. Answer the questions.

1) What are your favourite genres?


2) Did you read books by Shakespeare?


3) What book did you recommend me for reading?



IV.  Write down the correct answers.

Вопрос 1.   Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to have, had, has, having

·         to have, had, had,---

·         have, had, haved,---

Вопрос 2   Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to read, read, read, reading

·         to read, readied, read, -----

·         to read, dreaded, dreaded, -----

Вопрос 3  Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to do, did, done, doing

·         to do, did, does, ----

·         to do, did, died, doing

Вопрос 4  Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to go, went, gone, going

·         to go, goes, god,-----

·         to go, was/were, god, going

Вопрос 5  Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to be, was/were, been,------

·         to be, been, be, being

·         to be, was/were, been, being

Вопрос 6  Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм V1, V2, V3, V4?

·         to like, likes, liked,-----

·         to like, liked, likes, liking

·         to like, liked, liked,-----

Вопрос 7 Укажите вид временной формы предложения 

Were you playing? 

·         Past Simple

·         Present Continuous

·         Past Continuous

Вопрос 8

Укажите вид временной формы предложения 

Will you be with me? 

·         Future Simple

·         Future Continuous

·         Present Simple

Вопрос 9

Укажите вид временной формы предложения

Is she working here till summer?  

·         Past Continuous

·         Future Continuous

·         Present Continuous

Вопрос 10

Исключи лишнее предложение

·         They were not playing.

·         We will not be playing.

·         I was reading.

Вопрос 11

Исключи неправильное  предложение

·         I did not play.

·         He did not plays.

·         We played.

Вопрос 12

Исключи лишнее предложение

·         She had a music lesson yesterday.

·         I will have a music lesson tomorrow.

·         He was drinking coffee at 5 o’clock .

Вопрос 13

Найди предложение с ошибкой

·         Jane usually have music lessons in the morning.

·         John is drinking coffee at the moment.

·         He doesn’t understand me.

Вопрос 14

Найди предложение с ошибкой

·         All classrooms of our school are light and spacious.

·         She is teaching of Russian and literature.

·         They will not be building a website this time on Monday

Вопрос 15

Найди предложение с ошибкой

·         I called you to ask for help.

·         Jack was waiting for your call.

·         The weather was fine yesterday.

Вопрос 16

Выбери правильный перевод предложения

Джек любит путешествовать?

·         Does Jack like travelling?

·         Is Jack liking travel?

·         Do Jack like will be travelling?

Вопрос 17

Выбери правильный перевод предложения

Я бегаю по утрам, а она бегает по вечерам.

·         I run in the morning, and she runs in the evening.

·         I runing  in the morning, and she run in the evening.

·         I run in the morning, and she runsing in the evening.

Вопрос 18

Выбери правильный перевод предложения

Мы смотрим телевизор сейчас.

·         We are watching TV now.

·         We watching a new TV .

·         We are watch TV now.

Вопрос 19

Что необходимо вставить в предложение?

How much sugar ... you ... in your tea?

·         do, take

·         does, took

·         did, taked

Вопрос 20

Что необходимо вставить в предложение?

Where ... she ...?

·         does, live

·         do, lived

·         is, living

V. Lexical and Grammatical tasks. Fill in the blanks.

1.(Этот)_________table for (твоей)______ work.

2.(Эти)_________ words for (моего)______  task.

3.(Этот)_______house is not (мой)_______,(мой)______ is (тот)_____ green.
Это)_______is (наш)________ secretary.

5.(Моя)________book is black and (его)________ is yellow.

6.They (сами)____________  (делают)__________________ classwork now.

7.I (сам)______________(ходил)___________ at school yesterday.

8.I don’t like (те)________ shoes.

9.I want help (ему)__________.

10.(Они)_______ are (наши)________ friends.

11.(Чей)______ pencil is this?

12.(Какого цвета)_____________ are your eyes?

13.(Кто)________ are you?

14.(Сколько лет)_________ are you?

15.(Как много)____________ friends  have you got?

16.(Как часто)_____________ do you go to the cinema?

17.(Где)__________is your father?

18.(Откуда)__________ are you from

19.(Почему)__________ do you study English?

20.(Что)______________ do you do in the evening?

21.Open your books at page (23)________________________________________.

22 A.S. Pushkin (был)_________ born in (1799) _______________________________ _________________and died in (1837)_______________________________________.

23. (25)______________________ plus (48)________________ is ___________________.

24. (12)_____________________ minus (4)_________ is ______________.

25. (1-е)__________ mention of Moscow was in (1147)____________________________ __________________________________________________________________.

26.Show (мне)__________ the (3-ю)___________ page!

27.(11-е)_________ _of April (1651)  _____________________________________ _________.

28.(289)______________________________________________________       are people in my village.
































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Письменная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы) 9 класса_ ____________________________________________________

Письменная работа по английскому языку ученика(цы) 9 класса_ ____________________________________________________

The movie received mixed reviews from both film critics and audiences, and few were persuaded by the anti-Stratfordian theory

The movie received mixed reviews from both film critics and audiences, and few were persuaded by the anti-Stratfordian theory

Вопрос 5 Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм

Вопрос 5 Какие глаголы соответствуют правильному обозначению форм

She had a music lesson yesterday

She had a music lesson yesterday

Вопрос 20 Что необходимо вставить в предложение?

Вопрос 20 Что необходимо вставить в предложение?

Answers II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c a c a b c b b

Answers II. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 c a c a b c b b
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