Данная презентация посвящена сравнению истории праздников России и Великобритании. Объектом исследования явились популярные праздники нашей страны и страны изучаемого языка: Новый год, Рождество, День всех влюбленных, Мамин день, 1 апреля-День смеха, Пасха, День Святого Патрика, День труда, День Победы, Хэллоуин.
Creative team : The pupils
of the 5 “V” form
Teacher : Kostyukova O.V.
The aim of our project is to get
the best knowledge of holidays in
Russia and in Great Britain.
Many festivals and holidays in
Russia and in Britain are very old.
Every city, town, village in Britain
has its own traditions, some of them
are carefully planned.
The 25th of December is Christmas
Day. Some weeks before Christmas
English people are busy: they send
greeting cards to all their relatives
and friends and decorate a
Christmas tree. Children wake up
very early in the morning to find
their stockings full of Christmas
In Russia people celebrate
Christmas on the 7th of January.
Some days before Christmas
people send greeting cards to all
their relatives and friends and
decorate a Christmas tree with
toys and coloured lights.
At night people go to Churches on
Christmas service.
Boxing Day is usually celebrated on the following
day after Christmas Day. It is the day to open the
Christmas Box. Boxing Day is the day when families
get together. It is a day of watching sports and playing
board games with the family. Many families go on
walks in the countryside.
New Year's Day is the first day of
the year. There are parties, fireworks,
singing and dancing everywhere. As
the clocks Big Ben and the clock on
the Spasskaya tower strike twelve,
people drink a toast to the New Year.
Not all British people
celebrate New Year, but in
Russia it is one of the
most favourite holiday.
People in Russia have their own special
traditions. One of them is Maslenitsa –
the holiday, which lasts for a week, to say
goodbye to winter. People celebrate it at the
end of February or at the beginning of March.
In old times people usually cooked pancakes,
had fires, burnt straw figures of winter, they
sang songs and danced.
People with romantic feelings
may send cards, gifts and text
messages on Valentine's Day.
Popular gifts are chocolates,
toys and flowers. There are
different cards to suit all tastes:
The rose is red,
The violets are blue,
The honey is sweet
And so are you!
In Britain Mother's Day is
exactly three weeks before
Easter Sunday and usually falls
in the second half of March or at
the beginning of April.
In Russia people celebrate
Mother’s Day on the 8th of
Traditionally, people visit and take
gifts to their mothers and
grandmothers and to all women.
The 17th of March is a
Ireland – St. Patrick’s
day. On
that day
shamrock. A shamrock
is a plant with three or
four leaves. It is the
symbol of
St. Patrick was a man
who had wonderful
power. He
Ireland of snakes.
A day of jokes and tricks. You have to play
the joke before 12 o’clock midday. No one
really knows when this custom began but it has
been kept for hundreds of years.
The First of April, some do say
Is set apart for All Fool’s Day;
But why the people call it so,
Not I, nor they themselves do know.
In April or at the end of March
Russian and English people
celebrate Easter Day. They
celebrate it as the start of
spring or a religious festival.
In Britain on Easter Sunday
children get chocolate Easter
eggs or rabbits. But in Russia
we eat coloured eggs.
Queen Elizabeth II (Elizabeth Alexandra Mary)
was born on the 21st of April, 1926. Her
birthday is officially celebrated in Britain on the
second Saturday of June each year. The day is
known as “the Trooping of the Colour”, the
official name is “the Queen’s Birthday Parade”.
The first Monday of May is a bank
holiday in the United Kingdom. It called
May Day. It is known as a Roman festival
and the beginning of the summer season.
In Russia we celebrate May Day as a
holiday of spring and labour.
Father’s day
In Russia and in Britain people celebrate
Father’s Day in June. On that day children
send cards and give presents to their fathers.
The 31st of October is a night on which
ghost, witches, and fairies are especially
active. Halloween celebrations include
costume parties where people dress as
witches and ghosts. People put pumpkins
on the windowsills. They draw eyes,
noses and mouths on the pumpkins and
put candles into them. So the pumpkin
looks like a face.
Auckland Waterfront
In Britain Remembrance Day
is on the 11th of November. It
is a special day set aside to
remember all those men and
women who were killed during
the two World Wars and other
Town Centre
View of Town
On the 9th of May Russian people
celebrate one of the greatest
holiday Victory Day. We
remember all those men and
women who were killed during
the Great Patriotic War.