Практическая грамматика английского языка
Оценка 4.7

Практическая грамматика английского языка

Оценка 4.7
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Практическая грамматика английского языка
Данный тест расчитан для мотивированных учащихся с уровнем знаний B1-B2, послужит отличной проверкой промежуточных знаний обучающихся среди 9 - 11 классов. Тест со множественным ответом ( уже проставлены правильные варианты, которые можно убрать в режиме pdf или power point )
Grammar Exam Test Alexeeva IA.pdf














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Дисциплина «Практическая грамматика английского языка»







Алексеева Ирина Алексеевна Форма обучения – дистанционная Научный руководитель:

Доцент кафедры перевода и переводоведения 


Колмакова Маргарита Владимировна


Новосибирск 2018 г.

Grammar Exam Test.


Choose the correct answer - a), b), c) or d).


Words and sentences


1       We gave.........................................a meal. c

a) at the visitors b) for the visitors c) the visitors d) to the visitors




2                   I’m busy at the moment..........................................on the computer. c

a)   I work b) I’m work c) I’m working d) I working


3                   My friend.........................................the answer to the question. d

a)   is know b) know c) knowing d) knows


4                   I think I’ll buy these shoes..........................................really well. a

a)   They fit b) They have fit c) They’re fitting d) They were fitting


5                   Where.........................................the car? a

a)   did you park b) did you parked c) parked you d) you parked


6                   At nine o’clock yesterday morning we.........................................for the bus.d       

a)   wait b) waiting c) was waiting d) were waiting


7                   When I looked round the door, the baby.........................................quietly. c

a)   is sleeping b) slept c) was sleeping d) were sleeping


8                   Here’s my report..........................................it at last.d    

a)   I finish b) I finished c) I’m finished d) I’ve finished


9                   I’ve.........................................made some coffee. It’s ib   n the kitchen.

a)   ever b) just c) never d) yet


10              We.........................................to Ireland for our holidays last year. d

a)   goes b) going c) have gone d) went


11              Robert.........................................ill for three weeks. He’s still inb       hospital.

a)   had been b) has been c) is d) was


12              My arms are aching now because.........................................since two o’clock.d    

a)   I’m swimming b) I swam с) I swim d) I’ve been swimming


13              I’m very tired..........................................over four hundred miles today. d

a)   I drive b) I’m driving c) I’ve been driving d) I’ve driven


14              When Martin.........................................the car, he took it out for a drive. a

a)   had repaired  b) has repaired c) repaired d) was repairing


15              Janet was out of breath because......................................... a

a)   she’d been running b) she did run c) she’s been running d)she’s run


16              Don’t worry. I.........................................be here tob        help you.

a)   not b) shall c) willn’t d) won’t


17              Our friends.........................................meet us at the airport tonight. b

a)   are b) are going to c) go to d) will be to


18              .........................................a party next Saturday. We`ve sent out the invitations. d

a)   We had b) We have c) We`ll have d) We’re having


19              I’ll tell Anna all the news when.........................................her.c

a)   I’ll see b) I’m going to see с) I see d) I shall see


20              At this time tomorrow ............................................. over the Atlantic. b

a)   we flying b) we’ll be flying c) we’ll fly d) we to fly


21              Where’s Robert?.........................................a shower?d   

a)   Does he have b) Has he c) Has he got d) Is he having


22              I.........................................like that coat. It’s really nice.b        

a)   am b) do c) very d) yes


Questions, negatives and answers


23              What’s the weather like in Canada? How often.........................................there?a  

a)   does it snow b) does it snows c) snow it d) snows it


24              Which team.........................................the game? c

a)   did it win b) did they win c) won d) won it


25              What did you leave the meeting early.........................................? - c I didn’t feel very well.

a)   away b) because c) for d) like


26              Unfortunately the driver.........................................the red light. b

a)   didn’t saw b) didn’t see c) no saw d) saw not


27              You haven’t eaten your pudding..........................................it?d

a)   Are you no want b) Do you no want c) Don’t want you d) Don’t you want


28              I really enjoyed the disco. It was great ,.........................................? d

a)   is it b) isn’t it c) was it d) wasn’t it


29              Are we going the right way? - I think......................................... c

a)   indeed b) it c) so d) yes


Modal verbs


30              The chemist’s was open, so luckily I.........................................buy some aspirin.d

a)   can b) can’t c) did can d) was able to


31              Susan has to work very hard. I do her job, I’m sure.        b)

a)   can’t b) couldn’t c) don’t d) shouldn’t


32              We had a party last night.........................................spend all morning clearing c up the mess.

a)   I must have b) I’ve been to c) I’ve had to d) I’ve must


33              There was no one else at the box office. I ………..……………………a in a queue.

a)   didn’t need to wait b) mustn’t wait c) needn’t have waited d) needn’t wait


34              .........................................I carry that bag for you? - Oh, thank you. b

a)   Do b) Shall c) Will d) Would


35              I`ve lost the key. I ought.........................................it in a safe place. c

a)   that I put b) to be putting c) to have put d) to put


The passive


36              We can` t go along here because the road is.......................................... b

a)   been repaired b) being repaired c) repair d) repaired


37              The story I’ve just read.........................................Agatha Christie.b   

a)   was written b) was written by c) was written from d) wrote


38              Some film stars.........................................be difficult to work with. b

a)   are said b) are said to c) say d) say to


39              I’m going to go out and..........................................b       

a)   have cut my hair b) have my hair cut c) let my hair cut d) my hair be cut


The infinitive and the ing-form


40              The driver was arrested for failing.........................................an accident. d

a)   of report b) report c) reporting d) to report


41              Someone suggested.........................................for a walk. b

a)   go b) going c) of going d) to go


42              I can remember.........................................voices in the middle of the night. c

a)   hear b) heard c) hearing d) to hear


43              The police want.........................................anything suspicious. c

a)   that we report b) us reporting c) us to report d) we report

 44 We weren’t sure.........................................or just walk in.d

a) should knock b) to knock c) whether knock d) whether to knock


45              It was too cold.........................................outside. b

a)   the guests eating b) for the guests to eat 

c) that the guests should eat d) that the guests eat


46              Did you congratulate Tessa.........................................her exam? b

a)   of passing b) on passing c) passing d) to pass


47              I didn’t like it in the city at first. But now ......................................... here. b

a)   I got used to living b) I’m used to living с) I used to live d) I used to living


48              They raised the money simply.........................................for it. It was easy. a

a)   asking b) by asking c) of asking d) with asking


49              As we walked past, we saw Nigel.........................................his car. d

a)   in washing b) to wash c) wash d) washing


Nouns and articles (a/an and the)


50              I need to buy.......................................... c

a)   a bread b) a loaf bread c) a loaf of bread d) breads


51              My father is not only the town mayor, he runs........................................., too. a

a)   a business b) a piece of business c) business d) some business


52              The.........................................produced at our factory in Scotland. c

a)   good are b) good is c) goods are d) goods is


53              I’m looking for.........................................to cut this string.d    

a)   a pair scissors b) a scissor c) a scissors d) some scissors


54              I was watching TV at home when suddenly.........................................rang. d

a)   a doorbell b) an doorbell c) doorbell d) the doorbell


55              I’ve always liked.............................a .............

a)   Chinese food b) food of China c) some food of China d) the Chinese food


56              In England most children go.........................................at the age of five. b

a)   school b) to school c) to some schools d) to the school


57              We haven’t had a holiday for.........................................time. c

a)   a so long b) so a long c) such a long d) such long


58              Our friends have a house in.......................................... c

a)   a West London b) the West London c) West London d) West of London


This, my, some, a lot of, all, etc


59              It’s so boring here. Nothing ever happens in.........................................place.c        a) that b) these c) this d) those


60              Is that my key, or is it.........................................? d

a)   the yours b) the your`s c) your d) yours


61              Adrian takes no interest in clothes. He’ll wear..........................................b  

a)   a thing b) anything c) something d) thing


62              There’s.........................................use in complaining. Theyd probably won’t do anything about it.

a)   a few b) a little c) few d) little


63              I don’t want to buy any of these books. I’ve got..........................................d

a)   all b) all them c) everything d) them all




64              Let’s stop and have a coffee..........................................a cafe over there, look. d

a)   Is b) It’s c) There d) There’s


65              Everyone in the group shook hands with.......................................... a

a)   each other b) one other c) one the other d) themselves


66              The washing-machine has broken down again. I think we should get.......................................... b

a)   a new b) a new one c) new d) new one


67              All the guests were dancing..........................................having a good time. c

a)   All were b) Every was c) Everyone was d) Someone were


Adjectives and adverbs


68              The house was.........................................building. a

a)   a nice old stone b) a nice stone old c) a stone old nice d) an old nice stone


69              The government is doing nothing to help.......................................... b

a)   poor b) the poor c) the poors d) the poor ones


70              The young man seems very.......................................... a

a)   sensible b) sensiblely c) sensibley d) sensibly


71              I.........................................missed the bus. I was only just in time to catch d it.

a)   mostly b) near c) nearest d) nearly


72              This detailed map is.........................................the atlas. b

a)   more useful as b) more useful than c) usefuller as d) usefuller than


73              This place gets.........................................crowded with tourists every summer. d

a)   always more b) crowded and more c) from more to more d) more and more


74              Yes, I have got the report..........................................it. b

a)   I just am reading b) I`m just reading c) I`m reading just d) Just I`m reading


75              I’ve read this paragraph three times, and I.........................................understand c it.

a)   can’t still b) can’t yet c) still can’t d) yet can’t


76              We’re really sorry. We regret what happened.......................................... d

a)   a bit b) much c) very d) very much




77              The village is.........................................Sheffield. It’s only six miles away.c

a)   along b) by c) near d) next


78              You can see the details.........................................the computer screen. d

a)   at b) by c) in d) on


79              I’ve got a meeting.........................................Thursday afternoon.c     

a)   at b) in c) on d) to


80              We’ve lived in this flat......................c         ...................five years.

a)   ago b) already c) for d) since


81              This car is........................................., if you’re interested in buying it.a       

a)   for sale b) in sale c) at sale d) to sell


82              Polly wants          to       cycle round          the     world.         She’s really keen.........................................the idea. c

a)   about b) for c) on d) with


Verbs with prepositions and adverbs


83              I prefer dogs.........................................cats. I hate cats. d

a)   from b) over c) than d) to


84              My father used the money he won to set.........................................his own d company.

a)   forward b) on c) out d) up


85              Don’t go too fast. I can’t keep.........................................you.

a)   on to b) on with c) up to d) up with


Reported speech


86              Someone.........................................the tickets are free. c

a)   said me b) said me that c) told me d) told to me


87              Last week Justin said `I`ll do it tomorrow.` He said he would do it.......................................... a

a)   the following day b) the previous day c) tomorrow d) yesterday


88              I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting. She said she definitely going,   c)

a)   be b) is c) was d) would


89              The librarian asked us.........................................so much noise. d

a)   don’t make b) not make c) not making d) not to make


Relative clauses


90              What’s the name of the man.........................................gave us a lift?d

a)   he b) what c) which d) who


91              What was that notice.........................................? b

a)   at that you were looking b) you were looking at 

c) you were looking at it d) which you were looking


92              Susan is the woman.........................................husband is in hospital. d a) her b) hers the c) whose d) whose  the


93              York,.........................................last year, is a nice old city. c

a)   I visited b) that  I visited c) which I visited d) whom I visited


94              The accident was seen by some people.........................................at a bus stop b

a)   waited b) waiting c) were waiting d) who waiting


Conditionals and wish


95              If.........................................my passport, I’ll be in trouble.a     

a)   I lose b) I’ll lose с) I lost d) I would lose


96              I haven’t got a ticket. If.........................................one, I could get in.b

a)   I’d have b) I had с) I have d) I’ve got


97              If the bus to the airport hadn’t been so late, we.........................................the d plane.

a)   caught b) had caught c) would catch d) would have caught


98              If only people keep sending me bills! d)

a)   don’t b) shouldn’t c) weren’t d) wouldn’t


Linking words


99              I just had to take the dog out.........................................of the awful weather. d

a)   although b) despite c) even though d) in spite


100          Anna put the electric fire on.........................................warm. d

a)   for getting b) in order get c) so she gets d) to get




Grammar Exam Test. Choose the correct answer - a), b), c) or d)

Grammar Exam Test. Choose the correct answer - a), b), c) or d)



Questions, negatives and answers 23

Questions, negatives and answers 23

There was no one else at the box office

There was no one else at the box office

We weren’t sure..............

We weren’t sure..............

Chinese food b) food of China c) some food of

Chinese food b) food of China c) some food of

The washing-machine has broken down again

The washing-machine has broken down again

The village is...............

The village is...............

I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting

I don’t know why Nancy didn’t go to the meeting

If only people keep sending me bills! d) a) don’t b) shouldn’t c) weren’t d) wouldn’t

If only people keep sending me bills! d) a) don’t b) shouldn’t c) weren’t d) wouldn’t
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