Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
Оценка 4.8

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Оценка 4.8
Презентации учебные
английский язык
5 кл
Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
This presentation help teachers to show three forms of irregular verbs. Pupils should look at the pictures and then they can translate three tense forms of the verbs themselves. Pictures will help pupils to think and to learn by heart irregular verbs very quickly.Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs" for 5th form.87
F.4 Irregular verbs.ppt

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
bebe was\were was\were PastPast Past Participle Past Participle been been

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
become become PastPast became became become become Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
begin begin PastPast began began Past Participle Past Participle begun begun

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
break break PastPast broke broke broken broken Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
blowblow PastPast blewblew Past Participle Past Participle blown blown

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
bring bring PastPast brought brought brought brought Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
buildbuild PastPast builtbuilt Past Participle Past Participle builtbuilt

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
burnburn PastPast burnt burnt Past Participle Past Participle burnt burnt

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
buybuy PastPast bought bought bought bought Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
catch catch PastPast caught caught caught caught Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
choose choose PastPast chose chose chosen chosen Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
come come PastPast came came Past Participle Past Participle come come

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
cutcut PastPast cutcut Past Participle Past Participle cutcut

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
do \ does do \ does PastPast diddid Past Participle Past Participle done done

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
drink drink PastPast drank drank Past Participle Past Participle drunk drunk

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
drawdraw PastPast drewdrew Past Participle Past Participle drawn drawn

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
eateat PastPast ateate Past Participle Past Participle eaten eaten

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
fall fall PastPast fell fell Past Participle Past Participle fallen fallen

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
feed feed PastPast fedfed Past Participle Past Participle fedfed

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
feel feel PastPast felt felt Past Participle Past Participle felt felt

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
fight fight PastPast fought fought Past Participle Past Participle fought fought

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
findfind PastPast found found Past Participle Past Participle found found

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
flyfly PastPast flewflew Past Participle Past Participle flown flown

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
forget forget PastPast forgot forgot forgotten forgotten Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
getget PastPast gotgot Past Participle Past Participle gotgot

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
givegive PastPast gavegave Past Participle Past Participle given given

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
gogo wentwent PastPast Past Participle Past Participle gone gone

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
growgrow PastPast grewgrew Past Participle Past Participle grown grown

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
have \ has  have \ has  PastPast hadhad Past Participle Past Participle hadhad

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
hidehide PastPast hidhid hidden hidden Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
holdhold heldheld heldheld

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
keep keep PastPast kept kept Past Participle Past Participle kept kept

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
knowknow PastPast knewknew known known Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
makemake mademade mademade

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
meetmeet PastPast metmet Past Participle Past Participle metmet

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
putput PastPast putput Past Participle Past Participle putput

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
read read read read PastPast Past Participle Past Participle read read

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
rideride rode rode ridden ridden

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
ringring PastPast rang rang Past Participle Past Participle rung rung

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
riserise PastPast roserose Past Participle Past Participle risen risen

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
runrun PastPast ranran Past Participle Past Participle runrun

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
say \ says say \ says PastPast saidsaid Past Participle Past Participle saidsaid

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
seesee PastPast sawsaw Past Participle Past Participle seen seen

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
singsing PastPast sang sang sung sung Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
sitsit PastPast satsat Past Participle Past Participle satsat

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
shake shake PastPast shook shook shaken shaken Past Participle Past Participle

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
shine shine PastPast shone shone Past Participle Past Participle shone shone

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
sleep sleep slept slept slept slept

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
speak speak spoke spoke spoken spoken

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
spill spill spilt spilt spilt spilt

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
swimswim swamswam swumswum

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
stand stand PastPast stood stood Past Participle Past Participle stood stood

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
steal steal PastPast stolestole Past Participle Past Participle stolen stolen

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
taketake PastPast took took Past Participle Past Participle taken taken

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
teach teach PastPast taught taught Past Participle Past Participle taught taught

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
think think thought thought thought thought

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
throw throw threw threw thrown thrown

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
wearwear PastPast worewore Past Participle Past Participle wornworn

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
winwin wonwon wonwon

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".

Presentation by English by the theme: " Irregular verbs".
writewrite PastPast wrotewrote written written Past Participle Past Participle
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