Оценка 4.9


Оценка 4.9
Домашнее обучение +4
английский язык +2
9 кл—11 кл +1
Легендарное пособие Мерфи, которое помогло огромному количеству людей удачно сдать международные экзамены и переехать учиться за границу. Представленные здесь упражнения послужат отличным инструментом для освоения все английской грамматики,задания очень интересные и полезные. Проверенные опытом и временем упражнения улучшат Ваш уровень английского языка также у данной разработки есть электронный вариант, приложение, которое вы можете скачать на свой телефон. Просто наберите название, но оно платное. А я предоставляю Вам материал для работы безвозмездно
English Grammar.pdf





in Use

A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English


with answers


Raymond Murphy




Raymond Murphy

A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English with answers

Grammar in Use




Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, SãO Paulo

Cambridge University Press

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Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521532891

C) Cambridge University Press 2004

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First published 2004

7th printing 2005

Printed in Singapore by KHL Printing Co Pte Ltd

A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library


978-0-521-53289-1 Edition with answers


0-521-53289-2 Edition with answers


978-0-521-53290-7 Edition without answers


0-521-53290-6 Edition without answers


978-0-521-53762-9 Edition with CD-ROM

ISBN-IO 0-521-53762-2 Edition with CD-ROM

ISBN-13 978-0-521-84311-9 Hardback edition with CD-ROM ISBN-IO 0-521-84311-1 Hardback edition with CD-ROM

ISBN-13 978-3-12-534086-2 Klett edition with CD-ROM

ISBN-I O 3-12-534086-1 Klett edition with CD-ROM

ISBN-13 978-3.12-534084-8 Klett edition

ISBN-IO 3-12-534084-5 Klett edition


Thanks                                                                                                                                                     vii

To the student                                                                                                                                          viii

To the teacher                                                                                                                                             x


Present and past

I Present continuous (I am doing

2     Present simple (l do

3     Present continuous and present simple I (I am doing and I do)

4     Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do)

5     Past simple (I did

6     Past continuous (I was doing

Present perfect and past

 Present perfect I (l have done)

 Present perfect 2 (J have done)

9 Present perfect continuous (l have been doing)

Present perfect continuous and simple (l have been doing and I have done) 11 HOW long have you (been) .

12    For and since When ... ? and How long .

13    Present perfect and past I (l have done and I did

14    Present perfect and past 2 (l have done and I did

IS Past perfect had done)

16    Past perfect continuous (I had been doing

17    Have got and have

IS Used to (do)


19     Present tenses CI am doing / I do) for the future

20     (I'm) going to (do

21     Will/shall 1


23     I will and I'm going go

24     Will be doing and will have done

25     When do / When I've done When and if


26     Can, could and (be) able to

27     Could (do) and could have (done) Must and can't

29     May and might I

30     May and might 2

31     Have to and must

32     Must mustn St needn't

33     Should I

34     Should 2

35     Had better    It's time

36     Would

              Can/CouldJWould you      ? etc.        uests, offers, permission and invitations)


If and wish

38     If 1 do ... and If l did ...

39     If I knew I wish I knew 40 If I had known I Wish I had known

41     Wish


42     Passive I (is done / was done)

43     Passive 2 (be done I been done / being done)

44     passive 3

45     It is said that         He is said to     He is supposed to .

46     Have something done

Reported speech

47     Reported speech 1 (He said that .

48     Reported speech 2

Questions and auxiliary verbs

49     Questions I

50     Questions 2 (DO you know where w.. ? / He asked me where 51 Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so / I hope so etc.

52    Question tags (do you? isn't it? etc,)

-ing and the infinitive

53    Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)

54    Verb + to (decide to / forget to etc.)

55    Verb (+ object) + to (I want you to etc.)

56    verb + -ing or to I (remember/regret etc.) 57 Verb + -ing or to ... 2 (try/need/help)

Verb ± -ing or to 3 (like / would like etc.)

59     Prefer and would rather

60     Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing

61     Be/get used to something (I'm used to

62     Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / accuse somebody of -ing etc.) 63 Expressions + -ing

64     To .           for ... and so that ... (purpose)

65     Adjective + to

66     To (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ingl

67     See somebody do and see somebody doing

68     -ing clauses (Feeling tired, I went to bed early.)

Articles and nouns

69     Counta ble and uncountable 1

70     Countable and uncountable 2

71     Countable nouns with alan and some

72     Alan and the

73 The 1

74     The 2 (school / the school etc.)

75     The 3 (children / the children)

76     The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano etc., the + adjective)

77     Names with and without the I

78     Names with and without the 2



79 Singular and plural

SO Noun noun (a tennis ball / a headache)

81    -'s (your sister's name) and Of , (the name of the book

Pronouns and determiners

82    Mvself/vourself/themselves etc,

83    A friend of mine My own house        On my own / by myself

84    There           and it

SS Some and any

No/none/any Nothing/nobody etc.

87    Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty

88    All I all of most / most of no / none of etc.

                 Both / both of neither / neither of        either / either of

90     All, every and whole

91     Each and every

Relative clauses

92     Relative clauses l: clauses with who/that/which

93     Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which

94     Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where

95     Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (I)

96     Relative clauses S: extra information clauses (2)

97     -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident)

Adiectires and adverbs

Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)

99        Adjectives: a nice new house, vou look tired

100     Adiectives and adverbs I (quick/quickly)

101     Adiecrives and adverbs 2 (well,/fast/late, hard/hardly)

102     so and such

103     Enough and too

104     Quite, pretty, rather and fairly

105     Comparison I (cheaper, more expensive etc.)

106     Comparison 2 (much better / any better / better and better / the sooner the better) 107 Comparison 3 (as as / than

IOS Superlatives (the longest, the most enjoyable etc.)

           109 Word order I: verb + object; place and time       

1 10 Word order 2: adverbs with the verb

111 Still, yet and already Any more / any longer / no longer 112 Even

Conjunctions and prepositions

113 Although / though / even though In spite Of / despite 114 In case

115     Unless As long as Provided/providing

116     As (As I walked along the street / As I was hungry

117     Like and as

I IS As if / as though / like


119     For, during and while

120     By and until By the time


121     At/on/in (time)

122     On time and in time  At the end and in the end

123     In/at/on (position) 1

124     Infat/on (position) 2

125     Infat/on (position) 3

126     To/at/in/into

127     In/at/on (other uses)

128     By

129     Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of etc..)

130     Adjective + preposition 1

131     Adjective + preposition 2

132     Verb + preposition 1 to and at 133 Verb + preposition 2 about/for/of/after

134    Verb + preposition 3 about and of

135    Verb + preposition 4 of/for/from/on

136    Verb preposition 5 infinto/with/to/on

Phrasal verbs

137    Phrasal verbs 1 Introduction

138    Phrasal verbs 2 in/out

139    Phrasal verbs 3 out

140    Phrasal verbs 4 on/off (1)

141    Phrasal verbs 5 on/off (2)

142    Phrasal verbs 6 up/down

143    Phrasal verbs 7 up (l)

144    Phrasal verbs 8 up (2)

145    Phrasal verbs 9 away/back

Appendix 1

Regular and irregular verbs 292

Appendix 2

Present and past tenses 294

Appendix 3

The future 295

Appendix 4

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) 296

Appendix 5

Short forms (I'm / you've / didn't etc.) 297

Appendix 6

Spelling 298

Appendix 7

American English 300

Additional exercises 302

Study guide 326

Key to Exercises 336

Key to Additional exercises 368

Key to Study guide 372

Index 373



I wrote the original edition Of English Grammar in Use When I was a teacher at the Swan School of English, Oxford. I would like to repeat my thanks to my colleagues and students at the school for their help, encouragement and interest at that time.

More recently I would like to thank all the teachers and students I met and who offered their thoughts on the previous edition. It was fun to meet you all and extremely helpful for me.

Regarding the production of this third edition, I am grateful to Alison Sharpe, Liz Driscoll, Jane Mairs and Kamae Design. I would also like to thank Cambridge University Press for permission to access the Cambridge International Corpus.

Thank you also to the following illustrators: Paul Fellows, Gillian Martin, Roger Penwill, Lisa Smith and Simon Williams.


To the student

This book is for students who want help with English grammar. It is written for you to use without a teacher.

The book Will be useful for you if you are not sure Of the answers to questions like these: a What is the difference between I did and I have done?  When do we use will for the future?

Cl What is the structure after I wish?

C] When do we say used to do and when do we say used to doing? a When do we use the?

o What is the difference between like and as?

These and many other points of English grammar are explained in the book and there are exercises on each point.


The book is intended mainly for intermediate students (students who have alreadv studied the basic grammar of English), It concentrates on those structures which intermediate students want to use, but which often cause difficulty. Some advanced students who have problems with grammar will also find the book useful.

The book is not suitable for elementary learners-

How the book is organised

There are 145 units in the book, Each unit concentrates on a particular point of grammar. Some problems (for example, the present perfect or the use of the) are covered in more than one unit. For a list of units, see the Contents at the beginning of the book.

Each unit consists Of two facing pages. On the left there are explanations and examples; on the right there are exercises. At the back of the book there is a Key for you to check vour answers to the exercises (page 336).

There are also seven Appendices at the back of the book (pages 292—301 These include irregular verbs, summaries of verb forms, spelling and American English.

Finally, there is a detailed Index at the back Of the book (page 373).

How to use the book

The units are not in order of difficulty, so it is not intended that vou work through the book from beginning to end. Every learner has different problems and vou should use this book to help you with the grammar that you find difficult.

It is suggested that you work in this way:

C] Use the Contents and/or Index to find which unit deals with the point you are interested in.

D If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the Study guide on page 326. L] Study the explanations and examples on the left-hand page Of the unit you have chosen, D Do the exercises on the right-hand page.

c.] Check your answers with the Key.

C] If your answers are not correct, study the left-hand page again to see what went wrong.

You can of course use the book simply as a reference book without doing the exercises.


Additional exercises

At the back of the book there are Additional exercises (pages 302—325). These exercises bring together some of the grammar points from a number of different units. For example, Exercise 16 brings together grammar points from Units 26—36. You can use these exercises for extra practice after you have studied and practised the grammar in the units concerned.

CD Rom

The book is sold with or without a CD Rom. On the CD Rom you will find more exercises on all the units (different from those in the book). There are also 1,700 test questions, and you can use these to make your own tests. The CD Rom can also be bought separately.


To the teacher

English Grammar in Use was written as a self-study grammar book, but teachers may also find it useful as additional course material in cases where further work on grammar is necessary.

The book Will probably be most useful at middle- and upper- intermediate levels (where all Of nearly all of the material will be relevant), and can serve both as a basis for revision and as a means for practising new Structures. It Will also be useful for some more advanced students Who have problems with grammar and need a book for reference and practice. The book is not intended to be used by elementary learners,

The units are organised in grammatical categories (Present and past, Articles and nouns,

Prepositions etc.). They are not ordered according to level of difficultv, so the book should not be worked through from beginning to end. It•should be used selectively and flexibly in accordance with the grammar syllabus being used and the difficulties students are having,

The book can be used for immediate consolidation or for later revision or remedial work, It might be used by the whole class or by individual students needing extra help, The left-hand pages (explanations and examples) are written for the student to use individually, but they may of course be used by the teacher as a source of ideas and information on which to base a lesson. The student then has the left-hand page as a record of what has been taught and can refer to it in the future. The exercises can be done individually, in class or as homework. Alternatively (and additionally), individual students can be directed to study certain units of the book by themselves if they have particular difficulties not shared by other students in their class. Don't forget the Additional exercises at the back of the book (see To the student).

The book is sold with or without a CD Rom, This contains further exercises on all the units in the book, as well as a bank of 1,700 test questions from which users select to compile their own tests, The CD Rom is also available separately.

An edition of English Grammar in Use without the Key is also available. Some teachers may prefer this for use with their students.


English Grammar in Use Third Edition

This is a new edition of English Grammar in Use- The differences between this edition and the second edition are:

o There are eight new units on phrasal verbs (Units 138—145). There is also a new unit on wish (Unit 41). Units 42—81 and 83—137 all have different numbers from the second edition.

a Some of the material has been revised or reorganised, and in most units there are minor changes in the examples, explanations and exercises.

D The Additional exercises have been extended. The new exercises are 14—16, 25, 30—31, and 37-41.

Cl The book has been redesigned with new colour illustrations.

There is a new CD Rom with further exercises to accompany the book.



Grammar in Use

Cl Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying to work. (not I try) a 'Where's Mark?' VHek having a shower.' (not He has a shower) CJ Let's go out now. It isn't raining any more. (not It doesn't rain) a (at a party) Hello, Jane. Are you enjoying the party? (not Do you enjoy) o What's all that noise? What's going on? (æ What's happening?)

The action is not necessarily happening at the time of speaking. For example:

Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:

Italian at the time of speaking) a Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer.

You can use the present continuous with today / this week / this year etc. (periods around now):

C) A: You're working hard today. (not You work hard today) B: Yes, I have a lot to do.

CJ The company I work for isn't doing so well this year.

We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially with these verbs:

get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start a Is your English getting better? (not Does your English get better) CI The population of the world is increasing very fast, (not increases) a At first I didn't like my job, but I'm beginning to enjoy it now. (not I begin)

Present continuous and present simple         Units 3—4 Present tenses for the future       Unit 19


1.1 Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form:

gew happen      look       lose       make    start      stay        try          -work I 'You .1!.€:.. LÑ.Q.r.kmg.... hard today.' 'Yes, I have a lot to do,'

2  1           for Christine, Do vou know where she is?

3  It           dark. Shall I turn on rhe light?

4  They don't have anywhere to live at the moment. They .            with friends until they find somewhere.

5  Things are not so good at work. The company money.

6  Have you got an umbrella? It to ram. You a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I to concentrate.

S Why are all these people here? Whar

Put the verb into the correct form, Sometimes you need the negative (I'm not doing etc.).

I Please don't make so much noise, I                                (try) to work.

2    Let's go out now. It       (raip) a_py more.

3    You can turn off the radio. I      (listen) go it.

4    Kate phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She . . (have) a great time and doesn't want co come back.

5    I want to lose weight, so this week I     (eat) lunch.

6    Andrew has just started evening classes. He (learn) German. 7 Paul and Sally have had an argument. They (speak) to each other.

8  1            (get) tired. I need a rest.

9  Tim       .               (work) this week. HSS on holiday.

1.3 Complete the conversations.

I saw Brian a few days ago.

B: Oh, did you?  these days? (what I he / do) A: He's at university.

B: ...u? (what / he / study) A: Psychology.

it? (he / enjoy)

A: Yes, he says it's a very good course.

2 A: Hi, Liz. How ...EC T                                                                                                in your new job? (you / get on)

B: Not bad. It wasn't so good at first, but better now. (things / get)

What about Jonathan? Is he OK?

B: Yes, but . his work at the moment. (he / not / enjoy) He's been in the same job for a long time and  to get bored with it. (he / begin)

1.4           Complete the sentences using the following verbs: begin               change get         increase- rise

1    The population Of the world    very fast.

2    The world         Things never stay the same.

3    The situation is alreadv bad and it          worse.

4    The cost of living            Every year things are more expensive.

S The weather . ff......„ to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind isn't as strong.

happens all the time or repeatedly; or that something is true in general: a Nurses look after patients in hospitals.  I usually go away at weekends.

a The earth goes round the sun.

       C] The café opens at 7.30 in the morning.          


        I work         but He works .              They teachbut My sister teaches

For spelling C-s or -es), see Appendix 6.

We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:

do does

l/we/you/they he/she/it




l/we/you/they he/she/it

don't doesn't

work drive do

D I come from Canada. Where do you come from? D I don't go away very often.

n What does this word mean? (not What means this word?)  Rice doesn't grow in cold climates.

In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do / doesn't do etc.):

 'What do you do?' 'I work in a shop.'

 He'S always so lazy. He doesn't do anything to help.

We use the present simple to say how often we do things:

 I get up at 8 0'clock every morning.

 How often do you go to the &entist?

D Julie doesn't drink tea very often.

D Robert usually goes away two or three times a year.

I promise / I apologise etc.

Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something, you can say 'I promise             when you suggest something, you can say 'I suggest D I promise I won't be late. (not I'm promising) n 'What do you suggest I do?' 'l suggest that you

In the same way we say: I apologise ... / I advise    / I insist          / I agree / I refuse . . etc.

Present Simple and present continuous           Units 3—4 Present tenses for the future Unit 1 9


2.1 Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

cause(s)          connect(s)        drink(s)         live(s)           open(s)- speak(sy          take(s)

I Tanya                       German very well.

2    I don't often    coffee.

3    The swimming pool      at 7.30 every morning.

4    Bad driving       many accidents.

5    My parents      i,n a very small flat.

6    The Olympic Games     place every four years.

7    The Panama Canal         the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

2.2 Put the verb into the correct form.

(not I use) it much, s

(this word / mean)?

(not I do) any sport,

2.3 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:

believe           eat        flow          -gœ -grow          make        rise        tell        translate

1   The earth ...goes..„.. round the sun-      7 An interpreter .

2   Ricelanguage into another. 3 The sun    in the east.         S Liars are people who 4 Bees .the truth.

5    Vegetarians .      meat.      9 The River Amazon

6    An atheist         In God. into the Atlantic Ocean.

2.4 You ask Liz questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.

I You know that Liz plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her,

How often

2                             Liz's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz.

3                             You know that Liz reads a newspaper every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.

4                             You know that Liz's brother works. You want go know what he does. Ask Liz.

5                             You know that Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to kriow how often. Ask her.

6                             You don't know where Liz's grandparents live. You w nt to know. Ask Liz.

2.5 Complete using the following:

I apologise                I insist             I promise             I recommend

I It's a nice day.    we go out for a walk. 2 I won't tell anvbodv what you said.

3 (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal.


5 The new restaurant in Hill Street is very good.

Present continuous and present simple 1 (l am doing and I do)


Present simple (l do)

We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.

 I do

past                        notc                    future

Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. a Excuse me, do you speak English?

a It doesrù rain very much in summer. a What do you usually do at weekends? a I always get hungry in the afternoonMost people learn to swim When they are children.

Every day the population of the world increases by about 200,000 people.

We use the simple for permanent situations:

My parents live in Løndon, They have lived there all their lives.

John isn't lazy. He works hard most Of the time.

See Unit 2 for more information.

Present continuous (l am doing)

We use the continuous for things happening at or around the time of speaking. The action is not complete.

past                           now                     future

The water is boiling, Can you turn it off? a Listen to those people, What language are they speaking?

a Let's go out. It isn't raining now. a Tm busy.' 'What are you doing?' c] I'm getting hungry, Let's go and eat. c] Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's learning Italian.

D The population of the world is increasing very fast.

We use the continuous for temporary situations:

Cl I'm living with some friends until I find a place of my own.

a A: You're working hard today. B: Yes, I have a lot to do.

See Unit I for more information.

I always do and I'm always doing

I always do (something) = I do it every time:

 I always go to work by car. (not I'm always going)

'I'm always doing something' has a different meaning. For example:

Two more examples:

 You're always watching television. You should do something more active. (z You watch television too often)

 Tim is never satisfied. He's always complaining. (z He complains too much)

Present continuous and simple 2 Unit 4 Present tenses for the future —s Unit 19


3.1 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1 Water at 100 degrees Celsius. Ok 2 The water boils. Can you turn it Off?

3     Look! That man         to open the door of your car.

4     Can you hear those people? What       they talk about?

5     The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.

6     I must go now. It gets late.

7     I usually gQ to work by car.

8     Hurry up! It's time to leave: 'OK, I

9     I hear you've got a new job. How do you get on?

10 Paul is never late. He's always getting to work on time. 11 They don't get on well. They'-re always arguing.

3.2 Put the verb into the correct form. present continuous or present simple.

I Let's go out, It                    (not / rain) now.

2                                                                                              Julia is very good at languages. She       (speak) four languages very well.

3                                                                                              Hurry up! Everybody    (wait) for you.

4                                                                                              (you / listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'

(you / listen) to the radio every day?' 'NO, just occasionally.'

6    The River Nile (flow) into the Mediterranean.

7    The river         (flow) very fast today — much faster than usual.

8    We usuallv (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we (not / grow) any.

9    A: How's your English?

B: Not bad. I think it                                              . (improve) slowly.

10Rachel is in London at the moment. She (stay) at the Park Hotel. She always (stay) there When she's in London. Il Can we stop walking s40n? I (start) to feel tired.

12 A: Can you drive?

(learn). MV father        (teach) me. 13 Normally I         (finish) work at five, but this week I (work) until six to earn a little more money.

14   My parents (live) in Manchester. They were born there and have never lived anvwhere else, Where . (your parents / live)?

15   Sonia . (look) for a place to live. She , (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.

16   A: What         (your brother / do)?

B: He ss an architect, but he (not / work) at the moment. 17 (at a party/ I usuallv (enjoy) parties, but I (not / eniov) this one verv much.

3.3 Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing.

I've lost my pen a}ain.

Not again! ... You re..

The car has broken down again.

B: That car is useless. It

Look! You've made the same mistake again.

B; Oh no, not again! I

Oh, I've forgotten mv glasses again. B: Typ iCal!

Present continuous and present simple 2 (l am doing and I do)

We use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they are eating / it is raining etc.). Some verbs (for example, know and like) are not normally used in this way. We don't say 'l am knowing' or 'they are liking'; we say 'l know', 'they like'.  The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous:


like love hate want need prefer

know realise suppose mean understand believe remember

belong fit contain consist seem

 a I'm hungry, I want something to eat, (not I'm wanting) C) Do you understand what I mean?

 Ann doesn't seem very happy at the rnöment,


When think means 'believe' or 'have an opinion', we do not use the continuous: a I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure. (not I'm thinking)  What do you think about my plan? (z What is your opinion?)

When think means 'consider', the continuous is possible:

I'm thinking about what happened. I often think about it.

Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (z she is considering it)

He is selfish and He is being selfish

being = He's behaving / He's acting. Compare:

I can't understand why he's being so selfish. He isn't usually like that.

(being selfish = behaving selfishly at the moment)       c] He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish. (not He is berng)

He is selfish generally, not only at the moment)

We use am/is/are being to say how somebody is behaving. It is not usually possible in  Other sentences:

 C] It's hot today. (not It is being hot)  a Sarah is very tired. (not is being tired)

See hear smell taste

We normally use the present simple (not continuous) with these verbs: a Do you see that man over there? (not Are you seeing) a This room smells. Let's open a window.

We often use can + see/hear/smell/taste:

I can hear a strange noise. Can you hear it?

You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: c] You look well today. or You're looking well today.

    a How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now? but

C) I usually feel tired in the morning. (not I'm usually feeling)

                         Present continuous and simple I        Unit 3 Have             Unit 17 Present tenses for the future -4 Unit 19


4.1 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. I Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. Qk 2 Arg you believing in God?

3   1'-m-fggJjng hungry- Is there anvthing to eat?

4   This sauce is great.  really good. S l'-m-lhl,n.k.i.ng this is your key. Am I right?

4.2          Use• the words in brackets to make sentences. (You should also study Unit 3 before you do this exercise.)

4.3          Put the verb into the correct form. present continuous or present simple.

                I Are you hungry?                                      (you / want) something to eat?

2    Don't put the dictionary away, I              (use) it.

3    Don't put the dictionary awav. I -            (need) it.

4    Who is that man? What              (he / want)?

5    Who is that man? Why (he / look) at us?

6    Alan says he's SO years old, but nobody              (believe) him.

7    She told me her names but I           (not / remember) it now.

8    1 /think) of selling my car. Would ýou be interested in buying it? (think) you should sell your car. You

(not / use) it very Often.

10 Alr  (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

4.4 Complete the sentences using the most suitable form Of be. Sometimes you must use the simple (am/is/are) and sometimes the continuous is more suitable (am/is/are being).

                  I I can't understand whv        h?'5,                    so selfish. He isn't usually like that,

2    Sara h very nice to me at the moment. I wonder why.

3    You'll like Debbie when you meet her, Shevery nice.

4    You-re usuallv very patient. so why       „„„ so unreasona ble about waiting ten more minutes?

 Why isn't Steve at work todav?ill?

Very often the past simple ends in -ed (regular verbs):

I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a department store. a We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come. a The police stopped me on my way home last night.

C] Laura passed her examination because she studied very hard.

For spelling (stopped, studied etc.), see Appendix 6.

But many verbs are irregular. The past simple does not end in -ed. For example: write D Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music. See C] We saw Rose in town a few days ago.

c) I went to the cinema three times last week. shut C) It was cold, so I shut the window.

For a list of irregular verbs, see Appendix I.

In questions and negatives we use did/didn't + infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc.):


I she they

enjoyed saw went



you she they

enjoy? see? go?


she they


en ioy see go

C] A: Did you go out last night?

B: Yes, I went to the cinema, but I didrù enjoy the film much.

 'When did Mr Thomas die?' 'About ten years ago.' a They didrù invite her to the party, so she didrù go.

                                      a 'Did you have time to write the letter?' 'No, I didn't.'

In the following examples, do is the main verb in the sentence (did ... do / didn't do):         c] What did you do at the weekend? (not What did you at the weekend?)  I didn't do anything. (not I didn't anything)

 The past of be (am/is[are) is was/were:


I/he/she/it was/wasn't


was I/he/she/it?

we/you/they were/weren•t

were we/vou/thev?

 Note that we do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were: a I was angry because they were late.

 Was the weather good when you were on holiday? c] They weren't able to come because they were so busy. CD Did you go out last night or were you too tired?

                           Past simple and past continuous        Unit 6 Past simple and present perfect       Units 12—14


5.1     Read what Laura says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 0'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I Start work at 8.45- I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 0'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 0'clock, and I always sleep well.


Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura, Write what she did or didn't do yesterday.

7at 5 0'clock.

8                      tired when  home.

9                      a meal yesterday evening, 10 out yesterday evening.

11at I l o'clock. 12well last night.

5.2     Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:

                 buy        catch         cost        fall         hurt        sell        spend        teach        throw             

 Mozart . more than 600 pieces Of music.

2    'How did you learn to drive?' S MY father

3    We couldn't afford to keep our car; so we

4    Davedown the stairs this morning and his leg.

5    Jimthe ball to Sue, who

6    Anna lot of money yesterday. She         a dress which


5.3            You ask James about his holiday. Write your questions. Hi. HOW are things?

Fine, thanks. I've just had a great holiday. I Where  ?

To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver.

2    How  ? By car?

Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco,

3    It's a long way to drive. Höw long

Two weeks,

4    Where  ? In hotels? Yes, small hotels or motels.


Yes, but it was very hot — sometimes too hot.

6  the Grand Canvon?

Of course. It was wonderful.

5.4    Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.

1    It was warm, so I        off mv coat. (take)

2    The film wasn't very good. I

3    I knew Sarah was verv busy, so I

4    I was verv tired, so I

5    The bed was very uncomfortable. I 6 The window was open and a

 The hotel wasn't verv expensive. It

8    I was in a hurrv, so I

9    It was hard carrying the bags. They her. (disturb)

. very well. (sleep) into the room. (fly) . very much. (cost) very heavy. (be)

Past continuous (l was doing)

Study this example situation:


Yesterday Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10 0'clock and finished at 11.30. so, at 10.30 they were playing tennis.

They were playing = they were in the middle of playing. They had not finished playing. Was/were -Ing is the past continuous:

I/he/she/it was we/you/they were

playing doing working etc.

I was doing something = I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time, but had not finished:

I started doing                       I was doing             I finished doing

past        past note o This time last year I was living in Brazil. C] What were you doing at 10 0'clock last night? c] I waved to Helen, but she wasrù looking.

Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did):

continuous (in the middle of an action) a I was walking home when I met Dave.

(in the middle of an action)

C] Kate was watching television when we arrived.


Past                                                                 Past simple (complete action)

I walked home after rhe party last night. all the way, completely)

Kate watched television a lot when she was ill last year.

We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the middle of something else:

 Matt phoned while we were having dinner.  It was raining when I got up.

o   I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book. o I hurt my back while I was working in the garden,

But we use the past simple to say that one thing happened after another:

o   I was walking along the road when I saw Dave. so I stopped, and we had a chat.


Karen arrived, we had dinner.

arrived, and then we had

Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A):

D We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not We were knowing)

CJ I was enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting)


6.1 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example).

I (at 8 0'clock yesterdav evening)

2    (at 5 0'clock last Monday)

3    (at 10.15 yesterday morning)

4    (at 4.30 this morning)

5    Åat 7.45 yesterday evening)

6    (half an hour ago)

6.2     Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.

I Matt phoned while we

2    The doorbell rang while I

3    We saw an accident while we

4    Ann fell asleep while she

5    The television was on, but nobody

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.


1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (meet) Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. Thev

       (go) to Paris and I

(go) to Rome. We            (have) a chat while we

 (wait) for our flights.

*                               (cycle) home yesterday when a man

*                                 (step) out into the road in front of me. I (go) quite fast, but luckily I

(manage) to stop in time and

 (not / hit) him.

Put the verb into' the correct form, past continuous or past simple.

(wait) for me when I ......g-rrcvd...... (arrive).

                                                                                      (you do) at this time yesterday?'       was asleep.'

(vou / go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired.'

(vou / drive) when the accident

(take) a photograph of me while I

(not / look).

6    We were in a very difficult position. We(not / know) what to do. 7 I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last . (see) him, he (trv) to find a job.

8     1 (walk) along the street When suddenly I

(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody  (follow) me. I was scared and I        (start) to run,

9     When I was voung, I  (want) to be a pilot.

10                 Last night I (drop) a plate when I (do) the washing up. Fortunately it (not / break).

 Additional exercise I (page 302)

The road is closed. There's been (there has been) an accident, c] (from the news) Police have arrested two men in connection with the robbery.

When we use the present perfect, there is a connection with now. The action in the past has a  result now:

 •Where's your key?' 'I don't know. I've lost it,'       I don't have it now) c] He told me his name, but I've forgotten it. (z I can't remember it now) C] 'Is Sally here?' 'No, she's gone out.'        she is out now) a I can't find my bag, Have you seen it?       Do you know where it is now?)

You can use the present perfect with just, already and yet.

Just a short time ago:

C] 'Are you hungry?' 'No, I've just had lunch.' D Hello. Have you just arrived?

We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected:

CI 'Don't forget to send the letter. 'I've already sent it-' a 'What time is Mark leaving?' 'He's already gone.'

Yet = until now. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen. Use yet only in questions and negative sentences: Has it stopped raining yet?

a I've written the letter, but I haven't sent it vet.

Note the difference between gone (to) and been (to):

                                      Jim is on holiday. He has gone to Italy.      he IS there now or on his way there)

El Jane is back home now. She has been to Italy. (e she has now come back)

 Present perfect Units 8, Been to Units 8A, 126B Present perfect continuous —s Units 9-10 and past Units 12—14 Yet and already Unit Ill American English Appendix 7


7.1     Read the situations and write sentences. Use the following verbs:

arrive   break    fall          go up    grow     improve               loseI Tom is looking for his    He can't find it.

2    Margaret can't walk and her leg is in plaster.

3    Last week the bus fare W'as 80 pence. Now it is 90.

4    Maria's English wasn't very good. Now it is better. 5 Dan didn't have a beard before. NOW he has a beard. 6 This morning I was expecting a letter, Now I have it,  The temperature was 20 degrees. Now it is only 12.

7.2     Complete B's sentences. Use the verb in brackets + just/already/yet.








7.3      Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet,

 After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, 'Would you like something to eat?'

                      You sav: Xo thank vou. had                        (have lunch)

2    Joe goes out. Five minutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, 'Can I speak to Joe?'

You sav•. I'm' afraid  (go out)

3    You are eating in a restaurant. The waiter thinks you have finished and starts to take your plate away, You sav: Wait a minute!(not / finish)

4    You are going to a restaurant tonight. You phone to reserve a table. Later your friend says,

•Shall I phone to reserve a table,' You say: No, . (do it) 5 You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to Perhaps she has been successful.

Ask her. You sav:? (find)

6    You are still thinking about where to go for your holiday. A friend asks, 'Where are you going for vour holiday?' You say:  (not /decide)

7    Linda went to the bank, but a few minutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, 'Is Linda still at the bank?' You say: No,  . (come back)

7.4       Put in been or gone.

1    Jim is on holidav. He's      to Italy.

2    Hello! I've just to the shops. I've bought lots Of things.

3    Alice isn't here at the moment. She's  to the shop to get a newspaper, 4 Tom has  out. He'll be back in about an hour.

S 'Are you going to the bank?' 'No. I've alreadv  to the bank.'

a Have you ever eaten caviar? (in your life) a We've never had a car.

 'Have you read Hamlet?' 'No, I haven't read any of Shakespeare's plays.' c] Susan really loves that film, She's seen it eight times!

a What a boring film! It's the most boring film I've ever seen.

Been (to) = visited:

a I've never been to China. Have you been there?

In the following examples too, the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (recently / in the last few days / so far / since breakfast etc.):  Have you heard from Brian recently?


—in the last few days

since breakfast

a I've met a lot of people in the last few days.

a Everything is going well. We haven't had any problems    so far.

Cl I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.

from breakfast until now)         past c] It's good to see you again. We haven't seen each other for a long time.



We use the present perfect with today / this evening / this year etc. when these periods are not finished at the time of speaking (see also Unit 14B):  I've drunk four cups of coffee today.

                                 a Have you had a holiday this year (yet)?

 I haven't seen Tom this morning. Have you? past now  c] Rob hasn't studied very hard this term.

We say: It's the (first) time something has happened. For example:

a Don is having a driving lesson. It's his first one.

    It's the first time he has driven a car. (not drives) or       He has never driven a car before.

c] Sarah has lost her passport again. This is the second time this has happened. (not happens)

D Bill is phoning his girlfriend again- That's the third time he's phoned her this evening.

Present perfect I Unit 7 Present perfect + for/since Units 11—12 and past Units 12—14


8.1 You are asking people questions about things they have done, Make questions with ever using the words in brackets,

1     (ride / horse?) Hase .gog eŸer ridden av horse?

2     (be / California?) Have

3     (run / marathon?)

4     (speak / famous person?)

5     (most beautiful place / visit?) What's

8.2    Complete Vs answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative, Use the following verbs:

8.3      Complete the sentences using today / this year / this term etc.

I I saw Tom yesterday, but

3   1 read a newspaper vesterdav, but I

4   Last year the CÄ)mpany made a profit, but this year .

4    Tracy worked hard at school last term, but

5    It snowed a lot last winter, but

6    Our football team won a lot of games last season, but we

8.4     Read the situations and write sentences as shown in the example.

I Jack is driving a car, but he's very nervous and not sure what to do.

You ask:

He says:

2    Ben is playing tennis. He'S not good at it and he doesn't know the rules.

You ask: Have

He savs: Xo, this is the first .

3    Sue is riding a horse. She doesn't look very confident or comfortable. You ask:

She savs:

4    Maria is in London, She has just arrived and it's very new for her.

You ask: She savs:

CI You're out of breath. Have you been running? (z you're out of breath now) a Paul is very tired. He's been working very hard.     hè's tired now) a Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

Cl I've been talking to Amanda about the problem and she agrees with me. a Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere.

It has been raining for two hours. Study this example situation:

It began raining two hours ago and it is still raining.

How long has it been raining?

It has been raining for two hours.

We use the present perfect continuous in this wav with how long, for , and since The activity is still happening (as in this example) or has just stopped.

How long have you been learning English?         you're still learning English) Tim is still watching television. He's been watching television all day.

Where have you been? I've been looking for you for the last half hour. C] Chris hasn't been feeling well recently.

You can use the present prefect continuous for actions repeated over a period of time:

 Debbie is a very good tennis player. She's been playing since she was eight.

Cl Every morning they meet in the same café, They've been going there for years.

Compare I am doing (see Unit 1) and I have been doing;

I am doing present continuous


Cl Don't disturb me now. I'm working.

a We need an umbrella, It's raining.  Hurry up! We're waiting.

have been doing

Present perfect continuous

I've been working hard. Now I'm to have a break.

The ground is wet. It's been raining.

We've been waiting for an hour-

now  going

                                                       continuous and simple Units 10-11         Present perfect + for/since Units 11—12


9.1     What have these people been doing or what has been happening?







9,2     Write a question for each situation.

I You meet Paul as he is leaving the swimming pool.

You ask: (you / swim?'

2     You have just arrived to meet a friend Who is waiting for you.

You ask: (vou / wait / long?)

3     You meet a friend in the street. His face and hands are very dirty.

You ask: (what / vou / do?)

4     A friend of yours is now working in a shop. You want to know how long.

You ask: (how long / you / work I there?)

5     A friend tells you about his job — he sells computers. You want to know how long.

You ask: (how long / you / sell / computers?)

9.3     Read the situations and complete the sentences,

I It's raining. The rain started two hours ago.

                    It î..bæn                 for two hours.

2 We are waiting for the bus- We started waiting 20 minutes ago.

We  for 20 minutes. 3 1'm learning Spanish. I started classes in December.

since December. 4 Marv is working in London. She started working there on 18 January.

since 18 January.

S Our friends always spend their holidays in Italy. They started going there years ago. for years.

9.4 Put the verb into the present continuous (I am -ing) or present perfect continuous (l have been -ing).

                     Maruz h0£. þeen                (Maria / learn) English for two years.

2    Hello, Tom.    (l / look) for you. Where have you been?

3    Whv   (you / look) at me like that? Stop it!

4    Linda is a teacher.      (she / teach) for ten years.

(I / think) about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.

             6 'Is Paul on holidav this week?' S NO,                                              (he / work).'

             Sarah is verv tired.                                               (she / work) very hard recently.

Unit Present perfect continuous and simple 10 (l have been doing and I have done)


The ceiling was white, Now it is red. She has painted the ceiling.

Has painted is the present perfect simple.

Here, the important thing is that something has been finished. Has painted is a completed action. We are interested in the result of the activity (the painted ceiling), not the activity itself.

Kate's clothes are covered in paint.

She has been painting the ceiling.

Has been painting is the present perfect continuous.

We are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not. In this example, the activity (painting the ceiling) has not been finished.

Study this example situation:

Compare these examples:

a My hands are very dirty. I've been repairing the car.

C] Joe has been eating too much recently.

He should eat less.

C) It's nice to see you again. What have you been doing since we last met?

C] Where have you been? Have you been playing tennis?

We use the continuous to say how long (for an activity that is still happening):

a How long have you been reading that book?

Lisa is still writing letters. She's been writing letters all day, a They've been playing tennis since 2 0'Clock.

I'm learning Spanish, but I haven't been learning it very long.

The car is OK again now. I've repaired it.

C] Somebodv has eaten all mv chocolates. The box is empty.

a Where's the book I gave vou? What have vou done with it?

a Have vou ever plaved tennis?

We use the simple to say how much, hote many or bow many times (for completed actions):

How much of that book have you read?

C] Lisa has written ten letters today.

They've played tennis three times this week.

I'm learning Spanish, but I haven't learnt verv much vet.

Some verbs (for example, know/like/believe) are not normally used in the continuous:

C] I've known about it for a long time. (not I've been knowing)

For a list Of these verbs, see Unit 4A. But note that you can use want and mean in the present perfect continuous:

 I've been meaning to phone Jane, but I keep forgetting.

                     Present perfect simple —s Units 7-8 Present perfect continuous      Unit 9

+ for/since —a Units 11-12


10.1 For each situation, write two sentences using the words in brackets.

I Tom started reading a book two hours ago, He is still reading it and now he is on page 53.

(read / for two hours)

(read / 53 pages so far) „...He has

2    Rachel is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her trip three months ago.

(travel / for three months) She

(visit / six countries so far)

3    Patrick is a tennis plaver. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he is national champion again — for the fourth time. (win / the national championships / four times) (play / tennis since he was ten)

4    When thev left college, Lisa and Sue started making films together. They still make films.

(make / five films since they left college) They

(make / films since they left college)

10.2 For each situation, ask a question using the words in brackets, I You have a friend who is learning Arabic, You ask: how long / learn / Arabic?)

2    You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (wait / long?) Have

3    You see somebodv fishing by the river. You ask; (catch / any fish?)

4    Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask:

(how many people / invite?)

5    A friend of yours is a teacher, You ask; (how long / teach?)

6    You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask:

(how many books / write?)

(how long / write / books?)

7    A friend of vours is saving money to go on holiday You ask:

(how long / save?)

(how much money / save?)

10.3 Put the verb into the more suitable form, present perfect simple (l have done) or continuous (I have been doing).

              I Where have you been? ...H.ç\.ye.                                           (you / play) tennis?

2                                                                                                        Look!              (somebody / break) that window.

3                                                                                                        You look tired.            (you / work) hard?

4                                                                                                        (you / ever / work) in a factory?' 'No, never,'

             S 'Liz is awav on holidav.'           she? Where .                                                               (she / go)?

6    MV brother is an actor,               (he / appear) in several films.

7    'Sorry rm late: 'That's all right. . (I / not / wait) long.' 8 • Is it still raining?' 'NO (it / stop).' 9        (I / lose) my address book. (you / see) it?

10                                                                                                     (I / read) the book you lent me, but (l / not / finish) it yet. It's very interesting.

11                                                                                                     (I / read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.

We use the present perfect to talk about something that began in the past and still continues now. Compare the present and the present perfect: Cl Bill is in hospital.

but He has been in hospital since Monday.

(not Bill is in hospital since Monday) present Cl DO you know each other well?

but Have you known each other for a long time?

                                 (not Do you know)                                                present perfect

                              D She's waiting for somebody.

but She's been waiting all morning.      now a DO they have a car?

but How long have they had their car?

I have known/had/lived etc. is the present perfect simple.

I have been learning / been waiting / been doing etc. is the present perfect continuous.

When we ask or say 'how long', the continuous is more usual (see Unit 10): a I've been learning English for six months. a It's been raining since lunchtime.

C] Richard has been doing the same job for 20 years.

'How long have you been driving?' 'Since I was 17.'

Some verbs (for example, know/like/believe) are not normally used in the continuous: a How long have you known Jane? (not have you been knowing) a I've had a pain in my stomach all day. (not I've been having) See also Units 4A and IOC. For have, see Unit 17.

You can use either the present perfect continuous or simple with live and work:

C] Julia has been living / has lived in Paris for a long time.

C] How long have you been working / have you worked here?

But we use the simple (I've lived / I've done etc.) with always:

c] I've always lived in the country. (not always been living)

                           say 'l haverù done something since/for     (present perfect simple):

a I haven't seen Tom since Monday.           Monday was the last rime I saw him) c] Sue hasn't phoned for ages.    the last time she phoned was ages ago)

                           I haven't . since/for Unit 8A Present perfect continuous            Units 9—10 For and since       Unit 12A


11.1 Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary,


I Bob is a friend of mine. very well.

2 Bob is a friend Of mine. for a long time. 3 Sue and Alan are married since Julv.

4                      The weather is awful. ICs-raining again.

5                      The weather is awful.  all day.

6                      I like your house. HOW long there?

7                      Gary is-Y.QE.ki.ng in a shop for the last few months.

8                      J don't know Tim well, We've onlv met a few times.

9                      I gave up drinking coffee. I  it for a year. 10 That's a verv old bike. How long do you have it?

11.2 Read the situations and write questions from the words in brackets, I John tells you that his mother is in hospital. You ask him:

                 (how long / be / in hospital?   HOVN .l:o.ng has..gegr mother been.

2    You meet a woman who tells vou that she teaches English. You ask her:

/how long / teach / English?)

3    You know that Jane is a good friend of Caroline's. You ask Jane:

(how long / know / Caroline?)

4    Your friend's brother went to Australia some time ago and he)s still there. You ask your friend:

(how long / be / in Australia?)

5    Tim alwavs wears the same jacket. It's a verv old jacket. You ask him: (how long / have / that jacket?)

6    You are talking to a friend about Joe. Joe now works at the airport. You ask your friend; (how long / work / at the airport?)

7    A friend of vours is learning to drive. You ask him:

(how long/ learn / to drive?)

S You meet somebody on a plane. She says that She lives in Chicago. You ask her: (alwavs / live I in Chicago?)

11.3 Complete B's answers to A's questions.

1                                              Bill is in hospital, isn't he?

2                                              Do vou see Ann very often?

3                                              Is Margaret married?

4                                              Are vou waiting for me?

5                                              You know Linda, don't vou? 6          Do vou still plav tennis? Is Jim watching TV? DO vou watch TV a lot? 9 Have you got a headache?

10                                                     George is never ill, is he?

11                                                     Are vou feeling ill?

12                                                     Sue lives in London, doesn•t she?

13                                                     Do you go to the cinema a lot? Would you like to go to New York one day?

Yes, he has been.... in hospital since Monday. ha-vente seen.... her for three months.

Yes, she


married for ten years.

Yes, I


for the last half hour,

Yes, we


each Other a long time.

tennis for years.

Yes, he


TV all evening.

TV for ages.

Yes, I


a headache all morning.

No, he


ill since I've known him.

Yes, I


ill all day.

Yes, she


in London

for the last few years.

No, 1 to the cinema for ages. yes, I          to go to New York. (use always want)

For and since When ... ? and How long

We use for and since to say how long something has been happening.


We use for + a period of time (two hours, six weeks etc.):

a I've been waiting for two hours.

two hours

two hours 20 minutes five days

for a long time six months 50 years

a week ages years

Cl Sally has been working here for six months. (not since six months)

C] I haven't seen Tom for three days.

(not since three days)

We use since + the start of a period (8 0'clock, Monday, 1999 etc.):

I've been waiting since 8 0'clock.

       8 0'clock note

It is possible to leave out for (but not usually in negative sentences): a They've been married (for) ten years. (with or without for)

                                 c) They haven't had a holiday for ten years. (you must use for)

We do not use for + all (all day / all my life etc.):

CI I've lived here all my life. (not for all my life)

We say 'It's (a long time / two years etc.) since something happened':

a It's two years since I last saw Joe. (z I haverù seen Joe for two years)

 It's ages since we went to the cinema. (z We haven't been to the cinema for ages)

You can ask 'How long is it since a How long is it since you last saw Joe? When did you last see Joe?)

                              How long is it since Mrs Hill died?      When did Mrs Hill die?)

You can also say 'It's been (z It has been) since

 It's been two years since I last saw Joe.

                       How long have you (been) .          Unit 1 1


12.1 Write for or since.

              I It's been raining                    lunchtime.

2    Sarah has lived in Paris    1995.

3    Paul has lived in London             ten years.

4    I'm tired of waiting. We've been sitting here    an hour.

5    Kevin has been looking for a job    he left school.

6    I haven't been to a party            ages.

7    I wonder where Joe is. I haven't seen him          last week.

8    Jane is awav• She's been away .

9    The weather is dry. It hasn't rained .     . a few weeks.

12.2 Write questions with how long and when.

I It's raining.

(how long?)


2    Kate is learning Japanese.

(how long / learn?)

(when / start?)

3    1 know Simon.

(how long / vou / know?)

(when / you / first / meet?)

4    Rebecca and David are married.

(how long?) gwhen?)

12.3 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

1  It'S raining. It's been raining since lunchtime. It .„..îžarte.a         at lunchtime.

2  Ann and Sue are friends. Thev first met years ago. They've        .eac.41 other.    years.

3  Joe is ill. He became ill on Sunday. He has Sunday. 4 Joe is ill. He became ill a few days ago. He has . „ a few days. 5 Liz is married. She's been married for a year. She got 6 You have a headache. It started when you woke up.

I've  I woke up,

7   Sue has been in Italy for the last three weeks. She went

8   You're working in a hotel, You started six months ago, I've

12.4 Write B's sentences using the words in brackets.

I A: Do you often go on holidav?

B: (no / five years) .... NQå

2    A: Do you often see Sarah?

B: (no / about a month) No,

3    A; Do vou often go to the cinema?

B: (no / a long time)

4    A: Do vou often eat in restaurants?

B; (no / ages) No, I

Now write B's answers again, This time use It's since

Present perfect and past 1 (l have done and I did)

Study this example situation:

Tom is looking for his kev. He can st find it.

He has lost his key. (present perfect)

This means that he doesn st have his key note,

Ten minutes later:

Now Tom has found his kev. He has ir now, Has he lost his key? No, he has found it.

Did he lose his key? Yes, he did. He lost his key (past simple) but now he has found it, (present perfect)

The present perfect (something has happened) is a present tense. It always tells us about the situation now. 'Tom has lost his key' = he doesn't have his key now (see Unit 7).

The past simple (something happened) tells us only about the past. If somebody says 'Tom lost his key', this doesn't tell us whether he has the key now or not. It tells us only that he lost his key at some time in the past.



Do not use the present perfect if the situation now is different. Compare:

C] They've gone away. They'll be back on Friday. (they are away now)

They went away, but I think they're back at home now. (not They've gone)

C] It has stopped raining now, so we don't need the umbrella. (it isn't raining now) It stopped raining for a while, but now iF's raining again. (not It has stopped)

You can use the present perfect for new or recent happenings:

Cl 'I've repaired the TV. It's working OK now,' 'Oh, that's good.' Cl Have you heard the news? Sally has won the lottery!

Use the past simple (not the present perfect) for things that are not recent or new:

C] Mozart was a composer. He wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

(not has been has written) a My mother grew up in Scotland. (not has grown) Compare:

a Did you know that somebody has invented a new type of washing machine? a Who invented the telephone? (not has invented)

We use the present perfect to give new information (see Unit 7). But if we continue to talk about it, we normally use the past simple:

Cl A: Owl I've burnt myself.

B: How did you do that? (not have you done)

A: I picked up a hot dish. (not have picked)

C] A: Look! Somebody has spilt something on the sofå.

B: Well, it wasn't me. I didrù do it. (not hasn't been haven't done)

Past simple —+ Unit 5 Present perfect Units 7-8 Present perfect and past 2 Unit 14 American English Appendix 7


13.1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. Use the present perfect where possible.

13.2 Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

              I It                          raining for a while. but now it's raining again. (stop)

2    The town is verv different now. It           a lot. (change)

3    I did German at school, but I     most of it now. (forget)

4    The police three people, but later they let them go. (arrest) 5 What do you think of my English? Do vou think it  ? (improve) 6 A: Are vou still reading the paper?

with it. You can have it. (finish) for a job as a tourist guide, but I wasn't successful. (apply) outside the house, but it's not there now. (be)

9       Look! There's an ambulance over there. There               an accident. (be)

10   A: Have vou heard about Ben? He         his arm. (break)

                 B:                 How                       that                                                         (happen)

                  A: He                                                         off a ladder. (fall)

13.3 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary I Do vou know about Sue? She's given up her job. Ok 2 MV mother has grown up in Scotland.

3     How many plays has Shakespeare written?

4     Ow! I've cut mv finger. It's bleeding.

5     Drugs have become a big problem everywhere.

6     The Chinese have invented paper.

— Where have you been born?

             S Marv isn't at home.                      shopping.

9 Albert Einstein the scientist who has developed the theory of relativity.

Present perfect and past 2 (l have done and I did)

Do not use the present perfect (I have done) when you talk about a finished time (for example, yesterday / ten minutes ago in 1999 / when I was a child). Use a past tense:

 It was very cold yesterday, (not has been)

c) Paul and Lucy arrived ten minutes ago, (not have arrived)

CJ Did you eat a lot of sweets when you were a child? (not have you eaten) I got home late last night, I was very tired and went straight to bed.

                        Use the past to ask When ... ? or What time       ?:

a When did your friends arrive? (not havearrived)

 What time did you finish work?


Present perfect C) Tom has lost his key. He can't get into the house.

c] Is Carla here or has she left?


Present perfect (have done) a I've done a lot of work today.

We use the present perfect for a period of time that continues until now. For example: today / this week / since 1985.





past     now Cl It hasn't rained this week.

Have you seen Anna this morning?

(it is still morning)

Have you seen Tim recently?

I don't know where Lisa is. I haven't seen her. (z I haven't seen her recently) We've been waiting for an hour. (we are still waiting now) a Ian lives in London. He has lived there for seven years.

I have never played golf. (in my life) a It's the last day of your holiday. You say: It's been a really good holidav. I've really enjoyed it.

Past simple         Unit 5 Present perfect units Past simple

Tom lost his kev yesterday. He couldn't get into the house.

When did Carla leave?

Past simple (did)

I did a lot of work yesterday.

We use the past simple for a finished time in the past. For example: yesterday / last week I from 1995 to 2001.

finished yesterday past    no tv It didlù rain last week.

Did vou see Anna this morning? (it is now afternoon or evening) Did you see Tim on Sunday?

x: Was Lisa at the party on Sunday? B: [ don't think so. I didn't see her. We waited (ot were waiting) for an hour. (we are no longer waiting)

Ian lived in Scotland for ten years.

Now he lives in London.

I didn't play golf last summer.

After you come back from holiday yoti sav: It was a really good holidav. I reallv enioved it.

Present perfect and past I         Unit 13


14.1 Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

1    I've lost my kev. I can't find it anywhere.

2    Have you eaten a lot Of sweets when you were a child?

3    rye bought a new car. You must come and see it.

4    Eye-bought a new car last week.

5    Where have yqu been vesterdav evening?

6     in 1999.

7    I'm looking for Mike. Have you seen him?

 •Have you been to Paris?' •yes, many times.' 9 I'm very hungrv. I haven't eaten much todav. 10 When has this book been published?

14.2 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Use the present perfect or past simple.

I dit / not / rain / this week)

2    (the weather / be / cold /

3    (it / cold / last week) It

4    (I / not / read / a newspaper yesterdav) I

5    (I I not / read J a newspaper todav)

6    gEmilv / earn / a lot of monev / this vear)

7    (she J not / earn/ so much / last vear)

S (vou / have / a holidav recentlv?)

14.3 Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or past simple.

                    I I don't know where Lisa is.                                              (you I see) her?

2 When I (get) home last night, I  (be) very tired and I    (go) straight to bed.

(you / finish) painting the bedroom? B: Not vet. I'll finish it tomorrow.

4    George . (not / be) very well last week.

5    Mr Clark              (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

6    Mollv lives in Dublin. She (live) there all her life. (you / go) to the cinema last night?

b: Yes, but it a mistake. The film(be) awful. S My grandtather (die) before I was born. I (never / meet) him.

9               I don't know Carol•s husband. I               (never / meet) him.

10           A: Is Marrin here? B: No, he (go) out.

                    A: When exactlv                                                     (he / go) out? B: About ten minutes ago.

11           Where do vou live? B: In Boston.

                      A: How long -                                                      (you / live) there?          Five years,

                     A: Where                                                           (you / live) before that? B: In Chicago.

                     A: And how long                                                       (you / live) in Chicago? B: Two years.

14.4 Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets.

I (something vou haven't done todavþ 2 (something you haven't done today)

3 (something vou didn•t do vesterday) 4 (something vou did vesterdav evening)

5    (something you haven't done recently)

6    (something you've done a lot recently)

                                          2—4                303—04), 14—15 (pages 310—11)

The past perfect simple is had + past participle (gone/seen/finished etc).

Sometimes we talk about something that happened in the past:  Sarah arrived at the party.

This is the starting point of the story. Then, if we want to talk about things that happened before this time, we use the past perfect (had

C] When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.

Some more examples:

 When we got home last night, we found that somebody had broken into the flat.

c] Karen didn't want to go to the cinema With us because she'd already seen the film.

 At first I thought I'd done the right thing, but I soon realised that I'd made a big mistake.

a The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He hadn't flown before.

Compare the past simple (left, was etc.) and the past perfect (had left, had been etc.):

                              a A: Was Tom there when you arrived?                    A: Was Tom there when you arrived?

                                  B: Yes, but he left soon afterwards,                        B; No, he had alreadv left,

Kate wasn't at home when I phoned. Kate had just got home when I phonedShe was at her mother's house. She had been at her mother's house.

                       Past perfect continuous      Unit 16 Irregular verbs (gone/seen etc.) -+ Appendix 1


15.1 Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.

I You went to Sue's house, but she wasn't there.

(she / go / out) „,.She

2    You went back to your home town after many years. It wasn't the same as before.

(it / change / a lot)

3    1 invited Rachel to the party. but she couldn't come.

(she/ arrange / to do something else)

4    You went to the cinema last night. You got to the cinema late.

(the film / already / begin)

5    It was nice to see Dan again after such a long time.

(l / not / see / him for five years)

6    1 offered Sue something to eat, but she wasn't hungry.

(she / just / have / breakfast)

15.2 For each situation. write a sentence ending with never before. Use the verb in brackets. I The man sitting next to vou on the plane was verv nervous, It was his first flight,

2    A woman walked into the room. She was a complete stranger to me. (see) I  before.

3    Sam played tennis yesterday. He wasn't very good at it because it was his first game.

(play) He

4    Last year we went ro Denmark. It was our first time there. (be there) We

15.3 Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These sentences are in the order in which they happened — so (1) happened before (2), (2) before (3) etc. But your paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect.

I         Somebody broke into the office during the night,

'2' We arrived at work in the morning. 13' We called the police.

2 Laura went out this morning. i2j J trjça ro phQne her.

13' There was no answer.

3 Jim came back from holiday a few davs ago.

'2b I met him the same day. He looked verv well.

4 '1 b Kevin sent Sallv lots of emails. '2' She never replied to them.

i3i Yestçrdav got phone call from her. 14) He was very surprised.

15.4 Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (l had done) or past simple (l did).

1   •Was Paul at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he ....hea„go.n.e..... (go) home.'

2   1 felt verv tired when I got home, so I  (go) straight to bed.

3   The house was very quiet When I got home. Everybody              (go) to bed.

4   Sorry I'm late. The car  (break) down on my way here.

5   We were driving along the road when we .        (see) a car which

                                                          (break) down, so we                                         (stop) to help.

                                        5-8                304—07)

Some more examples:

a When the boys came into the house, their clothes were dirty, their hair was untidy and one of them had a black eye. They'd been fighting.

 I was very tired when I got home. I'd been working hard all day.

CJ When I went to Madrid a few years ago, I stayed with a friend of mine. She'd been living there only a short time but knew the city very well.

You can say that something had been happening for a period of time before something else happened:

We'd been playing tennis for about half an hour when it started to rain heavily.

a George went to the doctor last Friday. He hadn't been feeling well for some time.

Compare have been -ing (present perfect continuous) and had been -ing (past perfect continuous):

                             Present perfect continuous                               Past perfect continuous

                                                         I have been -ing                                I had been -ing

                             past                                        note                                                  past             now

a I hope the bus comes soon. I've been At last the bus came. I'd been waiting waiting for 20 minutes. (before now) fór 20 minutes. (before the bus came) c] James is out of breath. He has been James was out of breath. He had been running.    running.

Compare was -ing (past continuous) and had been -ing:

Cl It wasn't raining when we went out, The sun was shining, But it had been raining, so the ground was wet.

Cl Cathy was sitting in an armchair resting. She was tired because she'd been working very hard.

Some verbs (for example, know and like) are not normally used in the continuous:

a We were good friends. We had known each other for years. (not had been knowing)

For a list of these verbs, see Unit 4A.

                             Present perfect continuous -s Units 9-10         past perfect simple Unit 15


16.1 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in brackets.

1   1 was very tired when I arrived home.

(I / work / hard all day)

2   The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.

(they / play / football)

3   1 was disappointed when I had to cancel my holiday.

(l / 100k / forward to it)

4   Ann woke up in the middle Of the night. She was frightened and didn't know where she was.

(she / dream)

S When I got home, Tom was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.

(he / watch / a film)

16.2 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

I We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain.

                         We  when               started EO rain

2   1 had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20 minutes I suddenly realised that I was in the wrong restaurant.

1for 20 minutes when I the wrong restaurant.

3   Sarah got a job in factory. Five years later the factory closed down.

 , Sarah

4   1 went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting.

                       The orchestra                                                                                                             when

This time make your own sentence:

S I began walking along the road. I when

16.3 Put the verb into the most suitable form, past continuous (l was doing). past perfect (I had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).

1   It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours  (have) a party.

2   We were good friends. We .....ha•d:     (know) each other for years.

3   John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he (walk) so fast.

4   Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She  (run). S When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They (eat).

6   When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty, but their stomachs were full. They           (eat).

7   Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He . (look) for his contact lens.

S When I arrived, Kate   (wait) for me. She was annoyed with me because I was late and she      (wait) for a long time.

9      1 was sad when I sold Inv car. I .        (have) it for a very long time.

10  We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We (travel) for more than 24 hours.

                                              5-8                304—07)


You can use have got or have (without got)- There is no difference in meaning:

c) They've got a new car. or They have a new car. a Lisa's got two brothers. or Lisa has two brothers.

D I've got a headache, or I have a headache.

O Our house has got a small garden. or Our house has a small garden.  He's got a few problems. or He has a few problems.

With these meanings (possession etc.), you cannot use continuous forms (am having etc.):

o    We're enjoying our holiday• We've got / We have a nice room in the hotel. (not We're having)

For the past we use had (without got):

Lisa had long hair when she was a child. (not Lisa had got)

In questions and negative sentences there are three possible forms:


Have you got any questions?

Do you have any questions?

Have you any questions? (less usual) Has she got a car?

Does she have a car?

Has she a car? (less usual)

I haven't got any questions.

I don't have any questions.

I haven't any questions. (less usual)

She hasn't got a car.

She doesn't have a car,

She hasn't a car. (less usual)

In past questions and negative sentences, we use did/didrù: Did you have a car when you were living in London? I didn't have a watch, so I didn't know the time. c] Lisa had long hair, didn't she?

Have breakfast / have a bath / have a good time etc.

We also use have (but not have got) for many actions and experiences, For example:



breakfast / dinner / a cup of coffee / something to eat etc.

a bath / a shower / a swim J a break/ a rest / a party / a holiday an accident / an experience / a dream a look (at something) a chat / a conversation / a discussion (With somebodv) difficulty / trouble / fun a good time etc. a baby give birth to a baby)

o    Have got is not possible in the expressions in the box. Compare:

     c] Sometimes I have eat) a sandwich for my lunch. (not I've got) but I've got I have some sandwiches. Would you like one?

You can use continuous forms (am having etc.) with the expressions in the box: [2 We're enjoying our holiday. We're having a great time. (not We have)  Mike is having a shower at the moment. He has a shower every day.

questions and negative sentences we use doldoes/did:

o    I don't usually have a big breakfast. (not I usually haven't)  What time does Jenny have lunch? (not has Jenny lunch)  Did you have difficulty finding a place to live?

                           Have (got)             —+ Unit 31 American English Appendix 7


17.1 Write negative sentences with have. Some are present (can't) and some are past (couldn't).

1   1 can't get into the house, (a kev)

2   1 couldn't read the letter, (mv glasses)

3   1 can't get onto the roof. (a ladder) I

4   we couldn't visit the museum. (enough time) We

5   He couldn't find his wav to our house. (a map)

6   She can't pay her bills, (anv money)

 1 can't go swimming today. (enough energy)

8 Thev couldn't take anv photographs. (a camera)

17.2 Complete the questions with have. Some are present and some are past.

I Excuse me,  a pen I could borrow?

2 NVhv are you holding your face like that?  a toothache? 3 a lot of toys when you were a child? the time, please? B: Yes, it's ten past seven.

5   I need a stamp for this letter.   one?

6   When you worked in your last job,      your own office?

7   A: It started to rain very heavily while I was out. B:  an umbrella?

17,3 Write sentences about yourself. Have you got these things now? Did you have them ten years ago?

Write two sentences each time using I've got / I haven't got and I had / I didn't have. (You can also write about your family: We've got / We had etc.).

                 notc                                                                   ten years ago

I (a car)

2 (a bike) I 3 (a mobile phone)

4    (a dog)

5    (a guitar)

6    (long hair)

7    (a driving licence)

17.4 Complete the sentences. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the correct form where necessary.

have a baby have a break have a chat have difficulty have a good flight have a 100k -haste-lunch- have a party have a nice time have a shower I I don't eat much during the day. I never hwve Lunch

2    David starts work at 8 0'clock and       at 10.30.

3    We        last week. It was great — we invited lots of people.

4    Excuse me, can I        at your newspaper, please?

5    Jim is away on holiday at the moment. I hope he

6    I met Ann in the supermarket yesterday. We stopped and finding the book you wanted? B: No, I found it OK.

8 Suzanne  a few weeks ago. It'S her second child. 9 A: NVhv didn't vou answer the phone?

10 You meet your friend Sally at the airport. She has just arrived. You say: Hi, Sally. How are vou?

Used to (do)

Study this example situation:

a few years ago

these days

Something used to happen = it happened regularly in the past, but no longer happens: a I used to play tennis a lot, but I don't play very often now.

0 David used to spend a lot of money on clothes, These days he can't afford it. a 'Do you go to the cinema much?' 'Not now, but I used to.' (z I used to go)

We also use used to for things that were true, but are not true any more: a This building is now a furniture shop. It used to be a cinema.

Cl I used to think Mark was unfriendly, but now realise he's a very nice person.

Cl I've started drinking tea recently. I never used to like it before. C] Nicole used to have very long hair when she was a child.

'l used to do something' is past. There is no present form. You cannot say 'l use to do'. To talk about the present, use the present simple (I do).


past present

he used to play he plays

we used to live we live

there used to be there is

 We used to live in a small village, but now we live in London.

 There used to be four cinemas in the town. Now there is only one.

The normal question form is did (you) use to

 Did you use to eat a lot of sweets when you were a child?

The negative form is didnt use to             (used not to is also possible): a I didn't use to like him. (or I used not to like him.)

Compare I used to do and I was doing:

                           a I used to watch TV a lot.      I watched TV regularly in the past, but I no longer do this)

                            I was watching TV when Mike called.         I was in the middle Of watching TV)

Do not confuse I used to do and I am used to doing (see Unit 61 ). The structures and meanings are different:

a I used to live alone. (z I lived alone in the past, but I no longer live alone.) a I am used to living alone,         I live alone, and I don't find it strange or difficult because

I've been living alone for some time,)

Past continuous (l was doing) —s Unit 6 Would used to) Unit 36

                   Be/get used      (doing) something -+ Unit 61


18.1 Complete the sentences with use(d) to + a suitable verb.

1    Diane doesn't travel much now. She a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these davs.

2    Liz  a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3    We came to live in London a few years ago. We              in Leeds.

4    I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I

5    Jim  my best friend, but we aren't good friends any longer,

6    It onlv takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. It more than an hour• a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago. S When you lived in New York,  to the theatre very often?

18.2 Matt changed his life style. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things: studying hard   sleeping late

He stopped going to bed early He started going out in the evening running three miles every morning spending a lot of money

Write sentences about Matt with used to and didn't use to.

18.3 Compare what Karen said five years ago and what she says today:


I'm a hotel receptionist,

I never read newspapers.

I don't drink tea

I've got a dog.

I go to a lot of parties.


TODAY    My dog died two years ago. I eat lots of cheese now.

t work very hard these days.

I don't know many people these days.

I work in a bookshop now.

Tea's great! I like it now,

Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use used to / didn't use to / never used to in the first part of your sentence.

She used to tra„vel oy


Additional exercise 9 (page 307)

I'm doing something (tomorrow) = I have already decided and arranged to do it:

Cl A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? (not What do you do)

B: I'm going to the theatre. (not I go) a A: What time is Cathy arriving tomorrow?

B: Half past ten. I'm meeting her at the station,

 I'm not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere, C] Ian isn't playing football next Saturday. He's hurt his leg.

'I'm going to (do)' is also possible in these sentences:

o  What are you going to do on Saturday evening?

But the present continuous IS more natural for arrangements. See also Unit 20B.

Do not use will to talk about what you have arranged to do:

 What are you doing this evening? (not What will you do)

Cl Alex is getting married next month. (not will get)

You can also use the present continuous for an action just before you begin to do it. This happens especially with verbs of movement (go/come/leave etc.):

                                           0 1'm tired. I'm going to bed now Goodnight. (not I go to bed now)

o  'Tina, are you ready yet?' 'Yes, I'm coming.' (not I come)

 Present simple (l do) with a future meaning

We use the present simple when we talk about timetables, programmes etc. (for public transport, cinemas etc.):

     C] My train leaves at 11.30, so I need to be at the station by Il. 15. What time does the film begin this evening?

Cl It's Wednesday tomorrow. / Tomorrow is Wednesday.

You can use the present simple to talk about people if their plans are fixed like a timetable: C] I start my new job on Monday.

 What time do you finish work tomorrow?

But the continuous is more usual for personal arrangements:

a What time are you meeting Ann tomorrow? (not do you meet)


I'm going —s Units 20, 23 Will Units 21-22 Present simple after when/if etc, —+ Unit 25








19.2 Tom wants you to visit him, but you are very busy. Look at your diary for the next few days and explain to him why you can't come.

TOM: Can you come on Monday evening?

YOU: Sorry, but

TOM: What about Tuesday evening then?

YOU: No, not Tuesday. I TOM'. And Wednesday evening?


TOM: Well, are you free on Thursday? YOU: I'm afraid not.

19.3 Have you arranged to do anything at these times? Write sentences about yourself.

1   (this evening)

2   (tomorrow morningè I

3   (tomorrow evening)

4   (next Sunday)

5   (choose another dav or time)

19.4 Put the verb into the more suitable form. present continuous or present simple.

                   I I                   (go) to the cinema this evening.

2          ?pes (the film / begin) at 3.30 or 4.30?

3          we   (have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

4          The art exhibition    (finish) on 3 May.

5          1 (not / go) out this evening. I  (stay) at home.

(you / do) anything tomorrow morning?' 'NO, I'm free. Why?'

(go) to a concert tonight. It  (start) at 7.30. (leave) now. I've come to say goodbye.

9        A: Have you seen Liz recently?

B: No, but we  (meet) for lunch nëxt week.

10    You are on the train to London and you ask another passenger:

Excuse me. What time(this train / get) to London?

You are talking to Helen:

Helen, I  (go) to the supermarket.

(vou t come) with me?

12   You and a friend are watching television. You say:

                       I'm bored with this programme- What time                                         (it / end)?

13   1         (not / use) the car this evening, so you can have it.

14   Sue       (come) to see us tomorrow. She

                       (travel) by train and her train                                        (arrive) at 10.15.

Additional exercises 10—13 (pages 308—10)

20 (I'm) going to (do)

I am going to do something = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it;

0 A: Are you going to watch the late film on TV tonight? B: No, I'm going to have an early night.

a A: I hear Sarah has won some money. What is she going to do with it?

B: She's going to buy a new car.

 I'm just going to make a quick phone call. Can you wait for me? a This cheese looks horrible. I'm not going to eat it.

I am doing and I am going to do

We use I am doing (present continuous) when we say what we have arranged to do — for  example, arranged to meet somebody, arranged to go somewhere: c] What time are you meeting Ann thi4 evening?

n I'm leaving tomorrow. I've got my plane ticket.

I am going to do something I've decided to do it (but perhaps not arranged to do it):

c) 'Your shoes are dirty,' 'Yes, I know, I'm going to clean them.' (e I've decided to clean them, but I haven't arranged to clean them) a I've decided not to stay here any longer, Tomorrow I'm going to 100k for somewhere else to stay.

Often the difference is very small and either form is possible.

Some more examples:

           a Look at those black clouds! It's going to rain. (the clouds are there now) a I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be sick. (l feel terrible now) a The economic situation is bad now and things are going to get worse.

I was going to (do something) I intended to do it, but didn't do it:

a We were going to travel by train, but then we decided to go by car Instead. a Peter was going to do the exam, but he changed his mind.           

a I was just going to cross the road when somebody shouted 'Stop!'

You can say that 'something was going to happen' (but didn't happen): D I thought it was going to rain, but it didn't.

I am doing for the future Unit 19A I will and I'm going to -+ Unit 23


20.1 Write a question with going to for each situation.

1    Your friend has won some money. You ask:

(what / do with it?)

2    Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask: what / wear?)

3    Your friend has just bought a new table. You ask:

(where / put it?)

4    Your friend has decided to have a party. You ask: who / invite?)

20.2 Read the situations and complete the dialogues. Use going to.

1   You have decided to tidy your room this morning.

FRIEND: Are vou going out this morning?

                         YOU:           No,

2   You bought a sweater, but it doesn't fit you very well. You have decided to take it back.

FRIEND: That sweater is too big for you. YOU: I know.

3   You have been offered a job, but vou have decided not to accept it.

FRIEND: I hear vou've been offered a job.

                        YOU:       That's right, but

4 You have to phone Sarah. It's morning now, and you have decided to phone her tonight' FRIEND: Have you phoned Sarah yet? you:              No

5 You are in a restaurant- The food is awful and you've decided to complain.

FRIEND: This food is awful, isn't it? YOU: Yes, it's disgusting.

20.3 What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in brackets.

1   There are a lot of black clouds in the skv. Crain)

2   It is Tom is leavrng his house, He has to be at work at 8.45, but the journey takes 30 minutes. late) He

3   There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot of water is coming in through the hole. (sink) The boat

4   Lucv and Chris are driving. There is very little petrol left in the tank. The nearest petrol station is a long way away.

(run out) Thev

20.4 Complete the sentences with was/were going to + the following verbs: buy              give up              have      phone  Play

1   We       by train, but then we decided to go by car instead.

2   1some new clothes yesterday, but I was very busy and didn't have time to go to the shops.

3   Martin and I     tennis last week, but he was injured. Jane, but I decided to email her instead.

5    A: When I last saw Tim, he . his job.

B: That's right, but in the end he decided to stay where he was.

6    We  a party last week, but some of our friends couldn't come, so we cancelled it.

Will/shall I

We use I'll (z I will) when we decide to do something at the time Of speaking: CJ Oh, I've left the door open. I'll go and shut it.

a 'What would you like to drink?' 'I'll have an orange juice, please.' a 'Did you phone Lucy?' 'Oh no, I forgot. I'll phone her now,'

You cannot use the present simple (I do / I go etc.) in these sentences: a I'll go and shut the door. (not I go and shut)

We often use I think I'll ... and I don't think I'll .

a I feel a bit hungry. I think I'll have something to eat.  I don't think I'll go out tonight. I'm too tired.

In spoken English the negative of will is usually won't (z will not):  I can see you're busy, so I won't stay long.

Do not use will to talk about what you have already decided or arranged to do (see Units 19—20): a I'm going on holiday next Saturday. (not I'll go) c] Are you working tomorrow? (not Will you work) We often use will in these situations:


Offering to do something

D That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it. (not I help)

Agreeing to do something

D A: Can you give Tim this book?

B: Sure, I'll give it to him when I see him this afternoon.

Promising to do something a Thanks for lending me the money. I'll pay you back on Friday. a I won't tell anyone what happened, I promise.

Asking somebody to do something (Will you

Will you please turn the stereo down? I'm trying to concentrate.


                            Shall is used mostly in the questions shall I     ? / shall we

We use shall I ... ? / shall we . ? to ask somebody's opinion (especially in offers or suggestions):

 Shall I open the window? (z Do you want me to open the window?)

D I've got no money. What shall I do? (z What do you suggest?)  'Shall we go?' 'Just a minute. I'm not ready yet.'  Where shall we go this evening?

Compare shall I ... ? and will you ?:

                                      Shall I shut the door?      Do you want me to shut it?)

 Will you shut the door? (z I want you to shut it)

42                            Will/shall 2 Unit 22 1 will and I'm going to —s Unit 23 American English —5 Appendix 7


21.1 Complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb.

1  I'm too tired to walk home. I think         bake..., a taxi.

2  'It's cold in this room.' 'Is it?on the heating then.' 3 A: We haven't got anv milk.

                          B: Oh, I forgot to buy some.                                                       and get some now.

4    'Shall I do the washing-up?' 'No, it's all right.    it later.'

5    'l don't know how to use this computer.' 'OK    you.'

6    'Would you like tea or coffee?' '             coffee, please.'

                        'Goodbve! Have a nice holiday.' 'Thanks.                                                       , you a postcard.'

8    Thanks for letting me borrow vour camera.       it back to you on Monday, OK?

9    •Are you coming with us?' 'No, I think  here.'

21.2 Read the situations and write sentences with I think I'll . or I don't think I'll . 1 It's a bit cold. The window is open and you decide to close it. You say:

2 You are feeling tired and it's getting late. You decide to go to bed. You say:

I think

3    A friend Of yours Offers you a lift in his car, but you decide to walk. You say:

Thank you, but

4    You arranged to play tenms today. Now you decide that you don't want to play. You say:

I don't think

5 You were going to go swimming. Now you decide that you don't want to go. You say:

21.3 Which is correct? (If necessary, study Units 19—20 first.)

1   'Did vou phone Lucy?' 'Oh no, I forgot.Lphgne—phQ.nc her now.' (1.111-2hQnc is correct)

2   I can't meet you tomorrow. tennis. (I.:.m-play-ing is correct)


meet / I'll meet

3vou outside the hotel in half an hour, OK?' 'Yes, that's fine.'

4 'l need some monev.' 'OK, I'm lending / I'll lend you some. How much do you need?' 5 I'm having / I'll have a party next Saturday. I hope you can come.

6                      'Remember to get a newspaper when vou go out.' 'OK.

7                      What time dogs your Crain leave / will your grain leave tomorrow?


cell won't cell

8                      I asked Sue what happened, but she me.

9                      'Are you doing Will you do anything tomorrow evening?' 'No, I'm free. Why?' 10 I don't want to go out alone. Do you come / Will you come with me?

          21.4 What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with shall I       ? or shall we ... ?

1   You and a friend want to do something this evening, but you don't know what. You ask your friend. sh04._

2   You trv on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buý it or not. You ask a friend for advice.

3   It's Helen's birthday next week. You want to give her a present, but you don't know what.

You ask a friend for advice.


4   You and a friend are going on holiday together, but you haven't decided where. You ask him/her.

5   You and a friend are gorng out. You haven't decided whether to go by car or to walk. You ask him/her.  or

6   Your friend wants voU to phone later. You don't know what time to phone. You ask him/her.


Will/shall 2

We do not use will to say what somebody has already arranged or decided to do:

D Diane is working next week. (not Diane will work)

 Are you going to watch television this evening? (not Will you watch) For 'is working' and 'Are you going to .   see Units 19—20.

But often, when we talk about the future, we are not talking about what somebody has decided to do. For example:

                               Kate is doing an exam next week. Chris and                 She'll pass does not mean 'she has

Joe are talking about it.                                                decided to pass'. Joe is saying what he knows or thinks will happen.

                                   Do you think                                            Yes. she'll pass easily.

                                 Kate will pass                                                            He is predicting the filture.

the exam?   When we predict a future happemng or situation, we use will/won't. CHRIS      JOE

Some more examples:

a Jill has been away a long time. When she returns, she'll find a lot of changes here.  'Where will you be this time next year?' 'I'll be in Japan.'  That plate is hot. If you touch it, you'll burn yourself. a Tom won't pass the exam. He hasn't studied hard enough. a When will you get your exam results?

We often use will ('Il) with:

                                probably             C] I'll probably be home late tonight.

                                I expect              a I haven't seen Carol today. I expect she'll phone this evening.

                                (I'm) sure             a Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you'll pass.

                                (l) think                  Do you think Sarah will like the present we bought her?

(l) dorù think a I dorù think the exam will be very difficult. I wonder I wonder what will happen.

After I hope, we generally use the present (will is also possible): Cl I hope Kate passes the exam. (or I hope Kate will pass  I hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

Generally we use will to talk about the future, but sometimes we use will to talk about now.

For example:

                                    Cl Don't phone Ann now. She'll be busy.     she'll be busy now)

I shall / we shall

Normally we use shall only with I and we. You can say: I shall or I will (I'll)       we shall or we will (we'll)

c) I shall be late this evening. (or I will be) a We shall probably go to Scotland in the summer. (or We will probably go) In spoken English we normally use I'll and we'll: a We'll probably go to Scotland.

The negative of shall is shall not or shan't:

a I shan't be here tomorrow. (or I worù be) Do not use shall with he/she/it/you/they:

C] She will be very angry. (not She shall be)

Will/shall 1         Unit 21 1 will and I'm going to Unit 23 Will be doing and will have done           Unit 24 The future Appendix 3 American English              Appendix 7


22.1 Which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sentences? The verbs are underlined. I Diane isn't free on Saturday. She'll work / She'S working. (Shgx_yorking is correct)

2    1'll go / I'm going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too?

3    1 think Jenny will get t is getting the job. She has a lot of experience,

4    1 can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine will       coming to see me.

5    A: Have you decided where to go for your holidays? B: Yes, we'll go/ we're going to Italy.

6    There's no need to be afraid of the dog. It WQQ't hurt / isn't hurting you.

22.2 Complete the sentences with will ('Il) + the following verbs:

be         come     get         like         live         look       meet     -passI Don't worry about the exam. I'm sure you

2    Why don't you try on this jacket? It       nice on you.

3    You must meet George sometime. I think you  him.

4    It's raining. Don't go out. You   wet.

                     S Do you think people                                                      longer in the future?

6   Goodbye. I expect we . again before long.

7   I've invited Sue to the party, but I don't think she

S When the new road is finished, my journey to work  much shorter.

22.3 Put in will ('Il) or won't.

I Can you wait for me? I  be very long.

2 There's no need to take an umbrella with you. It              rain, 3 If vou don't eat anything now, you be hungry later.

4 1'm sorry about what happened yesterday. It happen again5 1've got some incredible news! You never believe what happened. 6 Don st ask Amanda for advice. She know what to do.

22.4 Where do you think you will be at these times? Write true sentences about yourself. Use:

                          I'll be .         or I'll probably be .          or I don't know where I'll be

I (next Monday evening at 7.45) or or .

2    (at 5 0'clock tomorrow morning)

3    (at 10.30 tomorrow morning)

4    (next Saturday afternoon at 4.15)         

5    (this time next vear)

            22.5 Write questions using do you think will .        ? + the following:

be back               cost       end        get married        happen                4ike rain 1 I've bought Rosa this picture.

2    The weather doesn't look very good. Do you

3    The meeting is still going on. When do you

4    My car needs to be repaired. How much

5    Sallv and David are in love. Do

6    'I'm going out now.' 'OK, What time

7    The future situation is uncertain. What


Study the difference between will and (be) going to:


Let's have a party.


*                                                                  Compare:

 'Gary phoned while you were out.' 'OK. I'll call him back.'

'Gary phoned while you were out.' 'Yes, I know. I'm going to call him back.'

'Ann is in hospital.' SC)h really? I didn't know. I'll go and visit her.'

'Ann is in hospital] 'Yes, I know. I'm going to Visit her this evening.'

Future happenings and situations (predicting the future)

Sometimes there is not much difference between will and going to. For example, you can say: a I think the weather will be nice this afternoon.

a I think the weather is going to be nice this afternoon.

When we say something is going to happen, we think this is because of the situation now (see Unit 20C). For example:

*                                                                  a Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain. (not It will rain)

(We can see that it is going to rain from the clouds that are in the sky now,) a I feel terrible. I think I'm going to be Sick. (not I think I'll be sick) (I think I'm going to be sick because I feel terrible now.)  Do not use will in this type of situation.          In other situations, use will:

 Tom will probably get here at about 8 0'clock.

                                    C) 1 think Sarah will like the present we bought for her:

C] These shoes are very well-made. They'll last a long time.

                             I'm going to --Þ Unit 20 Will       Units 21—22 The future       Appendix 3


23.1 Complete the sentences using will ('Il) or going to. A: Why are you turning on the television?

the news, (l / watch)

                    2       Oh, I've just realised. I haven't got any money.

B: Haven't you? Well, don't worrv.  you some. (I / lend) 3 A: I Sve got a headache.

B: Have you? Wait a second and  an aspirin for you. (I / get) 4 A: Why are you filling that bucket with water?

B:the car. (I / wash) 5 A: I've decided to repaint this room.

B: Oh, have vou? What colour  it? (you / paint)

6    Where are you going? Are you going shopping?

B: Yes,  something for dinner. (l / buy)

7    A: I don't know how to use this camera.

B: It's easv. — you. (I / show) S A: What would vou like to eat?

B:. a sandwich, please. (I / have) 9Did you post that letter for me?

B: Oh, li m sorry. I completely forgot.  it now. (I / do) 10 A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look verv safe, does it?

B: No, it looks as if  down. (it / fall) 1 1 At Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?

B: Yes. Evervthing is planned. a holiday for a few weeks. (he / have) Then a computer programming course. (he / do)

23.2 Read the situations and complete the sentences using will ('Il) or going to,

I The phone rings and you answer. Somebodv wants to speak to Jim.

CALLER: Hello. Can I speak to Jim. please?

                         YOU:         Just a moment.  him. (I / get)

2    It's a nice dav, so you have decided to take a walk. Just before you go, you tell your friend. YOU: The weather's too nice to stav in. a walk. (l take) FRIEND: Good idea. I think

3    Your friend is worried because she has lost an important letter.

                         YOU;       Don't worrv about the letter, I'm sure . it, (you / find)

FRIEND: I hope •so,

4    There was a iob advertised in the paper recently. At first you were interested, but then you decided not to apply.

FRIEND: Have vou decided what to do about that job you were interested in?

                         YOU:            Yes,  for it. (I / not / apply)

S You and a friend come home verv late. Other people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisv,

YOU: Shh! Don't make so much noise.  everybody up. (you / wake) 6 Paul has to go to the airport to catch a plane tomorrow morning.

                        PAUL:     Liz, I need somebodv to take me to the airport tomorrow morning.

                         LIZ:            That's no problem.  you. (l / take) What time is your flight?

                                        PAUL:                10.50.

LJZ:      OK,  at about 9 0'clock then. (we / leave) Later that day, Joe offers to take Paul to the airport.

                         JOE:         Paul, do vou want me to rake you to the airport?

                        PAUL:       NO thanks. Joe.  me. (Liz / take)

*                                                                  10—13

24 Will be doing and will have done

Study this example situation:

I will be doing something (future continuous) = I will be in the middle of doing it:

D This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'll be lying on the beach or swimming in the sea. D You have no chance Of getting the job. You'll be wasting your time if you apply for it.

*                    Compare will be (do)ing and will (do):

D Don't phone between 7 and 8. We'll be having dinner.          c] Let's wait for Liz to arrive and then we'll have dinner,

Compare will be -ing with other continuous forms:

a At 10 0'clock yesterday, Sally was in her office. She was working. (past)

It's 10 0'clock now. She is in her office. She is working. (present)

At 10 0'clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She will be working.

We also use will be -ing in a different way: to talk about complete actions in the futureFor example:

 C] The government will be making a statement about the crisis later today.

*                    D Will you be going away this summer?

*                    D Later in the programme, I'll be talking to the Minister of Education .

D Our best player is injured and won't be playing in the game on Saturday.

In these examples will be -ing is similar to (be) going to

We use will have (done) (future perfect) to say that something will already be complete before a time in the future. For example;

Cl Sally always leaves for work at 8.30 in the morning, She won't be at home at 9 0'clock — she'll have gone to work.

                                   a We're late. The film will already have started by the time we get to the cinema.

Compare will have (done) with other perfect forms:

D Ted and Amy have been married for 24 years. (present perfect)

                                        Next year they will have been married for 25 years.

When their son was born, they had been married for three years. (Past perfect)

                                  Will -5 Units 21-22 By then I by the time             Unit 120 The future Appendix 3


24.1 Read about Colin. Then tick              the sentences which are true. In each group of sentences at least one is true.

Colin goes to work everv dav. He leaves home at 8 0'clock and arrives at work at about 8.45. He starts work immediatelv and continues until 12.30 when he has lunch (which takes about half an hour), He starts work again at 1.15 and goes home at exactly 4.30, Every day he follows the same routine and tomorrow will be no exception.

At 7.45 4At 12.45 a he'll be leaving the housea he'll have lunch b he'll have left the houseb he'll be having lunch c he'll be at home  c he'll have finished his lunch d he'll be having breakfast 8/d he'll have started his lunch

2At 8.15At 4 0'clock a he'll be leaving the housea he'll have finished work b he'll have left the houseb he'll finish work c he'll have arrived at workc he'll be working d he'll be arriving at workd he won't have finished work

3At 9.15               6At 4.45 a hell be workinga he'll leave work b he'll start workb he'll be leaving work c he'll have started workc he'll have left work d he'll be arriving at workd he'll have arrived home

24.2 Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do)ing or will have (done).

1    Don't phone between 7 and S.

2    Phone me after 8 0'clock. (we / finish) dinner by then. 3 Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 0'clock until 4.30. So at 4 0'clock, . (we / play) tennis.

4       A: Can we meet tomorrow?

B: Yes, but not in the afternoon. . (l / work).

5       B has to go to a meeting which begins at 10 0'clock. It trill last about an hour.

A: Will vou be free at 11.30?

B: Yes,  (the meeting / end) by then.

6       Ben is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this,

(he / spend) all his money before the end Of his holiday.

7       DO think  (you / still / do) the same job in ten vears' time?

8       Lisa is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the moment. So far she has travelled about 1,000 miles. BV the end of the trip (she / travel) more than 3,000 miles.

9       If vou need to contact me,  (l / stay) at the Lion Hotel until Friday.

10   A:  (you / see) Laura tomorrow?

B; Yes, probably. Whv?

A: I borrowed this CD from her. Can you give it back to her?


25 When I do / When I've done When and if

Some more examples:

a We'll go out when it stops raining. (not when it will stop)

 When you are in London again, come and see us. (not When you will be)

c) (said toa child) What do you want to be when you grow up? (not will grow)

The same thing happens after while / before / after / as soon as / until or till:

O I'm going to read a lot while I'm on holiday. (not while I will be)

CJ I'll probably go back home on Sunday. Before I go, I'd like to visit the museum. Cl Wait here until (or till) I come back.

You can also use the present perfect (have done) after when / after I until / as soon as:

C.I Can I borrow that book when you've finished with it?

 Don't say anything while Ian is here. Wait until he has gone.

If you use the present perfect, one thing must be complete before the other (so the two things do not happen together):

 When I've phoned Kate, we can have dinner.

First I'll phone Kate and after that we can have dinner.)

Do not use the present perfect if the two things happen together:

 When I phone Kate, I'll ask her about the party. (not When I've phoned)

It is often possible to use either the present Simple or the present perfect:

                                  c] I'll come as soon as I finish.             or       I'll come as soon as I've finished.

CI You'll feel better after you have     or         You'll feel better after you've had something to eat      something to eat.

After if, we normally use the present simple (if I do / if I see etc.) for the future:

CI It's raining hard. We'll get wet if we go out. (not if we will go) Cl I'll be angry if it happens again. (not if it will happen) CJ Hurry up! If we don't hurry, we'll be late. Compare when and if:

We use when for things which are sure to happen:

                               a I'm going shopping later. (for sure) When I go shopping, I'll buy some food.

We use if (not When) for things that will possibly happen:

 I might go shopping later. (it's possible) If I go shopping, I'll buy some food. a If it is raining this evening, I won't go out. (not When it is raining) a Don't worry if I'm late tonight. (not when I'm late)

 If they don't come soon, I'm not going to wait. (not When they don't come)

                           If      Units 38—40 Even if / even When —e Unit 112D Unless -s Unit 115


25.1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets. All the sentences are about the future.

Use will/won't or the present simple (l see I he plays / it is etc.).

                   I I ..u...p.h.en-E. (phone) you when I            (get) home from work.

2    I want to see Julia before she   (go) out.

3    We're going on holidav tomorrow. I (tell) you all about it when we (come) back.

4    Brian looks very different now. When you      (see) him again, you

(not / recognise) him.

                                                                        (you / be) lonely without me While I                                                  (be) away?

6 We must do something soon before it - (be) too late. 7 I don't want to go without vou. I (wait) until you (be) ready.

8       Sue has applied for the job, but she isn't very well-qualified for it. I (be) surprised if she

9       I hope to play tennis tomorrow if the weather

10   I'm going out now. If anybody out, can you take a message?

25.2 Make one sentence from two.

I It will Stop raining soon. Then we'll go out.

2    1'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address.

3    1'll do the shopping. Then I'll come straight back home. after

4    It's going to get dark. Let's go home before that. before

5    She must apologise to me first. I won't speak to her until then.


25.3 Read the situations and complete the sentences.

I A friend of yours is going on holiday. You want to know what she is going to do.

You ask: What are you going to do when

2    A friend of vours is visiting you. She has to go soon but maybe there's time for some more coffee. You ask: Wouhd you like some more coffee before .

3    You want to sell your car. Jim is interested in buying it, but he hasn't decided yet.

You ask: Can vou let me know as soon as

4    Your friends are going to New York soon, You want to know where they're going to stay.

You ask: Where are you going to stay when

5    The traffic is verv bad in your town, but they are building a new road at the moment. You say: I think things will be better when they

25.4 Put in when or if

                     I Don't worry           I'm late tonight.

2    Tom might phone while I'm out this evening.  he does, can you take a message?

3    I'm going to Rome next week.  I'm there, I hope to visit a friend of mine.

4    I think Jill will get the job. I'll be very surprised  she doesn't get it.

5    I'm going shopping.  vou want anything, I can get it for you.

6    I'm going away for a few davs. I'll phone you „ I get back.

7    I want you to come to the party, but    you don't want to come, that's all right. 8 We can eat at home or,you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.

                                    12—15         309-11), 32 (page 321)

Can, could and (be) able to

We use can to say that something is possible or allowed, or that somebody has the ability to do  something. We use can + infinitive (can do I can see etc.):

 CI We can see the lake from our bedroom window. O 'l haven't got a pen.' 'You can use mine.'  a Can you speak any foreign languages?

C.] I can come and see you tomorrow if you like.  The word 'play' can be a noun or a verb.

The negative is can't cannot):

CI I'm afraid I canycome to the party on Friday.

You can say that somebody is able to do something, but can is more usual:  We are able to see the lake from our bedroom window.

But can has only two forms: can (present) and could (past), So sometimes it is necessary to use (be) able to. Compare:





Sometimes could is the past of can. We use could especially with: see     hear        smell     taste      feel        remember          understand a We had a lovely room in the hotel. We could see the lake.     a As soon as I walked into the room, 1 could smell gas.

C] I was sitting at the back of the theatre and couldnt hear very well.

We also use could to say that somebody had the general ability or permission to do something; c] My grandfather could speak five languages.

 We were totally free. We could do what we wanted. (z we were allowed to do)

Could and was able to

We use could for general ability. But if you want to say that somebody did something in a specific situation, use was/were able to or managed to (not could):

c] The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody was able to escape I managed to escape. (not could escape)

 C] We didn't know where David was, but we managed to find / were able to find him in the end. (not could find)

Compare a Mike was an excellent tennis player when he was younger. He could beat anybody.

 (z he had the general ability to beat anybody)  but Mike and Pete played tennis yesterday. Pete played very well, but Mike managed to beat him. (z he managed to beat him in this particular game)

The negative couldlù (could not) is possible in all situations: C] My grandfather couldn't swim.

 We looked for David everywhere, but we couldn't find him.  Pete played well, but he couldn't beat Mike.

52                                  Could (do) and could have (done) Unit 27 Must and can't Unit 28 Can/could you              ?          Unit 37


26.1 Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to.

I Gary has travelled a lot- He .....çe.žl..-.. speak five languages2 1 haven't . able sleep very well recently.

3   Nicole ..         drive, but she hasn't got a car.

4   1 used to         stand on my head, but I can't do it now.

5   1 can't understand Martin. I've never   understand him,

6   1 can't see you on Fridav, but I meet you on Saturday morning. 7 Ask Catherine about your problem, She might          help you.

26.2 Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in brackets. I (something you used to be able to do)

2    (something you used to be able to do) I used

3    (something you would like to be able to do)

4    (something you have never been able to do) I've

26,3 Complete the sentences with can/can't/could/couldn't + the following: hear        run         sleep    wait

                     I I'm afraid I             come.„.. to your party next week.

2    When Tim was 16, he  100 metres in 11 seconds.

3    'Are you in a hurry?' 'No, I've got plenty of time. I

4    1 was feeling sick yesterday. I       anything.

5    Can vou speak a little louder? I           you very well.

6    •You look tired.' 'Yes, I           last night.'

26.4 Complete the answers to the questions with was/were able to

1   A: Did everybody escape from the fire?

B: Yes, although the fire spread quickly, everybody

2   A: Did you finish your work this afternoon?

B: Yes, there was nobody to disturb me, so I

3   A: Did vou have.difficultv finding our house?

B: Not really. Your directions were good and we

4   A: Did the thief get awav?

B: Yes. No-one realised what was happening and the thief

26.5 Complete the sentences using could, couldn't or managed to.

                     I My grandfather travelled a lot. He                speak five languages.

2    I looked everywhere for the book, but I           find it.

3    Thev didn't want to come with us at first, but we          persuade them.

4    Laura had hurt her leg and      walk very well.

5    Sue wasn't at home when I phoned, but I         . contact her at her office.

6    I looked verv carefullv and I   see somebody in the distance.

7    I wanted to buv some tomatoes. The first shop I went to didn't have any, but I get some in the next shop.

                       My grandmother loved music. She                                                          play the piano very well.

9       A girl fell into rhe river, but fortunately we .      rescue her.

10   I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I take any photographs.

27 Could (do) and could have (done)

We use could in a number of ways. Sometimes could is the past of can (see Unit 26):

 Listen. I can hear something. (now)  a I listened. I could hear something, (past)

Compare can and could:

 I can stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (realistic) a Maybe I could stay with Julia when I go to Paris. (possible, but less sure) c] This is a wonderful place. I could Stay here for ever. (unrealistic}

We also use could (not can) to say that something is possible now or in the future. The meaning is similar to might or may (see Unit 29):

 The story could be true, but I don't think it is. (not can be true)

 I don't know what time Liz is coming. She could get here at any time.

We use could have (done) to talk about the past. Compare:

Cl I'm so tired, I could sleep for a week. (now)

I was so tired, I could have slept for a week. (past)

The situation is bad, but it could be worse. (note)

The situation was bad, but it could have been worse. (past)

Something could have happened it was possible but did not happen:

 Why did you stay at a hotel when you were in Paris? You could have stayed with Julia.

(you didn't stay with her) c] I didn't know that you wanted to go to the concert. I could have got you a ticket.

(I didn't get you a ticket)

 Dave was lucky. He could have hurt himself when he fell, but he's OK.

We use couldlù to say that something would not be possible now;

 I couldn't live in a big city. I'd hate it.                it wouldn't be possible for me) a Everything is fine right now. Things couldn't be better.

For the past we use couldn't have (done):

a We had a really good holiday. It couldnt have been better.

 The trip was cancelled last week. Paul couldrù have gone anyway because he was ill. (z it would not have been possible for him to go)

Couldn't have (done) —5 Unit 28B Could and might —4 Unit 29C Could I/you ? —5 Unit 37

Could with if Units 38C, 39E, 400 Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) Appendix 4


27.1 Answer the questions with a suggestion. Use could.






27.2 In some of these sentences, you need could (not can). Change the sentences where necessary. I The storv can be true, but I don't think it is.       .cog!å be Ou.e_

2    It's a nice dav. We can go for a walk.

3    I'm so angry with him. I can kill him!

4    If you're hungry, we can have dinner now.

5    It's so nice here. I can stay here all day, but unfortunately I have to go.

6    A: Where's my bag. Have you seen it?

                   B: No, but it can be in the car.                                       

7    Peter is a keen musician. He plays the flute and he can also play the piano.             

8    A: I need to borrow a camera.

B: You can borrow mine.

9    The weather is nice now, but it can change later.

27.3 Complete the sentences. Use could or could have a suitable verb.

 A: What shall we do this evening?

B: I don't mind. We  to the cinema.

2    A: I had a very boring evening at home yesterday.

B: Why did you stay at home? You

3    A: There's an interesting job advertised in the paper. You for it.  What sort of iob? Show me the advertisement.

4    A: How was your exam? Was it difficult?

B: It wasn't so bad. It  worse.

5    I got verv wet walking home in the rain last night.

B: Why did you walk? You  a taxi. 6Where shall we meet tomorrow?

to your house if you like.

27.4 Complete the sentences. Use couldn't or couldn't have + these verbs (in the correct form):         be    come     find        get         Aive-     wear 1 1  in a big citv. I'd hate it.

2    We had a really good holiday. It hoyv.e been       better.

3    1  that hat. I'd look silly and people would laugh at me.

4    We managed to find the restaurant you recommended, but we . it without the map that you drew for us.

5    Paul has to get up at 4 0'clock every morning. I don't know how he does it. I up at that time every day.

6    The staff at the hotel were really nice when we stayed there last summer. They more helpful.

7    A: I tried to phone you last week. We had a party and I wanted to invite you.

B: That was nice of you, but I  anyway. I was away all last week.

a 'Jim is a hard worker.' 'Jim? You must be joking. He doesn't do anything:

Carol must get very bored in her job. She does the same thing eyery day, a I'm sure Sally gave me her phone number. must have it somewhere.

 You can use can't to say that you believe something is not possible:

CJ You've just had lunch. You can't be hungry already. (People are not normally hungry just after eating a meal. You've just eaten, so you carù be hungry.) a They haven't lived here for very long. They can't know many people.

Study the structure;

I/you]he (etc.)

must can 't

be (tired / hungry / at work etc.) be (doing / going / joking etc,) do / get / know / have etc.

a I didn't hear the phone. I must have been asleep.

a 'I've lost one Of my gloves.' 'You must have dropped it somewhere.' a Sue hasn't contacted me. She can't have got my messagea Tom walked into a wall. He can't have been looking where he was going.

Study the Structure:

Vyou/he (etc.)

must can 't


been (asleep / at work etc.) been (doing / looking etc.) gone / got / known etc.

You can use couldnt have instead of can't have: CJ Sue couldnt have got my message.

a Tom couldn't have been looking where he was going.

                             Can't ('I can't swim' etc.) -+ Unit 26 Must ('I must go' etc.)       Units 31—32

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) Appendix 4 American English Appendix 7


28.1 Put in must or can't.

                You've been travelling all day. You               be tired,

2   That restaurant be very good. It's always full of people.

3   That restaurant be very good. It's always empty.

4   I'm sure I gave you the key. You   have it. Have you looked in your bag?

5   You're going on holiday next week. You         be looking forward to it.

6   It rained every day during their holiday, so they .         have had a very nice time.

7   Congratulations on passing vour exam. You    be very pleased.

8   You got here very quicklv. You          have walked very fast.

                  9 Bill and Sue always travel business class, so they                                         be short of money.

28.2 Complete each sentence with a verb (one or two words) in the correct form, I I've lost one of my gloves. I must dtOP?e4..... it somewhere.

2    They haven't lived here for very long, They can't

3    Ted isn't at work today. He must

4    Ted wasn't at work last week. He must

5    (the doorbell rings) I wonder who that is. It can't          Mary' She's still at work at this time.

6    Sarah knows a lot about films. She must          to the cinema a lot.

7    Look. James is putting on his hat and coat. He must     .           out.

S I left my bike outside the house last night and now it has gone. Somebody must it.

9       Amy was in a very difficult situation when she lost her job. It can't . easy for her.

10   There is a man walking behind us. He has been walking behind us for the last twenty minutes. He must

28.3 Read the situations and use the words in brackets to write sentences with must have and can't have

I The phone rang, but I didn't hear it- (I / asleep)

2    Sue hasn't contacted me. (she / get / my message)

3    The jacket you bought is very good quality. (it / very expensive)

4    I haven't seen the people next door for ages. (they / go away)

S I can't find my umbrella. (I / leave / it in The restaurant last night)

6    Dave, who is usually very friendlv, walked past me without speaking. (he / see / me)

7    There was a man standing outside the café. (he / wait / for somebody)

S Liz did the opposite of what I asked her to do. (she / understand / what I said)

9       When I got back to my car, the door was unlocked. (I / forget / to lock it)

10   I was woken up in the night by the noise next door. (the neighbours / have / a party)

11   The light was red, but the car didn't stop. (the driver / see / the red light)




I/you]he (etc.)

may might

(not) have

been (asleep / at home etc.) been (doing / working I feeling etc.) known / had / wanted / left etc,

Could is similar to may and might:

a It'S a strange Story, but it could be true. (z it may/tmght be true)  a You could have left your bag in the shop. (z you may/might have left it)

But couldn't (negative) is different from may not and might not. Compare:

 Sarah couldn't have got my message, Otherwise she would have replied. it is not possible that she got my message)

I wonder why Sarah hasn't replied to my message. I suppose she might not have got it. perhaps she didn't get it, and perhaps she did)

                           Could                       Unit 27 May/might 2 Unit 30 May I ? Unit 37C Might with if Units 30B, 38C, 400

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) —+ Appendix 4


29.1 Write these sentences jn a different way using might.

I Perhaps Helen is tn her office.

2       Perhaps Helen is busy.

3       Perhaps she is working.

4       Perhaps she wants to be alone.

5       Perhaps she was ill yesterday-

6       Perhaps she went home early.

7       Perhaps she had to go home early.

8       Perhaps she was working yesterday.

In sentences 9-11 use might not.

9       Perhaps she doesn't want to see me.

10   Perhaps she isn't working today'

11   Perhaps She wasn't feeling well yesterday.

29.2 Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form,

               I 'Where'S Sam?' 'I'm not sure. He might       h.g.y.g.l.g..... lunch.'

2 'Who is that man with Emily?' 'I'm not sure, It might  her brother.' 3 A: Who was the man we saw With Anna yesterday?

B: I'm not sure. It may  her brother.

4            What are those people doing by the side of the road?

B; I don't know. They might  for a bus.

5            'Do you have a stamp?' 'No, but ask Simon. He may  „ one.

29.3 Read the situation and make sentences from the words in brackets. Use might. I [ can't find Jeff anywhere. I wonder where he is. a (he / go / shopping) b (he / play / tennis)

2   1'm looking for Sarah. Do you know where she is? a (she / watch / TV / in her room) b (she / go / out)

3   1 can't find my umbrella. Have you seen it? a (it / be / in the car) b (you / leave I in the restaurant last night)

4   Why didn't Dave answer the doorbell? I'm sure he was at home at the time. a (he/ go / to bea early) b (he / not / hear / the doorbell) c (he / be / in the shower)

29.4 Complete the sentences using might not have ... or couldn't have .

 A: Do you think Sarah got the message we sent her?

                 B: No, she would have contacted us.    She.

2    A; I was surprised Kate wasn't at the meeting. Perhaps She didn't know about it, B: That's possible.

3    A: I wonder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they received it?

Maybe not. They

4    A; I wonder how the fire started. Was it an accident?

B: No, the police say it

5    A: Mike says he needs to see you. He tried to find you yesterday.

B: well, he  very hard. I was in my office all day.

6    A: The man you spoke to — are you sure he was American? B: No, I'm not sure. He

May and might 2

We use may and might to talk about possible actions or happemngs in the future:

a I haven't decided yet where to go for my holidays. I may go to Ireland.      perhaps I will go there) a Take an umbrella with you. It might rain later. (z perhaps it will rain)

 The bus isn't always on time. We might have to wait a few minutes. (z perhaps we Will    have to wait)

The negative forms are may not and might not (mightn't):

CJ Liz may not go out tonight. She isn't feeling well. perhaps she will not go out) c] There might not bC enough time to discuss everything at the meeting. perhaps there will not be enough time)

 Compare will and may/might:

 I'll be late this evening- (for sure)  a I may/might be late this evening. (possible)

Usually you can use may or might. So you can say:       a I may go to Ireland. or I might go to Ireland.

a Jane might be able to help you. or Jane may be able to help you. But we use only might (not may) when the situation is not real:

                                    a If I were in Tom's position, I might look for another job.

The situation here is not real because I am not in Tom's position (so I'm not going to look for another job). May is not possible in this example.

B: Well, I'm ready, so I might as well go now.

Buses are so expensive these days, you may as well get a taxi. (z taxis are as good, no more expensive)

                               Will be -ing Unit 24 May/might I            Unit 29 May           ? -s Unit 37 Might With if Units 38C, 40D


30.1 Write sentences with might.

 Where are you going for your holidays? (to Ireland???) I haven't decided vet.

2    What sort of car are you going to buy? (a Mercedes???) I'm not sure yet. I

3    What are you doing this weekend? (go to London???) I haven't decided vet.

4    When is Tom coming to see us? (on Saturday???) He hasn't said vet.

 Where are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining room???) [ haven't made up my mind yet.

6 What is Julia going to do when she leaves school? (go to university???) She's still thinking about it.

30.2 Complete the sentences using might + the following:

bite break        need     slip       wake 1 Take an umbrella with you when you go OUt. rt

2    Don't make too much noise. You

3    Be careful Of that dog. It

4    [ don't think we should throw that letter away. We .     it later.

5    Be careful, The footpath is very icy. You

6    Don't let the children play in this room. They  something.

30.3 Complete the sentences using might be able to or might have to + a suitable verb,

1   1 can't help you, but why don't vou ask Jane? She        you,

2   1 can't meet vou this evening, but I

3   1'm not working on Saturday, but I 4 1 can come to the meeting, but I

30.4 Write sentences with might not.

I I'm not sure that Liz will come to the party.

2    1'm not sure that I'll go out this evening.


3    1'm not sure that we'll get tickets for the concert'

4    1'm not sure that Sue Will be able to come out With us this evening.

30,5 Read the situations and make sentences with might as well.

I You and a friend have iust missed the bus. The buses run every hour. You sav: We'll have to wait an hour for the next bus.

2   You have a free ticket for a concert. You're not very keen on the concert, but you decide to go.

You say: I  to the concert. It's a pity to waste a free ticket,

3   You've just painted your kitchen. You still have a lot of paint, so why not paint the bathroom too?

You say: We  There's plenty of paint left.

4   You and a friend are at home. You're bored. There's a film on TV starting in a few minutes. You say;  There's nothing else to do.

—+                                     16-18

Have to and must

I have to do something = it is necessary to do it, I am Obliged to do it; You can't turn right here. You have to turn left.

I have to wear glasses for reading.

George can't come out With us this evening. He has to work late.

C Last week Tina broke her arm and had to go to hospital.

a I haven't had to go to the doctor for ages.

We use do/does/did in questions and negative sentences (for the present and past simple): a What do I have to do to get a new driving licence? (not What have I to do?)  a Karen doesnt have to work Saturdays. (not Karen hasn't to)  Why did you have to leave early?

You can use have to with will and might/may:

                                a If the pain gets worse, you'll have to go to the doctor.

a I might have to work late tomorrow evening. ot I may have to work it's possible that I will have to)

Must is similar to have to:

a It's later than I thought. I must go. or I have to go.

You can use must to give your own opinion (for example, to say what you think is necessary, or to recommend someone to do something). Have to is also possible:

a I haven't spoken to Sue for ages. I must phone her. (z I say this is necessary) a Mark is a really nice person, You must meet him, (I recommend this)

We use have to (not must) to say what someone is obliged to do. The speaker is not giving his/her own opinion:

 I have to work from 8.30 to 5,30 every day, (a fact, not an opinion)  Jane has to travel a lot for her work.

But must is often used in written rules and Instructions:

 Applications for the job must be received by 18 May.

c] (exam instruction) You must write your answers in ink.

You cannot use must to talk about the past:

a We had to leave early. (not we must)

Mustn't and dorft have to are completely different:

You mustn't do something = it is necessary that you do not do it (so don't do it):

You must keep it a secret. You mustn't tell anyone.   don't tell anyone) a I promised I would be on time.

I mustn't be late. (z I must be on time)


You can use haye got to instead of have to. So you can say:

                               a I've got to work tomorrow.                 I have to work tomorrow.

                              a When has Liz got to go?           or      When does Liz have to go?

                       Must ('You must be tired')           Unit 28 Must/mustn't/needn't Unit 32


31.1 Complete the sentences with have to / has to / had to.

                 I Bill starts work at S a.m.        He                                   at four. (he / get up)

2    'I broke my arm last week,'       to hospital?' (you / go)

3    There was a lot of noise from the street.            the window.

(we / close)

4    Karen can't stay for the whole meeting.             early. (she / leave)

                5 How old                                                                                                  to drive in your country? (you / be)

6      I don't have much tune.            (I / hurry)

7      How is Paul enjoying his new job?       a lot? (he / travel)

8      'I'm afraid I can't stay long.' 'What time             7' (you / go)

9      'The bus was late again.' 'How long      (you / wait)

10  There was nobodv to help me, I            everything by myself. (I / do)

31.2 Complete the sentences using have to + the verbs in the list. Some sentences are positive (l have to etc.) and some are negative (l don't have to ... etc.):

ask do drive -gee-up go make make pay show I I'm not working tomorrow, so I

2    Steve didn't know how to use the computer, so I .

3    Excuse me a moment — I

4    I'm not so busy. I have a few things to do, but I                them now.

5    I couldn't find the street I wanted. I

6    The car park is free. You

7    A man was iniured in the accident, but he wasn't serious.

S Sue has a senior position in the company. Sheimportant decisions. 9 When Patrick starts his new job next month, he .50 miles to work every day,

31.3 In some of these sentences, must is wrong or unnatural. Correct the sentences where necessary.

I It's later than I thought. I must go.

2    1 must work every day from 8.30 to 5.30.

3    You must come and see us again soon.

4    Tom can't meet us tomorrow. He must work.

5    1 must work late yesterday evening.

6    1 must get up early tomorrow. I have lots to do.

7    Julia wears glasses. She must wear glasses since she was very young,             

31.4 Complete the sentences with mustn't or don't/doesn't have to.

1 I don't want anyone to know about our plan. You  tell anyone. 2 Richard deesn'€ hlve £0 wear a suit to work, but he usually does.

3    I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I .. go to work.

4    Whatever you do, you ..             touch that switch. It's very dangerous.

5    There's a lift in the building, so we        climb the stairs.

6    You      forget what told you, It's very important.

7    Sue      get up early, but she usually does.

               S Don't make so much noise. We                                                                  wake the children.

9     1          eat too much. I'm supposed to be on a diet.

10                   You        be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.

—5                                      16 (page 311)

Must mustn't needn't

Must mustnt needn't

You must do something = it is necessary that you do it:

                               D Don't tell anybody what I said. You must keep it a secret.

 We haven't got much time. We must hurry,

                         You mustn't do something = it is necessary that you do not do it (so don't do it):

 You must keep it a secret, You mustn't tell anybody else. (z don't tell anybody else)         a We must be very quiet. We mustr:ù make any noise.

You needn't do something you don't need to do it (but you can if you like):

C] You can come with me if you like, but you needn't come if you don't want to,     it is nor necessary for you to come)

                                  We've got plenty of time. We needlù hurry.     it is not necessary to hurry)

Instead of needn't, you can use don't/doesn tt need to. So you can say: We needn't hurry. or We don't need to hurry.

Remember that we say don't need to do, but needn't do (without to).

Needn't have (done)

Study this example situation:

I think

I'll take

it's going to rain.      I needn't have brought the umbrella. the umbrella,


to go out. He thought it was     But it didn't rain, so the umbrella was not rain, so he took the umbrella.        necessary. So he needn't have taken it.

have taken the umbrella = He took the umbrella, but this was not necessary.

Paul had going to needn't



Compare needn't (do) and needn't have (done):

a Everything will be OK. You needn't worry. (it's not necessary) a Everything was OK. You needn't have worried. (you worried, but it was not necessary)

Didn't need to (do) and needn't have (done)

I didn't need to = it was not necessary for me to ... (and I knew this at the time): a I didn't need to get up early, so I didn't.

 I didn't need to get up early, but it was a lovely morning, so I did. I didn't have to is also possible in these examples.

I needn't have done something = I did it, but now I know that it was not necessary:

c] I got up very early because I had to get ready to go away. But in fact it didn't take me long to get ready. So, I needn't have got up so early. I could have stayed in bed longer.

Must ('You must be tired') Unit 28 Have to and must —s Unit 31

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) Appendix 4 American English Appendix 7


32.1 Complete the sentences using needn't + the following verbs: ask   come     explain -leaye- tell          walk

               I We've got plenty of time. We                                     yet.

2   I can manage the shopping alone. You with me.

3   we       all the way home. We can get a taxi.

4   Just help yourself if you'd like more to eat. You first, 5 We can keep this a secret between ourselves. We anybody else, 6 I understand the situation perfectly. You further.

32.2 Complete the sentences with must, mustn't or needn't.

1 We haven't got much time. We 2 We've got plenty of time. We .

3   We have enough food at home, so we .              go shopping today.

4   Gary gave me a letter to post. I               remember to post it.

5   Gary gave me a letter to post, I               forget to post it.

6   There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You  decide now.

7   You  wash those tomatoes. They've already been washed.

S This is a valuable book. You  look after it carefillly and you lose it.

9 A: What sort of house do you want to buy? Something big?

B: well, it  be big — that'k not so important. But ithave a nice garden — that's essential.

32.3 Read the situations and make sentences with needn't have.

I Paul went out. He took an umbrella because he thought it was going to rain. But it didn't rain. He needn't ho-ve to-ken

2    Linda bought some eggs when she went shopping. When she got home, she found that she already had plenty of eggs. She

3    A colleague got angry with you at work. He shouted at you, which you think was unnecessary. Later you say to him: You .

4    Brian had money problems, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery. He

5    We took a camcorder with us on holiday, but we didn't use it in the end. we

6    1 thought I was' going to miss my train, so I rushed to the station. But the train was late and in the end I had to wait twenty minutes.

32.4 Write two sentences for each situation. Use needn't have in the first sentence and could have in the second (as in the example), For could have, see Unit 27, I Why did you rush? Why didn't you take your time?

                You needn'Þ„have rushed.        could hose

2    Why did vou walk home? Why didn't you take a taxi?

3    Why did you stay at a hotel? Why didn't you stay with us?

4    Whv did she phone me in the middle of the night? Why didn't she wait until the morning?

S Why did you leave without saying anything? Why didn't you say goodbye?

                                            16—17 (pages 311-12)

Should 1

You should do something = it is a good thing to do or the right thing to do. You can use should to give advice or to give an opinion:

a You look tired. You should go to bed.

 The government should do more to reduce crime.

*   'Should we invite Susan to the party?' 'Yes, I think we should.'

We often use should with I think / I dont think / Do you think ?:

 I think the government should do more to reduce crime.

*   I don't think you should work so hard.

 'Do you think I should apply for this job?' 'Yes, I think you should.'

You shouldn't do something = it isn't a good thing to do:

a You shouldn't believe everything you read in the newspapers.

Should is not as strong as must or have to:

                                     You should apologise.       it would be a good thing to do)           

                                    You must apologise. / You have to apologise.      you have no alternative)

You can use should when something is not right or what you expect:

1 wonder where Tina is, She should be here by now.

(z she isn't here yet, and this is not normal)

The price on this packet is wrong. It should be £2.50, not £3.50.

That man on the motorbike should be wearing a helmet.

We also use should to say that we expect something to happen: a She's been studying hard for the exam, so she should pass. (= I expect her to pass) a There are plenty of hotels in the town. It shouldn't be difficult to find somewhere to stay.

I don't expect it to be difficult)

You should have done something = you didn't do it, but it would have been the right thing to do:

 You missed a great party last night. You should have come. Why didn't you?

(z: you didn't come, but it would have been good to come)

 I wonder why they're so late. They should have arrived long ago.

You shouldn't have done something = you did it, but it was the wrong thing to do:  C] I'm feeling sick. I shouldn't have eaten so much. I ate too much) a She shouldn't have been listening to our conversation. It was private. she was listening)

Compare should (do) and should have (done):

 You look tired. You should go to bed now.

a You went to bed very late last night. You should have gone to bed earlier.

Ought to

You can use ought to instead of should in the sentences on this page. We say 'ought to do' (with to):

 Do you think I ought to apply for this job?               Do you think I should apply a Jack ought not to go to bed so late.             Jack shouldn't go a It was a great party last night. You ought to have come,   a She's been studying hard for the exam, so she ought to pass.

                                      2 —5          34 Should and had better Unit 35B Modal verbs (can/eould/will/would etc.)      Appendix 4


33.1 For each situation, write a sentence with should or shouldn't + the following:

              go to bed so late              100k for another job put some pictures on the walls         take a photograph          use her car so much 1 Liz needs a change,

2 Your salary is very low.

3    Jack always has difficulty getting up.

4    What a beautiful view!

5    Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She 6 Bill's room isn't very interesting.

33.2 Read the situations and write sentences with I think/l don't think should

1    Peter and Cathy are planning to get married. You think it'S a bad idea.

2    Jane has a bad cold but plans to go out this evening. You don't think this is a good idea. You say to her:

3    Peter needs a job. He's iust seen an advertisement for a job which you think would be ideal for him, but he's not sure whether to applv or not. You say to him:

I think

4 The government wants to increase taxes, but you don't think this is a good idea.

33.3 Complete the sentences with should (have) + the verb in brackets,

I Diane  the exam. She's been studying very hard. (pass) 2 You missed a great party last night.

3    We don't see vou enough. You

4    I'm in a difficult position. What do you think I   ? (do)

S I'm sorry that I didn't take vour advice. I what you said, (do) 6 I'm playing tennis with Jane tomorrow. She — she's much better than me. (win)

7   We lost the match, but we        We were the better team. (win)

8   'Is Mike here vet?' 'Not yet, but he .      here soon.' (be)

9   I posted the letter three days ago, so it               by now. (arrive)

33.4 Read the situations and write sentences with should/shouldn't. Some of the sentences are past and some are present.

1 I'm feeling sick. I ate too much. shoulån'€ have ea£en so much . 2 That man on the motorbike isn't wearing a helmet. That's dangerous.

3   When we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. We hadn't reserved one.


4   The notice says that the shop is open every day from 8.30. It is 9 0'clock now, but the shop isn't open yet.

5   The speed limit is 30 miles an hour, but Kate is doing 50, She

6   Laura gave me her address, but I didn't write it down. NOW I can't remember it.


7   I was driving behind another car. Suddenly, the driver in front stopped without warning and I drove into the back of his car. It wasn't my fault.

The driver in front

8   I walked into a wall. I was looking behind me. I wasn't looking where I was going.

—Þ                                      16—18 (pages 311-13)

Should 2

You can use should after a number of verbs, especially:

                              demand           insist propose          recommend       suggest

 They insisted that we should have dinner with them, c] I demanded that he should apologise.  What do you suggest I should do?

c] I insist that something should be done about the problem.

We also say 'It's important/vital/necessary/essential that should .  Itk essential that everyone should be here on time.

You can also leave out should in all the sentences in Section A:

a It's essential that everyone be here on time. (z that everyone should be here) a I demanded that he apologise. (z that he should apologise) a What do you suggest I do?

                                   a I insist that something be done about the problem.

This form (be/do/have/apologise etc.) is sometimes called the subjunctive. It is the same as the infinitive (without to).

*          You can also use normal present and past tenses: C] It's essential that everyone is here on time. a I demanded that he apologised.

After suggest, you cannot use to ('to do / to buy' etc.). You can say:  What do you suggest we should do?

*          or    What do you suggest we do? (but not What do you suggest us to do?) o Jane suggested that I (should) buy a car.

Jane suggested that I bought a car. (but not Jane suggested me to buy)

You can also use -ing after suggest: What do you suggest doing? See Unit 53.

You can use should after a number of adjectives, especially:

strange        odd        funny    typical natural___—interesting               surprised            surprising 12 It's strange that he should be late. He's usually on time.  I was surprised that he should say such a thing.

If should

                      You can say 'If something should happen       . For example:

a If Tom should phone while I'm out, tell him I'll call him back later.

'If Tom should phone' is similar to 'If Tom phones'. With should, the speaker feels that the possibility is smaller. Another example:

 We have no jobs at present. But if the situation should change, we'll let you know.

 You can also begin these sentences with should (Should something happen J:       a Should Tom phone, tell him I'll call him back later.

You can use I should / I shouldn't to give somebody advice. For example:

'Shall I leave now?' 'No, I should wait a bit longer.'

Here, should wait I would wait if I were you, I advise you to wait.

Two more examples:

 'I'm going out now. Is it cold?' 'Yes, I should wear a coat. a I shouldn't stay up too late. You'll be tired tomorrow.

                                      I                    33 American English Appendix 7


34.1 Write a sentence (beginning in the way shown) that means the same as the first sentence,

 'I think it would be a good idea to see a specialist,' the doctor said to me.

The doctor recommended that I should

2    'You really must stay a little longer,' she said ro me.

She insisted that I

3    'Why don't you visit the museum after lunch?' I said to them.

I suggested that

4    'You must pay the rent by Friday,' the landlord said to us. The landlord demanded that

S 'Why don't you go away for a few days?' Jack said to me.

Jåck suggested that

34.2 Are these sentences right or wrong?

I a Tom suggested that I should look for another job. „„.Qk. b Tom suggested that I look for another job. c Tom suggested that I looked for another i ob. d Tom suggested me to look for another job.

2 a Where do voU suggest I go for rnv holiday? b Where do you suggest me to go for mv holiday?

c Where do you suggest I should go for my holiday?

34.3 Complete the sentences using should + the following: ask -be leave listen say worry I It's strange that he

2    It's funny that you         that. I was going to say the same thing.

3    It's onlv natural that parents    about their children.

4    Isn't it typical of Joe that he      without saying goodbye to anybody?

5    1 was surprised that they          me for advice. What advice could I give them?

6    1'm going to gwe you all some essential information, so it's important that everybody very carefully.

34.4 Use the words in brackets to complete these sentences. Use If . should

              I I'm going out now.             Tom  , tell him I'll call him back this evening.

(Tom phone)

2    1've hung the washing out to dry on the balcony. can you bring the washing in, please? (it / rain)

3    1 think everything will be OK.  any problems, I'm sure we'll be able to solve them. (there / be) 4 1 don't want anyone to know where I'm going. just say that you don't know. (anyone / ask)

Write sentences 3 and 4 again, this time beginning with Should.

5 (3) Should , I'm sure we'll be able to solve them. , just say that you don't know.

34.5 (Section E) Complete the sentences using I should + the following:

     buy        keep       phone

I 'Shall I leave now?' 'No,

2    'Shall I throw these things away?' 'No,

3    'Shall I go and see Paul?' 'Yes, but

4    'Is it worth repairing this TV set?' 'No them. You may need them.' him first.' a new one.

Had better It's time ...

Had better (I'd better / you'd better etc,)

I'd better do something = it is advisable to do it. If I don't do it, there will be a problem or a danger:

CI I have to meet Ann in ten minutes. I'd better go now or I'll be late. 12 'Shall I take an umbrella?' 'Yes, you'd better. It might rain.' a We'd better Stop for petrol soon. The tank is almost empty.

The negative is I'd better not I had better not):

a 'Are you going out tonight?'        better not. I've got a lot to do.' a You don't look very well. You'd better not go to work today.

Remember that:

The form is 'had better' (usually 'I'd better / you'd better' etc. in spoken English). a I'd better phone Carol, hadnt I?

Had is normally past, but the meaning of had better is present or future, not past. I'd better go to the bank now / tomorrow.

We say 'I'd better do' (not to do).

a It might rain. We'd better take an umbrella. (not We'd better to take)

Had better and should

Had better is similar to should but not exactly the same. We use had better only for a specific situation (not for things in general). You can use should in all types of situations to give an opinion or give advice:

 It's late. You'd better go. / You should go. (a specific situation)

 You're always at home. You should go out more often. (in general — not 'had better go')

Also, with had better, there is always a danger or a problem if you don't follow the advice.

Should only means 'it is a good thing to do'. Compare:

 It's a great film. You should go and see it. (but no problem if you don't) a The film starts at 8.30. You'd better go now or you'll be late.

It's time .

You can say It's time (for somebody) to

Q It's time to go home. / It's time for us to go home.

But you can also say:

t: It's late. It's time we went home.

Here we use the past (went), but the meaning is present, not past:

C] It's 10 0'clock and he's still in bed. ItS time he got up. (not It's time he gets up)

It'S time you did something = you should have already done it or started it. We Often use this structure to criticise or to complain:

a Itk time the children were in bed. It's long after their bedtime.

 You're very selfish. It's time you realised that you're not the most important person in the world.

You can also say It's about time      This makes the criticism stronger:

a   Jack is a great talker, But ifs about time he did something instead of just talking.

               I           33


35.1 Read the situations and write sentences with had better or had better not. Use the words in brackets.

I You're going out for a walk with Tom. It looks as if it might rain. You say to Tom:

                   (an umbrella)                  better

2 Michael has just cut himself. It's a bad cut. You say to him:

(a plaster)

3   You and Kate plan to go to a restaurant this evening. It's a popular restaurant. You say to Kate: (reserve) We

4   Jill doesn't look very well — not well enough to go to work. You say to her; (work )

•5 You received the phone bill four weeks ago, but you haven't paid it yet. If you don't pay soon, you could be in trouble. You say to yourself:


6    You want to go out, but you're eypecting an important phone call. You say to your friend:

(go out) I

7    You and Liz are going to the theatre. You've missed the bus and you don't want to be late.

You say to Liz: (a taxi)

35.2 Put in had better where suitable. If had better is not suitable, use should. I I have an appointment in ten minutes. I beåe.r go now or I'll be late.

2    It's a great film. You      go and see it. You'll really like it.

3    1           get up early tomorrow. I've got a lot to do.

4    When people are driving, they keep their eyes on the road.

5    1'm glad you came to see us, You           come more often.

6    She'll be upset if we don't invite her to the wedding, so we  invite her.

               These biscuits are delicious. You                                         try one.

              8 1 think everybody                                         learn a foreign language.

35.3 Complete the sentences, Sometimes you need only one word, sometimes two. I need some money. I'd better ....ge..„. to the bank.

b  John is expecting you to phone him. You  better phone him now. C 'Shall I leave the window open?' 'No, you'd better d We'd better leave as soon as possible, we?

It's time the government . something about the problem. b It's time somethingabout the problem.

I think it's about time youabout other people instead of only thinking about yourself.

35.4 Read the situations and write sentences with It's time (somebody did something). I You think the children should be in bed. It's already 11 0'clock.

2    You haven't had a holiday for a very long time. You need one now.

It's time I

3    You're sitting on a train waiting for it to leave the station. It's already five minutes late.

4    You enjoy having parties. You haven't had one for a long time.

5    The company you work for has been badly managed for a long time. You think some changes should be made.

6    Andrew has been doing the same job for the last ten years. He should try something else.

 Additional exercise 16 (page 311)

a They helped us a lot. I don't know what we'd have done we would have done) without their help.

C] I didn't tell Sam what happened. He wouldn't have been pleased.

Compare would (do) and would have (done):

 I would phone Sue, but I haven't got her number. (now)

I would have phoned Sue, but I didn't have her number. (past)

 I'm not going to invite them to the party. They wouldn't come anyway. I didn't invite them to the party, They wouldrù have come anyway.

We often use would in sentences with if (see Units 38—40): a I would phone Sue if I had her number.

 I would have phoned Sue if I'd had her number.

Compare will ('Il) and would ('d):

a I'll stay a bit longer. I've got plenty of time.

I'd stay a bit longer, but I really have to go now. (so I can't stay longer)     a I'll phone Sue. I've got her number.

I'd phone Sue, but I haven't got her number. (so I can't phone her)

 Sometimes would/wouldn't is the past of will/worù, Compare:


C] TOM: I'll phone you on Sunday. CJ ANN; I promise I won't be late. a LIZ: Damn! The car worù start.


Tom said he'd phone me on Sunday.

Ann promised that she wouldn't be late.

—5 Liz was annoyed because her car wouldn't start.

Somebody wouldn't do something = he/she refused to do it:

c) I tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen to me.                he refused to listen) C] The car wouldn't start. (z it Grefused' to start)

You can also use would when you talk about things that happened regularly in the past:

a When we were children, we lived by the sea. In summer, if the weather was fine, we would all get up early and go for a swim.       we did this regularly) a Whenever Richard was angry, he would walk out of the room.

With this meaning, would is similar to used to (see Unit 18):

CJ Whenever Richard was angry, he used to walk out of the room.

Will Units 21-22 Would you ? Unit 37A Would if Units 38—40 Wish would Unit 41

Would like —+ Units 37Ei 58 Would prefer I would rather —+ Unit 59 Modal verbs Appendix 4


36.1 Write sentences about yourself, Imagine things you would like or wouldn't like.

1     (a place you'd love to live)

2     (a job you wouldn't like to do)

3     (something you would love to do)

4     (something that would be nice to have)

5     (a place you'd like to go to)

36.2 Complete the sentences using would + the following verbs (in the correct form):              enjoy     enjoy    have      pass       Stop

I They helped us a lot. I don't know what we

2    You should go and see the film. You

3    It's a pity you couldn't come to the concert yesterday. You

4    Shall I apply for the job or not? What

5    I was in a hurry when I saw you. Otherwise I

6    We took a taxi home last night but got stuck in the traffic. It quicker to walk.

                 Why don't you go and see Clare? She                                                                     very pleased to see you.

             S Why didn't you do the exam? I'm sure you                                                                   it.

9 In an ideal world, everybody

36.3 Each sentence on the right follows a sentence on the left. Which follows which?


2 1 wouldn't like to live on a busy road, 3 1'm sorry the trip was cancelled.

4    1'm looking forward to going out tonight.

5    1'm glad we didn't go out in the rain.

6    1'm not looking forward to the trip,


a It wouldn't have been very nice. b It would have been fun.

d It won't be much fun. e It wouldn't be very nice. f It will be fun.

36.4 Write sentences using promised + would/wouldn't.

1   1 wonder why Laura is late.

2   1 wonder why Steve hasn't phoned. He promised

3   Why did you tell Jane what I said? You

4   1'm surprised they didn't wait for us. They

36.5 Complete the sentences. Use wouldn't + a suitable verb,

1    1 tried to warn him, bur he

2    1 asked Amanda what had happened, but She

3    Paul was very angry about what I'd said and     to me for two weeks.

4    Martina insisted on carrying all her luggage. She .          . me help her,

36.6 These sentences are about things that often happened in the past, Complete the sentences using would + the following: forget help       shake    share -walk-

I Whenever Richard was angry, he  out of the room.

2   We used to live next to a railway line. Every time a train went past, the house

3   George "'as a very kind man. He  always  _ you if you had a problem.

4   Brenda was always very generous. She didn't have much, but she what she had with everyone else.

5   You could never rely on Joe. It didn't matter how many times you reminded him to do something, he  always

 Additional exercises                 (pages

Unit   Can/Could/Would you ... ? etc.

37       (Requests, offers, permission and invitations)

Asking people to do things (requests)

We use can or could to ask people to do things: Can you wait a moment, please?

or Could you wait a moment, please? c] Liz, can you do me a favour?

D Excuse me, could you tell me how to              get to the airport?

Note that we say Do you think you could ? (not can):

D Do you think you could lend me some money until next week?

 We also use will and would to ask people to do things (but can/could are more usual): D Liz, will you do me a favour?

a Would you please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate.

Asking for things

TO ask for something, we use Can I have . ? or Could I have  (in a shop) Can I have these postcards, please?  (during a meal) Could I have the salt, please?

May I have ? is also possible:

                                a May I have these postcards, please?

Asking to do things

 TO ask to do something, we use can, could or may:

 (on the phone) Hello, can I speak to Steve, please? a 'Could I use your phone?' 'Yes, of course.'  Do you think I could borrow your bike? a 'May I come in?' 'Yes, please do.' May is more formal than can or could.

To ask to do something, you can also say Do you mind if I ? or Is it all right / Is it OK if I . a 'Do you mind if I use your phone?' 'Sure. Go ahead.' a 'Is it all right if I come in?' 'Yes, of course.'

Offering to do things

 To offer to do something, you can use Can I ... ?:

a 'Can I get you a cup of coffee?' 'That would be nice.' a 'Can I help you?' 'No, it's all right. I can manage.'

Offering and inviting

To offer or to invite, we use Would you like ? (not Do you like):

 'Would you like a cup Of coffee?' 'Yes, please.' a 'Would you like to come to dinner tomorrow evening?' 'I'd love to.'

I'd like is a polite way of saying what you want:

 (at a tourist information office) I'd like some information about hotels, please.  (in a shop) I'd like to try on this jacket, please.

                           Can and could               Units 26—27 Mind -ing Unit 53 Would like Units 55A, 58B

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.) —a Appendix 4


             Read         situations and write questions beginning Can ... or Could .

I You're carrying a lot of things. You can't open the door yourself, There's a man standing near the door. You say to him:

2    You phone Sue, but somebody else answers. Sue isn't there. You want to leave a message for her, You say:

3    You're a tourist. You want to go to the station, but you don't know how to get there. You ask at your hotel:

4    You are in a clothes shop. You see some trousers you like and you want to try them on. You say to the shop assistant:

S You have a car, You have to go the same way as Steve, who is on foot. You offer him a lift. You say to him:

37.2 Read the situation and write a question using the word in brackets.

I You want to borrow your friend's camera. What do you say to him?


2    You are at a friend's house and you want to use her phone. What do you say?

                  (all right)      19. Lt        rggh£

3    You've written a letter In English. Before you send it, you want a friend to check it for you.

What do you ask?


4    You want to leave work early. What do you ask your boss?


S The woman in the next room is playing music. It'S very loud. You want her to turn it down.

What do you say to her?


6   You're on a train. The window is open and you're feeling cold, You'd like to close it, but first you ask the woman next to you.

7   You're still on the train. The woman next to you has finished reading her newspaper, and you'd like to have a look at it. You ask her.


37.3 What would you say in these situations?

I Paul has come to see you in your flat. You offer him something to eat.


PAUL: No, thank you. I've just eaten.

2   You need help to change the film in your camera. You ask Kate.

                 YOU:       I don't know how to change the film.

KATE: Sure. It's easy. All you have to do is this.

3   You're on a bus. You have a seat, but an elderly man is standing. .You offer him your seat.


MAN: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much.

4   You're the passenger in a car. Your friend is driving very fast. You ask her to slow down.

                 YOU:        You're making me very nervous.

DRIVER: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realise I was going so fast.

5   You've finished your meal in a restaurant and now you want the bill. You ask the waiter:



6   A friend of yours is interested in one of your books. You invite him to borrow it, FRIEND: This looks very interesting. YOU:           Yes, it's a good book.

(1) Lisa has lost her watch. She tells Sue:

LISA.' I've lost my watch. Have you seen it anywhere? SUE: No, but if I find it, I'll tell you.

In this example, Sue feels there is a real possibility that she will find the watch, So she says: if I find ... , I'll .

We do not normally use would in the if-part of the sentence:

O I'd be very frightened if somebody pointed a gun at me. (not if somebody would point)  If I didn't go to their party, they'd be upset. (not [f I wouldn't go)

But you can use if ... would when you ask somebody to do something:

 (from a formal letter) I would be grateful if you would let me know your decision as soon as possible.

In the other part of the sentence (not the if-part) we use would ('d) / wouldrù:

D If you took more exercise, you'd (a you would) feel better.            O I'm not tired, If I went to bed now, I wouldn't sleep.  Would you mind if I used your phone?

Could and might are also possible:

D If you took more exercise, you might feel better. it is possible that you would feel better)            a If it stopped raining, we could go out.   we would be able to go out)

Do not use when in sentences like those on this page:

           C) They'd be upset if I didn't go to their party. (not when I didn't go) a What would you do if you were bitten by a snake? (not when you were bitten)

Will * Units 21-22 If and when -+ Unit 25D Would Unit 36 If I knew —s Unit 39 If I had known Unit 40


               I They would be offended if I                              to their party. (not / go)

2       If you took more exercise, you              better. (feel)

3       If they offered me the job, I think I      it. (take)

4       A lot of people would be out of work if the car factory               (close down)

5       If I sold my car, I           much money for it. (not / get)

6       (in a lift/ What would happen if somebody  that red button? (press)

7       I don't think there's any chance that Gary and Emma will get married. I'd be absolutely astonished if they .            - (do)

8       Liz gave me this ring. She .       very upset if I lost it. (be)

9       Dave and Kate are expecting us, They would be very disappointed if we (not / come)

10   Would Steve mind if I     his bike without asking him? (borrow)

            I l What would you do if somebody                                                 in here with a gun? (walk)

           12 I'm sure Sue                                                          if you explained the situation to her. (understand)

38.2 You ask a friend to imagine these situations. You ask What would you do if ? 1 (imagine — you Win a lot of money)

2    (imagine — you lose your passport)


3    (imagine — there's a fire in the building)

4    (imagine — you're 111 a lift and it stops between floors)

38.3 Answer the questions in the way shown.

Shall we catch the 10.30 train?

No. (arrive too early)

Is Kevin going to take his driving test?

B: No. (fail) If he

Why don't we stay at a hotel?

B: No. (cost too much) If

Is Sally going to apply for the job?

B: No. (not/ get it) If

Let's tell them the truth.

B: No. (not / believe us) If .

Why don't we invite Bill to the party?

B: No. (have to invite his friends too)

38,4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

1   If you took more exercise,

2   I'd be very angry if

3   If I didn't go to work tomorrow, 4 Would you go to the party if

S If you bought some new clothes,

6 Would you mind if

When you imagine a situation like this, you use if + past (if I knew / if you were / if we didn't etc.). But the meaning is present, not past; a Tom would read more if he had more time, (but he doesn't have much time) a If I didrù want to go to the party, I wouldn't go. (but I want to go) c] We wouldn't have any money if we didlfi work. (but we work) c] If you were in my position, what would you do?

c] It's a pity you can't drive. It would be useful if you could.

We use the past in the same way after wish (I wish I knew / I wish you were etc.). We use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it to be: a I wish I knew Paul'S phone number.

(z I don't know it and I regret this) a Do you ever wish you could fly?

(you can't fly)

Cl It rains a lot here. I wish it didn't rain so often.

CJ It's very crowded here. I Wish there weren't so many people. (there are a lot Of people)  I wish I didrù have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.

If I were / if I was

After if and wish, you can use were instead of was (if I were ... / I wish it were etc.). I was / it was are also possible. So you can say:


         If I were you, I wouldn't buy that coat.         or         If I was you, ...

        Cl I'd go out if it weren't so cold.                          or         . if it wasn't so cold.

         I Wish Carol were here.                                       or        I wish Carol was here.

We do not normally use would in the if-part of the sentence or after wish:

 If I were rich, I would have a yacht. (not If I would be rich)

 I wish I had something to read. (not I wish I would have)

Sometimes wish would is possible: I wish you would listen. See Unit 41.

Could sometimes means 'would be able to' and sometimes 'was/were able to': a You could get a better job (you could get = you would be able to get) if you could use a computer. (you could use = you were able to use)

Could Units 26—27 If I do / if I did —+ Unit 38 If I had known / I wish I had known

unit 40

Wish Unit 41


1 If I -.„knehk... (know) his number, I would phone him.

(not I buy) that coat if I were you,

(help) you if I could, but I'm afraid I can't. 4 We would need a car if we (live) in the country.

5      If we had the choice, we        (live) in the country.

6      This soup isn't very good. It   (taste) better if it wasn't so salty.

7      I wouldn't mind living In England if the weather .  (be) better.

8      If I were you, I (not / wait)- I       (go) now.

9      You're always tired. If vou (not / go) to bed so late every night, you wouldn't be tired all the time.

10 I think there are too manv cars. If there - (not / be) so many cars, there (not / be) so much pollution,

39.2 Write a sentence with if for each situation,

I We don't see you verv often because vou live so far away.

2    This book is too expensive, so I'm not going to buy it.

3    We don't go out very often — we can't afford it.


4    I can't meet vou tomorrow — I have to work late.


5    It's raining, so we can't have lunch outside.

6    I don't want his advice, and that's whv I'm not going to ask for it.


39.3 Write sentences beginning I wish

I I don't know many people (and I'm lonely).

2 I don'c have a mobile phone (and I need one). I wish 3 Helen isn't here (and I need to see her).

4    It's cold (and I hate cold weather).

5    I live in a big city (and I don't like it).

6    I can't go to the party (and I'd like to).

I have to work tomorrow (but I'd like to stay in bed).

I don't know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).

9 I'm not feeling well (and it's not nice).

39.4 Write your own sentences beginning I wish

I (somewhere you'd like to be now — on the beach, in New York, in bed etc.) I Wish

2    (something you'd like to have — a computer, a job, lots of money etc.)

3    (something you'd like to be able to do — sing, speak a language, fly etc.)

4    (something you'd like to be — beautiful, strong, rich etc.)

 Additional exercises 19-21 (pages 313—14)

We use if + had ('d) to talk about the past (if I had known/been/done etc.):

              c) I didn't see you when you passed me in the street. If I'd seen you, of course I would have said hello. (but I didn't see you)

Cl I decided to stay at home last night. •I would have gone out if I hadn't been so tired.

(but I was tired)

 If he had been looking where he was going, he wouldn't have walked into the wall. (but he wasn't looking)

 The view was wonderful. If I'd had a camera with me, I would have taken some photographs, (but I didn't have a camera)


o I'm not hungry, If I was hungry, I would eat something. (now)

c) I wasn't hungry. If I had been hungry, I would have eaten something. (past)

DO not use would in the if-part of the sentence. We use would in the other part Of the sentence; CJ If I had seen you, I would have said hello. (not If I would have seen you)

Note that 'd can be would or had:

                                        If I'd seen you,              (I'd seen = I had seen)

I'd have said hello. (I'd have said = I would have said)

We use had (done) in the same way after wish. I wish something had happened = I am sorry that it didn't happen:

a I wish I'd known that Gary was ill. I would have gone to see him. (but I didn't know) a I feel sick. I wish I hadn't eaten so much cake. (I ate too much cake) a Do you wish you had studied science instead of languages? (you didn't study science)

Do not use would have after wish:

a The weather was cold while we were away. I wish it had been warmer. (not I wish it would have been)

Compare would (do) and would have (done):

a If I had gone to the party last night, I would be tired now. (I am not tired now — present)

CI If I had gone to the party last night, I would have met lots of people. (I didn't meet lots of people — past)

Compare would have, could have and might have:

we would have gone out. we could have gone out.

a If the weather hadn't been so bad,we would have been able to go out) we might have gone out,

(z perhaps we would have gone out)

Had done Unit 15 If I do / if I did —s Unit 38 If I knew / I wish I knew Unit 39 Wish Unit 41


 I didn't know you were in hospital. If  (l / know),  (l / go) to see you.

2    Sam got to the station just in time to catch the train to the airport. If

(he / miss) the train,  (he / miss) his flight.

3    I'm glad that you reminded me about Amanda's birthday.

(I / forget) if  (you / not / remind) me.

4 Unfortunatelv I forgot my address book when I went on holiday. If

(l / have) your address,  (I send) you a postcard.

5   A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?

B: It was Ok, but                                                   (we / enjoy) it more if (the weather / be) nicer.

6   I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad. (it / be) quicker if        (I / walk),

                I'm not tired. If                                                                              (I / be) tired, I'd go home now.

S I wasn't tired last night. If - (I / be) tired, I would have gone home earlier.

40.2 For each situation, write a sentence beginning with If, I I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat anvthing.

2    The accident happened because the road was icy.

If the road

3    1 didn't know that Joe had to get up early, so I didn't wake him up.

If 1

4    1 was able to buy the car only because Jane lent me the money.

5    Karen wasn't injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt.

6    You didn't have any breakfast — that's why you're hungry now.

40.3 Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish. I You've eaten too much and now you feel sick.

                   You say:         I .msh I hiån'£ ea£.en so much.

2    There was a job advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. Now you think that your decision was wrong.

You say: I wish I

3    When you were younger, you never learned to play a musical Instrument. Now you regret this. You say: 4 You've painted the gate red. Now you think that red was the wrong colour• You say:

5    You are walking in the country. You'd like to take some photographs, but you didn't bring your camera.

You say:

6    You have some unexpected guests. They didn't phone first to say they were coming. You are very busy and vou are not prepared for them. You say (to yourself):

 Additional exercises 19—21 (pages 313—14)


You can say 'I wish you luck / every success / a happy birthday' etc. : a I wish you every success in the future.

c] I saw Tim before the exam and he wished me luck.

We say 'wish somebody something' (luck / a happy birthday etc.). But you cannot 'wish that something happens'. We use hope in this situation. For example:

a I hope you get this letter before you go away, (not I wish you get)

Compare I wish and I hope:

a I wish you a pleasant stay here,

I hope you have pleasant stay here. (not I wish you have)

We also use wish to say that we regret something, that something is not as we would like it. When we use wish in this way, we use the past (knew/lived etc.), but the meaning is present: a I wish I knew what to do about the problem. (I don't know and I regret this)

I wish you didn't have to go so soon. (you have to go)

CJ DO you wish you lived near the sea? (you don't live near the sea) c] Jack's going on a trip to Mexico soon. I wish I was going too. (I'm not going)

To say that we regret something in the past, we use wish + had (had known / had said) etc. :

C] I wish I'd known about the party. I would have gone if I'd known. (l didn't know) D It was a stupid thing to say. I Wish I hadn't said it. (l said it)

For more examples, see Units 39 and 40.

wish I could (do something) = I regret that I cannot do it:



I'm sorry I have to go, I wish I could stay longer, (but I can't)

O I've met that man before. I wish I could remember his name. (but I can't)

I wish I could have (done something) I regret that I could not do it:

I hear the party was great. I wish I could have gone. (but I couldn't go)

You can say SI wish (somebody) would (do something)'. For example:

I wish it would It's been raining all day. Jill doesn't like it. She says: stop raining. I wish it would stop raining.

Jill would like the rain to stop, but this will probably not happen.

We use I wish ... would when we would like something to happen Of change. Usually, the speaker doesn't expect this to happen.

We often use I wish ... would to complain about a situation:

D The phone has been ringing for five minutes. I wish somebody would answer it. a I wish you would do something instead of just sitting and doing nothing.

You can use I wish wouldrft to complain about things that people do repeatedly: I wish you wouldn't keep interrupting me.

We use I wish . , , would for actions and changes, not situations. Compare:

C] I wish Sarah would come. (z I want her to come) but I wish Sarah was (or were) here now. (not I wish Sarah would be) a I wish somebody would buy me a car.

but I wish I had a car. (not I wish I would have)

I wish I knew Unit 39 1 wish I was / I wish I were Unit 39C I wish I had known Unit 40


in wish(ed) or hope(d).

. you a pleasant stay here,

2   Enjoy your holiday. I     .. you have a great time.

3   Goodbye. I       you all the best.

4   We said goodbye to each other and      each other luck.

5   We're going to have a picnic tomorrow, so I      the weather is nice.

6   1 . you luck in your new job. I        it works out well for you.

41.2 What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish would 1 It's raining. You want to go out, but not in the rain. You say:

2 You're waiting for Jane. She's late and you're getting impatient.

You say to yourself: I wish

3 You're looking for a job — so far without success. Nobody will give you a job.

You say: I wish somebody

4    You can hear a baby crying. It's been crying for a long time and you're trying to study.

You say;

5    Brian has been wearing the same clothes for years. You think he needs some new clothes. You say to Brian:

For the following situations. write sentences with I wish ... wouldn't . 6 Your friend drives very fast. You don't like •this. you say to your friend: I wish you

7 Joe leaves the door open all the time. This annoys you. You say to Joe:

S A lot of people drop litter in the street. You don't like this.

You say: I wish people

41.3 Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

I wish Sarah would be here now.

2    1 wish you would listen to me.

3    1 wish I would have more free time.

4    1 wish our flat would be a bit bigger.

S I wish the weather would change.

6    1 wish you wouldn't complain all the time.

7    1 wish everything wouldn't be so expensive.

41.4 Put the verb into the correct form.

               I It was a stupid thing to say. I wish I                                      it. (I / not / say)

2    I'm fed up with this rain. I wish (it / stop)

3    It's a difficult question. I Wish  the answer. (I / know)

4    I should have listened to you. I wish      your advice. (I / take)

5    You're lucky to be going away. I wish    with you. (I / can / come)

6    I have no energy at the moment. I wish               so tired. (I / not / be) 7 Aren't they ready yet? I wish

8    Ir would be nice to stay here longer. I wish to leave now.

(we / not / have)

9    When we were in London last year, we didn't have time to see all the things we wanted to see.

                   I wish ,                                                                „ longer. (we / can / stay)

             10 It's freezing today. I wish                                                         so cold, I hate cold weather. (it / not / be)

             Il Joe still doesn't know what he wants to do. I wish                                                          (he / decide)

           12 I really didn't enjoy the party. I wish (we Î not / go)

When we use an active verb, we say what the subject does: CI My grandfather was a builder. He built this house in 1935.

c) It's a big company. It employs two hundred people.

When we use a passive verb, we say what happens to the subiect: C) This house is quite old, It was built in 1935, a Two hundred people are employed by the company.

When we use the passive, who or what causes the action is Often unknown or unimportant:

CI A lot of money was stolen in the robbery. (somebody stole it, but we don't know who)  Is this room cleaned every day? (does somebody clean it? — it's not important who)

If we want to say who does or what causes the action, we use by . CJ This house was built by my grandfather.

 Two hundred people are employed by the company.

The passive is be (is/was etc.) + past participle (done]cleaned/seen etc.):

(be) done (be) cleaned (be) damaged' (be) built (be) seen

For irregular past participles (done/seen/known etc.), sec Appendix 1.

Study the active and passive forms of the present simple and past simple;


Present simple active; clean(s) / see(s) etc. Somebody cleans this room everv dav.

passive: arn/is/are + cleaned/seen etc.                     This room is cleaned every day.

c] Many accidents are caused by careless driving. D I'm not often invited to parties.

c) How is this word pronounced?

Passive 2—3 Units 42—43 By Unit 1 28


42.1 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs in the correct form, present or past: damage         hold  Invite   make overtake  show    surround          translate           write I Many accidents ....g-ye. bv dangerous driving.

2    Cheese from milk.

3    The roof of the building          in a storm a few days ago.

4    You    to the wedding. Why didn't you go?

5    A cinema is a place where films

6    In the United States, elections for president               every four years.

Originally the book    in Spanish, and a few years ago it into English

8 Although we were driving quite fast, weby a lot of other cars. 9 You can't see the house from the road. It by trees.

42,2 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past.

I Ask about glass. (how / make?) 2 Ask about television. (when / invent?)

3   Ask about mountains. (how I form?)

4   Ask about Pluto (the planet). (when / discover?) 5 Ask about silver. (what / use for?)

42.3 Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

1                                                                                It's a big factory. Five hundred people  (employ) there.

2                                                                                somebody / clean) this room yesterday?

3                                                                                Water          „ (cover) most of the earth's surface.

4                                                                                How much of the earth's surface       (cover) by water?

5                                                                                The park gates .       (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

6                                                                                The letter     (post) a week ago and it (arrive) yesterday. 7 The boat hit a rock and        (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody (rescue).

                  Richard's parents                                  (die) when he was very young. He and his sister

(bring up) by their grandparents,

9       I        born in London, but I    (grow up) in Canada,

10   While I was on holidav, mv camera   . (steal) from my hotel room.

                 While I was on holidav, mv camera                                   (disappear) from my hotel room.

12    Why   (Sue E" resign) from her job? Didn't she enjoy it?

13    Why     (Bill / sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

14    The company is not independent. It     (own) by a much larger company.

15    I saw an accident last night. Somebody           (call) an ambulance but nobody (injure), so the ambulance .          (not / need).

16    Where (these photographs / take)? In London? (vou / take) them, or somebody else?

17    Sometimes it's quite noisy living here, but it's not a problem for me —

1 . (not / bother) by it.

42.4 Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody, they, people etc., write a passive sentence.

I Somebody cleans the room every day.

2    They cancelled all flights because of fog.

3    People don't use this road much.

4    Somebody accused me of stealing money. 1 5 How do people learn languages?

6 Somebody warned us not to go out alone.

Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done)



Study the following active and passive forms:


Infinitive active: (to) do/clean/see etc.          Somebody will clean the rooniå later.

passive: (to) be + done/cleaned/seen etc.             The           will be cleaned later.

Cl The situation is serrous. Something must be done before it's too late. a A mystery is something that can't be explained.

Cl The music was very loud and could be heard from a long way away.

CJ A new supermarket is going to be built next year. a Please go away. I want to be left alone,






Perfect infinitive active; (to) have + done/cleaned/scen etc. Somebody should have cleaned room passive: (to) have been + done/cleaned/seen etc. 'The room, should have been cleaned.

D I haven't received the letter yet. It might have been sent to the wrong address. c] If you hadn't left the car unlocked, it wouldn't have been stolen. O There were some problems at first, but they seem to have been solved.





Present perfect active: have/has + done etc, The room looks nice. Somebody has cleaned passive: have/has been + done etc. The room looks nice. It has been cleaned.

Have you heard? The concert has been cancelled. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

a 'Are you going to the party?' 'No, I haven't been invited.'

Past perfect active: had + done etc. The room looked nice. Somebody had cleaned it passive: had been + done etc. The room looked nice. It had been cleaned,

a The vegetables didn't taste very good. They had been cooked too long. a The car was three years old but hadn't been used very much.


Present continuous active; am/is/are + (do)ing Somebody is cleaning the room at the moment.

passive: am/is/are + being (done)              The room is being cleaned at the moment.

a There's somebody walking behind I think we are being followed, c] (in a Shop) 'Can I help you?' 'NO, thank you. I'm being served.'

Past continuous active: was/were + (do)ing Somebody was cleaning when I arrived, passive: was/were + being (done) CThe room was being cleaned when I arrived.

There was somebody walking behind us. We were being followed.

                            Passive I, 3      Units 42, 44


43.1 What do these words mean? Use it can ... or it can't Use a dictionary if necessary. If something is

1   washable,         4 unusable

2   unbreakable, it               5 invisible,

3   edible,6 portable,

43.2 Complete these sentences with the following verbs (in the correct form):

arrest carry      cause    make    repair    send-    spend    wake up Sometimes you need have (might have, should have etc.).

1   The situation is serious, Something must .....be               before it's too late.

2   I haven't received the letter. It might   to the wrong address.

3   A decision will not         until the next meeting.

4   Do you think that more money should on education? 5 This road is in very bad condition. It should       a long time ago.

6   The Injured man couldn't walk and had to

7   It's not certain how the fire started, but it might by an electrical fault.

              S I told the hotel receptionist I wanted to                                                       at 6.30 the next morning.

9 If you hadntt pushed the policeman, you wouldn't

43.3 Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody or they etc., write a passive sentence.

I Somebody has cleaned the room.

2    They have postponed rhe meeting. The

3    Somebodv is using the computer at the moment.

The computer

4    I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

I didn't realise that

5    When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game.

When we got to the stadium, we found that

6    Thev are building a new ring road round the city.

7    They have built a new hospital near the airport.

43.4 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive.

I There's somebodv behind us. (I think / we I follow) 2 This room looks different. (you / paint / the walls?) 3 My car has disappeared. (it / steal!) It .

4       My umbrella has disappeared. (somebody / take) Somebody

5       Sam gets a higher salarv now. (he / promote) He

6       Ann can't use her office at the moment. (it / redecorate) It

7       The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it'S OK. (it / work / again ; it / repair)

It  It

8       When I went into the room, I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place. (the furniture / move) The .

9       The man next door disappeared six months ago. (he / not / see / since then)


10   I wonder how Jane is these days. (I I not / see I for ages)


11   A friend of mine was mugged on his way home a few nights ago. (you / ever / mug?)

Passive 3

I was offered / we were given etc.

Some can have two objects. For example, give; a Somebody gave the police the information. (z Somebody gave the information to the police)

                                                                       object 1            object 2

So it is possible to make two passive sentences:  The police were given the information. or The information was given to the police.

Other verbs which can have two objects are:

                                 ask       offer       pay      show       teach       tell

When we use these verbs in the passive, most often we begin with the person:

                                  I was offered the job, but I refused it,      they offered me the job)

 You will be given plenty of time to decide. (z we will give you plenty of time)

 Have you been shown the new machine? (z has anybody shown you?) a The men were paid £400 to do the work.          somebody paid the men £400)

I don't like being .

The passive of doing/seeing etc. is being done / being seen etc. Compare: active; I don't like people telling me what to do. passive: I don't like being told what to do.

a I remember being taken to the zoo when I was a child.

I remember somebody taking me to the zoo) a Steve hates being kept waiting.   he hates people keeping htm waiting) a We managed to climb over the wall without being seen. (z without anybody seeing us)

I was born ..

We say 'I was born       (not I am born): a I was born in Chicago. past a Where were you born? (not Where are you born?) but a How many babies are born every day?   present


You can use get instead of be in the passive:

 There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. (z nobody was hurt)  I don't often get invited to parties.   I'm not often invited)

                                  I'm surprised Liz didn't get offered the job.     Liz wasn't offered the job)

You can use get only when things happen. For example, you cannot use get in the following

sen tences:

a Jill is liked by everybody. (not gets liked — this is not a •happening')

C] He was a mystery man. Very little was known about him. (not got known) We use get mainly In informal spoken English. You can use be in all situations.

We also use get in the fòllowing expressions (which are not passive in meaning): get married, get divorced      get lost not know where you are) get dressed (z put on your clothes)      get changed (z change your clothes)

Passive 1—2 -s Units 42—43


44.1 Write these sentences in another way, beginning in the way shown.

I They didn't give me the information I needed.


2    They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.


3    Linda's colleagues gave her a present when she retired.


4    Nobody told me about the meeting.

I wasn't

S How much will they pay you for your work? How much will vou

6 think they should have offered Tom the job.

I think Tom

7 Has anybody shown you What to do?

Have you

44.2 Complete the sentences using being + the following (in the correct form):

give invite          -keep    knock down       stick       treat I Steve hates  waiting.

2    We went to the party without

3    1 like giving presents and 1 also like

4    It's a busy road and I don't like crossing it. I'm afraid of

              S I'm an adult. I don't like                                                                    like a child.

          6 You can't do anything about in a traffic jam.

44.3 When were they born? Choose five of these people and write a sentence for each. (Two of them were born in the same year,)

             Beethoven                  Galileo                                 Elvis Presley                                     1452         1869         1929

Agatha Christie Mahatma Gandhi Leonardo da Vinci 1564 1890 1935 Martin Luther King William Shakespeare 1770

44.4 Complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs (in the correct form): ask damage pay steal sting stop use I There was a fight at the party, but nobody ...gob.

2     by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.

3    These tennis courts don't          very often. Not many people want to play.

4    I used to have a bicycle, but it  a few months ago.

             S Rachel works hard but doesn't                                                      very much.

6 Last night I         by the police as I was driving home. One of the lights on mv car wasn't working.

 Please pack these things very carefully. I don't want them to

             People often want to know what my job is. I Often                                                     that question.

You can use these structures with a number of other verbs, especially:

alleged believed considered expected known reported thought understood Compare the two structures:

Cathy works very hard.


It is said that she works 16 hours a day. or

She is said to work 16 hours a dav.

The police are looking for a missing boy.


It is believed that the boy is wearing


The bov is believed to be wearing

a white pullover and blue jeans.

The strike started three weeks ago,


a white pullover and blue jeans.

It is expected that it will end soon.

a A friend Of mine has been arrested.


The strike is expected to end soon.

It is alleged that he hit a policeman. 1.2 The two houses belong to the same family.


He is alleged to have hit a policeman.

It is said that there is a secret tunnel


There is said to be a secret tunnel

between them.


between them.

These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: a It is reported that two people were           or Two people are reported to have injured in the explosion.      been injured in the explosion.

(Be) supposed to

Sometimes (it is) supposed to = (it is) said to .

 I want to see that film. It's supposed to be good. (z it is said to be good) a Mark is supposed to have hit a policeman, but I don't believe it.

But sometimes supposed to has a different meaning. We use supposed to to say what is intended, arranged or expected. Often this is different from the real situation: a The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. the plan is intended to be a secret)

 What are you dorng at work? You're supposed to be on holiday, you arranged to be on holiday)

 Our guests were supposed to come at 7.30, but they were late. C] Jane was supposed to phone me last night, but she didn't.

a I'd better hurry. I'm supposed to be meeting Chris in ten minutes.

You're not supposed to do something it is not allowed or advisable:

a   You're not supposed to park your car here. It's private parking only.

                                   o Jeff is much better after his illness, but he's still not supposed to do any heavy work.


45,1 Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown, Use the underlined word each time, I It is gxpgçtgd that the strike will end soon. The strike

2    It is expected rhat the weather will be good tomorrow. The weather is

3    It is that the thieves got in through a window in the roofs The thieves .

4    It is       that many people are homeless after the floods.

Nfanv people

5    It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall.

The prisoner

6    It is alleged that the man was driving at 110 miles an hour.

The man

7    [t is      that the building has been badly damaged by the fire.

The building

8    a It is said that the company is losing a lot of money. The company .

b  It is believed that the company lost a lot of money last year.

The company c It is that the company will make a loss this year.

The company


There are a lot of rumours about Alan, Here are some of the things people say about him:


Nobody is sure whether these things are true. Write sentences about Alan using supposed to.

45.3      Complete the sentences using supposed to be + the following:

                  on a diet        a flower        my friend        a joke       -a-secree       working

I Everybody seems to know about the plans hut it

2    You shouldn't criticise me all the time, You

3    1 shouldn't be eating this cake really. I

4    1'm sorry for what I said. I was trying to be funny. It

S What's this drawing? Is it a tree? Or maybe it

6 You shouldn't be reading the paper now, You

45.4 Write sentences with supposed to + the following verbs: arrive       block                •park-   phone   start

Use the negative (not supposed to) where necessary.

               I You re_                                                   here, It'S private parking only.

2    We       work at 8.15, but we rarely do anything before 8,30.

3    Oh, l .  Helen, but I completely forgot.

4    This door is a fire exit. You        it.

5    My train             at 11.30, but it was an hour late.

she arranged for somebody else to repair it)

 'Did you make those curtains yourself?' 'Yes, I enjoy making things.'

'Did you have those curtains made?' 'No, I made them myself.'

Be careful With word order, The past participle (repaired/cut etc.) is after the Obiect:

                                                                                             have object                       past participle

Lisa had

Where did you have

Your hair looks nice. Have you had

Our neighbour has just had

We are having How often do you have I think you should have

I don't like having

the roof your hair it a garage the house your car that coat my photograph

repaired yesterday. cut? cut? built.

painted at the moment. servi ced? cleaned. taken.

Get something done

You can also say 'get something done' instead of 'have something done' (mainly in informal spoken English):

When are you going to get the roof repaired? (z have the roof repaired) I think you should get your hair cut really short.

Sometimes have something done has a different meaning. For example:

D Paul and Karen had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.

 This does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their money. 'They had all their money stolen' means only: 'All their money was stolen from them'.

With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice:

a Gary had his nose broken in a fight. (æ his nose was broken) C] Have you ever had your passport stolen?


46.1 Tick G/) the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture.



(a)    Sarah is cutting her hair.

(b)    Sarah is having her hair cut,


(a)    Bill is cutting his hair.

(b)    Bill is having his hair cut,


(a)   John is cleaning his shoes,

(b)   John is having his shoes cleaned.


(a)    Sue is taking a photograph.

(b)    Sue is having her photograph taken.

46.2 Answer the questions using To have something done. Choose from the boxes:



my eyes

my jacket

my watch










1 Why did you go to the garage? ....10 2 Why did you go to the cleaner's? To 3 Why did you go to the jeweller's?

4 Why did you go to the optician's?

46.3 Write sentences in the way shown.

I Lisa didn't repair the roof herselfl She

2    1 didn't cut my hair myself. I

3    They didn't paint the house themselves. They .

4    John didn't build that wall himself. S I didrft deliver the flowers myself.

46.4 Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure have something done. 1 We ...are hot€e...p.a-i-n€ea... (the house I paint) at the moment.

2    I lost my key. I'll have to  (another key / make).

3    When was the last time you     (your hair / cut)?

4    (you I a newspaper / deliver) to your house everv dav, or do you go out and buy one?

5    A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?

B: Oh, we  (a garage / build).

6    A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?

B: I'm afraid I

7    This coat is dirtv. I must

(vour ears / pierce)?

9            I heard your computer wasn't working.

B: That's right, but it's OK now. I  (it / repair).

In these items, use 'have something done' with its second meaning (see Section D).

10        Gary was in a fight last night. He .....h.q:å hié.. n.P.:îk. è.rok.e.!k. (his nose / break).

Il Did I tell you about Jane? She

(her handbag / steal) last week.

12 Did vou hear about Pete? He(his car / vandalise) a few nights ago.

a Paul said that he was feeling ill. or Paul said he was feeling ill.

In general, the Present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech: am/is —+ was do/does -+ did will —¥ would are Were have/has had can could want/like/know/go etc. wanted/liked/knew/went etc. Compare direct speech and reported speech:

You met Jenny. Here are some of the  Later you tell somebody what Jenny said. things she said in direct speech:          You use reported speech:

        'My parents are very well.'                              a Jenny said that her parents were very

'I'm going to learn to drive.'

'I want to buy a cars'

'John has a new job.'

'I can't come to the party on


'I don't have much free time.' 'I'm going away for a few days. I'll phone you when get back.'



She said that she was going to learn to drive.

She said that she wanted to buy a car. She said that John had a new job. She said that she couldn't come to the party on Friday,

She said she didn't have much free time. She said that she was going away for a few days and would phone me when she got back.




The past simple (did/saw/knew etc.) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (had done / had seen / had known etc.):

c] direct     Paul said: 'I woke up feeling ill, so I didn't go to work.' reported Paul said (that) he woke up feeling ill, so he didn't go to work.          or

Paul said (that) he had woken up feeling ill, so he hadn't gone to work.

Reported speech 2                   48 Reported questions       Unit SOB


47.1 Yesterday you met a friend of yours. Steve. You hadn't seen him for a long time. Here are some of the things Steve said to you:

I I'm living in London.                                                                  7 I haven't seen Diane recently.

2   My father isn't very well.    8 I'm not enjoying my job very much.

3   Rachel and Mark are getting               9 YOU can come and stay at my place married next month.if you're ever in London.

4   My sister has had a baby.    10 My car was stolen a few days ago.

5   1 don't know what11 I want to go on holiday, but I

Frank is doing.can't afford it,

6   1 saw Helen at a party in 12 I'll tell Chris I saw you. June and she seemed fine.

Later that day you tell another friend what Steve said. Use reported speech.




47.2 Somebody says something to you which is the opposite of what they said earlier. Complete the answers.

 A: That restaurant is expensive.

B: Is it? I thought you said

2 A: Sue is coming to the party tonight. B; Is she? I thought you said she 3Sarah likes Paul.

B: Does she? Last week you said



I know lots of people.



Do you? I thought you said                                                                                                                                                                      

5 A: Jane will be here next week.

B: Will she? But didn't you say — 6 I'm going out this evening.

B: Are you? But you said

7           I can speak a little French,

B: Can you? But earlier you said

8           A: I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

B: Haven't you? I thought you said „

Additional exercise 25 (page 316)

Reported speech 2

It is not always necessary to change the verb in reported speech. If you report something and the situation hasn't changed, you do not need to change the verb to the past: a direct Paul said, iMy new job is very Interesting.' repotted Paul said that his new job is very interesting,

(The situation hasn't changed. His job is still Interesting.)

C] direct Helen said, 'l want to go to New York next year.' reported Helen told me that she wants to go to New York next year, (Helen still wants to go to New York next year.)

you can also change the verb to the past;

Cl Paul said that his new job was very interesting.

CJ Helen told me that she wanted to go'to New York next year,

But if you are reporting a finished situation, you must use a past verb:

a Paul left the room suddenly. He said he had to go. (not has to go)

You need to use a past form when there is a difference between what was said and what is really true. For example:

You met Sonia a few days ago.


She said: 'Joe is in hospital.' (direct speech)

Later that day you meet Joe in the street. You say:

didn't expect to see you, Joe. Sonia said you were in hospital.'

(not 'Sonia said you are in hospital', because clearly he is not)

Say and tell

If you say who somebody is talking to, use tell:                                                   TELL SOMEBODY

Cl Sonia told me that you were in hospital. (not Sonia said me) D What did you tell the police? (not say the police)

Otherwise use say:         SAY SOMEBODY D Sonia said that you were in hospital. (not Sonia told that o What did you say?

But you can 'say something to somebody':

Ann said goodbye to me and left. (not Ann said me goodbye) What did you say to the police?

Tell/ask somebody to do something

We also use the infinitive (to do / to stay etc.) in reported speech, especially with tell and ask

(for orders and requests):

L] direct 'Stay in bed for a few days,' the doctor said to mereported The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days. a direct 'Don't shout; I said to Jim. reported I told Jim not to shout.

C] direct      'Please don't tell anybody what happened,' Jackie said to me. reported Jackie asked me not to tell anybody what (had) happened.

You can also say 'Somebody said (not) to do something': c] Jackie said not to tell anyone. (but not Jackie said me)

Reported speech                   47 Reported questions Unit 50B


48, I Here are some things that Sarah said to you:

But later Sarah says something different to you. What do you say?

48.2 Complete the sentences with say or tell fin thie correct form). Use only one word each time.

„ goodbye to me and left.

2us about your holiday, Did you have a nice time?

3   Don't just stand there! someth ing!

4   I wonder where Sue is. She     she would be here at 8 0'clock.

5   Dan      me that he was bored with his job.

6   The doctor        that I should rest for at least a week,

Don't                         anvbody what I                              It's a secret just between us.

8 'Did she you what happened?' 'No, she didn'tanything to me.' 9 Garv couldn't help me. Heme to ask Caroline. 10 Garv couldn't help me. He . to ask Caroline.

48.3 The following sentences are direct speech:

Now choose one of these to complete each of the sentences below. Use reported speech.

I Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I

2 Sarah was driving too fast, so I asked 3 Sue was nervous about the situation. I told

4    I couldn't move the piano alone, so I

5    The customs officer looked at me suspiciously and .

6    Tom was going to the shop, so I

7    The man started asking me personal questions, so I

8    John was very much in love with Mary, so he

9    I didn't want to delay Helen, so J

Additional exercise 25 (page 316)

Questions 1

In questions we usually put the subject after the first verb: subject + verb verb + subject

Tom you the house

will have            was     

will have

Tom? you?

the house?

C] Will Tom be here tomorrow?

 Have you been working hard?

a When was the house built?

Remember that the subject comes after the first verb:

 Is Catherine working today? (not Is working Catherine)

In present simple questions, we use do/does:






you the film

live begins


do does

you live?

the film' begin?

a DO you live near here?

a What time does the film begin?

In past simple questions, we use did:

you the train

sold stopped —+

did did

you sell?

the train stop?

a Did you sell your car?

 Why did the train stop?

But do not use do/does/did if who/what etc. is the subject of the sentence. Compare:

who object

Emma telephoned somebody

Who did Emma telephone?

In these examples, who/what etc. is the subject:

 Who wants something to eat? (not Who does want) o What happened to you last night? (not What did happen) O How many people came to the meeting? (not did come)

 Which bus goes to the centre? (not dc;es go)

Note the position of prepositions in questions beginning Who/What/WhicWWhere ... ?:

Who do you want to speak to? What was the weather like yesterday? o Which job has Ann applied for? Where are you from?

You can use preposition + whom in formal style:  To whom do you wish to speak?

Isn't it ... ? / Didrù you ? etc. (negative questions)

We use negative questions especially to show surprise:

 Didn't you hear the doorbell? I rang it three times. or when we expect the listener to agree with us:

a 'Haven't we met somewhere before?' 'Yes, I think we have.'

Note the meaning of yes and no in answers to negative questions:

Yes. (z Yes, I want to go)

 Dorù you want to go to the party? No. No, I don't want to go)

Note the word order in negative questions beginning Why a Why don't we go out for a meal tonight? (not Why we don't go) a Why wasnt Mary at work yesterday? (not Why Mary wasn't)

Questions 2                  50 Question tags (do you? isn't it? etc.) —Þ Unit 52


49.I Ask Joe questions. (Look at his answers before you write the questions.)

49.2      Make questions with who or what.

49.3      Put the words in brackets in the correct order. All the sentences are questions.

I     (when / was / built / this house)

2       (how / cheese / is / made)

3       (when / invented / the computer / was)

4       (why / Sue / working / isn't / today)

5       (what time / coming / your friends / are)

6       (whv / was / cancelled / the concert)

7       (where / your mother / was / born)

8       (why / you / to the party / didn't / come)

9       (how I the accident / did / happen)

10   (whv / this machine / doesn't / work)

49.4      Write negative questions from the words in brackets. In each situation you are surprised.

I     A: We won't see Liz this evening.

B: Why not? (she / not / come / to the party?) I hope we don't meet David tonight, B: Why? (you / not / like / him?) Don't go and see that film.

B: Why not? (it / not / good?)

I'll have to borrow some money.

B: Why? (you / not I have / any?)

Unit      Questions 2 (Do you know where ... ? /

   0     He asked me where ...)

Do you know where ? / I don't know why ... / Could you tell me what ? etc.

                          We say:                           Where has Tom gone?

                           but         Do you know where Tom has gone? (not Do you know where has Tom gone?)

When the question (Where has Tom gone?) is part of a longer sentence (Do you know ? / I dorft know ... / Can you tell me ? etc.), the word order changes. We say:

                                       What time is it?                                        but Do you know what time it is?

                                  a Who are those people?                                   I don't know who those people are.

                                       Where can I find Linda?                                 Can you tell me where I can find Linda?

                                       How much will it cost?                                 DO you have any idea how much it will cost?

Be careful with do/does/did questions. we say:

                                      What time does the film begin?        but Do you know what time the film begins?

(not does the film begin)

What do you mean? Please explain what you mean. a Why did she leave early? I wonder Why she left early.

Use if or whether where there is no other question word (what, why etc.):

Did anybody see you?                                    but DO you know if anybody saw you? or whether anybody saw you?

He asked me where (reported questions)

The same changes in word order happen in reported questions- Compare:


C] direct

The police officer said to us, 'Where are you going  


The police officer asked us where we were gomg


a direct

Clare said, 'What time do the banks close   



Clare wanted to know what time the banks closed

In reported speech the verb usually changes to the past (were, closed etc.). See Unit 47,

Study these examples. You had an interview for a job and these were some of the questions the

Later you tell a friend What the interviewer asked you, You use reported speech:  She asked if (or whether) I was willing to travel.

a She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.

She asked how long I had been working in my present job.

a She asked why I had applied for the job. (or why I applied)

 She wanted to know if (or whether) I could speak any foreign languages. She asked if (or whether) I had a driving licence.

                          Reported speech                47—48


50.1 Make a new sentence from the question in brackets.

I (Where has Tom gone?) Do you know

2    (Where is the post office?) Could you tell me where

3    (What's the time?) I wonder

4    (What does this word mean?) I want to know

5    (What time did they leave?) Do you know

6    (Is Sue going out tonight?) I don't know

 (Where does Caroline live?) Do you have any idea

8        (Where did I park the car?) I can't remember

9        (Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell me

10    (What do you want?) Tell me

11    (Why didn't Kate come to the party?) I don't know

12    (How much does it cost to park here?) DO you

13    (Who is that woman?) I have no idea

14    (Did Liz get my letter?) Do you know

15    (How far is it ro the airport?) Can you tell me .

50.2 You are making a phone call, You want to speak to Sue, but she isn't there. Somebody else answers the phone. You want to know three things:

(1) Where has she gone? (2) When will she be back? and (3) Did she go out alone?

Complete the conversation:

A: Do you know where

B: Sorry, I've got no idea.

A: Never mind. I don't suppose you know .

B: No, I'm afraid not.

A: One more thing. Do you happen to know

B: I'm afraid I didn't see her go outs

A: OK. Well, thank you anyway. Goodbye,

50.3 You have been away for a while and have just come back to your home town. You meet Tony, a friend Of yours. He asks you a lot of questions:

NOW you tell another friend what Tony asked you. Use reported speech.

Additional exercise 25 (page 316)

Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so / I hope so etc.

In each of these sentences there is an auxiliary verb and a marn verb:



The hotel


have can't was do you

lost come built live?

my keys. to the party. ten years ago.

In these examples have/can't/was/do are auxiliary helping) verbs.

You can use an auxiliary verb when you don't want to repeat something:

 'Have you locked the door?' 'Yes, I have.' (z I have locked the door)

 George wasn't working, but Janet was. (z Janet was working)

                               12 She could lend me the money, but she won't.    she won't lend me the money)

Use do/does/did for the present and past simple:

a 'DO you like onions?' 'Yes, I do.' (z I like onions) a 'Does Simon live in London?' 'He did, but he doesn't any more,'

You can use auxiliary verbs to deny what somebody says say it is not true);

                                     'You're sitting in my place.' 'No, I'm not.'          I'm not sitting in your place)

 'You didn't lock the door befòre you left.' 'Yes, I did. (z I locked the door)

We use have you? / isn't she? / do they? etc. to show interest in what somebody has said or to show surprise:

 $1've just seen Simon.' 'Oh, have you? How is he?' a 'Liz isn't very well today.' 'Oh, isn't she? What's wrong with her?'

 'It rained every day during our holiday,' 'Did it? What a pity!' a 'Jim and Nora are getting married.' 'Are they? Really?'

We use auxiliary verbs with so and neither:

a 'I'm feeling tired.' 'So am I.' (z I'm feeling tired too)

 'l never read newspapers.' 'Neither do l.' (z I never read newspapers either) a Sue hasn't got a car and neither has Martin.

Note the word order after so and neither (verb before subject):

CJ I passed the exam and so did Paul. (not so Paul did)

Instead Of neither, you can use nor. You can also use not ... either:

a 'I don't know.' •Neither do I.' or 'Nor do I.' or SI dorft either.

think so / I hope so etc.

After some verbs you can use so When you don't want to repeat something: a 'Are those people English?' 'I think so.' (z I think they are English) a 'Will you be at home this evening?' 'I expect so. I expect I'll be at home  'Do you think Kate has been invited to the party?' 'I suppose so.' In the same way we say: I hope so, I guess so and I'm afraid so.

The usual negative forms are:

                                 I think so / I expect so                                          I dont think so / I don't expect so

                                I hope so / I'm afraid so I I guess so                I hope not / I'm afraid not / I guess not

                                I suppose so                                                              I dorft suppose so or I suppose not

CJ 'Is that woman American?' 'I think so. I don't think so,'

CI 'Do you think it will rain?' 'I hope so. / I hope not.' (not I don't hope so)

American English Appendix 7


51.1 Complete each sentence with an auxiliary verb (do/was/could etc.). Sometimes the verb must be negative (don't/wasn't etc.).

I I wasn't tired, but my friends

2    1 like hot weather, but Ann

3    'Is Colin here?' 'He  five minutes ago, but I think he's gone home now.'

4    Liz said she might phone later this evening, but I don't think she

5    • Are you and Chris coming to the party?' 'le'

6    I don't know whether to apply for the job or not. Do you think I

 'Please don't tell anvbodv what I said.' 'Don't worry. I

S 'You never listen to me.' 'Yes, I

9 'Can you play a musical instrument?' 'No, but I wish I 10 'Please help me. • Tm sorry. I

51.2 You never agree with Sue. Answer in the way shown.

51,3 You are talking to Tina. If you're in the same position as Tina, reply with So or Neither     as in the first example, Otherwise, ask questions as in the second example.

5 1.4 In these conversations, you are B. Read the information in brackets and then answer with I think so, I hope not etc,

I (You don't like rain,)

A: Do vou think it will rain? B: (hope)

2    (You need more money quicklv.)

                        A: Do you think vou'll get a pay rise soon.              B; (hope)

3    (You think Diane will probably get the job that she applied for.)

A; Do you think Diane will get the job? B: (expect)

4    (You-re not sure whether Barbara is married — probably not.) A: Is Barbara married? B: (think)

5    (You are the receptionist at a hotel. The hotel is full.) A: Have vou got a room for tonight? B: (afraid)

6    (You sre at a partv„ You have to leave early.)

At Do vou have to leave alreadv? B: (afraid)

7    (Ann normally works every day, Monday to Friday. Tomorrow is Wednesday.)

A: Is Ann working tomorrow? B: (suppose)

8    (You are going to a partv. You can't stand John.)

A: Do you think John will be at the party? B: (hope)

9    (You're not sure what time the concert is — probablv 7.30.)

A} Is the concert at 7.30? B: (think)

Question tags (do you? isn't it? etc.)

Have you? and wasn't it? are question tags (z mini-questions that we often put on the end of a sentence in spoken English). In question tags, we use an auxiliary verb (have/was/will etc.).

We use do/does/did for the present and past simple (see Unit 51 c] 'Karen plays the piano, doesn't she?' 'Well, yes, but not very well.'

 'You didn't lock the door, did you?' GNO, I forgot.'

Normally we use a negative question tag after  and a positive question tag after a a positive sentence:   negative sentence:

positive sentence + negative tag Kate Will be here soon, won't she?

There was a lot of traffic; wasn't there? Michael should pass the exam, shouldn't he?


negative sentence + positive tag Kate won't be late, Will she?

They don't like us, do they?

You haven't got a          have you?

Notice the meaning of yes and no In answer to a negative sentence:

Yes. Yes, I am going out) a You're not going out today, are you?

                                                                                        No.      No, I am not going out)

The meaning of a question tag depends on how you say it. If your voice goes down, you are not really asking a question; you are only inviting the listener to agree with you: E) 'It'S a nice day, Èñþ@t?' 'Yes, beautiful.'

 'Tim doesn't look well today, dðšþy?' 'No, he looks very tired.' C] She's very funny. She's got a great sense of humour, hÅ4W'V_she?

But if the voice goes up, it is a real question:

C] 'You haven't seen Lisa today, þeyg_yøú?' 'NO, I'm afraid I haven't.'

(z Have you by chance seen Lisa today?)

You can use a negative sentence positive tag to ask for things or information, or to ask somebody to do something. The voice goes up at the end of the tag in sentences like these:  'You haven't got a pen, þgyg_yøú?' 'Yes, here you are:

a 'You couldn't do me a favour, 'It depends what it is.' a 'You don't know where Karen is, 'Sorry, I have no idea.'

After Let's ... the question tag is shall we:

Let's go for a walk, shall wk? (the voice goes up)

After Dorù       the question tag is will you:

          I)orù be late,                (the voice goes down)

After I'm , the negative question tag is aren't I? am I not?):

C) I'm right, arerù l?' 'Yes, you are.'

Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.)      Unit 51

52.1 put a question tag on the end Of these sentences.

                                                 Kate won •t be late,             she

2                                                                         You •re ti red,

3                                                                         You•ve got a camera,

4                                                                         You weren't listening,

5                                                                         Sue doesn•t know Ann, 6 Jack •s on holiday,

Kate's applied for the job, s  You can speak German, 9             He won•t mind if I use his phone, 10 There are a lot of people here,

Let's go out tonight,

12 This isn't verv interesting, 13 I'm too impatient,

You wouldn't tell anvone, 5            Helen has lived here a long time, I shouldn't have lost my temper,

He•cl never met her before,

Don't drop that vase,


No, she's never late, Yes, a little.

Yes, I've got two actually.

Yes, I was!

No, they've never met.

Yes, he's in Portugal.

Yes, but she won't get it.

Yes, but not very fluently.

No, of course he won't.

Yes, more than I expected.

Yes, that would be great.

No, not very.

Yes, you are sometimes.

Xo, of course not.

Yes, 20 years.

Xo, but never mind.

No, that was rhe first time.

No, don't worry.

52.2 Read the situation and write a sentence with a question tag. In each situation you are asking your friend to agree with you.

I You look out of the window. The skv is blue and the sun is shining. What do you say to your friend? (nice dav It's ntce dag, LLsn'E

2    You're with a friend outside a restaurant. You're looking at the prices, which are very high. Whar do sav? (expensive' It

3    You and a colleague have just finished a training course. You really enjoyed it. What do you sav to vour colleague? (great) The course

4    Your friend's hair is much shorter than when you last met. What do YOU say to her/him? have / Vour hair I cut) You

S You and a friend are listemng to a woman singing. You like her voice very much. What do you sav to vour friend? la good voice) She

6 You are trving on a jacket in a shop. You look in the mirror and you don't like what you see. What do vou sav to your friend? (not / look / very good)

 You and a friend are walking over a small wooden bridge. The bridge is very old and some parts are broken, What do you sav? (not / v'erv safe) This bridge

52.3 In these situations you are asking for information, asking people to do things etc. I You need a pen. Perhaps Jane has got one. Ask her, Ja.ne, hošen'E got pen, hue you ?

2    Joe is just going oat. You want him to get some stamps. Ask him.

Joe, vou

3    You're looking for Diane, Perhaps Kate knows where she is. Ask her.

Kate. vou

4    You need a bicycle pump. Perhaps Helen has got one. Ask her.


5    Ann has a car and you need a lift to the station, Perhaps she'll take you, Ask her, Ann,

6    You-re looking for your kevs. Perhaps Robert has seen them. Ask him. Robert,

Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)

Look at these examples:

D I enjoy reading. (not I enjoy to read) Would you mind closing the door?

(not mind to close)

Cl Chris suggested going to the cinema.

(not suggested to go)

After enjoy; mind and suggest, we use -ing (not to

Some more verbs that are followed by -ing:

 Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence. C] I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat. He tried to avoid answering my question.

a I don't fancy going out this evening,        I'm not enthusiastic about it)     c] Have you ever considered going to live in another country?

                           The negative form is not -ing:

                                         D When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early.

We also use -ing after:


give up (z stop) put off postpone) go on / carry on (z continue) keep or keep on (z do something continuously or repeatedly)

 I've given up reading newspapers. I think it's a waste of time.

      c] Jenny doesn't want to retire. She wants to go on working. (or . to carry on workingc] You keep interrupting when I'm talking! or You keep on interrupting

With some verbs you can use the structure verb + somebody + -ing:       a I can't imagine George riding a motorbike.              a You can't stop me doing what I want.

CJ 'Sorry to keep you waiting so long.' 'That's all right.'

Note the passive form (being done/seen/kept etc.):

                              D I don't mind being kept waiting-        I don't mind people keeping me

When you are talking about finished actions, you can say having done/stolen/said etc. : a They admitted having stolen the money.

But it is not necessary to use having (done). You can also say: a They admitted stealing the money.

CI I now regret saying (or having said) what I said. For regret, see Unit 56B.

After some of the verbs on this page (especially admit]deny/suggest) you can also use that

CI They denied that they had stolen the money. (or They denied stealing

Sam suggested that we went to the cinema. (or Sam suggested going .

                            Suggest Unit 34 Being done (passive)                    Unit 44B Verb + to ... Unit 54 Verb + to and -ing

                               Units 55c, 56-58 Regret I go on Unit 56B Go on / carry on I keep on              Unit 141A


53.1 Complete each sentence with one of the following verbs (in the correct form):

                                                   apply be forget listen live                   lose make           read try           use write

               I He tried to avoid                               mv question.

2        Could you please stop   so much noise?

3        enjoy to music,

4        I considered  for the job, but in the end I decided against it.

               Have you finished                                   the newspaper yet?

6      We need to change our routine. We can't go on            like this.

7      I don't mind you  the phone as long as vou pay for all your calls.

8      My memory is getting worse, I keep  th ings.

9      I've put off  the letter so many times. I really must do it today.

10  What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anvbodv. so stupid?

I l I've given up  to lose weight — it's impossible.

12 If vou invest your monev on the stock market, VoU riskit.

53.2 Complete the sentences for each situation using -ing.

53.3 Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as the first sentence. Use -ing, I I can do what I want and you can't stop me. you stop. me. vyha±

2    It's not a good idea ro travel during the rush hour.

It's better to avoid

3    Shall we paint the kitchen next weekend instead of this weekend?

Shall we postpone

4    Could you turn the radio down, please? Would you mind .

5    Please don't interrupt me all the time.

Would you mind

53.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use -ing.

I She's a very interesting person. I alwavs enjoy .

2    I'm not feeling very well. I don't fancy

3    I'm afraid there aren't any chairs. I hope you don't mind 4 [t was a beautiful day, so I suggested .

5   It was very funny. I couldn't stop

6   My car isn't very reliable. It keeps

Verb + to . . (decide to ... / forget to . . etc.)

offer agree refuse

decide plan arrange

hope manage fail

deserve afford forget

promise threaten learn

After these verbs you can use to (infinitive): CJ It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.

a Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to help him.

 How old were you when you learnt to drive? (or learnt how to drive) a I waved co Karen. but failed to attract her attention.

The negative is not to a We decided not to go out because of. the weather. a I promised not to be late.

After some verbs to ... is not possible. For example, enjoy/think/suggest: o I enjoy reading, (not enjoy to read) c] Tom suggested going to the cinema. (not suggested to go)  Are you thinking of buying a car? (not thinking to buy)

For verb + -ing, see Unit 53. For verb + preposition + -ing, see Unit 62.

We also use to after:

                               seem       appear       tend      pretend      claim

For example:

a They seem to have plenty of money.

a I like Dan, but I think he tends to talk too much.

a Ann pretended not to see me when she passed me in the street.

There is also a continuous infinitive (to be doing) and a perfect infinitive (to have done): a I pretended to be reading the newspaper. I pretended that I was reading)

 You seem to have lost weight. (z it seems that you have lost weight) a Martin seems to be enjoying his new job.           it seems that he is enjoying it)

After dare you can use the infinitive with or without to:

c] I wouldn't dare to tell him. or I wouldn't dare tell him.

But after dare not (or daren't), you must use the infinitive without to: a I daren't tell him what happened. (not I daren't to tell him)

After some verbs you can use a question word (what/whether/how etc.) + to      We use this Structure especially after:

ask decide know remember forget explain learn understand wonder

                    We asked how         to get      to the station.

Ha ve you decided where to go for your holidays? I don't know whether to apply for the job or not. Do you understand what to do?

Also show/tell/ask/advise/teach somebody what/how/where to do something: C) Can somebody show me how to change the film in this camera? D Ask Jack. He'll tell you what to do.

                        Verb + -ing             Unit 53 Verb + object + to (want etc.) Unit 55

Verb + to and -ing Units 55C, 56—58


54,1 Complete the sentences for these situations,

54.2 Complete each sentence with a suitable verb.

I Don't forget  the letter I gave you.

2     There was a lot of traffic, but we managedto the airport in time.

3     Jill has decided not  a car.

4     We've got a new computer in our office. I haven't learnt . it yet.

5     Karen failed . a good impression at the job interview.

6     We were all afraid to speak, Nobody daredanything.

54.3 Put the verb into the correct form, to ... or —ing. (See Unit 53 for verbs + -ing.)

              I When I'm tired, I enjov                     television. It's relaxing. (watch)

2    It was a nice day, so we decided          for a walk, (go)

3    It's a nice dav. Does anvone fancv for a walk? (go)

4    I'm not in a hurrv. I don't mind (wait)

5    They don't have much money. Thev can't afford out very often. (go) 6 I wish that dog would stop It's driving me mad. (bark)

               Our neighbour threatened                                    the police if we didn't stop the noise. (call)

                 We were hungry, so I suggested                                                     dinner early. (have)

9       Hurrv up! I don't want to risk the train. (miss)

10   I'm still looking for a job, but I hope  something soon. (find)

54.4 Make a new sentence using the verb in brackets.

                I You've lost weight.                                (seem)

2    Tom is worried about something. (appear) Tom appears

3    You know a lot of people.               (seem) You

4    MV English is getting better.         (seem)

5    That car has broken down.      (appear)

6    David forgets things.   (tend)

                They have solved the problem.          (claim)

54.5 Complete each sentence using what/how/whether + the following verbs:

                     do -gee        go       ride      say       use

I Do you know

2   Can you show me

3   Would you know

4   You'll never forget

or not.


Verb (+ object) + to

(l want you to . . etc.)


want expect

ask beg

help mean (z: intend)

would like would prefer


These verbs are followed by to (infinitive). The structure can be:

              verb + to .                                      or                        verb + Object + to

12 We expected to be late. We expected Dan to be late. a Would you like to go now?               Would you like me to go now?

        Cl He doesn't want to know.           D He doesn't want anybody to know.

Do not say S want that':

 Do you want me to come with you? (not DO you want that I come)

After help you can use the infinitive with or without to. So you can say:

c] Can you help me to move this table? or Can you help me move this table?




remind warn

force invite

encourage persuade

teach enable get (z persuade, arrange for)

These verbs have the structure verb + object + to : CJ Can you remind me to phone Sam tomorrow? a Who taught you to drive?

O I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.

a Jim said the switch was dangerous and warned me not to touch it.

In the next example, the verb is passive (I was warned / we were told etc.):  I was warned not to touch the switch.

You cannot use suggest with the structure verb + object + to                 

CI Jane suggested that I should ask your advice. (not Jane suggested me to ask)

After advise, recommend and allow, two structures are possible. Compare:

             verb + -ing (without an object)                              verb + obiect + to .

a I wouldn't advise/recommend staying  I wouldn't advise/recommend anybody in that hotel.             to stay in that hotel.

[2 They don't allow parking in front of  They don't allow people to park in front the building.         of the building.

Study these examples with (be) allowed (passive):

 Parking isrù allowed in front of the             a You aren't allowed to park in front Of building. the building.

Make and let

These verbs have the structure verb + object + infinitive (without to):

o I made him promise that he wouldn't tell anybody what happened. (not to promise)

c] Hot weather makes me feel tired. (z causes me to feel tired)

C] Her parents wouldn't let her go out alone. (z wouldn't allow her to go out)  Let me carry your bag for you.

We say 'make somebody do' (not to do), but the Passive is '(be) made to do' (with to):     C We were made to wait for two hours.                They made us wait st,)

                                       Suggest Units 34, 53 Telllask somebody to ... Unit 480 Verb + -ing               Unit 53

110                                   to ...               54                     to and -ing -+ Units 56-58 Help Unit 57C


55.1 Complete the questions. Use do you want me to ? or would you like me to ? with these verbs (+ any other necessary words):

co-me lend       repeat  show     shut       wait I Do you want to go alone, or

2    DO you have enough monev, or do you want .

3    Shall I leave the window open, or would you

4    Do you know how to use the machine, or would S Did you hear what I said, or do

6 Can I go now, or do

55.2 Complete the sentences for these situations.

55.3 Complete each second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first sentence.

I My father said I could use his car.

2    I was surprised that it rained,

3    Don't stop him doing what he wants.

4    Tim looks older when he wears glasses.

5    I think vou should know the truth.

6    Don't let me forget to phone my sister.  At first I didn't want to apply for the job, but Sarah persuaded me.

8       My lawver said I shouldn't say anything to the police.

9       I was told that I shouldn't believe evervthing he says.

10   If vou've got a car, you are able to get around more easilv.

55.4 Put the verb into the correct form: infinitive (dolmake/eat etc.), to + infinitive. or -ing,

I Thev don't allow people  in front of the building. (park)

2 I've never been to Iceland, but I'd like there. (go) 3 I'm in a difficult position. What do you advise me ? (do)

4    The film was verv sad. It made me         (cry)

5    Diane's parents always encouraged her .            hard at school, (study)

6    I don't recommend      in that restaurant. The food is terrible. (eat)

7    She said the letter was personal and wouldn't let me it. (read)

8    We are not allowed  personal phone calls at work. (make)

9    'l don't think Alex likes me.' 'What makes vou  that?' (think)

Verb + -ing or to

(remember/regret etc.)

Some verbs are followed by -ing and some are followed by to .

                               Verbs usually fóllowed by •ing:                                     Verbs usually followed by to .

postpone   fail       offer risk          forget   plan stop          hope    promise keep (on) suggest learn    refuse mind     manage threa ten

with a difference of meaning:



I remember doing something = I did it and now I remember this.

You remember doing something after you have done it.

I know I locked the door. I clearlv remember locking it.

(z I locked it, and now I remember this) C) He could remember driving along the road just before the accident, but he couldn't remember the accident itself.

I remembered to do something = I remembered that I had to do It, so I did lt. You remember to do something before vou do it.

 I remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows.

(z I remembered that I had to lock it.

and so I locked it)

 Please remember to post the letter.

(z don't forget to post It)


J regret doing something = I did it and now I'm sorry about it:

a I now regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it.

a It began to get cold and he regretted not wearing his coat,

I regret to say / to tell vou / to inform vou

 I'm sorrv that I have to say (etc.);

C] (from a formal letter) We regret to inform vou that we cannot offer vou the 10b,

go on

Go on doing something = continue with the same thing:

Cl The president paused for a moment and then went on talking.

a We need to change. We can't go on living like this.

Go on to do something = do or say something new:

After discussing the economy, the president then went on to talk about foreign policy.

The following verbs can be followed by -ing or to

                                  begin       start       continue       intend      bother

So you can say:

a It has started raining. or It has started to rain,

Cl John intends buying a house. or John intends to buy

 Don't bother locking the door. or Don't bother to lock

But normally we do not use -ing after -ing:

a It's starting to rain, (not It's starting raining)

                                         -ing            53             to                54-55 Other verbs + -ing or to   -s Units 57-58


56.1 Put the verb into the correct form, -ing or to ... . Sometimes either form is possible. 1 They denied

2    I don't enjoy       very much. (drive)

3    I don't want     out tonight. I'm too tired. (go)

4    I can't afford    out tonight, I don't have enough money. (go)

                     S Has it stopped                                          yet? (rain)

6 Our team was unluckv to lose the game. We deserved  (win) 7 Why do you keep   me questions? Can't you leave me alone? (ask)

                     8 Please stop                                         me questions! (ask)

                     9 I refuse                                         any more questions, (answer)

                  10 One Of the boys admitted                                        the window. (break)

                    The boy's father promised                                          for the window to be repaired. (pay)

12   If the company continues          money, the factory may be closed. (lose)

13   'Does Sarah know about the meeting?' 'No, I forgot  her.' (tell)

14   The baby began  in the middle of the night. (cry)

15   Julia has been ill, but now she's beginning .better. (get)

16   I*ve enjoyed  you. I hope         .. you again soon. (meet, see)

56.2 Here is some information about Tom when he was a child.

                     I He was in hospital when he was four.                 4 Once he fell into the river.

2 He went to Paris when he was eight.     5 He said he wanted to be a doctor. 3 He cried on his first day at school,               6 Once he was bitten by a dog.

He can still remember 1, 2 and 4. But he can't remember 3, 5 and 6. Write sentences beginning He can remember or He can't remember .






56.3 Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form, -ing or to .

Please remember Lock the door when you go out. b A: You lent me some monev a few months ago.

                                  B: Did I? Are vou sure? I don't remember                                              you any money,

C A; Did you remember

B: Oh no, I completely forgot. I'll phone her tomorrow.

d    When vou see Steve, remember  him my regards.

e     Someone must have taken my bag. I clearly remember. it by the window and now it has gone.

I believe rhat what I said was fair, I don't regret b I knew they were in trouble, but I regret I did nothing to help them, Ben joined the companv nine years ago. He became assistant manager after two years, and a few vears later he went on  manager of the company. b I can't go on  here any more. I want a different job.

 When I came into the room, Liz was reading a newspaper, She looked up and said hello, and then went onher newspaper,

Verb + -ing or to ... 2 (try/need/help)

Try to . . . and try -ing

Try to do attempt to do, make an effort to do:

CJ I was very tired. I tried to keep my eyes open, but I couldn't.

Cl Please try to be quiet when you come home. Evervone will be asleep.

Try also means 'do something as an experiment or test', For example:

D These cakes are delicious. You should try one. you should have one to see if vou like it)

 We couldn't find anywhere to stay. We tried every hotel in the town, but they were all full. (z we went to every hotel to see if thev had a room)

If try (with this meaning) is followed by a verb, we say try -ing:

A: The photocopier doesn't seem to be working.

B; Try pressing the green button,

(= press the green button — perhaps this will help to solve the problem) Compa re:

t: I tried to move the table, but it was too heavv. (so I couldn't move it)

C] I didn't like the way the furniture was arranged, so I tried moving the table to the other side Of the room. But it still didn't 100k right' so I moved it back again.

Need to and need -ing

I need to do something = it is necessarv for me to do it:

I need to take more exercise,

He needs to work harder if he wants to make progress.   This room needs tidying I don't need to come to the meeting, do l?





Something needs doing it needs to be done:

The batteries in the radio need changing.

(e they need to be changed)

Do you think my jacket needs cleaning?

. needs to be cleaned)

C] It's a difficult problem. It needs thinking about very carefully (z it needs to be thought about)

                       Help and            help

You can say help to do or help do (with or without to):

Everybody helped to clean up after the party, or

Everybody helped clean up a Can you help me to move this table? or Can you help me move ...

I can't help doing something = I can't stop mvself doing it:

I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can't help feeling sorrv for him. a She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help laughing.

She couldn't Stop herself laughing)

C] I'm sorry I'm so nervous. I can't help it. I can't help being nervous)

                                    —ing               53                 to                     54—55 Other verbs + —ing or to           Units 56. 58


57.1 Make suggestions. Each time use try + one of the following suggestions: phone his office move the aerial change-the-batteriesturn it the other way take an aspirin

57.2 For each picture, write a sentence with need(s) + one of the following verbs:

57.3 Put the verb into the correct form,

                  I was verv tired, I tried .                keep (keeç» my eves open, but I couldn't.

b     I rang the doorbell, but there was no answer. Then I tried  (knock) on the door, but there was still no answer.

c      We tried  (put) the fire out but without success. We had to call the fire brigade.

d     Sue needed to borrow some monev. She tried  (ask) Gerry, but he was short of monev too.        

e      I tried (reach) the shelf, but I wasn't tall enough. f Please leave me alone. I'm trving (concentrate). I need a change. I need  (go) away for a While. b MV grandmother isn't able to look after herself any more. She needs (look) after.

c The windows are dirty. They need     (clean), d Your hair is getting very long. It needs  (cut).

e You don't need  (iron) that shirt. It doesn't need (iron).

Thev were talking very loudly, couldn't help  (overhear) what they said.

b     Can you help me  (get) the dinner ready?

c     He looks so funny. Whenever I see him, I can't help  (smile). d The fine weather helped          (make) it a very enjoyable holiday.

Verb + -ing or to ... 3 (like / would like etc.)

Like / love / hate

When you talk about repeated actions, you can use -ing or to ... after these verbs. So you can say:

 Do you like getting up early? or Do you like to get up early?  Stephanie hates flying. or Stephanie hates to fly. a I love meeting people. or I love to meet people.

                                I don't like being kept waiting. or           like to be kept waiting.

                               a I don't like friends calling me at work. or            friends to call me at work.


(I) We use -ing (not to when we talk about a situation that already exists (or existed). For example:

a Paul lives in Berlin now, He likes living there. (He likes living in Berlin = He lives there and he likes it)

Cl DO you like being a student? (You are a student — do you like it?) a The office I worked in was horrible. I hated working there, (l worked there and I hated it)

(2) There is sometimes a difference between I like to do and I like doing:

                                   I like doing something I do it and I enjoy it:

 1 like cleaning the kitchen. (z I enjoy it.)

I like to do something = I think it is a good thing to do, but I don't necessarily enjoy it: Cl It's not my favourite job, but I like to clean the kitchen as often as possible,

Note that enjoy and mind are always followed by -ing (not to .

 I enjoy cleaning the kitchen. (not I enjoy to clean)

 I don't mind cleaning the kitchen. (not I don't mind to clean)

Would like / would love / would hate / would prefer

Would like / would love etc. are usually followed by to .  I'd like would like) to go away for a few days. a Would you like to come to dinner on Friday?

 I wouldn't like to go on holiday alone.  I'd love to meet your family.

o Would you prefer to have dinner now or later?

                           Compare I like and I would like (I'd like):

              a I like playing tennis. / I like to play tennis.                I like it in general)  I'd like to play tennis today. (z I want to play today)

              Would mind is always followed by -ing (not to ...j:  Would you mind closing the door, please?

I would like to have done something I regret now that I didn't or couldn't do it:

C] It's a pity we didn't see Val when we were in London. I would like to have seen her again.

c) We'd like to have gone away, but we were too busy at home.

You can use the same structure after would love / would hate / would prefer:

 Poor old David! I would hate to have been in his position.  I'd love to have gone to the parry, but it was impossible.

                     Enjoy/mind                 53 Would like -Þ               37E. 55A Prefer                     59 American English Appendix 7


58.1 Write sentences about yourself. Say whether you like or don't like these activities. Choose one of these verbs for each sentence:

                    like / don't like           love           hate           enjoy          don't mind

58.2 Make sentences from the words in brackets. Ijse -ing or to      Sometimes either form is possible.

1    Paul lives in Berlin now. It's mce. He likes it.

(he like / live / there) He

2    Jane is a biologv teacher. She likes her job.

(She / like / teach / biology) She

3    Joe always carries his camera with him and takes a lot of photographs. he / like / take / photographs)

4    [ used to work in a supermarket, I didn't like it much, (l / not / like / work / there)

5    Rachel is studying medicine. She likes it.

(She / like / study / medicine)

6    Dan IS famous. bur he doesn't like it. he / not / like / be / famous)

 Jennifer IS a verv cautious person. She doesn't take many risks. she not / like / take / risks) S I don st like surprises.

(I / like know / things / in advance)

58.3 Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct fÒrm, -ing or to . In one sentence either form is possible.

 It's good to visit other places — I emoy

2 •Would vou like              down?' •NO, thanks. I'll stand.' 3 I'm not quite readv vet. Would vou mand   a little longer?

4 XX'hen I was a child, I hated to bed early. When I have to catch a train, I'm alwavs worried that I'll miss it. So I like to the station in plentv of time.

6   I emoy  busv. I don't like ir when there's nothing to do.

7   I would love co your wedding, but I'm afraid it isn't possible. S I don•t like in this part of town. I want to move somewhere else.

9      Do vou have a minute? I'd like to you about something,

10 If there's bad news and good news, I like   the bad news first.

58,4 Write sentences using would to have (done). Use the verbs in brackets.

I It'S a pity I couldn't go to the wedding. (like)

2    It'S a pitv I didn't see the programme. (like)

3    I'm glad I didn't lose my watch, (hate)

4    It'S a pity I didn't meet your parents. (love)

5    I •m glad I wasn't alone. (not / like)

6    It's a pity I couldn't travel bv train, (prefer)


Prefer and would rather

Prefer to do and prefer doing

You can use •prefer to (do)' or •prefer -ins to say what you prefer in general:

I don't like cities. I prefer to live in the country. or I prefer living in the country.

                           Study the differences in structure after prefer. We say:


I prefer I prefer but I prefer

something doing something to do something

to something else.

to doing something else.

rather than (do) something else.

a I prefer this coat'to the coat you were wearing yesterday. a I prefer driving to travelling by train.

but Cl I prefer to drive rather than travel by train.

c] Sarah prefers to live in the country rather than (live) in a city.

Would prefer (I'd prefer

We use would prefer to say what somebody wants in a specific situation (not in general): 'Would you prefer tea or coffee?' 'Coffee, please.'

We say 'would prefer to do something' (not doing):

'Shall we go by train?' 'I'd prefer to drive.' (not I'd prefer driving) a I'd prefer to stay at home tonight rather than go to the cinema.

Would rather (I'd rather )

 Would rather (do) would prefer (to do). We use would rather + infinitive (without to).


'I'd prefer to drive.'

C] 'Shall we go by train?'

'I'd rather drive.' (not to drive)

 'Would you rather have tea or coffee?' 'Coffee, please.'

The negative is 'I'd rather not (do something)':

             a ['m tired. I'd rather not go out this evening, if you don't mind.  'Do you want to go out this evening?' 'I'd rather not.'

We say 'would rather do something than do something else':  I'd rather stay at home tonight than go to the cinema.

I'd rather you did something

We say 'I'd rather you did something' (not I'd rather you do). For example:  CJ 'Shall I stay here?' 'I'd rather you came with us.' (z I would prefer this) a 'I'll repair your bike tomorrow, OK?' 'I'd rather you did it today,' a 'Are you going to tell them what happened?' 'No. I'd rather they didrñ know.'  Cl Shall I tell them, or would you rather they didn't know?

In this structure we use the past (came, did etc.), but the meaning is present not past.

Compa re:

 I'd rather make dinner now,

I'd rather you made dinner now. (not I'd rather you make)

I'd rather you didn't (do something) = I'd prefer you not to do it:

*   I'd rather you didn't tell anyone what I said.

*   'Shall I tell Linda what happened?' 'I'd rather you didn't.'

                         Would prefer        Unit 58B Prefer (one thing) to (another)                1361)


59.1 Which do you prefer? Write sentences using 'I prefer (something) to (something else)'. Put the verb into the correct form where necessary.

I (drive / travel by train) 2 (basketball / football) I prefer .

3   (phone people / send emails)

1  to

4   (go to the cinema / watch videos at home)

Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using the structure 'l prefer to (do something)'.

59.2 Write sentences using I'd prefer ... and I'd rather ... + the following:

eat at home -get-a-taxi go alone wait a few minutes listen to some music stand go for a swim •a,tait4ilÞlater- think about it for a while

Now use the same ideas to complete these sentences using than and rather than.

10 1'd prefer to get a taxi rߣhe.r ÐIŒn walk home.

I I rd prefer to go for a swim

12   rd rather eat at home

13   1'd prefer to think about it for a while .

14   1'd rather listen to some music

59.3 Complete the sentences using would you rather I .

I Are you going to make dinner or

2    Are you going to tell Liz what happened or would you rather

3    Are vou going to do the shopping or

4    Are you going to phone Diane or

59.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

I 'Shall I tell Ann the news?' 'NO, I'd rather She .....ÇÚån.åE....

2    Do vou want me to go now or would you rather I

3    Do vou want to go out this evening or would you rather

4    This is a private letter addressed to me. I'd rather you 5 1 don't really like these shoes. I'd rather they 6 A: DO you mind if I turn on the radio?

B: I'd rather you  I'm trying to study.

—a                                      27—28

know.' here?

at home? read it.

„ a different colour.

Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing

If a preposition (in/for/about etc.) is followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing:

Are you interested

I'm nor very good

Sue must be fed up

What are the advantages

Thanks very much


Why don't you go out

Carol went to work

preposition in at with of for about instead of in spite of

verb ( -ing) working learning studying. having inviting meeting sitting feeling

fór us?


a car?

me to your partv. for lunch tomorrow? at home all the time?

You can also say 'instead of somebody domg something', 'fed up with people doing something' etc. :

c) I'm fed up with people telling me what to do.

Note the use of the following prepositions + -ing:

before -ing and after -ing:

 Before going out, I phoned Sarah. (not Before to go out) a What did you do after leaving school?

                             You can also say 'Before I went out .    and      after you left school'.

by -ing (to say how something happens):

CJ The burglars got into the house by breaking a window and climbing in. CI You can improve your English by reading more.

She made herself ill by not eating properly.

D Many accidents are caused by people driving roo fast.

without -ing:

c) We ran ten kilometres without stopping,

C] It was a stupid thing to say. I said it without thinking.

El She needs to work without people disturbing her. (Or without being disturbed. c] I have enough problems of mv own without having to worrv about vours,

To -ing (look forward to doing something etc. )

 To is often part of the infinitive (to do / to see etc.):          C] We decided to go out.

D Would you like to meet for lunch tomorrow?

*          But to is also a preposition (like in/for/about]from etc.). For example: C] We drove from London to Edinburgh. a I prefer tea to coffee.

C] Are you looking forward to the weekend?

*          If a preposition is followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing:

                                  in doing         about meeting         without stopping (etc.

So, when to is a preposition and it is followed by a verb, you must say to •ing:  a I prefer driving to travelling by train. (not to travel)  a Are you looking forward to going on holiday? (not looking forward to go)

*          Be]get used to -ing Unit 61 Verb + preposition + -ing -s Unit 62 While/when -ing -+ Unit 68B

                                In spite of Unit 113 Prepositions                   121—1 36


60.1 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.

*          Why is it useful to have a car?

What are the advantages of h4šcng car

2 I don't intend to apply for the job.

I have no intention of

3    Helen has a good memorv for names.

Helen is good at

4    Mark won't pass the exam. He has no chance, Mark has no chance of             

5    Did you get into trouble because you were late?

Did vou get into trouble for

6    We didn't eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead.

Instead of

We got into the exhibition. We didn't have to queue.

We got into the exhibition without

8 Our team plaved well, bur we lost the game,

Our team lost the game despite

60.2 Complete the sentences using by -ing. Use the following (with the verb in the correct form); borrow too much money  too fast put some pictures on the walls stand on a chair turn a key

I The burglars got into the house

2    1 was able to reach the top shelf

3    You start the engine of a car

4    Kevin got himself into financial trouble S You can put people's lives in danger

6 We made the room look nicer

60.3 Complete the sentences with a suitable word. Use only one word each time.

We ran ten kilometres without Stopptng

2    He left the hotel without           his bill,

3    It's a nice morning. How about for a walk?

4    We were able ro translate the letter into English without  a dictionary.

             S Before                                   to bed, I like to have a hot drink.

6 It was a long Journey. I was verv tired after  on a train for 36 hours. 7 I was annoved because the decision was made without anybody  me, 8 After the same job for ten. years, I felt I needed a change.

9       We lost our way because we went straight on instead of           left.

10   I like these photographs vou took. You're good at          photographs.

60.4 For each situation, write a sentence with I'm (not) looking forward to.

I You are going on holidav next week. How do you feel?

                      I'm LookLng                                  €0 gomg on holdag

2    Diane is a good friend of vours and she is coming to visit you soon, So you will see her again soon. HOW do you feel?

3    You are going to the dentist tomorrow. You don't enjoy going to the dentist. How do you feel?

I'm not

4    Carol is a student at school. She hates it, but she is leaving school next summer. How does she feel?

S You've arranged to plav tennis tomorrow. You like tennis a lot. How do you feel?

-+                             26-28

moment it's very disturbing.

 Diane has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before — at 6.30. She finds this difficult because she isrù used to getting up so early.

 Barbara's husband is often away from home. She doesn't mind this. She is used to him being away.

After be/get used you cannot use the infinitive (to do / to drive etc.). We say:

CI She is used to driving on the left. (not She is used to drive)

When we say 'I am used to something', to is a preposition, not a part of the infinitive.

So we say:

Cl Frank is used to living alone, (not Frank is used to live) a Lisa had to get used to driving on the left. (not get used to drive)

I am used to (doing) something = it isn't strange or new for me; c] I am used to the weather in this countrv.

a I am used to driving on the left because I've lived in Britain a long rime.


Do not confuse I am used to doing and I used to do:

122                     Used to (do) —Þ Unit 18 To + -ing —+ Unit 60C


61.1    Look again at the situation in Section A on the opposite page ('Lisa is American ... i). The following situations are similar. Complete the sentences using used to.

Juan is Spanish and went ro live in England. In Spain he usually had dinner late in the evening, but in England dinner was at 6 0'clock, This was very early for him and he found it very strange at first,

When Juan first went to England, he              dinner so early, but after some time he it. Now he finds it normal. He

2 Julia is a nurse. A year ago she started working nights. At first she found it hard and didn't like it.

She nights and it took her a few months to it. Now, after a year, she's quite happy. She nights.

61.2 What do you say in these situations? Use I'm (not) used to ... .

1     You live alone. You don't mind this. You have alwavs lived alone.

FRIEND: DO you get a bit lonelv sometimes?

                        YOU:           Xo,      

2     You sleep on the floor, You don't mind this, You have alwavs slept on the floor.

FRIEND: Wouldn•t you prefer to sleep in a bed?

                        YOU:            Xo, I

3     You have to work long hours in vour job. This is not a problem for you. You have always worked long hours.

FRIEND: You have to work very long hours in your job, don't you?

                       YOU:         Yes, but I don't mind that. I

4     You usually go to bed earlv. Last night you went to bed very late (for you) and as a result you are very tired this morning,

FRIEND; You 100k tired this morning, YOU:       Yes,

61.3 Read the situations and complete the sentences using used to.

I Some friends Of yours have just moved into a flat on busy street. It is very noisy.

Thev'll have to to the nog." ,

2     The children at school had a new teacher. She was different from the teacher before her, but this wasn't a problem for the children. They soon

3     Sue moved from a big house to a much smaller one. She found it strange at first. She had to in a much smaller house.

4     Some people you know from Britain are going to live in your country. What will they have to get used to? Thev'll have to .

61.4 Complete the sentences using only one word each time (see Section C),

 Lisa had to get used to  on the left.

2    We used to         1k.Y..e....L in a small village, but now we live in London,

3    Dan used toa lot of coffee, Now he prefers tea,

4    I feel very full after that meal. I'm not used toso much.

                      I wouldn't like to share an Office.             used to my OWtI office.

6 I used to  a car; but I sold it a few months ago

                      When we were children, we used to                                       swimming very often.

S There used to  a cinema here. but it was knocked down a few years ago. 9 I'm the boss here! I'm not used to          told what to do.

     —+                                       26—28

Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / accuse somebody of -ing etc.)

Many verbs have the structure verb + preposition (in/for/about etc.) + object. For example:

verb + preposition + object

We talked

You musc apologise

about for

the problem. what you said.

verb, it ends in -ing; verb +


4 -ing (object)

We talked

You must apologise

about for

going to America. not telling the truth.

 If the object is another

Some more verbs With this structure:

Have you succeeded

They insisted

I'm thinking I wouldn't dream

He doesn't approve We have decided

Do vou feel

I'm looking forward

in on of of of against like to

finding a job yet? paying for the meal. buying a house.

asking them for money. swearing.

moving to London. going out tonight? meeting her.

succeed (in) insist (on) think (of) dream (of) approve (of) decide (against) feel (like) look forward (to)

You can also say 'approve of somebody doing something', 'look forward to somebody doing something':

Cl I don't approve of people killing animals for fun.

Cl We are all looking forward to Peter coming home.

The following verbs can have the structure verb + object + preposition + -ing:

I congratulated

Thev accused

Nobody suspected

What prevented

The rain didn't stop

I forgot to thank Excuse Please forgive

Liz us the general you us them me me

on of of from from for for for

getting a new job, telling lies, being a spy.

coming to see us? enjoying our holidav. helping me. being so late.

not writing to vou.

verb + object + preposition + -ing (object) congratulate (on) accuse (of) suspect (of) prevent (from) stop (from) thank (for) excuse (for) forgive (for)

You can say 'stop somebody doing' or 'stop somebody from doing':

 You can't stop me doing what I want, or You can't stop me from doing what I want.

Some of these verbs are often used in the passive. For example:

D We were accused of telling lies.

Cl The general was suspected of being a spy.

Note that we say 'apologise to somebody for .

C) I apologised to them for keeping them waiting. (not I apologised them)

124                           Decide to . —¥ Unit 54A Preposition + -ing —s Unit 60 Verb + preposition Units 132-136


62.1 Complete each sentence using only one word,

                 I Our neighbours apologised for                        so much noise.

2    I feel lazy. I don't feel like               any work.

3    I wanted to go out alone, but Joe insisted on   with me.

4    I'm fed up with my job, I'm thinking of something else.

5    We have decided against           a new car because we can't really afford it.

6    I hope you get in touch with me soon. I'm looking forward to from you.

7    The weather was extremelv bad and this prevented us from out, 8 The man who has been arrested is suspected Of a false passport.

9       I think you should apologise to Sue for               so rude to her,

10    Some parents don't approve of their children a lot of television,

             I l I'm sorry I can't come to your party, but thank you very much for                                 me.

62.2 Complete each sentence using a preposition + one of the following verbs (in the correct form): carry cause escape -go- interrupt live see solve spend walk I Do you feel  out this evening?

2    It took us a long time, but we finally succeeded              the problem.

3    I've always dreamed    in a small house by the sea.

4    The driver of the other car accused me _           the accident.

5    There's a fence around the lawn to stop people             on the grass.

6    Excuse me you, but may I ask you something? 7 Where are you thinking .. your holiday this year?

8        The guards weren't able to prevent the prisoner .

9        My bag wasn't very heavy, but Dan insisted            it for me,

10    It's a pity Paul can't come to the party, I was really looking forward


62.3 Complete the sentences on the right.


It was nice of you to help thanked Kevin             me. Thanks very much.

                              YOU           KEVIN


Tom insisted


Dan congratulated

                              YOU           DAN


                              SUE          JENNY


Kate apologised

                              YOU           KATE

                6                                                         Jane accused

                              YOU           JANE


Expressions + -ing

When these expressions are followed by a verb, the verb ends in -ing:

no use / It's no good

O There's nothing you can do about the situation, so it's no use worrying about it. It's no good trying to persuade me, You won st succeed.

There's no point in

There's no point in having a car if you never use it.

O There was no point in waiting any longer, so we went.

But we usually say 'the point of doing something' o What's the point Of having a car if you never use it?

It's (not) worth

                                  CJ I live only a short walk from here, so It's not worth taking a taxi.

o Our flight was very early in the morning, so it wasn't worth going to bed.

You can say that a film is worth seeing, a book is worth reading etc. : Cl What was the film like? Was it worth seeing?

c] Thieves broke into the house but didn't take anything. There was nothing worth stealing.

Have difficulty -ing, have trouble -ing

We say 'have difficulty doing something' (not to do):

a I had no difficulty finding a place to live. (not difficulty to find) D Did you have any difficulty getting a visa?

Cl People often have difficulty reading my writing. You can also say 'have trouble doing something': c] I had no trouble finding a place to live.

We use -ing after:

a waste Of money / a waste Of time a It was a waste of time reading that book. It was rubbish. Cl It'S a waste of money buying things you don't need.

spend/waste (time)

Cl He spent hours trying to repair the clock.  I waste a lot of time day-dreaming.

(be) busy a She said she couldn't see me. She was coo busy doing other things,

GO swimming / go fishing etc.

We use go -ing for a number of activities (especially sports). For example, you can say:

                             go swimming        go sailing         go fishing         go climbing        go skiing         go logging

Also go shopping, go sightseeing

c] How often do you go swimming? n I'd like to go skiing.

When did you last go shopping?

a I've never been sailing, (For gone and been, see Unit 7D.)


63.1 Make sentences beginning There's no point . . . . I XVhv have a car if vou never use it?

2    Why work if you don't need money?

3    Don't try to study if you feel tired.

4    Whv hurrv if you've got plenty of time?

63.2 Complete the sentences on the right,

             1                     Shall we get a taxi home?            No, it isn't far. It's not worth

If vou need help, whv don't vou If's no use He ask Dave? won't be able to do anything.

3                                        I don't reallv want to go out            Well, stay at home! There's no point .

                                                                        tonight.                                                   if you don't want to.

4                                        Shall I phone Liz now?            No, it's no good now. She won't be at home.

Are vou going to complain about No, it's not worth what happened? Nobody will do anything about it.

             6           Do you ever read newspapers?           No, I think it's a waste

Do vou want co keep these old     No, let's throw them away. They're not worth clothes?

63.3 Write sentences using difficulty.

I I managed to get a visa, but it was difficult. I had difficulty

2 1 find it hard to remember people's names.

I have difficultv

3    Lucv managed to get a job without difficulty.

She had no

4    It won't be difficult to get a ticket for the game.

You won't have any

63.4 Complete the sentences. Use only one word each time.

I It's a svaste of money  things you don't need.

2    Everv morning I spend about an hour . the newspaper.

3    'What's Sue doing?' 'She's going away tomorrow, so she's busy

4    1 think you waste too much time .         television,

5    There's a beautiful view from that hill. It's worth to the top, 6 It's no use  for the job. I know I wouldn't get it. 7 Just stay calm, There's no point in  angry.

63.5 Complete these sentences with the following (with the verb in the correct form): go riding -go-sailing go shopping go skiing go swimming 1 Barrv lives by the sea and he's got a boat, so he often

2    It was a very hot day, so we . in the lake.

3    There's plenty of snow in the mountains, so we'll be able to

4    Helen has got two horses. She       regularly.

5    'Where's Dan?' 'He's     . There were a few things he needed to buy.'

-+                                         27—28

for ... and so that ... (purpose)

We use to to say why somebody does something (z the purpose of an action):

'Why are you going out?' 'To post a letter.' a A friend of mine phoned to invite me to a party. We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.

We use to to say why something exists (z its purpose): c] This wall is to keep people out of the garden.

CJ The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.

We use to to say what can be done or must be done with something:

c] It's difficult to find a place to park in the centre. a place where you can park) C] Would you like something to eat?

a Have you got much work to do? (£ work that you must do) I get lonely if there's nobody to talk to.

a I need something to open this bottle with.

Also money/time/chance/opportunity/energy/courage etc. to (do something):

They gave us some money to buy some food, a Do you have much opportunity to practise your English? D I need a few days to think about your proposal.

For and to .


                          for + noun                                                      to + verb

                              CJ I'm going to Spain for a holiday.                       I'm going to Spain to learn Spanish.

(not for learn, not for learning) a What would you like for dinner?      What would you like to eat?

                               C] Let's go to the pool for a swim.                         Let's go to the pool to have a swim.

You can say 'for (somebody) to (do something)':

Cl There weren't any chairs for us to sit on, so we had to sit on the floor.

You can use for -ing or to to talk about the general purpose Of something, or what it is generally used for:

                              c.] DO you use this brush for washing the dishes? (or    to wash the dishes?)

You can use What for? to ask about purpose;  What is this switch for?

 What did you do that for?

So that

Sometimes you have to use so that for purpose. We use so that (not to ) especially

when the purpose is negative (so that won't]wouldn't):

 I hurried so that I wouldn't be late. because I didn't want to be late) a Leave early so that you won't (or don't) miss the bus.

                               with can and could (so that can/couldh

                                D She's learning English so that she can study in Canada.

 We moved to London so that we could see our friends more often.


2     I had to go to the bank

3     I'm saving money

4     I went into hospital

I'm wearing two sweaters

6 I phoned the police


I want to keep warm

I wanted to report that my car had been stolen

I want to go to Canada

I had to have an operation

I needed to get some money

64.1 Choose from Box A and Box B to make a new sentence with to

64  2 Complete these sentences using a suitable verb.

                     The president has a team of bodyguards                             him,

2    I didn•t have enough time        the newspaper today,

3    I came home bv taxi. I didn't have the energy

4    'Would you like something ? ' 'Yes, please. A cup Of coffee.' 5 We need a bag •these things in.

                 6 There will be a meeting next week                                                     the problem.

                   I wish we had enough money                                                 „ another car.

                S I saw Helen at the par-tv, but we didn't have a chance .                                             to each other.

9 I need some new clothes. I don't have anything nice .

Thev've just passed their exams, They're having a party

                 I can't do all this work alone. need somebody                                                        me.

64.3      Put in to or for.

I I'm going to Spain ....49.n... a holiday.

2    You need a loc of experiencethis job.

3 You need a lot of experiencedo this job.

4    We'll need more time .make a decision.

5    I went to the dentista check-up.

6    I had to put on my glassesread the letter.

7    Do vou have to wear glassesreading?

8    I wish we had a gardenthe children play in.

64.4      Write sentences with so that.

                  I I hurried. I didn't want to be late.         I hurrced so ÐIO-E I wouldn't be Late.

2    I wore warm clothes. I didn't want to be cold.

I wore

3    I left Dave my phone number. I wanted him to be able to contact me.


4    We whispered. We didn't want anybody else to hear our conversation. nobody

5    Please arrive early. We want to be able to start the meeting on time.


6    Jennifer locked the door. She didn't want to be disturbed.

I slowed down. I wanted the car behind me to be able to overtake.

Adjective + to .

Difficult to understand etc.

Compare sentences (a) and

(a)          It is difficult to understand him Jim doesn't speak very clearly.

(b)         He is difficult to understand.

Sentences (a) and (b) have the same meaning. Note that we say:

Cl He is difficult to understand. (not He is difficult to understand him.)

You can use the same structures with:

easy              hard       imposSible          dangerous          safe        expensive           cheap   mce good            interesting        exciting

CJ Do you think it is safe (for us) to drink this water?

Do you think this water is safe (for us) to drink? (not to drink it)

c) The questions in the exam were very difficult. It was impossible to answer them.

The questions in the exam were very difficult. They were impossible to answer.

(not to answer them)

C] Jill has lots of interesting ideas. It's interesting to talk to her. Jill is interesting to talk to. (not to talk to her.)

You can also use this structure with adjective + noun:

 This is a difficult question (for me) to answer. (not to answer it)

(It's) nice Of (you) to

You can say 'It's nice Of somebody to do something':

D It was nice of you to take me to the airport. Thank you very much. You can use many Other adjectives in this way. For example:

kind clever sensible mean silly stupid careless unfair considerate: D If's silly of Mary to give up her job when she needs the money, a I think it was very unfair of him to criticise me.

I'm sorry to / I was surprised to ... etc.

You can use adjective + to to say how somebody reacts to something: a I was sorry to hear that your father is ill.

                            You can use many other adjectives in this way. For example:

happy glad pleased sad disappointed surprised amazed astonished relieved C] Was Julia surprised to see you?

a It was a long and tiring journey. We were glad to get home.

The first / the next (etc.) + to

 You can use to after the first/the last; the next, the only, the second (etc.):

Cl If I have any more news, you will be the first (person) to know.

 The next train to arrive at platform 4 will be the 10.50 to Cardiff.

C] Everybody was late except me, I was the only one to arrive on time,

You can say that something is sure/certain/likelyn)ound to happen:

C] Carla is a very good student. She's bound to pass the exam. (z she is sure to pass) I'm likely to be late home this evening. (z I will probably be late home)

                           Afraid/interested/sorry Unit 66                     Unit 84C Enough and too + adjective        Unit 103


65.1 (Section A) Write these sentences in another waye beginning as shown.

I It's difficult to understand him.

2     It's easy to use this machine.

3     It was very difficult to open the window.

4     It's impossible to translate some words.

S It's expensive to maintain a car. 6 It's not safe to stand on that chair.

65.2 (Section A) Complete the second sentence. Use the adjective in brackets and to as in the example.

1    1 couldn't answer the question. (difficult) It was a

2    Everybody makes that mistake. (easy)        It's an

3    1 like living in this place.               (nice)      It's a

4    We enjoyed watching the game. (good)           It was a

65,3 (Section B) Make a new sentence beginning It       Use one of these adjectives each time: careless  inconsiderate           4£-inŒV          nice

                I Sue has offered to help me.          !€'5

2    You make the same mistake again and again-


3    Dan and Jenny invited me to stay with them.

4    The neighbours make so much noise at night.

65.4 (Section C) Use the following words to complete these sentences:

sorry / hear glad / hear -pleased-kgee- surprised I see I We pc:eased. gey your letter last week.

2    1 got your message. I  that you're keeping well.

3    we      Paula at the party. We didn't expect her to come.

that your mother isn't well. I hope she gets better soon.

65.5 (Section D) Complete the second sentence using the words in brackets + to I Nobody left before me. (the first) I was 2 Everybody else arrived before Paul.

(the last) Paul was the

3   Fiona passed the exam. All the other students failed.

(the only) Fiona was

4   1 complained to the restaurant manager about the service. Another customer had already complained,

(the second) I was

5   Neil Armstrong walked on the moon in 1969. Nobody had done this before him.

(the first) Neil Armstrong was

65.6 (Section E) Complete these sentences using the words in brackets and a suitable verb.

 Diane is a very good student. She  the exam. (bound)

2    I'm not surprised you're tired. After such a long journey you , tired.


3    Andy has a very bad memory. He .              what you tell him. (sure)

4    I don't think you need to take an umbrella. It   . (not likely)

5    The holidays begin this weekend. There a lot of traffic on the roads. (likely)

Unit    To ... (afraid to do) and
66 preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)

Afraid to (do) and afraid of (do)ing


I am afraid to do something = I don't want to do it because it is dangerous or the result could be bad.

We use afraid to do for things we do intentionallv; we can choose to do them or not: El This part of town is dangerous. People are afraid to walk here at night. they don't want to walk here because it is dangerous — so they don't) James was afraid to tell his parents what had happened.

(z he didn't want to tell them because he knew they would be angry, worried etc.)

I am afraid of something happening it is possible rhat something bad will happen (for example, an accident).

We do not use afraid of -ing for things we do intentionally:

a The path was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid of falling,

(z it was possible that we would fall — not we were afraid to fall) a I don't like dogs. I'm always afraid of being bitten. (not afraid to be bitten)

So, you are afraid to do something because you are afraid of something happening as a result: a I was afraid to go near the dog because I was afraid of being bitten.


Interested in (do)ing and interested to (do)

 I'm interested in doing something I'm thinking of dorng it, I would like to do it: a Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. (not to join) a I tried to sell my cars but nobody was interested in buying it. (not to buy)

We use interested to to say how somebody reacts to what they hear/see/read/learn/know/find.  For example, CI was interested to hear it' = I heard it and it was interesting for me:

 I was interested to hear that Tanya has left her job.

 Ask Mike for his opinion. I would be interested to know what he thinks. (z it would be interesting for me to know it)          

This structure is the same as surprised to / glad to etc. (see Unit 6SC):  I was surprised to hear that Tanya has left her job.

Sorry to (do) and sorry for/about (do)ing

                          We use sorry to    to say we regret something that happens (see Unit 65C):

Cl I was sorry to hear that Nicky lost her job.    I was sorry when I heard that . O I've enjoyed my Stay here. I'll be sorry to leave.

We also say sorry to to apologise at the time we do something:

a I'm sorry to phone you so late, but I need to ask you something.

 You can use sorry for or sorry about (doing something) to apologise for something you did before:  I'm sorry for (or about) shouting at you yesterday. (not sorry to shout)

You can also say:

 I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.


We say:




I want to (do ) / I'd like to (do)


I'm thinking of (do)ing / I dream of (do)ing


I failed to (do)


I succeeded in (do)ing

I allowed them to (do)


I prevented them from (do)ing I stopped them from (do)ing

For examples, see Units 54—55 and 62.

Verb + preposition + -ing —s- Unit 62 Adjective + preposition -+ Units 130-131 Sorry about/for Unit 130


66.1 Use the words in brackets to write sentences. Use afraid to or afraid of -ing. I The streets are unsafe at night.

(a lot of people / afraid / go / out) „..h.. lot...2f..

2    We walked very carefully along the icy path.

                   (we / afraid / fall)               Nere a-fraaå cf.. falling.

3    I don't usually carry my passport with me.

(I   / afraid / lose / it)

4    I thought she would be angry if I told her what had happened.

(I   / afraid / tell / her)

5    We rushed to the station.

(we / afraid / miss / our train)

6    In the middle of the film there was an especially horrifying scene.

(we I afraid / look)

 The vase was very valuable, so I held it carefully. (I / afraid / drop / it)

S I thought the food on my plate didn't look fresh. a (I / afraid f eat / it) b (I / afraid / get / sick)

66.2 Complete the sentences using in or to             . Use these verbs:

                         get        know         look         read        start

 I'm trying to sell my car, but nobody is interested  it, 2 Julia is interested . her own business.

3    I was interested your letter in the newspaper last week.

4    Ben wants to stay single. He's not interested   married.

5    I met Mark a few days ago. You'll be interested that he's just got a job in Paris.

6    I don't enjoy sightseeing. I'm not interested  at old buildings.

66,3 Complete each sentence using sorry for/about or sorry to                         Use the verb in brackets,

you so late, but I need to ask you something. (phone) that you didn't get the job you applied for. (hear) all those bad things about you. I didn't mean them. (say)

. you, but do you have a pen I could borrow? (disturb) the book you lent me. I'll buy you another one. (lose)

66.4 Complete each sentence using the verb in brackets.

We wanted  the building. (leave) b We weren't allowedthe building. (leave) c We were preventedthe building. (leave)

Peter failedthe problem. (solve) b Chris succeeded. the problem. (solve)

I'm thinking away next week. (go) b I'm hoping away next week. (go) c I'd like away next week. (go)

 I'm looking forwardaway next week. (go)

Helen wanted me lunch. (buy) b Helen promised me lunch. (buy) c Helen insisted me lunch. (buy) d Helen wouldn't dream me lunch. (buy)

 Additional exercise 27 (page 31 8)

See somebody do and see somebody doing

Study this example situation:

Tom got into his car and drove away. You saw this.

You can say:

1 saw Tom get into his car and drive away.

In this structure we use get/drive/do etc. (not to get / to drive / to do).

Somebody did something                       I saw this

I saw somebody do something

But after a passive ('he was seen' etc.), we use to: D He was seen to get in the car.








Study this example situation:

Yesterday you saw Kate. She was waiting for a bus. You can say:

c] I saw Kate waiting for a bus.

In this structure we use -ing (waiting/doing etc.):

Somebody was doing something          +          I saw this

I saw somebody doing something




Study the difference in meaning between the two structures:

I saw him do something = he did something (past simple) and I saw this. I saw the complete action from beginning to end:

a He fell off the wall. I saw this. —+ I saw him fall off the wall.

The accident happened, Did you see it? Did vou see the accident happen?

I saw him dotng something he was doing something (past continuous) and I saw this. I saw him when he was in the middle of doing it. This does not mean that I saw the complete action:

He was walking along the street,

I saw him walking along the street.

I saw this when I drove past in my car,

Sometimes the difference is not important and vou can use either form: I've never seen her dance. or I've never seen her dancing.


We use these structures with see and hear, and a number of other verbs: c] I didn't hear you come in. (you came in — I didn't hear this) c] Liz suddenly felt somebody touch her on the shoulder. c] Did you notice anyone go out?

1 could hear it raining. (it was raining — I could hear it) a The missing children were last seen playing near the river. Listen to the birds singing!

a Can you smell something burning?

a I found Sue in my room reading my letters.


67.1 Complete the answers to the questions.








67.2 In each of these situations you and a friend saw, heard or smelt something. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

67.3 Complete these sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form):

                                       climb -come crawl cry explode ride run say sing- slam                           sleep      tell

              Listen to the birds                        !

2         I didn't hear you

3         We listened to the old man .  his story from beginning to end.

4         Listen! Can vou hear a baby

5         looked out of the window and saw Dan            . his bike along the road.

6         I thought I heard somebody'Hi', so I looked round.

7         We watched two men„ across the garden and  through an open window into the house.

 Everybody heard the bombIt was a tremendous noise.

9       Oh! I can feel somethingup my leg! It must be an insect.

10   I heard somebodythe door in the middle of the night. It woke me up.

I l When we got home, we found a caton the kitchen table.

We also use -ing when one action happens during another action. We use -ing for the longer action:

O Joe hurt his knee playing football.               while he was playing)  Did you cut yourself shaving?      while you were shaving)

 You can also use -ing after while or when:

a Jim hurt his knee While playing football.

 Be careful when crossing the road. (z when you are crossing)

When one action happens before another action, we use having (done) for the first action: a Having found a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.  Having finished her work, she went home, You can also say after -ing:

a After finishing her work, she went home.

If one short action follows another short action, you can use the Simple -ing form (doing instead of having done) for the first action:

a Taking a key out Of his pocket, he opened the door.

These structures are used more in written English than in spoken English.

You can use an -ing clause to explain something, or to say why somebody does something.

The -ing clause usually comes at the beginning Of the sentence:

                          Feeling tired, I went to bed early.            because I felt tired)

 Being unemployed, he hasn't got much money. (z because he is unemployed)

 Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around.

(z because she doesn't have a car) a Having already seen the film twice, I didn't want to go to the cinema.

(z because I had already seen it twice)

These structures are used more in written English than in spoken English.

-ing and -ed clauses Unit 97


68.1 Choose from Box A and Box B to make sentences. Use an —ing clause.

2 Diane was sitting in an armchair. 3 Sue opened the door carefullv, 4 Sarah went out.

S Linda was in London for two years. 6 Mary walked around the town.


She was trying not to make a noise.

She looked at the sights and took photographs.

She said she would be back in an hour. She was reading a book.

She worked as a tourist guide.





68.2 Make one sentence from two using an -ing clause.

1 Joe was playing football. He hurt his knee. 2 1 was watching television. I fell asleep.


3   A friend of mine slipped and fell. He was getting off a bus, A friend of mine

4   1 was walking home in the rain. I got very wet.


5   Laura was driving to work vesterday. She had an accident.

6   Two firefighters were overcome by smoke. They were crying to put out the fire.

68.3 Make sentences beginning Having

I She finished her work. Then she went home.

2    We bought our tickets, Then we went into the theatre,

3    They had dinner and then they continued their journey.

4    After I'd done the shopping, I went for a cup of coffee,

68.4 Make sentences beginning -ing or Not -ing (like those in Section D). Sometimes you need to begin with Having (done something). I I felt tired. So I went to bed early.

2    I thought they might be hungry, So I offered them something to eat.

3    She is a foreigner. So she needs a visa to work in this country.

4    I didn't know his phone number. so I wasn't able to contact him.

5    Sarah has travelled a lot. So she knows a lot about other countries.

6    I wasn't able to speak the local language. So I had trouble communicating.

7    We had spent nearly all our money, So we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel,

69 Countable and uncountable 1

A noun can be countable or uncountable:


nouns, bananas'




an accident. radio.

Uncountable t: I eat rice every day.

         C I like rice.                           RICE

Rice is an uncountable noun.

An uncountable noun has only one form (rice).

We cannot use numbers with uncountable nouns. We cannot say 'one rice', 'two rices' etc,

Examples Of nouns usually uncountable:

Kate was listening to (some) music.

There's sand in my shoes, c] Do vou have anv monev?

a It wasn sr vour fault. It was bad luck. a There is no electricity in this house. t: We haven't got enough water.

Countable o I eat a banana every day, a I like bananas.

Banana is a countable noun.

A countable noun can be singular or plural (bananas).

We can use numbers with countable So we can say sone banana', 'two etc.

Examples of nouns usually Cl Kate was singing a song. a There's a nice beach near Cl Do you have a ten-pound

Cl It wasn't your fault. It was

C] There are no batteries in the We haven't got enough cups.


You can use a/an with singular countable nouns:

a beach a student an umbrella

You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/my etc.):

D I want a banana. (not I want banana) There's been an accident. (not There's been accident)

You can use plural countable nouns alone:

o I like bananas, (z bananas in general) Accidents can be prevented.

You cannot normally use a/an with uncountable nouns, We do not say •a sand', •a music', 'a rice'.

But you can often use a of. For example: a bowl / a packet / a grain Of rice You can use uncountable nouns alone (without the/my/some etc.): 1 eat rice everv dav.

a There's blood on vour shirt. Can vou hear music?




You can use some and any with plural countable nouns:

We sang some songs.

Did you buy any apples?

We use many and few with plural countable nouns:

a We didn't take many photogrqphs. a I have a few things to do.

You can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

We listened to some music.

Did you buy any apple juice?

We use much and little with uncountable nouns;

We didn't do much shopping. I have a little work to do.


Countable and uncountable 2 —a Unit 70 Some and any Unit 85 Many/much/few/little Unit 87 Children I the children Unit 75


69.1 Some of these sentences need a/an. Correct the sentences where necessary.

1  Joe goes everywhere by bike.

2  Helen was listening to music when I arrived.

3  We went to very nice restaurant last weekend.

4  I clean my teeth With toothpaste.

S I use toothbrush to clean mv teeth.

6 Can you tell me if there's bank near here?

 My brother works for insurance company in London.  I don't like violence.

9 Can you smell paint?

When we were in Rome, we staved in big hotel.

We need petrol. I hope we come to petrol station soon.

12   I wonder if you can help me. I have problem.

13   I like your suggestion. It's verv interesting idea.

14   John has got interview for job tomorrow.

15   I like volleyball, It'S good game.

16   Liz doesn't usuallv wear iewellery,

17   Jane was wearing beautiful necklace.

69.2 Complete the sentences using the following words. Use a/an where necessary.

-aecidene        biscuit blood   coat     decision           electricity interview     key      moment            question           sugar

1       It wasn't vour fault. It was     a-ecdenE

2       Listen! Can vou hear music

3       couldn't get into the house because I didn't have

4       It's very warm today. Whv are vou wearing

                Do vou take                                        in your coffee?

6    Are vou hungrv? Would vou like   with your coffee?

7    Our lives would be very difficult Without

8    'l had for a job yesterday.' T)id you? HOW did it go?' 9 The heart pumps through the body.

10   Excuse me, but can I ask vou

11   I'm not ready vet. Can you wait           . , please?

12   We can't delav much longer, We have to make soon.

69.3 Complete the sentences using the following words. Sometimes the word needs to be plural (-s), and sometimes you need to use a/an.

day friend language letter meat patience people -photograph- queue space umbrella

1    I had mv camera, but I didn't take any

2    There are seven          in a week.

3    A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat

4    Outside the cinema there was  .of people waiting to see the film.

5    I'm not verv good at writing

6    Last night I went out With some

               There were verv few                                        in town today. The streets were almost empty.

 I'm going out for a walk. I need some fresh

9 Garv always wants things quickly, He hasn't got much I think it'S going to rain. DO vou have

11   Do you speak any foreign

12   Our flat is very small, We haven't got much

But you can say a coffee (z a cup of coffee), two coffees (z two cups) etc. : a Two coffees and an orange juice, please.

The following nouns are usually uncountable:


accommodation advice baggage

behaviour bread chaos


furniture information

luck luggage news

permission progress scenery

traffic weather work

You cannot use ajan with these nouns:

*                   I'm going to buy some bread. or . a loaf of bread. (not a bread)

*                   Enjoy your holiday! I hope you have good weather. (not a good weather)

These nouns are not usually plural (so we do not say 'breads', 'furnitures' etc.):

 Where are you going to put all your furniture? (not furnitures)

 Let me know if you need more information. (not informations)

News is uncountable, not plural:

 The news was very depressing. (not The news were)

     Travel (noun) means 'travelling in general' (uncountable). We do not say 'a travel' to mean a      trip or a journey:

 They spend a lot of money on travel.

*                   We had a very good trip/iourney.          a good travel) Compare these countable and uncountable nouns:

                             Countable                                                      Uncountable

I'm looking for a job. I'm looking for work. (not a work) What a beautiful view! What beautiful scenery!

a    It's a nice day today,   It's nice weather today.

We had a lot of bags and cases. We had a lot of baggage/luggage a These chairs are mine. This furniture is mine. a That's a good suggestion. That's good advice.

                           Countable and uncountable I      Unit 69 American English —+ Appendix 7


70,1 Which of the underlined parts of these sentences is correct?

I 'Did you  just now?' 'No, I didn't hear anything.' (kL_noise is correct). 2 a If you want to know the news, vou can read paper / a paper.

b   I want to print some documents, but the printer is out of paper / papers.

3   a I thought there was somebodv in the house because there was  inside, b Light A light comes from the sun.

4   a was in a hurry this morning. I didn't have time / a time for breakfast.

b 'Did you enjoy your holidav?' 'Yes, we had yonderful rime ( a yonderful time.' 5 This is nice room / a nice room. Did vou decorate it yourself?

6    Sue was very helpful. She gave us some very useful adviçg / advices.

7    Did you have nice weather / a nice weather when vou were away?

8    We were very unfortunate. We had bad luck / a bad luck.

9    Is it difficult to find a york / job at the moment?

10Our travel / journey from Paris to Moscow by train was very tiring, I l When the fire alarm rang, there was total chaos / a total chaos.

12   I had to buy    bread because I wanted ro make some sandwiches.

13   Bad news        make people happy.

                                         14too long. You should have                                   cut.

IS The damage / che damages caused bv the storm will cost a lot to repair.

70.2 Complete the sentences using the following words. Use the plural where necessary. advice chair experience experience furniture hair information job 4uggage permission progress work I I didn't have much .  — just two small bags.

2    Thev'll tell vou all vou want to know. They'll give you plenty of

3    There is room for evervbody co sit down. There are plenty of

4    We have no  , not even a bed or a table,

5    'What does Alan 100k like?' 'He's got a long beard and very short

6    Carla•s English is better than it was. She's made

 -Mike is unemploved. He can't get a

8       Mike is unemployed. He can'r get

9       If vou want to leave early, vou have to ask for

10   I didn't know whac co do. So I asked Chris for

I don't think Dan will get the iob, He doesn't have enough

12 Paul has done manv interesting things. He could write a book about his

70,3 What do you say in these situations? Complete each sentence using one of the words from Section B.

1    Your friends have just arrived at the station. You can't see any cases or bags. You ask them:


2    You go into the tourist office. You want to know about places to see in the town. You say:

I'd like

3    You are a student. You want vour teacher to advise you about which courses to do. you say:

Can vou give me

4    You want to watch the news on TV, but you don't know when it is on. You ask your friend:

What time

5    You are ar the top of a mountain. You can see a very long way. It's beautiful. You say:


6    You look out of the window. The weather is horrible: cold, wet and windy. You say:


Countable nouns can be singular or plural:

                                        a Do you need an umbrella?

You cannot use singular countable nouns alone (without a/the/iny etc.): a She never wears a hat. (not She never wears hat) c] Be careful of the dog. (not Be careful Of dog)  What a beautiful day!  D I've got a headache.

We use a/an to say What kind Of thing or person something/somebody is: Cl That's a nice table.

In the plural we use the noun alone (not some c] Those are nice chairs. (not some nice chairs)

Compare singular and plural:

                                        A dog is an animal.                                           Dogs are animals.

                                       I'm an optimist.                                                 We're optimists.

Cl Tim's father is a doctor, Most of mv friends are students. a Are you a good driver? Are they good students?

L] Jill is a really nice person,               Jill's parents are really nice people. c] What a lovely dress!          2 What awful shoes!

We say that somebody has a long nose / a nice face / blue eyes / small hands etc. :

D Jack has got a long nose, Jack has got blue eyes, (not the long nose)          (not the blue eyes)

Remember to use a/an when you say what somebody's job is:

Sandra is a nurse. (not Sandra is nurse)

Would you like to be an English teacher?

You can use some with plural countable nouns. We use some in two ways.

                                (I) Some = a number of / a few of / a pair of:

a I've seen some good films recently- (not I've seen good films) a Some friends of mine are coming to stay at the weekend.

                                 a I need some new sunglasses.      a new pair of sunglasses)

Do not use some when you are talking about things in general (see Unit 75):

 I love bananas. (not some bananas)           a My aunt is a writer. She writes books. (not some books)

Sometimes you can make sentences with or without some (with no difference in meaning): a There are (some) eggs in the fridge if you're hungry.

(2) Some = some but not all:

*   Some children learn very quickly. (but not all children)

*   Tomorrow there will be rain in some places, but most of the country will be dry.

                               Countable and uncountable —¥ Units 69—70 Alan and the Unit 72 Some and any          Unit 85


71.1 What are these things? Use a dictionary if necessary.

I an ant?7 Earth, Mars, Venus and Jupiter?

2    ants and bees?

3    a cauliflower?

5    a violin, a trumpet and a flute?

6    a skvscraper?

Who were these people?

10 a pigeon, an eagle and a crow?

4    chess?9 the Nile, the Rhine and the Mississippi?

I l Beethoven? .He 15 Marilyn Monroe? 12 Shakespeare?         

13 Albert Einstein?

16 Elvis Presley and John Lennon?

          14 Washington, Lincoln and Kennedy?               17 Van Gogh, Renoir and Picasso?

71.2 Read about what these people do, and say what their jobs are, Choose from:

chef interpreter journalist -nurse- plumber surgeon travel agent waiter I Sarah looks after patients in hospital.

2 Garv works in a restaurant, He brings the food to the tables. He 3 Martina arranges people's holidavs for them. She

4 Kevin works in a hospital. He operates on people.  Jonathan cooks in a restaurant.

6    Jane writes articles for a newspaper.

7    Dave installs and repairs water pipes.

8    Linda translates what people are saying from one language into another, so that they can understand each other,

71.3 Put in a/an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

I I've seen .é.QT&..... good films recently.

2    What's wrong with vou? Have you got headache?

3    I know a lot of people, Most of them are         students.

4    When I was .      child, I used to be very shy.

5    Would vou like to be        actor?

6    Do vou collect stamps? 7 What beautiful garden!

birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.

9       Do vou enjoy going to  concerts?

10   I've been walking for three hours. I've gotsore feet.

I l I don't feel very well this morning. I've got. sore throat.

12    Maria speaks  English, but not very much.

13    It's a pity we don't have camera. I'd like to takephotograph of that house.

14    Those are  nice shoes. Where did you get them?

15    I'm going shopping. I want to buy       new shoes.

16    You need             visa to visit           countries, but not all of them.

17    Jane is teacher. Her parents were  teachers too.

18    I don't believe him. He's  liar. He's alwavs telling  lies.

72                     Alan and the

Study this example:



Joe says •a sandwich', 'an apple' because this  is the first time he talks about them.

Joe now says 'the sandwich', 'the apple' because Karen knows which sandwich and which apple he means — the sandwich and the apple that he had for lunch.

Compare a and the in these examples:

D A man and a woman were sitting opposite me. The man was American, but I think the woman was British.

a When we were on holiday, we stayed at a hotel. Sometimes we ate at the hotel and sometimes we went to a restaurant.

We use the when we are thinking of a specific thing. Compare a/an and the:

C] Tim sat down on a chair. (perhaps one Of many chairs in the room)

Tim sat down on the chair nearest the door. (a specific chair) c] Paula is looking for a job. (not a specific job)

Did Paula get the job she applied for? (a specific job) a Have you got a car? (not a specific car)

I cleaned the car yesterday. (a my car)

We use the when it is clear in the situation which thing or person we mean. For example, in a room we talk about the light / the floor / the ceiling / the door I the carpet etc. :

CJ Can you turn Off the light, please?• (z the light in this room) C) took a taxi to the station.            the station in that town) c] (in a shop) I'd like to speak to the manager, please. (a the manager of this shop)

In the same way, we say (go to) the bank, the post Office:

I have to go to the bank and then I'm going to the post office. (The speaker is usually thinking of a specific bank or post office.) We also say (go to) the doctor / the dentist:

Cl Caroline isn't very well. She's gone to the doctor. (z her usual doctor)  I don't like going to the dentist.

Compare the and a:

 I have to go to the bank today. Is there a bank near here?

a I don't like going to the dentist. My sister is a dentist.

We say 'once a week three times a day / £1.50 a kilo' etc. :

'How often do you go to the cinema?' "About once a month.' 'How much are those potatoes?' '£1.50 a kilo.' CJ Helen works eight hours a day, six days a week.

Alan —+ Unit 71 The —+ Units 73—78


72.1      Put in a/an or the.

I This morning I bought newspaper and magazine. newspaper is in my bag, but I can't remember where I put magazine;

2   1 saw  accident this morning.   car crashed into               tree.

                       driver of                    car wasn't hurt, but                   car was badly damaged.

3   There are two cars parked outside:       blue one and .   grey one-            blue one belongs to mv neighbours; I don't know who             owner of             . grey one is.

4   My friends live in           old house in       small village. There is     beauti ful garden behind             house. I would like to have .    garden like that.

72.2      Put in a/an or the.

This house is verv nice. Has it got         garden? b It's a beautiful day. Let'S sit in   garden.  I like living in this house, but it's a pity that      .             . garden is so small. Can you recommend . good restaurant? b We had dinner in   verv nice restaurant.

                       C We had dinner in                      best restaurant in town.

She has French name, but in fact she's English, not French. b What's name of that man we met yesterday?

                     c We stayed at a verv nice hotel — I can't remember                    name now.

There isn't  airport near where I live.              nearest airport is 70 miles away' b Our flight was delaved. We had to wait at       . airport for three hours.

                            Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to                            airport?

'Are you going away next week?' 'No week after next.' b I'm going awav for - week in September.

c Garv has a part-time job. He works three morningsweek.

72.3      Put in a/an or the where necessary. I Would you like apple?

2   How often do vou go to dentist?

3   Could you close door, please?

4   I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was mistake.

S Excuse me, where is bus station, please?

6   I have problem. Can you help me?

7   I'm just going to post office. I won't be tong.

8   There were no chairs, so we sat on floor.

9   Have you finished with book I lent vou?

10                    My sister has just got job in bank in Mañchester. We live in small flat in city centre.

12 There's supermarket at end of street I live in.

72.4      Answer these questions about yourself. Where possible, use the structure in Section D (once a week / three times a day etc.).

I How often do you go to the cinema?

2   How much does it cost to hire a car in your country?

3   How Often do you go to the cinema?

4   How often do you go away on holiday?

5   What's the usual speed limit in towns in your country?

6   How much sleep do you need?

7   How often do you go out in the evening?

8   How much television do you watch (on average)?

The I

We use the when there is only one of something:

What is the longest river in the world? (there is only one longest river) D The earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth.

C) Have you ever crossed the equator?

C] I'm going away at the end of this month. Don't forget the:

a Paris is the capital of France. (not Paris is capital of

But we use a/an to say what kind Of thing something is (see Unit 71B). Compare the and a: c] The sun is a Stan         one Of many stars) a The hotel we stayed at was a very nice hotel.

We say: the sky, the sea, the ground, the •country, the environment. D We looked up at all the stars in the Sky. (not in sky) c] Would you like to live in the country?              not in a town) a We must do more to protect the environment.            the natural world around us) But we say space (without the) when we mean 'space in the universe'. Compare: There are millions of stars in space. (not in the space) I tried to park my car, but the space was too small.

We use the before same (the same):

Your pullover is the same colour as mine. (not is same colour) Cl 'Are these keys the same?' 'NO, they're different.'




We say: (go to) the cinema, the theatre.

CI I go to the cinema a lot, but I haven't been to the theatre for ages.

When we say the cinema / the theatre, we do not necessarily mean a specific cinema or theatre. We usually say the radio, but television (without the). Compare:

                                     C) I listen to the radio a 10t-                   but I watch television a lot.

0 We heard the news on the radio, but We watched the news on television. The television = the television set:

D Can you turn off the television, please?

Breakfast lunch dinner

*          We do not normally use the with the names of meals (breakfast, lunch etc.): Cl What did you have for breakfast? a We had lunch in a very nice restaurant.  a What time is dinner?

But we use a if there is an ad)ective before. breakfast, lunch etc. : C) We had a veçy nice lunch. (not We had very nice lunch) Platform 5 Room 126 etc.

*          We do not use the before noun + number. For example, we say:

*          Our train leaves from Platform 5. (not the Platform 5) c] (in a shop) Have you got these shoes in size 43? (not the size 43)

*          In the same way, we say: Room 126 (in a hotel), page 29 (of a book), question 3 (in an exam), Gate 10 (at an airport) etc.

Alan and the —+ Unit 72 The 2—4 Units 74—76 Names with and without the Units 77-78


73.1 Put in the or a/an where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty.

               A; Where did vou have         lunch?

                 B: We went to         restaurant.

2            Did you have nice holiday?

                 B: Yes, it was                best holiday I've ever had.

3            Where's .    nearest shop?

                  B: There's one at              . end of this street.

4            Do vou often listen to         radio?

                  B: Xo. In fact I haven't got                 radio.

5            A: Would vou like to travel in  space?

                 B: Yes, I'd love to go to                moon.

6            A: Do vou go to           cinema verv often?

B: No, not verv often. But I watch a lot of films on .television.

7            A: It was  nice day vesterdav; wasn't it?

B: Yes, it was beautiful. We went for a walk bvsea.

8            A; What did you have for  breakfast this morning?

B: Nothing. I never eatbreakfast.

9            A: Excuse me, where isRoom 25, please?

B: It's onsecond floor,

10         A; We spent all our money because we staved at  most expensive hotel in town.

B: Whv didn't vou stav at  cheaper hotel?

73.2 Put in the where necessary. If you don't need the, leave the space empty.

               I haven't been to             cinema for ages.

2    1 lav down onground and looked up at .          sky.

3    Sarah spends most of her free time watching

4     television was on, but nobody was watching it.

5    Lisa and I arrived at    same time.

6    Have vou had dinner vet?

 You'll find information voU need attop of page 15. S What's . capital City Of Canada?

73.3 Put in the or a/an where necessary. (See Unit 72 for a/an and the if necessary.)

             I Sun is star.      The sun Is       sear.

2    Paul lives in small village in countrv.

3    Moon goes round earth every 27 days,

4    I'm fed up with doing same thing every day.

5    It was verv hot dav- It was hottest day of year.

6    I don't usuallv have lunch, but I always eat good breakfast.

7    If you live in foreign country, you should try and learn language.

8    We missed our train because we were waiting on wrong platform. 9 Next train to London leaves from Platform 3.

73.4 Complete the sentences using the following. Use the where necessary.

breakfast         cinema -dinaeE            gate      Gate 21 question 8        sea I 'Are you going out this evening?' 'Yes, after

2    There was no wind, so  was very calm.

3    The test wasn't too difficult, but I couldn't answer

4    'I'm going to    tonight.' •Are vou? What are you going to see?'

5    I didn't have time for   this morning because I was in a hurry.

6    Oh      is open. I must have forgotten to shut it.

7    (airport announcement) Flight AB123 to Rome is now boarding at

The 2 (school / the school etc.)

Compare school and the school:


Alison is ten years Old. Every day she goes to school. She's at school now. School begins at 9 and finishes at 3.

We say a child goes to school or is at school (as a pupil)- We are not necessarily thinking of a specific school. We are thinking of school as a general idea.

Today Alison's mother wants to speak to her daughter's teacher, So she has gone to the school to see her. She's at the school now. Alison's mother is not a pupil. She is not sat school', she doesn't 'go to school'. If she wants to see Alison's teacher, she goes to the school Alison's school, a specific building).

We use prison, hospital, university, college and church in a similar way. We do not use the when we are thinking of the general idea of these places and what they are used for. Compare:

a Ken's brother is in prison for robbery. Ken went to the prison to visit his (He is a prisoner. We are not thinking brother.

of a specific prison.) (He went as a visitor; not as a prisoner,) a Joe had an accident last week. He was Jane has gone to the hospital to visit Joe. taken to hospital. He's still in hospital She's at the hospital now. (as a visitor) now. (as a patient)

When I leave school, I want to go to Excuse me, where is the university, university/college please? the university buildings) a Sally's father goes to church every Some workmen went to the church to

Sunday. (to a religious service)                                      repair the roof. (not for a religious service)

With most other places, you need the. For example, the cinema, the bank (see Units 72C and 731)).

Bed work home

           We say go to bed / be in bed etc. (not the bed): Cl It's time to go to bed now.

                                      c] Do you ever have breakfast in bed?

but C] I sat down on the bed. (a specific piece of furniture) go to work / be at work / start work / finish work etc. (not the work): a Chris didn't go to work yesterday.

D What time do you usually finish work?

 go home / come home J arrive home / get home / be at home etc. ; a It's late. Let's go home.

 Will you be at home tomorrow afternoon?

We say go to sea/ be at sea (without the) when the meaning is •go/be on a voyage':  Keith works on ships. He is at sea most of the time. but D I'd like to live near the sea.

c] It can be dangerous to swim in the sea.

The —s Units 72—73. 75—78 Prepositions (at school / in hospital etc.) —5 Units 1 23-125 Home Unit 126t American English Appendix 7


74.1 Complete each sentence using a preposition (to/at/in etc.) + one of these words: bed home -hospitak hospital prison school university work  Two people were injured in the accident and were taken 2 In Britain, children from the age of five have to go 3 Mark didn't go out last night. He stayed .

4    There is a lot of traffic in the morning when everybody is going

5    Cathy's mother has just had an operation. She is still

6    When Julia leaves school, she wants to study economics

7    Bill never gets up before 9 0'clock. It's 8.30 now, so he is still .

8    If you commit a serious crime, you could be sent

74,2 Complete the sentences with the word given (school etc.). Use the where necessary,

I (school) a Every term parents are invited to 5ChOQÇ..... to meet the teachers. b Why aren't your children at today? Are they ill? c When he was younger, Ted hated d What time does start in the mornings in your country? e A'. How do your children get home from ? By bus? B: No, they walk. isn't very far. f What sort of job does Jenny want to do when she leaves g There were some people waiting outside to meet their children.

2   (university) a In your country do many people go to b If VOU want to get a degree, you normally have to study at c This is only a small town, but  is one of the biggest in the country,

3   (hospital) a MV brother has alwavs been very healthy. He's never been in .

                          b When Ann was ill, I went to                                                            to visit her. When I was there,

I met Lisa who is a nurse at c Peter was injured in an accident and was kept in            for a few days.

4   (church) a John's mother is a regular churchgoer. She goes to . „ every Sunday. b John himself doesn't go to c John went to . to take some photographs of the building.

S (prison) a In some places people are in beca use of their political beliefs. b A few days ago the fire brigade were called to to put out a fire, c The judge decided to fine the man £500 instead of sending him to

a I like to read in  before I go to sleep. b It's nice to travel around, but there's no place like c Shall we meet after . tomorrow evening? d If rm feeling tired, I go to early, e What time do you usually start in the morning? f The economic situation was very bad. Many people were out of

7 (sea) a There's a nice view from the window. You can see b It was a long voyage. We were at c I love swimming in

The 3 (children / the children)

When we are talking about things or people in general, we do not use the: a I'm afraid of dogs. (not the dogs)

(dogs = dogs in general, not a specific group of dogs) a Doctors are paid more than teachers. c] Do you collect stamps?

 Crime is a problem in most big cities. (not The crime) a Life has changed a lot in the last thirty years. (not The life) a Do you like classical music / Chinese food / fast cars? c] My favourite sport is football/skiing/athletics.

c] My favourite subject at school was history/physics/English.

      We say 'most people / most books most cars' etc. (not the most ,        a Most hotels accept credit cards. (not The most hotels)

We use the when we mean specific things or people. Compare:

In general (without the)

a Children learn from playing.

(z children in general)

CJ I couldn't live without music,

D All cars have wheels.

Sugar isn't very good for you.

English people drink a lot Of tea.

English people in general)

Specific people or things (with the)

2 We took the children to the zoo. a specific group, perhaps the speaker's children)

The film wasn't very good, but I liked the music. (a the music in the film)

All the cars in this car park belong to people who work here.

Can you pass the sugar, please?

(z the sugar on the table)

The English people I know drink a lot of tea.  only the English people I know, not English people in generab

The difference between vsomething in general' and 'something specific' is not always very clear. Compare;

who are 'people who idea)


black coffee'

Specific people or things (with the)

I like the people I work with.

(z a specific group of people)

Did you like the coffee we had after dinner last night? specific coffee)

In general (without the)

I like working with people. people in general)

O I like working with people lively. (not all people, but are lively' is still a general

D DO you like coffee?

coffee in general)

a Do you like strong black (not all coffee, but 'strong is still a general idea)

150                      The 1—2      Units 73—74 The + adjective (the young / the English etc.)      Unit 76


75.1 Choose four of these things and write whether you like them or not: boxing             fast food restaurants       football maths         opera    small children   rock music          zoos

Begin each sentence with one of these:

                         I like / I don't like               I don't mind

                        I love       / I hate                    I'm interested in     / I'm not interested in

75.2 Complete the sentences using the following. Use the where necessary.

(the) grass

(the) patience

(the) people

(the) questions

(the) meat


(the) shops

(the) history

(the) water

(the) spiders

(the) lies

I X'lv favourite sport is .....ŽæskeEbaåL we were given wasn't correct.

3   Some people are afraid of

4   A vegetarian is somebodv who doesn't eat

S The test wasn't very difficult. I answeredwithout difficulty. 6 DO vou know   who live next door? is the study of the past.

S George alwavs tells the truth. He never tells

9                                                                                      It was late when we arrived in the town, and  were shut.

10                                                                                  in the pool didn't look very clean, so we didn't go for a swim. . It's wet after the rain. to teach voung children.

75.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.

I I'm afraid (dogs is correct) 2 Can vou please? (the salt is correct) 3 Apples / The apples are good for vou.

4    Look at apples / the apples on that tree! They're very big.

5    Women / The women live longer than men / the men.

6    I don't drink tea ( the tea, I don't like it,

7 We had a very good meal. Vegetables I The Vegetables were especially good.

S life / The life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen.

9       I like  but I'm not very good at it.

10   Who are people / the people in this photograph?

I l What makes people the people violent? What causes


books ] All the books

12on the top shelf belong to me.

13   Don't stay in that hotel. It's very noisy and beds / the beds are very uncomfortable.

14   A pacifist is somebody who is against war / the war.

15   First World War / The First World War lasted from 1914 until 1918.

16   I'd like to go to Egypt and see pyramids ( the pyramids.

17   Someone gave me a book about  Of mQdern art / tbe modern art.

18   Ron and Brenda got married, but marriage I the marriage didn't last very long.

19   Most people / The most people believe that and family life / the family life are the basis of society / che society.


The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano etc. ; the + adjective)

Study these sentences:

a The giraffe is the tallest of all animals,

*  The bicycle is an excellent means of transport. c] When was the telephone invented?

*  The dollar is the currency the money) of the United States.

In these examples, the ... does not mean one specific thing. The giraffe a specific type of animal, not a specific giraffe. We use the (+ singular countable noun) in this way to talk about a type of animal, machine etc.

In the same way we use the for musical instruments: D Can you play the guitar?

a The piano is my favourite instrument.

Compare a and the:

                                     C) I'd like to have a piano.              but I can't play the piano,

 We saw a giraffe at the zoo. but The giraffe is my favourite animal.

Note that we use man human beings in general I the human race) without the:  What do you know about the origins Of man? (not the man)

The + adjective

We use the + adjective (without a noun) to talk about groups of people, especially:

the young the old the elderly

the rich the poor the homeless

the sick the disabled the unemployed

the blind the deaf

the injured the dead

 The young young people, the rich rich people etc. .

D DO you think the rich should pay higher taxes?

D The government has promised to provide more money to help the homeless.

These expressions are always plural in meaning. For example, you cannot say ta young' or 'the injured' for one person. You must say sa young person's •the Injured woman' etc.    Note that we say 'the poor' (not the poors), 'the young' (not the youngs) etc.

The + nationality

You can use the + nationality adjectives that end in -ch or -sh (the French / the English / the Spanish etc.) The meaning is 'the people of that country':

 The French are famous for their food. (z the people of France)

The French / the English etc. are plural in meaning. We do not say 'a French / an English'. You have to say a Frenchman / an Englishwoman etc.

You can also use the + nationality words ending in -esc (the Chinese / the Sudanese / the Japanese etc.):

 The Chinese invented printing.

But these words can also be singular (a Japanese, a Sudanese etc.). Also a Swiss (singular) and the Swiss (z the people of Switzerland)

With other nationalities, the plural noun ends in -s. For example:

                                       an Italian Italians               a Mexican —+ Mexicans                a Turk Turks

 With these words (Italians etc.), we do not normally use the to talk about the people in general (see Unit 75).

1   52         Alan and the —+ Unit 72 The 1—3 Units 73—75 Names with and without the —+ Units 77-78


76.1 Answer the questions. Choose the right answer from the box. Don't forget the. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 2 3 4


inventions telephone wheel telescope laser helicopter typewriter


currencies dollar peso euro rupee rouble yen

animals birds tiger           elephant             eagle     penguin rabbit cheetah swan     owl giraffe kangaroo parrot robin

Which Of the animals is tallest?

b             Which animal can run fastest?

c              Which of these animals is found in Australia? Which of these birds has a long neck? b Which Of these birds cannot flv?

 Which bird flies ar night?

 Which Of these inventions is oldest? b Which one is most recent?

c Which one was especially important for astronomv? What is the currencv of India?

b What is the currencv of Canada?

                   And the currency Of your country?           

76.2 Put in the or a.

 When wastelephone invented? 2 Can you playmusical instrument?

3    Jill playsviolin in an orchestra.

4    There waspiano in the corner of the room.

5    Can you playpiano?

6    Our societv is based on    family.

7    Martin comes from       large family.

computer has changed the wav we live.

76.3 Complete these sentences using the + the following:

                  injured         poor         rich          sick              unemployed young

I  have the future in their hands,

2   Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took

3   Life is all right if vou have a job, but things are not so easy for

4   Julia has been a nurse all her life. She has spent her life caring for

S In England there is an old story about a man called Robin Hood. It is said that he robbed and gave the money to

76.4 What do you call the people of these countries? one person (a/an ) 1 Canada          .Cana.4i.an.

2    Germany

3    France

4    Russia

5    China

6    Bra zil

7    England

S and your country

the people in general

Names with and without the 1

We do not use the with names of people ('Helen', 'Helen Taylor' etc.). In the same way, we do not normally use the with names of places. For example:


continents countries, states etc. islands cities, towns etc. mountams

Africa (not the Africa), Europe, South America France (not the France), Japan, Switzerland, Texas

Sicily, Bermuda, Tasmania

Cairo, New York, Bangkok

Everest, Etna, Kilimanjaro

But we use the in names with Republic, Kingdom, States etc. : the Czech Republic           the United Kingdom (the UK) the Dominican Republic           the United States of America (the USA) Compare:

D Have you been to Canada or the United States?

When we use Mr/Mrs/Captain/Doctor etc. + a name, we do not use the. so we say:

Mr Johnson / Doctor Johnson / Captain Johnson / President Johnson etc. (not the Uncle Robert / Saint Catherine / Princess Maria etc. (not the Compare:

D We called the doctor.

We called Doctor Johnson. (not the Doctor Johnson)

We use mount (z mountain) and lake in the same way (without the):

Mount Everest (not the Mount Etna Lake Superior Lake Constance D They live near the lake.

They live near Lake Constance. (not the Lake Constance)

We use the with the names of oceans, seas, rivers and canals:


the Atlantic (Ocean)

the Red Sea

the Amazon

the Indian Ocean

the Channel (between

the Nile

the Mediterranean (Sea)

France and Britain)

the Suez Canal

We use the with the names of deserts:

the Sahara (Desert) the Gobi Desert We use the with plural names of people and places:

people countries groups of islands mountain ranges

the Taylors          the Taylor family), the Johnsons the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States the Canaries / the Canarv Islands, the Bahamas the Rocky Mountains / the Rockies, the Andes, the Alps

c] The highest mountain in the Alps is Mont Blanc,

We say:

the north (of Brazil) but northern Brazil ( without the) the south-east (of Spain) but south-eastern Spain Compare:

a Sweden is in northern Europe; Spain is in the south.

Also the Middle East, the Far East

We also use north/south etc. (without the) in the names of some regions and countries:

       North America         South Africa

Note that on maps, the is not usually included in the name.

Names with and without the 2 Unit 78


77.1 Put in the where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete. I Who is - Doctor Johnson? (the sentence is complete without the) 2 1 was ill, so went to see doctor.

3 The most powerful person in         United States is  president.

4President Kennedv was assassinated in 1963, S Do vou knowWilsons? They're a very nice couple.

6 Do vou know  Professor Brown's phone number?

77.2 Some of these sentences are correct, but some need the (sometimes more than once), Correct the sentences where necessary-

I Everest was first climbed in 1953.                                             Ok

2    Milan is in north of Italv.

3    Africa is much larger than Europe,

4    Last vear I visited Mexico and United States, 5 South Of England is warmer than north, 6 Portugal is in western Europe.

7      France and Britain are separated bv Channel.

8      Jim has travelled a lot in Middle East.

9      Chicago is on Lake Michigan.

10  Next year we're going skiing in Swiss Alps.

I l UK consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

12 Sevchelles are a group of islands in Indian Ocean, 13 Africa's highest mountain is Kilimanjaro (5895 metres). 14 River Volga flows into Caspian Sea.

77.3 Here are some geography questions. Choose the right answer from one of the boxes and write the if necessary, You do not need all the names in the boxes. Use an atlas if necessary.

continents Africa




North America

South America

coif'ltnes Canada

Den ma rk




United States

oceans and seas

Indian Ocean


Black Sea


Red Sea

mountains Alps





rivers and canals Amazon          Rhine

Danube          Thames

Nile                     Volga

Suez Canal

Panama Canal

Where is Argentina?

3    Which is the longest river in Africa?

4    Of which country is Stockholm the capital?

5    Of which country is Washington the capital?

14 What joins the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans?

IS Which is the longest river in South America?

Names with and without the 2

Names without the

We do not use the with names of most city streets/roads/squares/parks etc. :

         Wall Street (not the               Fifth Avenue        Hyde Park

          Queens Road                           Broadway             Times Square

Names of important public buildings and institutions (for example, airports, stations, universities) are often two words:

         Manchester Airport        Harvard University

The first word is the name of a place ( SManchester') or a person CHarvard'). These names are usually without the Iri the same way; we say:

Victoria Station (not the       Canterbury Cathedral    Edinburgh Castle Buckingham Palace     Cambridge University        Sydney Harbour


         Buckingham Palace (not the            but the Royal Palace

('Royal' is an adjective — it is not a name like 'Buckingham'.)

Most Other buildings have names With the. For example:

hotels/restaurants theatres/cinemas museums/galleries other buildings

the Sheraton Hotel, the Bombay Restaurant, the Holiday Inn the Palace Theatre, the Odeon (cinema) the Guggenheim Museum, the Hayward Gallery the Empire State (Building), the White House, the Eiffel Tower

We often leave out the noun:

the Sheraton (Hotel) the Palace (Theatre) the Guggenheim (Museum) Some names are only the + noun, for example:

         the Acropolis        the Kremlin       the Pentagon

Names with of usually have the. For example:

the Bank of England the Musetim of Modern Art the Great Wall of China the Tower of London Note that we say:

the University of Cambridge but Cambridge University (without the)

Many shops, restaurants, hotels, banks etc. are named after the people who started them.

These names end in -'s or -s. We do not use the with these names:

         Lloyds Bank (not the                Brown's Restaurant      Macy's (department store)

Churches are often named after saints:

         St John's Church (not the St Johns Church)        St Patrick's Cathedral

Most newspapers and many organisations have names with the:

newspapers organisations

the Washington Post, the Financial Times, the Sun the European Union, the BBC (z British Broadcasting Corporation), the Red Cross

Names of companies, airlines etc. are usually without the:

         Fiat (not the Fiat)        Sony         British Airways

          Kodak                                IBM           Yale University Press

Names with and without the I —s Unit 77


78.1 Use the map to answer the questions. Write the name of the place and the street it is in. Use the if necessary. (Remember that on maps we do not normally use the.)

78.2 Where are the following? Use the where necessary,



Buckingham Palace

Eiffel Tower


White House

Gatwick Airport


1is in Moscow.

2                                                                                                                                                 is in New York.

3is in Athens. 4      is near London.

78.3 Choose the correct form, with or without the.

1 Have you ever been  (Chg-Ðrjtisb-Museum is correct) 2 Hyde Park / The Hyde park is a very large park in central London.

3   Another park in central London is St James'S park / the Sr James's park.

4   Grand Hotel / The Grand Hotel is in

5   Dublin Airport / The Dublin Airport is situated about 12 kilometres from the city centre, 6 Frank is a student at Liverpool University / the Liverpool University.

7      If you're looking for a department store, I would recommend Harrison's / the Harrison's.

8      If you're looking for a place to have lunch, I would recommend Ship Inn / the Ship Inn.

9      Statue of Liberty / The Statue of Liberty is at the entrance to New York Harbour ( the New York Harbour.

10  You should go to          It's very interesting.

I l John works for IBM / the       now. He used to work for British Telecom / the British Telecom.

12   'Which cinema are you going to this evening?'

13   I'd like to go to China and see Great Wall / the Great Wall.

14   'Which newspaper do you want?'

15   This book is published by Cambridge University press / rhe Cambridge Universiçy press.

Additional exercise 29 (page 319)

Singular and plural

Sometimes we use a plural noun for one thing that has two parts. For example:

These words are plural, so they take a plural verb:

a My trousers are too long. (not my trousers is)

You can also use a pair of + these words:

a Those are nice jeans.              or That's a nice pair of jeans. (not a nice jeans) C] I need some new glasses. or I need a new pair of glasses.

Some nouns end in -ics, but are not usually plural, For example:

athletics economics electronics gymnastics maths mathematics) physics politics a Gymnastics is my favourite sport. (not Gymnastics are)

News is not plural (see Unit 70B):

 What time is the news on television? (not are the news)

Some words ending in -S can be singular or plural. For example: means a means of transport many means of transport  series a television series two television series species a species of bird 200 species of bird

Some singular nouns are often used with a plural verb. For example:

         audience       committee       company         family        firm        government        staff    team

These nouns are all groups of people. We often think of them as a number of people (z they), not as one thing it). so we often use a plural verb;                o The government (z they) want to increase taxes.

 The staff at the school they) are not happy with their new working conditions.

In the same way, we often use a plural verb after the name of a sports team or a company:  Italy are playing Brazil next week (in a football match). a Shell have increased the price of petrol.

A singular verb (The government wants / Shell has etc.) is also possible.

We use a plural verb with police:

 The police are investigating the murder, but haven't arrested anyone yet.

(not The police is hasn't)

Note that we say a police officer ( a policeman / a policewoman (not a police).

We do not often use the plural of person ('persons'). We normally use people (a plural word): c] He's a nice person. but They are nice people. (not nice persons)

 Many people dorù have enough to eat. (not Many people doesn't)

We think of a sum of money, a period of time, a distance etc. as one thing. So we use a singular verb:

a Twenty thousand pounds (z it) was stolen in the robbery. (not were stolen)

 Three years it) is a long time to be without a job. (not Three years are) a Six miles is a long way to walk every day.

American English Appendix 7


79.1 Complete each sentence using a word from Sections A or B. Sometimes you need a or some.

J My eyesight isn't verv good. I need

2 Å...9.p.g-C4£... is a group of animals or plants that have the same characteristics, 3 Footballers don't wear trousers when they play. They wear 4 The bicycle is of transport.

5   The bicycle and the car are      of transport.

6   I want to cut this piece oi material. I need

A friend of mine is writing „                                                   of articles for the local newspaper.

8 There arc a lot of American TV shown on British television. 9 While we were out walking, we saw many different of bird.

79,2 In each example the words on the left are connected With an activity (for example, a sport or an academic subject). Write the name of the activity. The beginning of the word is given.

1   calculate         algebra equation          m Athemaåcs

2   government    election minister

3   finance           trade    employment 4 running jumping           throwing

S light heat     gravitv

6 exercises somersault parallel bars computer silicon chip video games

79.3 Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. In one sentence either the singular or plural verb is possible.

favourite sport, (is is correct)

2    The trousers you bought for me doesn't / don't fit me.

3    The police want / wants to interview two men about the robbery last week.

4    Phvsics was / were mv best subject at school.

5    Can I borrow your scissors? Mine  sharp enough.

6    Fortunatelv the news wasn't / weren't as bad as we expected.

- Where             your family live?

S Three davs isn•t / aren't long enough for a good holiday. 9 I can't find rnv binoculars, Do vou know where

10 It's a nice place to visit. The people verv friendly.

I l Does / Do the police know how the accident happened?

12 I don st like verv hot weather. Thirtv degrees is / are too hot for me.

79.4 Most of these sentences are wrong. Correct them where necessary.

a long time to be without a 10b.

2    The government want to increase taxes.

3    Susan was wearing a black jeans.

4    Brazil are playing Italv in a football match next week.

5    I like Martin and Jane. Thev're very nice persons.

6    I need more than ten pounds. Ten pounds aren't enough.

7    I'm going to buy a new pyjama.

8    The committee haven't made a decision yet.

9    There was a police directing traffic in the street.

10What is the police going to do? I l This scissors isn't very sharp.

Noun + noun (a tennis ball / a headache)

You can use two nouns together (noun + noun) to mean one thing/person/idea etc. For example: a tennis ball     a bank manager          a road accident income tax       the city centre

The first noun is like an adjective, It tells us what kind of thing/personjidea etc. For example;

a tennis ball = a ball used to play tennis a road accident = an accident that happens on the road income tax tax that you pay on your income the water temperature = the temperature of the water a London doctor a doctor from London my life story = the story of my life

So you can say:

a television camera a television programme a television studio a television producer (these are all different things or people to do with television) language problems marriage problems health problems work problems (these are all different kinds of problems) Compare:

garden vegetables vegetables that are grown in a garden) a vegetable garden a garden where vegetables are grown)

Sometimes the first word ends in -ing- Usually these are things used for doing something:

a frying pan (z a pan for frying) a washing machine a swimming pool a dining room Sometimes there are more than two nouns together: a I waited at the hotel reception desk.

a We watched the World Swimming Championships on television.

a If you want to play table tennis a game), you need a table tennis table (a a table).

When two nouns are together like this, sometimes we write them as one word and sometimes as two separate words. For example:

a headache toothpaste a weekend a car park a road sign There are no clear rules for this. If you are not sure, write two words.

Note the difference between:

a sugar bowl (perhaps empty) and a bowl of sugar (z a bowl with sugar in it) a shopping bag (perhaps empty) and a bag of shopping a bag full of shopping)

When we use noun + noun, the first noun is like an adjective, It is normally singular, but the meaning is often plural. For example: a bookshop is a shop where you can buy books, an apple tree is a tree that has apples. In the same way we say:

a three-hour journey a journey that takes three hours) a ten-pound note (not pounds) a four-week course (not weeks) two 14-year-old girls (not years) a six-page letter (not pages) Compare:

a It was a four-week course. but The course lasted four weeks.

-'s and of -s.          Unit 81 A week's holiday / three weeks' holiday etc.        Unit 8 IE


80.1 What do we call these things and people?

I A ticket for a concert is

2    Problems concerning health are .

3    A magazine about computers is

4    Photographs taken on your holidav are your

5    Chocolate made with milk is

6    Somebodv whose job is to inspect factories is .

A horse that runs in races is

S A race for horses is

9       A hotel in central London is

10   The results of vour exams are vour

I l The carpet in the dining room is

12   A scandal involving an oil companv is -

13   Workers at a car factorv are

14   A scheme to improve a road is

15   A course that lasts five davs is 16 A question that has two parts is

17 A girl who is seven years old is .

80.2 Answer the questions using two of the following words each time:

 belt card credit editor forecast newspaper number -road- room seat shop weather window

1    This can be caused bv bad driving.

2    If vou're staving at a hotel, you need ro remember this.

3    You should wear this when vou're in a car.

4    You can often use this to pay for things instead of cash. a

5    If vou want to know if it's going to rain, you can read or listen to this.

6    This person is a top journalist.

7    You might stop to look in this when vou're walking along a street,

15 minute(s)

60 minute(s)

two hour(s)

five day(s)

two year(s)

500 year(s)

six mile(s)

six mile(s)

20 pound(s)

five course(s)


80.3 Complete the sentences using the following:

Sometimes you need the singular (day/page etc.) and sometimes the plural (days/pages etc.).

I It's quite a long book. There are

2    A few days ago I received a

3    I didn't have any change. I only had a   note.

4    At work in the morning I usually have a .            break fór coffee.

5    There arein an hour.

6    It's only a  flight from London to Madrid.

7    It was a very big meal. There were

8    Mary has just started a new job. She's got a      contract.

9    The oldest building in the citv is the      ,              castle.

10I work a week. Saturday and Sunday are free. 11 We went for a long walk in the country. We must have walked 12 We went for awalk in the country.

-'s (your sister's name) and of . (the name of the book)

We use -'s (apostrophe + s) mostly for people or animals:

c] Tom's computer isn't working. (not the computer of Tom)  How old are Chris's children? (not the children of Chris)  What's What is) your sister's name?

 What's Tom's sister's name?

 Be careful. Don't step on the cat's tail.

Note that you can use -'s without a following noun:

CJ This isn't my book. It's my sister's. (z my sister's book)

WC do not always use for people. For example, we would use of ... in this sentence:

a What was the name of the man who phoned you? ('the man who phoned you' is too long to be followed by

Note that we say a woman's hat a hat for a woman), a boy's name (= a name for a boy), a bird's egg an egg laid by a bird) etc.

With a singular noun we use -'s:

        my sister's room her room — one sister)          Mr Carter S house his house)

With a plural noun (sisters, friends etc.) we put an apostrophe at the end Of the word my sisters' room (z their room — two or more sisters) the Carters' house (z their house — Mr and Mrs Carter)

If a plural noun does not end in -s (for example men/women/children]people) we use A: the men's changing room a childrerfi book (z a book for children) Note that you can use -'s after more than one noun:

       Jack and Karen's wedding         Mr and Mrs Carter's house

For things, ideas etc., we normally use of ( of the book / of the restaurant etc.): the door of the garage (not the garage's door) the name of the book      the owner of the restaurant

Sometimes the structure noun + noun is possible (see Unit 80): the garage door         the restaurant owner

We say the beginning/end]middle Of . . . the top/bottom of ... , the front]back/side of . the beginning of the month (not the month's beginning) the top of the hill the back of the car

You can usually use -'s or Of ... for an organisation (z a group of people). So you can say: the government's decision or the decision of the government the company's success or the success of the company It is also possible to use -'s for places. So you can say:

      the city's streets       the world's population       Italy's prime minister

You can also use -'s with time expressions (yesterday / next week etc.):

 Do you still have yesterday's newspaper?

 Next week's meeting has been cancelled.

In the same way, you can say today's / tomorrow's / this evening's / Monday's etc.

We also use -'s (or -s' with plural words) with periods of time:

D I've got a week's holiday starting on Monday.

CI Julia has got three weeks' holiday.

CJ I live near the station — it's only about ten minutes' walk.

The garage door (noun + noun) Unit 80 A three-hour journey, a ten—pound note Unit 800


81.1 In some of these sentences, it would be more natural to use —'s or Change the underlined parts where necessary.

I Who is the owner of this restaurant?                             Ok

3 Is this

we 9 What's

10 What is

17 Have

19 Do

81.3 Read each sentence and write a new sentence beginning with the underlined words,

I The meetin¥             has been cancelled.

Tcmcrroct-'.s„                has been canceLLe@.

2    The storm last_ygek caused a lot of damage.


3    The only cinema in the town has closed down.


4    The weather in Br.l-ca.in is very changeable.

5    Tourism is the main industry in the region,

81.4 Use the information given to complete the sentences.

I If I leave my house at 9 0'clock and drive to the airport, I arrive at about Il.

So it's about .....9èO .4riY..Q.,.. from my house to the airport. (drive)

2 If I leave my house at 8-40 and walk to the centre, I get there at 9 0'clock, so it's  from my house to the centre. (walk) 3 1'm going on holiday on the 12th. I have to be back at work on the 26th.

So I've got  (holiday)

4 1 went to sleep at 3 0'clock this morning and woke up an hour later. After that I couldn't sleep. So last night I only had  (sleep)

The reflexive pronouns are; singular;     myself  yourself (one person)    himself/herself/itself plural:       ourselves        yourselves. (more than one person)       themselves c] I don't want you to pay for me. I'll pay for myself. (not I'll pay for me)  Julia had a great holiday. She really enjoyed herself. c Do you talk to yourself sometimes? (said to one person/

D If you want more to eat, help yourselves. (said to more than one person)


c] It's not our fault. You can't blame us.

c] It's our own fault. We should blame ourselves.

We do not use myself etc. after feel/relax/concentrate/meet:

 I feel nervous. I can't relax.

 You must try and concentrate. (not concentrate yourself)

 What time shall we meet? (not meet ourselves, not meet us)

We normally use washfshavefdress without myself etc.

o            He got up, washed, shaved and dressed. (not washed himself etc.) You can also say get dressed (He got dressed).

Compare -selves and each other:

Kate and Joe stood in front of the mirror and looked      themselves at themselves. (¥ Kate and Joe looked at Kate and Joe)  Kate looked at Joe; Joe looked at Kate. They looked at each other.      each other

You can use one another instead of each other:

a How long have you and Bill known each other? or known one another? a Sue and Ann don't like each other. or don't like one another. a Do you and Sarah live near each other? or near one another?

We also use myself/yourself etc. in another way. For example:

'Who repaired your bike for you?' 'I repaired it myself.'

I repaired it myself I repaired it, nor anybody else. Here, myself is used to emphasise 'I' it makes it stronger). Some more examples:

a I'm not going to do your work for you. You can do it yourself. you, not me)  Let's paint the house ourselves. It will be much cheaper.

 The film itself wasn't very good, but I loved the music.

 I don't think Liz will get the iob. Liz herself doesn't think she'll get it. (or Liz doesn't think she'll get it herself.)

Get dressed / get married etc. —+ Unit 44D By myself / by yourself etc. —s Unit 83C


82.1 Complete the sentences using myself/yourself etc. + the following verbs (in the correct form):

blame burn        enioy        express        hurt       introduce-       put

 Steve  to the other guests at the party, 2 Bill fell down some steps, but fortunately he didn't .

3   It isnst Sue's fault. She reallv shouldn't .

4   Please try and understand how I feel.

5   The children had a great time at the beach. They really 6 Be careful! That pan is verv hot. Don't .

7 Sometimes I can't sav exactlv what I mean. I wish I could                                               better.

82.2 Put in myself/yourself/ourselves etc. or me/you/us etc.

I Julia had a great holidav. She enjoyed .....hgrsg.lf..

2    It's not my fault. You can't blame

3    What I did was really bad, I'm ashamed of

4    We've got a problem- I hope vou can help

5    scan I take another biscuit?' 'Of course. Help

6    You must meet Sarah. I'll introduce

 Don't worrv about us. We can look after

8    I gave them a key to our house so that they could let

9    I didn't want anybodv to see the letters, so I burned

82.3 Complete these sentences. Use myself/yourself etc. only where necessary, Use the following verbs (in the correct form):

concentrate      defend dry         feel        meet     relax      shave- wash I Martin decided to grow a beard because he was fed up with „.„áh.œv.ing...

2 I wasn't very well vesterday, but I           much better today. 3 I climbed out of the swimming pool and   . with a towel.

4    I tried to studv, but I couldn't

5    If somebodv attacks vou, vou need to be able to

6    I'm going out with Chris this evening. We're

 You're alwavs rushing around- Whv don't voU sit down and 8 There was no water, so we couldn't

82.4 Complete the sentences with -selves or each other.

I How long have vou and Bill known

2    If people work too hard. they can make

3    I need you and you need me. We need

4    In Britain friends often give

5    Some people are verv selfish. Thev only think of .

6    Tracy and I don't see . very often these days.  we couldn't get back into the house, We had locked

8    They've had an argument. They're not speaking to

9    We'd never met before, so we introduced

82.5 Complete the answers to the questions using myself/yourself/itself etc.

1                                           Who repaired the bike for you?          Nobody. I ..„.r..çpaggd       myŽelf,.

2                                           Who cuts Brian's hair for him?      Nobody. He cuts

3                                           Do you want me to post that letter for you?           No, I'll

4                                           Who told you that Linda was going away?               Linda

                       Can you phone John for me?               Why can't you .

 Additional exercise 30 (page 320)

A friend of mine my own house on my own / by myself

A friend of mine / a friend of Tom's etc.

We say '(a friend) of mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs':

CI I'm going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend Of mine is getting married. (not a friend Of me) CJ We went on holiday with some friends of ours. (not some friends Of us) a Michael had an argument with a neighbour of his. a It was a good idea of yours to go to the cinema,

In the same way we say '(a friend) Of my sister's / (a friend) of Tom's' etc. . a That woman over there is a friend of my sister's. a It was a good idea of Tom's to go to the cinema.

My own / your own etc.

We use my/your/his/her/its/our/their before own: my own house           your own car      her own room (not an own house, an own car etc,)

My own ... / your own ... etc. = something that is only mine/yours, not shared or borrowed: c] I don't want to share a room with anybodv. I want my own room. a Vicky and George would like to have their own house, a It's a pity that the flat hasn't got its own parking space.

C] It'S my own fault that I've got no money. I buy too many things I don't need.

C] Why do you want to borrow my car? Why don't you use your own? (z your own car)

You can also use own to say that you do something yourself instead of somebody else doing it for you. For example:

C] Brian usually cuts his own hair. (z he cuts it himself; he doesn't go to the hairdresser's) a I'd like to have a garden so that

I could grow my own vegetables, grow them myself instead of buying them from shops) BRIAN

On my own / by myself

On my own and by myself both mean 'alone'. We say:



my/your his/her/its our/their




mvself / yourself (singular) himself / herself / itself ourselves / yourselves (plural) I themselves

c] I like living on my own / by myself.

t:] 'Did you go on holiday on your own / by yourself?' 'No, with a friend.'  David was sitting on his own / by himself in a corner of the café.

a Learner drivers are not allowed to drive on their own / by themselves.

Myself/yourself/themselves etc. -+ Unit 82


83.1 Write new sentences with the same meaning. Change the underlined words and use the structure in Section A (a friend of mine etc.).

1    1 am meeting one of my friends tonight.

2    We met one of your relatives.

3    Henry borrowed one of my books.

4    Liz invited some of her friends to her flat.

5    We had dinner with one of our neighbours.

6    1 went on holiday with

7    Is that man one-of..:our-friends?

8    1 met one of Jane's friends at the party.

83.2 Complete the sentences using my own / your own etc. + the fOllowing:

-bedroom business        opinions       private beach        words

I I share a kitchen and bathroom, but I have            bedroom

2    Garv doesn't think the same as me. He's got

3    Julia is fed up with working for other people. She wants to start

4    We staved at a luxury hotel bv the sea. The hotel had

5    In the test we had to read a storvs and then write it in

83.3 Complete the sentences using my own / your own etc.

I Why do vou want to borrow my car? .....hQêg.

2    How can voU blame me? It's not my fault, It's

3    She's alwavs using my ideas. Whv can't she use

4    Please don't worry about mv problems. You've got

5    1 can't make his decisions for him. He must make

83.4 Complete the sentences using my own / your own etc. Use the following verbs: bake          make               write

I Brian never goes to the hairdresser.

He            hÛs.             hair

2    Marv doesn't often buv Clothes.

She usuallv

3    We don't often buy bread.

Xe usually

4    Paul is a singer. He sings songs written by Other people, but he also

83.5 Complete the sentences using on my own / by myself etc.

I Did you go on holidav on

2    I'm glad I live with other people. I wouldn't like to live on

3    The box was too heavv for me to lift by

4    'Who was Tom with when vou saw him?' 'Nobody. He was by  Very young children should not go swimming by

6   I don't think she knows manv people. When I see her, she is always by .

7   I don't like strawberries with cream. I like them on

S Do you like working with other people or do you prefer working by

9       We had no help decorating the flat. We did it completely on

10   I went out with Sally because she didn't want to go our on

We use there when we talk about something for the first time, to say that it exists: a There's a new restaurant in King Street. (not A new restaurant is Jn King Street) a I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of traffic. (not It was a lot of traffic) a Things are more expensive now. There has been a big rise in the cost of living.

It = a specific thing, place, fact, situation etc. (but see also section C): Cl We went to the new restaurant. It's very good. (It = the restaurant) a I wasn't expecting them to come. It was a complete surprise. (It = that they came) Compare there and it:

a I don't like this town. There's nothing to do here. It's a boring place. There also means 'to/at/in that place':

a The new restaurant is very good. I went there to the restaurant) last night.

 When we got to the party, there were already a lot of people there at the party).

You can say there will be / there must be / there might be / there used to be etc. :  Will there be many people at the party?

a 'Is there a flight to Paris this evening?' •There might be. I'll phone the airport.  If people drove more carefully, there wouldn't be so many accidents.

Also there must have been, there should have been etc. .

 There was a light on. There must have been somebody at home, Compare there and it:

c] They live on a busy road. There must be a lot of noise from the traffic.

They live on a busy main road. It must be very noisy.

a There used to be a cinema in King Street, but it closed a few years ago. That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a cinema.

You can also say there is sure/certainflikely(bound to be a There is bound sure) to be a flight to Paris this evening.

We also use it in sentences like this; a It's dangerous to walk in the road.

We do not usually say 'To walk in the road is dangerous', Normally we begin with It Some more examples:

a It didn't take us long to get here,

 It's a pity (that) Sandra can't come to the party.  Let's go. It's not worth waiting any longer.

We also use it to talk about distance, time and weather;  How far is it from here to the airport.  What day is it today?

a It's a long time since we saw you last.

 It was windy yesterday. (but There was a cold wind.)

                              It's worth / it's no use I there's no point        Unit 63A Sure to / bound to          etc, Unit 65E

168                          There is ± -ing/-ed Unit 97


84.1 Put in there is/was or it is/was. Some sentences are questions (is there . ? / is it ... ? etc.) and some are negative (isn't/wasn•t).

                I The journey took a long time.                                  a lot of traffic.

2                                                                What's the new restaurant like?

3                                                                 a bookshop near here?' 'Yes, one in Hill Street.'

4                                                                When we got to the cinema,  a very long queue, so we decided not to wait.

5                                                                I couldn't see anything.  completely dark.

6                                                                trouble at the Club last night. They had to call the police.

from Milan to Rome?

8 Keith's birthday vesterday. We had a party. 9 three vears since I last went to the theatre.

10   I wanted to visit the museum, but         enough time.

11   time to leave?' 'Yes,     nearly midnight.' 12 A few days ago        a storm.               a lot Of damage. 13         a beautiful day vesterday- We had a picnic.

anvthing on television, so I turned it off.

            15                                          an accident in King Street; but                                        very serrous.

84.2 Read the first sentence and then write a sentence beginning There ... .

I The roads were busy today.

2 This soup is verv saltv. 3 The box was empty.

4    The film was verv violent.

5    The shops were very crowded.

6    1 like this town — it's livelv.

84.3 Complete the sentences. Use there will be, there would be etc. Choose from: will may               •vould-                wouldn't             should  used to (be) going to

I If people drove more carefully,

2 'DO we have any eggs?                                                                                                           some in the fridge.' any problems.

4 Look at the skv, one, but it closed.' a speed limit.

Are these sentences right or wrong? Change it to there where necessary.

I Thev live on a busv road. It must be a lot of noise.

2       Last winter it was verv cold and it was a lot of snow.

3       It used to be a church here. but it was knocked down.

4       Whv was she so unfriendlv? It must have been a reason.

5       It's a long way from my house to the nearest shop.

6       A: Where can we park the car?

B: Don't worry. It's sure to be a car park somewhere.

7       After the lecture it will be an opportunity to ask questions,

8       I like the place where I live, but it would be nicer to live bv the sea.

9       I was told that it would be somebody to meet me at the station, but it wasn't anvbody-

10   The situation is still the same. It has been no change.

I l I don't know who'll win, but it's sure to be a good game.

85 Some and any

In general we use some (also somebody/someonc/something) in positive sentences and any (also anybody etc.) in negative sentences:

                             some                                                                                  any

                                  Cl We bought some flowers.                                          We didn't buy any flowers.

a He's busy. He's got some work to do. a He's lazy. He never does any work. a There's somebody at the door. There isn't anybody at the door.

c] I'm hungry. I want something to eat. a I'm not hungry. I don't want anything to eat.

We use any in the following sentences because the meaning is negative:

 She went out without any money. (she didn't take any money with her)

 He refused to eat anything. (he didrft eat anything)

 Hardly anybody passed the examination. (z almost nobody passed)

We use both some and any in questions. We use some to talk about a person or thing that we know exists, or we think exists:

o Are you waiting for somebody? (I think you are waiting for somebody) We use some in questions When we offer or ask for things:

a Would you like something to eat? (there is something to eat)

 Can I have some sugar, please? (there is probably some sugar I can have)

But in most questions, we use any, We do not know if the thing or person exists: c] 'Have you got any luggage?' 'No, I havenst. s o I can't find my bag. Has anybody seen it?

We often use any after if:

o If there are any letters for me, can you send them on to this address?  If anyone has any questions, Ill be pleased to answer them Let me know if you need anything.

The following sentences have the idea of if:

                                  c] I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused. (z if I have caused any trouble)

 Anyone who wants to do the exam must tell me by Friday. (z if there is anyone)

We also use any with the meaning 'it doesn't matter which':

                                  CI You can take any bus. They all go to the centre. it doesn't matter which bus you take)

D 'Sing a song.' 'Which song shall I sing?' *Any song. I don't mind.' it doesn't matter which song)

D Come and see me any time you want.

D 'Let's go out somewhere.' 'Where shall we go?' 'Anywhere. I just want to go out.' D We left the door unlocked. Anybody could have come in.

Compare something and anything:

D A: I'm hungry. I want something to eat'

B: What would you like?

                                        A: I don't mind. Anything.      it doesn't matter what)

Somebody/someone/anybody/anyone are singular words:

a Someone is here to see you.

 But we often use they/them/their after these words:

*   Someone has forgotten their umbrella. (z his or her umbrella)

*   If anybody wants to leave early, they can.     he or she can)

Not any -+ Unit 86 Some of I any of -+ Unit 88 Hardly any Unit 101C


85.1 Put in some or any.

                 I We didn't buv                    flowers.

2    This evening I'm going out with          friends of mine.

3    A: Have vou seen good films recently? B: No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages.

4    I didn•t have money, so I had to borrow 5 Can I have milk in my coffee, please?

6    I was too tired to do    work.

7    You can cash these traveller's cheques at  bank.

S Can you give me  information about places of interest in the town?

9 With the special tourist train ticket. you can travel on  train you like. 10 If there are  words you don't understand, use a dictionary,

85.2 Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.

I I was too surprised to sav

2    There ss .             at the door, Can vou go and see who it is?

3    Does .  mind if I open the window?

4    I wasn't feeling hungry, so I didn't eat

5    You must be hungrv. Would you like           to eat?

6    Quick, let's go! There's           coming and I don't want           to see us.

7    Sarah was upset about and refused to talk to

                 S This machine is verv easv to use.                                       . can learn to use it very quickly.

9 There was hardlv on the beach, It was almost deserted. 10 'Do you live near Jòe?' 'No, he lives in another part of town.'

I l 'Where shall we go on holiday? 'Let's go  warm and sunny.'

12   Thev stav at home all the time. Thev never seem to go

13   rm going out now. If phones while I'm out, can you tell them I'll be back at 1 1.30?

14   W hv are you looking under the bed? Have you lost

15   The police have asked that      who saw the accident should contact them.

16   'Can I ask vou 'Sure. What do vou want to ask?'

17   Sue is very secretive. She never tells  (2 words)

85.3 Complete the sentences. Use any (+ noun) or anybody/anything/anywhere.

No/none/any Nothing/nobody etc.

No and none

We use no + noun. No not a or not any:

 We had to walk home because there was no bus. (z there wasn't a bus)  c] Sue will have no difficulty finding a job. Sue won't have any difficulty . a There were no shops open. (z There weren't any shops open.) You can use no + noun at the beginning of a sentence: a No reason was given for the change of plan.

We use none without a noun:

Cl 'How much money do you have?' 'None.' (z no money) c] All the tickets have been sold. There are none left. no tickets left) Or we use none of

 This money is all yours. None of it is mine.

After none of + plural (none of the students, none of them etc.) the verb can be singular or plural. A plural verb is more usual:

c] None of the shops were (or was) open.

Nothing nobody/no-one nowhere

You can use these negative words at the beginning of a sentence or alone (as answers to questions):

 Nobody (or No-one) came to visit me while I was in hospital.

 SWhat happened?' SNothing.'

CJ 'Where are you going?' 'Nowhere. I'm staying here.'

You can also use these words affer a verb, especially after be and have:

             O The house is empty. There's nobody living there. C] We had nothing to eat.

Nothing/nobody etc. not + anything/anybody etc. . o I didn't say anything- (z I said nothing.)

                                 D Jane didn't tell anybody about her plans.        Jane told nobody

O They haverft got anywhere to live. (z They've got nowhere to live.)

 With nothing/nobody etc., do not use a negative verb (isn't, didn't etc.): a I said nothing. (not I didn't say nothing) c] Nobody tells me anything. (not Nobody doesn't tell me)

We also use anyJanythingJanybOdy etc. (Without not) to mean 'it doesn't matter which/what/who' (see Unit 851)). Compare no- and any-:

O There was no bus, so we walked home.

You can take any bus. They all go to. the centre. (z it doesn't matter which)  'What do you want to eat?' 'Nothing. I'm not hungry.

                                       I'm so hungry. I could eat anything.      it doesn't matter what)

C] The exam was extremely difficult. Nobody passed. (z everybody failed)

                                      The exam was very easy. Anybody could have passed.     it doesn't matter who)

After nobody/no-one you can use they/them/their (see also Unit 85E):

                                   Nobody phoned, did they?       did he or she)

*   No-one did what I asked them to do.         him or her)

*   Nobody in the class did their homework. his or her homework)

                            Some and any —+ Unit 85 None Of               Unit 88 Any bigger / no better etc. Unit 106B


86.1 Complete these sentences with no, none or any.

I It was a public holiday, so there were .....np...... shops open.

2    I haven't got ...4114.... money. Can you lend me some?

3    We had to walk home because there were .              taxis.

4    We had to walk home because there weren't  taxis.

5    'How many eggs have we got?' Do you want me to get some?' 6 We took a few photographs, but of them were very good.

                 What a stupid thing ro do!                                    intelligent person would do such a thing.

8    I'll try and answer          questions you ask me.

9    I couldn't answer           Of the questions they asked me.

We cancelled the party because .          of the people we invited were able to come. I tried to phone Chris, but there was          answer.

86,2 Answer these questions using none/nobody/nothing/nowhere.







Now answer the same questions using complete sentences with any/anybody/anything/ anywhere.




86.3 Complete these sentences with no- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.

I I don't want  to drink. I'm not thirstv.

2    The bus was completelv emptv. There was       on it.

3    *Where did you go for your holidays?' I stayed at home.'

4    I went to the shops, but I didn't buy

5    •What did vou buy?'    I couldn't find    I wanted.' 6 The town is still the same as it was years ago.           has changed.

7 Have you seen my watch? I can't find it

                There was complete silence in the room.                                     said .

86.4 Choose the right word,

1     She didn't tell  about her plans. (anybody is correct)

2     The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody / anybody was badly injured.

3     I looked out of the window, but I couldn't see no-one / anyone. 4 MV job is very easy. NQbQdy ( Anybody could do it.

5 'What's in that box?' 'Nothing-I-Anything. It's empty.' 6 The situation is uncertain. Nothing / Anything could happen. 7 I don't know nothing / am-thing about economics.

—s Additional exercise 30 (page 320)

87 Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty

We use much and little with uncountable nouns:

much time much luck little energy little money We use many and few with plural nouns:

                                    many friends        many people        few cars        few countries

We use a lot of / lots of / plenty of with both uncountable and plural nouns: a lot of luck             lots of time plenty of money a lot of friends lots of people    plenty of ideas Plenty more than enough:

 There's no need to hurry. We've got plenty Of time,

Much is unusual in positive sentences (especially in spoken English). Compare: a We dicfJù spend much money.

but We spent a lot of money. (not We spent much money)  Do you see David much?

but I see David a lot. (not I see David much)

We use many and a lot of in all kinds of sentences:

a Many people drive too fast,  or A lot of people drive too fast. a Do you know many people?             or DO you know a lot Of people?

a There aren't many tourists here. or There aren't a lot of tourists here. Note that we say many years / many weeks / many days (not a lot Of ...j: a We've lived here for many years. (not a lot of years)

Little and few (without a) are negative ideas (z not much / not many):

a Gary is very busy with his job. He has little time for other things. not much time, less time than he would like)

 Vicky doesn't like living in London. She has few friends there. (z not many, not as many as she would like)

You can say very little and very few:

a Gary has very little time for other things.  Vicky has very few friends in London.

A little and a few have a more positive meaning. A little some, a small amount:

a Let's go and have a coffee. We have a little time before the train leaves.

Ca little time some time, enough time to have a coffee)

 'Do you speak English?' 'A little.' (so we can talk a bit) A few some, a small number:

 I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite often.

Ca few friends not many bur enough to have a good time) a 'When was the last time you saw Clare?' 'A few days ago.' (z some days ago) Compare:

 He spoke little English, so it was difficult co communicate with him.

He spoke a little English, so we were able to communicate with him. a She's lucky. She has few problems. (a not many problems)

Things are not going so well for her. She has a few problems. (z some problems) You can say only a little and only a few:

a Hurry! We only have a little time. (not only little time) a The village was very small. There were only a few houses. (not only few houses)

Countable and uncountable Units 69—70


87.1 In some of these sentences much is incorrect or unnatural. Change much to many or a lot (of) where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is correct.

 We didn't spend much monev,  Ok 2 Sue drinks much tea.

3   Joe always puts much salt on his food.

4   We'll have to hurry. We haven't got much time.

5   It cost much to repair the car,

6   Did it cost much to repair the car?

7   I don't know much people in this town. 8 I use the phone much at work.

9       There wasn't much traffic this morning.

10   You need much monev to travel round the world.

87.2 Complete the sentences using plenty (Of) + the following:

                   hotels                 money                 room               things to see                                             to learn

1    There's no need to hurrv• There's

2    He's got no financial problems. He's got

3    Come and sit with us. There's

4    She knows a lot, but she still has

5    It's an interesting town to visit, There

6    ['m sure we'll find somewhere to stay.

87.3 Put in much/many/few/little (one word only),

I She isn't very popular. She has

2    Ann is verv busv these davs. She has    free time.

3    Did you take  photographs when you were on holiday?

4    1'm not very busy today. I haven't got to do.

5    This is a verv modern citv. There are     old buildings.

6    The "veather has been very dry recently. We've had               rain.

                  'Do vou know Rome?' 'Xo, I haven't been there for .          .                       years.'

87.4 Put in a where necessary. Write 'OK' if the sentence is already complete.

1   She's lucky. She has fey-prob-ems,

2   Things are not going so well for her. She has few problems. 3 Can vou lend me fey-dollars?

4 There was  so the journey didn't take very long.  I can't give you a decision vet, I need little_time to think.

6   It was a surprise that he won the match. Eey-peopl— expected him to win.

7   I don't know much Spanish — only few WQrds. S I wonder how Sam is. I haven't seen him for

87.5 put in little / a little / few / a few.

I Gary is very busy with his job. He hastime for other things.

2    Listen carefully. I'm going to give youadvice.

3    Do you mind if I ask youquestions?

4    It's not a very interesting place to visit, so          tourists come here.

S I don't think Jill would be a good pa tience.

6    'Would you like milk in your coffee?' 'Yes,

7    This is a very boring place to live. There's

8    'Have you ever been to Paris?' 'Yes, I've been there       times.'

All / all of      most / most of no / none of etc.

You can use the words in the box with a noun (some food / few books etc.): All cars have wheels.

a Some cars can go faster than others.

(on a notice) NO CARS. (z no cars allowed) Many people drive too fast.

C    I don't go out very often. I'm at home most days.

You cannot say 'all of cars', 'some of people' etc. (see also Section B):

 Some people learn languages more easily than Others. (not Some Of people)

Il                                 Note that we say most (not the most):.

a Most tourists don't visit this part of the town. (not The most tourists)









 You can use the words in the box with of (some of / most of etc.).

We use some of / most of / none of etc. + the/this/that]these/those/my etc. So you can say

'some of the people', 'some of those people' (but not 'some of people'):

 Some of the people I work with are not very friendly.  None of this money is mine.

c] Have you read any of these books?

Cl I was sick yesterday. I spent most of the day in bed.

You don't need of after all or half. So you can say:

 All my friends live in Los Angeles. OF All Of my friends  Half this money is mine. or Half of this money


                                             a All flowers are beautiful.       all flowers in general)

All (of) the flowers in this garden are beautiful. a specific group of flowers) a Most problems have a solution. most problems In general)

                                               We were able to solve most of the problems we had.     a specific group of problems)

You can use all of / some of I none of etc. + it/us/you/them:

C] 'How many of these people do you know?' 'None of them. / A few of them.' Cl Do any of you want to come to a party tonight?

a 'Do you like this music?' 'Some of it. Not all of it.'

We say: all of us / all of you / half of it / half of them etc. You cannot leave out of before it/us/you/them:

All of us were late. (not all us) a I haven't finished the book yet. I've only read half of it. (not half it)

You can also use some]most etc. alone, without a noun:

c Some cars have four doors and some have two, a A few of the shops were open, but most (of them) were closed.

D   Half this money is mine, and half (of it) is yours. (not the half)

                                          Some and any —+ Unit 85 No and none Unit 86 Much/many/little/few            Unit 87

                                     All            Units 90, I IOC All of whom / most Of which etc. Unit 96B


88.} Put jn of where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete.

2 None ...Al.... this money is mine.


4    Some   the films I've seen recently have been very violent.

5    Joe never goes to museums. He says that all . museums are boring.

6    I think some   people watch too much television.

7    'Are any         those letters for me?' 'No, they're all for me.

                    S Kate has lived in London most                 her life.

9       Jim has lived in Chicago all   his life.

10   Most  davs I get up before 7 0'clock.

88.2 Choose from the list and complete the sentences. Use of (some of / most of etc.) where necessary.


European countries

my dinner

the players


her friends

my spare time

the population


her opinions

the buildings

 I haven't read many

2    All        have wheels.

3    I spend much  gardening.

4    Many are over 400 years old.

6 When She got married, She kept it a secret, She didn't tell any .  Not many people live in the north of the country. Most in the south.

S Not all  can fly. For example, the penguin can't fly,

9    Our team played badlv and lost the game, None .      played well.

10                      Julia and I have verv different ideas. I don't agree with Il Sarah travels a lot in Europe. She has been to most 12 I had no appetite. I could only eat half .

88.3 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

                    I The building was damaged in the explosion. All                           were broken.

2        We had a verv lazv holidav. We spent most of           on the beach.

3        went to the cinema bv ms-self- None of        wanted to come.

4        The test was difficult. I could only answer half

5        Some of       you took at the wedding were very good.

6        'Have vou spent all         I gave you?' SNO, there's still some left,'

88.4 Complete the sentences. Use:

all of / some of / none of + it/them/us (all of it j some of them etc.)

I These books are all Jane's.

2    'How many of these books have you read?'      Every one,'

3    We all got wet in the rain because

4    Some of this money is vours and

5    I asked some people for directions, but

6    She invented the whole story from beginning to end.    was true. 7 Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish.          were French, 8 I watched most Of the film, but not .

Both / both of neither / neither of either / either of

We use both/neither/either for two things. You can use these words with a noun (both books, neither book etc.).

For example, you are going out to eat' There are two possible restaurants. You say:  Both restaurants are very good. (not The both restaurants)  Neither restaurant is expensive.

C] We can go to either restaurant. I don't mind.

(either = one or the other, it doesn't matter which one)

Both of . . I neither of / either of .

We use both of/ neither of / either of + the/these/my[Tom's ... etc. So we say 'both of the restaurants', 'both of those restaurants' etc. (but not both of restaurants):

 Both of these restaurants are very good.

 Neither of the restaurants we went to was (or were) expensive.

                                       CJ I haven't been to either of those restaurants.    I haven't been to one or the Other)

You don't need of after both. So you can say:

 Both my parents are from London. or Both Of my parents .

You can use both of / neither of / either of + us/you/them:

C] (talking to two people) Can either of you speak Spanish?

C] I asked two people the way to the station, but neither of them could help me.

You must say 'both of' before us/you/them:

 Both of us were very tired. (not Both us were

After neither of a singular or a plural verb is possible:

CJ Neither of the children wants (or want) to go to bed.

You can also use both/neither/either alone, without a noun:

CJ I couldn't decide which of the two shirts to buy. I liked both. (or I liked both of them,) a 'Is your friend British or American?t 'Neither. She's Australian.' c] 'Do you want tea or coffee?' 'Either. I don't mind.'

Neither do l / I don't either Unit 51C Both of whom / neither Of which Unit 96B Both -+ Unit 1 IOC


89.1 Complete the sentences with both/neither/either.

I 'Do you want tea or coffee?'  I really don't mind.'

2 'What day is it today — the 18th or the 19th?'  It's the 20th.' 3 A: Where did you go for your holidays — Scotland or Ireland?

B: We went to  . A week in Scotland and a week in Ireland.

4 'When shall I phone, in the morning or afternoon?' be in all day.' S •Where's Liz? Is she at work or at home?' She's away on holiday.'

89.2 Complete the sentences with both/neither/either, Use of where necessary.

my parents are from London.

2    To get to the town centre, you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the road. You can go          wav.

3    1 tried twice to phone George, but       times he was out.

4     Tom's parents is English. His father is Polish and his mother is Italian,

S I saw an accident this morning. One car drove into the back Of another. Fortunately driver was injured. but cars were badly damaged.

6 1've got two sisters and a brother. MV brother is working, but my sisters are still at school.

89.3 Complete the sentences with both/neither/either + of us/them. I I asked two people the way to the station, but ....neåher. Of.

2    1 was invited to two parties last week, but I couldn't go to

3    There were two windows in the room. It was very warm, so I opened _

4    Sarah and I play tennis together regularlv; but  can play very well. 5 1 tried two bookshops for the book I wanted, but        had it.

            89.4 Write sentences with both ... and         / neither nor          / either or

I Chris was late. So was pat,       Both Chrls 2 He didn't write and he didn't phone.

3   Joe is on holiday and so is Sam.

4   Joe hasn't got a car. Sam hasn't got one either.

5   Brian doesn't watch TV and he doesn't read newspapers.

6   It was a boring film. It was long too.

The film

7   Is that man's name Richard? Or is it Robert? It's one of the two.

That man'S name

S I haven't got time to go on holiday. And I haven't got the money.

I've got

9 We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow — whichever you prefer.

89.5 Complete the sentences with neither/either/none/any.

 We tried a lot of hotels, but „...n.Q.ne„. . of them had any rooms.

2    I took two books with me on holiday, but I didn•t read of them.

3    I took five books with me on holiday, but I didn't read  . of them.

4    There are a few shops at the end of the street, but         of them sells newspapers.

5    You can phone me at  time during the evening. I'm always at home.

6    I can meet you next Mondav or Friday. Wouldof those days be convenient tor vou?

 John and I couldn't get into the house because. of us had a key.

All, every and whole

All and everybody/everyone

We do not normally use all to mean everybody/everyone; Everybody enjoyed the party. (not All enjoyed)

But we say all of us/you/them (not everybody of

All of us enjoyed the party. (not Everybody of us)

All and everything

Sometimes you can use all or everything;

El I'll do all I can to help. or I'll do everything I can to help.

You can say 'all I can' / 'all you need' etc., but we do not normally use all alone: a He thinks he knows everything. (not he knows all)

Cl Our holiday was a disaster. Everything went wrong. (not All went wrong) But you can say all about:

He knows all about computers.

We also use all (not everything) to mean 'the only thing(s)':

                                              All I've eaten today is a sandwich.     the only thing I've eaten today)

Every / everybody / everyone / everything are singular words, so we use a singular verb:

Every seat in the theatre was taken.

Everybody has arrived, (not have arrived)

But you can use they/them/their after everybody/everyone:

                                                 Everybody said they enjoyed themselves.            he or she enjoyed himself or herself)

Whole and all

Whole = complete, entire. Most often we use whole with singular nouns: a Did you read the whole book?       all the book, not just a part of it) a Emily has lived her whole life in Scotland.

 I was so hungry, I ate a whole packet of biscuits. (= a complete packet) We use the/my/her etc. before whole. Compare whole and all:

                                         the whole book / all the book      her whole life / all her life

We do not normally use whole with uncountable nouns. We say:

D I've spent all the money you gave me. (not the whole money)

Every/all/whole with time words

We use every to say how often something happens (every day / every Monday every ten minutes / every three weeks etc.):

 When we were on holiday, we went to the beach every day. (not all days)  The bus service is excellent. There's a bus every ten minutes.

O We don't see each other very often — about every six months. All day / the whole day = the complete day from beginning to end: D We spent all day / the whole day on the beach.

 Dan was very quiet. He didn't say a word all evening / the whole evening. Note that we say all day (not all the day), all week (not all the week) etc,

Compare all the time and every time:

O They never go out. They are at home all the time. (z always, continuously)

 Every time I see you, you look different. (z each time, on every occasion)

Countable and uncountable Units 69—70 All / all of Unit 88 Each and every Unit 91 Every one —s Unit 91 D All (word order) —s Unit I IOC


90.1 Complete these sentences with all, everything or everybody/everyone.

I It was a good party.  enjoyed it.

                 2    84.... I've eaten todav is a sandwich.

3has their faults. Nobody is perfect.

4 Nothing has changed.  is the same as it was.

                 S Kate told me                          about her new job. It sounds quite interesting.

                 6 Can                          write their names on a piece Of paper, please?

 Why are you alwavs thinking about money? Money isn't

                 S I didn't have much money with me.                           I had was ten pounds.

9       When the fire alarm rang,      left the building immediately.

10   Sue didn't sav where she was going.   she said was that she was going away.

              I l We have completely different opinions. I disagree with .                      . she says.

12   We all did well in the examination.     in our class passed.

13   We all did well in the examination.     of us passed,

14   Whs- are vou so lazv? Why do vou expect me to do    for you?

90.2 Write sentences with whole.

                  I I read the book from beginning to end.       I read the whole book.

2    Evervone in the team played well.


3    Paul opened a box Of chocolates. When he finished eating, there were no chocolates left in the box. He ate .

4    The police came to the house. Thev were looking for something. They searched everywhere, every room. Thev

S Evervone in Dave and Jane's family plays tennis. Dave and Jane play, and so do all their children, The

6 Ann worked from earlv in the morning until late in the evening.

Jack and Jill went on holidav to the seaside for a week. It rained from the beginning of the week to the end. It

Now write sentences 6 and 7 again using all instead of whole.

S '6/ Ann


90.3 Complete these sentences using every with the following; five minutes -ten-minutey four hours Six months four years I The bus service is very good. There's a bus

2    Tom is ill. He has some medicine. He has to take it .

3    The Olympic Games take place

4    We live near a busy airport. A plane flies over our house 5 Martin has a check-up with his dentist .

90.4 Which is the correct alternative?

1 1've spent        you gave me. (all-t—e-money is correct) 2 Sue works every day all days except Sunday.

3   1'm tired. I've been working hard

4   It was a terrible fire.    was destroyed.

5   1've been trying to phone her, but every time / all the rime I phone the line is busy, 6 1 don't like the weather here. It rains every time / all the time.

7 When I was on holiday, all my luggage ( my whole luggage was stolen.

Additional exercise 30 (page 320)

Each and every

Each and every are similar in meaning. Often it is possible to use each or every: a Each time (or Every time) I see you, you look different.

C] There's a telephone in each room (or every room) Of the house.

We use each when we think Of things separately, one by one.

c] Study each sentence carefully.

(z study the sentences one by one)

each = X X + X + X

Each is more usual for a small number:

o There were four books on the table.

Each book was a different colour, (in a card game/ At the beginning of the game, each player has three cards.

We use every When we think Of things as a group, The meaning is similar to all.

Every sentence must have a verb. all sentences in general)


Every is more usual for a large number:

o Kate loves reading. She has read everv book in the library. all the books) I would like to visit every country in the world. (z all rhe countries)

But each and every are not exactly the same. Study the difference:

Each (but not every) can be used for two things:

o   In a football match, each team has eleven players. (not every team)

We use every (not each) to say how often something happens:

Cl 'How often do you use your computer?' SEvery day.' (not Each day) C] There's a bus every ten minutes. (not each ten minutes)

Compare the structures we use with each and every:

You can use each with a noun:

          each book      each student

You can use each alone (without a noun): a None of the rooms was the same.

Each (æ each room) was different. Or you can use each one:

a Each one was different.

You can say each of (the / these them etc.):

Read each of these sentences carefully.

Each of the books is a different colour.

o Each of them is a different colour-

You can use every with a noun:

            everv book      every student

You can't use every alone, but vou can sav everv one:

c] A: Have vou read all these books? B: Yes, every one.

You can say every one of .     not everv of):

I've read every one of those books.

(110t every Of those books)

I've read ever-v one of them.



You can also use each in the middle or at the end of a sentence. For example: o The students were each given a book, (z Each student was given a book.) O These oranges cost IS pence each.

Everyone and every one

Everyone (one word) is only for people (z everybody).

Every one (two words) is for things or people, and is similar to each one (see Section B).

o   Everyone enjoyed the party. (z Everybody a Sarah is invited to lots of parties and she goes to every one. (z to every party

Each other -+ Unit 82C All and every —s Unit 90


91.1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with each or every.






Each player has three cards.

2 Kate has read ....e.Y.er.g...- book in the

3side of a square is the same length.

4     seat in the theatre vvas taken.

5    There are six apartments in rhe building.one has a balcony.

6    There's a train to London  hour.

7    She was wearing four rings — one onfinger.

S Our football team is playing well. We've wongame this season.

91.2 Put in each or every.

I There were four books on the table. [ach book was a different colour2 The Olvmpic Games are held ......e..y..gg..... four years.

3       parent worries about their children.

4      In a game of tennis there are two or four plavers.player has a racket.

5      Nicola plavs vollevball  Thursdav evening.

6      I understood most of what thev said but not   word.

7      The book is divided into five parts and               „ of these has three sections.

8      I get paid  four weeks.

9      We had a great weekend. I enioved    minute Of it.

10 1 tried to phone her two or three times, but . time there was no reply.

I l Car seat belts save lives.  driver should wear one.

12 (front an exam) Answer all five questions. Write vour answer to  question on a separate sheet Of paper.

91.3 Complete the sentences using each.

I The price of one of those oranges is 30 pence. Those

2    1 had ten pounds and so did Sonia. Sonia and I .

3    One of those postcards costs 80 pence. Those

4    The hotel was expensive. I paid £120 and so did you. We

91.4 Put in everyone (I word) or every one (2 words).

Sarah is invited to a lor of parties and she goes to

2    As soon as — had arrived, we began the meeting.

3    I asked her lots of questions and she answered  correctly.

4    She's very popular.           likes her.

5    I dropped a tray of glasses. Unfortunately         broke.

Unit   Relative clauses 1 :

92 clauses with who/that/which

Look at this example sentence:

The woman who lives next door is a doctor, relative clause —.1

A clause is a part Of a sentence, A relative clause tells us which person or thing (or what kind of  person or thing) the speaker means:

                                   D The woman who lives next door       ('Who lives next door' tells us which woman)

                                  O people who live in the country   ('who live in the country' tells us what kind of people)

We use who in a relative clause when we are talking about people (not things):

the woman — she lives next door — is a doctor

The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

we know a lot of people — they live in the countrv

We know a lot of people who live in the country.

Cl An architect is someone Who designs buildings.

 What was the name of the person who phoned you?

Cl Anyone who wants to apply for the job must do so by Friday.

You can also use that (instead of who), but you can't use which for people: a The woman that lives next door is a doctor. (not the woman which)

Sometimes you must use who (not that) for people — see Unit 95.

a I don't like stories that have unhappy endings- (or stories which have )

Cl Barbara works for a company that makes furniture. (or a company which makes furniture)

D The machine that broke down is working again now. (or The machine which broke down)

That is more usual than which, but sometimes you must use which — see Unit 95.

What = 'the thing(s) that'. Compare what and that:

a What happened was my fault. (z the thing that happened)   a Everything that happened was my fault. (not Everything what happened)

 The machine that broke down is now working again. (not The machine what broke down)

Remember that in relative clauses we use who/that/which, not he/she/they/it:

a I've never spoken to the woman who lives next door. (not the woman she lives)

2—5 Units 93-96


92.1 In this exercise you have to explain what some words mean. Choose the right meaning from the box and then write a sentence with who. Use a dictionary if necessary.

steals from a shop


doesn't believe in God is not brave

buys something from a shop pays rent to live in a house or flat he/she breaks into a house to steal things expects the worst to happen

1 (an architect)

3    (a customer)

4    (a shoplifter)

5    (a coward)

6    (an atheist) 7 (a pessimist)

S (a tenant)

92.2 Make one sentence from two. Use who/that/which.

1    A girl was iniured in the accident. She is now in hospital.

2    A waitress served us. She was impolite and impatient.


3    A building was destroyed in the fire, It has now been rebuilt.


4    Some people were arrested. Thev have now been released.



92.3 Complete the sentences. Choose the best ending from the box and change it into a relative clause.

he invented the telephone she runs awav from home thev stole tnv car chev •were on the wall

it gives vou the meaning of words it can support life it cannot be explained

I Barbara works for a company

2    The book is about a girl

3    What happened to the pictures .

4    A mvsrery is something

5    The police have caught the men

6    A dictionary is a book

7    Alexander Bell was the man

S It seems that the earth is the only planet .

92.4 Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

I I don't like stories who have unhappy endings.

What was the name of the person who phoned you?

3   Where's the nearest shop who sells newspapers?

4   The driver which caused the accident was fined £500.

5   Do you know the person that took these photographs?

6   We live in a world what is changing all the time.

Dan said some things about me that were not true.

s What was the name of the horse it won the race?

Unit    Relative clauses 2:

93 clauses with and without who/that/which

Look at these example sentences from Unit 92:

c] The woman who lives next door is a doctor. (or The woman that lives ,

                                                            The woman lives next door.                       who the woman) is the subject

                                     a Where is the cheese that was in the fridge? (or the cheese which was

The cheese was in the fridge. that the cheese) is the subject

You must use who/that/which when it is the subject of the relative clause. So you cannot say 'The woman lives next door is a doctor' or 'Where is the cheese was in the fridge? '.

Sometimes who/that/which is the object Of the verb. For example; a The woman Who I wanted to see was away on holiday. who the woman) is the object

I wanted to see the woman

I is the subject

 Have you found the keys that you lost? that (z the keys) is the Object You lost the keys.

you is the subject

When who/that/which is the object, you can leave it out. So you can say:

a The woman I wanted to see was away. or The woman who I wanted to see a Have you found the keys you lost? or . the keys that you lost?

 The dress Liz bought doesn't fit her very well. or The dress that Liz bought .  Is there anything can do? or ... anything that I can do? Note that we say:

the keys you lost (not the keys you lost them) the dress Liz bought (not the dress Liz bought it)

                                    a Are these the books you were looking for? or       . the books that/which you were ...

 The woman he fell in love with left him after a month. or The woman who/that he ...  The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time. or The man who/that I was sitting next to .

Note that we say; the books you were looking for (not the books you were looking for them)

                     You cannot use what in sentences like these (see also Unit 92C):     

 Everything (that) they said was true, (not Everything what they said) a I gave her all the money (that) I had. (not all the money what I had)

What = 'the thing(s) that';

                                Did you hear what they said?       the things that they said)

                                                      I -+ Unit 92    Relative clauses 3—5      Units 94—96 Whom       Unit 94B


93.1 In some of these sentences you need who or that. Correct the sentences where necessary,

I The woman lives next door is a doctor.

2    Have you found the kevs you lost?

3    The people we met last night were very nice.

4    The people work in the office are very nice.

S The people I work with are very nice.

6   What have you done with the money I gave you?

7   What happened to the money was on the table? S What's the worst film vou've ever seen?

9 What's the best thing it has ever happened to you?

93.2 What do you say in these situations? Complete each sentence with a relative clause.

I Your friend lost some kevs. You want to know if he has found them. You say:

Have vou found

2    A friend is wearing a dress. You like it. You tell her:

I like the dress

3    A friend is going to see a film. You want to know the name of the film. You say:

What's the name Of the film

4    You wanted to visit a museum. It was shut when you got there. You tell a friend:

The museum  was shut when we got there.

5    You invited some people to your party. Some of them couldn't come. You tell someone:

Some of the people  couldn't come.

6    Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she has finished. You say:

Have vou finished the work

7    You hired a car. It broke down after a few miles. You tell a friend:

The car  broke down after a few miles.

S You staved at a hotel. Tom had recommended it to you. You tell a friend:

We staved at a hotel

93.3 Complete each sentence using a relative clause with a preposition. Choose from the box.

we went to a party last night

I work with some people

you can rely on Gary I applied for a job

I saw you with a man

we were invited to a wedding you told me about a hotel

I Are these the books

5   The party

6   I didn't get the job

8 Who

93.4 Put in that or what where necessary. If the sentence is already complete, leave the space empty.

I I gave her all the money I had. (all the money that I had is also correct) 2 Did you hear   thev said?

3   They give their children everything  they want.

4   Tell me . you want and I'll try to get it for you.

5   Why do you blame me for everything  goes wrong?

6   I won't be able to do much, but I'll do

7   I won't be able to do much, but I'll do the best  I can.

S I don't agree with  you've just said.

9 I don't trust him. I don't believe anything  he says.

94                                     3: whose/whom/where


We use whose in relative clauses instead of his/her/their:

we saw some people — their car had broken down

We saw some people whose car had broken down.

We use whose mostly for people:

a A widow is a woman whose husband is dead. (her husband is dead) a What's the naine of the man whose car you borrowed? (you borrowed his car) a I met someone whose brother I went to school with. (I went to school with his/her brother) Compare who and whose:

D I met a man who knows you. (he knows you)

C] I met a man whose Sister knows you. (his sister knows you)


Whom is possible instead of who when it is the Object of the verb in the relative clause (like the sentences in Unit 93B):

C] The woman whom I wanted to see was away, (l wanted to see her)

You can also use whom with a preposition (to whom / from whom / with whom etc.):

12 The people with whom I work are very nice. (I work with them)

But we do not Often use whom in spoken English. We usually prefer who or that, or nothing (see Unit 93). So we usually say:

C] The woman I wanted to see . or The woman who/that I wanted to see ... The people I work with or The people who/that I work with

(or the town I grew up in or the town that I grew up in) c] I would like to live in a place where there is plenty Of sunshine.

We say: something happens or the day / the year I the time etc.

that something happens D Do you remember the day (that) we went to the zoo? The last time (that) I saw her, she looked fine.

a I haven't seen them since the year (that) they got married.

We say: something happens or the reason

that/why something happens a The reason I'm phoning you is to ask your advice.

(or The reason that I'm phoning / The reason why I'm phoning)

1-2 —Þ Units 92—93 Relative clauses 4-5 —5 Units 95-96 Whom —s Unit 96


The next day you tell a friend about these people, Complete the sentences using who or whose.

1    1 met somebody

2    1 met a man

3    1 met a woman

4    1 met somebody

5    1 met a couple

6    [ met somebody

94.2 Read the situations and complete the sentences using where,

1    You grew up in a small town. You went back there recently. You tell someone this. I recentlv went back to the small town ....»her.e.

2    You want to buv some postcards, You ask a friend where you can do this.

Is there a shop near here

3    You work in a factorv. The factorv is going to close down next month. You tell a friend:

The factorv is going to close down next month, 4 Sue is staying at a hotel. You want to know the name of the hotel. You ask a friend:

DO you know the name of the hotel

5 You plav football in a park on Sundays. You show a friend the park. you say:

This is the park  on Sundays.

94.3 Complete each sentence using who/whom/whose/where.

             I What's the name of the man .                   car you borrowed?

2    A cemetery is a place       people are buried.

3    A pacifist is a person    believes that all wars are wrong.

4    An orphan is a child      parents are dead.

5    What was the name of the person to   you spoke on the phone?

6    The place  we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

7    This school is only for children first language is not English.

             S The woman with .                                he fell in love left him after a month.

94.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. They are like the examples in Sections D and E.


extra information clauses (1)

There are two types of relative clause. In these examples, the relative clauses are under-lined, Compare:

Type 1 a a a


The woman who lives next door is doctor.

Barbara works for a company that makes furniture.

We stayed at the hotel LcharL¥Qu recommended.

examples, the relative clause tells vou person or thing (or what kind of . or thing) the speaker means:

woman who lives next door' tells us woman, company that makes furniture' tells us kind of company.

hotel (that) Ann recommended' tells which hotel.

not use commas (Y) with these clauses; know a lot of people who-li-ejn


Type 2

2 My brother Rob, who lives in Australia, is a doctor.

a Colin told me about his new job, which




In ver

a We stayed at the Park Hotel, friend of ours recommended.

In these examples, the relative clauses do not tell you which person or thing the speaker means. We already know which thing or person is meant: 'My brother Rob', 'Colin's new job' and 'the Park Hotel'.

The relative clauses in these sentences give us extra information about the person or thing.

We use commas with these clauses: MV brother Robs is a doctor.

In these which person 'The which 'A what 'The us

We do a We

In both types of relative clause we use who for people and which for things. But:

Type 1

You can use that:

Do you know anyone who/that speaks

French and Italian?

[2 Barbara works for a company which/that makes furniture.

You can leave out who/which/that when it is the object (see Unit 93):

c] We stayed at the hotel (that/which) you recommended.

c] This morning I met somebodv

(who/that) I hadn't seen for ages. We do not often use whom in this type of clause (see Unit 94B).

Type 2

You cannot use that;

John, who (not that) speaks French and Italian, works as a tourist guide.

a Colin told me about his new job, which (not that) he's enioying very much.

You cannot leave out who or which:

a We staved at the Park Hotel, which a friend of ours recommended.

2 This morning I met Chris. who I hadn't seen tor ages.

You can use whom for people (when it is the object):

This morning I met Chris, whom I hadn't seen for ages.

In both types of relative clause you can use whose and where:

a Jill da

                                                      (Type I)        Units 92—94 Relative clauses (Type 2) Unit 96


95.1 Make one sentence from two. Use the sentence in brackets to make a relative clause (Type 2). You will need to use who(m)/whose/which/where.

2    We staved at the Park Hotel. (A friend of ours had recommended it.)

                         We Ehe Park Ho£eÇ which. .ftiend Of.                 .ha@ recernmençLeçL.

3    We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, (It is not very far away.)

4    I went to see the doctor. (He told me to rest for a few days.)

5    John is one of my closest friends,        have known him for a very long time.) John

6    Sheila is away from home a lot. (Her job involves a lot of travelling.)

7    The new stadium will be opened next month. (It can hold 90,000 people.)

8    Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland. (My brother lives there.)

9    A friend of mine helped me to get a job. (His father is the manager of a company.)

95.2 Read the information and complete each sentence. Use a relative clause of Type I or Type 2.

Use commas where necessary.

I There's a woman living next door to me. She's a doctor.

                  The woman door        me            doctor.

2 1've got a brother called Rob. He lives in Australia. He ss a doctor. MV brother Rob ....k\hQ...LÇyes Australite, doctor.

There was a strike at the car factory. It began ten days ago. It is now over.

The strike at the car factorv

4    I was looking for a book this morning. I've found it now. l•ve found

5    London was once the largest citv in the world, but the population is now falling.

The population of London

6    A job was advertised. A lot of people applied for it. Few of them had the necessary qualifications.

Few of

7    Amy has a son. She showed me a photograph of him. He's a policeman. Amy showed me

95.3 Correct the sentences that are wrong and put in commas where necessary. If the sentence is correct, write 'OK'.

I Colin told me about his new job that he's enjoying very much.

2    MV office that is on the second floor is very small.

3    The office I'm using at the moment is very small,

4    Ben's father that used to be a teacher now works for a TV company.

S The doctor that examined me couldn't find anvthing wrong.

6 The sun that is one of millions of stars in the universe provides us with heat and light.


extra information clauses (2)

Prepositions + whom/which

you can use a preposition before whom (for people) and which (for things). So you can say: to whom / with whom / about which / without which etc. :

*   Mr Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is very interested in our proposal.  Fortunately we had a map, without which we would have got lost.

In informal English we often keep the preposition after the verb in the relative clause. When we do this, we normally use who (not whom) for people:

                                        a This is my friend from Canada, who I was telling you about.

*   Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I'd never been to before,

                          All of / most of etc. + whom/which       

Study these examples:

Mary has three brothers. All of them are married. (2 sentences)

Mary has three brothers, all Of whom are married. (l sentence)

They asked me a lot of questions. I couldn't answer most of them . (2 sentences/

They asked me a lot Of questions, most Of which I couldn't answer. (l sentence)

In the same way you can say: none of I neither of / any of / either of

+ whom (people) some of / many of / much of / (a) few of

+ which (things) both of / half of / each of / one of / two of etc.

 Martin tried on three rackets, none of which fitted him.

 Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came into the office.  They've got three cars, two of which they rarely use.

a Sue has a lot Of friends, many Of whom She was at school with.

You can also say the cause of which / the name of which etc. .

a The building was destroyed in a fire, the cause Of which was never established.  We stayed at a beautiful hotel, the name of which I can't remember now.

Which (not what)

Study this example:

In this example, which = •the fact that he got the job'. You must use which (not what) in sentences like these:

c] Sarah couldn't meet us, which was a pity. (not what was a pity)

 The weather was good, which we hadn't expected. (not what we hadn't expected) For what, see Units 92C and 931).

All of / most of etc. —s Unit 88 Both of etc. Unit 89 Relative clauses 1—4 Units 92-95


96.1 Write the relative clauses in a more formal way using a preposition ± whom/which. I Yesterday we visited the City Museum, which I'd never been to before.

                  Yesterdav we visited the Citv Museum, to h'hich          never. beetl before.

2 -MV brother showed us his new car, which he's very proud of.

MV brother showed us his new car,

3   This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam, who we went on holiday with.

This is a photograph of our friends Chris and Sam,

4   The wedding, which onlv members of the family were invited to, took place on Friday. The wedding, took place on Fridav.

96.2 Use the information in the first sentence to complete the second sentence. Use all of / most of etc. or the ... of + whom/whiche

I All of Marv's brothers are married.

Marv has three brothers,

2    Most of the information we were given was useless.

We were given a lot Of information,

3    Jane has received neither of the letters I sent her.

I sent Jane two letters,

4    None of the ten people who applied for the job was suitable.

Ten people applied for the job,

5    Kate hardlv ever uses one of her computers.

Kate has got two computers,

6    Mike gave half of the £50,000 he won to his parents.

Mike won £50,000,

7    Both of Julia's sisters are teachers.

Julia has cWo sisters,

S I went to a party — I knew onlv a few of the people there.

There were a lot of people at the party,

9      The sides of the road we drove along were lined with trees.

We drove along the road, the

10  The aim of the company's new business plan is to save money.

The company has a new business plan,

96.3 Join sentences from the boxes to make new sentences. Use which.


2                    Jane doesn't have a phone.

3                    Neil has passed his exams.

4                    Our flight was delaved.

5                    Kate offered to let me stay at her house. 6 The street I live in is very noisv at night,

7 Our car has broken down,


This was very kind of her.

This means we can't go away tomorrow.

This makes it difficult to contact her.

This makes it difficult to sleep sometimes.

This is good news.

This meant we had to wait three hours at the airport.

We use -ing clauses to say What somebody (or something) is (or was) doing at a particular time: Do you know the woman talking to Sam? (the woman is talking to Sam) a Police investigating the crime are looking for three men. (police are investigating the crime) C) Who were those people waiting outside? (they were waiting) a I was woken up by a bell ringing. (a bell was ringing)

You can also use an -ing clause to say what happens all the time, not just at a particular tune.

For example:

C] The road connecting the two villages is very narrow. (the road connects the two villages) a I have a large room overlooking the garden. (the room overlooks the garden) a Can you think of the name of a flower beginning with T? (the name begins with T)

-ed clauses have a passive meaning:

c] The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital. (he was injured in the accident) a George showed me some pictures painted by his father. (they had been painted by his father)

Injured and invited are past participles. Note that many past participles are irregular and do not end in -ed (stolen/made/written etc.

a The police never found the money stolen in the robberya Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.

You can use left in this way, with the meaning 'nor used, still there':

C We've eaten nearly all the chocolates: There are only a few left.

We often use -ing and -ed clauses affer there is / there was etc. :  There were some children swimming in the river.        a Is there anybody waiting?

a There was a big red car parked outside the house.

See/hear somebody doing something Unit 67 -ing clauses Unit 68 There (is) Unit 84 Irregular past participles (made/stolen etc.) —i Appendix 1


97.1 Make one sentence from two. Complete the sentences with an -ing clause.

I A bell was ringing. I was woken up by it.

                     I was woken up         . b_eu

2    A man was sitting next to me on the plane. I didn't talk much to him.

I didn't talk much to the

3    A taxi was taking us to the airport. It broke down. The  broke down.

4    There's a path at the end of this street. The path leads to the river.

At the end of the street there ss a

5    A factorv has just opened in the town. It employs 500 people.

has just opened in the town.

6    The companv sent me a brochure. It contained the information I needed.

The companv sent me

97.2 Make one sentence from two, beginning as shown. Each time make an -ed clause.

I A bov was injured in the accident. He was taken to hospital.

The bov  was taken to hospital, 2 A gate was damaged in the storm. It has now been repaired.

The gate  has now been repaired.

3    A number of suggestions were made at the meeting. Most of them were not very practical.

Most Of the  were not very practical.

4    Some paintings were stolen from the museum. Thev haven't been found yet.

The  haven't been found yet.

5    A man was arrested bv the police. What was his name?

What was the name of

97.3 Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:

blow     call         4f*¥ite live         Offer     read      sit           study     work I I was woken up bv a bell

2    Some of the people      to the party can't come.

3    Life must be very unpleasant for people     near busy airports. 4 A few davs after the interview; I received a letter -              me the job.

5   Somebodv        Jack phoned while you were out.

6   There was a tree .          down in the storm last night.

7   The waiting room was emptv except for a voung man  by the window a magazine.

S Ian has a brother  in a bank in London and a sister economics at universitv in Manchester.             

97.4 Use the words in brackets to make sentences using There is / There was etc.

I That house is empty. (nobodv / live / in it)

2    The accident wasn't serious. (nobody / injure)

3    I can hear footsteps. (somebodv / come)


4    The train was full. (a lot of people / travel)

5    We were the only guests at the hotel. (nobody else / stay there)

6    The piece of paper was blank. (nothing / write / on it)

7    The college offers English courses in the evening. (a course / begin I next Monday)

Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)

There are many adjectives ending in -ing and -ed, for example: boring and bored. Study this example situation: bored4


Somebody is bored if something (or somebody else) is boring. Or, if something is boring, it makes you bored. So:

a Jane is bored because her job is boring.

C) Jane's job is boring, so Jane is bored. (not Jane is boring)

If a person is boring, this means that they make other people bored:

El George always talks about the same things. He's really boring.

Compare these examples:

interesting c Julia thinks politics is interesting.

a Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?

surprising o It was surprising that he passed the exam.

disappointing o The film was disappointing.

We expected it to be much better.


The news was shocking.


Julia is interested in politics.

(not interesting in politics) Are vou interested in buying a car? I'm crying to sell mine.


Everybody was surprised that he passed the exam. disappointed

We were disappointed with the film. We expected it to be much berrer.


I was shocked when I heard the news.


98.1 Complete the sentences for each situation. Use the word in brackets + -ing or -ed.

I The film wasn•t as good as we had expected, (disappoint...) a The film was b We were with the film.

2    Donna teaches young children. It's a very hard job, but she enjoys it. (exhaust.. a She enjoys her job, but it's often b At the end of a dav's work, she is often

3    It's been raining all dav- I hate this vv•eather. (depress...) a This weather is b This weather makes me c It's sillv to get because of the weather.

4    Clare is going to Mexico next month. She has never been there before. (excit,..) a It will be an . experience for her. b Going to new places is alwavs c She is really . about going to Mexico.

98.2 Choose the correct word.

I I  with the film. I had expected it to be better. disappoinçgd is correctè

2    Are vou intgcesting / interested in football?

3    The football match was verv exciting / excited. I enjoyed it.

4    It's sometimes embarrassing / embarrassed when vou have to ask people for money.

5    Do vou easilv get embarrassing / embarrassed?

6    I had never expected to get the job, I was really amazing / amazed when I was offered it.

7    She has reallv learnt verv fast. She has made astonishing / astonished progress.

              S I didn't find the situation           I was not amusing / amused.

9                       It was a reallv terrifying / terrified experience, Afterwards everybody was very shocking / shocked.

10                   do vou alwavs look so honngLhoxed? Is your life really so h.QLingLborcd?

I l He's one of the most boring / bored people I've ever met. He never stops talking and he never says am-thing interesting / interesred.

98.3 Complete each sentence using a word from the box.

amusing/amused confusing/confused exhausting/exhausted

annoyingJannoyed disgusting/disgusted interesting/interested

boringfborcd exciting/excited surprising/surprised

I He works verv hard. It's not

2    Eve got nothing to do. I'm

3    The teacher's explanation was Most of the students didn't understand it,

4    The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really .

5    I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not particularly „ in art. 6 There's no need to get just because I'm a few minutes late.

7      The lecture was         I fell asleep.

8      I've been working very hard all dav and now I'm .

9      I'm starting a new job next week, I'm very     about it.

10  Steve is very good at telling funnv stories. He can be very

I l Liz is a very  person. She knows a lot, she's travelled a lot and she's done lots of different things,


99 Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired

Sometimes we use two or more adjectives together:

*    My brother lives in a nice new house.

*    In the kitchen there Was a beautiful large round wooden table.

Adjectives like new/large/round/wooden are fact adjectives. They give us factual information about age, size, colour etc.

Adjectives like nice/beautiful are opinion adjectives. They tell us what somebody thinks of something or somebody.

Opinion adjectives usually go before fact adjectives.

op inion a nice an interesting delicious a beautiful

fact long summer holiday young            man hot           vegeta ble soup large round wooden table

Sometimes we use two or more fact adjectives together. Usually (but not always) we put fact adjectives in this order:

1 how big?


2 how old?


3 what colour?


4 where from?


what is it made of?



a tall young man (1 —+ 2)     a large wooden table (I 5) big blue eyes (I 3)    an old Russian song (2 4 a small black plastic bag (I 3 5) an old white cotton shirt (2 3          5)

Adjectives of size and length (big/small/tall/short/long etc.) usually go before adjectives of shape and width (round/fat/thin]slim/wide etc.):

a large round table     a tall thin girl    a long narrow street When there are two or more colour adjectives, we use and:

                                   a black and white dress      a red, white and green flag

This does not usually happen with other adjectives before a noun: a long black dress (not a long and black dress)

we use adjectives after be/get/become/seem:

Be careful!

a I'm tired and I'm getting hungry.

 As the film went on, it became more and more boring, a Your friend seems very nice.

We also use adjectives to say how somebody/something looks, feels, sounds, tastes or smells:

a You look tired. / I feel tired. / She sounds tired. CJ The dinner smells good.  This tea tastes a bit strange.

But to say how somebody does something you must use an adverb (see Units 100—101 a Drive carefully! (not Drive careful) a Susan plays the piano very well. (not plays ... very good)

We say 'the first two days / the next few weeks / the last ten minutes' etc. ;

 I didn't enjoy the first two days of the course. (not the two first days) c] They'll be away for the next few weeks. (not the few next weeks)

Adverbs Units 100—101 Comparison (cheaper etc.) Units 105—107 Superlatives (cheapest etc.) Unit 108


99.1 put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.

1   a beautiful table (wooden / round)

2   an unusual ring (gold)

3   an old house (beautiful)

4   black gloves (leather)

5   an American film (old

6   a long face (thin)

7   big clouds (black

S a sunnv day (lovely)

9       an ugly dress (yellow)

10   a wide avenue (long)

11   a red car (old / little)

12   a new sweater (green / nice)

13   a metal box (black / small)

14   a big cat (fat / black)

15   a little village (old lovely)

16   long hair (black / beautiful)

17   an old painting (interesting / French)

18   an enormous umbrella (red ] vellow)

99.2 Complete each sentence with a verb (in the correct form) and an adjective from the boxes.

awful nice



interesting wet

feel look seerw smell sound taste

               I Helen                                      this morning. Do you know what was wrong?

2    1 can't eat this. I've just tried it and it

3    1 wasn't very well yesterday, but I               today.

4    What beautiful flowers! They .      too.

5    You      Have vou been out in the rain?

6    Jim was telling me about his new job. It              . — much better than his old job.

99.3 Put in the correct word.

1   This tea tastes a bit ....á.tr.uge....           (strange / strangely)

2   1 alwavs feel    when the sun is shining. (happy / happily)

3   The children were playing         in the garden. (happy / happily)

4   The man became           when the manager of the restaurant asked him to leave.

(violent ( violently)

5   You look  ! Are you all right? (terrible / terribly)

6   There ss no point in doing a 10b if vou don't do it (proper / properly)

7   The soup tastes              . (good / well)

               S Hurry up! You're always so                                        (slow / slowly)

99.4 Write the following in another way using the first .. / the next I the last

I the first day and the second day of the course

2    next week and the week after

3    yesterday and the day before yesterday

4    the first week and the second week of May

5    tomorrow and a few days after that

6    questions I, 2 and 3 in the exam

7    next year and the year after

S the last day Of our holiday and the two days before that


Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly)

Look at these examples:

D Our holiday was too short — the time passed very quickly. CJ Two people were seriously Injured in the accident.

Quickly and seriously are adverbs, Many adverbs are formed from an adjective + -Iy: adjective: quick   serious            careful quiet    heavy   bad adverb.'     quickly seriously carefully quietly heavily badly For spelling, see Appendix 6.

Not all words ending in -Iy are adverbs. Some adjectives end in -Iy too, for example:

We also use adjectives after some verbs, especially be, and also look/feel/sound etc. Compare:

                                    incredibly quickly           (adverb + adverb)

a It's a reasonably cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.

 I'm terribly sorry. J didn't mean to push you. (not terrible sorry) a Maria learns languages incredibly quickly. C] The examination was surprisingly easy.

    You can also use an adverb before a past partiaple (iniured/organised/written etc.):        D Two people were seriously injured in the accident. (not serious injured) c] The meeting was very badly organised.

Adjectives after bellook/feel etc. Unit 99C Adjectives and adverbs 2 Unit 101


100.1 Complete each sentence with an adverb. The first letters of the adverb are given.

1    We didn't go out because it was raining he.QY.i14d.

2    Our team lost the game because we played very

3    1 had little difficulty finding a place to live- I found a flat quite

4    We had to wait for a long time, but we didn't complain. we waited 5 Nobodv knew Steve was coming to see us. He arrived 6 Mike keeps fit by playing tennis reg..

7 1 don't speak French verv well, but I can understand per..„. if people speak

100.2 Put in the correct word.

                 Two people were                     injured in the accident. (serious / seriously)

2    The driver of the car had         injuries. (serious / seriously)

3    I think vou behaved very (selfish / selfishly)

4    Rose is           upset about losing her job. (terrible / terribly)

5    There was a    . change 111 the weather. (sudden / suddenly)

6    Everybody at the party was     dressed. (colourful / colourfully)

7    Linda likes wearing    clothes. (colourful / colourfully)

             S Liz fell and hurt herself quite                             (bad / badly)

9 Joe says he didn't do well at school because he was .     taught. (bad / badly) 10 Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look         (safe / safely)

100.3 Complete each sentence using a word from the box. Sometimes you need the adjective (careful etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully etc.).

careful(ly) happy/happily

complete(ly) nervous(ly)

continuous( ly) perfect(ly)

financial(ly) quick(ly)-

fluent(ly) special(ly)






1   Our holiday was too short. The time passed very

2   Steve doesn't take risks when he's driving. He7s always

3   Sue works            She never seems to stop.

4   Rachel and Patrick are very     married.

5   Maria's English is very although she makes quite a lot Of mistakes.

6   I cooked this meal             for you, so I hope you like it.

7   Everything was very quiet. There was „silence.

S I tried on the shoes and they fitted me

9       Do you usually feel         before examinations?

10   I'd like to buy a car, but it's     impossible for me at the moment.

100,4 Choose two words (one from each box) to complete each sentence.

absolutely badly completely •reasonably seriously slightly unnecessarily unusually


changed cheap- damaged enormous ill long planned quiet

1   I thought the restaurant would be expensive, but it was

2   Steve's mother is         in hospital.

3   What a big house! It's

4   It wasn't a serious accident. The car was only

5   The children are normally very lively, but they're     today.

6   When I returned home after 20 vears, everything had

7   The film was  . It could have been much shorter.

 A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was ,


Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/fast/later hard/hardly)


Good is an adjective. The adverb is well:

                                   c] your English is good.       but You speak English well.

O Susan is a good pianist. but Susan plays the piano well.

We use well (not good) with past participles (dressed/known etc.): well-dressed well-known      well-educated   well-paid CJ Gary's father is a well-known writer.

But well is also an adjective with the meaning 'in good health':  O 'How are you today? 'I'm very well, thanks.'


These words are both adjectives and adverbs:




O Darren is a very fast runner.

Darren can run very fast.

a Kate is a hard worker.

Kate works hard. (not works hardly)

C] I was late.

Lately = recently:

D Have you seen Tom lately?

I got up late this morning.


Hardly = very little, almost not, Study these examples:

o Sarah wasn't very friendly at the party. She hardly spoke to me. she spoke to me very little, almost not at all)  c] We've only met once or twice. We hardly know each other. Hard and hardly are different, Compare:

c] He tried hard to find a job, but he had no luck, (z he tried a lot, with a lot Of effort) O I'm not surprised he didn't find a job. He hardly tried to find one.

You can use hardly + any/anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere; a A: How much money have we got?

B: Hardly any, (z very little, almost none) a These two cameras are very similar. There's hardly any difference between them.

c] The exam results were very bad. Hardly anybody in our class passed. (z very few students passed) Note that you can say:

                                    C] She said hardly anything.         or She hardly said anything.

 We've got hardly any money. or We've hardly got any money.

*         I can hardly do something it's very difficult for me, almost impossible:

C] Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it. it is almost impossible to read itþ a My leg was hurting me, I could hardly walk.

Hardly ever = almost never:

a I'm nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.

*         Hardly also means 'certainly not'. For example:

Cl It's hardly surprising that you're tired. You haven't slept for three days. it's certainly not surprising)

                                  CJ The situation is serious, but it's hardly a crisis.     it's certainly not a crisis)

                            Adjectives after verbs (You look tired' etc.)       Unit 99C Adjectives and adverbs 1        Unit 100


101.1 put in good or well.

[ play tennis but I'm not verv            


Lucy speaks German very                                                      


Your exam results were verv


Lucy's German is very                                             

3   You did9 Our new business isn't doing very

4   The weather was         at the moment.


I didn't sleep

last night.


I've met her a few times, but I don't know


How are vou? Are vou



                     were on holidav.                                                             10 [ like your hat. It lookson you.

101.2 Complete these sentences using well + the following words:

          dressed informed          kept     known paid     written I The children were very good. Thev were

2    1'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She is quite .

3    Our neighbours' garden is neat and tidy. It is very

4    1 enjoyed the book vou lent me. Itss a great story and it's very

5    Tania knows a lot about manv things. She is verv

6    Mark's clothes are always smart. He is always

 Jane has a lot of responsibilitv in her job, but she isn't very

101.3 Are the underlined words right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.

                  I I'm tired because I've been working                              Ok

2    1 tried             to remember her name, but I couldn't.

3    This coat is practically unused. I've hardly worn it, 4 Judy is a good tennis player. She hits the ball hardly.

5   Don't walk so fasc! I can't keep up with you.

6   1 had plenty of time, so I was walking

101.4 Complete the sentences. Use hardly + the following verbs (in the correct form):

                     change       hear                     recognise      say      sleep      speak

                 I Scott and Tracv have only met once before. They          ..knQ.þ.N— each other.

2 You're speaking very quietlv. I can      . you. 3 I'm verv tired this morning. I    last night.

4    We were so shocked when we heard the news, we could

5    Kate was verv quiet this evening, She         a word.

6    You look the same noxv as you looked 15 years ago, You've

I met Dave a few davs ago, I hadn't seen him for a long time and he looks very different now. him.

101.5 Complete these sentences with hardly + any/anybody/anything/anywhere/ever.

I I'll have to go shopping. There's

2    It was a very warm dav and there was .

3    'Do vou know much about computers?' 'No

4    The hotel was almost empty. There was 5 I listen to the radio quite often, but I 6 Our new boss is not very popular.

 It was very crowded in the room. There was

S We used to be good friends, but we

9       It was nice driving this morning. There was

10   I hate this town. There's ..to go.

    -4                            31

102 So and such

                         Compare so and such:

We use so + adjective/adverb: so stupid so quick so nice so quickly

Cl I didn't like the book. The story was so stupid.

C] I like Liz and Joe. They are so nice.

We use such + noun:

such a story such people

We also use such + adiective + noun:

such a stupid story such nice people a I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid story. (not a so stupid story) a I like Liz and Joe. They are such nice people. (not so nice people) We say such a (not a such):

such a big dog (not a such big dog)

So and such make the meaning Of an adjective (or adverb) stronger:

c] It's a beautiful day, isn't it? It's so warm. really warm) a It's difficult to understand him because he talks so quietly. You can use so that:

a The book was so good that I couldn't put it down.

I was so tired that I fell asleep in the armchair.

We usually leave out that:

a I was so tired I fell asleep.

It was a great holiday. We had such a good time. a really good time)

You can use such . . that:

It was such a good book that I couldn't put it down.

C] It was such nice weather that we spent the whole day on the beach. We usually leave out that:

It was such nice weather we spent .



We also use so and such with the meaning 'like this':

a Somebody told me the house was built 100 years ago. I didn't realize it was so old. as old as it is)

I'm tired because I got up at six. I don't usually get up so early.

c] I expected the weather to be cooler. I'm surprised it is so warm.

c) I didn't realise it was such an old house. You know it's not true. How can you say such a thing?

Note the expression no such a You won't find the word 'blid' in the dictionary. There's no such word. (z this word does not exist)


time seen her for such a long time. so long time) way know it was such a long way.

(of) sorrv I'm late — there was such a lot traffic.


so long           such a long c] I haven't seen her for so long I've a I haven't forgotten what she looks like. (not so far          such a long

Cl I didn't know it was so far. Q I didn't so much, so many  such a lot a I'm sorry I'm late — there was so much CJ I'm traffic.      of

Not so . as Unit 107A Such as Unit 117B


102.1 Put in so, such or such a.

                   I It's difficult to understand him because he speaks                   quietly.

2    I like Liz and Joe. Thev're       nice people,

3    It was a great holiday. We had good time.

4    I was surprised that he looked well after his recent illness.

5    Everything is  expensive these days, isn't it?

6    The weather is beautiful, isn't it? I didn't expect it to be  nice day, 7 I have to go. I didn't realise it was late.

8       He always looks good- He wears nice clothes,

9       It was .          boring film that I fell asleep while I was watching it.

10   I couldn't believe the news. It was .    shock.

              I think she works too hard. She looks                           tired all the time.

12   The food at the hotel was .      awful. I've never eaten  awful food.

13   They've got     much money they don't know what to do with it.

14   I didn't realise vou lived          long way from the city centre.

15   The party was really great, It was        pity you couldn't come.

102.2  Make one sentence from two. Use so or such.

3    I was tired.

4    We had a good time on holiday, 5 She speaks English well.

6     I've got a lot to do.

7     The music was loud.

S I had a big breakfast,

9 It was horrible weather.

I was surprised,


You could hear it from miles away.

You would think it was her native language. We spent the whole day indoors.

I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I didn't eat anything else for the rest of the day.

I didn't know what to say.

I don't know where to begin.

We didn't want to come home.

102.3  Use your own ideas to complete these pairs of sentences.

We enjoyed our holiday. It was so b We enjoyed our holiday. We had such

I like Catherine. She's so b I like Catherine. She's such

I like New York. It's so b I like New York. It's such

I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's so b I wouldn't like to be a teacher. It's such .

It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for so b It's great to see you again! I haven't seen you for such

103 Enough and too

Enough goes after adjectives and adverbs:

o I can't run very far, I'm not fit enough. (not enough fit) O Let's go, We've waited long enough.

Cl Is Joe going to apply for the job? Is he experienced enough?

Compare too ... and not enough:

c] You never stop working. You work too hard.

(z: more than is necessary)

C] You're lazy. You don't work hard enough.

(z less than is necessary)

Enough normally goes before nouns:

Cl I can't run very far. I haven't got ehough energy. (not energy enough) CJ Is Joe going to apply for the job? Does he have enough experience?

C] We've got enough money. We don't need any more.

CJ Some of us had to sit on the floor because there weren't enough chairs.

Note that we say:

 D We didn't have enough time. (not the time wasn't enough)  a There is enough money. (not the money is enough)

                           You can use enough alone (without a noun):

Cl We don't need any more money. We've got enough.

Compare too much/many and enough:

 c] There's too much furniture in this room. There's not enough space. O There were too many people and not enough chairs.

We say enough/too for somebody/something: CI We haven't got enough money for a holiday. Cl Is Joe experienced enough for the job?

a This shirt is too big for me. I need a smaller size.

But we say enough/too ... to do something (not for doing). For example: a We haven't got enough money to go on holiday. (not for going) C] IS Joe experienced enough to do the job?

         CJ They're too young to get married. / They're not old enough to get married.   CI Let's get a taxi. It's too far to walk home from here, a The bridge is just wide enough for two cars to pass each other.

We say.

and but

The food was very hot. We couldn't eat it,

The food was so hot that we couldn't eat it.

The food was too hot to eat. (without it)

 Some more examples like this:

CJ These boxes are too heavy to carry.

(not too heavy to carry them)

CJ The wallet was too big to put in my pocket.

(not too big to put it)           a This chair isn't strong enough to stand on.

(not strong enough to stand on it)

                                    To and for . (purpose) Unit 64 Adjective ± to             (difficult to understand etc.)         Unit 65


    103,1                                               enough the following words:

big -chairs- cups                 milk money qualifications room time warm well  I can't run very far. I'm not .-f.i£

— Some of us had to sit on the floor because there weren't ....enough.

3    I Sd like to buy a car, but I haven't got at the moment.

4    Have you got  in your coffee or w•ould you like some more?

5    Are vou               ? Or shall I switch on rhe heating?

6    It's only a small car. There isn't           for all Of us.

7    Steve didn't feel         to go to work this morning,

S I enioyed my trip to Paris, but there wasn't , to do everything I wanted.

9       Do vou think I've got  to apply fór the job?

10    Trv this jacket on and see if it's           for you.

                 I l There weren't .                                                                    for everybody to have coffee at the same time.

103.2 Complete the answers to the questions. Use too or enough + the word(s) in brackets.

103.3 Make one sentence from two. Complete the new sentence using too or enough.

I We couldn't carrv the boxes. They were too heavy. The boxes too h_eayg. .carrg.,

2    1 can't drink this coffee. It's too hot.

This coffee is

3    Nobody could move the piano. It was too heavy, The piano

4    Don't eat these apples, They're not ripe enough. These apples

5    1 can't explain the situation. It is too complicated, The situation

6    We couldn't climb over the wall. It was too high. The wall

 Three people can't sit on this sofa. It isn't big enough, This sofa

S You can't see some things t,vithout a microscope. They are too small.


Quite, pretty, rather and fairly

You can use quite/pretty/rather/fairly + adjectives or adverbs. So you can say:

a It's quite cold. It's pretty cold. It's rather cold. It's fairly cold. Quite/pretty/rather/fairly = less than 'very' but more than 'a little'.

Quite and pretty are very similar in meaning:

a You'll need a coat when you go out. It's quite cold / pretty cold. (z less than 'very cold', but more than 'a little cold')

 I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous / pretty famous. C] Amanda lives quite near me, so we see each other pretty often. Pretty is an informal word and is used mainly in spoken English.  Quite goes before a/an:

a We live in quite an old house. (not a quite old house)  Compare:

C Sally has quite a good job.

Sally has a pretty good job.

You can also use quite (but not pretty) in the following ways:  quite a/an + noun (without an adjective):

L] I didn't expect to see them. It was quite a surprise. (z quite a big surprise) quite a lot (of o There were quite a lot Of people at the meeting. quite + verb, especially like and enjoy:

 I quite like tennis, but it's not my favourite sport.

Rather is similar to quite and pretty, We often use rather for negative ideas; o The weather isn't so good. It's rather cloudy.

O Paul is rather shy. He doesn't talk very much.

Quite and pretty are also possible in these examples.

When we use rather for positive ideas (good/nice etc.), it means 'unusually' or 'surprisingly':  These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?

Fairly is weaker than quite/rather/pretty. For example, if something is fairly good, it is not very good and it could be better:

 My room is fairly big, but I'd prefer a bigger one.

 We see each other fairly often, but not as often as we used to.

Quite also means 'completely'. For example:

D 'Are you sure?' 'Yes, quite sure.' (z completely sure)

Quite means 'completely' with a number of adjectives, especially:

sure certain

right wrong

true safe

clear obvious

different unnecessary

incredible extraordinary

amazing impossible

CI She was quite different from what I expected. completely different) a Everything they said was quite true. completely true)

We also use quite completely) with some verbs. For example:  I quite agree with you. (z I completely agree) Not quite = not completely:

 They haverft quite finished their dinner yet. CJ I don't quite understand what you mean.

                                          a 'Are you ready yet?' 'Not quite.'        not completely)


     104.1                                              quite + the following:

hungry     late      noisy   often    old       surprised I I'm surprised vou haven't heard of her. She's

2   1 m     Is there anything to eat?

3   •How were the photographs you took?' Better than usual.' 4 I go to the cinema — maybe once a month.

S We live near a verv busy road, so it'S often -

6 I didn't expect Laura to contact me. I was when she phoned, 7 I went ro bed  last night, so I'm a bit tired this morning. 8 I don't know exactlv when these houses were built, but they're

104.2 Complete the sentences using quite + the following:

a busv dav

a good voice a long way

a nice time a strong wind

a lot of traffic

6 I'm tired. I've had

Our holidav was OK, We had

104.3 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use rather + adjective.

I The weather isn't so good. It's rdher

2    1 enioved the film, but it was .

3    The hotel we stayed at wasn't very good. I was

4    1 think it's  that Chris went away without telling anybody. 5 Lucy doesn't like having to wait. Sometimes she's ..

104.4 What does quite mean in these sentences? Tick (v/ ) the right meaning.

more than a little, less      completely than very (Section B)   (Section E)

 YOu'd better wear your coat. 2 'Are vou sure?' 'Yes, guile-sure, 3 Maria's English is Al—g-gQQ.d.

4    I couldn't believe it, It was quite incredible.

5    MV bedroom is quue_þig.

6    I'm quite tired. I think I'll go to bed.  I gill—agrgg with you.

104.5 Complete these sentences using quite + the following:

                       different         impossible          right          safe          sure                         unnecessary

I I didn't believe her at first, but in fact what she said was .....q£.i£e2 You won't fall, The ladder is

3   I'm afraid I can't do what vou ask. It's

4   I couldn't agree with vou more. You are

5   You can't compare the two things. They are

6   You needn't have done that. It was

 I think I saw them go out, but I'm not .

Comparison 1

105 (cheaper, more expensive etc.)

Study these examples:

How shall we travel? By car or by train? Let'S go by car. It's cheaper.

Don't go by train. It's more expensive.

Cheaper and more expensive are comparative forms.

After comparatives you can use than (see Unit 107):

Cl It's cheaper to go by car than by train.

C] Going by train is more expensive than going by car.

We use -er for short words (one sylla ble):

cheap —s cheaper    fast faster large larger   thin thinner We also use -er for two-syllable words that end in -y (-y ier):

lucky  luckier         early earlier easy easier   pretty prettier For spelling, see Appendix 6.

We use more for svllables or more): more serious more expensive We also use more in -ly:

more slowly more quietly

longer words (two

more often more comfortable for adverbs that end

more seriously more carefully

The comparative form is -er or more .

Compare these examples:

                                 a You're older than me.                                      You're more patient than me.

The exam was fairly easy — easier than     The exam was quite difficult — more I expected.     difficult than I expected.

Can you walk a bit faster?

I'd like to have a bigger car.

CJ Last night I went to bed earlier than usual.

You can use -er or more with some two-syllable adjectives, especially: clever narrow quiet shallow simple c] It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter / more quiet?

A few adjectives and adverbs have irregular comparative forms:

good/well better

D The garden looks better since you tidied it up,

El I know him well — probably better than anybody else knows him.

bad/badly worse:

 'How is your headache? Better?' 'No, it's worse.'     a He did very badly in the exam — worse than expected.

far —+ further (or farther):

C) It's a long walk from here to the park — further than I thought. (or farther than)

                           Further (but not farther) can also mean 'more' or •additional':

 Let me know if you hear any further news. (z any more news)

                              Comparison 2—3 Units 106—107 Superlatives (cheapest / most expensive etc.)       Unit 108


     105.1                                              a comparative form (older J more important etc.).

1    It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere

2    This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit

3    The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be

4    The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be

5    The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere

6    My job is a bit boring sometimes.                 like to do something

7    It's a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived

S I was surprised how easv it was to use the computer. I thought it would be

9       Your work Isn't very good. I'm sure vou can do

10   Don't worry The situation isn't so bad. It could be

11   I was surprised we got here so quickly, I expected the journey to take

12   You're talking very loudly. Can vou speak a bit

13   You hardlv ever phone me. Why don't you phone me

14   You're standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit

15   You were a bit depressed yesterday; but vou look

105.2 Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative form of one of the words in the box. Use than where necessary.

big interested

crowded peaceful



easily serious



important thin

                 I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed ...era-Eller.           usual.

2 I'd like to have a          r„e14bLe car. The one I've got keeps breaking down. 3 Unfortunately her illness was          we thought at first.

4    You look        Have you lost weight?

5    I want a          flatu We don't have enough space here.

6    He doesn't study very hard. He's .        in having a good time.

                    Health and happiness are                                                  money.

8      The instructions were very complicated. They could have been

9      There were a lot of people on the bus. It was

10  I like living in the countryside. It's

You-Il find vour wav around the town

12 In some parts of the country, prices are

105.3 Read the situations and complete the sentences. Use a comparative form Ger or more 1 Yesterday the temperature was six degrees. Today it'S only three degrees.


2    The journey takes four hours by car and five hours by train, It takes

3    Dave and I went for a run. I ran ten kilometres. Dave stopped after eight kilometres.

I ran

4    Chris and Joe both did badly in the test. Chris got 30%, but Joe only got 25%. Joe did

5    I expected my friends to arrive at about 4 0'clock. In fact they arrived at 2.30, My friends

6    You can go by bus or by train, The buses run every 30 minutes. The trains run every hour.

The buses

 We were very busy at work today We're not usually as busy as that.

Comparison 2 (much better / any better / better and better / the sooner the better)

Before comparatives you can use:

much a lot far a lot) a bit a little slightly (z a little) a Let's go by car. It's much cheaper. (Of a lot cheaper)  a 'How do you feel?' 'Much better, thanks.' a Don't go by train. It's a lot more expensive. (or much more expensive) C] Could you speak a bit more slowly? (or a little more slowly) a This bag is slightly heavier than the other one, a Her illness was far more serious than we thought at first, (or much more serious / a lot more serious)

You can use any and no + comparative (any longer / no bigger etc.):

12 1've waited long enough. I'm not waiting any longer. (z not even a little longer)

We expected their house to be very big, but it's no bigger than ours. or it isn't any bigger than ours. not even a little bigger) C] How do you feel now? Do you feel any better?

Cl This hotel is better than the other one, and it's no more expensive.

Better and better / more and more etc.

We repeat comparatives (better and better etc.) to say that something changes continuously; a Your English is improving. It's getting better and better.

D The city is growing fast. It's getting bigger and bigger.

C] Cathy got more and more bored in her job. In the end she left. These days more and more people are learning English.


You can say the (sooner/bigger/more etc.) the better:

a 'What time shall we leave?' *The sooner the better.' (z as soon as possible) Cl A: What sort of box do you want? A big one?

B: Yes, the bigger the better. (z as big as possible)

 When you're travelling, the less luggage you have the better,

We also use the the to say that one thing depends on another thing:

C The warmer the weather, the better I feel. (z if the weather is warmer, I feel better) The sooner we leave, the earlier we will arrive.      a The younger you are, the easier it is to learn.

The more expensive the hotel, the better the service. a The more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be. a The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.

Older and elder

The comparative of old is older:

 David looks older than he really is.

You can use elder (or older) when you talk about people in a family. You can say (my/your etc.) elder sister/brother/daughter/son:

a My elder sister is a TV producer. (or MV Older sister

 We say 'my elder sister', but we do not say that 'somebody is elder': a My sister is older than me. (not elder than me)

Any/no Unit 86 Comparison 1, 3 Units IOS, 107 Eldest Unit 1081) Even comparative Unit 112C


106,1 Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use much / a bit etc. + a comparative form. Use than where necessary.

              Her illness was             more.                        we thought at first. (much / serious)

2    This bag is too small. I need something .         . (much / big)

3    I'm afraid the problem is .       it seems. (much / complicated)

4    It was very hot yesterday. Todav it's ,          (a bit / cool)

5    I enjoyed our visit to the museum, It was I expected. far / interesting)

6    You're driving too fast. Can you drive . ? (a bit / slowly) Its to learn a foreign language in a country where it is spoken. la lot / easv)

8 I thought she was vounger than me, but in fact she's (slightly / old)

106,2 Complete the sentences using any/no + comparative. Use than where necessary.

I I've waited long enough. I'm not waiting

2 1'm sorry I'm a bit late, but I couldn't get here

3   This shop isn't expensive. The prices are         anywhere else.

4   1 need to stop for a rest. I can't walk

5   The traffic isn't particularly bad today. It's .     usual.

106.3 Complete the sentences using the structure in Section C      and

I Cathy got         mo re bore"... in her job. In the end she left. (bored) 2 That hole in your sweater is getting    . (big)

3   My bags seemed to get

4   As I waited for my interview; I became

5   As the day went on, the weather got

6   Health care is becoming

7   Since Anna went to Canada, her English has got          (good)

8   As the conversation went on, Paul became      (talkative)

106.4 These sentences are like those in Section D. Use the words in brackets (in the correct form) to complete the sentences.

I I like warm weather.

The warmer the weather, L fed.... . (feel) 2 1 didn't really like him when we first met.

But the more I got to know him, . (like) 3 If you're in business, you want to make a profit.

The more goods you sell,  (profit) 4 It's hard to concentrate when you're tired.

                  The more tired you are, ( hard)

5 Kate had to wait a very long time,

The longer She waited (impatient / become)

106.5 Which is correct, older or elder? Or both of them?

I My older I elder sister is a TV producer. (Older and elder are both correct) 2 1'm surprised Diane is only 25. I thought she was older [elder.

3 Jane's younger sister is still at school. Her older ( elder sister is a nurse. 4 Martin is older / elder than his brother.

                                    [2 Richard isn't as Old as he looks.    he looks Older than he is)

 The town centre wasn't as crowded as usual. (z it is usually more crowded) a Jenny didn't do as well in the exam as she had hoped.      she had hoped to do better) C] The weather is better today. It's not as cold. (= yesterday was colder)

 I don't know as many people as you do, (z you know more people) a 'How much did it cost? Fifty pounds?' 'No, not as much as that.'     less than fifty pounds)

You can also say not so (as):

C] It's not warm, but it isn't so cold as yesterday. (z it isn't as cold as

Less than is similar to not as     as; a I spent less money than you.         I didn't spend as much money as you)

C] The city centre was less crowded than usual. (z it wasn't as crowded as usual)

 We also use as as (but not so as) in positive sentences and In questions:

C] I'm sorry I'm late. I got here as fast as I could.

D There's plenty of food. You can have as much as you want.

C] Let's walk. It's just as quick as taking the bus.

                                     C] Can you send me the money as soon as possible, please?

Also twice as as, three times as as etc. :

c] Petrol is twice as expensive as it was a few years ago.

c] Their house is about three times as big as ours.

We say the same as (not the same like):

a Laura's salary is the same as mine. or Laura gets the same salary as me. a David is the same age as James.

a 'What would you like to drink?' 'I'll have the same as you.'

Than me / than I am etc.

   You can say:

         You're taller than I am.                         or

(not usually You're taller than I)

[I He's not as clever as she is. or CJ They have more money than we have. or a I can't run as fast as he can. or

Comparison 1—2 -+ Units 105-106 As long as -+

You're taller than me.

He's not as clever as her.

They have more money than us. I can't run as fast as him.

115B As and like                1 1 7


107.1 Complete the sentences using as     as.

I I'm quite tall, but you are taller. I'm not

2    My salary is high, but yours is higher. My salary isn't

3    You know a bit about cars, but I know more, You don't

4    It'S still cold, but it was colder vesterday. It isn't .

5    I still feel quite tired, but I felt a lot more tired yesterday. I don't .

6    Our neighbours have lived here for quite a long time, but we've lived here longer.

Our neighbours haven't

7    I was a bit nervous before the interview, but usually I'm a lot more nervous.

I wasn't

107.2 Write a new sentence with the same meaning.

I Richard is vounger than he looks. Richard isn't

— I didn't spend as much monev as vou. You

3 The station was nearer than I thought. The station wasn't 4 The meal didn't cost as much as I expected. The meal cost

5    I go out less than I used to. I don't

6    Karen's hair isn't as long as it used to be. Karen used to

 I know them better than vou do. You don't

There are fewer people at this meeting than at the last one. There aren't

107.3 Complete the sentences using as . as + the following:



                  bad      comfortable                  long      Often      quietly      soon

I rm sorry I'm late. I got here .04  I could,



2 It was a difficult question. I answered it

I could.


3 'How long can I stay with vou?' 'You can stay  . you like.' 4 1 need the information quickly, so let me know  possible.

5   1 like to keep fit, so [ go swimming .

6   1 didn't want to wake anvbodv, so I came in    I could.

In the following sentences use just as . . as.

7   1'm going to sleep on the floor. It's      bed.

8   Whv did he get the job rather than me? I'm      him.

9   At first I thought he was nice, but really he's    . everybody else.

107,4 Write sentences using the same as.

1    David and James are both 22 years old. David

2    You and I both have dark brown hair. Your

3    1 arrived at 10.25 and so did you. I

4    My birthday is 5 April. Tom's birthday is 5 April too.

107.5 Complete the sentences with than or as

I I can't reach as high as you. You are taller

2 He doesn't know much. I know more

3 I don't work particularly hard. Most people work as hard

4    We were very surprised. Nobody was more surprised

5    She's not a very good plaver. I'm a better player

6    They've been very luck-v. I wish we were as lucky


108 (the longest / the most enjoyable etc.)

Study these examples:

What is the longest river in the world?

What was the most enjoyable holiday you've ever had?

Longest and most enjoyable are superlative forms.

The superlative form is -est or most           In general, we use -est for short words and most for longer words. The rules are the same as those for the comparative — see Unit 105.

long longest hot hottest        easy easiest       hard hardest but most famous  most boring   most difficult     most expensive A few adjectives are irregular:

 good best bad worst far furthest/farthest For spelling, see Appendix 6.

We normally use the before a superlative (the longest / the most famous etc.): C] Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.

         o The film was really boring, It was the most boring film I've ever seen. o She is a really nice person — one of the nicest people I know.

         0 Why does he always come to see me at the worst possible moment?  Compare superlative and comparative:

c] This hotel is the cheapest in town. (superlative)

This hotel is cheaper than all the others in town. (comparative) Cl He's the most patient person I've ever met. He's much more patient than I am.

Oldest and eldest

The superlative of old is oldest:

That church is the oldest building in the town. (not the eldest)

We use eldest (or oldest) when we are talking about people in a family:

My eldest son is 13 years old, (or My oldest son) L] Are you the eldest in your family? (or the oldest)

After superlatives we normally use in with places:

n What's the longest river in the world? (not of the world)

O We had a nice room. It was one of the best in the hotel. (not of the hotel) We also use in for organisations and groups Of people (a Class / a company etc.): c] Who is the youngest student in the class? (not of the class) For a period of time, we normally use of:

Cl What was the happiest day of your life?

Cl Yesterday was the hottest day of the year.

We often use the present perfect (I have done) after a superlative (see also Unit 8A): What's the most important decision you've ever had to make? a That was the best holiday I've had for a long time.

                            Comparison (cheaper / more expensive etc,)                105-107 Elder —s          1 OGE


     108.1 Complete the sentences. Use a superlative Gest or most      + a preposition (of or in).

I It's a very good room. It

2    It's a very cheap restaurant- It's .         the town.

3    It was a very happy day. It was .          my life.

4    She's a very intelligent student. She     the class. S It's a very valuable painting. It        the gallery. 6 Spring is a very busy time for me. It .       the year. In the following sentences use one of + a superlative + a preposition.

7      It's a very good room. It

8      He's a very rich man. He's one           the world.

9      It's a very big castle. ItBritain.

10  She's a very good player. She       the team.

11  It was a verv bad experience. It          my life. 12 He's a very dangerous criminal. He  the country.

108.2 Complete the sentences. Use a superlative (-est or most ...) or a comparative Ger or more ...J.

I We staved athotel in the town. (cheap)

2    Our hotel was than all the others in the town. (cheap)

3    The United States is very large, but Canada is  . (large)

4    What's country in the world? (small)

                    S I wasn st feeling well yesterday, but I feel a bit                                                                      today. (good)

6 It was an awful dav. It was , . day of my life. (bad) 7 What is sport in your country? (popular) S Everest is mountain in the world. It is . than anv other mountain. (high)

9       We had a great holiday. It was one Ofholidays we've ever had. (eniovable)

10   I prefer this chair to the other one. It's(comforta ble)

11   What's  way of getting from here to the station? (quick)

12   Sue and Kevin have got three daughters.  is 14 years old. (old)

108.3 What do you say in these situations? Use a superlative + ever. Use the words in brackets (in the correct form).

I You've just been to the cinema. The film was extremely boring. You tell your friend:

(boring I film / see) That's .-..Ð1ß

2    Your friend has just told you a joke, which you think is very funny. You say:

(funny / joke / hear) That's

3    You're drinking coffee with a friend. It's really good coffee. You say:

(good / coffee / taste)

4    You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very generous. You tell your friend about her: (generous / person / meet) She...

5    You have just run ten kilometres. You've never run further than this. You say to your friend: (far / run) That

6    You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend:

bad / mistake / make) It

 Your friend meets a lot of people, some of them famous. You ask your friend: famous I person / meet?) Who

Word order 1 :

            verb + object; place and time       

Verb + obiect

The verb and the object normally go together. We do not usually put other words between them:



Did you Liz Often

verb + object like                 my job see                 your friends plays tennis.

very much. (not I like very much my job) yesterday?

Study these examples. The verb and the object go together each time:

a Do you eat meat every day?

(not Do you eat every day meat?)

C] Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

(not enjoyed very much the party)

C) Our guide spoke English fluently.

(not spoke fluently English)

                                      a I lost all my money and I also lost          my passport

(not I lost also my passport)

                                    CJ At the end of the street you'll see        a supermarket on your left,

(not see on your left a supermarket)

Place and time

Usually the verb and the place (where?) go together:

                                   go home             live in a city             walk to work etc.

If the verb has an obiect, the place comes after the verb + object: take somebody home        meet a friend in the street

Time (when? how often? / how long?) usually goes after place:

Ben walks

Sam has been

We arrived

place     + to work in Canada at the airport

time every morning. (not every morning to work) since April. early.

Study these examples. Time goes after place:

CJ I'm going to Paris on Monday . (not I'm going on Monday to Paris)

 They have lived in the same house fora long time

O Don't be late. Make sure you're here by 8 0'clock

O Sarah gave me a lift home after the party

 You really shouldn't go to bed so late

It is often possible to put time at the beginning of the sentence: o On Monday I'm going to Paris.

 Every morning Ben walks to work.

Some time words (for example, always/never/often) usually go with the verb in the middle of the sentence. See Unit 110.

                               Word order in questions           Units 49—50 Adjective order                    99 Word order 2 —o            110


109.1 Is the word order right or wrong? Correct the sentences where necessary.

               I Everybody enjoyed the party verv much.                     0k.

2    Ben walks

3    Joe doesn't like very much football.

4    I drink three or four cups of coffee every morning.

5    I ate quickly my breakfast and went out.

6    Are you going to invite to the partv a lot of people?

7    I phoned Tom immediatelv after hearing the news.

S Did you go late to bed last night?

9 Did vou learn a lot of things at school today? 10 I met on my way home a friend of mine.

109.2 Put the parts of the sentence in the correct order.

 (the party I very much / evervbodv enjoyed) ...EyetgbQd4_

2     (we won / easilv / the game)

3     (quietlv / the door / I closed)

4     (Diane / quite well / speaks / German)

5     (Sam / all the time ITV / watches)

6     (again / please don't ask / that question)

S (some monev / I borrowed / from a friend Of mine)

109.3 Complete the sentences, Put the parts in the correct order.

I (for a long time / have lived / in the same house) Thev heše     In the.    house. _for.

2    (to the supermarket / every Fridav / go)

3    (home / did vou come / so late)


4    (her children / takes / every dav / to school) Sarah

5    (been / recently f to the cinema) I haven't

6    (at the top of the page / your name / write) Please .



9      (on Saturday night / didn't see you / at the party)

10  (some interesting books / found / in the library) We

Jackie .

12 (opposite the park / a new hotel / are building) They

Word order 2: adverbs with the verb

Some adverbs (for example, always, also, probably) go With the verb in the middle Of a sentence:

C) Helen always drives to work.

 We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry. c] The concert will probably be cancelled.

Study these rules for the position Of adverbs in the middle of a sentence. (They are only general rules, so there are exceptions.)

(I) If the verb is one word (drives/fell/cooked etc.), the adverb usually goes before the verb:



adverb always almost

verb drives fell

to work.

as I was.going down the stairs.

Cl I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner. (not cooked also)

D Lucy hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers.

C] 'Shall I give you my address?' 'No, I already have it.'

Note that these adverbs (always/often/also etc.) go before have to :

c] Joe never phones me. I always have to phone him. (not I have always to phone)

(2)     But adverbs go after am/is/are/was/were:

a We were feeling very tired and we were also hungry.  Why are you always late? You're never on time.

a The traffic isn't usually as bad as it was this morning,

(3)     If the verb is two or more words (for example, can remember / doesn't eat / will be cancelled), the adverb usually goes after the first verb (can/doesn't/will etc.):




I Clare

The concert

verb 1 can doesni Are you will

adverb never often definitely probably

verb 2 remember eat going be

her name. meat.

away next week?




a You have always been very kind to me. c] Jack can't cook. He can't even boil an egg. c] Do you still work for the same company?

a The house was only built a year ago and it's already falling down.

Note that probably goes before a negative (isn't/won't etc.). So we say:

a I probably won't see you. or I Will probably not see you. (not I won't probably)

WC also use all and both in these positions:

c] We all felt ill after the meal- (not we felt all ill)

C] My parents are both teachers. (not my parents both are teachers) C) Sarah and Jane have both applied for the job. Cl We are all going out this evening.

Sometimes we use is/will/did etc. instead of repeating part of a sentence (see Unit 51). Note the position of always/never etc. in these sentences:

a He always says he won't be late, but he always is. he is always late) a I've never done it and I never will. (z I will never do it)

We normally put always/never etc. before the verb in sentences like these,

                             Word order I       Unit 109


110.1 Are the underlined words in the right position or not? Correct the sentences where necessary.

I Helen drives always to work.

2      I cleaned the house and also cooked the dinner.

3      I have usually a shower in the morning.

4      We         found the solution to the problem.

5      Steve gets hardly ever angrv.

6      I did some shopping and I went also to the bank.

7      Jane has               to hurry in the morning.

8      We         were tired, so we aJ_l fell asleep,

9      She always says she'll phone mes but she ngy_er does, Il 0.2 Rewrite the sentences to include the word in brackets.

I Clare doesn't eat meat. (Often)

2    a We were on holidav in Spain. (all) b We were staying at the same hotel. (all) c We enioved ourselves. (all)

3    Catherine is verv generous. (always)

4    I don't have to work on Saturdays. (usuallv)

5    Do vou watch TV in the evenings? (alwavs)

6    Martin is learning French, and he is learning Italian. ( also) Martin is learning French and he

7    a The new hotel is very expensive. (proba blv) b It costs a lot to stay there. (probablv)

8    a I can help vou. (probablv) b I can't help you. (probably)

110.3 Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the correct order.

1    1           her name. (remember / never / can)

2    1sugar in coffee. (take / usually)

3    1 . hungry when I get home from work. (am / usually) 4 A: Where•s Joe?

                    B:                                                                                      home early. (gone / has / probably)

5    Mark and Diane              in Manchester. (both / were / born)

6    Liz is a good pianist. She  „ very well. (sing / also / can)

7    Our cat               under the bed, (often / sleeps)

               S They live in the same street as me, but I                                                                              to them.

(never / have / spoken)

9 We a long time for the bus. (have / always / to wait) 10 My eyesight isn't very good. I . with glasses.

(read can / only) early tomorrow. (probably I leaving I will / be) able to come to the party.

(probably / be / won st)

13   It's difficult to contact Sue. She  at home when I phone her. (is / hardly ever)

14    in the same place. We haven't moved.

(still / are / living)

15   If we hadn't taken the same train, we  each other. (never / met / would I have) 16 A: Are you tired?

B: Yes, 1  at this time of day. (am / always)

Still, yet and already

Any more / any longer / no longer


We use still to say that a situation or action is continuing- It hasn't changed or stopped:  It's ten o'clock and Joe is still in bed.

a When I went to bed, Chris was still working, a Do you still want to go away or have you changed your mind?

Still usually goes in the middle of the sentence with the verb (see Unit 110),

Any more / any longer / no longer

We use not        any more or not any longer to say that a situation has changed. Any more and any longer go at the end of a sentence:

CJ Lucy doesn't work here any more (or any longer). She left last month.

(not Lucy doesn't still work here.)

CI We used to be good friends, but we aren't any more (or any longer).

You can also use no longer. No longer goes in the middle of the sentence: D Lucy no longer works here.

Note that we do not normally use no more in this way:

O We are no longer friends. (not We are no more friends.}

Compare still and not any more:

C] Sally still works here, but Lucy doesrù work here any more.


Yet = until now. We use yet mainly in negative sentences (He isn't here yet) and questions (Is he here yet?)- Yet shows that the speaker is expecting something to happen.

Yet usually goes at the end of a sentence:

 It's 10 0'clock and Joe isn't here yet,

*   Have you met your new neighbours yet?

Cl 'Where are you going for your holidays?' 'We don't know yet.'

We often use yet with the present perfect (Have you met yet?'). See Unit 7C. Compare yet and still:

*   Mike lost his job six months ago and is still unemployed.

Mike lost his job six months ago and hasn't found another job yet,

Cl Is it still raining?

Has it stopped raining yet?

Still is also possible in negative sentences (before the negative):

CI She said she would be here an hour ago and she still haslù come.

This is similar to 'she hasn't come yet'. But still not shows a stronger feeling of surprise or impatience. Compare:

a I wrote to him last week. He hasrft replied yet. (but I expect he will reply soon)

C] I wrote to him months ago and he still hasn't replied. (he should have replied before now)


We use already to say that something happened sooner than expected. Already usually goes in the middle Of a sentence (see Unit 110):

 'What time is Sue leaving?' 'She has already left.' sooner than you expected)  Shall I tell Joe what happened or does he already know? Cl I've only just had lunch and I'm already hungry.

                             Present perfect + already/yet          Unit 'C Word order Unit 110

1 1 1

1     1 1 ,1 Compare what Paul said a few years ago with what he says now. Some things are the same as before and some things have changed, Write sentences With still and any more,

Now write three sentences about Paul using no longer,


111.2 For each sentence (with still) write a sentence with a similar meaning using not . yet + one of the following verbs:

decide  find         finish      go stop take off   wake up I It'S still raining.

2     Gary is still here.

3     Thev're still repairing the road.

4     The children are still asleep.

5     Is Ann still looking for a place to live?

6     1'm still wondering what to do.

 The plane is still waiting on the runway.

111.3 Put in still, yet, already or any more in the underlined sentence (or part of the sentence), Study the examples carefully,

I Mike lost his job a year ago and he is unemployed, 2 Shall I tell Joe what happened or does he know?

3    I'm hungrv. Is dinner ready?

4    I was hungry earlier, but I'm     hungry..

S Can we wait a few minutes? UdQn'X_yant to go out.

6    Jenny used to work at the airport, but she doesn't work there.

7    I used to live in Amsterdam. I have a lot of friends there.

S 'Shall I introduce you to Joe?' 'There's no need.

9      Do-you-[i-yg-in-chœsamg-placc or have you moved?

10  Would you like to eat with us or hay-e-y-ou-g-axen?

           Il 'Where's John?'                                  He'll be here soon.'

12   Tim said he'd be here at 8.30. It's 9 0'clock now and he isn't here.

13   Do you want to join the club or arg-y.QLa—enber?

14   It happened a long time ago, but I can remember it very clearly. I've put on weight. These trousers don't fir me.

16 'Have you finished with the paper?' eNO, I'm reading it.'

C] He never shouts, even when he's angry.

I'll probably see you tomorrow. But even if I don't see you tomorrow, we're sure to see each other before the weekend.

You cannot use even in this way (+ subject + verb). We say; a Even though she can't drive, she has bought a car. (not Even she can't drive) a I can't reach the shelf even if I stand on a chair. (not even I stand)

                                    Compare even if and if:

              a We're going to the beach tomorrow. It doesn't matter what the weather is like. We're going even if it's raining.

Cl We want to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go if it's raining.

                                 If and when -+             25D Though I even though Unit 113E


112.1 Julie, Sarah and Amanda are three friends who went on holiday together. Use the information given about them to complete the sentences using even or not even.

Julie is usually happy is usually on time likes getting up early is very interested in art

Sarah isn't very keen on art is usually miserable usually hates hotels hasn't got a camera

Amanda is almost always late is a keen photographer loves staying in hotels isn't very good at getting up

                I They stayed at a hotel. Evervbodv liked it,               SO.YAh

2    Thev arranged to meet. Thev all arrived on time,

3    They went to an art gallery, Nobody enjoyed it,

4    Yesterday they had to get up earlv. They all managed ro do this, .

5    Thev were together yesterday. Thev were all in a good mood, 6 None of them took any photographs,

112.2 Make sentences with even. Use the words in brackets.

I Sue has been all over the world. (the Antarctic) „„She eyen. þee!l. the .AnEarcž¿ç.. 2 We painted the whole room. (the floor) We

3    Rachel has met lots of famous people. (the prime minister) She

4    You could hear the noise from a long way away. (from the next street) You

               In the following sentences you have to use not     even.

5    They didn't say anvthing to us. (hello)

6    1 can't remember anvthing about her: (her name) I

7    There isn't anvthing to do in this town. (a cinema)

8    He didn't tell anvbody where he was going. (his wife)

9    1 don't know anvone in our street. (the people next door)

112.3 Complete the sentences using even + comparative,

I It was very hot vesterday, but today it's .....çy._en. hQåer

2 The church is 500 years old, but the house next to it is 3 That's a very good idea, but I've got an

4    The first question was very difficult to answer. The second one was .

5    1 did very badlv in the exam, but most of my friends did

6    Neither of us was hungry. I ate very little and my friend ate

112.4 Put in if, even, even if or even though.

1                                                                                  Even .thQld9h..... she can't drive, she has bought a car,

2                                                                                  The bus leaves in five minutes, but we can still catch it .        we run.

3                                                                                  The bus leaves in two minutes. We won't catch it now .         we run.

4                                                                                  His Spanish isn't very good —             after three years in Spain.

5                                                                                  His Spanish isn't very good   he's lived in Spain for three years.

6                                                                                  with the heating on, it was very cold in the house.

7                                                                                  I couldn't sleep         I was very tired.

8                                                                                  I won't forgive them for what they did they apologise, 9 I hadn't eaten anything for 24 hours, I wasn't hungry.


C] I didn't get the job although I had the necessary qualifications-

Compare the meaning of although and because: We went out although it was raining.

                                         a We didn't go out because it was raining.

After in spite of or despite, we use a noun, a pronoun (this/thatfwhat etc.) or -ing: a In spite of the rain, we enjoyed our holiday.

 I didn't get the job in spite of having the necessary qualifications. c] She wasn't well, but in spite of this she went to work,  In spite of what I said yesterday, I still love you.

Despite is the same as in spite of. We say in spite of, but despite (without of):

a She wasn't well, but despite this she went to work. (not despite of this)

You can say in spite Of the fact (that)    and despite the fact (that) , in spite of the fact (that)

Cl I didn't get the job   I had the necessary qualifications. despite the fact (that)

Compare in spite of and because of; a We went out in spite of the rain. Cor . . . despite the rain.) C] We didn't go out because of the rain.

Compare although and in spite Of / despite:

 Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. (not In spite of the traffic was bad)

In spite of the traffic,

although I was very tired.

                                      I couldn't sleep                                                         (not despite I was tired)

despite being very tired,

Sometimes we use though instead of although:

C] I didn't get the job though I had the necessary qualifications.

In spoken English we often use though at the end of a sentence:

c] The house isn't very nice. I like the garden though. (a but I like the garden) a I see them every day. I've never spoken to them though. but I've never spoken to them)

Even though (but not 'even' alone) is a stronger form of although; a Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep. (not Even I was really tired

                              Even               112


113.1 Complete the sentences. Use although + a sentence from the box.

I didn't speak the language I had never seen her before it was quite cold

I'd met her twice before

we don't like them very much the heating was on we've known each other a long time

1                                                                                                                                                                         ALÐ1.Qugh. he               , he isn't particularly well-paid.

2                                                                                                                                                                         , I recognised her from a photograph.

3                                                                                                                                                                         She wasn't wearing a coat

4                                                                                                                                                                         We thought we'd better invite them to the party

5                                                                                                                                                                         I managed to make myself understood.

6                                                                                                                                                                                      the room wasn't warm.

113.2 Complete the sentences with although / in spite of / because I because of. I _AÇÐ1_Qugh it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

all our careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

we'd planned everything carefully, a lot Of things went wrong. 3 a I went home early     „ I was feeling unwell.

                     b I went to work the next day                                                      I was still feeling unwell.

4 a She only accepted the job        the salary, which was very highb She accepted the job  the salary, which was rather low. 5 a I managed to get to sleep           there was a lot of noise. b I couldn't get ro sleep        the noise.

Use your own ideas to complete the following sentences:

6    a He passed the exam although b He passed the exam because

7    a I didn't eat anvthing although b I didn't eat anything in spite of

113.3 Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.

I I couldn't sleep. I was very tired. (despite) I couldn't #Leep,

2    They have verv little money. They are happy. (in spite Of) In spite

3    MV foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village. (although)

4    1 enjoyed the film, The story was silly, (in spite of)

5    We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. (despite)

6    1 got very wet in the rain. I was only out for five minutes. (even though)

113.4 Use the words in brackets to make a sentence with though at the end.

I The house isn't very nice. (like I garden)

2    It's warm today. (very windy)

3    We didn't like the food. (ateè

4    Liz is very nice. (don't like / husband) I



114 In case

Some more examples of in case:

C] I'll leave my mobile phone switched on in case Jane calls. because it is possible she will call) a I'll draw a map for you in case you have difficulty finding our house. because it is possible you will have difficulty) a I'll remind them about the meeting in case they've forgotten. because it is possible they have forgotten)

We use just in case for a smaller possibility:

D I don't think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella just in case. (z: just in case it rains)

Do not use will after in case. Use a present tense for the future (see Unit 25):

[2 1'll leave my phone switched on in case Jane calls. (not in case Jane Will call)

In case is not the same as if. We use in case to say Why somebody does (or doesn't do) something. You do something now in case something happens later.


some more food if Tom

Tom will come; if he comes, some more food; if he doesn't won't buy anv more food,)

in case a We'll buy some more food in case Tom comes.

Perhaps Tom will come; we'll buy some more food now, whether he comes or not; then we'll already have the food if he comes.) c] I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me.

You should insure your bike in case it is stolen.


We'll buy comes.

Perhaps we'll buy come, we

You can need to You should bike is

phone me at the hotel if vou contact me.

inform the police if vour stolen.

You can use in case + past to say why somebody did something:

a I left my phone switched on in case Jane called. (e because it was possible that Jane would call) a I drew a map for Sarah in case she had difficulty finding the house.

C] We rang the doorbell again in case they hadn't heard it the first time.

In case of is not the same as in case. In case of = if there is (especially on notices etc.); a In case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible. (z if there is a fire)

 In case of emergency, telephone this number. (z if there is an emergency)

                               If -5        25, 38-40


114.1 Barbara is going for a long walk in the country. You think she should take: some-ehoeolate- a map an anorak a camera some water You think she should take these things because:

it's possible she'll get lost perhaps she'll be thirsty she might want to take some photographs

maybe it will rain

What do you say to Barbara? Write sentences with in case.




114.2 What do you say in these situations? Use in case.

I It'S possible that Mary will need to contact you, so you give her your phone number.

You say: Here's my phone number to contoçt_ me.

2    A friend of yours is going away for a long time. Maybe you won't see her again before she goes, so you decide to say goodbye now.

You say: I'll say goodbye now —

3    You are shopping in a supermarket with a friend. You think you have everything you need, but perhaps you've forgotten something. Your friend has the list. You ask her to check it. You say: Can you

4    You are giving a friend some advice about using a computer. You think he should back up copy) his files because the computer might crash (and he would lose all his data). You sav: You should back up

I l 4.3 Write sentences With in case.

I There was a possibility that Jane would call. So I left my phone switched on.

1     left

2     Mike thought that he might forget the name of the book. So he wrote it down.

He wrote down

3     1 thought my parents might be worried about me. so I phoned them. I phoned

4     1 sent an email to Liz, but she didn't reply. So I sent another email because perhaps she hadn't received the first one. I sent

5     1 met some people when I was on holiday in France, They said they might come to London one day. I live in London, so I gave them my address. I gave .

114.4 Put in in case or if.

I I'll draw a map for you .....m...Ç4é..Ç..„ you have difficulty finding our house.

2    You should tell the police ..„.k€ vou have any information about the crime.

3    I hope you'll come to London sometime.           you come, you can stay with us.

4    This letter is for Susan. Can vou give it to her . you see her?

5    Write your name and address on your bag        you lose it.

6    Go to the lost property office   you lose your bag.

 The burglar alarm will ring somebody tries to break into the house, 8 You should lock your bike to something — somebody tries to steal it.

                 9 I was advised to get insurance                                I needed medical treatment While I was abroad.



115    Unless      As long as      Provided/providing


Study this example situation:

The club is for members only.

You can't go in unless you are a member. This means:

You can't go in except if you are a member. You can go in only if you are a member, Unless except if.








Some more examples Of unless:

c] I'll see you tomorrow unless I have to work late. (z except if I have to work late) o There are no buses to the beach. Unless you have a car, it's difficult to get there, except if you have a car)

                                         'Shall I tell Liz what happened?' 'Not unless she asks you.'       only if she asks you)

O Sally hates complaining. She wouldn't complain about something unless it was really bad. except if it was really bad)

CJ We can take a taxi to the restaurant — unless you'd prefer to walk,            except if you'd prefer to walk)

Instead of unless it is often possible to say if not; o Unless we leave now, we'll be late. or If we don't leave now, we'll .

As long as etc. as long as or so long as

All these expressions mean 'if' or 'on condition that'. provided (that) or providing (that)

For example: as long as

O You can borrow my car you promise not to drive too fast. so long as you can borrow my car, but you must promise not to drive too fast — this is a condition) provided (that)

 a Travelling by car is convenient you have somewhere to park. providing (that)

(a but only if you have somewhere to park)

 Providing (that) the room is clean, I don't mind which hotel we stay at.

Provided (that}

(z the room must be clean — otherwise I don't mind)

When you are talking about the future, do not use will after unless / as long as / so long as / provided / providing. Use a present tense (see Unit 25):

CJ I'm not going out unless it Stops raining. (not unless it will stop)

 Providing the weather is good, we're going to have a picnic. (not providing it Will be good)

                             If            25, 38-40


115.1 Write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use unless in your sentence.

1   You must try a bit harder or you won't pass the exam.


2   Listen carefully or you won't know what to do.

You won't know what to do

3   She must apologise to me or I'll never speak to her again.

4   You have to speak very slowly or he won't be able to understand you.

S Business must improve soon, or the company will have to close.

115.2 Write sentences with unless,

I The club isn't open to everyone. You are allowed in only if you're a member. You the dub unlesî.goe€,'r.e member.

2    I don't want to go to the partv alone. I'm going onlv if you go too.

I'm not going

3    Don't worrv about the dog. It will attack you onlv if you move suddenly.

The dog

4    Ben isn't verv talkative.           speak to you onlv if you ask him something.


Todav is a public holidav. The doctor will see you only if it's an emergency.

The doctor

115.3 Choose the correct word or expression for each sentence.

I You can borrow my car unless I as long as vou promise not to drive too fast. (as-long-as is correct)

2    I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it rains.

3    I'm playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it doesn't rain.


/ as long as

4    I don't mind if vou come home late you come in quietly.

S I'm going now unless / provided vou want me to stay.

6 I don't watch TV unless / as long as I've got nothing else to do,

 Children are allowed to use the swimming pool unless / provided they are with an adult. S Unless (provided they are with an adult; children are not allowed to use the swimming pool.

9       We can sit here in the corner unless / as long as you'd rather sit over there by the window.

10   A: Our holiday cost a lot of money.

B: Did it? Well, that doesn't matter unless / as long as you enjoyed yourselves.

11   5.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

I We'll be late unless

2    1 like hot weather as long as .

3    It takes Kate about 20 minutes to drive to work provided 4 I don't mind walking home as long as .

5   I like to walk to work in the morning unless .

6   We can meet tomorrow unless

 You can borrow the monev providing S You won't achieve anvthing unless .

—s                                       32

As (As I walked along the street ... / As I was hungry ...)

As = at the same time as

You can use as when two things happen at the same time:

Cl We all waved goodbye to Liz as she drove away.

(We waved and she drove away at the same time) a I watched her as she opened the letter.

a As I walked along the street, I looked in the shop windows, c] Can you turn Off the light as you go out, please?

Or you can say that something happened as you were doing something else (in the middle of doing something else):

a Kate slipped as she was getting off the bus.

 We met Paul as we were leaving the hotel-

For the past continuous (was getting Î were going etc.), see Unit 6.

You can also use just as (z exactly at that moment): a Just as I sat down, the phone rang.

a I had to leave just as the conversation was getting interesting.

We also use as when two things happen together in a longer period of time;

a As the day went on, the weather got worse.           the day went on c] I began to enjoy the job more as I got used to it.

As also means 'because':

a As 1 was hungry, I decided to find somewhere to eat. (a because I was hungry) a As it was a public holiday last Thursday, most of the shops were shut. because it was a public holiday)

 As we have plenty of time before our flight, let's go and have a coffee.

C] Yesterday we watched television all evening as we didn't have anything better to do. As I don't often watch television any more, I've decided to give my TV set to a friend of mine.

You can also use since in this way:

 Since we have plenty of time, let's go and have a coffee,

Compare as and when:

D I couldn't contact David as he was away on holiday and he doesn't have a mobile phone. because he was away)

a As they lived near us, we used to see them quite often.

(z because they lived near us)

As as —5 Unit 107 Like and as —s Unit 1 1 7 As if

David's passport was stolen when he was away on holiday.

during the time he was away)

a When thev lived near us, we used to see them quite often.

(z at the time thev lived near us)

—Unit 1 1 8

11 6

116.1 (Section A) Use as to join sentences from the boxes.

1 Awe-all-waved-goodbye-te-Liz-2 we all smiled

3    1 burnt myself

4    the crowd cheered

5    a dog ran out in front of the car


we were driving along the road

I was taking a hot dish out of the oven

we posed for the photograph the two teams ran onto the field






116.2 (Section B) Join sentences from the boxes. Begin each sentence with as.


2    it was a nice dav

3    we didn't want to wake anybody up

4    the door was open

5    none of us had a watch


I went in we came in very quietly

we didn't know what time it was we went for a walk by the sea






116.3 What does as mean in these sentences? because at the same time as

I As they live near me, I see them quite often.

2    Kate slipped as she was getting off the bus.

3    As I was tired, I went to bed early.

4    Unfortunately, as I was parking the car, I hit the car behind.

5    As we climbed the hill, we got more and more tired.

6    We decided to go out to eat as we had no food at home.

7    As we don't use the car verv often, we've decided to sell it.

116.4 In some of these sentences, you need when (not as). •Correct the sentences where necessary.

I Julia got married as she was 22.

2    As the day went on, the weather got worse.

3    He dropped the glass as he was taking it out of the cupboard.

4    MM camera was stolen as I was asleep on the beach. 5 As I left school, I went to work in a shop.

6 The train slowed down as it approached the station. 7 1 used to live near the sea as I was a child. 116.5 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences.

I I saw you as ,

2 It started to rain just as -



Like and as

Like = •similar to'; 'the same as'. You cannot use as in this way:

What a beautiful house! It's like a palace. (not as a palace) a 'What does Sandra do?' 'She's a teacher, like me.' (not as me)

C) Be careful! The floor has been polished. It's like walking on ice. (not as walking)

 It's raining again. I hate weather like this. (not as this)

In these sentences, like is a preposition. So it is followed by a noun (like a palace), a pronoun (like me / like this) or -ing (like walking).

You can also say ' like (somebody/something) doing something':  'What's that noise?' 'It sounds like a baby crying.'

Sometimes like = for example:

a Some sports, like motor-racing, can be dangerous.

You can also use such as (z for example):

 Some sports, such as motor-racing, can be dangerous.

As = in the same way as, or in the same condition as. We use as before subject + verb:  I didn't move anything. I left everything as it was. a You should have done it as I showed you.

Like is also possible in informal spoken English: C] I left everything like it was, Compare as and like:

a You should have done it as I showed you. (or like I showed you)  You should have done it like this. (not as this)

Note that we say as usual I as always:

 You're late as usual.

 As always, Nick was the first to complain.

Sometimes as (+ subject + verb) has other meanings. For example, after do; a You can do as you like.         do what you like)

                               They did as they promised,       They did what they promised,)

We also say as you know / as I said / as she expected / as I thought etc. .

 As you know, it's Emma's birthday next week.       you know this already)  Andy failed his driving test, as he expected. (z he expected this before)

Like is not usual in these expressions, except with say (like I said):

a As I said yesterday, I'm sure we can solve the problem. or Like I said yesterday

As can also be a preposition, but the meaning is different from like. Compare:

a Sue Casey is the manager of a company. Mary Stone is the assistant manager, As the manager, she has to make many Like the manager (Sue Casey), she also important decisions. has to make important decisions. (As the manager in her position as the Like the manager = similar to the manager.)           manager)

As (preposition) = in the position of, in the form of etc. :

a A few years ago I worked as a taxi driver. (not like a taxi driver)  We haven't got a car, so wc use the garage as a workshop.

a Many words, for example 'work' and 'rain', can be used as verbs or nouns,  London is fine as a place to visit, but I wouldn't like to live there.  The news of the tragedy came as a great shock.

As as Unit 107 As at the same time as /  Unit 116 AS if Unit


1     1 In some of these sentences, you need like (not as), Correct the sentences where necessary.

                I It's raining again. I hate weather as this.                          weather Like Ehié.

2     Andy failed his driving test, as he expected.

3     Do you think Caroline looks as her mother?

4     Tim gets on my nerves. I can't stand people as him.

5     Whv didn't vou do it as I told you to do it?

6     Brian is a student, as most of his friends.

7     You never listen. Talking to you is as talking to the wall.

8     As I said yesterday, I'm thinking of changing my job.

9     Tom's idea seems a good one. Let's do as he suggests, 10 I'll phone you tomorrow as usual, OK?

I l Suddenlv there was a terrible noise. It was as a bomb exploding,

12 She's a very good swimmer. She swims as a fish.

117.2 Complete the sentences using like or as + the following:

a beginner a child

blocks of ice a church

•palace winter

a birthday present a tourist guide

 This house is beautiful. lt7s

2      MV feet are really cold. They're

3      I've been playing tennis for years, but I still play

4      Marion once had a part-time job

5      I wonder what that building with the tower is. It looks

6      My brother gave me this watch

7      It's very cold for the middle of summer. It's

8      He's 22 vears Old, but he sometimes behaves . I l 7.3 Put in like or as. Sometimes either word is possible, 1 We heard a noise a baby crying.

2       Your English is very fluent. I wish I could speak        you.

3       Don't take mv advice if you don't want to. You can do            you like.

4       You waste too much time doing things  sitting in cafés all day.

5       I wish I had a car yours.

6       You don't need to change your clothes, You can go out          you are,

7       My neighbour's house is full of lots of interesting things. It's . a museum-

8       We saw Kevin last night. He was very cheerful,  always,

9       Sally has been working . a waitress for the last two months.

10   While we were on holiday, we spent most of our time doing energetic things  sailing, water skiing and swimming.

11   You're different from the other people I know, I don't know anyone„ you,

12   We don't need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one Of them a study.

13   The news that Sue and Gary were getting married came — a complete surprise to me. her father, Catherine has a very good voice.

15    At the moment I've got a temporary job in a bookshop. It's OK  a temporary job, but I wouldn't like to do it permanently,

16     you can imagine, we were very tired after such a long journey.

17    This tea is awful. It tasteswater.

18    I think I prefer this room it was, before we decorated it.

118   As if / as though / like

You can use as if or as though to say how somebody or something looks/sounds/feels; c] That house looks as if it's going to fall down. a Helen sounded as if she had a cold, didn't she?

C.] I've just come back from holiday, but I feel very tired. I don't feel as if I've just had a holiday.

You can use as though in all these examples:

a I don't feel as though I've just had a holiday.

In informal spoken English you can also use like; a That house looks like it's going to fall down.


a You look tired. (look + adjective)

You look as if you haven't slept. (look as if + subject + verb)

You can say It looks as if / It sounds as if . a Sandra is very late, isn't she? It looks as if she isn't coming, took an umbrella because it looked as if it was going to rain,

C) Do you hear that music next door? It sounds as if they are having a party.

You can also use as though or like:

a It looks as though she isn't coming. or It looks like she isn't coming.

You can use as if or as though with other verbs to say how somebody does something: a He ran as if he was running for his life.

a After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened. c] When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was mad.

In informal spoken English, you can also use like in these examples.

 After as if (or as though), we sometimes use the past when we are talking about the present. For example:

CJ I don't like -rtm. He talks as if he knew everything.

The meaning is not past in this sentence. We use the past (as if he knew) because the idea is not real: Tim does not know everything. We use the past in the same way in if sentences and after wish (see Unit 39),

 Some more examples:

c] She's always asking me to do things for her — as if I didn't have enough to do already.

(I do have enough to do)

 Gary'S only 40. Why do you talk about him as if he was an Old man? (he isn't an old man)

When you use the past in this way, you can use were instead of was: a Why do you talk about him as if he were (or was) an old man?

                                    D They treat me as if I were (or was) their own son, (I'm not their son)

                               If I was/were                  Unit 39C Look/sound etc. + adjective Unit 99C Like and as                 Unit 117


118.1 What do you say in these situations? Use look/sound/feel + as if ... . Use the words in brackets to make your sentence.

1   You meet Bill. He has a black eye and some plasters on his face. (be / a fight) You say to him:   Yog

2   Christine comes into the room. She looks absolutely terrified. (see / a ghost) You say to her: What's the matter? You

3   Joe is on holiday. He's talking to you on the phone and sounds very happy. (enjoy / yourself) You say to him; You

4   You have just run one kilometre- you are absolutely exhausted. (run / a marathon) You say to a friend: I

118.2 Make sentences beginning It looks as if / It sounds as if ... .

vou should see a doctor it's going to ram

theress been an accident

they are having an argument we'll have to walk

1  Sandra said she would be here an hour ago. You say: It looks as [email protected]

2  The sky is full of black clouds.

You say: It

3  You hear two people shouting at each other next door. You sav:

4  You see an ambulance, some policemen and two damaged cars at the side of the road. You say:

5  You and a friend have just missed the last bus home. You sav•.

6  Dave isn't feeling well. He tells you all about it. You sav•:

118.3 Complete the sentences with as if. Choose from the box, putting the verbs in the correct form.

she / enjoy I it

-he-I-need-ka--goe&restI / not / exist

I / go / be sick she / hurt / her leg she / not / want / come

he / not / eat / for a week he / mean / what he / say

I Mark looks very tired. He looks

2    I don't think Paul was joking. He looked

3    What's the matter with Liz? She's walking .

4    Peter was extremely hungry and ate his dinner very quickly; He ate

5    Caroline had a bored expression on her face during the concert.

She didn't look

6    I've just eaten too many chocolates, Now I don't feel well.

I feel

 I phoned Liz and invited her to the party, but she wasn't very enthusiastic about it.

She sounded

8 I went into the office, but nobodv spoke to me or looked at me.

Everybody ignored me

I l 8.4 These sentences are like the ones in Section D, Complete each sentence using as if.

                I Brian is a terrible driver. He drives              he,            the only driver on the road.

2 1'm 20 years old, so please don't talk to me 1 a child. 3 Steve has never met Nicola, but he talks about her his best friend.

                4 It was a long time ago that we first met, but I remember it                                       yesterday.

119    For, during and while

For and during

We use for + a period of time to say how long something goes on: for two hours            for a week          for ages

 We watched television for two hours last night.

 Diane is going away for a week in September. O Where have you been? I've been waiting for ages, O Are you going away for the weekend?

We use during + noun to say when something happens (not how long): during the film            during our holiday          during the night

                                   a I fell asleep during the film.          

a We met some really nice people during our holiday.

D The ground is wet. It must have rained during the night.

With 'time words' (for example: the morning / the afternoon / the summer), you can usually say in or during;

D It must have rained in the night. (or during the night) o I'll phone you sometime during the afternoon. (or in the afternoon)

You cannot use during to say how long something goes on:

c] It rained for three days without stopping. (not during three days)

Compare during and for:

C] I fell asleep during the film, I was asleep for half an hour.

During and while


We use

1 fell

a We while

Robert while


                              We use during + noun:                                                               while + subject + verb:

I fell asleep during the film.asleep while I was watching TV.

L subject + verb—I

C] We met a lot of interesting peoplemet a lot of interesting people during our holiday.we were on holiday.

CJ Robert suddenly began to feel illsuddenly began to feel ill during the exam.he was doing the exam.

Some more examples of while:

CI We saw Clare while we were waiting for the bus.

 While you were out, there was a phone call for you. c] Chris read a book while I watched television.

When you are talking about the future, use the present (not will) after while:

c] I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom while I'm there. (not while I will be there) a What are you going to do while you are waiting? (not while you will be waiting) See also Unit 25.

For and since —+ Unit 12A While + -ing -+ unit 68B


1    1 9.1 Put in for or during.

I It rained ....ft.r.„-.. three days without stopping.

2    I fell asleep  the film.

3    I went to the theatre last night. I met Sue .       the interval.

4    Martin hasn't lived in Britain all his life. He lived in Brazil    four years.

               Production at the factory was seriously affected                          the strike.

6      I felt really ill last week. I could hardlv eat anything   three days.

7      I waited for you  half an hour and decided that you weren't coming.

8      Sarah was very angry with me. She didn't speak to me a week.

9      We usually go out at weekends, but we don't often go out the week.

10  Jack started a new job a few weeks ago. Before that he was out of work six months.

             Il I need a change. I think I'll go away                           a few days.

12   The president gave a long speech. She spoke    two hours.

13   We were hungry when we arrived, We hadn't had anything to eatthe journey. 14 We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eat eight hours.

1    19.2 Put in during or while.

1    We met a lot of interesting people       we were on holiday.

2    We met a lot of interesting people                our holiday.

3    I met Mike      I was shopping.

4    I was on holiday, I didn't read any newspapers or watch TV. 5 our stay in Paris, we visited a lot of museums and galleries, 6 The phone rang three times . we were having dinner.

                   The phone rang three times                          the night.

8    I had been away for many years. .       that time, many things had changed.

9    What did they say about me    I was out of the room?

I went out for dinner last night. Unfortunately I began to feel illthe meal and had to go home.

             Il Please don't interrupt me                           I'm speaking.

12   There were many interruptions ,          the president's speech.

13   Can vou lav the table  I get the dinner ready?

14   We were hungry when we arrived. We hadn't had anything to eatwe were travelling,

119.3 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences, I I fell asleep while

2    I fell asleep during

3    I hurt my arm while

4    Can you wait here while

5    Most of the students looked bored during

6    I was asked a lot of questions during 7 Don't open the car door while

S The lights suddenly went out while .

9       It started to rain during

10   It started to rain while


          By and until     By the time ...

By (+ a time) = not later than:

D I sent the letter to them today, so they should receive it by Monday.

on or before Monday, not later than Monday)

O We'd better hurry. WC have to be home by 5 0'clock, (z at or before 5  o'clock, not later than 5 0'clock) a Where's Sarah? She should be here by

now. now or before now — so she should have already arrived) This milk has to be used by 14 August.

We use until (or till) to say how long a situation continues:

CJ 'Shall we go now?' 'No, let's wait until (or till) it stops raining.  stayed in bed until half past ten. Cl I couldn't get up this morning• I didn't get up until half past ten.

Compare until and by;

Something continues until a time in the Something happens by a time in the future: future; a David will be away until Monday. David will be back bv Mondav.

(so he'll be back on Monday) he'll be back not later than Mondav) I'll be working until 11.30. I'll have finished my work by I I .30. (so I'll stop working at 11.30) (z: I'll finish Inv work not later than


You can say sby the time something happens'. Study these examples:

                                 CJ It's too late to go to the bank now. I$y the time we get there, it will be closed.

(z the bank will close between now and the time we get there) a (from a postcard) Our holiday ends tomorrow So by the time you receive this postcard, I'll be back home.

I will arrive home between tomorrow and the time you receive this postcard)    c] Hurry up! By the time we get to the cinema, the film will already have started.

You can say 'by the time something happened' (for the past):

    D Karen's car broke down on the way to the party last night. By the time she arrived, most        of the other guests had left.

(z it took her a long time to get to the party and most of the guests left during this time)   a I had a lot of work to do yesterday evening. I was very tired by the time I finished.

it took me a long time to do the work, and I became more and more tired during this time) a We went to the cinema last night. It took us a long time to find somewhere to park the car. By the time we got to the cinema, the film had already started.

Also by then or by that time:

a Karen finally arrived at the party at midnight, but by then (or by that time), most of the guests had left.

                          Will be doing and will have done        Unit 24 By (other uses)       Units 423, 60B, 128


120.1 Make sentences with by.

I We have to be home not later than 5 0'clock. £0. be. þg....5 .. O'clock .

2    1 have to be at the airport not later than 8.30, I have to be at the airport

3    Let me know not later than Saturdav whether you can come to the party.

Let me know

4    Please make sure that vou're here not later than 2 0'clock.

Please make sure that

5    If we leave now, we should arrive not later than lunchtime. If we leave now,

120.2 Put in by or until,

1   Steve has gone away. He'll be awav .

2   Sorry, but I must go. I have to be home 5 0'clock.

3   I've been offered a job. I haven't decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decide Fridav.

4   I think I'll wait Thursday before making a decision.

5   It's too late to go shopping. The shops are open only  5.30. They'll be closed now.

6   I'd better pay the phone bill. It has to be paid   tomorrow. 7 Don't pav the bill todav. Wait        tomorrow, S A: Have you finished redecorating your house?

B: Not yet. We hope to finish  the end of the week.

9 A: I'm going out now. I'll be back at about 10.30. Will you still be here?

                  B: I don't think so. I'll probablv have gone out                           then.

I'm moving into mv new flat next week. I'm staying with a friend .         then. I l I've got a lot of work to do.  the time I finish, it will be time to go to bed. 12 If vou want to take part in the competition, you have to apply  3 April.

120.3 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use by or until.

I David is away at the moment. He'll be away

2    David is away at the moment. He'll be back

3    1'm just going out. I won't be very long. Wait here

4    1'm going out to buy a few things. It's 4.30 now. I won't be long. I'll be back 5 If you want to apply for the job, your application must be received .

6 Last night I watched TV

120.4 Read the situations and complete the sentences using By the time ... .

I I was invited to a partv; but I got there much later than I intended.

 , most of the other guests had left.

2 1 intended to catch a train, but it took me longer than expected to get to the station.

, my train had already left, 3 1 wanted to go shopping after finishing my work. But I finished much later than expected.

, it was too late to go shopping.

4    1 saw two men who looked as if they were trying to steal a car. I called the police, but it was some time before they arrived.

the two men had disappeared.

5    We climbed a mountain and it took us a very long time to get to the top. There wasn't much time to enJOY the view.

, we had to come down again.


At/on/in (time)

Compare at, on and in:

C] They arrived at 5 0'clock.

C] They arrived on Friday.

Cl They arrived in October. / They arrived in 1968.

we use:

at for the time Of day at five o'clock at 11.45 at midnight at lunchtime at sunset etc.

on for days and dates on Friday / on Fridays on 16 May 1999 on Christmas Day on my birthday

in for longer periods (for example: months/years/seasons) in October  in 1988 in the 18th century      in the past in (the) winter in the 1990s   in the Middle Ages       in (the) future

We use at in these expressions:

at night at the weekend / at weekends at Christmas at the moment / at present at the same time

C] I don't like going out at night. a Will vou be here at the weekend?

a Do vou give each other presents at Christmas?

Mr Benn is busv at the moment / at present. Emily and I arrived at the same time.





We say:

in the morning(s) in the afternoon(s) in the evening(s)

D I'll see you in the morning.

D Do you work in the evenings?

on Friday morning(s) on Sunday afternoon(s) on Monday evening(s) etc.

I'll see vou on Friday morning.

Do you work on Saturday evenings?



We do not use at/on/in before last/next/this/every: CJ I'll see you next Friday. (not on next Friday) O They got married last March.

In spoken English we often leave out on before days (Sunday/Monday etc.). So you can say:

O I'll see you on Friday. or I'll see you Friday.

O I don't go out on Monday mornings. or I don't go out Monday mornings.

In a few minutes / in Six months etc.

o    The train will be leaving in a few minutes. a few minutes from now) O Andy has gone away. He'll be back in a week, a week from now) a She'll be here in a moment. a moment from now)

o    You can also say 'in six months' time', 'in a week's time' etc. :

                                   a They're getting married in six months' time. or            . in six months.

We also use in to say how long it takes to do something:

                                       I learnt to drive in four weeks.      it took me four weeks to learn)

                             Onlin time, at/in the end         Unit 122 In/at/on (position)      Units 123—125

                            Inlat/on (other uses)        Unit 27 American English        Appendix 7


121.1 Complete the sentences. Use ate on or in + the following:

the evening the moment Saturdays

about 20 minutes 21 July 1969 the Middle Ages

4492 the 1920s Il seconds

the same time night

I Columbus made his first vovage from Europe to America .....m. 1492

2    If the sky is clear, you can see the stars

3    After working hard during the dav, I like to relax

4    Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon

5    It's difficulr to listen if evervone is speaking

6    Jazz became popular in the United States  rm iust going out to the shop. I'll be back  (On the phone) i Can I speak to Dan? S

9      Many of Europe's great cathedrals were built

10  Ben is a verv tast runner. He can run 100 metres .

Il Liz works from Monday to Friday. Sometimes she also works

121.2 Put in at, on or in.

             I Mozart was born in Salzburg           1756.

2 I haven't seen Kate for a fev,' days. I last saw her Tuesday. 3 The price of electriciry is going upOctober. weekends, we often go for long walks in the country.

5   I've been invited to a wedding        14 February,

6   Jonathan is 63. He'll be retiring from his job    two years' time.

7   I'm busy just now, but      be with vou          a moment.

            S Jenny's brother is an engineer, but he doesn't have a job              the moment.

9 There are usuallv a lot of parties          New Year's Eve. I don't like driving    night.

11         MV car is being repaired at the garage. It will be ready  two hours.

12         The telephone and the doorbell rang     the same time.

13         Marv and David always go out for dinner .        their wedding anniversary.

14         It was a short book and easv to read. I read it     . a day.

15          Saturdav night I went to bed    midnight.

16         We travelled overnight to Paris and arrived       5 0'clock .        the morning.

17         The course begins        7 January and ends sometime .  April.

18         I might not be at home  Tuesday morning, but I'll be there . .     the afternoon. 121.3 Which is correct: a, b, or both of them?

                 I a I'll see you on Fridav.                                        b I'll see you Friday.                                                 both

2    a I'll see you on next Fridav.   ['Il see you next Friday.         b

3    a Paul got married in April     b Paul got married April,

4    a They never go out on Sundav           b They never go out Sunday








We Often have a short holiday on Christmas.


We Often have a short holiday ar Christmas.



What are you doing the weekend?


What are you doing at the weekend?

7                     a Will you be here on Tuesdav?      b Will you be here Tuesday?

8                     a We were ill at the same time, b We were ill in the same time.

9                     a Sue got married at 18 May 1996. b Sue got married on 18 May 1996. a He left school last June. b He left school in last June.



On time and in time

At the end and in the end

On time and in time

On time = punctual, not late. If something happens on time, it happens at the time which was planned:

a The 11.45 train left on time. (z it left at 11.45) a 'I'll meet you at 7.30.' 'OK, but please be on time.' don't be late, be there at 7.30) a The conference was well-organised. Everything began and finished on time.

The opposite of on time is late:  Be on time. Don't be late.

In time (for something / to do something) = soon enough:

a Will you be home in time for dinaer? (z soon enough for dinner)

C] I've sent Emma a birthday present. I hope it arrives in time (for her birthday).

(z on or before her birthday)

C] I'm in a hurry. I want to be home in time to see the game on television. (z soon enough to see the game)

The opposite of in time is too late:

c] I got home too late to see the game on television.

You can say just in time almost too late):

c] We got to the station just in time for our train.

C] A child ran into the road in front of the car — I managed to stop just in time.

At the end and in the end

At the end (of something) = at the time when something ends. For example:

at the end of the month       at the end of January     at the end of the game at the end of the film      at the end of the course    at the end of the concert

D I'm going away at the end of January / at the end of the month.  At the end Of the concert, there was great applause. c] The players shook hands at the end of the game,

You cannot say 'in the end of   So you cannot say 'in the end of January' or 'in the end of the concert'.

                           The opposite of at the end (of        is at the beginning (of ...j:

a I'm going away at the beginning of January. (not in the beginning)

In the end finally.

We use in the end when we say what the final result of a situation was:

 We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end. (z finally we sold it) [Il He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room.

C) Alan couldn't decide where to go for his holidays, He didn't go anywhere in the end, (not at the end)

The opposite of in the end is usually at first:


At first we didn't get on very well, but in the end we became good friends.

At/on/in (time) —s Unit 1 21


122.1 Complete the sentences with on time or in time.

1   The bus was late this morning, but it's usually on time

2   The film was supposed to start at 8.30, but it didn't begin

3   I like to get up .           to have a big breakfast before going to work.

4   We want to start the meeting . so please don't be late.

S I've just washed this shirt. I want to wear it this evening, so I hope it will be dry

6   The train service isn't verv good. The trains are rarely

7   I nearly missed mv flight this morning. I got to the airport just .

8   I nearly forgot that it was Joe's birthday. Fortunatelv I remembered

9   Whv are you never  ? You always keep everybody waiting.

122.2 Read the situations and make sentences using just in time.

I A child ran into the road in front of vour car. You saw the child at the last moment.

                 (manage / stop)    l, ,mang.ged

2    You were walking home. Just after you got home, it started to rain very heavily. (get / home) I

3    Tim was going to sit on the chair vou had just painted. You said, 'Don't sit on that chair!' so he didn't. (stop / him) I

4    You and a friend went to the cinema. You were late and you thought you would miss the beginning Of the film. But the film began just you sat down in the cinema. (get / cinema / beginning of the film) We

122.3 Complete the sentences using at the end + the following: the course

I The players shook hands 2 1 usually get paid

3   The students had a party

4   Two of the runners collapsed

5   To my surprise, I was offered the job

122.4 Write sentences with In the end. Use the verb in brackets.

I We had a lot of problems with our car, (sell) 2 Judy got more and more fed up with her job.


3   1 tried to learn German, but [ found it too difficult.

(give up)

4   We couldn't decide whether to go to the party or not.

(not / go)

122.5 Put in at or in.

 I'm going away .4£..... the end of the month.

2 It took me a long time to find a job.  the end I got a job in a hotel. 3 Are you going away  the beginning of August or „ the end? 4 I couldn't decide what to buy Laura for her birthday. I didn't buy her anything the end.

5   We waited ages for a taxi. We gave up the end and walked home.

6   I'll be moving to a new address the end of September,

              We had a few problems at first, but .               the end everything was OK.

S I'm going away  the end of this week.

9 A: I didn't know what ro do.

B: Yes, you were in a difficult position. What did you do .the end?

123                           1


In a roomin a gardenin a pool in a buildingin a town]countryin the sea in a boxin the city centrein a nver

a There's no-one in the room / in the building in the garden. What have you got in your hand / in your mouth? a When we were in Italy, we spent a few days in Venice.

a I have a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains.

 There were some people swimming in the pool / in the sea / in the river'

at the bus stop at the door at the window at the roundabout       at reception

Do you know that man standing at the door / at the window?

a Turn left at the traffic lights / at the church / at the roundabout.

We have to get off the bus at the next stop.

When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception. (e at the reception desk)

on her nose on the door on the table

                                                                      on the floor                               on a page

CJ I sat on the floor / on the ground / on the grass / on the beach / on a chair.

 There's a dirty mark on the wall / on the ceiling / on your nose / on your shirt. El Have you seen the notice on the notice board / on the door?

a You'll find details of TV programmes on page seven (of the newspaper).  The hotel is on a small island in the middle of the lake.

 Compare in and at:

 There were a lot Of people in the shop. It was very crowded.

Go along this road, then turn left at the shop. D I'll meet you in the hotel lobby.     

I'll meet you at the entrance to the hotel.

in the bottle Compare in and on:

c] There is some water in the bottle.  on the bottle There is a label on the bottle.

Compare at and on:

a There is somebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is?

There is a notice on the door. If says 'Do not disturb'.

In/at/on (position) 2—3 -+ Units 124-125


123.1 Answer the questions about the pictures. Use in, at or on with the words below the pictures.


( bottle)



(traffic lights)








1   Where's the label?

2   Where's the fly?

3   Where is the car waiting? 4 a Where's the notice? b Where's the key?

5   Where are the shelves?

6   Where's the Eiffel Tower?

7   a Where's the man standing?

b Where's the bird?

S Where are the children playing?

123.2 Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + the following:

the window my guitar

your coffee

the mountains the island

that tree the next garage

1   Look at those people swimming ...kn. the. rey.g.r_.

2   One of the strings  is broken.

3 There's something wrong with the car. We'd better stop — 4 Would you like sugar

5 The leaves

123.3 Complete the sentences with in, at or on.

I There was a long queue of people ...4£..... the bus Stop.

              2 Nicola was wearing a silver ring                her little finger.

3                     There was an accident  the crossroads this morning,

4                     I wasn't sure whether I had come to the right office. There was no namethe door.

5                     There are some beautiful trees  the park.

6                     You'll find the sports results     the back page Of the newspaper.

7                     I wouldn't like an office job. I couldn't spend the whole day sitting  a desk.

8                     My brother lives          a small village the south-west of England.

9                     The man the police are looking for has a scar . his right cheek. The headquarters Of the company are Milan.

            I l I like that picture hanging                  the wall .               the kitchen,

            12 If you come here by bus, get off                the stop after the traffic lights.



We say that somebody/something is:

in a line I in a row / in a queue in bed in the sky / in the world  in the country / in the countryside in an office / in a department        in a photograph / in a picture in a book / in a (news)paper / in a magazine / in a letter

a When I go to the cinema, I like to sit in the front row.

O James isn't up yet. He's still in bed.

O It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud in the skyO I've just started working in the sales department. C] Who is the woman in that photograph?


C] Have you seen this picture in today's paper?

in a row


on the left / on the right               on the left-hand side / right-hand side on the ground floor / on the first floor / on the second floor etc.

on a map / on a menu / on a list on a farm


O In Britain we drive on the left. (or on the left-hand side.)  Our flat is on the second floor of the building.

 Here's a shopping list. Don't buy anything that's not on the list. L] Have you ever worked on a farm?

We say that a place is on a river / on a road / on the coast:

D Budapest is on the (river) Danube. BUDAPEST L] Portsmouth is on the south coast of England.

Also on the way:

C] We stopped at a small village on the way to London.

at the top (of) / at the bottom (of) I at the end (Of)        at the top (of the page) C] Write your name at the top of the page.

0 Jane's house is at the other end of the street.

at the bottom (of the page)

 in the front / in the back of a car a I was sitting in the back (of the car) when we crashed. at the back at the front / at the back of a building / theatre / group of people etc.

a The garden is at the back of the house.

C] Let's sit at the front (of the cinema),

                                       C] We were at the back, so we couldn't see very well.

on the front / on the back of a letter I piece of paper etc. at the front  I wrote the date on the back of the photograph.

 in the corner of a room a The television is in the corner Of the room.

at the corner or on the corner Of a street

 There is a post box at/on the corner of the street.

                                                                                                                                             In the corner         at/on the corner

                              In the world        Unit 108E In/at/on (position)           Units 123. 125 American English —F Appendix 7


124.1 Answer the questions about the pictures. Use in. at or on with the words below the pictures.

(sales department)

(second floor)



(top / stairs)


(back / car)



(back row)



1 Where does Sue work?

4                     Where is the man standing?

5                     Where's the cat?

6                     Where's the dog?

7                     Liz is in this group of people. Where is she?

8                     Where's the post office?

9                     Gary is at the cinema. Where is he sitting? 10 Where does Kate work?

124,2 Complete the sentences. Use in, at or on + the following: the west coast the world the back of the class the front row the right the back of this card the way to work

I It was a lovely day. There wasn't a cloud

2    In most countries people drive

3    What is the tallest building

4    I usually buy a newspaper       in the morning.

5    San Francisco is

6    We went to the theatre last night. We had seats

7    I couldn st hear the teacher. She spoke quietly and I was sitting 8 I don't have your address. Could you write it .

124.3 Complete the sentences with in, at or on.

                I Write your name           the top of the page.

2    Is your sisterthis photograph? I don't recognise her,

3    I didn't feel very well when I woke up, so I stayed  bed,

4    We normally use the front entrance to the building, but there's another one  the back.

5    Is there anything interesting  the paper today?

6    There was a list of names, but my name wasn't — the list.

7     the end of the street, there is a path leading to the river.

8    I love to look up at the stars  the sky at night.

9    When I'm a passenger in a car, I prefer to sit    the front.

10It's a very small village. You probably won't find it . your map. Joe works  the furniture department of a large store.

12   Paris is  the river Seine.

13   I don't like cities. I'd much prefer to livethe country.

14   My office in  the top floor. It's the left as you come out of the lift.


125                            3

                            In hospital / at home etc.

We say that somebody is in hospital / in prison / in jail: C] Ann's mother is in hospital.

 We say that somebody is at home / at work / at school / at university / at college: a I'll be at work until 5.30, but I'll be at home all evening. a Julia is studying chemistry at university.

Also at sea (z on a voyage). Compare at sea and in the sea: C] It was a long voyage. We were at sea for 30 days. I love swimming in the sea.

At a party / at a concert etc.

We say that somebody is at an event (at a party / at a conference etc.):

a Were there many people at the party / at the meeting / at the wedding? a I saw Steve at a football match / at a concert on Saturday.

In and at for buildings

You can Often use in or at with buildings. For example, you can eat in a restaurant or at a restaurant; you can buy something in a supermarket or at a supermarket. We usually say at

When we say where an event takes place (for example: a concert, a film, a party, a meeting): We went to a concert at the Royal Festival Hall.

c] The meeting took place at the company's head office in Frankfurt. We say at the station / at the airport:

a Don't meet me at the station. I can get a taxi. We say at somebody's house:

 a I was at Sue's house last night. or I was at Sue's last night, Also at the doctor's, at the hairdresser's etc-

We use in when we are thinking about the building itself. Compare: a We had dinner at the hotel.

All the rooms in the hotel have air conditioning. (not at the hotel) c] I was at Sue's (house) last night.

It's always cold in Sue's house. The heating doesn't work very well. (not at Sue's house)

In and at for towns etc.

We normally use in with cities, towns and villages;

Sam's parents live in Nottingham. (not at Nottingham)

CJ The Louvre is a famous art museum in Paris, (not at Paris)

But you can use at or in when you think of the place as a point or station on a journey: a Does this train stop at (or in) Nottingham? at Nottingham station) CI We stopped at Cor in) a small village on the way to London.

On a bus / in a car etc.

We usually say on a bus / on a train / on a plane / on a ship but in a car/ in a taxi: C] The bus was very full. There were too many people on it. Mary arrived in a taxi.

We say on a bike (z bicycle) / on a motorbike / on a horse: a Jane passed me on her bike.

At school / in hospital etc. Unit 74 In/at/on (position)                Units 123—24 To/at/in/into             Unit 126 By car by bike etc.             Unit 128B


125.1 Complete the sentences about the pictures. Use in, at or on with the words below the pictures.

(the airport)


(a train)

(a conference) KAREN


(the hairdresser's)

(his bike)

(New York)

(the Savoy Theatre)

             I You can hire a car                                     5 Judy is

2    Dave is .6 I saw Gary

3    Karen is

4    Martin is

125.2 Complete the sentences. Use in. at or on + the following:

sea the plane

hospital school

a taxi prison

The-stati01V the airport

the cinema the sports centre

1   MV train arrives at 11.30. Can you meet me    the ?

2   We walked to the restaurant, but we went home

3   I'd like to see a film. What's on this week?

4   Some people are .       for crimes that they did not commit.

 'What does your sister do? Has she got a job?' 'NO, she's still

6   I play basketball  on Friday evenings,

7   A friend of mine was injured in an accident a few days ago. She's still

             S Our flight was delaved. We had to wait                                        for four hours.

9       I enjoyed the flight, bur the food wasn't very nice.

10   Bill works on ships. He is

125.3 Complete these sentences with in, at or on.

             I We went to a concert           the Royal Festival Hall.

2    It was a very slow train. It stopped . every station.

3    My parents live a small village about 50 miles from London,

4    I haven't seen Kate for some time. I last saw herDavid's wedding. S We stayed  a very nice hotel when we wereAmsterdam.

6 There were fifty rooms  the hotel.

 I don't know where my umbrella is. Perhaps I left it the bus.

8    I wasn't in when you phoned. I was  my sister'S house.

9    There must be somebody        the house. The lights are on.

10                    The exhibition the Museum of Modern Art finished on Saturday. I l Shall we travel vour car or mine?

12   What are you doing    home? I expected you to be .    . work.

13   'Did you like the film?' 'Yes, but it was too hotthe cinema.'

14   Paul lives  Birmingham. Hess a student .Birmingham University.

126 To/at/in/into

*              We say go/come/travel (etc.) to a place or event. For example:


go to China go back to Italy return to London welcome (somebody) to (a

go to bed go to the bank go to a concert place)

come to my house be taken to hospital be sent to prison drive to the airport

CJ When are your friends going back to Italy? (not going back in Italy)               a Three people were injured in the accident and taken to hospital.

 Welcome to our country! (not Welcome in)

In the same way we say 'a journey to / a trip to / a visit to / on my way toetc. : a Did you enjoy your trip to Paris / your visit to the zoo?

                           Compare to (for movement) and in/at (for position):

                                       O They are going to France. but They live in France.

*              Can you come to the party? but I'll see you at the party,

*              Been to

We say 'been to (a place)':

CJ I've been to Italy four times, but I've never been to Rome.  Amanda has never been to a football match in her life.

Get and arrive

We say get to (a place):

CJ What time did they get to London / to work / to the party?

But we say arrive in or arrive at    (not arrive to). We say arrtve in a town or country:

a They arrived in London / in Spain a week ago.

For other places (buildings etc.) or events, we say arrive at:

*              When did they arrive at the hotel I at the airport / at the party?


We say: go home / come home / get home / arrive home I on the way home etc. (no preposition). We do not say 'to home':

*              I'm tired. Let's go home now. (not go to home) c] I met Linda on my way home. (not my way to home)


Go into, get into etc. = enter (a room / a building / a car etc.):


 I opened the door, went into the room and sat down. a A bird flew into the kitchen through the window,

With some verbs (especially go/get/put) we often use in (instead of into): D She got in the car and drove away. (or She got into the car o I read the letter and put it back in the envelope. The opposite of into is out of:

*              She got out of the car and went into a shop.

We usually say 'get on/off a bus J a train / a plane' (not usually get into]out of); a She got on the bus and I never saw her again.

                                 Been to Units                      In/at/on (position) Units 123-125 At home Unit 125A

Into and in —s Unit 138A


126.1 Put in to/at/in/into where necessary. If no preposition is necessary. leave the space empty.

I Three people were takenhospital after the accident.

2    I met Kate on my wayhome. (no preposition)

3    We left our luggagethe station and went to find something to eat.

4    Shall we take a taxithe station or shall we walk?

5    I have to go    the bank today to change some money.

6    The river Rhine flows the North Sea.

7    'Have you got your camera?' 'No, I left it  home.' 8 Have you ever been . China ?

9        I had lost my key, but I managed to climbthe house through a window.

10     We got stuck in a traffic jam on our wav         the airport.

              We had lunch .                the airport while we were waiting for our plane.

12   Welcome        the hotel. We hope you enjoy your stay here.

13   We drove along the main road for about a kilometre and then turneda narrow side


14   Did you en10Y your visitthe zoo?

15   I'm tired. As soon as I gethome, I'm going  bed,

16   Marcel is French. He has just returned . France after two yearsBrazil.

17   Carl was born Chicago, but his family moved New York when he was three. He still lives

126.2 Have you been to these places? If so, how many times? Choose three of the places and write a sentence using been to,

                   Athens      Australia      Ireland      Paris      Rome      Sweden      Tokyo      the United States


3 .


126.3 Put in to/at/in where necessary. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.

                I What time does this train get           London?

2    What time does this train arrive           London?

3    What time did you get home last night?

4    What time do you usually arrive - work in the morning? 5 When we got . the cinema, there was a long queue outside, 6 1 arrived home feeling very tired.

126.4 Write sentences using got + into / out of / on- / off

I You were walking home. A friend passed you in her car. She saw you, stopped and offered you a lift. She opened the door. What did you do?

2    You were waiting for the bus. At last your bus came. The doors opened. What did you do then? I

3    You drove home in your car. You stopped outside your house and parked the car. What did you do then?

4    You were travelling by train to Manchester. When the train got to Manchester, what did you do?

5    You needed a taxi. After a few minutes a taxi stopped for you. You opened the door. What did you do then?

6    You were travelling by air, At the end of your flight, your plane landed at the airport and stopped. The doors were opened, you took your bag and stood up, What did you do then?

In/at/on (other uses)

Expressions with in

in the rain / in the sun sunshine) I in the shade / in the dark / in bad weather etc.

 We sat in the shade. It was too hot to sit in the sun.  Don't go out in the rain. Wait until it stops.

(write) in ink / in biro / in pencil

 When you do the exam, you're not allowed to write in pencil. Also (write) in words I in figures / in BLOCK CAPITALS etc. C] Please write your name in block capitals.

                                    a Write the story in your own words.      don't copy somebody else)

(be/fall) in love (with somebody)

 Have you ever been in love with anybody?

in (my) opinion a In my opinion, the film wasn't very good.

                           At the age of ... etc.

We say sat the age of 16 / at 120 miles an hour / at 100 degrees etc.'. c] Tracy left school at 16. or . at the age of 16.  a The train was travelling at 120 miles an hour. a Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

On holiday / on a tour etc.

We say: (be/go) on holiday / on business / on a trip / on a tour / on a cruise etc. c] I'm going on holiday next week.

a Emma's away on business at the moment. a One day I'd like to go on a world tour.

You can also say 'go to a place for a holiday / for my holiday(s)':  Steve has gone to France for a holiday.

 Other expressions with on

on television / on the radio a I didn't watch the news on television, but I heard it on the radio.

on the phone/telephone a I've never met her, but I've spoken to her on the phone a few times.

(be/go) on strike

 There are no trains today. The drivers are on strike-

(be/go) on a diet a I've put on a lot of weight. I'll have to go on a diet.

 (be) on fire  a Look! That car is on fire.

on the Whole (z in general) a Sometimes I have problems at work, but on the whole I enjoy my job.

on purpose (z intentionally)

 I'm sorry, I didn't mean to annoy you, I didn't do it on purpose.

254                       In/at/on (time)     Unit 121    In/at/on (position)     Units 123—125

127 sentences using in + the following:

block capitals pencil

cold weather

love the shade

my opinion

               Don't go out          the ram       Wait until it stops.

2    Matt likes to keep warm, so he doesn't go out much

3    If vou write     and make a mistake, you can rub it out and correct it, 4 Thev fell          almost immediately and were married in a few weeks.

5    Please write vour address clearly, preferably

6    It's too hor in the sun, I'm going to sit

7    Amanda thought the restaurant was OK, but    it wasn't very good.

127.2 Complete the sentences using on + the following:

business purpose

a diet strike


holiday a tour

the phone the whole

I Look! That car is . on ..f.ire ! Somebody call the fire brigade.

2    Workers at the factor-v have gone       for better pay and conditions.

3    Soon after we arrived, we were taken

4    1 feel lazv this evening. Is there anything worth watching

5    1'm sorrv. It was an accident. I didn't do it

6    Richard has put on a lot of weight recently. I think he should go .  Jane's job involves a lot of travelling. She often has to go away S A: rm going  next week. B: Where are vou going? Somewhere nice?

9       A: Is Sarah here?

B: Yes, but she's at the moment. She won't be long.

10   A: How was vour exam?

B: Well, there were some difficult questions, but .„..... it was OK.

127.3 Complete the sentences with on, in, at or for.

1    Water boils     100 degrees Celsius,

2    When I was 14, I went  a trip to France organised by my school.

3    There was panic when people realised that the building was . fire.

4    Julia's grandmother died recently  the age of 79.

S Can you turn the light on. please? I don't wqnt to sit  the dark.

6   We didn't go  holidav last year. We stayed at home.

7   I'm going to Switzerland         a short holiday next month, S I won't be here next week. I'll be           holiday.

               9 Technology has developed                          great speed,

            Alan got married                 1 7, which is rather young to get married.

I l I heard an interesting programme  the radio this morning.

12    my opinion, violent films should not be shown  television.

13   I wouldn't like to go  a cruise. I think I'd get bored.

14   I mustn't eat too much. I'm supposed to be  a diet.

15   I wouldn't like his job, He spends most of his time talking  the phone.

16   The earth travels round the sun  107,000 kilometres an hour.

17   'Did you enjoy your holidav?' 'Not every minute, butthe Whole, yes:

When you write a cheque, vou have to write the amountwords and figures.

128 By

             We use by in many expressions to say how we do something. For example, you can: send something by post     contact somebody by phone / by email / by fax do something by hand   pay by cheque / by credit card  Can I pay by credit card?

a You can contact me by phone, by fax or by email. But we say pay cash or pay in cash (not by cash).

We also say by mistake / by accident / by chance:

 We hadn't arranged to meet. We met by chance.

But we say 'do something on purpose' (z you mean to do it): C] I didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident.

Note that we say by chance, by cheque etc. (not by the chance / by a cheque). In these expressions we use by + noun without the or a.

                          In the same way we use by , to say how somebody travels:

by car / by train / by plane / by boat / by ship / by bus / by bike etc. by road / by rail / by air / by sea / by underground c] Joanne usually goes to work by bus.

a Do you prefer to travel by air or by train? But we say on foot:

a Did you come here by car or on foot?

You cannot use by if you say my car I the train / a taxi etc. We use by + noun without

•althe/my' etc. We say:

by car but in my car (not by my car) by train but on the train (not by the train) We use in for cars and taxis:

 They didn't come in their car. They came in a taxi.

We use on for bicycles and public transport (buses, trains etc.): a We travelled on the 6.45 train.

We say that 'something is done by somebody/something' (Passive):

Have you ever been bitten by a dog?

 The programme was watched by millions of people.

Compare by and with:

C) The door must have been opened with a key. (not by a key) somebody used a key to open it) a The door must have been opened by somebody with a key.

We say 'a play by Shakespeare' / 'a painting by Rembrandt' / •a novel by Tolstoy' etc. :

a Have you read anything by Ernest Hemingway?

By also means 'beside':

        a Come and sit by me.      beside me)

'Where's the light switch?' 'By the door.'

Note the following use of by:

Clare's salary has just gone up from £2,000 a month to £2,200. So it has increased by £200 / by ten per cent. [2 Carl and Mike had a race over 200 metres. Carl won by about three metres.

Passive + by Unit 42B By + -ing Unit 60B By myself Unit 83C


new salary           £2,200

increased by £200 old salary £2,000

By (time) Unit 120


sentences using by + the following:

                                                credit card             hand             mistake             satellite

             I We hadn't arranged to meet. We met        41.0-nçe..

2    1 didn't intend to take VoUC umbrella. I took it

3    Don't put the sweater in the washing machine. It has to be washed

4    1 don't need cash. I can pay the bill

5    The two cities were connectedfor a television programme.

128.2 Put in by, in or on.

1    Joanne usually goes to work    bus.

2    1 saw Jane this morning. She was        the bus.

3    How did you get here? Did you come  train?

4    1 decided not to go     car. I went .      . my bike instead.

5    1 didn•t feel like walking home, so I came home         a taxi.

6    Sorrv we're late. We missed the bus, so we had to come           foot. 7 HOW long does it take to cross the Atlantic          Ship?

128.3   Write three sentences like the examples. Write about a song, a painting, a film, a book etc.





Put in by, in, on or with.

I Have vou ever been bitten

2       The plane was badly damaged  lightning.

3       We managed to put the fire out a fire extinguisher.

4       Who is that man standing         the window?

5       These photographs were taken  . a friend of mine.

6       1 don't mind going car, but I don't want to go  your car. 7 There was a small table the bed  a lamp and a clock 128.5 All these sentences have a mistake, Correct them.

                 I Did vou come here bv Kate's car or yours?                                          In gate's car

2    I don't like travelling on bus.

3    These photographs were taken by a very good camera.

4    I know this music is from Beethoven, but I can't remember what it's called.

5    I couldn't pay by cash — I didn't have any money on me.

6    We lost the game only because of a mistake of one of our players.

128.6 Complete the sentences using by.

1   Clare's salary was £2,000 a month. Now it is £2,200.

Her salary

2   My daily newspaper used to cost 60 pence, From today it costs 70 pence. The price has gone up

3   There was an election, Helen won, She got 25 votes and Norman got 23.

Helen won

4   1 went to Kate's house to see her, but she had gone out five minutes before I arrived. I missed


(reason for, cause of etc.)

Noun + for

a cheque FOR (a sum of money) a They sent me a cheque for £150. a demand / a need FOR a The company closed down because there wasn't enough demand for its product. c] There's no excuse for behaviour like that. There's no need for it.

an advantage / a disadvantage OF .

a The advantage of living alone is that you can do what you like. but there is an advantage in (or to) doing something a There are many advantages in living alone. (or   to living alone) a cause OF

C) The cause of the explosion is unknown.

a photograph / a picture / a map / a plan / a drawing (etc.) OF a Rachel showed me some photographs of her family.

 I had a map of the town, so I was able to find my way around.

Noun + to

damage TO

 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage to the other car. an invitation TO (a party / a wedding etc.) t: Did you get an invitation to the party?

a solution TO (a problem) / a key TO (a door) / an answer TO (a question) / a reply TO

(a letter) ] a reaction TO a I hope we'll find a solution to the problem. (not a solution of the problem)  I was surprised at her reaction to my suggestion.

Noun + with ... between a relationship / a connection / contact WITH a Do you have a good relationship with your parents?

a The police want to question a man in connection with the robbery.

but a relationship / a connection / contact / a difference BETWEEN two things or people The police believe that there is no connection between the two crimes. a There are some differences between British and American English.


second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

I What caused the explosion? What was the cause

2 We're trying co solve the problem. We're trying to find a solution 3 Sue gets on well with her brother. Sue has a good relationship 4 The cost Of living has gone up a lot.

There has been a big increase ..

S I don't know how to answer your question.

I can't think of an answer

6 I don st think that a new road is necessary.

I don't think there is any need

7 I think that working at home has many advantages.

I think that there are many advantages

S The number of people without jobs fell last month.

Last month there was a fall

9       Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more.

There is no demand

10    In what way is your job different from mine?

What is the difference

129.2 Complete the sentences using the following nouns + the correct preposition: cause           connection       contact damage            invitation key   pictures reason  reply

              On the wall there were some pictures and a                   the world.

2                     Thank you for the .       your party next week.

3                     Since she left home two years ago, Sophie has had little .          her family.

4                     I can't open this door. Have you got a .

5                     The . the fire at the hotel last night is still unknown.

6                     I emailed Jim last week, but I still haven't received a my message.

7                     The two companies are completely independent- There is no   them.

8                     Jane showed me some Old  the city as it looked 100 years ago.

9                     Carol has decided to give up her job. I don't know her doing this. 10 Ir wasn't a bad accident. The the car wasn't serious.

129.3 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1                    There are some differences              British and American English.

2                    Money isn't the solution           . every problem.

3                    There has been an Increase       the amount of traffic using this road.

4                    When I opened the envelope, I was delighted to find a cheque  £500.

5                    The advantage  having a car is that you don't have to rely on public transport.

6                    There are many advantages  being able to speak a foreign language.

7                    Everything can be explained. There's a reason  everything.

8                    When Paul left home, his attitude  his parents seemed to change.

9                    Ben and I used to be good friends, but I don't have much contact  him now' 10 There has been a sharp riseproperty prices in the past few years.

11   What was Emma's reaction  the news?

12   If I give you the camera, can vou take a photograph

13   The company has rejected the workers' demands .„ pay.

14   What was the answer  question 3 in the test?

15   The fact that Jane was offered a job has no connectionthe fact that she is a friend of the managing director.


         Adjective                       1

It was nice of you to ,

nice / kind / good / generous / polite / stupid / silly etc. OF somebody (to do something) C] Thank you. It was very kind of you to help me.

C) It is stupid Of me to go out without a coat in such cold weather.

but (be) nice / kind good / generous / polite / rude / friendly / cruel etc. TO somebodv a They have always been very nice to me. (not with me) o Why were you so unfriendly to Lucv?

Adjective + about / with

ABOUT something

angry / annoyed / furious

WITH somebodv FOR doing something a Ifs stupid to get angry about things that don't matter. c] Are you annoyed with me for being late?

excited / worried / upset / nervous / happy etc. ABOUT a situation Are you excited about going away next week?

[2 Lisa is upset about not being invited to the party.

délighted / pleased / satisfied / happy / disappointed WITH something you receive, or the result of something

CJ I was delighted with the present you gave me.

c) Were you happy with your exam results?









Adjective + at / by / with

surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something a Everybody was surprised AT (or BY) the news, a I hope you weren't shocked BY (or AT) what I said. impressed WITH / BY somebody/something

C] I'm very impressed with (or by) her English. It's very good. fed up / bored WITH something a I don't enjoy my job anv more. I'm fed up with it. / I'm bored with it.

Sorry about / for

sorry ABOUT a situation or something that happened C] I'm sorry about the mess. I'll clear it up later. a We're all sorry about Julie losing her job. sorry FOR / ABOUT something you did a Alex is very sorry for what he said. for sorry about what he said)

I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday. (or sorry about shouting) You can also say 'I'm sorry I (did something)': c] I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday, feel / be sorry FOR somebody who is in a bad situation

I feel sorry for Matt. He's had a lot of bad luck. (not I feel sorry about Matt)

Preposition + -ing Unit 60 Adjective + to            -s Unit 65 Sony to . / sorry for .             Unit 66C Adjective preposition 2 Unit 131


130.1 Write sentences using nice of         kind of etc.








130.2 Complete the sentences using the following adjectives + the correct preposition:

annoyed          annoyed          astonished       bored   excited—         impressed        kind     sorry I Are you  going away next week?

2    Thank vou for all VOur help. You've been very        me.

3    I wouldn't like to be in her position. I feel

4    What have I done wrong? Why are you

5    Whv do vou always get so      things that don't matter?

6    I wasn't very . the service in the restaurant. We had to wait ages before our food arrived.

 Ben isn't very happy at college. He says he'sthe course he's doing. 8 I had never seen so many people before. I wasthe crowds.

130.3 Put in the correct preposition.

             I I was delighted              the present you gave me.

2 It was very nice you to do my shopping for me. Thank you very much, 3 Why are you alwavs so rude . your parents? Can't you be nice  them?

4 It was careless  you to leave the door unlocked when you went out.  They didn't reply to our letter, which wasn't very polite          them.

6               alwavs have the same food every day. I'm fed up

7               I can't understand people who are cruel  animals.

S We enjoyed our holiday, but we were a bit disappointed  the hotel,

9        I was surprised  the way he behaved. It was completely out of character.

10    I've been trying to learn Spanish, but I'm not very satisfied  my progress.

11    Linda doesn't look very well. I'm worried  her.

12    Are you angry what happened?

13    I'm sorry        •what I did. I hope you're not angry me.

14    The people next door are furious us            . making so much noise last night.

          IS Jill starts her new job next week. She's quite excited                 it.

16   I'm sorry         the smell of paint in this room. I've just decorated it.

17   I was shocked what I saw, I'd never seen anything like it before,

IS The man we interviewed for the job was intelligent, but we weren't very impressed his appearance.

19    Are you still upset .what I said to you yesterday?

20    He said he was sorrythe situation, but there was nothing he could do.

21    I felt sorry  the children when we went on holiday. It rained every day and they had to spend most of the time indoors.

—s                                      35

          Adjective                       2

Adjective + of (1)

afraid / frightened / terrified / scared OF .

O 'Are you afraid of spiders?' 'Yes, I'm terrified of them.' fond / proud / ashamed / jealous / envious OF .

Cl Why are you always so jealous of other people?

suspicious / critical / tolerant OF a He didn't trust me. He was suspicious of rnv intentions.


Adjective + of (2)

aware / conscious OF .

o 'Did you know he was married?' 'Xo, I wasn st aware of that,' capable / incapable OF

O I'm sure you are capable of passing the examination. full / Short OF ...

CJ The letter I wrote was full of mistakes. (not full with) o I'm a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?

typical OF ...

Cl He's late again, It's typical of him to keep everybodv waiting.

tired / sick OF .

C] Come on, let's go! I'm tired of waiting. I've had enough of waiting.) certain I sure OF or ABOUT

     C] I think she's arriving this evening, but I'm not sure Of that. or     sure about that.

Adjective + at / to / from / in ( on with / for




good / bad / brilliant / better / hopeless etc. AT n I'm not very good at repairing things. (not good in repairing things) married / engaged TO a Linda is married to an American. (not married with) but Linda is married with three children. she is married and has three children similar TO

Cl Your writing is similar to mine, different FROM or different TO .

o The film was different from what I'd expected. (or different to what I'd expected.

interested IN o Are you interested in art?

keen ON

C] We stayed at home because Chris wasn't verv keen on going out. dependent ON . , , (but independent OF ...) a I don't want to be dependent on anvbodv. crowded WITH (people etc.) o The streets were crowded with tourists. (but full of tourists) famous FOR o The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.

responsible FOR a Who was responsible for all that noise last night?


Preposition + -ing —s Unit 60 Afraid oflto —s Unit 66A Adjective + preposition I —s Unit 130 American English Appendix 7


131-1 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

I There were lots of tourists in the streets, The streets were crowded

2    There was a lot of furniture in the room. The room was full

3    I don't like sport verv much.          1 8 m not very keen

4    We don't have enough time.    We're a bit short

5    I'm not a very good tennis plaver.        I'm not very good

6    Catherine's husband is Russian.           Catherine is married

7    I don't trust Robert,     I'm suspicious

8    My problem is not the same as yours.  • My problem is different

131.2 Complete the sentences using the following adjectives + the correct preposition:

afraid  different           interested         proud   responsible      similar I I think she's arriving this evening, but not       that'

2 Your camera is -          mine, but it isn't exactly the same. 3 Don't worrv. 1@11 look after vou. There's nothing to be 4 I never watch the news on television. I'm not .

5    The editor is the person who is what appears in a newspaper.

6    Sarah is a keen gardener. She's very      her garden and loves showing it to visitors.

7    I was surprised when I met Lisa for the first time. She was  what I expected.

131.3 Put in the correct preposition.

                      I The letter I wrote was full           mistakes.

2    MV home town is not an especiallv interesting place. It's not famous  anything.

3    Kate is verv fond  her younger brother.

4    I don't like going up ladders, I'm scared           heights,

5    You look bored, You don't seem interested          what I'm saying.

6    Did you know that Liz is engaged  a friend of mine?

7    I'm not ashamed what I did, In fact I'm quite proud  it,

8    I suggested that we should all go out for a meal, but nobody else was keen  the idea.

9    These davs evervbodv is aware           the dangers Of smoking.

                    The station platform was crowded                 people waiting for the train.

I l Sue is much more successful than I am. Sometimes I feel a bit jealous  her.

12 1'm tired  doing the same thing every day. I need a change, 13 Do vou know anvone who might be interested buying an old car?

14   We've got plenty to eat. The fridge is full

15   She is a very honest person. I don't think She is capable  telling a lie.

16   Helen works hard and she's extremely good . her job.

17   I'm not surprised he changed his mind at the last moment. That's typical  him.

IS Mark has no monev of his own. He's totally dependent  his parents.

19 We're short  staff in our office at the moment. We need more people to do the work.

131.4 Write sentences about yourself, Are you good at these things or not? Use the following: good       quite good          not very good   hopeless

1   (repairing things)

2   (telling jokes)

3   (mathematics)

4   (remembering names)

             —¥                                                         35

132                                   1 to and at

Verb + to

talk j speak TO somebody (With is also possible but less usual) a Who was that man you were talking to? listen TO a We spent the evening listening to music. (not listening music) write (a letter) TO a I wrote to the hotel complaining about the poor service we had received. apologise TO somebody (for ...)

[2 They apologised to me for What happened. (not They apologised me) explain something TO somebody a Can you explain this word to me? (not explain me this word) explain / describe (to somebody) what/how/why a I explained to them why I was worried. (not I explained them) a Let me describe to you what I saw. (not Let me describe you)

We do not use to with these verbs:

phone / telephone / call somebody c] Did you phone your father yesterday? (not phone to your father) answer somebody/something c] He refused to answer my question. (not answer to my question) ask somebody

Cl Can I ask you a question? (not ask to you) thank somebody (for something)

C] He thanked me for helping him. (not He thanked to me)

Verb + at

look / stare / glance AT , have a look / take a look AT C) Why are you looking at me like that? laugh AT a I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will laugh at me. aim / point (something) AT , shoot / fire (a gun) AT a Don't point that knife at me. It's dangerous.

C] We saw someone with a gun shooting at birds, but he didn't hit anv,

Some verbs can be followed by at or to, with a difference of meaning. For example:

shout AT somebody (when you are angry)

C He got very angry and started shouting at me. shout TO somebody (so that they can hear you)

c) He shouted to me from the other side of the street.

throw something AT somebody/something (in order to hit them) c] Somebody threw an egg at the minister.

throw something TO somebody (for somebody to catch) a Lisa shouted 'Catch!' and threw the keys to me from the window.

Verb + preposition 2—4 Units 133—136 Ask for Unit 133C Apologise for / thank somebody for

Unit 135B Other verbs + to Unit 136D American English Appendix 7


132.1 You ask somebody to explain things that you don't understand. Write questions beginning Can you explain

I (I don't understand this word.)

2    (I don't understand what vou mean,)

3    (I don't understand this question.)

Can you explain

4    (l don't understand the problem.)


S (I don't understand how this machine works.)

6 (l don't understand what I have to do,)

132.2 Put in to where necessary. If the sentence is already complete, leave the space empty.

                   I I know who she is, but I've never spoken           her.

2    Why didn't vou answer           my letter?

3    I like to listen  the radio while I'm having breakfast.

4    We'd better phone .     the restaurant to reserve a table.

5    'Did Mike apologise .  - you?' 'Yes, he said he was very sorry.' 6 I explained    everybody the reasons for my decision.

                   7 I thanked                 everybody fòr all the help they had given me.

S Ask me what you like, and I'll try and answeryour questions.

9       Mike described  me exactly what happened.

10    Karen won't be able to help you, so there's no point in asking  her.

132.3 Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition: exp-law glance 4augh- listen point speak throw throw I I look stupid with this haircut. Everybody will „.144gh.. me.

2    I don't understand this. Can you  it    me?

3    Sue and Kevin had an argument and now they're not    one another.

4    Be careful with those scissors! Don't . them    me!

5    1        my watch to see what the time was.

6    Please me! I've got something important to tell you.

7    Don't  stones  the birds! It's cruel.

8    If you don't want that sandwich,          it ,        the birds. They'll eat it.

132.4 Put in to or at,

 I wrote ...u.... the hotel complaining about the poor service we had received.

2    Look  these flowers. Aren't they pretty?

3    Please don't shout  me! Try to calm down.

4    I saw Sue as I was cycling along the road. I shouted . her; but she didn't hear me.

5    Don't listen     „       what he says. He doesn't know what he's talking about.

6    What7s so finny? What are you laughing

7    Do you think I could have a lookyour magazine, please?

8    I'm a bit lonely. I need somebody to talk

9    She was so angry she threw a bookthe wall.

10                    The woman sitting opposite me on the train kept staring  me. 11 Can I speak  you a moment? There's something I want to ask you.


133                                      2 about/for/of/after

Verb + about

talk / read / know ABOUT , tell somebodv ABOUT CJ We talked about a lot of things at the meeting.

have a discussion ABOUT something, but discuss something (no preposition) We had a discussion about what we should do.

CI We discussed a lot of things at the meeting. (not discussed about) do something ABOUT something do something to improve a bad situation a If you're worried about the problem, you should do something about it.

Care about, care for and take care of care ABOUT somebody/something = think that somebody/something is important c] He's very selfish. He doesn't care about other people.

We say 'care what,/where/how etc. (without about) a You can do what you like. I don't care what you do. care FOR somebody/something

(I) = like something (usually In questions and negative sentences) a Would you care for a cup of coffee? Would VOU like , Cl I don't care for very hot weather. (a I don't like ...)

(2) look after somebody

CJ Alan is SS and lives alone. He needs somebody to care for him.

take care OF look after c] Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself! look after yourself)

Verb + for ask (somebody) FOR a I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job. but 'I asked him the way to . ' 'She asked me my name' (no preposition)

apply (TO a person, a company etc.) FOR a job etc.

c] think you'd be good at this job. Why don't you apply for it?

wait FOR a Don't wait for me. I'll join you later.

O I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting for the rain to stop.

search (a person / a place / a bag etc.) FOR a I've searched the house for my keys, but I still can st find them. leave (a place) FOR another place

I haven't seen her since she left (home) for the office this morning. (not left to the office)

Look for and 100k after

                               look FOR         search for, try to find

Cl I've lost my keys, Can you help me to look for them?

 look AFTER , , = take care Of a Alan is SS and lives alone. He needs somebody to look after him. (not look for) c] You can borrow this book, but you must promise to look after it.

Verbs + about/of (think/hear etc.) Unit 134 Other verbs + for Unit 135B


133.1 Put in the correct preposition. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.

I I'm not going out vet. I'm waiting . .for..„. the rain to stop.

2       I couldn't find the street I was looking for, so I stopped someone to ask .directions.

3       I've applieda job at the factory, I don't know if I'll get it.

4       I've appliedthree colleges. I hope one of them accepts me.

5       I*ve searched evervwhere     John, but I haven't been able to find him.

6       I don't want to talk    what happened last night. Let's forget it.

7       I don't want to discuss           what happened last night. Let's forget it.

8       WC had an interesting discussion               the problem, but we didn't reach a decision.

9       We discussed  the problem, but we didn't reach a decision.

10   I don't want to go our yet. I'm waiting  the post to arrive.

Ken and Sonia are touring Italy. Thev're in Rome at the moment, but tomorrow they leave Venice.

12   The roof of the house is in very bad condition. I think we ought to do something  it.

13   We waited  Steve for half an hour, but he never came.

14   Tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane. I'm leaving my housethe airport at


133,2 Complete the sentences with the following verbs (in the correct form) + preposition:

apply  ask       do        leave    look     -seareW           talk      wait I Police are .•ea-rçhmg.. .ftr.. the man who escaped from prison.

2    We're still . a reply to our letter. We haven't heard anything yet.

3    I think Ben likes his job, but he doesn't .          it much.


When I ScI finished mv meal, I  the bill.

5    Cathy is unemployed. She has .. several jobs, but she hasn't had any luck.

6    If something is wrong, whv don't you

 Linda's car is verv Old, but it'S in excellent condition. She        it very well.

8 Diane is from Boston, but now she lives in Paris. SheBoston  Paris when she was 19.

133.3 Put in the correct preposition after care. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.

1    He's very selfish. He doesn't care other people.

2    Are vou hungry? Would vou care .something to eat?

3    She doesn't care  the exam. She doesn't care whether she passes or fails.

4    Please let me borrow vour camera. I promise .1'11 take good care . it. 5 'Do you like this coat?' 'Not really, I don't care       the colour.'

6    Don't worry about the shopping. I'll take care . .           that.

7    I want to have a good holidav. I don't care       the cost.

                 S I want to have a good holiday. I don't care                 how much it costs.

133.4 Complete the sentences with look for or look after. Use the correct form Of look (looks/ looked/looking).

1 I . cooked.       my keys, but [ couldn't find them anywhere. 2 Kate is   a job. I hope she finds one soon.

3    Who     you when you were ill?

4    1 m     Elizabeth. Have you seen her?

5    The car park was full, so we had to     somewhere else to park.

6    A babysitter is somebodv who other people's children.

3 about and of

dream ABOUT (when you are asleep) a I dreamt about you last night.

dream OF/ABOUT being something / doing something imagine a Do you dream offabout being rich and famous?

(I) wouldn't dream OF doing something = I would never do it a 'Don't tell anyone what I said.' 'No, I wouldn't dream of it.'

hear ABOUT .. . = be told about something a Did you hear about what happened at the club on Saturday night?  hear OF = know that somebody/stpmetbing exists

CJ is Tom Hart?' 'l have no idea. I've never heard Of him'. (not heard from him) hear FROM receive a letter, phone call or message from somebody a 'Have you heard from Jane recently?' 'Yes, she phoned a few days ago.'

When you think ABOUT something, you consider it, you concentrate your mind on it: C] I've thought about what you said and I've decided to take your advice. a 'Will you lend me the money?' *I'll think about it.'

When you think OF something, the idea comes to your mind:

Cl He told me his name, but I can't think of it now. (not think about it) c] That's a good idea. Why didn't I think Of that? (not think about that) We also use think of when we ask or give an opinion:

                                       CJ 'What did you think of the film?' 'I didn't think much of it.'           I didn't like it much)

The difference is sometimes very small and you can use of or about: C] When I'm alone, I often think of (or about) you.

                                      You can say think of or think about doing something (for possible future actions):

Cl My sister is thinking of (or about) going to Canada. (z she is considering it)

remind somebody ABOUT ... = tell somebodv not to forget

C] I'm glad you reminded me about the meeting. I'd completely forgotten about it.

                                remind somebody OF          cause somebody to remember

Cl This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.


Look at this photograph of Richard, Who does he remind you of?

complain (TO somebody) ABOUT            = say that yon are not satisfied c] We complained to the manager Of the restaurant about the food.

complain OF a pain, an illness etc. = say that you have a pain etc.

                                          a We called the doctor because George was complaining of a pain in his stomach.

warn somebody ABOUT a person or thing whicWis bad, dangerous, unusual etc.

C] I knew he was a strange person. I had been warned about him. (not warned Of him) CI Vicky warned me about the traffic. She said it would be bad.

warn somebody ABOUT/OF a danger, something bad which might happen later  a Scientists have warned us about/of the effects of global warming.

Remind/warn somebody to —s Unit 55B


134.1 Put in the correct preposition.

                 I Did you hear                what happened at the party on Saturday?

2    'I had a strange dream last night: 'Did you? What did you dream

3    Our neighbours complained    us        . the noise we made last night.

4    Kevin was complaining          . pains in his chest, so he went to the doctor.

5    I love this music. It reminds me          a warm day in spring.

6    He loves his job. He thinks     his job all the time, he dreams  it, he talks it and I'm fed up with hearing  it.

7    I tried to remember the name of the book, butd couldn't think

8    Jackie warned me the water. She said it wasn't safe to drink. 9 We warned our children the dangers of playing in the street.

134.2 Complete the sentences using the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition:

complain dream hear remind remind -think- think warn I That's a good idea. Whv didn't I thmk_.Qf._._. that?

2    Bill is never satisfied. He is always     something,

3    I can't make a decision vet' I need time to        your proposal.

4    Before you go into the house, I must .  the dog. He is very aggressive sometimes, so be careful.

5    She's not a well-known singer. Not many people have  her. 6 A: You wouldn't go away without telling me, Would you?

                     B: Of course not. I wouldn't                                         it.


I would have forgotten my appointment if Jane hadn't            „ me       it.

8   Do you see that man over there? Does he         you      anybody you know?

134.3 Complete the sentences using hear or heard + the correct preposition (about/of/from). I I've never

2    'Did vou         the accident last night?' 'Yes, Vicky told me.'

3    Jill used to phone quite often, but I haven't  her for a long time now.

4    A: Have you  a writer called William Hudson? B: No, I don'r think so. What sort of writer is he?

5    Thank you for your letter, It was good to         you again.

6    sl)o vou want to          our holiday?' 'Not now. Tell me later.'

7    1 live in a small town in the north of England. YOu've probably never . it.

1     34,4 Complete the sentences using think about or think of. Sometimes both about and of are possible. Use the correct form of think (think/thinking/thought).

 You look serious. What are you

2     I like to have time to make decisions. I like to

                3 I don't know what to get Sarah for her birthday. Can you                                         anything?

4    A: I've finished reading the book you lent me,

                       B: Have you? What did vou                                                          it? Did you like it?

5    We're going out for a meal this evening. Would you like to come?

6    I don't really want to go out with Tom tonight, I'll have to  an


7    When I was offered the job, I didn't accept immediately. I went away and it for a while. In the end I decided to take the job.  much this coffee. It's like water.

               9 Carol is very homesick. She's always .                                      her family back home.

135                                          4 of/for/from/on

Verb 4 of

accuse / suspect somebody OF

 Sue accused me Of being selfish.

CJ Some students were suspected of cheating in the exam.

approve / disapprove OF

 His parents don't approve Of What he does, but they can't Stop him.

pay (somebody) FOR a I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal. (not pay the meal) but pay a bill / a fine / tax / rent / a sum of money etc. (no preposition) 1 didn't have enough money to pay the rent.

suffer FROM an illness etc.

depend I rely ON a 'What time will you be home?' 'I don't know. It depends on the traffic, a You can rely on Jill. She always keeps her promises.

You can use depend + when/where/how etc. with or without on:

C] 'Are you going to buy it?' 'It depends how much it is.' (or It depends on how much)

live ON money/food a Michael's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on.

congratulate / compliment somebody ON a I congratulated her ON her success in the exam.

                            Verb + preposition + —ing                    Unit 62 Other verbs + for -a Unit 133 Other verbs + on Unit 136E


                                 the second sentence so that it means       same as the first.

I Sue said I was selfish. Sue accused me

2    The misunderstanding was my fault, so I apologised.

I   apologised

3    Jane won the tournament, so I congratulated her.

I   congratulated Jane

4    He has enemies, but he has a bodyguard to protect him.

He has a bodvguard to protect him

S There are eleven players in a football team.

A football team consists

6 Sandra eats onlv bread and eggs. She lives

135.2 Complete the second sentence using for or on. These sentences all have blame, 1 Liz said that what happened was Joe's fault. Liz blamed Joe 2 You always say everything is my fault.

You alwavs blame me

3   DO you think the economic crisis is the fault Of the government?

Do you blame the government

4   1 think the increase In violent crime is the fault of television.

I blame the increase in violent crime

Now rewrite sentences 3 and 4 using to blame for,

5   13' Do you think the government

6 (4' I think that

135.3 Complete the sentences using the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition:

accuse apologise         -approve          congratulate     depend live      pay 1 His parents don't  what he does, but they can't stop him.

2 When you went to the theatre with Paul, who the tickets? 3 It's not verv pleasant when you are something you didn't do.

4    A: Are you going to the beach tomorrow?

                 B: I hope so, It                                        the weather.

5    Things are very cheap there. You can  very little money.

6    When I saw David, I . him passing his driving test. 7 You were very rude to Liz. Don't you think you should her?

135.4 Put in the correct preposition. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty, I Some students were suspected cheating in the exam.

2   Sally is often not well. She suffers      very bad headaches.

3   You know that you can rely            me if you ever need any help.

4   It is terrible that some people are dying  hunger while others eat too much.

5   Are you gorng to apologise  what you did?

            6 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay                 the repairs.

7       I didn't have enough money to pay      the bill.

8       I complimented her  her English. She spoke very fluently and her pronunciation was excellent.

9       She hasn't got a job. She depends - .    her parents for money.

10   I don't know whether I'll go out tonight. It depends      how I feel.

11   They wore warm clothes to protect themselves the cold.

12   The apartment consists  three rooms, a kitchen and bathroom.

5 in/into/with/to/on

Verb + in

believe IN

Cl Do you believe in God? Do you believe that God exists?) a I believe in saying what I think. I believe it is right to sav what I think) but 'believe something' believe it is true), 'believe somebody' believe they are telling the truth) a The story can't be true. 1 don't believe it. (not believe in it) specialise IN a Helen is a lawyer. She specialises in company law. succeed IN


Cl I hope you succeed in finding the•iob you want.

happen TO .

c] What happened to that gold watch you used to have? where is it now?) invite somebody TO a party / a wedding etc.

a They only invited a few people to their wedding. prefer one thing/person TO another a I prefer tea to coffee

Verb + on

concentrate ON

C) Don't look out of the window. Concentrate on your work.

insist ON a I wanted to go alone, but some friends of mine insisted on coming with me. spend (money) ON a How much do you spend on food each week?

Verb + preposition + -ing -+ Unit 62 Other verbs + to Unit 132 Other verbs + on Unit 1350


                                     the second sentence so that it means               same as the first.

I There was a collision between a bus and a car.

A bus collided

2    1 don't mind big cities, but I prefer small towns. I prefer ....„ .

3    1 got all the information I needed from Jane. Jane provided me .

4    This morning I bought a pair of shoes, which cost £70, This morning I spent

136.2 Complete the sentences using the following verbs (in the correct form) + the correct preposition:

believe concentrate      divide drive    fill        happen invite   succeed I I wanted to go alone, but Sue  coming with me.

2    I haven't seen Mike for ages. I wonder what has           .....„.    him.

3    We've been     the party, but unfortunately we can't go.

4    It's a very large house. It's       four flats.

5    I don't . ghosts. I think people only imagine that they see them, 6 Steve gave me an empty bucket and told me to it water.

7   I was driving along when the car in front of me stopped suddenly. Unfortunately I couldn't stop in time and           the back of it.

8   Don't try and do two things together.   ,           one thing at a time.

9   It wasn't easy, but in the end we          finding a solution to the problem.

136.3 Put in the correct preposition. If the sentence is already complete, leave the space empty.

              I The school provides all its students              books.

2       A strange thing happened      . me a few days ago.

3       Mark decided to give up sport so that he could concentrate  his studies.

4       I don't believe  working very hard, It's not worth it.

5       My present job isn't wonderful, but I prefer it . what I did before.

6       I hope vou succeed  getting what you want.

7       As I was coming out of the room, I collided   somebody who was coming in.

8       There was an awful noise as the car crashed   a tree.

9       Patrick is a photographer. He specialises        „ sports photography.

10    Do vou spend much money   clothes?

            I l The countrv is divided                 six regions.

12   I prefer travelling by train        driving. It's much more pleasant.

13   I was amazed when Joe walked into the room. .1 couldn't believe  it.

14   Somebody broke  my car and stole the radio.

15   I was quite cold, but Tom insisted        having the window open.

16   Some words are difficult to translate one language  another. 17 What happened  the money I lent you? What did you spend it 18 The teacher decided to split the class four groups.

           19 I filled the tank, but unfortunately I filled it                 the wrong kind of petrol.

136.4 Use your own ideas to complete these sentences. Use a preposition.

1   1 wanted to go out alone, but my friend insisted

2   1 spend a lot of money

3   1         the accident. The car crashed

4   Chris prefers basketball

5   Shakespeare's plays have been translated .

137                            1 Introduction

We often use verbs with the following words:


in out

on off

up down

away back

round through

about along

over forward


So you can say look out / get on / take off / run away etc. These are phrasal verbs.

We often use on/off/out etc. with verbs of movement. For example:

       get on            a The bus was full. We couldn't get on.

       drive off        C] A woman got into the car and drove off.

come back a Sally is leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday.

turn round a When I touched him on the shoulder, he turned round.

But often the second word (on/off/out•etc.) gives a special meaning to the verb. For example:

break down a Sorry I'm late. The car broke down. the engine stopped working) look out C Look out! There's a car coming. (z be careful) take off Cl It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took Off. (z went into the air) get on a How was the exam? How did you get on? How did you do?) get by C] My French isn't very good, but it's enough to get by, manage)

For more phrasal verbs, see Units 138—145.

Sometimes a phrasal verb is followed by a preposition. For example:

phrasal verb  preposition run away    from    Why did you run away from me?

keep up with a You're walking too fast. I can't keep up with you. look up at a We looked up at the plane as it flew above us. look forward to Are you looking forward to your holiday?

Sometimes a phrasal verb has an obiect. Usually there are two possible positions for the object. So you can say:

                                     I turned on the light.         or I turned the light on.

                                                               Object                                           object

If the object is a pronoun (it/them/me/him etc.), only one position is possible:

I turned it on. (not I turned on it)

Some more examples: fill in this form?

Cl Could you fill this form in?

 but They gave me a form and told me to fill it in. (not fill in it) throw away this postcard.  a Don't

throw this postcard away.

 but I want to keep this postcard, so don't throw it away. (not throw away it)

take off my shoes.

                                   a I'm going to take my shoes off.

 but These shoes are uncomfortable. I'm going to take them off. (not take off them) wake up the baby. a Don't wake the baby up.

but The baby is asleep. Don't wake her up. (not wake up her)

2—9 -+ Units 138-145 American English —s Appendix 7


each sentence using a verb from A (in correct form) + a word from B. You can use a word more than once.
















               I The bus was full. We couldn't         O.n

2    I've been standing for the last two hours. I'm going tofor a bit.

3    A cat tried to catch the bird, but itjust in time.

4    We were trapped in the building. We couldn't .

                   I can't hear you very well. Can you                                                    a little?

6    'Do you speak German?' 'Not verv well, but I can

7    House prices are verv high. They'vea lot in the last few years.

8    I thought there was somebody behind me, but when I, there nobody there.

137.2 Complete the sentences using a word from A and a word from B. You can use a word more than once.

away      back      forward      in      up


at      through      to     With

1   You're walking too fast. I can't keepyou.

2   My holidavs are nearly over. Next week I'll be .. work.

3   We went         the top floor of the building to admire the view.

4   Are vou looking         the party next week?

5   There was a bank robbery last week. The robbers got£50,000.


I love to look  the stars in the Sky at night.

7   I was sitting in the kitchen when suddenly a bird flewthe open window.

137.3 Complete the sentences using the following verbs + it/them/me:

                                             get out           give back           switch on            take off           wake up

I They gave me a form and told me to

2    1'm going to bed now. Can you

3    1've got something in my eye and I can't .

4    1 don't like it when people borrow things and don't 5 1 want to use the kettle. How do I 6 MV shoes are dirtv. I'd better .

137.4 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use a noun (this newspaper etc.) or a pronoun (it/them etc.) + the word in brackets (away/up etc.).

1   Don't throw  I want to keep it. (away)

2   'Do you want this postcard?' 'No, you can throw . s' (away)

3   I borrowed these books from the library. I have to take tomorrow. (back)

4   we can turn  Nobody is watching it. (off) S A: How did the vase get broken?

                   Bt I'm afraid I knocked                                              while I was cleaning. (over)

6    Shh! My mother is asleep. I don't want to wake .          (up)

7    It's quite cold. You should put if you're going out. (on) 8 It was only a small fire. I was able to put       quite easily. (out) 9 A: Is this hotel more expensive than when we stayed here last year?

                   B: yes, they've put                                                 (up)

10 It's a bit dark in this room. Shall I turn

138                                2 in/out

Compare in and out;


in into a room, a building, a car etc. C) How did the thieves get in?

C] Here's a key, so you can let yourself in. Sally walked up to the edge of the pool and dived in. (z into the water) a I've got a new flat. I'm moving in on Friday.

a As soon as I got to the airport, I checked in.

In the same way you can say go come in, walk in, break in etc.

Compare in and into; a I'm moving in next weeka I'm moving into my new flat on Friday.

out = out of a room, building, a car etc.

He just stood up and walked out. I had no key, so I was locked out. a She swam up and down the pool, and then climbed out.

Tim opened the window and looked out,

check out?

In rhe same way you can say go out, get out, move out, let somebody out etc.

Compare out and out of:

He walked out.

He walked out of the room.

Other verbs + in

drop in / call in = visit somebody for a short time without arranging to do this CI I dropped in to see Chris on my way home.

join in = take part in an activity that is already going on  CI We're playing a game. Why don't you join in?

plug in plug in an electrical machine = connect it to the electricity supply  The fridge isn't working because you haven't plugged it in.

eat out = eat at a restaurant, not at home

 CI There wasn't anything to eat at home, so we decided to eat out, drop out of college / university / a course / a race = stop before you have completely finished a course/race etc.

c] Gary went to university but dropped out after a vear,  get out Of something that you arranged to do avoid doing it

 I promised I'd go to the wedding. I don't want to go, but I can't get out of it now.

cut something out (of a newspaper etc.)

 There was a beautiful picture in the magazine, so I cut it out and kept it.

leave something out = omit it, not include it a In the sentence 'She said that she was ill', you can leave out the word •that'.

cross something out J rub something out a Some of the names on the list had been crossed out.           cross out

                                                      I                                                                                out Unit 139


each sentence using a verb in the correct form.

I Here's a key so that vou can .

2    Liz doesn't like cooking, so she

3    Eve isn't living in this flat anv more. She         out a few weeks ago.

4    If you're in our part of town, you must in and see us,

5    When 1  in at the airport, I was told my flight would be delayed.

6    There were some advertisements in the paper that I wanted to keep, so I them out.

7    I wanted to iron some clothes, bur there was nowhere to  the iron in, 8 I hate . in questlonnaares.

9       Steve was upset because he'd been  out of the team.

10   Be careful! The water's not very deep here, so don't      in.

11   If you write in pencil and vou make a mistake, you can it out.

12   Paul started doing a Spanish course, but he      out after a few weeks.

138.2 Complete the sentences with in, into, out or out of.

             I I've got a new flat. I'm moving          on Friday.

2 We checked  the hotel as soon as we arnved. 3 As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we checked 4 The car stopped and the driver got .

5   Thieves broke „ the house while We were away.

6   Why did Sarah drop    college? Did she fail her exams?

138.3 Complete each sentence using a verb + in or out (of).

 Sallv walked to the edge of the pool, . -dove-d and swam to the other end. 2 Not all the runners finished the race. Three Of them 3 I went to see Joe and Sue in their new house. They .

4   I've told you everything you need to know. I don't think I've anything.

5   Some people in the crowd started singing. Then a few more people and soon everybody was singing.

6   We go to restaurants a lot. We like .

7   Don't be         by him. If I were you, I wouldn't believe anything he says.

8   1        to see Laura a few days ago. She was fine.

9   A: Can we meet tomorrow morning at ten?

B: Probablv. I'm supposed to go to another meeting, but I think I can

138.4 Complete the sentences. Use the word in brackets in the correct form.

1    A: The fridge isn't working.

                  B: That's because you haven't ...pugged             . (plug)

2    A: What do I have to do with these forms?

B;and send them to this address, (fill)

3    A; I've made a mistake on this form,

B: That's all right. Just  and correct it. (cross) 4 A: Did you believe the story they told you?

B: Yes, I'm afraid they completely  (take)  A: Have you been to that new club in Bridge Street?

B: We wanted to go there a few nights ago, but the doorman wouldn't because we weren't members. g let)


work out do physical exercises

D Rachel works out at the gym three times a week. work out = develop, progress

Good luck for the future. I hope everything works out well for you. c] A: Why did James leave the company?

B; Things didn't work out, (z things didn't work out well) work out (for mathematical calculations) a The total bill for three people is £84.60. That works out at £28.20 each. work something out = calculate, think about a problem and find the answer c] 345 x 76? I need to do this on paper. I can't work it out in rnv head.

carry out an order / an experiment / a survey / an investigation / a plan etc. a Soldiers are expected to carry out orders.

 An investigation into the accident will be carried out as soon as possible. fall out (with somebody) = stop being friends

C] They used to be very good friends. I'm surprised to hear that thev have fallen out. a David fell out with his father and left home.

find out that]what/when etc., find out about something = get information c] The police never found out who committed the murder.  I've just found out that it's Helen's birthday today.

called the tourist Office to find out about hotels in the town. give/hand things out = give to each person a At the end of the lecture, the speaker gave out information sheets to the audience. point something out (to somebodv) draw attention to something C] As we drove through the citv, our guide pointed out all the sights.

c] I didn't realise I'd made a mistake until somebodv pointed it out to me. run out (of something) a We ran out of petrol on the motorwav. (z we used all our petrol) sort something out = find a solution to; put in order a There are a few problems we need to sort out.

a All these papers are mixed up, I'll have to sort them out. turn out to be / turn out goodfnice etc. / turn out that

D Nobody believed Paul at first, but he turned out to be right. (z it became clear in the end that he was right) c] The weather wasn't so good in the morning, but it turned out nice later.  1 thought they knew each other, but it turned out that they'd never met. try out a machine, a system, a new idea etc. = test it to see if it is OK a The company is trying out a new computer system at the moment.

                                                    1                          —+                                               out Unit 138


139.1 Which words can go together? Choose from the box.



                 a candle      a cigarette        -a-light- a mess        a mistake

a new product

an order

I turn out

2 point out5 put out 3 blow out .          6 try out

4 carrv out7 sort out .

139.2 Complete each sentence using a verb + out,

I The company is  a new computer system at the moment.

2    Steve is very fit. He does a lot of sport and  regularly.

3    The road will be closed for two davs next week while building work is

4    We didn't manage to discuss evervthing at the meeting. We

5    You have to    the problem yourself. I can't do it for you.

6    I phoned the station to . What time the train arrived.

7    The new drug will be . . on a small group of patients.

 I thought the two books were the same until a friend Of mine -  the difference.

9       They got married a few years ago but it didn't „           and they separated.

10   There was a pou•er cut and all the lights

11   We thought she was American at first, but she to be Swedish.

12   Sometimes it   Cheaper to eat in a restaurant than to cook at home.

13   I haven't applied for the job yet. I want to .more about the company first.

14   It took the fire brigade CWo hours tothe fire.

139.3 For each picture, complete the sentence using a verb + out.


The man with the beard is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  leaflets.

The weather has



One of Joe's jobs in the office is


139.4 Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb + out. Shall I leave the light on?

B: No, you can

This recipe looks interesting.

B: Yes, let's

How much money do I owe you exactly? B: Just a moment, I'll have to .

What happened about your problem with your bank?

B: It's OK now. I went to see them and we

4 on/off (1)

On and off for lights, machines etc.

We say: the light is on / put the light on / leave the light on etc. turn the light on/off or switch the light on/off Shall I leave the lights on or turn them off?

a 'Is the heating on?' 'No, switched it off.'

We need some boiling water, so I'll put the kettle on. Also put on some music / a CD / a video etc.

a I haven't listened to this CD yet, Shall I put it on?

On and off for events etc.

go on happen

C) What's all that noise? What's going on? what's happening) call something off = cancel it

Cl The open air concert had to be called off because of the weather. put something off, put off doing something = delay it a The wedding has been put Off until January.

C] We can't put off making a decision. We have to decide now.

On and Off for clothes etc.

put on clothes, glasses, make-up, a seat belt etc,

CI My hands were cold, so I put my gloves on.

Also put on weight = get heavier

C] I've put on two kilograms in the last month. try on clothes (to see if they fit)

I tried on a jacket in the shop, but it didn't fit me very well. take off clothes, glasses etc.

c] It was warm, so I took off my jacket.


Off = away from a person or place

be off (to a place)

Tomorrow I'm off to Paris / I'm off on holiday,

(z I'm going to Paris / I'm going on holiday) walk off / run off / drive off / ride off I go off (similar D Diane got on her bike and rode off.

to walk away I run away etc.) to Canada.


to say goodbye her to see her off.

a Mark left home at the age of eighteen and went off set off start a journey c We set off very early to avoid the traffic. (2 We left take off = leave the ground (for planes) a After a long delay the plane finallv took Off.

see somebody off = go with them to the airport/station c Helen was going away. We went to the station with

                          I                            -+                                               on/off Unit 141


Complete sentences using put on + the following: a CD the heating

I It was getting dark, so I

2    It was getting cold, so I .

3    1 wanted to bake a cake, so I

4    1 wanted to make some tea, so I .

S I wanted to listen to some music, so I

140.2 Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb + on or off.

                I It was warm, so I 00k.           my jacket.

2      What are all these people doing? What's

3      The weather was too bad for the plane to, so the flight was delaved,

4      I didn't want to be disturbed, so I .      . my mobile phone.

5      Rachel got into her car and    at high speed.

6      Tim has             weight since I last saw him. He used to be quite thin.

7      A•. What time are vou leaving tomorrow?

                B:       not sure vet, but      like to                                      . as early as possible.

8      Don't until tomorrow what you can do today.

9      There was going to be a strike by bus drivers, but now they have been offered more money and the strike has been

10  Are you cold? Shall I get you a sweater to

11  When I go away, prefer to be alone at the station or airport, I don't like it when people come to

140.3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.


Her hands were cold, so she                                    


The plane  at 10.55.


Maria but it was too big for her.


The match                                                                                    because Of the weather.

Mark's parents went to the airport to

He took his sunglasses out of his pocket and

5 on/off (2)

Verb + on = continue doing something

drive on walk on / play on = continue walking/driving/playing etc.

[2 Shall we Stop at this petrol station or shall we drive on to the next one? go on continue

 The party went on until 4 0'clock in the morning.

                                   go on / carry on (doing something) = continue (doing something)

C] We can't go on spending money like this. We'll have nothing left soon.

a I don't want to carry on working here. I'm going to look for another job.

Also go on with / carry on with something

Don't let me disturb you. Please carry on With what you're doing. keep on doing something = do it continuously or repeatedly a Hé keeps on criticising me. I'm fed up with it!

get on = progress a How are you getting on in your new job? (z How is it going?) get on (with somebody) = have a good relationship a Joanne and Karen don't get on. They're always arguing.



a Richard gets on well with his neighbours. They're all very friendly, get on with something continue doing something you have to do, usually after an interruption a I must get on with my work. I have a lot to do.

doze off / drop off / nod off fall asleep a The lecture wasn't very interesting. *In fact I dropped off in the middle of it. finish something off = do the last part of something    c] A: Have you finished painting the kitchen? B: Nearly. I'll finish it off tomorrow. go off explode

 A bomb went off in the city centre, but fortunately nobody was hurt.

Also an alarm can go off = ring

 Did you hear the alarm go off?

put somebody Off (doing something) = cause somebody not to want something or to do something

 We wanted to go to the exhibition, but we were put off by the long queue.

c) What put you off applying for the job? Was the salary too low? rip somebody off = cheat somebody (informal)

 [2 Did you really pay £1,000 for that painting? I think you were ripped Off. you paid too much) show off = try to impress people with your ability, your knowledge etc.

C] Look at that boy on the bike riding with no hands. He's just showing off.

tell somebody off = speak angrily to somebody because they did something wrong c] Clare's mother told her off for wearing dirty shoes in the house.

Go on I carry on Unit 53B Phrasal verbs I (Introduction) Unit 137

                             More              + on/off Unit 140


             Change       underlined words. Keep the same meaning, but use a verb + on or off.

1   Did you hear the bomb gxp_lQde?

Did you hear the bomb .....gQ.

2   The meeting continued longer than I expected.

The meeting  longer than I expected.

3   We didn't stop to rest. We continued walking.

We didn't stop to rest. We

4   I fell asleep while I was watching TV.

1  while I was watching TV.

5   Gary doesn't want to retire. He wants to continue working.

Gary doesn't want to retire. He wants to  working.

6   The fire alarm rang in the middle of the night.

The fire alarm  in the middle of the night, 7 Martin phones me continuously. It's very annoying.

Martin  It's very annoying.

141.2 Complete each sentence using a verb + on or off.

1   We can't          spending money like this. We'll have nothing left soon.

2   I was standing by the car When suddenly the alarm 3 I'm not readv to go home yet. I have a few things to

4    'Shall I stop the car here?' 'No,

5    Bill paid too much for the car he bought. I think he was

6    'Is Emma enjoying her course at university?' 'Yes, she's , very well.' 7 I was very tired at work today. I nearly at my desk a couple of times. 8 Ben was by his boss for being late for work repeatedly.

9       I reallv like working with my colleagues. We all      really well together.

10   There was a very loud noise. It sounded like a bomb

11   1  making the same mistake. It's very frustrating.

12   I've just had a coffee break, and now I must .   „ with my work.

13   Peter is always trying to impress people. He's always

14   We decided not to go into the museum, We were         by the cost Of tickets.

141.3 Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + on or off. Sometimes you will need other words as well:

carry   finish gee get    get       go        rip        tell 1 A: How  in your new job? Fine, thanks. It's going very well.

2    A: Have you written the letter vou had to write?

I've started it. I'll  in the morning,

3    A: We took a taxi to the airport. It cost £40.

B; £40! Normally it costs about £20, You

4    A: Why were you late for work this morning?

B: I overslept. My alarm clock didn't

5    A: How  in your interview? Do you think you'll get the job? B: I hope so. The interview was OK.

6    A: Did you stop playing tennis when it started to rain?

B: No, we The rain wasn't very heavy.

7    A: Some children at the next table in the restaurant were behaving very badly.

B: Why didn't their parents .

 A: Why does Paul want to leave his job?

B: He  his boss.


put something up (on a wall etc.)

[2 1 put some pictures up on the wall.

pick something up

CJ There was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it. stand up

Alan stood up and walked out. turn something up n I can't hear the TV. Can you turn it up a bit?

take something down (from a wall etc.)

2 1 didn't like the picture, so I took it down.

put something down

I stopped writing and put down my pen.

sit down bend down / lie down

I bent down to tie my shoelace. turn something down

The oven is too hot, Turn it down to ISO degrees.

Knock down etc.

knock down a building / blow something down / cut something down etc.

D Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre. o Why did you cut down the tree in your garden?

Also be knocked down (by a car etc.)

A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital.


Complete                sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + up or down: calm       let   put -take- turn  turn

I I don't like this picture on the wall. I'm going to

2    The music is too loud. Can vou

3    David was very angrv. I tried to

4    1've bought some new curtains. Can you help me

5    1 promised I would help Anna. I don't want to

6    1 was offered the job, but I decided I didn't want it. So I .

142.2 For each picture, complete the sentences using a verb + up or down. In most sentences you will need other words as well.

before          now

before           now

1    There used to be a tree next to the house, but we

2    There used to be some shelves on the wall, but I

3    The ceiling was so low, he couldn't        straight.

4    She couldn't hear the radio very well, so she .

5    While thev were waiting for the bus, they         on the ground.

6    A few trees      in the storm last week.

                Sarah gave me her phone number. I                                                          on a piece of paper.

             8 Liz dropped her keys, so she                                                           and

142.3 Complete each sentence using a verb (in the correct form) + down.

I stopped writing and  my pen,

2    1 was really angry. It took me a long time to

3    The train           as it approached the station.

4    Sarah applied to studv medicine at university, but she

5    Our car is very reliable. It has never

6    I need to spend less money. I'm going to            on things I don't really need.

7    I didn't play very well. I felt that I had  the other players in the team.

8    The shop           because it was losing money.

9    This is a very ugly building. Many people would like it to

10                   I can't understand why you . the chance of working abroad for a year. It would have been a great experience for you. Il A: Did you see the accident? What happened exactly?

B: A man  by a car as he was crossing the road. 12 Peter got married when he was 20, but unfortunately the marriage m.. a few years later.


143                            7 up (1)

                               go up / come up / walk up (to        = approach

than somebody in front of vou you / I'll catch vou up.


C] A man came up to me in the street and asked me for money. catch up (with somebody), catch somebody up = move faster so that you reach them a I'm not ready to go yet, You go on and I'll catch up with keep up (with somebody) = continue at the same speed or level Cl You're walking too fast. I can't keep up (with you). c] You're doing well. Keep it up!

system, a website etc. = start it investigate the problem. doing it

She takes really good pictures.

set up an organisation, a company, a business, a a The government has set up a committee to take up a hobby, a sport, an activity etc. start

Laura took up photography a few years ago.

fix up a meeting etc, = arrange it

C] We've fixed up a meeting for next Monday.

grow up = become an adult c] Sarah was born in Ireland but grew up in England. bring up a child = raise, look after a child c] Her parents died when she was a child and she was brought up by her grandparents.


make it clean, tidy etc. tidy up? (or tidy it up) after a meal washing-up.


clean up / clear up / tidy up something a Look at this mess! Who's going to wash up = wash the plates, dishes etc.

CI I hate washing up. (or I hate doing-the

end up somewhere, end up doing something etc.

c] There was a fight in the Street and three men ended happened to these men in the end) a I couldn't find a hotel and ended up sleeping on a happened to me in the end) give up = stop trying, give something up = stop doing it [2 Don't give up. Keep trying!

up in hospital, (z that's what bench at the station. that's what

stop doing it)

city. (z half the population are consists of .. .)


turn up.

use up the rest Of the film.


c] Sue got bored with her job and decided to give it up. make up something / be made up of something c] Children under 16 make up half the population of the children under 16) a Air is made up mainly of nitrogen and oxygen. (z Air take up space or time = use space or time

Most of the space in the room was taken up by a large turn up / show up = arrive, appear

We arranged to meet Dave last night, but he didn't use something up = use all of it so that nothing is left

I'm going to take a few more photographs. I want to

                                                      1                                                                                                   142, 144


143.1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences, Use three words each time, including a verb from Section A,


A man and asked me the wav to the station.


Sue                                    the front door of the house and rang the doorbell.


Tom was a long way behind the other runners, but he managed to



Tanya was running too fast for Paul. He couldn't                                                                                                                                                                                                  her.

143.2 Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs (in the correct form) + up:

                       end      give       give      grow       make       take       take       turn       use      wash

             I I couldn't find a hotel and              .42... sleeping on a bench at the station.

2    I'm feeling verv tired now. I've      all my energy.

3    After dinner I  and put the dishes away.

4    People often ask children what they want to be when they

5    We invited Tim to the party, but he didn't

6    TWO years ago Markhis studies to be a professional footballers  A: Do vou do any sports?

                  B: Not at the moment, but I'm thinking of                                         tennis.

            S You don't have enough determination. You                                        too easily.

9       Karen travelled a lot for a few years and         in Canada, where she still lives.

10   I do a lot of gardening. It               most of my free time-

I l There are two universities in the city, and students 20 per cent Of the population.

143.3 Complete the sentences. Use the following verbs + up (with any other necessary words): bring     -eately fix

I Sue got bored '.vith her job and decided to

— I'm not readv vet. You go on and I'll

3   The room is in a mess. I'd better

4   We expect to go awav on holiday sometime in July, but we haven't vet.

5   Stephen is having problems at school. He can't  the rest of the class.

6   Although I „ in the country, I have always preferred cities.

7   Our team started the game well, but we couldn't  , and in the end we lost.

             S I saw Mike at the party, so I                                                  him and said hello.

9       When I was on holiday, I joined a tour group. The group two Americans, three Germans, five Italians and myself.

10   Helen has her own internet website. A friend of hers helped her to

8 up (2)

bring up a topic etc. = introduce it in a conversation a I don't want to hear any more about this matter. Please don't bring it up again. come up = be introduced m a conversation a Some interesting matters came up in our discussion yesterday. come up with an idea, a suggestion etc. = produce an idea a Sarah is very creative. She's always coming up with new ideas. make something up = invent something that is not true

What Kevin told you about himself wasn't true. He madc it all up,

cheer up = be happier, cheer somebody up = make somebody feel happier  You look so sad! Cheer up!

D Helen is depressed at the moment. What can we do ro cheer her up? save up for something / to do something = save money to buy something a Dan is saving up for a trip round the world. clear up = become bright (for weather) a It was raining when I got up, but it cleared up during the morning.

blow up = explode, blow something up = destroy it with a bomb etc.

The engine caught fire and blew up.

The bridge was blown up during the war. tear something up = tear it into pieces




I didn't read the letter. I just tore it up and threw it away.

beat somebody up = hit someone repeatedly so that they are badly burt

D A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He was badlv hurt and had to go to hospital.

break up / split up (with somebody) = separate

I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have split up, They seemed very happv together when I last saw them.

do up a coat, a shoelace, buttons etc. = fasten, tie etc. c] It's quite cold. Do up your coat before you go out. do up a building, a room etc. repair and improve it

Cl The kitchen looks great now that it has been done up, 100k something up in a dictionary/encyclopaedia etc.

CJ If you don't know the meaning of a word, you can look it up in a dictionary. put up With something = tolerate it o We live on a busy road, so we have to put up with a lot of noise from the traffic. hold up a person, a plan etc. = delay o Don't wait for me. I don't want to hold vou up.

C Plans to build a new factorv have been held up because of the companv's financial problems.

mix up people/things, get people/things mixed up = you think one is the other  The two brothers look very similar. Many people mix them up. (or get them mixed up)

                                                     I                           —+                                                                  142—143


144.1 Which goes with which?

A   a new camera

B    a lot of bad weather

C    your jacket

D   an interesting suggestion

E    excuses

G that subject

1   1'm going to tear up

2   Jane came up with

3   Paul is always making up

4   1 think you should do up

S I don't think vou should bring up

6    1'm saving up for

7    We had to put up with







144.2 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. You will need two or three words each time.


The weather was horrible this morning, but it's  now.


Linda was late because she was                     in the traffic.


They bought an old house and .

      It's really nice now,


Pete was really depressed. We took him out for a meal to                                      

144.3 Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb (in the correct form) + up. Sometimes you will need other words as well.

I Some interesting matters in our discussion yesterday.

2    The shipand sank. The cause of the explosion was never discovered.

3    Two men have been arrested after a man was — outside a restaurant last night. The injured man was taken to hospital.

4    'Is Robert still going out With Tina?' 'NO, they've

 I put rnv shoes on and  the shoelaces.

6   The weather is horrible this morning, isn't it? I hope it  later.

7   I wanted to phone Chris, but I dialled Laura's number by mistake. I got their phone numbers

144.4 Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb + up, Sometimes you will need other words as well.

I Don't wait for me. I don't want to

2    I don't know what this word means. I'll have to

3    There's nothing we can do about the problem. We'll just have tolt.

4    'Was that story true?' 'No, I

S think we should follow Tom's suggestion. Nobody hasa better


6    I hate this photograph. I'm going to

7    I'm trying to spend less money at the moment. I'm



. a trip to

                                      9 away/back       

Compare away and back:

walked to give



away = away from home back = back home c] We're going away on holiday today. CI We'll be back in three weeks.

away = away from a place, a person etc.            back = back to a place, a person etc. C] The woman got into her car and drove           C] A: I'm going out now.

away.B: What time will you be back? a I tried to take a picture of the bird, butAfter eating at a restaurant, we it flew away.back to our hotel.

C] I dropped the ticket and it blew away in Zl I've still got Jane's keys. I forgot the wind.them back to her.

c] The police searched the house and took  a When you've finished With that away a computer.can you put it back on the shelf? In the same way you can say:       In the same way you can say:

walk away, run away, look away etc.                     go back, come back, get back, take something back etc.

Other verbs + away

get away = escape, leave With difficulty

C] We tried to catch the thief, but he managed to get away.

any more

Sight away.

get away with something do something wrong without being caught C] I parked in a no-parking zone, but I got away with it.

keep away (from ... ) = don't go near

Keep away from the edge of the pool. You might fall in.

give something away = give it to somebody else because you don't want it CI 'Did you sell your old computer?' 'No, I gave it away.

put something away = put it in the plåce tvhere it is kept, usually of c] When the children had finished playing with their toys, they put them throw something away = put it in the rubbish

C) I kept the letter, but I threw away the envelope.

Other verbs + back

wave back / smile back / shout back / write back / hit somebodv back I waved to her and she waved back.

call/phone/ring (somebody) back = return a phone call c] I can't talk to you now, I'll call you back in ten minutes.

get back to somebody reply to them by phone etc.

a I sent him an email, but he never got back to me.

look back (on something) = think about what happened in the past

My first job was in a travel agencv. I didn't like it very much at rhe time but, looking back on it, I learnt a lot and it was a very useful experience. pay back money; pay somebody back a If you borrow money, you have to pay it back.

c] Thanks for lending me the money. I'll pay you back next week.

                                                     I                            —s


145.1 Complete each sentence using a verb in the correct form.

              I The woman got into her car and                away.

2    Here's the monev vou need,    me back when you can.

3    Don't  that box away. It could be useful.

4    Jane doesn't do anything at work. I don't know how she  away with it.

5    I'm going out now. I'll . back at about 10.30.

6    You should think more about the future; don't back all the time.

7    Garv is verv generous. He won some money in the lottery and it all away, S I'll  back to vou as soon as I have the information you need.

145.2 Complete the sentences. Each time use a verb + away or back.

I I was awav all dav vesterdav. I  very late.

2        havenst seen our neighbours for a while. I think they must

3        'I'm going out now. s 'OK. What time will you

4        A man was trving to break into a car. When he saw me, he

5        I smiled at him, but he didn't -

6        If vou cheat in the exam, you might with it. But you might get caught.

 Be careful! That's an electric fence.from it.

145.3 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

She waved to him and he                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              bock

It was windy. I dropped a twenty-pound note and it


Sue opened the letter, read it and                                                                                  in the envelope.


He tried to talk to her, but she lust  

5 ELLIE                            BEN

Ellie threw the ball to Ben and he  


His shoes were worn out, so he                                                                                                                                

1 45,4 Complete the sentences. Use the verb in brackets + away or back. Do you still have mv keys?

B: No. Don't you remember? I .....g?yv..Q-Ehem b4-ck..... to you yesterday? (give) Do you want this magazine?

B: NO, I've finished with it. You can  (throw)

How are your new jeans? Do they fit you OK?

B: NO, I'm going to  to the shop. (take) Here's the money you asked me to lend you.

B: Thanks. I'llas soon as I can. (pay) What happened to all the books you used to have?

B; I didn't want them anv more, so I  (give) Did you phone Sarah?

B: She wasn't there. I left a message asking her to  (call)

Regular and irregular verbs

            1.1        Regular verbs

Jf a verb is regular, the past simple and past participle end in -ed. For example:

infinitive             clean      finish past simple cleaned  finished

past participle

For spelling rules, see Appendix 6.

use used

paint painted

stop stopped

carry carried

For the past simple (l cleaned / they finished she carried etc.), see Unit 5, We use the past participle to make the perfect tenses and all the passive forms. perfect tenses (have/has/had cleaned):

O I have cleaned the windows. (present perfect — see Units 7—8) o They were still working. They hadn't finished. (past perfect — see Unit 15) Passive (is cleaned / was cleaned etc.):

CJ He was carried out of the room. (past simple passive) see Units 42— 44

O This gate has just been painted. (Present perfect passive)

            1.2    Irregular verbs

When the past Simple and past participle do not end in -ed (for example, I saw / I have seen), the verb is irregular.

With some irregular verbs, all three forms (infinitive, past simple and past participle) are the same. For example, hit:

Cl Don't hit me. (infinitive) a Somebody hit me as I came into the room. (past simple) a I've never hit anybody in my life. (past participle — present perfect)

 George was hit on the head by a stone. (Past participle — passive)

With other irregular verbs, the past simple is the same as the past participle (but different from the infinitive). For example, tell told:

a Can you tell me what to do? (infinitive) a She told me to come back the next day. (past simple)

CJ Have you told anybody about your new job? (Past participle — present perfect) c] I was told to come back the next day. (past participle — passive)

With other irregular verbs, all three forms are different. For example, wake —5 woke/woken: c] I'll wake you up. (infinitive)

 I woke up in the middle of the night. (past simple) a The baby has woken up. (past participle — present perfect' a I was woken up by a loud noise. (past participle — Passive)

            1.3    The following verbs can be regular or irregular:

burn burned or burnt dream dreamed or dreamt [dremtl* lean leaned or leant [lent] * learn learned or learnt

smell    smelled spell     spelled spill —s spilled spoil  spoiled

or or or or

smelt spelt spilt spoilt


So you can say:

 I leant out of the window. or I leaned out Of the window.

c] The dinner has been spoiled. or The dinner has been spoilt.

In British English the irregular form (burnt/learnt etc.) is more usual. For American English, see Appendix 7.

Appendix 1

1.4 List of irregular verbs


beat become begin bend bet bite blow break bring broadcast build burst buy catch choose come cost creep cut deal dig do draw

dri ve eat fall feed feel fight find flee flv forbid forget forgive freeze get give go grow hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep kneel know lay lead leave lend let lie

past simple

wa s/were beat became began bent bet bit blew broke brought broadcast built burst bought caught chose came cost crept

CUt dealt dug did drew drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found fled flew forbade forgot forga froze got ga ve went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knelt knew laid led left lent let lay

past participle

been beaten become begun bent bet bitten blown broken brought broadcast built burst bought caught

ch osen come cost crept cut dealt dug done drawn drunk driven eaten fallen féd felt fought found fled flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard hidden hit held hurt kept knelt kn Own

la id led left lent let lain


infinitive light lose make mean meet pay put •read ride ring rise run say

see seek sell send set sew shake shine •shoot Show shrink shut sing sink

Sit sleep slide speak spend spit split spread spnng stand steal stick sting Stink

strike swear sweep swim swing take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear weep write

past simple

lost made meant met paid put read Iredl* rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set sewed shook shone shot showed shrank shut sang sank sat slept slid spoke spent spat split spread sprang stood stole stuck stung stank struck swore swept swam swung took taught tore told tho ugh t threw understood woke wore wept won

w rote

past participle lit lost made mea nt met paid put read [red] * ridden rung risen run said

seen sought sold sent set sewn/sewed shaken shone shot shown/showed shrunk shut sung sunk sat slept slid spoken spent spat split spread

sprung stood stolen stuck stung stunk struck sworn swept swum swung taken taught torn told thought th rown understood woken worn wept won written


Present and past tenses

                                  simple                                                         continuous

present simple (—Þ Units 2—4) a Ann often plays tennis.

 I work in a bank, but I don't enjoy it much, c] Do you like parties?

c] It doesn't rain so much in summer.

I am doing present continuous Units 1, 3—4)

D 'Where's Ann?' 'She's playing tennis.' a Please don't disturb me now. I'm working,

Hello. Are you enjoying the party? It isrù raining at the moment.


I have done present perfect simple

  Units 7-8, 10-14) a Ann has played tennis many times.

a I've lost my key. Have you seen it anywhere?

How long have you and Chris known each other?

O A: Is it still raining?

B; No, it has stopped.

D The house is dirty. I haven't cleaned it for weeks.

I have been doing present perfect continuous

(-+ Units 9—11) a Ann is tired. She has been playing tenms.

You're out of breath. Have you been running?

How long have you been learning English?

It's still raining. It has been raining all day.

I haven't been feeling well recently.

Pefhaps I should go to the doctor.

p resent perfect

I did past simple Units 5—6, 13—14)

D Ann played tennis yesterday afternoon.

I lost my key a few days ago.

D There was a film on TV last night, but we didn't watch it.

c] What did you do when you finished work yesterday?

I was doing past continuous ( Unit 6)

 I saw Ann at the sports centre yesterday. She was playing tennis. I dropped my key when I was trying to open the door.

The television was on, but we weren't watching it.

What were you doing at this time yesterday?


I had done past perfect (—+ Unit IS)

D It wasn't her first game of tennis.

She had played many times before. a They couldn't get into the house because they had lost the key.

D The house was dirty because I hadn't cleaned it for weeks.

I had been doing past perfect continuous Unit 16)  Ann was tired yesterday evening because she had been playing tennis in the afternoon.

c] George decided to go to the doctor because he hadn't been feeling well.

past perfect

For the passive, see Units 42—44.

3.1     List of future forms:

C] I'm leaving tomorrow.

a My train leaves at 9.30.

1'm going to leave tomorrow.

I'll leave tomorrow, be leaving tomorrow.

have left by this time tomorrow.

I hope to see you before I leave tomorrow.

present continuous Present simple (be) going to will future continuous future perfect present simple

Unit 19A)

Unit 19B)

Units 20, 23)

Units 21-23)

Unit 24)

Unit 24)

Unit 25)

3.2     Future actions

We use the present continuous (I'm doing) for arrangements:

 I'm leaving tomorrow. I've got my plane ticket. (already planned and arranged)

 'When are they getting married?' 'On 24 July,'

We use the present simple (I leave I it leaves etc.) for timetables, programmes etc. ;  My train leaves at 11.30. (according to the timetable)  What time does the film begin?

We use (be) going to to say what somebody has already decided to do:

 I've decided not to stay here any longer. I'm going to leave tomorrow. (or I'm leaving tomorrow.)

 'Your shoes are dirty.' 'Yes, I know. I'm going to clean them.'

We use will ('Il) when we decide or agree to do something at the time of speaking: Z A; I don't want you to stay here anv longer,

B; OK, I'll leave tomorrow, (B decides this at the time of speaking)  That bag looks heavy. I'll help you with it.

 I won't tell anybodv what happened. I promise. (won't = will not)

3.3     Future happenings and situations

Most often we use will to talk about future happenings ('something will happen') or situations ('something will be'):

 I don't think John is happy at work. I think he'll leave soon. [2 This time next year I'll bc in Japan. Where will you be?

We use (be) going to when the situation now shows what is going to happen in the future: a Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain. (you can see the clouds now)

3.4     Future continuous and future perfect

WII] be (do)ing = will be in the middle of (doing something):

C] This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'll be lying on a beach or swimming in the sea. We also use will be -ing for future actions (see Unit 24C): a What time will you be leaving tomorrow?

We use will have (done) to say that something will already be complete befóre a time in the future:

a I won't be here this time tomorrow. I'll have already left,

3.5          We use the present (not will) after when/if/while/beforc etc. (see Unit 25); a I hope to see you before I leave tomorrow. (not before I will leave)

 When you are in London again, come and see us, (not When you will be) a If we don't hurry, we'll be late.

Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.)

This appendix is a summary of modal verbs. For more information, see Units 21—41.

          4.1    Compare can/could etc. for actions:



D I can go out tonight. there is nothing to stop me) D I can't go out tonight.

D I could go out tonight, but I'm not very keen.

D I couldn't go out last night. (z I wasn't able)

can or may


May I go out tonight? (z do you allow me)



CI I think I'll go out tonight.

C] I promise I won't go out. ,

Cl I would go out tonight, but I have too much to do. Cl I promised I wouldn't go out.


c] Shall I go out tonight? (do you think it is a good idea?)

should or ought to


should ought to

go out tonight.        it would be a good thing to do)



CI I must go out tonight.     it is necessarv)

CJ I mustn't go out tonight. (z it is necessarv that I do not go out) a I needn't go out tonight.         it is not necessarv)

Compare could have / would have etc. ,

could would should or ought to needn't

a I could have gone out last night, but I decided to stav at home. a I would have gone out last night, but I had too much to do. should have gone out last night, I'm sorry I didn't. ought to a I needn't have gone out last night. I went out, but it was not necessarv)

4.2 We use will/would/may etc. to say whether something is possible, impossible, probable, certain etc. Compare:

will would

CI 'What time will she be here?' *Shell be here soon. s She would be here now, but she's been delaved.

should or ought to

should a She    be here soon. (z I expect she will be here soon) ought to

may or might or could


CI She might bc here now. I'm not sure.            it's possible that she is here) could

must can't

c] She must be here. I saw her come in.

C] She can't possiblv be here. I know for certain that she's awav on holidav.

                       Compare would have       / should have etc.

will would

She will have arrived bv now. (z before now) c] She would have arrived earlier, but she was delaved.

should or ought to


I wonder where she is. She have arrived bv now. ought to

may or might or could

C] She

may might have arrived. Ftn not sure. could

it's possible that she has arrived)

must can't

a She must have arrived by now. I'm sure — there is no other possibilitv c] She can't possibly have arrived vet. It's much too early. (z ifs impossible)

A endix£

Short forms (I'm / you've / didn't etc.)

5.1 In spoken English sve usually say I'm / you've / didn't etc. (short forms or contractions) rather than I am / you have / did not etc. We also use these short forms in informal writing (for example, a letter or message to a friend).

When we write short forms, we use an apostrophe ( for the missing letter(s): I'm = lam     vou've = vou have   didn't = did not

5.2          List of short forms;

'm am

's  is or has

're = are

've = have

'Il will

'd = would or had



I'll I'd


he'll he'd


she'll she'd


you're you've

you'll you'd

we're we've we'll we'd

they're they've they'll they'd

's can be is or has;

                        She's ill.         She is ill.)

D She's gone away, She has gone) but let's let us:

 Let's go now, (z Let us go)

'd can be would or had:

 I'd see a doctor if I were you. I would see) t] I'd never seen her before. (z I had never seen)

We use some of these short forms (especially 's) after question words (who/what etc.) and after that/there/here:

who's           what's where's how's that's       there's here's who'll there'll who'd a Who's that woman over there? (z Who is)

 What'S happened? ( = what has)

 Do vou think there'll be many people at the party? (z: there will)

We also use short forms (especially 's) after a noun:

                      2 Catherine's going out tonight.      Catherine is)

                       My best friend's just got married.      My best friend has)

You cannot use 'm / 's / 're / 've / 'Il / 'd at the end of a sentence (because the verb is stressed in this position):

 'Are you tired?' 'Yes, I am.' (not Yes, I'm,)

D Do you know where she is? (not Do you know where she's?)

5.3      Negative short forms

isn't aren 't wasn't weren 't

 is not)   are not)   was not)   were not)

don 't doesn't didrù

= do not)   does not)   did not)

haven't hasn't hadtù

 have not)

(z has not)   had not)

can't won't shan't

(z cannot)   will not)  shall not)

couldn't wouldn't shouldrù

(z could not)

(z would not)  should not)

mustn't needn't daren't

(z must not)

(z need not)  dare not)

Negative short forms for is and are can be:

he isn't / she isn't / it isn't       or he's not / she's not / it's not you aren't / we     't / they aren't or you're not / we're not / they're not

m A endix 6


             6.1    Nouns, verbs and adjectives can have the following endings:

noun + -s/-es (plural) verb + -s/-es (after he/she/it) verb + -ing verb + -ed adjective + -er (comparative) adjective + -est (superlative) adjective + -ly (adverb)

books works working worked cheaper cheapest cheaply

ideas enjovs enioving enjoved quicker quickest quickly

matches wa shes washing wa shed brighter brightest brightly

When we use these endings, there are sometimes changes in spelling. These changes are listed below.

             6.2    Nouns and verbs + -s/-es

The ending is -es when the word ends in -s/-ss/-sh/-ch/-x:




match/matches Note also:

search/sea rches








             6.3    Words ending in -y (baby, carry, easy etc.)

If a word ends in a consonant* + y (-by/-ry/-sy/-vy etc.) y changes to ie before the ending -s:

baby/babies story/stories     country/countries         secretary/secretaries hurry/hurries    study/studies    apply/applies   try/tries y changes to i before the ending -ed:

hurry/hurried study/studied    apply/applied   try/tried y changes to i before the endings -er and -est:

easy/easier/easiest heavy/hea vier/heaviest I ucky/l uckier/l uckiest y changes to i before the ending -ly:

     easy/easily                    hea vy/heavily                           temporary/temporarily


y does not change before -ing:

hurrying      studying          applying          trving y does not change if the word ends in a vowel* y (-ay/-ey/-oy/-uy):

                                play/plays/played            monkey/monkeys            enjoy/enjoys/enjoyed             buy/buys

An exception is: day/daily

                          Note also; pay/paid      lay/laid       say/said

             6.4    Verbs ending in -ie (die, lie, tie)

If a verb ends in -ie, ie changes to y before the ending -ing: die/dying   lie/lying       tie/tying

a e i 0 u are rowel letters.

The other letters (b c d f g etc.) are consonant letters.

Appendix 6

6.5     Words ending in -e (hope, dance, wide etc.)


If a verb ends in -e, we leave out e before the ending -ing:

     hope/hoping       smile/smiling      dance/dancing       confuse/confusing

Exceptions are befbeing and verbs ending in -ee:          see/seeing            agree/agreeing If a verb ends in -e, we add -d for the past Cof regular verbs):

     hope/hoped        smile/smiled        dance/danced        confuse/confused

Adiectives and adverbs

If an adjective ends in -e, we add -r and -st for the comparative and superlative:

wide/wider/widest    late/later/latest large/larger/largest If an adjective ends in -e, we keep e before -ly in the adverb:

     polite/politely           extreme/extremely      absolute/absolutely

If an adjective ends in -le (simple, terrible etc.), the adverb ending is -ply, -bly etc. : simple/simply          terrible/terribly reasonable/reasonably

6.6     Doubling consonants (stop/stopping/stopped, wet/wetter/wettest etc.)

Sometimes a word ends in vowel + consonant. For example:

stop plan rub big wet thin prefer regret

Before the endings -ing/-ed/-er/Lest, we double the consonant at the end. So p pp, n nn etc. For example;

stop plan rub big wet thin


n —+ nn b          bb g  gg

n    nn

stopping planning rubbing bigger

wetter thinner

stopped planned rubbed biggest wettest thinnest





If the word has more than one syllable (prefer, begin etc.), we double the consonant at the end only i/ the final syllable is stressed:

preFER / preferring / preferred perMIT / permitting / permitted reGRET / regretting / regretted          beGIN / beginning

If the final svllable is not stressed, we do not double the final consonant:

                    VISit / visiting I visited                                          deVELop / developing / developed

                   HAPpen / happening / happened              reMEMber / remembering / remembered

In British English, verbs ending in -l have -ll- before -ing and -ed whether the final syllable is stressed or not:

travel / travelling / travelled cancel / cancelling / cancelled For American spelling, see Appendix 7.

Note that we do not double the final consonant if the word ends in two consonants (-rt, -Ip, -ng etc.): start / starting / started help / helping / helped long / longer / longest

we do not double the final consonant if there are two vowel letters before it (-0il, -eed etc.): boil / boiling / boiled need / needing / needed explain / explaining / explained cheap / cheaper / cheapest loud / louder / loudest quiet / quieter / quietest we do not double y or w at the end of words. (At the end of words y and w are not consonants.) stay / staying / stayed grow / growing new I newer / newest


American English

There are a few grammatical differences between British English and American English:


7A-B and



The present perfect is used for an action in the past with a result now:

C) I've lost my key. Have you seen it?

a Sally isn't here. She'S gone OUt.

The Present perfect is used with just, already and yet:

a I'm not hungry, I've just had lunch.

c] A: What time is Mark leaving? B: He has already left.

D Have you finished your work yet?


The present perfect OR past simple can be used:

a I've lost my key. Have you seen it? or I lost my key, Did you see it?


            Sally isn't here.           gone out.

She went out,

The present perfect OR past simple can be used:

I've just had lunch. I'm not hungry.

I just had lunch. A: What time is Mark leaving?

He has already left.

He already left.

Have you finished your work yet? or Did vou finish your work yet?

American speakers say:

take a bath take a shower take a break take a vacation

Shall is unusual:

I will be late this evening.

Should I ? and Should we ? are more usual to ask for advice etc. .

 Which way should we go?

American speakers use must not in this situation:

a Sue hasn't contacted me. She must not have gotten mv message.

Needn't is unusual. The usual form is don't need to:

We don't need to hurrv.

The subitotctitte is normallv used. Should is unusual after demand, insist etc. . a I demanded that he apologize. * a We insisted that something be done about the problem.

American speakers generallv use You have? / She isn't? etc. .

c] A: Liz isn't feeling well.

She isn't? What's wrong with her?

Accommodation can be countable:

CI There aren't enough accommodations.


British speakers usually say:

have a bath have a shower have a break          have a holiday

21D and 22D

Will or shall can be used with I/we:

C I will/shall be late this evening, Shall I            ? and shall we  are used to ask for advice etc. .

CJ Which way shall we go?

British speakers use can't to say they believe something is not probable:

o Sue hasn't contacted me. She can't have got my message.



You can use needn't or don't need to: o We needn't hurry.

or We don't need to hurry.


After demand, insist etc. you can use should:

O I demanded that he should apologise. O We insisted that something should be done about the problem.


British speakers generally use Have you? I Isn't she? etc.

c] A: Liz isn't feeling well.

B: Isrft she? What's wrong with her?

Accommodation is usually uncountable: t:] There isn't enough accommodation.


 Many verbs ending in -ise in British English (apologise/organise]specialise etc.) are spelt with -ize (apologize/organize/specialize etc,) in American English,

Appendix 7



79 C



to/in hospital (without the):

Three people were injured and taken to hospital.

Nouns like government/team/family etc, can have a singular or plural verb: a The team islare playing well.


to/in the hospital:

C] Three people were injured and taken to the hospital.

These nouns normally take a singular verb in American English:

D The team is playing well.

at the weekend / at weekends:

Will VOLI be here at the weekend?

at the front / at the back (of a group etc.): Let's sit at the front (of the cinema).

different from or different to:

It was different from/to what I'd expected.

write to somebody:

Please write to me soon.

British speakers use both round and aroünd: c] He turned round. or He turned around.

British speakers use both fill in and fill out: Can you fill in this form? or Can you fill out this form?

get on = progress a How are you getting on in your new job?

get on (with somebody):

a Richard gets on well with his new neighbours.

do up a room etc. :

El The kitchen looks great now that it has been done up.

on the weekend / on weekends:

c] Will you be here on the weekend?


in the front / in the back (of a group etc.): Let's sit in the front (of the movie theater).


different from or different than:

Cl It was different from/than what I'd expected,



write (to) somebody (with or without to): a Please write (to) me soon.

American speakers use around (not usually


D He turned around.


American speakers use fill out: Cl Can you fill out this form?


American speakers do not use get on this way.

get along (with somebody):

CI Richard gets along well with his new neighbors.


do over a room etc. :

a The kitchen looks great now that it has been done over,



The verbs in this section (burn, spell etc.) can be regular or irregular (burned or burnt, spelled or spelt etc.).

The past participle of get is got:

O Your English has got much better. (z has become much better)

Have got is also an alternative to have:

a I've got two brothers. (z I have two brothers.)

British spelling:

travel —s travelling / travelled cancel cancelling / cancelled


The verbs in this section are normally regular (burned, spelled etc.).

The past participle of get is gotten:

CI Your English has gotten much better.

Have got  have (as in British English): a I've got two brothers.

American spelling:

travel traveling / traveled cancel canceling / canceled

Additional exercises

These exercises are divided into the following sections:

Present and past (Units 1—6)

Present and past (Units 1—14)

Present and past (Units I—17)

Past continuous and used to (Units 6, 1 8)

The future (Units 19—25)

Past, present and future (Units 1—25)

Modal verbs (can/must/would etc,) (Units 26—36) if (conditional) (Units 25, 38—40) Passive (Units 42—45)

Reported speech (Units 47—48, 50) -ing and infinitive (Units 53—66) a/an and the (Units 69—78)

Pronouns and determiners (Units 82—91 )

Adjectives and adverbs (Units 98—108)

Conjunctions (Units 25, 38, 112—118)

Prepositions (time) (Units 12, 119—122)

Prepositions (position etc.) (Units 123—128)

Noun/adiective + preposition (Units 129—131 ) Verb + preposition (Units 132—136)

Phrasal verbs (Units 137—145)

Exercise 1

Exercises 2—4

Exercises 5—8

Exercise 9

Exercises 10—13

Exercises 14—15 Exercises 16—18

Exercises 19—21

Exercises 22-24 Exercise 25

Exercises 26-28

Exercise 29

Exercise 30 Exercise 31 Exercise 32

Exercise 33

Exercise 34

Exercise 35

Exercise 36

Exercises 37—41


Present and past

Units 1—6, Appendix 2

1                put the verb into the correct form; preser.lt simple (l do), present continuous (l am doing), past simple (l did) or past continuous (l was doing).

1      We can go out now. It               (not / rain) any more.

2      Catherine        (wait) for me when I .....4-rrLvea..... (arrive).

3      1         (get) hungry. Let's go and have something to eat.

4      What  (vou / do) in vour spare time? Do vou have anv hobbies?

S The weather was horrible when we  (arrive). It was cold and it

(rain) hard,

6   Louise usually (phone) me on Fridavs, but she (not / phone) last Fridav.

7   A: When I last saw you, you      . (think) of moving to a new flat.

                                  B: That's right, but in the end I                                                   (decide) to stay where I was.

8   Why     (you / look) at me like that? What's the matter?

9   It's usually dry here at this time of the year. It  (not / raim much. 10 The phone               (ring) three times while we (have) dinner last night.

11   Linda was busy when we (go) to see her vesterdav. She had an exam today and she (prepare) for it. We

                                  (not / want) to disturb her, so we                                                   (not I stay) verv long.

12   When I first        (tell) Tom the news, he „

                                   (not / believe) me, He                                                 (think) that I                                                (ioke).

2                Which is correct?

1      Everything is going well. We any problems so far.

(haygnXhasi is correct)

2      Lisa  to work yesterday. She wasn't feeling well.

3      Look! That man over there wears / is wearing the same sweater as you.

4      Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew / has grown a lot.

5      I still don't know what to do. I didn't decide / haven't decided yet,

6      I wonder Whv Jim so nice to me todav. He isn't usually like that.

7      Jane had a book open in front of her, but she didn't read / wasn't reading it.

8      I wasn't verv busv. I didn't have / wasn't having much to do.

9      It begins I It's beginning to get dark. Shall I turn on the light?

10 After leaving school, Tim got / has got a job in a factory.

Il When Sue heard the news, she wasn't / hasn't been very pleased.

12   This is a nice restaurant, isn't it? Is this the first time you are / you've been here?

13   I need a new job. rm doing /    been doing the same job for too long.

14   'Anna has gone out.' 'Oh, has she? What time didshe.go-l-hasshe-gone?' 15 •you look tired,' 'Yes, I've played / J 'ye     playing basketball,' 16 Where are you coming / do you come from? Are you American?

17 I'd like to see Tina again. It's a long time since I saw her that I didn't see her. 18 Robert and Maria have been married since 20 years / for 20 years.

3                Complete each question using a suitable verb.

1      I'm looking for Paul. HAY.e...gQV{....seen. him? B: Yes, he was here a moment ago.

2      Whv .  to bed so early last night? B: I was feeling very tired.

3      A: Where

B: Just to the post box. I want to post these letters. I'll be back in a few minutes. television every evening? B: No, only if there's something special on.

5   A: Your house is very beautiful. How long  here? B; Nearly ten years.

6   A: How was vour holidav?a nice time? B: Yes, thanks. It was great.

Julie recently?

B: Yes, I met her a few davs ago.

 A: Can you describe the woman you saw? What B: A red sweater and black jeans.

9 A; I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

B: No, only about ten minutes.

— you to get to work in the morning? Usually about 45 minutes, It depends on the traffic.

With that magazine yet? B: No, I'm still reading it. won't be long.

12 A:          to the United States? B: NO, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago.

4                Use your own ideas to complete B is sentences.

A: What's the new restaurant like? Is it good?



B: I've no idea.    I ve never been



A: How well do you know Bill?



    Very well. We

since we were children.


A: Did you enjoy your holidav?

 Yes, it was really good. It's the best holiday                                                                 


A: Is David still here?



    No, I'm afraid he isn't.

about ten minutes ago.

5                A; I like your suit. I haven't seen it before.

It's new. It's the first time

6                A: How did you cut your knee?

B: I slipped and fell when „tennis. 7 A: DO you ever go swimming?

Not these days. I haven't . a long time. 8 A: How often do you go to the cinema?

B: Very rarely. It's nearly a year  to the cinema. 9 A: I've bought some new shoes. Do you like them?

B: Yes, they're very nice. Where  them?

Present and past

Units 1—1 7, 110, Appendix 2

5               Put the verb into the correct form: past simple (l did), past continuous (l was doing), past perfect (l had done) or past perfect continuous (l had been doing).


When I got home, Bill  (lie) on the sofa. The television •was on, but he ,           (fall) asleep and


Last night I (just / go) to bed and (read) a book when suddenlv I . (hear) a noise. I

(get) up to see what it was, but I                                        (not / see) anything, so I

 (go) back to bed.



plane. She (stand) in the queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly (realise) that she (leave) her passport at home. Fortunatelv she lives near the airport, so she . (have) time to take a taxi home to get it, She (get) back to the airport just in time for her flight.




(walk) through the park, They  (be) to the Sports Centre where they and .

(arrange) to meet another friend and  (not / have) time,

6               Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verb into the correct form: present perfect (l have done), present perfect continuous (l havë been doing), past perfect (l had done) or past perfect continuous (I had been doing).

I Amanda is sitting on the ground- She's out of breath.

(she / run) .....Sþe has been

2    Where's my bag? I left it under this chair.

(somebody / take / it)

3    We were all surprised when Jenny and Andy got married last year: (they / only / know / each other / a few weeks)

4    It's still raining. I wish it would stop.

(it / rain / all day)

5    Suddenly J woke up. J was confused and didn't know where I was. (I / dream)

6    1 wasn't hungry at lunchtime, so I didn't have anything to eat.

(I / have / a big breakfast)

(they / go / there for years) 8 1've got a headache.

(I / have / it / since I got up)

9 Next week Gary is going to run in a marathon.

(he / train I very hard for it)

7               Put the verb into the correct form.

Julia and Kevin are old friends. They meet by chance at a rail station.

JULIA: Hello, Kevin. (1) (l / not / see) STA 10 you for ages. How are you? KEVIN; I'm fine. How about you?

2    (you / look) well. JULIA: Yes, I'm very well thanks.

                                            So, (3) _                                                       (you / go) somewhere or

(you / meet) somebody off a train? KEVIN:   (I / go) to London for a business meeting.

JULIA: Oh. (6) (you / often / go) away on business? KEVIN: Quite often, yes. And you? Where (7) . (you / go)?

JULIA: Nowhere. (8)       .              (I / meet) a friend. Unfortunately her train (9)    (be) delayed —

                                      (10)                                                                 (I / wait) here for nearly an hour.


How are your children?



They're all fine, thanks. The youngest ill) school.

(just / start)


HOW (12)                                                               (she / get) on?


(13) JULIA:

KEVIN: (15)


(you / work) in a travel agency.

JULIA: That's right. Unfortunately the company (181 (go) out of business a couple of months after (I / start) work there, SO (20) . (l / lose) my job.

                         KEVIN: And (21)                                                                     (you / not / have) a job since then?

JULIA: Not a permanent job. (22) (I / have) a few temporary jobs. By the way, (23) (you / see) Joe recentlv?


Joe? He's in Canada.


Really? How long 04)                                                                          (he / be) in Canada?

KEVIN : About a year now. (25) . (I I see) him a few days before (26) „....„. „ . (he / go). 127) (he / be) unemployed for months, so 128) (he / decide) to try his luck somewhere else. (29) (he / really / look forward)


to going.


So, what (30)                                         .                     (he / do) there?


(I / not / hear) from him since (32) (he / leave). Anyway, I must go and catch my train. It was really nice to see you again.


You too. Bye. Have a good trip.


Thanks. Bye.

8                Put the verb into the most suitable form.

1  Who      (invent) the bicycle?

2  'Do you still have a headache?' 'No, (it / go). I'm all right now.' 3 I was the last to leave the office yesterday evening. Everybody else (go) home when I    (leave).

4    What

(you / go) away?

5    I like your car. How long  (you / have) it?

6    It's a pity the trip was cancelled. I          (100k) forward to it.

7    Jane IS an experienced teacher. (she / teach) for 15 years. 8 (I / buy) a new jacket last week, but (l not / wear) it yet.

9                A few days ago             (I / see) a man at a party whose face             (be) very familiar. At first I couldn't think where        (l ] see) him before. Then suddenly (I / remember) who            (it / be).

10            (you / hear) of Agatha Christie? (she / be) a writer who (die) in 1976. (she / write) more than 70 detective novels, (you / read) any of them?

11            A: What .      (this word / mean)?

B: I've no idea. (I / never / see) it before. Look it up in the dictionary.

(you / get) to the theatre in time for the play last night? B: No, we were late. By the time we got there (it I already / begin).

13   I went to Sarah's room and (knock) on the door, but there (be) no answer. Either

                 (she / go) our or                          „                                    (she / not / want) to see anyone.

14   Patrick asked me how to use the photocopier. (he I never / use) it before, so (he / not I know) what to do.

15   LIZ        (go) for a swim after work yesterday.

(she / need) some exercise because (she / sit) in an office all day in front of a computer.


Past continuous and used to

Units 6, 18

9                Complete the sentences using the past continuous (was/were —ing) or used to ... . Use the verb in brackets.

1   I haven't been to the cinema for ages now. We               _gQ a lot. (go)

2   Ann didn't see me wave to her. She      in the Other direction. (look)

3   1 „ a lot but, I don't use my car very much these days. (drive)

4   I asked the taxi driver to slow down. She            too fast. (drive)

5   Rosemary and Jonathan met for the first time when they in the same bank. (work)

6   When I was a child, I  a lot of bad dreams. (have)

7   I wonder what Joe is doing these days. Hein Spain when I last

heard from him. (live)

8   'Where were you yesterday afternoon?' 'I

9   'Do you do any sports?' 'Not these days, but I

10            George looked very nice at the party. He volleyball.' (play) volleyball.' (play) a very smart suit. (wear)

The future

Units 19-25, Appendix 3

10           What do you say to your friend in these situations? Use the words given in brackets. Use the present continuous (I am doing), going to or will (I'll),

I You have made all your holiday arrangements, Your destination is Jamaica.

FRIEND: Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet?

                   YOU:                I'm. geing...tQ  (I / go)

2    You have made an appointment with the dentist for Friday morning.

FRIEND: Shall we meet on Friday morning?

                   YOU:              I can't on Friday,  (I / go)

3    You and some friends are planning a holiday in Britain. You have decided to hire a car, but you haven't arranged this yet.

FRIEND: How do you plan to travel round Britain? BV train?

YOU: No,  (we / hire) 4 Your friend has two young children. She wants to go out tomorrow' evening. You offer to 100k after the children.

FRIEND: I want to go out tomorrow evening, but I haven't got a babysitter.

                  YOU:        That's no problem.  (l / look after)

5    You have already arranged to have lunch with Sue tomorrow.

FRIEND: Are you free at lunchtime tomorrow?

                  YOU:         No,  (have

6    You are in a restaurant. You and your friend are looking at the menu. Mavbe vour friend has decided What to have. You ask her/him.

YOU: What ? (vou / have) FRIEND'. I don't know, I can't make up my mind,

7    You and a friend are reading. It's getting a bit dark and your friend is having trouble reading.

You decide to turn on the light.

FRIEND: It's getting a bit dark, isn't it? It's difficult to read.

                   YOU:             Yes.  Il / turn on)

8    You and a friend are reading. It's getting a bit dark and you decide to turn on the light. You stand up and walk towards the light switch, FRIEND: What are you doing?

                   YOU:           (l / turn on)

11           Put the verb into the most suitable form. Use a present tense (simple or continuous), will (I'll) or shall.

Conversation I (in the morning)

JENNY:  (you I do) anything tomorrow evening, Helen?

HELEN: No, why?

JENNY: Well, do you fancy going to the cinema? Strangers on a Plane is on. I want to see it, but I don't want to go alone.

                HELEN: 0K,                                                                             (I / come) with vou, What time

JENNY :(begin) at 8.45, so

(I meet) you at about 8.30 outside the cinema, OK? HELEN:       (I / see) Tina later this evening.

(I / ask) her if she wants to come too?

JENNY:(I / sees vou tomorrow then. Bye.

Conversation 2 (later the same day)

HELEN: Jenny and I '9)  (go) to the cinema tomorrow night to see Strangers on a Plane. Why don't you come too?

TINA: I'd love to come. What time (10)      .    (the film / begin)?

HELEN: 8.45.

TINA:(you / meet) outside the cinema?

HELEN: Yes, at 8.30. Is that OK for you?

TINA: Yes, 12)  (I / be) there at 8.30.

12           Put the verb into the most suitable form. Sometimes there is more than one possibility.

1 A has decided to learn a language.

A: I've decided to try and learn a foreign language.

B: Have vou? Which language „...q:r..g,  (you / learn)? A: Spanish.

(you / do) a course?

A: Yes, 13 b                  (it / start) next week.

B: That's great. I'm sure             . (you / enjoy) it.

A: I hope so. But I think (5)       (it I be) quite difficult.

2 A wants to know about B 's holiday plans.

A: I hear

B: That's right. 12b

A: I hope

B: Thanks.

3 A invites B to a party.

(l / have) a party next Saturday. Can you come?

B: On Saturday? I'm not sure. Some friends of mine (2) .  (come) to stav with me next week, but I think (3b (they / go) by Saturdav. But if (4 ) .  (they / be) still here,

(l / not / be) able to come to the party. A: OK. Well, tell me as soon as (6) (you / know). B: Right. (I / phone) you during the week.

4 A and B are two secret agents arranging a meeting. They are talking on the phone. Well, what time ' l) (we / meet)?

B: Come to the café by the station at 4 0'clock.

(I / wait) for you

(you / arrive).

(l / sit) by the window

(l / wear) a bright green sweater. . (Agent 307 / come) too?

B: No, she can't be there.

A: Oh. (7)                (I f bring) the documents?

B; Yes, (s) (l / explain) everything When (l / see) you. And don't be late,

(I / try) to be on time.

13           Put the verb into the correct form. Choose from the following:


present continuous (I am doing)

will ('Il) / worù


present simple (l do)

will be doing



going to (I'm going to do)




I feel a bit hungry. I think

(l / have) something to eat.


Why are you putting on your coat?  

                             (you / go) somewhere?

3   What time(I / phone) you this evening? About 7.30?

4   Look! That plane is flying towards the airport.  .               (it / land).

           S We must do something soon, before                                                                (it / be) too late-

6 I'm sorry you've decided to leave the company,

                   (I / miss) you when                                                                     (you / go).

             7                                                                    (l / give) you my address? If .

(I / give) you my address (you / send) me a postcard? 8 Are you still watching that programme? What time (it / end)?

9                                                                                              (I I go) to London next weekend for a wedding.

                 My sister .                                                                     (get) married.

10                                                                                          I'm not ready yet.  (I tell) you when

                 (I / be) ready. I promise                                                      (I / not / be) very long.

Il A: Where are you going?

B: To the hairdresser's.  (l / have) my hair cut. 12 She was very rude to me. I refuse to speak to her again until (she I apologise).

13   I wonder where             (we / live) ten vears from now?

14   What do you plan to do when (vou / finish) vour course at college?

Past, present and future

Units 1-25

14     Use your own ideas to complete B's sentences.

How did the accident happen?

[  too fast and couldn't stop in time. Is that a new camera?

B: No, 1  it a long time.

3    A: Is that a new computer?

B: Yes, 1  it a few weeks ago-

4    A: I can't talk to you right now. You can see I'm very busy,

B: OK. 1  back in about half an hour.

5    A: This is a nice restaurant. Do you come here often?

B: No, it's the first time I  here. Do you do any sport?

football, but I gave it up. I'm sorry I'm late.

B: That's OK. 1  long,

When you went to the US last year, was it vour first visit?

there twice before.

to a party on Saturday night.

10 A: Do you know what Steve's doing these days?

B: No, 1  him for ages. 11 A: Will you still be here by the time I get back?

by then.

1 5 Robert is travelling in North America, He sends an email to a friend in Winnipeg (Canada), Put the verb into the most suitable form.




American travels

(l / just / arrive) in Minneapolis. (2)

(l / travel) for more than a month now, and (3) (I / begin) to think about coming home. Everything (4) . (l / see) so far (5) (be) really interesting, and (6) (l / meet) some really kind people.

(l / leave) Kansas City a week ago. (8)

(l / stay) there with Emily, the aunt of a friend from college, She was really helpful and hospitable and although (9)               (l / plan) to stay only a couple of days,

(10)                                                             (l / end up) staying more than a week,

(1 1 )  (I / enjoy) the journey from Kansas City to here. (12) .

(I / take) the Greyhound bus and (13)                                                                                                              (meet) some really interesting people — everybody was really friendly.

So now I'm here, and (14) .            (I / stay) here for a few days before (15) (l / continue) up to Canada. I'm not sure exactly when (16) .

(I / get) to Winnipeg — it depends what happens while (17)                                       (I / be) here. But

                                                (I / let) you know as soon as (19)                                          (I / know) myself.

(20) (I / stay) with a family here — they're friends of some people I know at home. Tomorrow (21) . (we / visit) some people they know who (22) (build) a house in the mountains. It isn't finished yet, but (23) . (it / be) interesting to see What it'S like.

Anyway, that's all for now. (24)  (I / be) in touch again soon.


Modal verbs (can/must/would etc.)

Units 26—36, Appendix 4

1 6 Which alternatives are correct? Sometimes only one alternative is correct, and sometimes two of the alternatives are possible.

1   'What time will you be home tonight?' 'I'm not sure, I ... A. or late.' A may be B might be               C can be               (both A and B are correct)

2   1 can't find the theatre tickets. They  out Of my pocket.

A    must have fallen           B should have fallen           C had to fall

3 Somebody ran in front of the car as I was driving. Fortunately I  just in time. A could Stop B could have stopped C managed to Stop 4 We've got plenty of time. We . yet.

       A mustn't leave       B needn't leave       C don't need to leave

6     1  out but I didn't feel like it, so I stayed at home.

A    could go        B could have gone          C must have gone

7     1'm sorry  come to your party last week.

A    couldn't come          B couldn't have come   C wasn't able to come

8     'What do you think of my theory?' 'I'm not sure, You  right.' A could be B must be C might be

9     1 couldn't wait for you any longer. I   . and so I went.

A    must go       B must have gone        C had to go

10                 'DO you know where Liz is?' 'NO. I suppose she  shopping.

A    should have gone    B may have gone         C could have gone

11                 At first they didn't believe me when I told them what had happened, but in the end 1  them that I was telling the truth.

A    was able to convince    B managed to convince     C could convince

Il I promised I'd phone Gary this evening. I .

A mustn't forget B needn't forget C don't have to forget 12 Why did you leave without me? Youfor me.

                  A must have waited       B had to wait      C should have waited

13 Lisa phoned me and suggestedlunch together.

                  A we have      B we should have      C to have

14 You look nice in that jacket, but you hardly ever wear it.  it more Often.

                  A You'd better wear      B You should wear      C You ought to wear

15 Shall I buy a car? What's your advice? What

                 A Will you do      B would you do      C shall you do

17           Make sentences from the words in brackets.

I Don't phone them now. (they might / have / lunch) „Theg...mi4h.Þl. bQ. .hq:y.mq...ggnçžl..

2    I ate too much. NOW I feel sick. (I shouldn't / eat / so much) I shouldn't ha-ve eaten 50 much.

3    I wonder why Tom didn't phone me. (he must / forget)

4    Why did you go home so early? (you needn't go / home so early)

5    You've signed the contract. (it / can't / change I now)

6    'What's Linda doing?' 'I'm not sure.' (she may / watch / television)

7    Laura was standing outside the cinema. (she must / wait / for somebody)

He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed. (he couldn't / do / it)

9       Why weren't you here earlier? (you ought / be / here earlier)

10   Why didn't you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you)

I'm suçprised you weren't told that the road was dangerous. (vou should / warn / about it)

12 Gary was in a strange mood yesterday. (he might not / feel / verv well

18           Complete B is sentences using can/could/might/must/should/would + the verb in brackets. In some sentences you need to use have: must have / should have etc. In some sentences you need the negative (can't/couldn't etc.).

1                                                                                                           A: I'm hungry.

B: But you've just had lunch. You  hungry already. (be)

2                                                                                                           A: I haven't seen our neighbours for ages.

B: No. They  away. (go)

3                                                                                                           A: What's the weather like? Is it raining?

B: Not at the moment; but it .later. Crain) 4 A: Where has Julia gone?

B: I'm not sure. She  to the bank. (go) 5 A: I didn't see you at Michael's party last week.

B: No, I had to work that night, so I  . (go) 6 A: I saw you at Michael's party last week.

B: No, you  me. I didn't go to Michael's party. (see)

7   A: What time will we get to Sue's house?

B: Well, it takes about one and a half hours, so if we leave at 3 0'clock, we there by 4.30. (get)

8   When was the last time you saw Bill?

B: Years ago. I  him if I saw him now. (recognise)

9   Did you hear the explosion? B: What explosion?

A: There was a loud explosion about an hour ago. You  it. (hear) 10We weren't sure which way to go. In the end we turned right.

B: You went the wrong way. You  left. (turn)

19           Put the verb into the correct form,

I If you  a wallet in the street, what would you do with it? (find)

2    I must hurry, My friend will be annoyed if I ,.'.m.. no.€, on time, (not / be)

3    I didn't realise that Gary was in hospital, If I had              he was in hospital, I would have gone to visit him. (know)

4    If the phone -. , can you answer it? (ring)

5    I can't decide what to do. What would you do if youin my position? (be)

6    A: What shall we do tomorrow?

 well, if it  a nice day, we can go to the beach. (be) 7 A: Let's go to the beach.

B: No, it's too cold. If it  warmer, I wouldn't mind going. (be) 8 A: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

          B: No, it was too cold. If it              . .  warmer, we might have gone. (be)

9 If you . enough money to go anywhere in the world, where would you go? (have)

I'm glad we had a map. I'm sure we would have got lost if weone.

(not / have)

Il The accident was your fault. If youmore carefully, it wouldn't have happened. (drive)

12 A: Why do you read newspapers?

B: well, if 1  newspapers, I wouldn't know what was happening in the world. (not / read)

20           Complete the sentences.

I Liz is tired all the time. She shouldn't go to bed so late.

                  If Liz                      .beå SQ 14±e,. she coouLån'E be tired ALL the tune.

2    It's rather late. I don't think Sarah will come to see us now.

I'd be surprised if Sarah

3    I'm sorry I disturbed you. I didn't know you were busy.

If I'd known you were busy, I

4    I don't want them to be upset, so ISve decided not to tell them what happened.

They'd . if

5    The dog attacked you, but only because you frightened it.


6    Unfortunately I didn't have an umbrella and so I got very wet in the rain.

7    Martin failed his driving test last week. He was very nervous and that's why he failed.

If he

21           Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.

1                                                                                                           I'd go out this evening if .

2                                                                                                           I'd have gone out last night if 3 If you hadn't reminded me, .

4   We wouldn't have been late if .

5   If ['d been able to get tickets,

6   Who would you phone if

7   Cities would be nicer places if

8   If there was no television,

22           Put the verb into the most suitable passive form.

1                                                                                                           There's somebody behind us. I think we  (follow).

2                                                                                                           A mystery is something that .....g:arn'£.. è.Q...ežP144žta.„.. (can't / explain).

3                                                                                                           We didn't play football yesterday. The match          (cancel).

4                                                                                                           The television        (repair). It's working again now.

5                                                                                                           In the middle of the village there is a church which( restore) at the moment. The work is almost finished.

6                                                                                                           The tower is the oldest part of the church. It  (believe) to be over 600 years old.

7                                                                                                           If I didn't do my job properly, I  (would / sack).

8                                                                                                           A: I left a newspaper on the desk last night and it isn't there now.

B: It . (might / throw) awav.

9                                                                                                           I learnt to swim when I was very young. I  (teach) bv mv mother.

10                                                                                                      After         (arrest), I was taken to the police station.

11                                                                                                      (you / ever / arrest)?' •No, never.'

(report) to  (iniure) in an explosion at a factory in Birmingham earlv this morning.

23           Put the verb into the correct form, active or passive.

1                                                                                                           This house is quite old- It   (build) over 100 years ago.

2                                                                                                           My grandfather was a builder. He (build) this house many years ago. 3 S IS your car still for sale?' •xo, I (sell) it.' 4 A; Is the house at the end of the street still for sale?

       B: No, it .                                                                  (sell).

5      Sometimes mistakes  (make). It's inevitable.

6      I wouldn't leave vour car unlocked. It (might / steal).

7      My bag has disappeared. It    (must / steal).

8      I can't find my hat. Somebody           (must / take) it by mistake.

9      It's a serious problem. I don't know how it      (can / solve).

10  We didn't leave early enough. We      (should / leave) earlier.

Il Nearly every time I travel bv plane, my flight                                                  (delay).

12 A new bridge  (build) across the river. Work started last year and the bridge .   (expect) to open next year.

24           Read these newspaper reports and put the verbs into the most suitable form.

Castle Fire


Winton Castle                 d.arnged

(damage) in a fire last night. The fire, which

12,     (discover) at about

9 0'clock, spread very quickly. Nobody

(injure), but two people (rescue) from an upstairs room. A number of paintings

(believe / destroy). It l6'

(not / know) how the fire started.



Repair work started yesterday on the

Paxham—Longworth road. The road

          (resurface) and there will be long delays. Drivers

 (ask) to use an alternative route if possible. The work

   (expect) to last two weeks. Next Sunday the road

(close), and (divert).



In Paxham vesterdav a shop assistant

(force) to hand over £500 after 12' .

(threaten) by a man with a knife. The man escaped in a car which

(steal) earlier in the day. The car (4)

(later / find) in a car park where it 15'

(abandon) by the (arrest) in connection with the robbery and

(still / question) by the police.



A woman (1) . (take) to hospital after her car collided with a lorry near Norstock yesterday. She

 (allow) home later after treatment. The road (3)        (block) for an hour after the accident, and traffic had to (4)                (divert). A police inspector said afterwards: 'The woman was lucky. She could (5) , (kill).'

Reported speech

Units 47-48, 50

25 Complete the sentences using reported speech.


I went to London recently, but my visit didn't begin well. I had reserved a hotel room, but when I got to the hotel they told

There was nothing I could do. I just had to look for somewhere else to stav.



After getting Off the plane, we had to queue for an hour to get through immigration. Finallv it was our turn. The immigration official asked us —

He seemed satisfied with our answers, checked our passports and wished us a pleasant stav.



A: What time is Sue arriving this afternoon?

About three, She said

A: Aren't you going to meet her?

B: No, she said                                                                                                                                                                She said


A few days ago a man phoned from a marketing company and started asking me questions.

He wanted to know                                                     and asked

I don't like people phoning and asking questions like that, so I told        and I put the phone down.



               LOUSE SARAH                                                                         PAUL

Louise and Sarah are in a restaurant waiting for Paul. LOUISE: I wonder where Paul is. He said

SARAH: Mavbe he's got lost.

LOUISE: I don't think so. He said

And I told


-ing and infinitive

Units 53-66

26            Put the verb into the correct form.

I HOW Old were you When you learnt €0 ..dXlM.e              (drive)

2       I don't mind           home, but I'd rather      a taxi. (walk, get)

3       I can't make a decision, I keep        my mind. (change)

4       He had made his decision and refused

5       Why did you change your decision? What made you


6       It was a really good holidav' I really enjoyed

7       Did I really tell you I was unhappy? I don't remember

8       'Remember Tom tomorrow.'

9       The water here is not verv good. ['d avoid

his mind. (change) your mind?

by the sea again. (be) that, (say) I won't forget,' (phone) it if I were you. (drink)

10   I pretended  interested in the conversation, but really it was very boring. (be)

I got up and looked out Of the window  what the weather was like. (see)

12   I have a friend who claims        able to speak five languages. (be)

13   I like carefully about things before a decision. (think, make)

14   I had a flat in the centre Of town but I didn't likethere, so I decided (live, move)

IS Steve used because of an injury. (be, play)

16   After . by the police, the man admitted the car but denied        at 100 miles an hour. (stop, steal, drive)

17   A: How do you make this machine .       ? (work)

                  A: I'm not sure, Try                                                     that button and see what happens. (press)

27            Make sentences from the words in brackets.

I I can't find the tickets. (I / seem / lose / them)

I seem to hovve lost them.

2 1 haven't got far to go. (it / not / worth / take / a taxi)

4 Tim isn't very reliable. (he / tend / forget / things)

S I've got a lot of luggage. (you / mind / help / me?)

6 There's nobody at home, (everybody / seem / go out)

8      The vase was very valuable. (I / afraid / touch / it)

9      Bill never carries money with him. (he / afraid / robbed)

10  1 wouldn't go to see the film. (it / not / worth / see)

11  1'm very tired after that long walk. (I / not / used / walk / so far)

12  Sue is on holiday. I received a postcard from her yesterday. (she / seem / enjoy / herself)

13  Dave had lots of photographs he'd taken while on holiday. (he / insist / show / them to me)

14  1 don't want to do the shopping, (I'd rather / somebody else / do / it)

28            Complete the second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the first.

I I was surprised I passed the exam.

I didn't e\pect

2    Did you manage to solve the problem?

Did you succeed

3    I don't read newspapers any more.

I've given up

4    I'd prefer not to go out tonight.

I'd rather .

 He can't walk very well.

He has difficulty

6       Shall I phone you this evening?

Do you want

7       Nobody saw me come in.

I   came in without .

8       Thev said I was a cheat.

I   was accused

9       It will be good to see them again.

I'm looking forward

10   What do you think I should do?

What do vou advise me

I l It's a pity I couldn st go out with you. I'd like 12 I'm sorry that I didn't take your advice, I regret

a/an and the

Units 69-78

29 Put in a/an or the where necessary. Leave the space empty if the sentence is already complete.

I I don't usuallv like staying at hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at very nice hotel by . ÐI Q.... sea,

2     tennis is mv favourite sport. I play once or twice            week if I can, but I'm not very good player.

3     I won't be home for dinner this evening. I'm meeting some friends afterwork and we're going to cinema,

4     unemployment is increasing at the moment and it's getting difficult for .            . people to find work.

5     There was accident as I was going  home last night. Two people were taken to hospital. I think most accidents are caused by people driving too fast. 6 Carol is economist. She used to work in in vestment department Of — Lloyds Bank. Now she works for American bank in United States.

7   A: What's          name of               hotel where you're staying?

       B:                 Imperial. It's in               Queen Street in            . city centre. It's near              station.

8   I have two brothers. older one is training to be pilot with British Airways. . younger one is still at school, When he leaves school, he wants to go to universitv to study law.

Pronouns and determiners

Units 82-91

30           Which alternatives are correct? Sometimes only one alternative is correct, and sometimes two alternatives are possible,

I I don't remember .Å..., about the accident, (A is correct)

A   anything      B something    C nothing

2 Chris and I have known . for quite a long time.

                    A us       B each other      C ourselves

3   'How often do the buses run?'  twenty minutes.' A All B Each C Every

4   I shouted for help, but  came.

                    A nobody       B no-one      C anybody

5 Last night we went out with some friends of .

                    A us       B our       C ours

6   It didn't take us a long time to get here.  traffic. A It wasn't much B There wasn't much C It wasn't a lot

7   Can I have  milk in my coffee, please?

                    A a little       B any      C some

 Sometimes I find it difficult to

                    A concentrate      B concentrate me      C concentrate mvself

10                    There's . on at the cinema that I want to see, so there's no point in going,

A   something   B anything       C nothing

11                    I drink . water every day,

A   much          B a lot of          C lots of

12                     in rhe city centre are open on Sunday.

A   Most of shops         B Most of the shops     C The most of the shops

13                    There were about twenty people in the photo. I didn't recognise  Of them.

A   any B none C either

14                    I've been waiting Tor Sarah to phone.

A   all morning B the whole morning    C all the morning

15                    I can't afford to buy anything in this shop,  so expensive.

A   All is                B Everything is   C All are

31           There are mistakes in some of these sentences. Correct the sentences where necessary. Write 'OK if the sentence is already correct.

1   The building was total destroyed in the fire.

2   I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid Storv.

3   The city is very polluted. It's the more polluted place I've ever been to.

4   I was disappointing that I didn't get the job. I was wellqualified and the interview went well.

5   It's warm today, but there's quite a strong wind.

6   Joe works hardly, but he doesn't get paid very much.

7   The company's offices are in a modern large building.

 Dan is a very fast runner. I Wish I could run as fast as him.

9 I missed the three last days Of the course because I was ill. 10 You don't look happy. What's the matter?

I l The weather has been Untisual cold for the time Of the year.

12   The water in the pool was too dirtv to swim in it.

13   I got impatient because we had ro wait so long time.

14   Is this box big enough or do vou need a bigger one? IS This morning I got up more early than usual.



Units 25, 38, 112-118

32            Which is correct?

I I'll trv to be on time, but don st worry    late. (if is correct) 2 Don't throw that bag awav•   you don't want it, I'll have it.

3   Please report to reception if / when vou arrive at the hotel.

4   Wè've arranged to play tennis tomorrow; but we won't play if / when it's raining.

5   Jennifer is in her final vear at school. She still doesn't know what she's going to do if / when she leaves.

6   What would vou do          you lost your keys?

 I hope Ill be able to come to the partv, but IS II let you know if ynless I can't. 8 I don't want to be disturbed. so don't phone me  it's something important.

9       Please sign the contract  you're happy with the conditions.

10   I like travelling bv ship as long as / unless rhe sea is not rough.

Il You might not remember the name of the hotel, so write it down if I in case you forget it.

12   It's not cold now, but take your coat with you if / in case it gets cold later.

13   Tåke vour coat with vou and then you can put it on  it gets cold later.

14   Thev alwavs have the television on, çve.!l if / if nobody is watching it.

15   Even / Although we plaved verv well, we lost the match.

16    we've known each ocher a long time, we're not particularly close friends.

17   •When did vou leave school?' 'As I When I was 17.'

IS I think Ann will be very pleased as / when she hears the news.


Prepositions (time)

Units 12, 119-122

33            Put in one of the following:        at         on        in         during  for       since    by        until

       Jack has gone awav, He'll be back           a week.

2    We're having a party  Saturday. Can you come?

3    I've got an interview next week. It's  9.30Tuesday morning.

4    Sue isn't usually here . weekends. She goes away.

5    The train service is very good. The trains are nearly alwaystime.

6    It was a confusing situation. Many things were happeningthe same time.

 I couldn't decide whether or not to buy the sweater.the end I decided to leave it.

     S The road is busv all the time, even                 night.

9       I met a lot of nice people               my Stay in New York.

10   I saw Helen  Fridav, but I haven't seen her then.

Il Brian has been doing the same job  five years.

12   Lisa's birthday is the end Of March. I'm not sure exactly which day it is.

13   We have some friends staving with us  the moment. They're staying               Friday.

14   If you're interested in applving for the job, your application must be receivedFriday. 15 I'm just going out. I won't be long — I'll be back  ten minutes.

Prepositions (position and other uses)

Units 123-128

34            Put in the missing preposition,

1   I'd love to be able to visit every country  the world.

2   Jessica White is my favourite author. Have vou read anything  her?

3   'Is there a bank near here?' 'Yes, there's onethe end of this road.' 4 Tim is away at the moment. He7S  holidav.

5   we live ...        the country, a long way from the nearest town.

6   I've got a stain .  my jacket. I'll have to have it Cleaned.

7   We went a party Linda's house on Saturday. 8 Boston is the east coast of the United States.

9       Look at the leaves      that tree, They're a beautiful colour-

10   'Have you ever been  Tokyo?' 'No, I've never been     Japan.'

               Mozart died                  Vienna in 1791                the age Of 35,

12   'Are you         this photograph?' 'Yes, that's me,          the left.'

13   We went         the theatre last night. We had seats       the front row,

14   'Where's the light switch?' 'It's the wall the door.' 15 It was late When we arrived

16    I couldn't decide what to eat. There was nothing          the menu that I liked.

17    We live  a tower block. Our flat is .          the fifteenth floor.

18    A: What did you think of the film?

B: Some parts were a bit stupid, but  the whole I enioved it.

19    'When you paid the hotel bill, did you pay cash?' 'No, I paid    credit card.'

20    'How did you get here?           the bus?'          car.'

2] A: I wonder what's .      television this evening. Have vou got a newspaper? B: Yes, the TV programmes are  the back page.

22    Helen works for a telecommunications company, She works  the customer services department.

23    Anna spent two years workingLondon before returningItalv. 24 'Did you enjoy your tripthe beach?' •Yes, it was great.'

25 Next summer we're going -a trip to Canada.

Noun/adjective + preposition

Units 129-131

35           Put in the missing preposition.

1   The plan has been changed, but nobody seems to know the reasonthis.

2   Don't ask me to decide. I'm not very good  making decisions.

3   Some people say that Sue is unfriendly, but she's always very nice me 4 What do you think is the best solution the problem?

5   There has been a big increase  the price of land recently,

6   He lives a rather lonely life. He doesn't have much contact .     other people.

7   Paul is a keen photographer. He likes taking pictures

8   Michael got married  a woman he met when he was studying at college.

9   He's very brave. He's not afraid  anvthing.

10                    I'm surprised  the amount of traffic todav. I didn't think it would be so busv. Thank you for lending me the guidebook. It was full  useful information.

12 Please come in and sit down. I'm sorry  the mess.

36           Complete each sentence with a preposition where necessary. If no preposition is necessary, leave the space empty.

 She works quite hard. You can't accuse her  being lazy. 2 Who's going to look  your children while you're at work?

3 The problem is becoming serious. We have to discuss  it.

4 The problem is becoming serious, We have to do something

5 I prefer this chair                        the other one. It's more comfortable.

6 I must phone    the office to tell them I won't be at work today' 7 The river divides the city         . two parts.

8 'What do vou think your new boss?' 'She's all right, I suppose.' 9 Can somebody please explain me what I have to do?

10   I said hello to her, but she didn't answer            me,

11   'Do vou like staving at hotels?' 'It depends        the hotel.'

12   'Have vou ever been to Borla?' •No, I've never heard   it. Where is it?' 13 You remind me           somebody I knew a long time ago. You look just like her.

14   This is wonderful news! I can't believe it.

15   George is not an idealist — he believes      being practical.

16   What's funnv? What are you laughing .

17 What have you done with all the money you had? What did you spend it 18 If Kevin asksmoney, don't give him any.

19    I apologisedkeeping her waiting so long.

20    Lisa was verv helpful. I thankedher . everything she'd done.

37           A says something and B replies. Which goes with which?


a Don't worry. I'll tidy it up,


2 rm too warm with my coat on,

b No problem. I can fix it up.


3 This jacket looks nice.

C Kate pointed it out.


4 MS' phone number is 576920.



5 This room is in a mess.



6 What's 45 euros in dollars?

e Yes, why don't you try it on?


7 HOW did you find the mistake?

f OK, I won't bring it up.


8 I'm not sure whether to accept their

g Just a moment. I'll write it


offer or not.



9 I need a place to stav when I'm in

h Why don't you take it off then?



You can look it up.


10 It's a subject he doesn't like to talk

I think you should turn it down.


a bout.

k Give me a moment to work it


11 I don't know what this word means.



38           Only one alternative is correct. Which is it?

1 Nobody believed Paul at first but he B. to be right. (B is correct)

A    came out      B turned out      C worked out     D carried out

2 Here's some good news. It will

                   A turn you up         B put you up         C blow you up         D cheer you up

3 1 was annoyed with the way the children were behaving, so I

                   A told them up        B told them off        C told them out        D told them over

4 The club committee is of the president, the secretary and seven other members.

                  A set up        B made up        C set out         D made out

S You were going to apply for the job, and then you decided not to. So what

                   A put you off        B put you out         C turned you off        D turned you away

7       1 had no idea that he was lying to me, I was completely

A    taken in         B taken down    C taken Off         D ta ken over

8       Barbara started a course at college, but she  after six months.

A    went out       B fell out             C turned out      D dropped out

9       You can't predict everything. Often things don't  as you expect.

A    make out      B break out        C work out          D get out

10   Why are all these people here? What's

A    going off       B getting off       C going on          D getting on

11   It's a very busy airport. There are planesor landing every few minutes.

A    going up        B taking off         C getting up       D driving off

12   The traffic was moving slowly because a bus had  and was blocking the road. A broken down             B fallen down    C fallen over      D broken up

13   How are you  in your new job? Are you enjoying it?

A    keeping on   B going on          C carrying on     l) getting on

39           Complete the sentences. Use two words each time,

1  Keep  the edge of the pool. You might fall in.

2  I didn't notice that the two pictures were different until Liz pointed it .       me.

3  I asked Dan if he had any suggestions about what we should do, but he didn't come anyth i ngw

4  I'm glad Sarah is coming to the party. I'm reallv lookingseeing her again. 5 Things are changing all the time. It's difficult to keep all these changes.

6       Unfortunately I ran     film, so I couldn't take any more photographs.

7       Don'r let me interrupt you. Carry         your work.

8       Steve was very happy in his job until he fell     his boss. After that, it was impossible for them to work together, and Steve decided to leave.

9       I've had enough of being treated like this. I'm not going to put           it anv more.

10   I didn't enjoy the trip very much at the time, but when I look It now,

I realise it was a good experience and I'm glad I went on it,

11   The wedding was supposed to be a secret, so how did you find Did Jenny tell you?

12   There is a very nice atmosphere in the office where I work. Everybody gets everybody else.

40           Complete each sentence using a phrasal verb that means the same as the words in brackets.

I The football match had to be .                              because of the weather. (cancelled)

2       The story Kate told wasn't true. She   (invented it)

3       A bomb            near the station, but no-one was injured, (exploded)

4       George finally               nearly an hour late. (arrived)

5       Here's an application form. Can you   and sign it, please? (complete it)

6       A number of buildings are going to be . to make way for the new road. (demolished)

7       I'm having a few problems with my computer which need to be soon as possible. (put right)

8       Be positive! You must never        ! (stop trying)

9       I was very tired and    . in front of the television. (fell asleep)

10   After eight years together, they've decided to               (separate)

I l The noise is terrible. I can't .                                              any longer. (tolerate it)

12   We don't have a lot of monev, but we have enough to           (manage)

13   I'm sorry I'm late. The meeting               later than I expected. (continued)

14   We need to make a decision today at the latest, We can't  any longer.

(delay it)

41           Complete the sentences. Use one word each time.

I You're driving too fast. Please

2    It was onlv a small fire and I managed to            it out with a bucket of water.

3    The house is empty at the moment, but I think the new tenants are in next week.

4    fie  on weight. My clothes don't fit any more.

5    Their house is reallv nice now. They've  it up really well.

6    I was talking to the woman sitting next to me on the plane, and it .. out that she works for the same company as my brother.

7    'Do vou know what happened?' 'Not yet, but I'm going toout.' 8 There's no need to get angry.  down!

9 If you're going on a long walk, plan your route carefully before you .      off. 10 Sarah has just phoned to say that she'll be late. She's been   up.

You've written mv name wrong. It's Martin, not Marin — you                                         out the T.

12   Three davs at £45 a dav — that              out at £135.

13   We had a really interesting discussion, but Jane didn't  in. She just listened.

14   Jonathan is prettv fit, He            out in the gym every day.

15   Come and see us more often. You must             in any time you like.

16   We are still discussing the contract. There are still a couple of things to out.

17   MV alarm clock  off in the middle of the night and me up.


This guide is to help you decide which units you need to study. The sentences in the guide are grouped together (Present and past, Articles and nouns etc.) in the same way as the units in the Contents (pages iii—vi).

Each sentence can be completed using one or more Of the alternatives (A, B, C etc.). There are between two and five alternatives each time. IN SOME SENTENCES MORE THAN OXE ALTERNATIVE IS POSSIBLE.

If you don't know or if you are not sure which alternatives are correct, then you probablv need to study the unit(s) in the list on the right, You will also find the correct sentence in this unit. (If cwo or three units are listed, you will find the correct sentence in the first one.) There is a key to this study guide on page 372.

         IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH IS RIGHT                                                               STUDY


Present and past

       1.1         At first I didn't like my job, butto enjoy it now.

                        A I'm beginning      B I begin

       1.2        I don't understand this sentence. What

                        A does mean this word      B does this word mean

       1.3         Robert  away two or three times a vear.

                       A is going usually      B is usually going      C usually goes

       1.4             How  now? Better than before?

                         A you are feeling           B do you feel           C are you feeling

       1.5         It was a boring weekend.  anvthing.

A I didn't B I don't do C I didn't do

       1.6         Mattwhile we were having dinner.

                        A phoned      B was phoning      C has phoned

Present perfect and past

      2.1         Jim is on holiday. Heto Italv.

                        A is gone       B has gone      C has been

      2.2         Everything is going well.any problems so far,

                        A didn't have       B don't have      C haven't had

      2.3        Sarah has lost her passport again. It's the second time this

                        A has happened      B happens      C happened      D is happening

       2.4         You're out of breath.

                        A Are you running       B Have you run       C Have you been running

       2.5        Where's the book I gave you? What                               with it?

                        A have you done      B have you been doing      C are you doing

2.6  each other for a long time?' 'Yes, since we were at school-- 11, 10 A Do you know B Have you known C Have you been knowing

       2.7             Sally has been working here

                        A for six months       B since six months      C six months ago

2.8         It's two vears -        Joe.

A that I don't see B that I haven't seen C since I didn't see D since I last saw


2.9 It                                       raining for a while, but now it's raining again. A stopped B has stopped C was stopped


2.10      MV mother in Scotland. A grew up          B has grown up            C had grown up

13, 15

2.11      a lot Of sweets when you were a child?

                 A Have vou eaten       B Had vou eaten      C Did you eat


2.12         Ian  in Scotland for ten years, Now he lives in London. A lived     B has lived            C has been living

14, 11

2.13      The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He before.

                 A hasn't flown       B didn't fly       C hadn't flown      D wasn't flying

2.14      Cathy was sitting in an armchair resting. She was tired because


                                            very hard,

                 A she was working      B she's been working      C she'd been working


2.15a car when you were living in London?

                                                 B Were vou having           C Have you had           D Did you have

17, 14

2.16      1        tennis a lot, but I don't play very often now. A was playing          B was used to play       C used to play



3.1         I'm tired.                                to bed now: Goodnight.

                  A I go       B I'm going


3.2         tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.

                  A I'm not working       B I don't work       C I won't work

19, 21

3.3         That bag looks heavy.                                you with it.

                  A I'm helping       B I help      C I'll help


3.4        I think the weather     be nice this afternoon. A Will   B shall           C is going to

23. 22

3.5          •Ann is in hospital.' sYes, I know,                             her this evening.'

23, 20

                  A I Visit          B I'm going to visit           C I'll visit

3.6        We're late. The film                              by the time we get to the cinema.

                 A will already start      B will be already started      C will already have started

3.7         Don 't worry                               late tonight.

                  A if I'm       B when I'm       C when I'll be       D if I'll be





         4.1        The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody

                          A was able to escape      B managed to escape      C could escape

         4.2        I'm so tired I  for a week,

                          A can sleep      B could sleep      B could have slept

         4.3         The story  be true, but I don't think it is.

                          A might       B can      C could       D may

4.4 Why did you stay at a hotel when you were in Paris? You with Julia.

                          A can stay      B could stay      C could have stayed

         4.5         'I've lost one of my gloves.' 'You . it somewhere.'

A must drop B must have dropped C must be dropping D must have been dropping

4.6 'I was surprised that Kate wasn't at the meeting yesterday.' 'She about it.'

A might not know B may not know C might not have known D may not have known

         4.7        What was the problem? Why  leave earlv?

                           A had you to       B did you have to       C must vou       D vou had to

         4.8        We've got plenty of time. We  hurrv.

                           A don't need to       B mustn't       C needn't

         4.9                     You missed a great party last night. You. Whv didn't vou?

A must have come      B should have come     C ought to have come D had to come

         4.10       Jane .a car with the monev I'd won in the lotterv.

                            A suggested that I buy             B suggested that I should buy

                            C suggested me to buy            D suggested that I bought

4.11      You're always at home. You  out more often. A should go B had better go C had better to go

         4.12       It's late. It's time  home.

                          A we go       B we must go      C we should go       D we went       E to go

         4.13       a bit longer, but I reallv have to go now.

                           A I'd stay       B I'll stay       C I can stay      D I'd have staved

If and wish

         5.1          I'm not tired enough to go to bed. If Ito bed now,

I wouldn't sleep.

                           A go       B went      C had gone       D would go

         5.2        If I were rich, . a yacht.

                           A I'll have      B I can have       C I'd have       D I had

         5.3        I wish I  have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.

                           A don't       B didn't       C wouldn't       D won't

5.4 The view was wonderful. Ifa camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

                 A I had       B I would have      C I would have had       D I'd had

5.5 The weather is horrible. I wish itrattling, A would stop B stopped C stops D will stop


6.1         we                               bv a loud noise during the night.

                 A woke up       B are woken up       C were woken up      D were waking up

6.2 A new supermarket is going to . next year. A build B be built C be building I) building

6-3        There's somebodv walking behind us. I think .

A we are following B we are being following C we are followed D we are being followed

6.4          'Where  'In London.'

                  A were vou born         B are you born C have you been born

D did vou born

6.5         There was a fight at the party, but nobody

                  A was hurt       B got hurt       C hurt

6.6         Jane . to phone me last night' but she didn't.

                 A supposed      B is supposed      C was supposed

6.7        Where  ? Which hairdresser did you go to?

                  A did vou cut your hair              B have you cut your hair

                  C did vou have cut your hair      D did you have your hair cut

Reported speech

7.1         Paul left the room suddenly. He said he . to go.

                  A had         B has          C have

7.2 Hello, Joe. I didn't expect to see you today. Sonia said you in hospital.

                  A are       B were       C was      D should

7-3                        Annand left.

                  A said goodbye to me      B said me goodbye      C told me goodbye

Questions and auxiliary verbs

8.1            'What time? s At 8.30.'

                   A begins the film           B does begin the film            C does rhe film begin

'Do you know where  'No, he didn't say,'

                 A Tom has gone      B has Tom gone      C has gone Tom

8.3         The police officer stopped us and asked us where

                  A were we going      B are we going       C we are going      D we were going


I must go now, I promised



A not being       B not to be

C to not be

D I wouldn't be

        8.4          'Do you think it will rain?'

                         A I hope not.       B I don't hope.      C I don't hope so.

8.5        'You don't know where Karen is,  'Sorrv, I have no idea,' A don't you       B do you C is she      D are vou

-ing and the infinitive

        9.1          You can't stop mewhat I want.

                         A doing       B do       B to do       C that I do

9.3       DO you want .With you or do you want to go alone? A me coming   B me to come             C that I come   D that I will come

9.4 I know I locked the door. I clearly rememberit. A locking B to lock C to have locked

        9.5         She tried to be serious, but she couldn't help

                         A laughing      B to laugh       C that she laughed      D laugh

        9.6                       Paul lives in Berlin now. He likesthere.

                          A living          B to live

9.7        It's not my favourite job, but I likethe kitchen as often as possible.

                         A cleaning      B clean      C to clean       D that I clean

9.8 I'm tired. I'd rather. out this evening, if don't mind. A not going B not to go C don't go D not go

        9.9          'Shall I stay here?' VI'd rather  with us.'

                         A you come      B you to come       C you came      D you would come

        9.10      Are you looking forward  on holidav?

                         A going         B to go C to going         D that you go

        9.11      When Lisa came to Britain, she had to get used  on the left.

                         A driving      B to driving      C to drive

9.12 I'm thinkinga house. Do you think that's a good idea? A to buy B of to buy C of buying

        9.13       I had noa place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy.

A difficulty to find      B difficulty finding      C trouble to find D trouble finding

        9.14      A friend of mine phoned  me to a party.

                         A for invite       B to invite      C for inviting       D for to invite

        9.15       Jim doesn't speak very clearly.

                            A It is difficult to understand him.             B He is difficult to understand.

C He is difficult to understand him.

9.16 The path was icv, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid 66 A of falling B from falling C to fall D to falling

I didn't hear youin, You must have been very quiet.         67 A come       B to come        C came

9.18a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner.                                                          68

                  A Finding      B After finding      C Having found      D we found

Articles and nouns

10.1       It wasn't vour fault. It was .                                                                                   69

                  A accident       B an accident      C some accident

10.2       Where are you going to put all your .                                                                     70

                  A furniture      B furnitures

10.3        'Where are you going?' 'I'm going to buy                                                              70

                  A a bread      B some bread      C a loaf of bread

10.4       Sandra is  She works at a large hospital,                                 71. 72

                  A nurse       B a nurse      C the nurse

10.5       Helen works six davs                             . week.                                                    72

                  A in       B for       C a       D the

10.6       There are millions of stars in                                                                                 73

                  A space       B a space      C the space

10.7        Everv davbegins at 9 and finishes at 3.                                     74

                  A school      B a school      C the school

10.8a problem in most big cities.                                                            75

A Crime is B The crime is C The crimes are

10.9                       Wheninvented?                                                                                     76

A was telephone B were telephones C were the telephones D was the telephone

10.10                                                      Have vou been to77

A Canada or United States      B the Canada or the United States C Canada or the United States D the Canada or United States

10.11     On our first day in Moscow, we visited                                                                  78

                   A Kremlin          B a Kremlin           C the Kremlin

10.12          What time  on television?                                                                              79, 70

                  A is the news      B are the news      C is news      D is the new

10.13      It took us quite a long time to get here. It was                               journey.             80

                   A three hour      B a three-hours       C a three-hour

10.14     This isn't my book. It's

                  A my sister      B my sister's      C from my sister      D of my sister

E of my sister's

Pronouns and determiners

      11.1       What time shall we . tomorrow?

                        A meet      B meet us      C meet ourselves

       11.2        I'm going to a wedding on Saturday.is getting married.

                       A A friend of me      B A friend of mine      C One my friends

11.3      They live on a busy road.a lot of noise from the traffic. A It must be           B It must have   C There must have       D There must be

       I IA        He's lazy. He never doeswork.

                       A some       B any       C no

      11.5         'What would you like to eat?' 'l don't mind.

— whatever you have.'

                       A Something      B Anything       C Nothing

       11.6      We couldn't buy anything because  of the shops were open.

                        A all       B no-one       C none       D nothing

       11.7      We went shopping and spent  money.

                        A a lot of       B much       C lots of      D many

11.8don't visit this part of the town.

                        A The most tourists       B Most of tourists      C Most tourists

11.9 I asked two people the way to the station, but  of them could help me.

                        A none      B either       C both       D neither

11.10enjoyed the party. It was great.

                         A Everybody          B All         C All of us           D Everybody of us

11.11    The bus service is excellent. There's a bus . ten minutes. A each      B every            C all

Relative clauses

      12.1      I don't like stories  have unhappy endings.

                        A that       B they       C which      D who

12.2 I didn't believe them at first, but in fact evervthingwas true. A they said B that they said C what they said

       12.3       What's the name of the man

                        A you borrowed his car           B which car you borrowed

                        C whose car you borrowed      D his car you borrowed

12.4      Colin told me about his new job,  very much. A that hes enjoying   B which he's enjoying  C he's enjoying D         enjoying it

       12.5      Sarah couldn't meet us, „ was a pity.

                        A that       B it       C what      D which

       12.6      George showed me some pictures  by his father.

                        A painting       B painted       C that were painted      D they were painted

Adjectives and adverbs

13.1 Jane doesn't enjoy her job any more. She's because every day she does exactlv the same thing.

                  A boring          B bored

13.2      Lisa was carrving a  bag,

A black small plastic   B small and black plastic          C small black plastic D plastic small black

13.3            Maria•s English is excellent. She speaks

A perfectly English           B English perfectly            C perfect English D English perfect

13.4       He  to find a job, but he had no luck.

                 A tried hard       B tried hardlv      C hardly tried

13.5      I haven't seen her for                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           I've forgotten what she looks like. A so long      B so long time C a such long time            D such a long time

13-6       We haven't got              on holiday at the moment.

                 A money enough to go            B enough money to go

                 C money enough for going      D enough money for going

13.7      Sallv is doing OK at the moment. She has

                   A a quite good job            B quite a good job            C a pretty good job

13.8     The exam was fairlv easv —                             I expected,

                 A more easv that      B more easy than       C easier than       D easier as

13.9            The more electricity you use,

                   A your bill will be higher                    B will be higher your bill

                    C the higher vour bill will be             D higher your bill will be

13.10     Patrick is a fast runner, I can't run as fast as

                  A he         B him          C he can

13.11    The film was reallv boring, It was  I've ever seen. A most boring film         B the more boring film C the film more boring

D the most boring film

13.12         Ben likes walking-

                 A Everv morning he walks ro work.      B He walks to work every morning.

                 C He walks every morning to work,      D He every morning walks to work.

13.13         Joe never phones me,

                 A Alwavs I have to phone him.      B I always have to phone him.

                 C I have alwavs to phone him.       D I have to phone always him.

13.14    Lucv  She left last month.

                    A still doesn't work here             B doesn't still work here

                  C no more works here          D doesn't work here any more.

13.15     she can't drive, she has bought a car.















112, 113

            A Even         B Even When          C Even if          D Even though

Conjunctions and prepositions

14.1        I couldn't sleep  verv tired.

                  A although I was         B despite I was        C despite of being      D in spite of being

14.2          You should insure your bikestolen.

                   A in case it will be            B if it will be            C in case it is            D if it is

14.3               The club is for members only. Youvou're a member.

A can't go in if B can go in only if            C can't go in unless D can go in unless

14.4 Yesterday we watched television all eveningwe didnst have anything better to do.

                 A when         B as         C while         D since

14.5 'What's that noise?' 'It sounds „ a babv crving.' A as B like C as if D as though

14.6        They are very kind to me. They treat me  their own son.

                  A like I'm          B as if I'm          C as if I was         D as if I were

14.7 I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom  there. A while Ill be B while I s m C during my visit D during I'm

14.8 David is away at the moment. I don't know exactly when he's coming back, but I'm sure he'll be backMondav. A by B until


15.1         Goodbye! I'll see you

A at Friday morning      B on Friday morning C in Friday morning D Friday morning

15.2        I'm going away  the end of January.

                  A at         B on         C in

15.3            When we were in Italy, we spent a few davs                                            Venice.

             A at       B to       C in

15.4          Our flat isthe second floor of the building.

             A at       B on      C in      

15.5         I saw Steve. a concert on Saturday.

             A at      B on      C in      

15.6         When did theythe hotel?

                  A arrive to         B arrive at         C arrive in         D get to         E get in

15.7               I'm goingholidav next week. I'll be away for two weeks.

             A at       B on      C in       D for

15.8         We travelled6.45 train, 'Which arrived at 8.30. A in the        B on the               C by the                 D bv

15.9 'Have you read anything  Ernest Hemingway?' 'No, what sort of books did he write?' A of B from C by


The accident was    fault, so I had to pay for the damage the other car.

A of             B for Cro Don              E at




I like them very much. Thev have always been very nice

A of       B for       C to       D with




I'm not very good repairing things. A at B for C in D about




I don't understand this sentence. Can you

A explain to me this word      B explain me this word

C explain this word to me




If you're worried about the problem, you should do something it.

A for       B about       C against       D with




'Who is Tom Hart?'      have no idea. I've never heard

A about       B from       C after       D of




'What time Will VOLI be home?' 'l don't know. It depends .

A of       B for      C from       D on

the traffic.'



I prefer tea                               coffee,

A to       B than      C against       D over


136. 59

Phrasal verbs


These shoes are uncomforta ble. I'm going to

A take off        B take them Off      C take off them




We're playing a game. Whv don't you

A join in             B come in          C get in          D break in




Nobodv believed Paul at first, but he                                to be right.

A worked out        B came out       C found out       D turned out




We can't         making a decision. We have to decide now. A put away           B put over C put Off     D put out



'Have you finished painting the kitchen?' 'Nearly. I'll tomorrow.'

A finish it up              B finish it over          C finish it off



You can always rely on Pete. He'll never .

A put you up         B let vou down       C take you over      D see you Off



Children under 16      half the population of the city. A make up           B put up           C take up         D bring up



I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

A broken up        B ended up      C finished up       D split up



I parked in a no-parking zone, but I                                 it.


               A came up with       B got awav with       C made off with       D got on with

        to Exercises                       

In some of the exercises you have to use your own ideas to write sentences. Example answers are given in the Key, If possible, check your answers with somebody who speaks English well.


2     'm looking / am looking

3     's getting / is getting

4     're staying / are staying

5     is losing

6     's starting / is starting

7     're making I are making

'm trying/ am trying

8     's happening / is happening


3    'm not listening am not listening

4    's having / is having

5    'm not eating / am not eating

6    's learning / is learning

7    aren't speaking 're not speaking / are not speaking

8    'm getting / am getting

9    isn't working / 's not working

/ is not working


What's / What is he studying

IS he enjoying

2 are you getting on things are getting he isn't enjoying / he's not enioytng he's beginning / he is beginning


2    is changing

3    's getting / is getting

4    IS rising

5    is beginning



2    drink

3    opens

4    cauSes

S live

6    take

7    connects


2    do the banks close

3    don't use

4    does Martin come

S do you do

6    takes does it take

7    does this word mean

8    doesn't do


3    rises

4    make

5    don't eat

6    doesn't believe 7 translates g don-t tell 9 flows


2    Does your sister plav tennis?

3    Which newspaper do you read?

4    Whar does your brother do? 5 How often do you go to the cinema?

6 Where do your grandparents live?

2.5 2 1 promise

3     1 insist

4     1 apologise

5     1 recommend


3      IS rrytng

4      are they talking

5      OK

6      It's getting / It is getting

7      OK

8      I'm coming / I am coming

9      are you getting

10  He always gets

1 1 OK         


's waiting / is waiting

Are you listening Do you listen flows 's flowing / is flowing grow aren't growing/ 're not growing I ate not growing 's improving / is improving

's staying / is staying Stays

'm starting / am starting 'm learning / am learning 's teaching / is teaching finish 'm working / am working live do your parents live 's looking / is looking 's staying I is staving does your brother do isn't working / 'S not working I is not working enjoy 'm not enjoying I am nor enjoying


2 It's always breaking down. 3 1'm always making the same mistake. / that mistake.

4 You're always forgetting your

2    What are you doing?

I'm thinking.

3    Who does this umbrella

4    The dinner smells good.

S Is anybody sitting there?

6 These gloves don't fir me,

2 'm using / am using

7    don't remember / do not remember or can't

8    'm thinking f am thinking don't use

3    She walked to work

4    It took her (about) half an

5    She started work

6    She didn't have (any) lunch- / eat (any' lunch,

7    She finished work

8    She was tired when she got

hurt caught bought               cost


2    did you travel did you go

3    did it take (you) I were you there

4    did vou Stay

5    Was the weather good/nice? or Did you have good/nice weather?

6    Did you go to Did you see /

Did you visit


3    didn't disturb

4    left

5    didn't sleep 6 flew didn•t cost 8 didn't have

9 were



Example answers:

3    1 was working,

4    1 was in bed asleep,

5    1 was getting ready to go out.

6    1 was watching


Example answers:

2                was having a Shower

3                were waiting for the bus

4                was reading the paper

5                watching it


1    didn't see was looking

2    met were going was going had were waiting waited

3    was cycling Stepped was going managed .

didn't hit


2     were you doing

3     Did you go

4     were you driving

5     took Wasn't looking

6     didn 't know

7     Saw Was trying was walking heard following started

9       wanted

10    dropped was doing didn st break


2     She's broken her leg. / She has broken .

3     The bus fare has gone up.

4     Her English has improved.

5     He's grown a beard. / He has

grown .

6     The letter has arrived.

7     The temperature has fallen.


Yes, I've just seen her. /

Yes, I have just seen her. He's already left. / He has already left. I haven't read it yet.

No, she's already seen the film.

NO' she has already seen .

Yes, they've just arrived, /

Yes, they have just arrived. 7 We haven't told him yet.

7.3 he'S just gone out / he has just

gone Out I haven't finished yet. I've already done it. / I have already done it. Have you found a place to live yet? I haven't decided yet. she's just come back / she has just come back


2     been

3     gone

4     gone

5     been



2     Have you ever been to California?

3     Have you ever run (in) a marathon?

4     Have you ever spoken to a famous person?

5     What's the most beautiful place you've ever visited?

8.2 haverù seen haven't eaten I haven't played (it)

I've had / I have had

I haven't read I've never been / I haven't been 's been / has been I've never tried I haven't tried or I've never eaten I  haven't eaten it's happened f it has happened or that'S happened / that has happened

I've never seen I haven't seen

8.3 haven't read one I haven't

read a newspaper it's made a loss / it has made a loss / it hasn't made a profit

she hasn't worked hard this

term it hasn't snowed (much) this wi nter

6     haven't won many/any games this season

8.4 Have you played tennis before? No, this is the first time I've played tennis. Have you ridden a horse before? f Have you been on a horse before? No, this is the first time I've ridden a horse. / I've been on a horse.

4 Have you been to London before? No, this is the first time I've been to London.



2    's been watching television / has been watching television

3    've been playing tennis / have been playing tennis

4    's been running / has been running


2     Have you been waiting long?

3     What have you been doing? 4 How long have you been working there?

5 HOW long have you been selling computers?


2    've been waiting / have been waiting

3    've been learning Spanish / have been learning Spanish 4 She's been working there I She has been working there 5 They've been going there /

They have been going there

9.4 I've been looking / I have been looking are you looking

She's been teaching / She has been teaching I've been thinking I have been thinking he's working / he is working she's been working / she has been working



2     She's been travelling for three months. I She has been travelling She's visited six countries so far. / She has visited

3     He's won the national championships four times. /

He has won Hess been playing tennis since he was ten. / He has been playing .

4     They've made five films since they left college. / They have made They've been making films since they left college. They have been making

10.2 2 Have you been waiting long? 3 Have you caught any fish?

4    How many people have you invited?             

5    How long have you been teaching?

6    How many books have you written ? How long have you been writing books?

7    How long have you been saving? How much money have you saved?


2 Somebody's broken /

Somebody has broken 3 Have you been working

4    Have you ever worked

5    has she gone

6 He's appeared He has appeared

7      I haven't been waiting

8      it's stopped / it has stopped

9      I've lost / I have lost ... Have

you seen

10  I've been reading / I have been reading haven't finished

11  I've read / I have read


3      have been married

4      OK

5      It's been raining / It has been


6      have you been living

7      has been working

8      OK

9      I haven't drunk

10  have you had


2     How long have you been teaching English? I How long have you taught

3     HOW long have you known Caroline?

4     How long has your brother been in Australia?

How long have you had that jacket? How long has Joe been working at the airport? / How long has Joe worked . How long have you been learning to drive? Have you always lived in Chicago?


's been I has been

've been waiting / have been waiting 've known / have known haven't played

's been watching / has been watching haven't watched 've had / have had hasn't been 've been feeling / have been feeling or 've felt / have felt 's lived / has lived or 's been living has been living haven't been 've always wanted / have always wanted



2    since

3    for

4    for

5    since

6    for

7    since

8    sance 

9    for

12.2 How long has Kate been learning Japanese?

When did Kate start learning Japanese?

How long have you known Simon?

When did you first meet Simon? I When did you and Simon first meet?

How long have Rebecca and David been married? When did Rebecca and David get married? / When did

Rebecca and David marry?


He has been ill since Sunday.

He has been ill for a few days,

She got married a year ago. I've had a headache since I woke up. She went to Italy three weeks


I've been working in a hotel for six months. / I've worked in a hotel for six months.


2     No, I haven't seen Sarah/her for about a month.

3     No, I haven't been to the cinema for a long time,

4     NO, I haven't eaten in a restaurant for ages. / xo, I

haven't been to a restaurant for ages.

6 NO, it's about a month since I (last) saw Sarah/her, / Xo, it's been about a month since 7 No, it's a long time since r

(last) went to the Cinema. / NO, it's been a long time since ...

8 No, it's ages since I (last) ate in a restaurant. No, it's been

ages smcesince I

went to a restaurant.



2     has gone

3     forgot

4     went

5     had

6     has broken


3    've forgotten / have forgotten

4    arrested

5    's improved / has improved

6    s ve finished / have finished

7    applied

S was

9      's been / has been

10  broke or 's broken I has broken did (that) happen

. fell


3     did Shakespeare write

4     OK

5     OK

6     The Chinese Invented

7     were you born

8     OK

9     Albert Einstein was who developed



3       OK

4       bought

S Where were you

6    Lucy left school

7    OK


9      OK

10  When was this book published?


2     The weather has been cold recently,

3     It was cold last week.

4     didn't read a newspaper yesterday.

5     1 haven't read a newspaper today,

6     Emily has earned a lot Of money this year. She didn't earn so much last


8 Have you had a holiday recently?


2       got was went

3       Have you finished or Did you finish

4       wasn't / was not

5       worked

6       's lived / has lived

7       Did you go was

8       died never met

9       've never met / have never met

10    's gone / has gone or went did he go

11    have you lived / have you been living did vou live did vou live


ExamPle answers:

2     1 haven't bought anything toda v.

3     1 didn't watch TV vesterday.

4     | went out with some friends vesterday evening.

5     1 haven't been ro the cinema recently.

6     1've read a lot of books recentlv.



2 It had changed a lot3 She'd arranged to do something else. She had arranged

4 The film had already begun, 5 I hadn't seen him for five years. 6 She'd just had breakfast. / She

had just had


2     1'd never seen her before, / I

had never seen

3     He'd never played (tennis) before. / He had never played

4     We'd never been there before. / We had never been .


I called the police

2     there was ... had gone

3     He'd iust come back He had just come back from

He looked

4     got a phone cal)

was 'd sent her / had sent her 'd never replied to them / had never replied to them


2     went

3     had gone

4     broke

5     saw had broken



2    They'd been playing football. / They had been playing

3    1'd been looking forward to it.

/ I had been looking forward

4    She'd been dreaming. / She had been dreaming.

5    He'd been watching a film.

He had been watching


2     I'd been waiting for 20 minutes when I (suddenly) realised that I was in the

wrong restaurant. or that I had come to the wrong restaurant.

3     At the time the factory closed down, Sarah had been working there for five years.

4     The orchestra had been playing for about ten minutes when a man in the audience started shouting.

5     Example answer; I'd been walking along the road for about ten minutes when a car suddenly stopped just behind me.


3      was walking

4      'd been running / had been running

5      were eating

6      'd been earing / had been


7      was looking

8      was waiting 'd been waiting / had been waiting

9      'd had / had had

10  'd been travelling / had been travelling



3    I haven't got a ladder, / 1 don't have a ladder.

4    We didn'r have enough time.

5    He didn't have a map.

She doesn't have any money. 7 haven't got enough energy. / I don't have enough energy. 8 They didn it have a camera.

2    Have you got / DO you have

3    Did you have

4    Have you got / Do you have

S Have you got / Do you have

6    did you have

7    Did you have

Example answers:

2 I haven't got a bike (now).

I had a bike (ten years ago). 3 I've got a mobile phone (now).

I didn't have a mobile phone (ten years ago).

4 I haven't got a dog (now). I didn't have a dog (ten years ago).

S I've got a guitar (now).

I had a guitar (ten years ago). 6 I haven't got long hair (now). I didn't have long hair (ten years ago).

7 I've got a driving licence (now).

I didn't have a driving licence (ten years ago).

2    has break

3    had a party

4    have a look

S 's having / is having a nice time

6       had a chat

7       Did you have difficulty

8       had a baby

9       was having a shower

10    Did you have a good flight?


2    used to have/ride

3    used to live 4 used to eat]like/love

S used to be 6 used to take

7    used to be

8    did you use to go

He used to go to bed early. He didn't use to go out in the evening. He used to run three miles

6 She hasn't got any money,

every morning. He didn't use to spend much money. / a lot of money.


2-10 She used to have lots Of friends, but She doesn't know many people these days. She used to be very lazy, but she works very hard these days.

She didn't use to like cheese, but she eats lots of cheese

nmL She used to be a hotel receptionist, but she works in a bookshop now. She used to play the piano, but she hasn't played the piano for years. She never used to read newspapers, but she reads a newspaper every day now' She didn't use to drink tea. but she likes it now. She used to have a dog, but it died two years ago. She used to go to a lot of parties, but she hasn't been to a party for ages,



2    How long are you going for?

3    When are you leaving?

4    Are you going alone?

5    Are you travelling by car? 6 Where are you staying?


2     1'm working late, / I'm working till 9 0'clock.

3     1'm going to the theatre. 4 1'm meeting Julia.


Example answers:

2    1'm working tomorrow morning.

3    1'm not doing anything tomorrow evening.

4    1'm playing football next Sunday.

5    1'm going to a party this eventng.

3    're having / are having

4    finishes

5    'm not going/ am not going

'm staying / am staying

6    Are you doing

7    're going/ are going starts

8    'm leaving / am leaving 9 're meeting / are meeting

10   does this train get

11   'm going / am going Are you coming

12   does it end

13   'm not using/ am not using

14   's coming / is coming travelling / is travelling arrtves



2    What are you going to wear?

3    Where are you going to put it? 4 Who are you going to invite?


2    1'm going to take it back.

3    1'm not going to accept it'

4    1'm going to phone her tonight.

5    1'm going to complain,


2    Hess going to be late.

3    The boat is going to sink.

4    They're going to run out of petrol.


2    was going to buy

3    were going to plav

4    was going to phone

5    was going to give up

6    were going to have


2 I'll turn j I'll switch / I'll put I'll go

4 I'll do

I'll show I I'll teach

6 I'll have

7 I'll send

8     I'll give / I'll bring

9     I'll Stay I'll wait


2 I'll go to bed.

I think I'll walk-

4 I'll play tennis (today). S I don't think I'll go swimming.


3 I'll meet

4 I'll lend

5      I'm having

6      I won't forget

7      does your train leave

8      won't tell

9      Are you doing

10  Will you come


2     Shall I buy it?

3     What Shall I give/buy/get

Helen (for her birthday)?

4     Where shall we go Con holiday)?

S Shall we go by car or (shall we) walk? or (shall we go) on foot?

6 What time shall I phone (you)?


22. I

2 1'm going 3 will get is coming

5    we're going

6    It won't hurt


2    will look

3    'Il like/ Will like

4    'Il get/ will get

5    will live meet will meer

7 'Il come / will come 8 will be


2 won't / will won 't

/ will

6 won 't



2    1'll be in bed,

3    1'll be at work.

4    1'll probably be at home.

5    1 don't know where I'll be this time next year.


Do vou think it will rain? When do you think it will end? How much do you think it will cost? Do you think they'll get married? / thev will get married? What time do vou think vou'll be back? / you will be back? What do vou think will happen?


23.1 ril lend rll get I'm going to wash are vou going to paint I'm going to buy

I'll show

I'll have I'll do it's going ro fall He's going to have he's going to do


2     I'm going to take I'll join

3      you'll find

4     I'm not going to applv

5     You'll wake

6     I'll take we-Il leave Liz is going to take



2    b is true

3    a and c are true

4    b and d are true

5    c and d are true

6    c is true


2       We'll have finished

3       we@ll be playing

4       I'll be working

5       the meeting will have ended

6       he'll have spent

7       you'll still be doing

8       she'll have travelled

9       I'll be staying

10    Will vou be seeing



2     goes

3     'Il tell / will tell come

4     see won't recognise / will not recognise

5     Will you be •rn/am

6     'slis

7     'Il wait / will wait •re/are

8     'Il be / will be gets phones 'm/am


2     1'll give you my address when I find somewhere to live. or when I've found somewhere to live.

3     1'll come straight back home after I do the shopping. or after I've done the

Shoppi ngw

4     Let's go home before it gets dark.

5     1 won't speak to her until she apologises. or  until she has apologised.


2 you go you leave 3 you decide or you've decided / vou have decided

4    you're in New York / you go to New York

5    finish the new road / 've finished the new road / have finished the new road or build the new road / 've built the new road / have built the new road


3    When

4    If

6    when

7    if

g if27.4

3 couldn't wear

UNIT 264 couldn't have found

5 couldn't get

26.16 couldn't have been

3    can7 couldn't have come/gone

4    be able to

5    been able toUNIT 28

6    can

7    be able to28.1

2   must


3   can t

Example answers:must 4

2    1 used to be able to run fast.5 must

3    1'd like to be able to play the6 can t

piano.7 must

4    1've never been able to get up8 must early.9 can't


2   could run3 be

3   can waithave been


4   couldn't eat

5   be

5    can't hearor have been


6    Couldn't Sleep7 go be going

26.48 have taken / have stolen / have

2    was able to finish itmoved

3    were able to find it •9 have been

4    was able co get away10 be following


4 couldn't3 It must have been very 5 managed toexpenstve.

6 could4 They must have gone away. 7 managed to5 I must have left it in the 8 couldrestaurant last night.

9 managed to6 He can't have seen me- or  couldn 't He couldn't have Seen me,

7 He must have been waiting

UNIT 278 for She somebodycan't have understood

27.1what I said. or She

2 We could have fish,couldn't have understood 3 You could phone (her) now.what I said.

4 You could give her a book.9 I must have forgotten to 5 We could hang it in thelock it.

kitchen.10 The neighbours must have been having a party.

27.2Il The driver can't have seen the

3    I could kill him!                              red light. or The driver

4    OK — could have is alsocouldn't have seen possible

5    I could stay here all day


6    it could be in the car

(may/might are also possible)29.1

7    OK2 She might be busy,

8    OK — could borrow is also3 She might be working. possible4 She might want to be alone. 9 it could change later  She might have been ill (may/might are also possible)yesterday.

27.36 She might have gone home 2 could have come/goneearly.

3 could apply7 She might have had to go 4 could have beenhome early.

5    could have got/taken8 She might have been working

6    could comeyesterda y,

9      She might not want to see me.

10  She might not be working today.

1     1 She might not have been feeling well yesterday.

You can use may instead of might in all these sentences.


2     be

3     have been

4     be waiting

5     have


She might be watching TV in her room.

b She might have gone out.

It might be in the car.

b You might have left it in the restaurant last night.    He might have gone to bed early, b He might not have heard the doorbell.  He might have been in the shower.

YOU can use may instead Of might in all these sentences.


3    might not have received it

4    couldn't have been an accident

5    couldn't have tried

6    might not have been American


30.1 2 1 might buy a Mercedes.

3 1 might go to London. 4 He might come on Saturday. S I might hang it in the dining room.

6 She might go to university. You can use may instead of might in all these sentences,

30.2 2 might wake

3    might bite

4    might need

5    might slip

6    might break You can use may instead of might in all these sentences.


2    might be able to meet/see

3    might have to work

4    might have to go/leave You can use may instead Of might in all these sentences.


2    1 might not go out this evening.

3    We might not get tickets for the concert.

4    Sue might not be able to come

our with us this evening.

YO'/ can use may instead of might in all these sentences.


2 1 might as well go to the concert3 We might as well paint the bathroom.

4 We might as well watch the film.

You can use may instead o/ might in all these sentences.



3   We had to close

4   She has to leave

S do you have to be

6      I have to hurry

7      Does he have to travel

8      do you have to go

9      did you have to wait

10   had to do


3     have to make

4    don't have to do

5    had to ask

6    don't have to pay

7    didn't have to go

8    has to make

9    will have to drive


3 OK (have to is also correct) 4 He has to work.

5    I had to work late yesterday evemng.

6    OK (have to is also correct)

7    She has had to wear glasses since she was very young. (For the present perfect (has had) with for and since, see Units 11-12.)


3 don't have to 4 mustn't S don't have to

6 mustn't 7 doesn't have to  mustn't

9       mustn't

10    don't have to



2    needn't come

3    needn't walk

4    needn't ask

5    needn't tell

6    needn't explain

32.2 3 needn't

4    must

5    mustn't

6    needn't

7    needn't

8    must mustn't

9    needn't must


2    She needn't have bought (any) eggs.

3    You needn't have shouted at me.

4    He needn't have sold his car. 5 We needn't have taken the camcorder (with us).

6 I needn't have rushed (to the station


2    You needn't have walked home. You could have taken a taxi.

3    You needn't have stayed at a hotel, You could have stayed with us.

4    She needn't have phoned me in the middle of the night. She could have waited until the morning.

5    You needn't have left without saying anything. You could have said goodbye.



2    You should look for another job.

3    He shouldn't go to bed so late.

4    You should take a photograph.

5    She shouldn't use her car so much.

6    He should put some pictures on the walls.


2    1 don't think vou should go out, / I think you should stay at home.

3    1 think you should apply for for the job.

4    1 don't think the government should increase taxes.


3    should come

4    should do

5    should have done

6    should win

7    should have won

8    should be

9    should have arrived


3    We should have reserved a table.

4    The shop should be open (now). The shop should have opened by now. or It should .

5    She shouldn't be doing 50. She shouldn't be driving so fast, / She should be driving more slowly.

6    1 should have written down her address. / I should have written her address down- or I should have written it down.

7    The driver in front shouldn't have stopped without warning. / shouldn't have stopped so suddenly.

8    1 should have been looking where I was going. / I shouldn't have been looking behind me.



2    1 should stay/ I stay / I stayed a little longer

3    they should visit/ they Visit / they visited the museum after lunch

4    we should pay / we pay we paid rhe rent by Friday

S I should go/ I go / I went away for a few days


1  b OK


b wrong



2  should say

3  should worry

4  should leave

5  should ask

6  should listen


2    If it should rain

3    If there should be

4    If anvone should ask

5    Should there be any problems

6    Should anvone ask (where rm going)


2     1 should keep

3     1 should phone

4     1 should buy



2    You'd better put a plaster on it.

3    We'd better reserve a table,

4    You'd better not go to work.

5    I'd better pay the phone bill

soon J.

6    I'd better not go out (yet).

— We'd better take/ger a taxi.

3 'd better should

5    should

6    'd better

7    should

8    should

'd/had close/shut hadn't did was done thought

2     It's time I had a holiday.

3     It's time the train left.

4     It's time I/we had a party.

5     It's time some changes were made.

6     It's time he tried something else.


Example answers:

2 1 wouldn't like to be a teacher. 3 1'd love to learn to fly a plane. 4 It would be nice to have a big garden.

5 1'd like rogo to Mexico.

2    'd enjoy / would enjoy

3    'd have enjoyed / would have enjoyed

4    would you do

5    'd have stopped / would have stopped

6    would have been

7    'd be / would be

8    'd have passed / would have passed

9    would have

2    He promised he'd phone. / he would phone.

3    YOO promised you wouldn't tell her.

4    They promised they'd wait for us). J               . they would wait-

2    wouldn't tell 3 wouldn't speak wouldn't let

3    would always help

4    would share

S would always forget



2    Can/Could I leave a message (for her)? or Can./Could you give her a message?

3    Can/Could you tell me how to get to the station? or

, the way to the station? or . where the station is?

4    Can/COuld I try on these trousers? or Can/Could I try these (trousers) on?

5    Can I give]offer you a lift?


3   Do you think you could check this letter (for me)? / check my letter?

4   Do you mind if I leave work early?

S Do you think you could turn the music down? / turn it down?

6    Is it OK if I close the window?

7    Do you think I could have a look at your newspaper?


2    Can/Could/Would you show me? or Do you think you could show me? or . do it for me?

3    Would you like to sit down? ot Would you like a seat? or Can I offer you a seat?

4    Can/CouldJWould you slow down? or Do you think you could

5    Can/CouId/May I/we have the bill, please? or DO you think I/wc could have ?

6    Would you like to borrow it?



3    'd take / would take

4    closed down

5    wouldn't get

6    pressed

7    did

8    'd be / would be 9 didn't come  borrowed

I l walked

12 would understand


2    What would you do if you lost your passport?

2 would shake

3    What would you do if there was/were a fire in the building?

4    What would you do if you were in a lift and it stopped between floors?


2    If he took his driving test, he'd fail (it). / he would fail (it)-

3    If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost too much.

4    If she applied for the job, she wouldn't get it5 If we told them the truth, they wouldn't believe us.

6 If we invited Bill, we'd have to invite his friends too.     we would have to .


Example answers:

2 1'd be very angry if somebody broke into my house.

3 If I didn't go to work tomorrow, I'd have a much nicer day than usual.

4    Would you go to the party if you were invited?

5    If you bought some new clothes, you'd feel much better. 6 Would you mind if I didn't go out with you this evening?



3          help would help

4          lived

5          'd live / would live

6          would taste

7          were/was 8 wouldn't wait 'd go would go

9       didn't go

10    weren't wouldn't be


2 1'd buy it / I would buy it if it weren't/wasn't so expensive,

. if it were/was cheaper.

3 We'd go out / We would go out more often if we could afford it.

4 If I didn't have to work late, I could meet you tomorrow. or

I'd meet / I would meet

I'd be able to meet

S We could have lunch outside if it weren't raining / wasn't raining.

6 If I wanted his advice, I'd ask for it/ I would ask for it.


2 I wish I had a mobile phone, 3 I wish Helen were/was here. 4 I wish it weren't/wasn't (so) cold.

5    I wish I didn't live in a big city.

6    I Wish I could go to the party.

I wish didn't have to work tomorrow. I wish I knew something about cars. I wish I were feeling / was feeling better.


Example answers:

I wish was at home.

2    1 wish I had a big garden.

3    1 wish I could tell jokes. 4 wish was taller.



If he'd missed / he had missed rhe train, he'd have missed / he would have missed his flight. I'd have forgotten / I would have forgotten you hadn't reminded I'd had / I had had I'd have sent / I would have sent we'd have enjoyed / we would have enjoyed the weather had been It would have been I'd walked I had walked I were / I was

I'd been I had been


If the road hadn't been icy, the accident wouldn't have happened.

If I'd known / If I had known (that Joe had to get up earl}0, I'd have woken / I would have woken him up. If Jane hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car. or couldn't have bought the car. If Karen hadn't been wearing a seat belts she'd have been injured / she would have been injured Cin the crash), If you'd had / If you had had (some) breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now, If I'd had / If I had had (some) money, I'd have got / I would have got a taxi.


I wish I'd applied I I Wish I had applied for it. or for the job.

I wish I'd learned / I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument (when I was younger).

I wish I hadn't painted it red. the gate red. I wish I'd brought I I wish I had brought my camera.

6 [ wish they'd phoned / I wish they had phoned first (to say they were coming). or J wish I'd known I wish J had known thes were comrng,


2                   hope

3                   wish 4 wished

S hope

6 wish hope


2    I wish Jane/she would come. , would hurry up.

3    wish somebody would give me a job.

4    I wish the/that baby would stop crying.

S I wish you would buv some new clothes. or I wish you would get some new clothes. 6 I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.

7    I Wish you wouldn't leave the door open (all the time).

8    I wish people wouldn't drop

litter in the street.


2    OK

3    I wish I had more free time.

4    I wish our flat was/were a bit bigger.

s OK 6 OK

7 I Wish everything wasn't/weren't so expensive.


3    I knew

4    I'd taken had taken

S I could come

6    I wasn't I weren't

7    they'd hurry / they would hurry

8    we didn't have 9 we could have Stayed

10    it wasn't / weren't

11    he'd decide / he would decide 12 we hadn't gone



2    is made

3    was damaged

4    were invited

5    are shown

6    are held

7    was written was translated

8    were overtaken

9    is surrounded


2     When was television invented?

3     How are mountains formed?

4     When was Pluto discovered? 5 What is silver used for?


3      covers

4      is covered

5      are locked

6      was posted arrived

7      sank was rescued

8      died were brought up

9      grew up

10   was stolen

11   disappeared

12   did Sue resign

13   was Bill sacked 14 is owned

15   called was injured . wasn't needed

16   were these photographs taken

Did vou take

17   'm not bothered / am not bothered


2     All flights were cancelled because Of fog.

3     This road isn't used much.

4     1 was accused Of stealing

monev5 How are languages lea rned/learnc?

6 We were warned not to go out alone,


43. I

2     it can't be broken

3     it can be eaten

4     it can't be used

5     it can't be seen

6     it can be carried


3    be made

4    be spent

5    have been repaired

6    be carried

7    have been caused

8    be woken up

9    have been arrested


2     The meeting has been postponed,

3     The Computer is being used at the moment'

4     1 didn't realise that our conversation was being recorded.

5     we found that the game had been cancelled.

6     A new ring road is being built round the city.

7     A new hospital has been built near the airport'


It's been stolen! / It has been stolen!

Somebody has taken it. or taken my umbrella. He'S been promoted. / He has been promoted.

It's being redecorated. / It is being redecorated. It's working again. / It is working again, . It's been repaired. / It has been repaired, The furniture had moved.

He hasn't been seen since then.

I haven't seen her for ages.

Have you ever been mugged?



I was asked some difficult questions at the interview, Linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. I wasn't told about ihe meeting. How much will you be paid for your work? I think Tom should have been offered the job. Have you been shown what to do?


2     being invited

3     being given

4     being knocked down

5     being treated

6     being stuck


2—6 Beethoven was born in 1770. Agatha Christie was born in 1890.

Galileo was born in 1564.

Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. Martin Luther King was born in 1929. Elvis Presley was born in 1935Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. William Sha was born in 1564,

7 1 was born in

44.4 got stung get used got stolen ger paid got stopped get damaged get asked


2     The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.

3     The thieves are believed to have got in through a window in the roof.

4     Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods.

5     The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a Wall.

6     The man is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour.

7     The building is reported to have been badly damaged by the fire.

8     a The company is said to be losing a lot of money, b The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year.

c The company is expected to make a loss this year.

2 He is supposed to know a lot of famous people,

He is supposed to be very rich. 4 He is supposed to have twelve children.

5 He is supposed to have been an actor when he was younger.

2    You're / You are supposed to be my friend,

3    I'm / 1 arn supposed to be on a diet.

4    It was supposed to be a joke,

5    Or maybe it's / it is supposed to be a flower.

6    You're / You are supposed to be working.

2    're are supposed to start

3    was supposed to phone

4    aren't/ 're not / are not supposed to block

S was supposed to arrive


2 TO have my jacket cleaned. 3 To have my watch repaired.

4 To have my eyes tested.

4 What would you do if you were in a lift and it stopped between floors?


2    If he took his driving test, he'd fail (it). / he would fail (it).

3    If We stayed at a hotels it would cost too much4 If she applied for the i 0b, she wouldn't get it.

5    If We told them the truth, they wouldn't believe us.

6    If we invited Bill, we'd have to invite his friends too. / we would have to


Example answers:

2    1'd be very angry if somebody

broke into my house.

3    If I didn't go to work tomorrow, I'd have a much nicer day than usual.

4    Would you go to the party if you were invited?

5    If you bought some new

Clothes, you'd feel much better. 6 Would you mind if I didn't go out with you this evening?



3    'd help / would help

4    I ived

5    'd live / would live

6    would taste

7    were/was 8 wouldn't wait 'd go / would go

9      didn't go

10  weren't wouldn't be


2     1'd buy it/ I would buy it if it werenwwasn't so expensive. or if it were/was cheaper.

3     We'd go out / We would go out more often if we could afford it.

4     If I didn't have to work late, I could meet you tomorrow. or

I'd meet / I would meet I'd be able to meet

5     We could have lunch outside if it weren't raining / wasn't raining.

6     If I wanted his advice, I'd ask for it / would ask for it.


2 I wish I had a mobile phone. 3 I wish Helen were/was here. 4 I wish it weren't/wasn't (so) cold,

5    I wish I didn't live in a big city.

6    I wish I could go to the party.

7    I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.

8    I wish I knew something about cars.

9    I wish I were feeling / was feeling better.


Example answers:

1 1 wish was at home. 2 1 wish I had a big garden. 3 1 wish I could tell jokes, 4 1 wish I was taller.



2     If he'd-missed / be had missed the train, he'd have missed / he would have missed his flight.

3     I'd have forgotten / I would have forgotten you hadn't reminded

4     I'd had / I had had ... ISd have sent I would have sent

5     we'd have enjoyed / we would have enjoyed the weather had been

6     It would have been I'd walked / I had walked

7     I were / I was

8     I'd been I I had been


2    If the road hadlù been icy, the accident wouldn't have happened.

3    If I'd known / If I had known (that Joê had to get up early), I'd have woken / I would have woken him up.

4    If Jane hadn't lent me the money, I wouldn't have been able to buy the car. or couldn't have bought the car.

5    If Karen hadn't been wearing a seat belt, she'd have been injured / she would have been injured (in the crash).

6    If you'd had / If you had had (some) breakfast, you wouldn't be hungry now.

7    If I'd had If I had had (some) money, have got / I would have got a taxi.


2    I wish I'd applied / I wish I had applied for it, or for the job.

3    I wish I'd learned / I wish I had learned to play a musical instrument (when I was younger),

4    I wish I hadn't painted it red. che gate red.

S I wish I'd brought / I wish I had brought my camera.

6 1 wish they'd phoned / I wish they had phoned first (to say they were coming). or  wish I'd known / I wish I had known rhev were coming.



2    hope

3    wish

4    wished

5    hope

6    wish hope


2wish Jane/she would come. or would hurry up,

3     I wish somebody would give me a job,

4    I wish the/that baby would stop crying.

5    I wish you would buv some new clothes. or I wish you would get some new clothes, 6 I wish you wouldn't drive so fast.

 I wish you wouldn't leave the door open (all the time).

8 I wish people wouldn't drop litter in the street,


2     OK

3     I wish I had more free time.

4     I wish our flat was/were a bit bigger.

5     OK

6     OK

7     I wish everything wasn't/weren't so expensive.


3    I knew

4    I'd taken / I had taken

5    I could come

6    I wasn't j I weren't

7    they'd hurry / they would hurry

8    we didn't have 9 we could have stayed

10 it wasn't / weren't

Il he'd decide I he would decide 12 we hadn't gone



2    is made

3    was damaged

4    were invited

5    are shown

6    are held

7    was written was translated

8    were overtaken

9    is surrounded


2 When was television invented?

How are mountains formed?

4 When was Pluto discovered? What is silver used for?


3    covers

4    is covered

5    are locked

6    was posted arrived

7    sank was rescued

8    died were brought up 9 grew up was stolen disappeared

12   did Sue resign

13   was Bill sacked 14 is owned

15    called ... was injured . wasn't needed

16    were these photographs taken

Did vou take

17    'm not bothered am not bothered


2    All flights were cancelled because of fog,

3    This road isn't used much.

4    1 was accused of stealing money.

S How are languages learned/learnt?

6 We were warned not to go out alone,


43, I

2    it can't be broken

3    it can be eaten 4 it be used

S it can't be seen

6 it can be carried


3    be made

4    be spent

5    have been repaired

6    be carried

7    have been caused

S be woken up

9 have been arrested


2    The meeting has been postponed.

3    The computer is being used at the moment.

4    1 didn't realise that our conversation was being recorded.

5    we found that the game had been cancelled.

6    A new ring road is being built round the city.

7    A new hospital has been built near the airport-


It's been stolen! / It has been stolen!

Some body has ta ken it. or taken my umbrella. He's been promoted. / He has been promoted.

It's being redecorated. / It is being redecorated, It's working again. I It is working again. . It'S been repaired. I It has been repaired. The furniture had been moved. He hasn't been seen Since then. I haven't seen her for ages.

Have you ever been mugged?



I was asked some difficult questions at the interviewLinda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired, I wasn't told about the meet J ngHow much will you be paid for your work? I think Tom should have been offered the job,

7 Have you been shown what to


2     being invited

3     being given being knocked down

S being treated

6 being stuck


Beethoven was born in 1770. Agatha Christie was born in 1890.

Galileo was born in 1564.

Mahatma Gandhi was born in 1869. Martin Luther King was born in 1929.

Elvis Presley was born in 1935. Leonardo da Vinci was born in 1452. William Shakespeare was born in 1564. 7 1 was born in .

44.4 got stung get used got stolen get paid got stopped get damaged get asked


2    The weather is expected to be good tomorrow.

3    The thieves are believed to have got in through a window in the roof.

4    Many people are reported to be homeless after the floods.

S The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a wall.

6    The man is alleged to have been driving at 110 miles an hour.

7    The building is reported to have been badly damaged by the fire,

8    a The company is said to be losing a lot Of money.

b    The company is believed to have lost a lot of money last year.

c     The company is expected to make a loss this year.

2    He is supposed to know a lot of famous people.

3    He is supposed to be very rich. 4 He is supposed co have twelve children.

5 He is supposed to have been an actor when he was younger.

2    You're / You are supposed to be my friend.

3    I'm/ I am supposed to be on a diet.

4    It was supposed to be a joke.

S Or maybe it's / it is supposed to be a flower.

6 You're / You are supposed to be working.

2     're/ are supposed to start

3     was supposed to phone

4     aren't / 're not / are not supposed to block

5     was supposed to arrive


2 To have my jacket cleaned.

To have my watch repaired.

To have my eyes tested.


2     1 had it cut.

3     They had it painted. 4 He had it built.

5 1 had them delivered.


2    have another key made

3    had your hair cut

4    Do you have a newspaper delivered

5    're having / are having a garage built

6    haven't had the film developed

7    have it cleaned

8    have your ears pierced 9 've had it repaired / have had it repaired or had it repaired

11  had her handbag stolen

12  had his car vandalised



2    He said (that) his father wasn't very well.

3    He said (that) Rachel and Mark were getting married next month.

4    He said (that) his sister had had a baby,

S He said (that) he didn't know

6       He said (that) he'd seen he had seen Helen at a party in June and she'd seemed / she had seemed fine. Or He said (that) he saw Helen . and she seemed

7       He said (that) he hadn't seen Diane recently.

8       He said (that) he wasn't enjoying his job very much,

9       He said (that) I could come and stay at his place if I was ever in London.

10    He said (that) his car had been stolen a few days ago. Or his caf was stolen a few days ago,

Il He said (that) he wanted to go on holiday, but (he) couldn't afford it.

12 He said (that) he'd tell / he would tell Chris he'd seen / he had seen me. he saw me,


Example answers:

2     She wasn't coming / She was going somewhere else / she was staying at home

3     she didn't like him

4     you didn't know anybody

5     she wouldn't be here would be away / she was gorng away

6     you were staying at home you weren't going out

7     you couldn't speak (any)


8     you went to the cinema last week / you had beenjgone to the cinema last week


48. I

2    But you said you didn't like fish.

3    But you said you couldn't drive.

4    But you said she had a very well-paid job,

5    But you said you didn't have any brothers or sisters.

6    But you said you'd / you had never been to the United States.

7    But you said you were working tomorrow evening.

S But you said she was a friend of yours.


2    Tell

3    Say

S told

6      said

7      tell .. said

8      tell say

9      told 

10  said


2    her to slow down

3    her not to worry

4    asked Tom to give me a hand to help me

5    asked me to open my bag

6    asked him to get a newspaper

7    told him to mind his own business

8    asked her to marry him

9    told her not to wait (for me) if

I was late


49.1 2 Were you born there?

3    Are you married?

4    How long have you been married?

S Have you got (any) children? or Do you have (any) children?

6    HOW Old are they?

7    What do you do?

What does your wife do?

49.2 3 Who paid the bill?

4 What happened? S What did she/Diane say? 6 Who does it / this book belong to?

7      Who lives in that house? / Who lives there?

8      What did you fall over?

9      What fell on the floor?

10   What does it / this word mean?

I l Who did you borrow it / the money from?

12 What are you worried about?


2     How is cheese made?

3     When was the computer invented?

4     Why isn't Sue working todav? S What time are your friends coming?

6   Why was the concert cancelled?

7   Where was your mother born? 8 Why didn't you come to the party?

9      How did the accident happen?

10   Why doesn't this machine work?


2 Don't you like him? good?

4 Haven't you got any?         Don't you have any?



Could vou tell me where the post office is?

I wonder what the time is. I want to know what this word means. Do you know what time they left?

I don't know if/whether Sue is going out tonight. Do you have any idea where Caroline lives? I can't remember where I parked the car. Can you tell me if/whether there is a bank near here?

Tell me what you want. I don't know why Kate didn't come to the party. Do you know how much it costs to park here?

I have no idea who that

woman Do you know if/wherher Liz got my letter? Can you tell me how far it is to the airport?


I Do you know where she has gone?

2    1 don't suppose you know when she'll be back t she will be back.

3    Do you happen to know if/whether she went out alone?


2    He asked me where I'd been. / where I had been.

3    He asked me how long I'd been back- / how long I had been back.

4    He asked me what I was doing now,

S He asked me why I'd come back. / why I had come back. or           why I came back.

6    He asked me where I was living.

7    He asked me if/whether I was glad to be back.

8    He asked me if/whether I had any plans to go away again.

9    He asked me if/whether I could lend him some money.


2    doesn't

3    was

4    will

5    am Isn't or m not

6    should

7    won't

9       could

10    would could . can't


3    Do you? I donst.

4    Didn't you? I did.

5    Haven't you? I have, 6 Did vou? I didn't.


Example answers: 3 So did I. or Did you? What did you watch?

4    Neither will l. or Won't vouì Where will you be?

5    So do L or Do you? What sort of books do you like?

6    so would l. or Would you? Where would you like to live?  Neither can or Can't vou? Whv not?


2    I hope so.

3    I expect so.

4    I don't think so.

5    rm afraid not. 6 I'm afraid so.

 I suppose so,

8 1 hope not. 9 1 think so.


52.1 haven't you

were you does she isn't he hasn't she can't you will he aren't there shall we is it aren't I would you hasn't she should [ had he

Will you


2 It's (very) expensive, isn't it? 3 The course was great; wasn't it?

4    You've had your hair cut, haven't you?

5    She has a good voice, hasn't she? or She's got / She has got

6    Ir doesn't look very good, does it?

7    This bridge isn't very safe, is it?


2    Joe, you couldn't get (me) some stamps, could you?

3    Kate, you don't know where Diane is, do you? or haven't seen Diane, have you?

4    Helen, you haven't got a bicycle pump, have you? or you don't have a bicycle pump, do you?

5    Ann, you couldn't take me to the Sta tion, could you?

you couldn't give me a lift ro the station, coüld you?

6    Robert, you haven't seen my keys, have you?


53.1 making listening applying reading living us Ing forgetting

wrurng being

trvlltg losing


2    playing tennis

3    driving too fast

4    going for a swim

5    breaking the CD player

6    waiting a few minutes


2    travelling during the rush hour

3    painring the kitchen until next weekend

4    turning the radio down

5    not interrupting me all the time


Example answers:

2    going out

3    Sitting on the floor

4    having a picnic S laughing 6 breaking down



2    to help him

3    to carry her bag (for her)

4    to meet at 8 0'clock

S to tell him her name / to give him her name

6 not to tell anyone


2     to get

3     to buy / to have / to rent/ to hire

4     (how) to use / (how) to operate

S to make

6 say or to say


2    to go

3    going

4    waiting

5    to go

6    barking

7    to call

8    having


10 to find


2    Tom appears to be worried about something.

3    You seem to know a lot Of people.

4    My English seems to be getting better.

5    That car appears to have broken down.

6    David tends to forget things.

7    They claim to have solved the problem.


2    how to use

3    what to do

4    how to ride

5    what to say / what to do 6 whether to go



2    or do you want me to lend you some

3    or would you like me to shut it 4 or would you like me to show you

5    or do you want me to repeat it

6    or do you want me to wait


2    to Stay with them

3    him use her phone

4    him to be careful

5    her to give him a hand


2    I didn't expect it to rain.

3    Let him do what he wants.

4    Tim's glasses make him look older:

S I want you to know the truth. 6 Remind me to phone my


7 Sarah persuaded me to apply for the job.  My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.

9      I was warned not to believe everything he says.

10  Having a car enables you to get around more easily.


2     to go

3     to do

4     cry

5     to study

6     eating

7     read

8     to make 9 think               



2    driving

3    to go

4    to go

S rmmng 6 to wun

7      asking

8      asking

9      to answer

10  breaking to pay

12   losing or to lose

13   to tell 14 crying or to cry

IS to get

16 meeting to see


2    He can remember going to Paris when he was eight.

3    He can't remember crying on his first day at school.

4    He can remember falling into the river.

5    He can't remember saying he wanted to be a doctor. or He can't remember wanting to be a doctor.

6    He can't remember being bitten by a dog.


I b lending c to phone / to call d to give e leaving/putting 2 a saytng b to say

3 a to become b working C reading



2 Try turning it the other way. 3 Have you tried moving the aerial?

4    Why don't you try phoning his office?

5    Have you tried taking an asprrn ?

57.2 2 It needs painting.

3    It needs cutting.

4    They need tightening. 5 It needs emptying.


I b knocking c to put  asking e to reach f to Concentrate 2 a to go b looking C cleaning d cutting

 You don't need to iron

It doesn't need ironing 3 a overhearing b get or to get c smiling d make • or to make



Example answers:

2    1 don't mind playing cards.

3    1 don't like being alone or

. to be alone-

4    1 enjoy going to museums.

5    1 love cooking. Or I love to cook.


2    She likes teaching biology.

3    HC likes taking photographs, or He likes to take photographs.

4    I didn't like working there.

5    She likes studying medicine.

6    He doesn't like being famous. 7 She doesn't like taking risks. or She doesn't like to take risks,

8 I like to know things in advance.


2      to sit

3      waiting

4      going or to go

5      to get

6      being

7      to come / to go

8      living

9      to talk

10   to have / to know I to get / to hear / to be told


2    I would like rd like to have seen the programme.

3    I would hate / I'd hate to have lost my watch.

4    I would love / I'd love to have met your parents.

5    I wouldn't like to have been alone,

6    I would prefer I'd prefer to have travelled bv train. or I would have preferred to travel



Example answers:

2    I prefer basketball to football.

3    I prefer sending emails to phoning people.

4    I prefer going to the cinema to watching videos at home.

6    I prefer to send emails rather than phone people.

7    I prefer to go to the cinema rather than watch videos at home.


3    I'd rather listen to some muslc,

4    I'd prefer to eat at home.

5    I'd rather wait a few minutes.

6    I'd rather go for a swim,

7    I'd prefer to think about it for a while.

8    I'd rather stand.

9    I'd prefer to go alone.

Il I'd prefer to go for a swim rather than play tennis.

12   I'd rather eat at home than go to a restaurant.

13   I'd prefer to think about it for a while rather than decide now,

14   1'd rather listen to some music than watch TV.


2     (would you rather) I told her

3     would you rather I did it

4     would you rather J phoned


2    stayed/ remained/waited

3    stay

4    didn't S were

6 didn't



2     applying for the job

3     remembering names

4     passing the exam

5     being late 6 eating at home, we went to a restaurant

7 having to queue or queuing

S playing well


2    bv standing on a chair

3    by turning a key

4    bv borrowing too much money

S by driving too fast

6 by putting some pictures on the walls


2       paying/settling

3       gojng

4       using

5       going

6       being/travelling/sitting

7       asking/telling/consulting

8       doing/having

9       turning/going

10    taking


2 1'm looking forward to seeing her/Diane3 1'm not looking forward to going to the dentist (tomorrow).

4     She's looking forward to leaving school (next summer).

5     1'm looking forward to playing tennis (tomorrow).



1    When Juan first went to England, he wasn't used to having dinner so early, but after some time he got used to it. Now he finds it normal. He is used to eating / is used to having dinner at 6 0'clock.

2    She wasn't used to working nights and it took her a few months to get used to it. Now, after a year, She'S quite happy.

She is used to working nights.


No, I'm used to sleeping on the floor. I'm used to working long hours.

Yes, I'm not used to going to bed so late-            


2    They soon got used to her. / to the/their new teacher.

3    She had to get used to living in a much smaller house.

4    (example answers) They'll have to get used to the weather. / to the food. / to speaking a foreign language.

61 d rink eating having have go be being


62.1 doing coming/going doing/trying buying/having hearing going having/using being watching inviting/asking

62.2 in solving Of living of causing (from) walking for interrupting Of spending from escaping on carrying to seeing

62.3 on driving Ann to the station on getting married

Sue for Corning to see her (to me) for not phoning earlier me of being selfish



2     There's no point in working if you don't need money.

3     There's no point in trying to Study if you feel tired.

4     Therek no point in hurrying if you've got plenty of time.


2    asking Dave

3    in going out

4    phoning her/Liz

5    complaining (about what ha ppened)

6    Of time reading newspapers

7    keeping


2    remembering people's names

3    difficulty getting a job

4    difficulty getting a ticket for the game


2    reading

3    packing / getting ready

4    watching

5    going]c limbing/walking

6    applying

7    getting / being

63.5 2 went swimming

3    go skiing

4    goes riding

5    gone shopping



2    I had to go to the bank to get some money.

3    I'm saving money to go to Canada.

4    I went into hospital to have an operation.

5    I'm wearing two sweaters to keep warm.

6    I phoned the police to report that my car had been stolen.


2    to read

3    to walk / to go on foot

4    to drink

S to put / to carry

6   to discuss / to consider / to talk about

7   to buy / to get  to talk / to speak

9      to wear / to put on

10  to celebrate

Il to help / to assist


2    for

3    to

4    to

5    for

6    to

7    for

8    for ... to


2 1 wore warm clothes so that I wouldn't be cold3 1 left Dave my phone number so that he could contact me. / would be able to contact

4    We whispered so that nobody else would hear our conversation. / so that nobody else could hear .. would be able to hear

5    Please arrive early so that we can start the meeting on time. /       SO that we'll be able to start

6    Jennifer locked the door so that she wouldn't be disturbed.

7    1 slowed down so that the car behind me could overtake. / would be able to overtake.



2    This machine is easy to use.

3    The window was very difficult to open.

4    Some words are impossible to translate.

5    A car is expensive to maintain.

6    That chair isnst safe to stand on.


2    It's an easy mistake to make.

3    It's a nice place to live, or a nice place to live in.

4    It was a good game to watch.


2    It's careless of you to make the same mistake again and agarn.

3    It was nice of them to invite me (to stay with them). / It was nice of Dan and Jenny to

4    It's inconsiderate of them to make so much noise (at night). / It's inconsiderate of the neighbours to


2    'm/am glad to hear or was glad to hear

3    Were surprised to see

4    'm/arn sorry to hear or was sorry to hear


2    Paul was the last (person) to arrive.

3    Fiona was the only student to pass (the exam). the only one to pass (the exam).

4    I was the second customer/person to complain.

5    Neil Armstrong was the first person/man to walk on the moon.


2    're/are bound to be

3    Vis Sure to forget 4 'Slis not likely to rain isn't likely to rain

5 Vis likely to be



3    I'm afraid Of losing it.

4    I was afraid to tell her.

5    We were afraid of missing our train.

6    We were afraid to look.

7    I was afraid of dropping it,

8    a I was afraid to eat it. b I was afraid Of getting sick.


2     in starting

3     to read

4     in getting

5     to know

6     in looking


2    sorry to hear

3    sorry for saying / sorry about saying

4    sorry to disturb

5    sorry for losing / sorry about losing


1    b to leave

C from leaving

2    a to solve b in solving

3    Of/abOut going b to go c to go d to going 4 a to buy b to buy c on buying d of buying



2    arrive

3    take it do it

4    it ring

5    him play / him playing

6    you lock it/ you do it

7    her fall


2    We saw Dave and Helen playing tennis.

3    We saw Clare eating in a restaurant. / having a meal in a restaurant.

4    We heard Bill playing his guitar.

5    We could smell the dinner burning.

6    We saw Linda ioggtng/ running,


3               tell

4               crymg

5               riding

6               say

7               run Climb

8               explode

9               crawling 10 slam

Il sleeping



2    Diane was sitting in an armchair reading a book.

3    Sue opened the door carefully trying not to make a noise, 4 Sarah went out saving she would be back in an hour.

5    Linda was in London for two years working as a tourist guide.

6    Mary walked around the town looking at the Sights and taking photographs.


2    I fell asleep watching television.

3    A friend of mine slipped and fell getting off a bus.

4    I got very wet walking home in the rain.

5    Laura had an accident dnving to work yesterdav.

6    Two firefighters were overcome bv smoke trying to put out the fire.


2    Having bought our tickets, we went into the theatre.

3    Having had dinner, they continued their journey4 Having done the shopping,  went for a cup of coffee.


2    Thinking they might be hungry, I offered them something to ear.

3    Êeing a foreigner, she needs a visa to work in this country. 4 Not knowing his phone number, I wasn't able to contact him.

5    Having travelled a lot, Sarah knows a lot about other countries.

6    Not being able to speak the local language, I had trouble communicating.  Having spent nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay at a hotel.



3              We went to @very nice


4              OK

5              I use a toothbrush

6              if there's a bank near here?

7              for insurance company

8              OK

9              0K

10          we stayed in a big hotel.

11          I hope we Come to a petrol station soon.

12          I have a problem.

13          Jr's a very interesting idea. 14 John has got an interview for a job tomorrow.

15       . It's a good game,

16       OK

17       Jane was wearing a beautiful necklace.


3   a key

4   a coat

5   sugar

6   a biscuit  electricity

8                an Interview

9                blood 10 a question

11   a moment

12   a decision


2    days

3    meat

4    a queue

5    letters

6    friends

7    people

9      patience

10  an umbrella

Il languages

12 space



2     a a paper b paper

3     a a light b Light

4     a tune b a wonderful time

S a nice room 6 advi ce

7 nice weather S bad luck

9      10b   8 Some

10  journey             9 — (Do you enjoy going to

11  total chaos        concerts?)

12  some 10 — (I've got sore feet.)

13  doesn't

14  Your hair is It  12 some

15  The damage     13 a a

14   — (Those are nice shoes.)


15   some

2    in formati On   16 You need a visa to visit some

3    chairs               countries

4    furniture           17 Jane is a teacher. Her parents

5    hair   were teachers too,

6    progress           18 He's a liar. He's always telling 7 10b               lies.

8      work

9      permission

10  advice               UNIT 72

11  experience        72.1

12  experiences      and a magazine, The


70.3                                                                   newspaper is in my bag, but I

2    I'd like some information  can't remember where I put about places to see in the town,               the magazine.

3    Can you give me some advice          2 I saw an accident this about which courses to do? /          morning. A Car crashed into a courses J can do?          tree. The driver of the car

4    What time is the news on wasn't hurt, but the car was badly damaged.

5    It's a beautiful view, isn't it?             3              . a blue one and a grey one.

6    What horrible/awful weather!          The blue one belongs to my neighbours; I don't know Who UNIT 71 4 My friends of live the in grey an Oldone is. the owner

house in a small village. There

3 It's a vegetable   is a beautiful garden behind 4 It's a game. / It's a board game.             the house. would like to 5 They're musical instruments,              have a garden like that.

6      It's a (tall/high) building,            72.2

7      They're planets.           1

8      It's a flower.    b the

9      They're rivers, c the

10  They're birds.               2

12   He was a writer / a poet / a playwright / a dramatist.     c the

13   He was a scientist / a

3 a a physicist.   b the

14   They were U.S. presidents / C the American presidents J 4 a an ... The presidents Of the U.S. b the

15   She was an actress / a film              the

C actress / a film star. 5 a the 16 They were singers.

17 They were painters / artists,                        c a



2    He's a waiter.

2 the dentist

3    She's a travel agent. 3 the door 4 He's a surgeon. 4 a mistake S He's a chef.

5    the bus station

6    She's a journalist.     a problem


7    He's a plumber,        7 the post office

8    She's an interpreter.  8 the floor

71.3                                                                9 the book a job in a bank

5    an     11 a small flat in the city centre

6    — (Do you collect stamps?)           12 a supermarket at the end of

the Street


FxamPle answers:

3    About once a month.

4    Once or twice a year.

S 50 kilometres an hour.

6 About seven hours a night. 7 Two or three times a week. 8 About two hours a day.



2      a nice holiday the best holiday

3      the nearest Shopthe end of

this street

4      listen to the radioI haven't got a radio

5      to travel in space go to the


6      go to the cinemaon television

7      a nice day by the sea

8      for breakfast eat breakfast

9      where is Room 25 on the second floor

10  the most expensive hotel a cheaper hotel


2    the ground the sky

3    watching television

4    The television

5    the same time

6    had dinner

7    the information ... the top of page 15

8    the capital


2    in a small village in the country

3    The moon goes round the earth every 27 days.

4    the same thing 5 a very hot day the hottest day of the year

6    usually have lunch eat a good breakfast

7    live in a foreign country learn the language

8    on the wrong platform

9    The next train ... from

Platform 3


2     the sea

3     question S

4     the cinema

5     breakfast

6     the gate 7 Gate 21


74.1 2 to school

3    at home

4    to work

5    in hospital

6    at universitv

7    in bed

8    to prison


I c school d school

e     . get home from school

The school isn't very far.

f      school g the school

2 a university b university c the university 3 a hospital b the hospital . the hospital c hospital 4 a church b church C the church

5 a prtson b the prison c prison 6 a bed b home c work d bed e work f work

7 a the sea b sea c the sea


75.1       Example answers:

2—5 1 like cats.

I don't like zoos. I donsr mind fast food

restaurants. I'm not interested in


75.2 3 spiders

4    mea t

5    the questions

6    the people

7    History

8    lies

9    the shops

10 The water  the grass

12 patience


3    Apples

4    the apples

 Women . men

6      tea

7      The vegetables

8      Life

9      skiing

10   the people

11   people aggression

12   All the books

13   the beds

14   war

15   The First World War

16   the Pyramids

17   the history of modern art

18   the marriage

19   Most people ... marriage familv life societv


the cheetah the kangaroo Cand the rabbit) the swan the penguin the owl the wheel the laser the telescope the rupee the (Canadian) dollar the

3 the

5    the

6    the

S The

2    the injured

3    the unemployed the sick

S the rich the poor

2    a German Germans

3    a FrenchmanÆrenchwornan the French

4    a Russian Russians

5    a Chinese the Chinese

6    a Brazilian Brazilians an Englishman/Englishwoman the English



4    — (President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.)

5    the

6    — (Do you know Professor

Brown's phone number?'

4     the United States


5     The south of England      the

6     0K

7     the Channel the Middle East 9 OK the Swiss Alps

11    The UK

12    The Seychelles the Indian


13    OK

14    The river Volga . the

Caspian Sea


2    (in) South America

3    the Nile

4    Sweden

5    the United States 6 the Rockies the Mediterranean

8                Australia

9                the Pacific 10 the Indian Ocean the Thames

12   the Danube

13   Thailand

14   the Panama Canal

15   the Amazon



2     Turner's in Carter Road

3     the Crown (Hotel) in Park Road

4     St Peter's in Market Street

5     the City Museum in George


6     Blackstone's in Forest Avenue

Victoria park ar rhe end Of

Market Street

8 The China House in Cárter

Road or Mano's Diner in

George Street


2    The Eiffel Tower

3    Buckingham Palace

4    The White House

5    The Kremlin 6 Broadway

The Acropolis

8 Gatwick Airport


2    HStde Park

3    St James's Park

4    The Grand Hotel ... Baker


5    Dublin Airport

6    Liverpool University


S the Ship Inn

9      The Statue Of Liberty ... New

York Harbour

10   the Science Museum

Il IBM ... British Telecom

12   The Classic

13   the Great Wall

14   The Herald.

IS Cambridge University Press



3 shorts a means

5 means 6 some scissors or a pair of scissors 7 a series g series

9 species


2     politics

3     econ omics athletics

5    physics

6    gymnastics

7    electronics


2    don't

3    want 4 was

aren't    wasn t does or do

Isn't they are

10   are

11   Do

12   is

79.4 wearing black jeans.

4 OK (Brazil is playing is also

correct) very nice people,

Ten pounds isn't buy some new pyamas. or buy a new pair of pyjamas. OK (The committee hasn't is also correct) There was a police officer / a policeman / a policewoman .

What are the police

These scissors arelù .


80.1 a computer magazine (your) holiday photographs milk chocolate a factory inspector a race horse a horse race a central London hotel (your) exam results the dining room carpet an Oil company scandal car factory workers a road improvement scheme a five-day course a two-part question a seven-year-old girl


2    room number

3    seat belt credit card

5    weather forecast

6    newspaper editor

7    shop window



IS-minute 60 minutes two-hour five courses two- year 500-year-old

10   five days

11   six miles

12   six-mile



3      your friend's umbrella

4      OK

5      Charles's daughter

6      Mary and Dan S son

7      OK

8      yesterday's newspaper

9      OK

10  OK

Your children's friends

Our neighbours' garden


Bill's hair

Catherine's party


Mike's parents' car

0K OK (the government's economic policy is also correct)

81.2 a boy's name children's clothes a girls' school a bird's nest a women's magazine


Last week's storm caused a lot

of da mageThe town's only cinema has closed down. Britain's weather is very changeable. The region's main industry is tourism.


twenty minutes' walk two weeks' holiday fourteen

days' holiday a fortnight's holiday an/one hour's sleep



2    hurt himself

3    blame herself

4    Put yourself

5    enjoyed themselves

6    burn yourself

7    express myself


2    me

3    myself

4    us

5    yourself

6    you

7    ourselves

8    themselves

9    them


2    feel

3    dried myself

4    concentrate

5    defend yourself

6    meeting

7    relax

8    wash

82.4 2 themselves

3    each other

4    each other

5    themselves

6    each other

7    ourselves

8    each other

9    introduced ourselves to each other


2    He cuts it himself.

3    No, I'll post/do it myself.

4    Linda told me herself. / Linda herself told me. / Linda did herself.

5    Why can't you phone him yourself? / do it yourself?



2 We met a relative of yours. 3 Henry borrowed a book of rmne.

4     Liz invited some friends of hers to her flat.

5     We had dinner With a neighbour of ours.

6     I went on holiday with two friends of mine

7     Is that man a friend of yours? 8 I met a friend of Jane's at the party.


2     his own opinions

3     her own business

4     its own (private) beach

5     our own words

83.3                                                              7 there will be an opportunity

2    your own fault 8 OK

3    her own ideas 9 there would be somebodv 4 your own problems but there wasn't anvbodv.

5 his own decisions                                There has been no change. 11 0K


2    makes her own clothes

3    bake/make our own bread UNIT 85 4 Writes his own songs 85.1

83.5                                                         2 some

2    mv own           3 any

3    myself              4 any some

4    himself             5 some

5    themselves      6 any

6    herself

7    their OWJI        8 some

8    yourself          9 any 9 our own   10 any

10 her own


2 somebodv/someone

UNIT 84                                                       3 anybody/anyone

4    anvthing


5    something

3    Is there there's/ there is

6 somebodvjsomeone

4    there was It was


5    It was               7 something anvbodv/anvone

6    There was

8 Anybody/Anyone

7    is It    9 anvbody/anyone

8    It was               10 anvwhere

9     It's / It is          11 somewhere there wasn't

12 anywhere

       Is it . . it's / it is                                   13 anvbodv/anyone

12   there was There was

14   something

13   It was

15   anybody/anyone

14   There wasn't

16   something

15   There was       it wasn't

17   anvbody/anyone             anything



2 There is a lot of salt in the 2 Any day soup-     3 Anything 3 There was nothing in the box. 4 anvwhere

4    There was a lot of violence in

S Any i 0b or Anything the film- I There was a lot of

6 Any time

fighting7 Anvbody/Anvone

5    There were a lot Of people in         8 Any newspaper or Anv One

      the shops.                                                                                         

6    There is a lot to do in this town, / There is a lot UNIT 86 happening in this town. 86.1

84.3                                                           3 no

2    There may be   4 any

3    there will_be / there'll be or 5 None there are going to be 6 none

4    There's going to be / There is         7 No going to be     8 any 5 There used to be       9 any

6    there should bc                10 none

7    there wouldn't be        Il no

84.4                                                          86.2

2 and there was a lot of snow 2 Nobody/No-one. 3 There used to be a church 3 None. here        4 Nowhere. 4 There must have been a reason. 5 None.

5    OK    6 Nothing.

6    There's sure to be a car park 8 wasn't talking to somewhere. anybody/any one.

9      1 haven't got any luggage.

10   1'm not going anywhere.

Il I didn't make any mistakes. 12 didn't pay anything.

86.3 2 nobody/no-one

3    Nowhere

4    anything

S Nothing. I couldn't find

6 Nothing  anywhere S NobodyJNo-one said anything.


2    nobody

3    anvone 4 Anybody S Nothing 6 Anything  anything



3      a lot Of salt

4      OK

5      It cost a lot

6      OK

7      many people or a lot Of people

8      I use rhe phone a lot

9      OK

10  a lot Of money

87.2 2 He's got plenty of money.

3 There's plenty of room. 4   . she still has plenty to learn. 5 There are plenty of things to

6 There are plenty of hotels,


2    little

3    manv

4    much

5    few

6    little

7    many


3 a few dollars

5     a little time

6     OK

7     onlv a few words

8     a few months


2     a little

3     a few

4     few

5     little 6 a little  little 8 a few



4 of

7      of

8      of

9      — (Of is also correct)

10  -


3      Of my spare time

4      accidents

5      of the buildings

6      of her friends

7      of the population

8      birds

9      of the players

10   of her opinions

European countries

12 (Of) my dinner

88.3 Example answers:

2     the time

3     my friends

4     (of) the questions •

5     the photos / the photographs / the pictures

6     (of) the money

88.4 2 All of them

3     none of us

4     some Of it

5     none Of them

6     None of it

7     Some of them

8     all of ir



2     Neither

3     both

4     Either

5     Neither


2     either

3     both

4     Neither of

5     neither driver both / both the both of the cars

6     both / both Of


2     either of them

3     both of Chern

4     neither Of

5     neither of them


3    Both Joe and Sam are on hol iday,

4    Neither Joe nor Sam has (got)

a car.

5    Brian neither watches TV nor reads newspapers.

6    The film was both boring and long.

7    That man's name is either Richard or Robert.

8    I've got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday. 9 We can leave either today or tomorrow.


2    either

3    any

4    none

5    any

6    either

7    neither



3    Everybody/Everyone

4    Everyth ing

S all

6   everybody/everyone

7   everything

8   All

9   everybody/everyone

10                 All  everything/a Il

12   EverybodyJEveryone

13   All

14   everything


2    The whole team played well.

3    He ate the whole box (of chocolates).

4    They searched the whole house.

5    The whole family play/plays tennrs.

6    Ann/She worked the whole day.

7    It rained the whole week.

8    Ann worked all day. 9 It rained all week.


2    every four hours

3    every four years

4    every five minutes

5    every six months

90.4 2 every day

3    all day

4    The whole building

5    every time

6    all the time

7    all my luggage



3    Each

4    Every

5    Each

6    every

7    each

8    every


3 Every


5      every

6      every

7      each

8      every

9      every

10  each

11  Every

12  each


2    Sonia and I had ten pounds each. / Sonia and I each had ten pounds.

3    Those postcards COSt 80 pence each. / Those postcards are 80 pence each.

4    We paid £120 each. / We each paid £120.


2     everyone

3     every one

4     Everyone

5     every one



2    A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things,

3    A customer is someone Who buys something from a shop. 4 A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop.

5    A coward is someone who is not brave,

6    An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God.

7    A pessimist is someone who expects the worst to happen.

8    A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat.


2    The waitress who/that served us was impolite and impatient.

3    The building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

4    The people who/that were arrested have now been released.

5    The bus that/which goes to the airport runs every half hour.


2    who/that runs away from home

3    that]which were on the wall 4 that/which cannot be explained

5    who/that stole my ear

6    thatjwhich gives you the meaning of words

7    who/chat invented the telephone

8    thatJwhich can support life


3 that]which sells who/that caused

5    OK (who took is also correct)

6    that]which is changing

7    OK (which were is also correct)

8    that/which won



OK (the people who/that we met is also correct) The people who work in the

Office OK (the people who/that I work with is also correct) OK (the money that/which I gave you is also correct) the money that/which was on the table OK (the worst film that/which you've ever seen is also correct) the best thing that]which has ever happened to you

93.2 you're wearing or that/which you're wearing you're going to see or that]which you're going to see l/we wanted to vi sit or that/which l/we wanted to vtsit I/we invited to the party or who/whom/that we invited you had to do or that/which you had to do l/we hired or that/which L/we hired Tom had recommended to us or that/which Tom had recommended

93.3 we were invited to or that/which we were invited to I work with or who/that I work with you told me about or that]which you told me about we went to last night or that/which we went to . I applied for or that/which I applied for you can rely on or whorthat you can rely on I saw you with or who/that I saw you with


3    — (that is also correct)

4    what

5    that

6    what

7    — (that is also correct)

8    what

9    — (that is also correct)



2    whose wife is an English teacher

3    who owns a restaurant

4    whose ambition is to climb


5    Who have just got married

6    whose parents used to work m a circus


2     where I can buy some postcards

3     where I work

4     where Sue is staying

5     where l/we play football


2    where

3    who

4    whose

5    whom

6    where

7    whose

8    whom


Example answers:

2 I'll never forget the time we got stuck in a lift3 The reason I didn't write to you was that I didn't know your address.

4     Unfortunately I wasn't at home the evening you phoned.

5     The reason they don't have a car is that they don't need One. 6 1996 was the year Amanda got married.



3   We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is not very far away.

4   I went to see the doctor; who told me ro rest for a few days, 5 Johns who/whotn I've known for a very long time, is one Of  my closest friends,

6    Sheila, whose job involves a lot of travelling, is away from home a lot.

7    The new stadium, which can hold 90,000 people, Will be opened next month.

8    Glasgow, where my brother lives, is the largest city in Scotland.

9    A friend of mine, whose father is the manager Of a company, helped me to get a job.


3    The strike at the car factory, which began ten days ago, is now over,

4    1've found the book I was looking for this morning. or , the book that/which I was looking for.

S The population of London, which was once the largest citv in the world, is now falling.

6 Few Of the people who/that applied for the job had the necessary qualifications.  Amy showed me a photograph of her son, who is a policeman.


2     MV office, which is on the second floor, is very small.

3     OK (The Office that/which I'm using is also correct)

4     Ben ss father, who used to be a teacher, now works for a TV company.

S OK (The doctor who examined me is also co rrect)

6 The sun, which is one of millions of stars in the universe, provides us With heat and light.



2     of which he's very proud

3     with whom we went on holiday

4     to which Only members of the familv were invited


2    most of which was useless

3    neither of which she has received

4    none of whom was suitable

5 one of which she hardly ever


6 half Of which he gave to his parents  both of whom are teachers  onlv a few Of whom I knew

9 (the) sides of which were lined with trees the aim of which is to save money


2    Jane doesn't have a phone, which makes it difficult to contact her.

3    Neil has passed his exams, which is good news.

4    Our flight was delayed, Which meant we had to wait three hours at the airport.

5    Kate offered to let me stay at her house, which was very kind of her.

6    The street I live in is very noisy at night, which makes it difficult to sleep sometimes.  Our car has broken down, which means we can't go away tomorrow.



2    the man sitting next to me on the plane

3    The taxi taking us to the airport

4    a path leading to the river S A factory employing 500 people

6 a brochure containing the information I needed


2    damaged in the storm

3    Most of the suggestions made at the meeting

4    The paintings stolen from the museum S the man arrested by the police


3    liv ing

4    offering

5    called

6    blown

7    sitting reading

8    working ... studying


3 There's somebody eoming. 4 There were a lot of people travellingS There was nobody else staying there.

6    There was nothing written on it.

7    There's a course beginning next Monday.


98.1 exhausting b exhausted depressing b depressed c depressed

a exciting b exciting c excited

98.2 in terested exclting embarrassing embarrassed amazed astonishing amused terrifying ... shocked bored  boring boring interesting

98.3 bored confusing disgusting interested annoyed 7 boring

8   exha usted

9   excited

10                amusing 11 interesting


99.1 an unusual gold ring a beautiful Old house black leather gloves an old American film a long thin face big black clouds a lovely sunny day an ugly yellow dress a long wide avenue a little old red car a nice new green sweater a small black metal box a big fat black cat a lovely little old village beautiful long black hair an interesting old French pa inting an enormous red and yellow umbrella


2    tastes/tasted awful

3    feel fine smell nice

5    look wet

6    sounds/sounded interesting


2 happy 3 happily violent 5 terrible

6    properly

7    good

8    slow


3   the last two days

4   the first two weeks of May

S the next few days                                   101.3                                                        102.3

6    the first three questions (in the        2 OK exam)            3 OK

7    the next two years            4 hard

8    the last three days of our 5 OK holiday          6 Slowly


UNIT 100                                                    2 hardly hear

100.1                                                           3 hardly slept

2    badly 4 hardly speak

3    easily                S hardly said

4    patiently           6 hardly changed

S unexpectedly                                           7 hardly recognised

6    regularly           101.5

7    perfectly           slowly clearlyhardly any

100.2hardly anything

3      selfishlyhardly anybody/anyone

4      terriblyhardly ever

5      suddenHardly anybody'anyone

6      colourfullyhardly anywhere

7      colourfulhardly Or hardly ever

8      badlyhardly any

9      badlyhardly anything hardly

10  safeanywhere


UNIT 102

2      careful

3      continuously   102.1

4      happily            4 so

5      fluent              5 so

6      specially          6 such a

7      complete         7 so

8      perfectly          8 such

9      nervous           9 such a

10   financially 0? completely               10 such a

Il so


12 so such

2    seriously ill      13 so      

3    absolutely enormous        14 such a

4    slightly damaged              15 such a

S unusually quiet

6    completely changed         102.2

7    unnecessarily long 3 I was so tired (that) I couldn't 8 badly plannedkeep my eyes open.

4 We had such a good time on

UNIT 101holiday (that) we didn't want to come home.

101.1                                                           5 She speaks English so well

2   good(that) you would think it was

3   wellher native language. or She

4   goodspeaks such good English

5   well(that)

6   Well (good is    possible here)          6 I've got such a lot to do (that) 7 wellI don't know where to begin. 8 goodor I've got so much to do 9 well(that) .

10 good 7 The music was so loud (that) Il wellyou could hear it from miles


8 I had such a big breakfast

2    well-known

(that) J didn't eat anything

3    well-keptelse for the rest of the day,

4    well-written

9 It was such horrible weather

S well-informed

(that) we spent the whole day

6    well-dressed indoors.

7    well-paidI was so surprised (that) I didn't know what to say.

Example answers: a She's so friendly. b She'S such a nice person.  It's so lively. b It's such an exciting place, a It's so exhausting. b It's such a difficult job. a I haven't seen you for so long.

b I haven't seen you for such a long time,

UNIT 103

103.1 enough money enough milk warm enough enough room well enough enough time enough qualifications big enough enough cups


2     too busy to talk

3     too late to go warm enough to Sit

5 too shy to be 6 enough patience to be

7    too far away to hear

8    enough English to read


This coffee is too hot to drink. The piano was too heavy to

move. These apples aren't / are not ripe enough to eat. The situation is too complicated to explain. The wall was too high to climb over. This sofa isn't is not big enough for three people (to Sit

Some things are too small to see without a microscope.

UNIT 104

104.1 quire hungry

3     Quite good

4     quite Often

5     quite noisy

6     quite surprised

7     quite late

8     quite old

104.2      quite a good Voice quite a long way quite a strong wind quite a lot of traffic quite a busy day quite a nice time

104.3      Example answers:

2     rather long

3     rather disappointed

4     rather strange

5     rather impatient


3    more than a little

4    completely

5    more than a little

6    more than a little

7    completely


2    quite safe

3    quite impossible

4    quite right

5    quite different

6    quite unnecessary

7    quite sure

UNIT 105


2    stronger

3    smaller

4    more expensive

5    warmer/hotter

6    more interesting / more exciting

7    nearer

8    more difficult / more complicated

9    better

I O worse

I l longer

12   more quietly

13   more often

14   further/farther

15   happier I more cheerful


3 more serious than 4 th inner  bigger

6 more interested  more important than 8 simpler / more simple

9    more crowded than

10 more peaceful than more easily 12 higher than


2    It takes longer by train than bv car,

3    1 tan further/fårther than Dave.

4    Joe did worse than Chris (in the test).

5    MV friends arrived earlier than I expected.

6    The buses run more often than the trains. Or The buses run more frequently than or The buses are more frequent than

7    We were busier than usual (at work today). or We were busier at work today than usual.

UNIT 106


2    much bigger

3    much more complicated than

4    a bit cooler

5    far more interesting than

6    a bit more slowly

7    a lot easier

8    slightly older


2    any sooner / any earlier

3    no higher than / no more expensive than

4    any further/farther

S no worse than


2    bigger and bigger

3    heavier and heavier

4    more and more nervous

S worse and worse •

6    more and more expensive

7    better and better

8    more and more talkative


2    the more I liked him or the more I got to like him

3    the more profit you (Will) make or the higher your profit (will be) or the more your profit (will be)

4    the harder it is to concentrate

S the more impatient She became


2    older

3    older or elder 4 Older

UNIT 107


2    My salary isn't as high as


3    You don't know as much about

       cars as me. or         as I do.

4    It isn't as cold as it was yesterday.

S I don't feel as tired as I did yesterday. or           as l felt yeste rday.

6    Our neighbours haven't lived here as long as us. or . as we have.

7    I wasn't as nervous (before the interviesso as I usually am. as usual.


3 The station wasn't as far as I The meal cost less than I expected.

I don't go out as much as I used to. or . as often as I used to. Karen used to have longer hair.

7    You don't know them as well as me. or . as do,

8    There aren't as many people at this meeting as at the last one.


2 as well as 3 as long as

as soon as S as Often as

6    as quietly as

7    just as comfortable as

8    just as well-qualified as

9    just as bad as


2    Your hair is the same colour as rnrne.

3    1 arrived at the same time as you (did).

4    My birthday is the same day as Tom's. or My birthday is the same as Tom's.


2    than him I than he does

3    as me/ as Ido

4    than us I than we were

5    than her / than she is

6    as them / as they have been

UNIT 108


It's the cheapest restaurant in the town. It was the happiest day of my life. She's the most intelligent student in the class. It's the most valuable painting in the gallery. It's the busiest time of the

year. He's              Of the richest men in the world, It's one Of the biggest castles in Britain. She's one of the best players in the team. (on the team is also possible)

It was one Of the worst experiences of my life.


He's one of the most dangerous criminals in the country,


3 larger 4 the smallest

S better

6    the worst

7    the most popular

. the highest mountain in the world It is higher than ...

9    the most enjoyable

10               more comfortable the quickest

12 The oldest or The eldest


2 That's the funniest joke I've ever heard3 This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.

4    She's the most generous person I've ever met.

5    That's the furthest/farthest I've ever run.

6    It's the worst mistake I've ever made, or It was the worst

7    Who's the most famous person you've ever met?

UNIT 109


3 Joe doesn't like football very much.

4    OK

5    I ate my breakfast quickly and

6    . a lot of people to the party?

7    OK

8    Did you go to bed late last night?

9    OK

I met a friend of mine on my Way home.


2    We won the game easily•

3    I closed the door quietly.

4    Diane speaks German quite well.

S Sam watches TV all the time.

6    Please don't ask that question aga in.

7    Does Kevin play football every weekend

S I borrowed some money from a friend of mine.


2 I go to the supermarket every Friday.

3   Why did you come home so late?

4   Sarah takes her children to school every day. I haven't been to the cinema recently.

6      Please write your name at the top Of the page.

7      I remembered her name after a few minutes.

8      We walked around the town all morning.

9      I didn't see you at the party on Saturday night.

10   We found some interesting books in the library.

I l Jackie left her umbrella in a restaurant last night.

12 They are building a new hotel opposite the park.

UNIT 110


3    1 usually have

4    OK

5    Steve hardly ever gets angry. 6       and I also went to the bank.

7   Jane always has to hurry

8   We were all tired, so


2 a We were all on holiday in Spain.

b We were all staying at the same hotel, c We all enjoyed ourselves3 Catherine is always very generous.

4       don't usually have to work

on Saturdays,

5       DO you always watch TV in the evenings?

6       he is also learning Italian. 7 a The new hotel is probably very expensrve.

b It probably costs a lotto Stay there.

8 a I can probably help you. b I probably can't help you,


2    usually take

3    am usually

4    has probably gone

5    were both born

6    can also sing

7    often sleeps

8    have never spoken

9    always have to wait can only read will probably be leaving

12    probably won't be

13    is hardly ever

14    are still living

15    would never have met

16    always am

5    He isn't / He's not interested in politics anv more.

6    He's still single.

7    He doesn't go fishing any more,

8    He hasn't got a beard any more, or He doesn't have

He no longer writes poems. He is/ He3 no longer interested in politics. He no longer goes fishing. He's no longer got a beard. / He no longer has a beard.


2    He hasn't gone yet.

3    They haven't finished

(repairing the road) yet.

4    They haven't woken up yet.

5    Has she found a place live yet?

6    I haven't decided (what to do) yet. 7 It hasn't taken off yet'


5 I dorù want to go out yet. 6 she doesn't work there any more

7   I still have a lot of friends there. or I've still got ...

8   We've alreadv met.

9   DO you still live in the same place

10             have you already eaten 11 He's not here yet.

12    he still isn't here (he isn't here yet is also possible)

13    are you already a member

14    I can still remember it very


15    These trousers don't fit me any more.

16    'Have you finished with the paper yet?' 'No, I'm still reading it.'

UNIT 112


2    even Amanda

3    not even Julie

4    even Amanda

5    even Sarah

6    not even Amanda


2    We even painted the floor.

3    She's even met the prime minister.

4    You could even hear it from the next Street, or You could even hear the noise from

6    I can't even remember her name.

UNIT 111


3   He doesn't write poems any more.

4   He still wants to be a teacher.

7    There isn't even a cinema.

8    He didn't even tell his wife

(where he was going)9 don't even know the people next door•


2    even Older

3    even better

4    even more difficult

5    even worse

6    even less


3    even if

4    even

5    even though 6 Even  even though S even if

9 Even though

UNIT 113

1    13.1

2    Although I had never Seen her before

3    although it was quite cold

4    although we don't like them very much

5    Although I didn't speak the language

6    Although the heating was on

7    although I'd met her twice before  although we've known each Other a long time

1                   1 3.2

2                   a In spite Of (Or Despite) b Although 3 a because b although

4 a because of b in spite of (Or despite) 5 a although b because of

Example answers:

6 a he hadn't studied very hard b he had studied very hard 7 a I was hungry b being hungry / my hunger / the fact (that) I was hungry

11 3.3

2     In spite of having very little money, they are happy. or In spite Of the fact (that) they have very little money ...

3     Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village. or I managed to walk to the nearest village although my

4     I enjoyed the film in spite Of the silly story. / in spite of the story being silly. / spite of the fact (that) the Story was Silly. or In spite of , I enjoyed the film.

5     Despite living in the same street, we hardly ever see each other. or Despite the fact (that) we live in We hardly ever see each Other despite

6     Even though I was only out for five minutes, I got very wet in the rain. or I got very wet in the rain even though I was ,

Il 3.4 2 It's very windy though. 3 We ate it though.

4 1 don't like her husband though.

UNIT 114


2—5 Take a map with you in case you get lost. Take an anorak with you in case it rains. Take a camera with you in case you want to take some photographs. Take some water with you in case you're thirsty. or you get thirsty.


2    1'll say goodbye now in case I don't see you again (before you go).

3    Can you check the list in case we've forgotten something?

forgotten anything?

4    You should back up your files in case the computer crashes.


2     He wrote down the name (of the book) in case he forgot it.

3     phoned my parents in case they were worried (about me).

4     I sent (Liz) another email in case she hadn't received the first one.

5     I gave them my address in case they came to London (one day).

1 14.4

3     If

4     if

5     in case

6     If

8     in case

9     in case

UNIT 115

11 5.1

2    You won't know What to do unless you listen carefully.

3     I'll never speak to her again unless she apologises to me. or Unless she apologises to me, I'll .

4    He won't be able to understand you unless you speak very slowly. or Unless you speak very slowly, he

5    The company will have to close unless business improves soon. or Unless business improves soon, the company


2    1'm not going (to the party) unless you go too,

3    The dog won't attack you unless you move suddenly.

4    Ben won't speak to you unless you ask him something-

S The doctor won't see you unless it'S an emergency,


2      unless

3      providing

4      as long as

5      unless

6      unless

7      provided

8      Unless

9      unless

10   as long as

1    15.4

Examp lè answers:

2    it's not too hot

3    there isn't too much traffic

4    it isn't raining

5    1'm in a hurry

6    you have something else to do

7    you pay it back next week 8 you take risks

UNIT 116


2    We all smiled as we posed for the photograph.

3    I burnt myself as I was taking a hot dish out of the oven.

4    The crowd cheered as the two teams ran onto the field.

 A dog ran out in front Of the car as we were driving along the road.


2    As it was a nice day, we went for a walk by the sea.

3    As we didn't want to wake anybody up, we came in very

q uietly.

4    As the door was open, I went

5    As none Of us had a watch, we didn't know What time it was.

I l 6.3

3    because

4    at the same time as

5    at the same time as

6    because

7    because

11 6.4

3    OK

4    when I was asleep on the beach

5    When I left school

6    OK

7    when I was a child


Example answers:

I I saw you as you were getting into your car.

2    It started to rain just as we started playing tennis.

3    As I didn't have enough money for a taxi, I had to walk home.

4    Just as I took the photograph, somebody walked in front of the camera.

UNIT 117

11 7.1

3 like her mother 4 people like him s OK 6 like most of his friends

7      like talking to the wall

8      OK

9      OK

10  OK

11  like a bomb exploding

12  like a fish


2     like blocks of ice

3     like a beginner

4     as a tourist guide

5     like a church

6     as a birthday present

7     like winter

8     like a child


2 like

4 like

S like 6 as (like is also possible)

7      like

8      as

9      as

10  like

11  like

12  as

13  as

14  Like12 during

15  as13 while

16  AS14 while

17  like


18  as (like is also possible)

Example answers:

3 I hurt my arm while I was

UNIT 11 8doing the housework.

1    18.1Can you wait here while 4

2    You 100k as if you've seen aa quick phone call? make

5 Most of the students looked ghost.

3    You sound as if you'rebored during the lesson. enjoying yourself,of questions 6 I was asked a lot

4    1 feel as if I've (just) run aduring the interview.

7 the car is moving.

marathon.Don't open the car door while

118.28 The lights suddenly went out

2    It lookŠ as if it'S going to rain,while we were having dinner,

3    It sounds as if they're having9 It started to rain during the an argument.game,

4    It looks as if there's been an10 It started to rain while we accident.were walking home.

S It looks as if we'll have to

walk.UNIT 120

6 It sounds as if you should see a doctor.120.1

2 I have to be at the airport

118.3 by 8.30.

2    as if he meant what he said3 Let me know by Saturday

3    as if she's hurt her leg / as ifwhether you can come to the she hurt her leg party.

4    as if he hadn't eaten for a

4 Please make sure that vou're week here by 2 0'clock.

5    as if she was enjoying it5 If we leave now; we should 6 as if I'm going to be sickarrive by lunchtime.

7    as if she didn't want to come

8    as if I didn't exist120.2 2 by

11 8,4

3 by

2    as if I u-as/were

4    until

3    as if she was/were

5    until 5.30 bv now

4    as if it was/were

6    by

7    until

UNIT 1198 bv

9      by


10   until

3    during11

4    for

12 by

5    during

6    for120.3

7    forExample answers:

8    for3 until I come back

9    during4 bv 5 0'clock 10 for5 by next Friday

11    for                  6 until midnight

12    for


13    during

2 BV the time station / By the time I'd got to

14    forI got to the

119.2the station

3      While3 By the time I finished (my

4      Whilework) / BV the time I'd

5      Duringfinished (my work)

6      while               4 By the time the police arrived

7      duringBy the time the police had

8      During

9      while5 By the rime we got to the top /

10   duringBy the time we'd got to the whiletop

UNIT 121


2    at night

3    in the evening

4    on 21 July 1969

S at the same time

6    in the 1920s

7    in about 20 minutes

S at the moment 9 in the Middle Ages

10 in Il seconds Il (on) Saturdays


2    I last saw her on Tuesday.

I last saw her Tuesday.

3    in


5   on

6   in


10   at

11   In

12   ar

13   on

14   in

15   On Saturday night or

Saturday night at midnight

16   at 5 0'clock in the morning

17   on 7 January in April

18   at home on Tuesday morning or at home Tuesday morning

. in the afternoon


4 both


7 both


10 a

UNIT 122


2    on time

3    in tune

4    on tume

6 on time  in time 8 in time

9 on rime


2    1 got home just in rime.

3    J stopped him just in time-

4    1 got to the cinema just in tune for the beginning of the film.


2    at the end of the month

3    at the end of the course

4    at the end of the race

5    at the end of the interview

2    In the end She resigned (from her job).

3    In the end I gave up (trying to learn German).

4    In the end we decided not to go (to the party). or In the end we didn't go (to the party),

3    at at

4    In

UNIT 123

2     On his arm, OF

On the man's arm.

3     At the traffic lights. 4 a On the door. b In the door.

5 On the wall. 6 In Paris.

7 a At the gate. b On the gate. 8 On the beach.

2     on my guitar

3     at the next garage

4     in your coffee

5     on that tree

6     in the mountains

7     on the island

8     at the window

8 in a small village in the southwest

11 on the wall in the kitchen

UNIT 124

2    On the second floor.

3    At/On the corner,

4    In the corner, 5 At the top of the stairs, 6 [n the back of the car. 7 At the front.

8                On the left.

9                tn the back row. 10 On a farm.

2     on the right

3     in the world

4     on the way to work

5     on the west coast

6     in the front row

7     at the back Of the class

6 on the back Of this card

14 on on

UNIT 125


2    on a train

3    at a conference in hospital

5    at the hairdresser's

6    on his bike

7    in New York

8    at the Savoy Theatre


2    in a taxi

3    at the cinema

4    in prison

5    at school

6    at the sports centre 7 in hospital at the airport

9 on the plane

S at/in a very nice hotel ... In


14 in Birmingham at

Birmingham University

UNIT 126


3 at 4 to

S to 6 into

7       at

8       to

9       into

10   ro

12   to

13   into

14   to

15   get home going to bed

16   returned to France two years in Brazil

17   born in Chicago moved to

New York lives in New



Example answers:

2—4 1've been to Sweden once, I've never been to the United States.

I've been to Paris a few times.


2 in


4    at

5    to


2        [ got on the bus.

3        1 got out of the car,

4        got off the train,

5        1 got into the taxi. or I got in the taxi. 6 1 got Off the plane.

UNIT 127


2     in cold weather

3     in pencil

4     in love

5     in block capitals

6     in the shade

7     in my opinion


2    on strike

3    on a tour

4    on television

5    on purpose

6    on a diet

7    on business  on holiday

9 on the phone on the whole


2  on

3  on

4  at

7 for Or

12 In my opinion . on television

UNIT 128

2     by mistake

3     by hand

4     by credit card

5     by satellite

Caron my bike

Example answers:

3—5 Ulysses is a novel by James Joyce.

Yesterday is a song by Paul McCartney.

Guernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso.

6     by car in your car

7     by the bed with a lamp and a clock on it

2    travel ling by bus or travel ling on the bus or travelling on buses

3    taken with a very good camera

4    this music is by Beethoven

5    pay cash or pay in cash

6    a mistake by one Of our players

2    The price has gone up by ten


3    Helen won bv two Votes. 4 1 missed her/Kate by five minutes.

UNIT 129

2       to the problem

3       with her brother

4       in the cost of living

5       to your question

6       for a new road

7       in]to working at home

8       in the number of people without jobs

9       for Shoes like these any more

10    between your job and mine

2               invitation to

3               contact with

4               key to

5               cause of

6               reply to

7               connection between

8               pictures of

9               reason for 10 damage to



13 for a rise in pay

UNIT 130

2    That was nice of her.

3    That was generous Of him.

4    That wasn't very nice of them.

5    That's verv kind Of youe

6    That wasn't very polite of him. 7 That's a bit childish Of them.


2                kind to

3                sorry for

4                annoyed with

5                annoyed about

6                impressed by/with

7                bored with (or bored by)

8                astonished atlby


9                at/by 10 a bout

12   a bout

13   sorry for/about angry With

14   furious with us for making

15   a bout

16   about

17   at]by by/with

19    about

20    a bout

21    for

UNIT 131


2    of furniture

3    on sport

4    of time

5    at tennis

6    to a Russian (man)  of him / of Robert

8 from yours to yours


2    similar to

3    afraid of

4    interested in

5    responsible for

6    proud of  different from/to


2              for

3              of

4              of

5              in

6              to

7              of ... of

8              on

9              of 10

Il of 12 of

13   in

14   of

15   of

16   at

17   of

18   on

19   Of


Era mple answers:

2    1'm hopeless at telling jokes,

3    1'm not very good at mathematics.

4    quite good at remembering names.

UNIT 132


3    Can you explain this question to me? Can you explain it to me?

4    Can you explain the problem to me? / Can you explain it to me?

5    Can you explain to me how this machine works?

6    Can you explain to me what have to do?

3    speaking to

4    point them at

5    glanced at

6    listen to

7    throw stones at

8    throw it to

UNIT 133

6 about

8 about

10    for

11    for

12    about

13    for

14    for

2     waiting for

3     talk about

4     asked the waiter for

5     applied for

6     do something about

7     looks after or has looked after

8     left Boston for


2     for

3     about

7 about


2    looking for

3    looked after

4    looking for

5    100k for

6    looks after

UNIT 134


2                    about

3                    to us about

4                    of

5                    of

6                    about about about about 7 Of

8    about

9    about/of


2    complaining about

3    think about

4    warn you about

5    heard of

6    dream of

7    reminded me about

S remind you of


2    hear about

3    heard from

4    heard of

S hear from

6    hear a bout

7    heard of

134.4 2 think about

3    think of

4    think of

S thinking of/about

6    think of

7    thought about

8    think much of

9    thinking about/of

UNIT 135


2     for the misunderstanding

3     on winning the tournament

4     from/against his enemies

S of eleven players

6 on bread and eggs


2     for everything

3     for the economic crisis

4     on television

5     is to blame for the economic crtsls

6     television is to blame for the increase in violent crime


2    paid for

3    accused of

4    depends on

5    live on

6    congratu lated him on 7 apologise to


2    from

3    on

4    of/from

S for 6 for

8      on

9      on

10   - or on

Il from/aga inst 12 of

UNIT 136


2    1 prefer small towns to big cities.

3    Jane provided me with all the information I needed.

4    This morning I spent £70 on a pair of shoes.


2 happened to  invited to

4    divided into

5    believe in

6    fill it with 7 drove into

8    Concentrate on

9    succeeded in


2    to

3    On

5 to

7    with

8    into

10 on into

12    to

13    -

14    into

15    on

16    from one language into another happened to spend it on

18    into

19    With


ExamPle answers:

2    on CDs

3    into a wall

4    to volleyball

5    into many languages

UNIT 137


2    sit down

3    flew away         8 dropped in called in

4    get Out              9 get out of

5    speak up


6    get by 2 Fill them In or Fill them out

7    gone up

3 cross it

8    looked roundout

4 took me in

137.2                                                           5 let us in

2 back at

3 up to                                     UNIT 139

4    forward to

5    away with        139.1

6    up at 2 a mistake

7    in through        3 a candle an order


5 a cigarette / a candle

2    wake me up     6 a new product

3    get it out          7 a mess

4    give them back

5    switch it on      139.2

6    take them offworks out carried out


4 ran out 3 I have to take them back

S sort Out

4     We can turn the television off       6 find out or We can turn Off thetried out television pointed out

5    I knocked it overwork out

6    I don't want to wake her up.went out

7    (example answer) You should Il turned out put your coat on or Youworks out should put on your coat. 13 find out 8 I was able to put it outout


9      (example they've put the price(s) up or they've 139.3 put up the price(s)giving/handing out

10   Shall I turn the light(s) on?turned out nice/fine/sunny or Shall I turn on thefallen Out light(s)?to sort out / sorting out the post / the mail

UNIT 138work out how to use the

Camera / her new camera 138.1


2    eats

3    moved              2 try it out

3     work it

4    drop/callout

4     sorted it Out

5    checked

6    cut

7 plug                                                            UNIT 140

8      filling / to fill

140, I

9      left

10   dive 2 put the heating on

Il rub                                                           3 put the oven on

12 dropped                                                 4 put the kettle on

5 put a CD on



2     into


3     ingonng on

4     outtake Off switched Off / turned Off

5     into


6     out ofOff / went Off

6 put on

138.3set off be off

2    dropped Output off

3    moved incalled off

4    left output on

5    joined insee me off

6    eating out or to eat out

7    taken in


2    took off

3    tried on althe hat tried althe hat on

4    was called off

5    see him Off

6    put them on

UNIT 141


2     went on carried on

3     walked on carried on / carried on walking

4     dozed off / dropped off / nodded Off

5     go on/ carry on 6 went off  keeps on phoning me


2    went off

3    finish off

4    drive on / carry on

5    ripped off

6    getting on 7 dozed off / dropped off I nodded off

S told off

9 get on going Off

Il keep on

12   get on

13   showing off

14   put off


2    finish it Off

3    were ripped off

4    go off

S did you get on

6    carried on (playing) / went on


7    tell them off doesnst get on (well) with

UNIT 142


2    turn it down

3    calm him down

4    put them up

S let her down

6 turned it down


2    took them down

3    stand up

4    turned it up

S put their bags down

6 were blown down / fell down  wrote it down

S bent down and picked them

2    calm down

3    slowed down

4    was turned down

5    broken down

6    cut down

7    let down

S (has) closed down

9      be knocked down (or be pulled down be torn down)

10  turned down was knocked down

12 broke down

UNIT 143


2    went up to/ walked up to

3    catch up with keep up with


2      used up

3      washed up

4      grow up

5      turn up

6      gave up

7      taking up       

8      grve up

9      ended up

10   takes up

Il make up

3    tidy it up I tidy up

4    fixed it up

S keep up with

6      Was brought up

7      keep it up

8      went up to

9      was made up of

10  set it up fix it up



2    held up

3    did it up cheer him up

2    blew up

3    beaten up

4    broken up / split up

S did up

6    clears up

7    mixed up


2    look it up

3    put up with

4    made it up

5    come up with

6    tear it up

7    saving up for

UNIT 145


2    Pay

3    throw

4    gets

5    be

6    100k

7    gave

8    get


2    be away / have gone away

3    be back

4    ran away

5    smile back

6    get away

7    Keep away


2     blew away

3     put it back

4     walked away

5     threw it back (to her)

6     threw them away


2    throw it away

3    take them back

4    pay you back I pay it back

5    gave them away

6    call back / call me back

















































Additional exercises

2 was lying wasnSt watching 'm getting / am getting'd fallen had fallen ... was do you dosnoring turned woke arrived was raining           3 'd just gone / had just gone phones didn't phone          was reading heard got were thinking decideddidn't see went are you looking4 missed was standing ...

doesn't rain             realised 'd left / had left rang were havinghad got went ... was preparing .      5 met was walking . didn't want ... didn't stay         been / had been       been told didn't believe .        playing / had been playing thought was joking were going invited  'd arranged / had arranged didn't have didn't go is wearing6 has grown2 Somebody has taken it. haven't decided3 They'd only known I They is beinghad only known each other wasn't reading(for) a few weeks. didn't have4 It's been raining / It has been It's beginningraining all day. or It's gotrained / It has rained all day, wasn't5 I'd been dreaming. / I had you've beenbeen dreaming. I've been doing6 I'd had/ I had had a big did she gobreakfast. I've been playing7 They've been going / They do you comehave been going there for since I saw heryears.

for 20 years8 I've had it / I have had it since I got up,

9      He's been training / He has are you goingbeen training very hard for it.

Do you watch have you lived / have you 7 been living / have you been I I haven't seen Did you have2 You 100k You're looking Have you seen3 are you going was she wearing4 are you meeting Have you been waiting / Have  I'm going you been here6 Do you often go does it take7 are you going Have you finished8 I'm meeting

Have you (ever) been                            9 has been

10   I've been waiting

11   has just started 've known each other / have 12 is she getting known each Other or 13 Does she like 've been friends / have been 14 she thinks friends

15 Are you working rve ever had / ever been 16 spoke on I've had for ages (etc.) 17 you were working He went / He Went home / He 18 went went out I He left19 I started / I had started I've worn it20 I lost

I was playing21 you haven't had been swimming for22 I've had since I've been / Since I (last) 23 have you seen went

24 has he been did you buy / did you get  25 I saw

26 he went got was already 27 He'd been had arrived28 he decided / he'd decided

(see page 302)

He was reallv looking forward is he doing

I haven't heard he left

invented it's gone / it has gone had gone left did you do Did you go have you had was looking

She's been teaching She has been teaching

I bought I haven't worn I saw was I'd seen / I had seen , I remembered it was Have you heard She was died She wrote Have you read does this word mean I've never seen Did vou get it had already begun knocked was she'd gone / she had gone she didn•t want He'd never used / He had never used he didn't know wentshe needed she'd been sitting / she had been Sltttng

used to drive was driving were working used to have was living was playing used to play was wearing


I'm going to the dentist.

No, we're going to hire a car.

I'll look after the children.

I'm having lunch with Sue, What are you going ro have?

I'll turn on the light.

I'm going to turn on the light.

11 I'll come shall we meet begi

I'll meet

I'm seeing

Shall I ask I'll see are gal ng does the film begin Are you meeting

I'll be


12                                                                                                        3 I'm beginning6 couldn't have seen / can't have

             Are you going to do                                                4 I've seenseen

(3)                      it Sta rts   5 has been7 should get

(4)                      you'll enjoy             6 I've met8 wouldn't recognise / might not

(5)                      it will / it's going to be           7 I leftrecogmse vou're gorng      8 I stayed or I was staying     9 must have heard

(2)  We're going               9 I'd planned or I was10 should have turned

(3)  you have    planning


(4)  I'll send      10 I ended up


(5)  I'll get         I enjoyed5 ringswere

       I get                                                12 I took                                                   6        

I'm having / I'm going to 13 met 7 was/were have 14 I'm staying o; I'm going to

8     had been

(3)  are cormng Stay or I'll be staying or

9     had

(4)  they'll have gone        I'll stay10 hadn't had

(5)  they're        15 I continue

11 'd driven / had driven or

(6)  I won't be   16 I'll get

'd been driving / had been

         vou know                                      17 1 m


(7)                                                                                                                        phone 18 I'll letdidn't read 12

shall we meet                                   19 I know

(2) I'll be waiting 20 I'm staying20 you arrrve 21 we're going to visit or2 I'd be surprised if Sarah came I'll be sitting were visiting (to see us now).

(5) I'll be wearing 22 are building or have been 3 If I'd known you were busy, I (6) Is Agent 307 coming / Is buildingwouldn't have disturbed you. Agent 307 going to / 23 it will be4 They'd be upset if I told them Will Agent 307 be coming 24 I'll bewhat happened.

(7) Shall I bringS If you hadn't frightened the


        I'll explain                                                                                                              dog, it wouldn't have attacked


(10) I'll try6 I wouldn't have got cso) wet if


I'd had an umbrella. or

13                                               5 B

if I had had an umbrella.

 I'll have                                                    6

7 If he hadn't been (so)

2 Are you goinghave failed nervous,(his

he wouldn't 3 shall I phone      c

4      It's going to land             9driving test).

5      itss [ it is           or B21

6      I'll miss / I'm going to miss            Example vou go (or you sve gone) 12 c1 I wasn't feeling so tired

7      Shall I give I give will 13 or B2 I hadn't had so much to do vou send 143 I would have forgotten Jane's

8      does it end      15 Bbirthday

9      I'm going is getting4 you hadn't taken so long to


10   I'll tell rm I won't beget ready

Il I'm going to have / I'm having                have forgotten.5 I would have gone to the 3 He must

4 You needn't

12    she apologises  have gone home      concert

so early.

13    we'll be living6 you were in trouble

5    It can't be changed

14    you finish         now.7 there was less traffic

6    She may be watèhing


14                                                                                             television.people would go out more

2      I've had          7 She must have been waiting               22

3      I bought or I got             for somebody.3 was cancelled

4      I'll come         8 He couldn't have done it.     4 has been repaired

5      I've been or I've eaten    9 You ought to have been here              5 is being restored

6      I used to play  earlier,6 's believed / is believed

7      I haven't been waiting or               10 I would have helped you. 7 'd be sacked / would be

       I haven't been here                             11 You should have been warned                  sacked

8      1 d been          about it.8 might have been thrown

9      I'm going        12 He might not have been9 was taught

10  I haven't seen or I haven't feeling very well. or10 being arrested having been heard from He might not have feltarrested

11  I'll have gone or I'll have 18Il Have you ever been arrested left12 are reported have been

3    could rain / might rain injured

4    might have gone / could have 15

2    l'i-e been travelling           5 gonecouldn't go233 've sold / have sold

4     's been sold / has been sold

Additional exercises

5     are made

6     might be stolen

7     must have been stolen

8     must have taken

9     can be solved 10 should have left

Il is delayed

12 is being built is expected


Castle Fire

2    was discovered

3    was injured

4    be rescued S are believed to have been destroyed

6 is not known

Shop robbery  was forced

2 being threatened

3 had been stolen

4    was later found

5    had been abandoned

6    has been arrested / was arrested

7    is still being questioned

Road delays

I is being resurfaced

2    are asked / are being asked / have been asked

3    is expected

4    will be closed

5    will be diverted

A ccident

I was taken

2     was allowed

3     was blocked

4     be diverted

5     have been killed


1    1 told her (that) Paul had gone Out and I didn't know when he'd be back. I asked (her) if/whether she wanted to leave a message, but she said (that) She'd try again later.

2    1 had reserved a hotel room, but when I got to the hotel they told me (that) they had no record Of any reservation in my name. When I asked (them) if/whether they had any rooms free anyway, they said (that) they were sorry, but the hotel was full.

3    The immigration official asked us why we were visiting the country, and we told him (that) we were on holiday. Then he wanted to know how long we intended to stay and where we would be staying during our visit.

4    She said (that) she'd phone us from the airport when she arrived. She said (that) she'll phone us from the airport when she arrives. No, she said not to come to the airport. She said (that} she'd take the bus. or She said (that) she'll take the bus. He wanted to know what my job was and asked (me) how much earned, or He wanted to know what my job is and asked (me) how much I earn.

. so I told him to mind his own business and I put the phone down. He said (that) he'd be at the restaurant at 7.30.

He said' (that) he knew where the restaurant was. And I told him to phone me if there any problem. You just said (that) you wereni hungry. But you said (that) you didn't like bananas. You told me not to buy any.


3    changing

4    to change

5    change

6    being

7    saying

8    to phone 9 drinking to be

I to see

12 to be to think making living  to move to be .. . playing being stopped stealing driving work pressing

3    I don't fancy going out.

4    He tends to forget things. 5 Would you mind helping me? I Do you mind helping me? Everybody seems to have gone


7 We're thinking of moving. I was afraid to touch it.

9 He's / He'is afraid of being robbed. It's not worth seeing. I'm not used to walking so far. She seems to be enjoying herself. He insisted on showing them

to me.

I'd rather somebody else did



3 1've given up reading newspapers,

I'd rather not go out tonight stay at home tonight. He has difficulty walking I difficulty in walking. Do you want me to phone you this evening? I came in without anvbodv seeing me / without being seen,

I was accused of being a cheat / of chea ting. I'm looking forward to seeing them again.

What do you advise me to do? I'd like to have gone out with you.

I regret not taking vour advice . that I didn•t take your advice.


Tennis twice a week very good player for dinner after work to the cinema Unemployment for people .. find work an accident going home taken to hospital . I think most accidents by people driving an economist in the investment department of

Llovds Bank for an

American bank in the United States the name of the hotel ...The Imperial in Queen Street in the city centre near the station

The older one   a pilot with British Airways The younger one      at school he leaves school go to university srudv law 30

A or C

c B or C

14 B


3 It's the most polluted place 4 I was disappointed that .

5    OK

6    Joe works hard, but

. in a large modern building8 OK (as fast as he can is also correct


9      I missed the last three days

10  OK

Il The weather has been unusually cold

12          The water in the pool was too dirty to swim in.

13          to wait such a long time.

(so long is also correct)

14          OK

15          I got up earlier than usual,


2                  If

3                  when 4 if  when

6    If

7    if

S unless

9      If

10  as long as

case 12 in Case

13    If

14    even if

IS Although

16   Although

17   When

IS when


2    on

3    at 9.30 on Tuesday

4    at

6    at

7    In

S at

9      during

10   on Friday... Since then

I l for

12    at

13    at the moment until Friday

14    by

IS in



3    at

4    on

6 on  to a party at Linda's house

S on

9      on

10   to to

Il in Xienna at the age Of 35 12 in this photograph on the left

13 to the theatre in the front row

17 in a tower block on the

2      out to

3      up with

4      forward to

5      up with

6      out of

7      on with

8      out With

9      up with

10  back on out about

12 on with

3   went off

4   turned up / showed up

5   fill it in / fill it out

6   knocked down / pulled down /

3 — (no preposition/                                       torn down

7   sorted out

8   give up

6 — ('to preposition)                                     9 dozed off / dropped off / nodded off split up / break up

I l put up with it

10 — (no preposition'                           12 get by

13    went on

14    put it off

14 — (910 preposition)

2 put

16 at (about is also possible) 3 moving 4 put

18    If Kevin asks you for money          done 5


19    I apologised to Sarah for turned / turns

20    I thanked her for everything


Il left or 've left / have left

12    works

13    'Oln

14    work s

15    drop / call

16    sort / work

17    went off woke me up

Study guide

Present and past                                     Reported speech

1.1                                                       A


1.3         c                                                               A


l.s                                                                           c            Questions and auxiliary verbs c


Present perfect and past


—ing and the infinitive













2.15                                                                       c

2,16 c




3.3         c



Articles and nouns

3.6         c



4.1 c











Pronouns and

4.13 determiners

If and wish


5.2         c



1 1.8 c


Relative clauses



12.3 c




Adjectives and adverbs


13.2 c




13.6 13.7 t3.s       13.9 c






13.15 Conjunctions and prepositions


14.2 c










15.3 c






15.9 c

15.10 c

15.1 1 c


15.13 c

15. 14




Phrasal verbs




16,4 c

16.5 c





The numbers in the index are unit numbers, not page numbers,

a/an 69-72 a/,ln and the 72, 73A  little / a few Wan with 'l"ite and pretty 104B such Wan able (be able to) 26 about adjective + about 130, 131B verb + about 133—134 accuse 62B, 135A active and passive 42 adjectives 98—101 adjectives to 65—66 the 4 adjective —6B adjectives ending in -ing and -ed

order of adjectives 99 adjectives after verbs 99C adjectives and adverbs 100—101 comparatives 105—10— superlatives IOS adjectives + preposition 130—131 admit advantage (o//in/to) 60A, 129B ad verbs adjectives and adverbs 100—101 comparatives 105B position of adverbs with the verb

(aheavs, also etc.) 110 advice (uncountable noun) 70B advise to and •ing) 55C afford to . .. ) 54A, 56A afraid (Of) 131 A I •m afraid So/not SID afraid to do and afraid of doing

66 A after after + present simple / present perfect 25A—B after + -ing 60B, 6SC 100k after 1331) ago 12B agree to ) 54A, S6A all SS, 90 all and all the 75B, 88B all (Of) 88 and both 89E all. every and whole 90 position of all I IOC alleged (it is alleged 45A allow (+ to and -mg') SSC, 661) alreadv I I ID already with the present perfect -c position of already 110 also of also) 1 10 although 1 13 always I always do and I'm always doing 3B position of always 1 10 amazed amazed + to 65C amazed at/by 130C

American English Appendix 7

an see a angry (about/with/for) 130B annoyed (about/with/for) 130B

answer an answer to something 129D to answer a question (no preposition) 132B any 69C:, 85-86 anv and some 85 anvbodv/anyone/anything/ anvtehere 85—86 not any 86 any and no 86C any (Of/ 88  and either 89E any comparatives 106B any more / any longer 1 apologise (to somebody for) 62,

132A, 135B apostrophe (in short forms)

Appendix 5 apostrophes   81, 83A

appear to ) 54B apply (for) 133C • approve (0/ + -mg) 62A, 13SA arerù I? (question tag) 521) arrange (+ to ) 54A, 56A arrive (ill/at) 126C articles (Wan/the) 69—78 Wan 69-72 wan and the 72, 73A the 72-78 school / the school etc. 74 children / the children etc. 75 the with names 77—78 as 107, 116-118 as SOOðt as 25A—B as as comparative sentences) 107 as long as 115B as at rhe same time 116A as and when 116 as because} 116B as and like •1 17 as if/ as though 1 18 ashamed (of) 13 IA ask ask in passive sentences 44A ask (somebody) to do something 481), 5SA ask hotc/tehat to 54D ask somebodv (no preposition) 132B ask (somebody' for 133C astonished astonished + to 65C astonished at/by I BOC at at (time) 121 at the end and in the end 122B at (position) 123—5 at the age of 127B adjectives + at 130C, 131C verbs at 132 attitude WWtoteards) 1291) auxiliary verbs (see also modal verbs) in questions 49A—B in short answers etc. 51 in question tags 52 avoid (+ -mg) 53, 56A aware (of) 131B away (verb + away) 137, 145

back in/at/on the back 1241) verb + back 145 bad (at) 131 C baggage (uncountable noun) 70B because (of) 1 13B—C bed (in bed / to bed) 74C, 124A, 126A been to 8A, 126B been to and gone to 71) before before present simple 2SA before -ing 60B begin (+ -ingor to 56C beginning (at the beginning) 122B being (be is and be is being) 4C believe (in) 136A believed (it is believed ) 45A better 105C bad better 35 between (noun + between) 129E blame 135B bored bored and boring 98 bored with 130C born (l was born 44C both (of) 89 both and 891) both and all 89E position of both 1 IOC bother -ingor to .56C bottom (at the bottom) 124C bound (bound to do) 65E bread (uncountable) 70B break break into 136B break down 137A, 1421) break up 1441) busy (busy doing something) 63C by 120, 128 by after the passive 42B, 128C by (+ -ing) 60B by myself / yourself etc. 83 by (the time) 120 by and until 120B by chance / by post etc, 128A by car / by bus etc. 128B a play by ShakesPeare etc. 128C adjective by 130C

can 26 can l/yotr ? 37 can and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 cant (cannot) 26, 28 can't help 57C capable (Of) 131B

care (care about. care for, take care of) 133B

carry on 53B, 141 A carry out 139C case (irr case) 114 causative have (have something done) 46 cause (of) 129B

certmn certain to ) 65E, S4B certain o//abottt 131B cheque a cheque for ... 129A by cheque 128A church (church the church) 74B claim (+ to ) 54B clauses when and if clauses 25 if clauses 38—40 -ing clauses 68, 97 relative clauses 92—96 collide (with) 136C comparatives 105—107 comparatives with even 112C complain (to somebody about/of )

134E compound nouns (a tennis ball, a headache etc.) SO concentrate (on) 136E conditional sentences (if sentences) if I do 25C if I do and i/ I did 38 if I knew, if I were etc. 39 if I bad known, if I bad been etc.

40 unless 1 ISA as long as 115B Providing / provided 115B congratulate (on) 62B, 1351) connection (with/between) 129E conscious (of) 131B consider (+ -mg) 53, 56A consist (of) 135 A contact (with/bettveen) 129E continue to or -ing) 56C continuous tenses see present continuous, past continuous verbs not used in continuous tenses 4A, 6E, IOC, 16E, 17A contractions (short forms)

Appendix 5 corner (in/at/on the corner) 124E could 26, 27, 29C could and was able to 26D could (do) and conld have (done)

couldn't have (done) 27E, 28B could in if sentences 38C, 39E,

401) I wish I could 41C could l/yotr 37 could and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 countable and uncountable nouns

crash (into) 136B critical (of) 13 IA crowded (with) 131 C damage guncountable noun) 70B damage to 129D dare 54C decide decide to , 54, 56A decide against -ing 62A delighted 1 30B demand demand + should 34A—B a demand for 129A deny -ing 53, 56A depend 1351) dependent (on) 131 C depressed land depressing) 98 deserve to . v.) 54A, 56A despite 1 13 did (in past simple questions and negatives' SC die 135A difference (between) 129E different 131 C difficultv difficulty •ing'

63B direct speech and reported speech

47—48, SOB disappointed disappointed + to 65C disappointed and disappointmg 98 disappointed wit/' 130B discuss (no preposition) 133A divide (into) 136B do]does I in present simple questions and             2C do up 144D down (verb 4 downb 137, 142 dream dream of 4 -ing 62A, 661) dream about/ot- 134A during 1 19

each (of) 91 each Other 82C -ed clauses 9— either (of) 89 'tot ather 5 IC either or 891) eltber and anx 89E elder 106E eldest 1081) encourage to ... ) 55B end in the end and at the end 122B at the end I position) 124C end up 143E enjoy (+ -ing' 53A, 54A, 56A. SSA enough 103 envious (0/' 13 IA even 1 12 position of even 110

ere•t      1 12 D eren though 1 121). 113E ever (With the present perfect) 8A every 90


90A-C and each 91 everyone and every one 911) excited Cabotit) 130B exclamations        . . -IA-B excuse      62B


I expect so / I don-t expect so 511) expect + to „, SSA expected (it is expected 45.-\ experience 'countable or uncountable noun ' —OA explain 541). 132A

fail (4 to fairly 104 famous 131C fancv (+ S -RAs -S6A far far/fllrther/farther IOSC far + comparative 106A fast 101B fed up (trith) 60A. 130C feel do vou feel and 120T are feeling 4E feel like 62.A feel adiective 99C, 100B few 69C, 8 — few and a fetc STD—E fere /0// SS finish finish -ing 53

first it•s the first time            SC the first/last/next + to 651) the first                 days 99D fond        131A for for with the present perfect SA,

9B. 11-12 fot and since 12A for and to •purpose' 64C. 103C for and during 1 19 noun for 129A adjective for 1301), 131C verb for 133. 135B forget to ...j 54, 56A forgive (for' 62B. 135B frightened 13 IA from adjective from 131 C verb from 13SC front ( in/at/ou the front) 124D full 131B furious • abottt/tc•ith/ior) 130B furniture (uncountable noun) —0B further I ()5C future 19—25. Appendix present tenses for rhe future 19 going to 20

will and shall -'ID. 221) trill and going to 23 trill be doing ( tuture continuous'

24 trill done (future perfect) 24 future with when. if etc.

     J        1 1 SC, 1 19B

generous 4 preposition) 130A geographical names with and without the gerund see -ing

get get in the passive 441) get something done 46C get someone to do something 55B get used to 61 get + adjective 99C get to place) 126C get in/cmt/on/oft' 126E, 138A get by 137A get o/ 138C get on 141B get away ( t/'ith' 145B get back to 145C give gne In passwe sentences 44A give up 53B. 143E give out 139C give 145B glad to 65C

go go swimming/s/yopping etc- 631) go on holiday / on a trip etc,

goon 53B. 140B. 141A go on doing and go on to do 56B go out 139.A gooff 1401), 141C going to 20. Appendix 3 gomg to and will 23 washcere gorng to 201) gone to and been to 71) good good at 60A. 131C good of someone to do somethipt8 ibe' good to someone 130A good and well 101 A  no good -ing' 63A got shave got) I —A. 311) gotten (American English)

Appendix guess 11 guess soj 511)

bad done jpast perfectl 15 bad been doing q'ast perfect

continuous j 16

 (past of                1 — / l' u•is/' rd 40 had better 35A—B hair Icountable or uncountable noun) —OA half ,of' SS happen Ito) 1361) happy happy to 65C happy about/zcith 130B hard íOlB-C

hardlv 101C hate hate doing / to do 58 would hate 58B—C have/has I hare done 'present perfect) 7—14 been -ing (present perfect continuous) 9—10

and have got 17 hat e breakfast / hare a bath etc.

ITC I'm having, we're having etc. have to (and must) 31 have got to 31D have something done 46 having (done) 531), 68C hear with the present simple or can 41) hear someone do/doing 67 hear of/ab01tt/from 134B help help + to 55A help 57C home 74C, 12SA hope hope + present Simple 22B hope and trish 41 A hope so/ I hope not 51 D hope + to 54A, S6A hospital (hospital / the hospital) 74B, 125A

American English Appendix 7 how about (+ -ing) GOA how long .                (+ present perfect)

11-12 how long is it srnce                12C

if 25, 38-40 if/ do 25C if I do and if [did 38 if I if I were etc. 39 if I had known, if I bad been etc. 40 if and 251), 38D if + should 34D if any 85C even if 1121) if and in case 114B as if 118 if tehether) SO imagine ( + -ing) 53, 56A impressed g trith/by) 130C

Itime) 121 i" time and on time 122A in the end and at the end 122B in (position) 123—126 in/o/ after a superlative IOSE in (Other uses) 127A, 129C adjective + in 131C verb + in 136A, 137, 138 in and into 138A in case 114 increase (in) 129C infinitive (to be, to play etc.) 54—59, 64—67 passive infinitive (to be done 43A-B infinitive in reported speech 481) verbs + infinitive 54—59 continuous infinitive (to be doing) 54B perfect infinitive (to have done) 54B. SSC infinitive after a question word

verbs object infinitive 55 verbs + infinitive or -ing 55—58

to-infinitive and to + -ing 60C infinitive for purpose (l went Out to post a letter) 64 adjectives + infinitive 65—66 infinitive without to after make and let .5SD see/hear somebody do 67 information (uncountable noun)


-ing (being, playing etc,) 53, 55—63 being (done) (passive) 44B verbs + -ing 53, 5S-S9 having (done) 531), 68C verbs -mg or to . . 55-58 prepositions 4 -ing 60, 66 to + -ing and to-infinitive 6()C used to + -ing 61 verbs preposition -ing 62, 661) expressions + -ing 63 go swimming / go shopping etc. 630 see/hear st) pnebodÿ doing 67 -tug clauses 68, 97 insist insist 4 should 34A—D insist on 62A, 136E in spite Of 113 instead of (+ -ing) GOA intend (+ to or •ing) 56C interested (in) 60A, 131C interested in doing and interested to do 66B

Interested and interesting 98 into 126E verb + into 136B in and into 138A invitation (to) 1291) invlte invite + to ... 55B invite somebody to something 1361) irregular verbs 5B, Appendix I it and there 84 itg no good / it's no use (4 -ing) 63A it's time 3,SC itk worth (+ -ing) 63A

jealous 13 IA just with the present perfect 'C just in ease 1 14A just as 116A in time 122A keen (on) 13 IC

keep     53, 56A, 141 A keep up (with               143A keep away (from          145B kind (kind of someone to do something / be kind to someone) 65Bs 130A know (how/zvhat etc. to     541)

late and lately 101B laugh (at) 132C learn (bow) (+ to , ) 54, S6A leave leave for 133C leave something out IBSC less 107A let let somebody do something 551) let down 142D like (verb) like doing / to do 58 would like 37E, 55A, 5SB-C like (preposition/conjunction) like and as 117 like and as if 118 likely to ...j 65E, 84B listen (to) 132A little 69C, 87 little and a little 87D—E little (of) SS a little + comparative live (on) 1351) long as long as 115B longer / not any longer

111B 100k you 100k and you're looking 4E 100k forward to 60C, 62A, 137B look * adjective 99C, 100B look as if 11 8 look al 132C look for/after 1331) look up 1441) look back on 145C lot (a lot / lots) 87B—C quite a lot 104B a lot + comparative 106A love love doing / to do 58 would love 55A. 58B-C be / in love with 127A luck (uncountable noun) 70B luggage (uncountable noun) 70B

make make somebody do something 5SD make up 143E, 144A manage (+ to ) 261), 54A, S6A many (and mucl» 69C, 87 many (Of) 88 married (to) 131 C may 29—30 may as well 301) may 37B-C may and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 mean (adjective — mean of someone to do something / be mean to someone) 65B means (noun) 79B might 29—30 might in if sentences 30B, 3 SC, 400 might as well 301) might and other modal verbs Appendix 4 mind (+ -ing) 53, 56A, 58A—B do mind if... 37C mine / yours etc. (a friend of mine/yours) 83A

modal verbs (118111, can, must etc.)

21—22, 26—3— , Appendix 4 more more in comparatives 105 not any more 111B most most noun 75 most (Of) SS most in superlatives 108 many) 69C, S?

much + comparative 106.8 must must and can't 28 mtfSt and hare to 31 31 C, 32A mnst and should 33A must and other modal verbs Appendix 4 myself/yourself etc. I reflexive pronouns) 82 by myself/ bv yourselt• etc, 83C

names with and without the 77—78 nationality words With the 76C need need to do and need doing 57B a need for 129A needrù 32 needn't and mustn't 32A needn 't hate (done) and didn •t need to 321) needn't and Other modal verbs

Appendix 4 American English Appendix negative present simple 2C past simple SC negative questlOns 491) no, none and anv 86 negative Short forms

Appendix 5.3 neither (Of) 89 neither am l, neither do I etc. 5 IC neither nor 89D netther and none S9E never never with the present perfect position Of never 1 10 news (uncountable noun) 70B 79B nice (nice ot someone to do something / be nice to someone)

65B, 130A no no and none to/ ) 86As 88 no and anv 86 nobodvhto-onehtothi)tg/noti'here 86B no with comparatives 106B no longer 1 11B

none none (o/) and no S6A. 88 none and neither 89E nor nor ant nor do I etc. SIC neither nor 891) nouns countable and uncountable 69—70 singular and plural 69, 71, 79

noun + noun •compound nouns

of of and 's Sl all of / none of/ most of etc. SS. 96B both of/ neither of/ either Of 89. 96B a friend Of mine/yours etc. S3A of/'" after a superlatave IOSE noun o/ 129B adjective of 130A. 131 verb ± of 133B. 134. 135A off (verb 13 140—141

Offer offer in passive sentences 44A  to             S6A on on (time) 121 on ttme and m tune 122A on (position) 123—125 on a bats/ on a tram etc. 125E iother uses' 127C—l) adjective + on 13 IC verb + 0" 1351). 136E. 13—.

—141 one another 82 C only Of onlvj 110 ought to 331) ought and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 out o/ 126E verb Out 13 T—139 out and out o/ 138A own my own house / your ozcn car

on          own / on vottr         etc. 83C

paper (countable and uncountable )

participle clauses Ging and -ed clauses' 68. 9— passive 42—44 passive and active 42A bv after the passive 42B Simple tenses 42C to be d0'te/cIeaned etc. 43A-B perfect tenses 43C continuous tenses 431) bemg (done' 44B get 44D it is that 45A past i see also past continuous. past perfect and past simple' past after if and 38—40 past after I'd rather 591) past after It's time 35C past after as if I ISD present and past tenses

Appendix 2 past continuous i I teas dome 6 past continuous and past simple 6C-D past continuous and used to ISE past continuous passive 431)

past perfect (I bad done) IS past perfect and present perfect

ISB past perfect and past simple -ISC past perfect after 40 past perfect passive 43C past perfect continuous i I had been doing) 16 past simple i I did) 5 past simple and past conttnuous 6C-D past simple and present perfect 12-14 past simple and past perfect 15C past simple passive 42C pay pav in passive sentences 44A pav (somebody) for something 135B pav back 14 SC people 79b perfect see present perfect, past perfect perfect infinitive Ito have done)

43B (passive', 54B, SsC persuade (+ to 55B phone  the phone 1271) phone somebody Ino preposition) 132B phone back 14SC photograph a photograph 124A a photograph of someone 129B phrasal verbs 'break dotcn / get on etc.) 137-145 introduction to phrasal verbs 137 phrasal Serbs preposition away from etc.) 137B position of object i turn the light on / turn it on etc.) 137C verb ill/01ft 138—139 verb on/off 140—141 verb up/dou•n 142—144 verb + awav/back 145 plan io 54Av 56A pleased pleased + to 65C pleased with 130B plenty (of) S —B plural and singular 69, 71, 79 thev/tbem/their used for somebodv./nobody etc. 85E,

900 spelling of plural nouns

Appendix 6 point there's no point in + -ing 63A point (something) at I ,32C

point Oltt 1390 police plural) —9C polite polite of someone to do something

/ be polite to someone 130A postpone -ing) 53, 56A prefer 59 would preter 55A, 58B—C, 59B prefer tone thing) to (another)

     59A.          1361)

prepositions 121—136 for and Since 12 A in questions 49C prepositions + -ing 60. 66 verbs + prepositions + -mg 62, 661) prepositions in relative clauses 93C, 96A in/o/ after a superlative 108E like and as 117 for and during 119 bv 120, 128 by and nntil 120B at/on/in (time) 121—122 on time and in time 122A at the end and in the end 122B at/onhn (position) 123—125 to/at/in/into 126 in/at/on (other uses) 127 by car / bv bus etc. 128B noun preposition 129 adjectives + preposition 130—31 verbs + preposition 132—136 phrasal verb + preposition 137B present see present continuous, present simple, present perfect present tenses for the future 19, Appendix 3 present and past tenses

Appendix 2 present continuous (I am doing) 1 present continuous and present Simple am/is/are being 4C present continuous for the future 19, 20B, Appendix 3 present continuous passive 43D present perfect (simple) (l have done) 7—8 present perfect with this morning, today etc. 8B, 14B present perfect simple and continuous 10—1 1 present perfect with hotr long, for and 1 1—12 present perfect and past simple 12-14 present perfect and past perfect 15B present perfect after when 25B present perfect passive 43C present perfect after a superlative

IOSF American English Appendix 7 present perfect continuous (l have bee'? doing) 9—10 present perfect continuous and present continuous 9C present perfect continuous and simple 10—1 1 present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous 16C present simple (l do) present simple and present continuous 3—4 present simple for the future 19B present simple after when and 25. Appendix 3 present simple passive 42C

pretend to , ) 54B pretty (Pretty good, pretty Often

etc,) prevent (from) 62 Bs 661) prison (prison / the prison) 74B,

125A probably probably will 22B position of probably 110 progress (uncountable noun) 70B progressive tenses see continuous promise promise (4 will/would) 36B Promise + to 54A, 56A protect (from/against) 13 SC proud (of) 131 A provide (with) 136C provided/providing 1 ISB purpose to for purpose 64 on purpose 12 put putout 139A put off 53B, 140, 141C

put on 140 put up/dotvn 142A put up with 144D put away 145B

questions 49—50 present simple questions 2C, 49B past Simple questions SC, 49B negative questions 491) embedded questions (Do yon know what SOA reported questions 50B question tags 52 quite 104

rather would rather 59C I'd rather you did something 591) rather cold / rather nice etc. 104 reason (for) 129A recommend recommend should 34A—B recommend + to and -ing 5.5C reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself etc.) 82 by myself/yourself etc. 83C refuse (4 to 54A, 56A regret (4 -ing and to ) 531), 56B regular and irregular verbs

Appendix I relationship (tvith/between) 129E relative clauses 92—96 relative clauses as Object 93 prepositions in relative clauses

two types of relative clause 95 relative pronouns 92—96 who 92—96 which 92—93, 95—96 that 92—94 that and what 92C Whose 94A, 95B 94B, 95B, 96A-B where 94C, 95B of whom / of which 96B rely (on) 1351)

remember remember + to and -ing 56B remember botv/zvbat * to54D remind remind + to 55B remind of/about 134C reported speech 47—48 reported questions SOB responsible (for) 131 C rise (in) 129C risk (+ -iug) 53, 56A room (countable or uncountable noun) 70A

's (apostrophe s) 81, 83A,

Appendix S. I said (it is said that) 45A same (the same as) 73C, 107C satisfied satisfied and satisfying 98 satisfied with 130B

say say and tell 48C say (+ to J 481) scared (of" 131A scenery (uncountable noun) 70B school (school / the school) 74A sea (sea / the sea) 741) search (for) 133C

with the present simple or can 41) see someone do/doing 67 see off 140C

seem to 54B seem 4 adjective 99C    -self (mysel//yourself etc,) 82, 83C series 79B shall and will 221) shall            210 Let's , shall we? 52D

Shall and other modal verbs

Appendix 4

American English Appendix 7 shocked shocked and shocking 98 shocked at/by 130C Short (of) 131B short forms (l int, you've, didn't etc.)

Appendix 5 should 33—34 shotrld and bad better 35B should and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 shout (at/to) 1320 show show in passive sentences 44A show someone how/what + to 540 show off 141 C show up 143E Similar (to) 131 C simple past see past simple simple present see present simple

st ncc with present perfect 8A, 9B, 11-12 since and for 12A bow tong is it since            12C since because) 116B singular and plural 69, — l, 79 used for somebody/nobodv etc, 85Es 861), slightly comparative) 106A smell with the present simple and can

smell something 671) smell 4 adjective 99C so so am l, so do l etc. 5 IC I think so, I hope so etc. SID so that (purpose) 641) so and such 102 so + adjective that 102B so long as 1 15B solution (to) 1291) some 69C, 71, 85 some with countable nouns 7 1 some and anv 85 somebody/someone/soïïtetbiug/ somewhere 85 some dot) 88 soon (as soon as) 2SA—B

sorry sorry 4 to 65C Sorry to do and for/alÞout doing 66C sorry about/for 1301) feel sorry for 1301) sound sound + adjective 99C sound as if 118 space (space and a space) 73B speak (to) 132A species 79B spelling Appendix 6 spend (spend tone/"tonev) 63C,

136E spite (ill spite of) 1 13

Start (Start + 'O Of -ingi .S6C state verbs (like, know, belong etc.'

4A, 6E, IOC, 16E, ITA still I l l still and yet Il IC stop stop + -ing 53, 56A stop someone (from' -ing 53C,

62B, 66D stupid (stupid someone to do something) 65B, 130A subjunctive 34B

American English Appendix succeed (in -mg) 62 A, 661), 136A such such and so 102 such as 1 17B suffer from) 135C

suggest suggest 4 should 34A—B, 55B Suggest + -ing 53, 54A, 56A superlative (longest/best etc.) 108 suppose (l suppose so/not) 5 ID supposed (He is supposed to 45B

sure sure ± to 65E, 84B sure of/about 131B surprised surprised to     6SC surprised and surprtsrng 98 surprised .1t/bv 130C suspect              62B. 13SA suspicious            13 IA

tags (question tags) 52 take take somebodvin 138B take off 140 take down 142A take up 143

talk to somebodv 132A talk about something 62 A, 133A

taste with the present simple or can 41) taste + adieetive 99C teach teach in passive sentences 44A teach somebodv to do something 541) teach to telephone see phone tell tell in passive sentences 44A tell and sav 48C tell someone to do something 481155B tell someone u 'hat to do 541) tell off 141C temporal clauses clauses) 25 tend to ...i 54B than IOS. I O? thank (for) 62B, 132B, 13SB that said that 4 —B in relative clauses 92—94

the and Wan 72, 73A the sea, skv etc, 73B the cinema. the theatre etc. '3D school the school 74 chlldren / the chlldren 75 the adjectne uhe vormg etc.)

the nartonalirv words (the French etc.) 76C the '*Vith geographical names the with streets, buildings etc. 78 tbe the (with comparatives)

1061) the + superlative 'the oldest etc.j

Iosc there (arid it) 84 there's no , 63A there will/mnst/shogtld etc. 84B there is -mg or -ed 97D thev/them/their msed for somebody/ ambodv/nobodv/evervbodv' SSE,



I think and I'm thinking 4B I think so. I don't think so 5 ID think o/ + -ing 54A. 62A. 661) think about and t/'"tk 134C though 113E as though I IS even thong/' 1 121). 1 13E

threaten to 54.-\, 56A throw throw to/at 132 D throu• au•av 13—C. 145B till see until time it's the first time rte SC It's time 3SC countable or uncounta ble noun

on time and time 122A tired tired and tirmg 98 tired of 131B to infinitive Ito be/ to do etc.) see infinitive to 126 to + -mg 60C noun to 1291) to               131C verb to 132, 136D too and enough 103 top gat the top ) 124C translate (from/into) 136B travel g uncountable noun) trouble (hate trouble doing something' 63B

try 4 to or -ing 57A tm-out 139C tn•on 140C turn tttrn out 139 on/off IF C, 140A

142A, 143E turn           142 two-word verbs see phrasal verbs typical (Of) 131B

uncountable nouns 69—70 understand (hou•/ll'bat + to . e.)

S4D university (nnit•ersitv / the rtmversitxb 74B unless I ISA until (or tilt) until + present simple / present perfect 25A—B until and by 120B up (verb + up) 13—, 142—144 upset (about) 130B use (it's no use -mg) 63A used used to do IS be/get used to 61

I am ased to doing and I used to do 18Fs 61D usually (position of trsttallv) 1 10

verbs see also present, pasts future, passive etc.

verbs not used in continuous tenses   6E,          J6E, J7A list of irregular verbs Appendix 1.4 present and past tenses Appendix 2 verbs + -ing and verss


verbs + preposition 62, 132—136 phrasal verbs (break down / get on etc.) 137—145

wait (for' 133C want to ) SSA, 661) Warty warn someone (not) to do something 55B team someone of/about something

134F was/were SD teas/were -ing (past continuous) 6 rcas/tvere going to 201) was/trere able to 26D teas and were in if sentences 39C waste (waste time/money, a waste of time/money) 63C weather (uncountable noun) 70B well 101A were (used with l/he/she/it) 39C,

1181) what what in questions 49 what for? 64C bat    (exclamations) 7 IA—B what and that (relative clauses) 92C, 931)    what and which (relative clauses)

96 C when when + present simple / present perfect 25 and i/ 251), 3SD when + -ing 68B eren when 1 121) when and as 116 where Cin relative clauses) 94C, 95B whether 50 which which in questions 49 which in relative Clauses 92-93,

all/none/some of which 96B while while + present simple / present perfect 25A

+ 68B while and during 119B who tC'hO in questions 49 who in relative clauses 92—96 who and whose in relative clauses 94A who and tvhom in relative clauses 94B whole 90D-E on the whole 1271) whom in questions 49C in relative clauses 94B, 96A—B all/none/some of whom 96B whose (in relative clauses) 94A,

95B why why isn why in relative clauses 94E will ' I — ' '

-MC-D. 37A and shall 211), 221) trill and gomg to 23 trill be doing (future continuous)

will have done (future perfect) 24 will in if and whew sentences 25, 115C will and would 36B, Appendix 4 will in the passive 43A Don't , will you? 521) will and other future forms Appendix 3 will and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 wish 41

I wish I knew etc. 39, 41 I wish I'd known etc. 40C, 41 wish and hope 4 IA wish would 41 D with noun + with 129E adjective 4 with 130B—C, 13 IC verb + with 136C without (4 -mg) 60B w01ù: Will not) 21—22 word order have something done 46 questions 49 negative questions 491) embedded questions (Do you knotv What ? ) SOA reported questions 50B order of adjectives 99 verb and object together 109A place and time 109B position Of adverbs with the verb (also, always etc.) 1 10 word order with phrasal verbs

(turn on the light, turn it on etc.)

137C work uncountable noun 70B, 74C work out 139B worried (about) 130B worse IOSC worst 108B worth (it's worth + -ing) 63A would 36 would arid will 36B would you ? .37A would you like? I'd like 37E Would in if sentences 38—40 wish would 411) would like/love/hate/prefer + to 55A, S8B-C would prefer 58B, 59B would rather 59C—D would and other modal verbs

Appendix 4 write write to 132A write down 142 D

yet yet and still I l IC yet present perfect 7C

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English Grammar in Use Third Edition is a fully updated version of the classic grammar title.

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offers the same easy to use format: on each left-hand page a grammar point is explained and on the right-hand page there are exercises to check understanding is ideal for self-study. The study guide helps students identify the most useful language points to study

has nine completely new units, including eight new units on phrasal verbs to cover this important area more thoroughly

has a wealth of additional exercises for extra contrastive practice

is in full colour.

The exciting new CD-ROM offers additional practice material covering all the language taught in the book. The CD-ROM includes:

hundreds of practice exercises

practice guides for key language areas of the book

customised tests targeting specific language areas

audio recordings of all main exercises

• listen, repeat and record function

built-in dictionary with full definitions of all key vocabulary

a link to Cambridge Dictionaries online.

Software developed by Clarity Language Consultants Ltd

Also available: English Grammar in Use Supplementary Exercises New Edition with answers

Cambridge Learner's Dictionary

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DICTIONARY www.cambridge.org

ISBN 0-521-53762-2

9 78052 1 537629

CAMBRIDGE English Grammar in

CAMBRIDGE English Grammar in

Raymond Murphy

Raymond Murphy



THIRD EDITION Raymond Murphy

THIRD EDITION Raymond Murphy



C) Cambridge University Press 2004

C) Cambridge University Press 2004

Past continuous (I was doing

Past continuous (I was doing

If I knew I wish I knew 40 If

If I knew I wish I knew 40 If

The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano etc

The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano etc

Word order 2: adverbs with the verb 111

Word order 2: adverbs with the verb 111

Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbs 292

Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbs 292

To the student This book is for students who want help with

To the student This book is for students who want help with

C] If your answers are not correct, study the left-hand page again to see what went wrong

C] If your answers are not correct, study the left-hand page again to see what went wrong

To the teacher English Grammar in

To the teacher English Grammar in

English Grammar in Use Third

English Grammar in Use Third

Cl Please don't make so much noise

Cl Please don't make so much noise

Steve is talking to a friend on the phone

Steve is talking to a friend on the phone

Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form: gew happen look lose make start stay try -work

Complete the sentences with the following verbs in the correct form: gew happen look lose make start stay try -work

B: Not bad. It wasn't so good at first, but better now

B: Not bad. It wasn't so good at first, but better now

In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do / doesn't do etc

In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do / doesn't do etc

The Panama Canal the

The Panama Canal the

An atheist In God. into the

An atheist In God. into the

Present simple (l do) We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly

Present simple (l do) We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly

Present continuous and simple 2

Present continuous and simple 2

Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing

Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing

Present continuous and present simple 2 (l am doing and

Present continuous and present simple 2 (l am doing and

You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: c]

You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now: c]

Don't put the dictionary away,

Don't put the dictionary away,

B: Yes, I went to the cinema, but

B: Yes, I went to the cinema, but

I l o'clock. 12well last night

I l o'clock. 12well last night

Past continuous (l was doing)

Past continuous (l was doing)

Karen arrived, we had dinner. arrived, and then we had

Karen arrived, we had dinner. arrived, and then we had

What were you doing at these times?

What were you doing at these times?

Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago

Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago

I can't find my bag, Have you seen it?

I can't find my bag, Have you seen it?

Just a short time ago: C] 'Are you hungry?' 'No,

Just a short time ago: C] 'Are you hungry?' 'No,

Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet,

Read the situations and write sentences with just, already or yet,

Ask her. You sav:? (find) 6

Ask her. You sav:? (find) 6

We use the present perfect with today / this evening / this year etc

We use the present perfect with today / this evening / this year etc

Complete Vs answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative,

Complete Vs answers. Some sentences are positive and some negative,

He savs: Xo, this is the first

He savs: Xo, this is the first

Where have you been? I've been looking for you for the last half hour

Where have you been? I've been looking for you for the last half hour



Hello, Tom. (l / look) for you

Hello, Tom. (l / look) for you

Unit Present perfect continuous and simple 10 (l have been doing and

Unit Present perfect continuous and simple 10 (l have been doing and

C) It's nice to see you again.

C) It's nice to see you again.

Patrick is a tennis plaver. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old

Patrick is a tennis plaver. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old

We use the present perfect to talk about something that began in the past and still continues now

We use the present perfect to talk about something that began in the past and still continues now

I haven't seen Tom since Monday

I haven't seen Tom since Monday

Complete B's answers to A's questions

Complete B's answers to A's questions
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