Практическая работа по английскому языку на тему: "Спорт"
Оценка 4.8

Практическая работа по английскому языку на тему: "Спорт"

Оценка 4.8
Практическая работа по английскому языку на тему: "Спорт"
Sport практик по англ. языку.docx

 ( Sport )


Цель: Развитие речевых компетенций, чтения с извлечением частичной и полной информации

Формирование коммуникативной компетенции, расширение кругозора.

Продолжительность занятия: 8 часов

Оборудование: Учебники, словари, раздаточный материал.

1.    Переведите текст

Many people say that health is above wealth and do their best to be healthy. What are the key elements of people’s health? What do we need to do in order to be healthy?

First of all, it is important to have a proper diet. In order to be healthy and feel well a person should have regular meals – at least three times a day plus have snacks in between. A person should eat a lot of vegetables and fruit, nuts, fish, lean meat, rye bread, dairy products. A person should avoid eating many sweets – chocolates, candies, pies as they cause obesity. A person should not overeat, as it does not contribute to health.

Secondly, a person should lead an active life. A person should play sports, go jogging, play different games, and walk a lot. Physical activity is an important part of a long and healthy life.

Thirdly, people should avoid stressful situations in their life as they lead to health problems such as insomnia, mental disorders, and different illnesses. It is important to balance family life and work. Moreover, people should find time for themselves and their hobbies.

So in order to be healthy and fit it is important to eat useful food containing a lot of nutrients and vitamins, be physically active and avoid stress.


proper diet – правильное питание

meals – блюда

snacks – перекусы

lean – постный

rye – ржаной

dairy – молочный

avoid – избегать

cause obesity – вызывают ожирение

overeat – переедать

contribute – приносить пользу

go jogging – бегать трусцой

lead – вызывать

insomnia, mental disorders, illnesses – бессонница, психические заболевания, болезни

nutrients – питательные вещества

2. Дать перевод следующим словам

1.table tennis; 2. skiing; 3. chess; 4. gym; 5.subscription; 6.health; 7.figure skating; 8. wrestling; 9. handball; 10. cycling.


3. Вставить пропущенные буквы

1. A_ _ r i ca n f_ _t b a _ _

2. B a s k e t _ _ _ l

3. _ _ n n i s

4. s u r f _ _ g

5. s _ i m _ i n _

6. _ _ _ h o c k e _

7. w a t e r p _ l _

8. b a s e _ _ _ _

9. J _ _ o

10. B i a t h _ _ n

11. _ _ _ w b o a r _ _ n g

12. _ _ x i n g


Summer Olympic Sports


Прочитайте и переведите текст

Have you heard of a thrilling sport that is used for hunting and for fun? Well, have you? We have. It's called archery. People (men, women and even children) have to shoot an arrow at a target that is 70 m away. The target face has ten bright and colourful rings. If you're lucky and your arrow lands in the center ring, you score 10 points! According to Greek history, archery was an event even in the ancient times though it was originally used for hunting. In order to play, special equipment is needed. They are listed below.

·         Bow

·         Arrows

·         Target

·         Quiver (the basket that holds the arrows)

·         Arm guards

·         Chest guards

·         Finger tabs

And now for the rules:

Each archer shoots six ends of three arrows at a time, with a maximum of 40 seconds allowed per arrow. Winners go through to the next rounds (1/16, 1/18) until there are only eight archers left. The following round is the quarter final, and in it four ends of three arrows are shot at a time, again with a maximum of 40 seconds allowed per arrow. Four winners then compete in the semi finals and the finals for the bronze, silver and gold medals.

Archery became a part of the Olympic competition in 1900. After the 1920 games archery was not an Olympic sport. It returned in 1972. In 1988 team competition was added. In the Olympics there are individual events and team events for men and women. 



a thrilling sport- захватывающий вид спорта

an archery -стрельба из лука

an arrow -стрела

a bow-лук

a quiver-колчан



I. Give Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:

To shoot an arrow, the target face, bright and colourful rings, to land in the center ring, to score points, to be used for hunting, arm guards, chest guards, finger tabs, to go through to the next rounds, to become part of the Olympic competition, to be added.


II. Give English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

Применялся для охоты, выпустить стрелу, десять ярких и цветных кругов, попала в центр круга, даже в древние времена, защита грудной клетки, набирать очки, стала частью Олимпийских игр, была добавлена, командные соревнования, бронзовые, серебряные и золотые медали.

III. Is it true or false?

  1. People have to shoot an arrow at a target that is 50 m away.
  2. The target face has eight bright and colourful rings.
  3. In order to play, special equipment is needed.
  4. Archery became part of the Olympic competition in 1901.
  5. In the Olympics there are only individual events.
  6. After the 1920 games archery was not an Olympic sport.

IV. Insert the missing words given in brackets:

(to have to shoot an arrow, to land in the center ring, to be an event, to shoot, to compete)

  1. If your arrow ________, you score 10 points!
  2. People ______________ at a target that is 70 m away.
  3. Archery ____________ even in the ancient times
  4. Each archer __________ six ends of three arrows at a time.
  5. Four winners then _________ in the semi finals.

V. Complete the sentences:

  1. In order to play, you need the special equipment: _____________.
  2. If you're lucky and your arrow lands in the center ring, you ___.
  3. The target face has __________________.
  4. Archery became part of the Olympic competition in ______.
  5. In the Olympics there are_________________________.

VI. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary:

  1. All archers have to shoot an arrow ___ a target.
  2. The arrow lands ____ the center ring
  3. Archery was originally used ____ hunting.
  4. The winners go ____ to the next rounds.
  5. Archery became part ____ the Olympic competition in 1900.

VII. Say it in one word.

  1. the basket that holds the arrows (q ____)
  2. the circle with 10 colourful rings (t______)
  3. you need it to shoot an arrow (b__)
  4. it has a tip and plumage (a_____)
  5. the special outfit for sportsmen (e_________)

VIII. Translate into English:

Стрельба из лука - один из древнейших видов спорта. Современный спортивный лук состоит из древка и тетивы. Общая длина лука 1580—1770 мм. Для изготовления стрел (стержня, наконечника, хвостовика, оперения) используются алюминий и пластик. Длина стрелы 600—800 мм. Масса лука 1,5—1,6 кг, стрелы — 15—32,5 г

IX. Translate into Russian:

The use of bow and arrow for hunting and for war dates back to the Paleolithic period in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It was widely used in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, the Americas, and Europe until the introduction of gunpowder. Arrowheads were first made of burnt wood, then stone or bone, and then metals. Various woods and bones were used for the bow itself. However, it was not a powerful weapon until the invention of the compound, or composite, bow around 1500 B.C. on the steppes of the Central Asia. A composite bow is made of various materials (wood, horn, sinew) glued together so as to increase their natural strength and elasticity. Bows and arrows were among the dominant weapons used by Assyrian chariots, Parthian cavalry, Mongol horsemen, and English longbow men. At other times they have been used more as auxiliary weapons for massed infantry or cavalry.



Sport ) Цель: Развитие речевых компетенций, чтения с извлечением частичной и полной информации

Sport ) Цель: Развитие речевых компетенций, чтения с извлечением частичной и полной информации

J _ _ o 10. B i a t h _ _ n 11

J _ _ o 10. B i a t h _ _ n 11

Применялся для охоты, выпустить стрелу, десять ярких и цветных кругов, попала в центр круга, даже в древние времена, защита грудной клетки, набирать очки, стала частью

Применялся для охоты, выпустить стрелу, десять ярких и цветных кругов, попала в центр круга, даже в древние времена, защита грудной клетки, набирать очки, стала частью

Практическая работа по английскому языку на тему: "Спорт"

Практическая работа по английскому языку на тему: "Спорт"
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