Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games
Оценка 4.9

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Оценка 4.9
Презентации учебные
английский язык
7 кл
Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
The aim of this presentation by english is to help to introduce school pupils with the theme national sport and games of Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Teachers using this presentation could bring-up the patriotic and international sense to the country.Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games
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Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Theme:  National sport  and games English lesson  of the  7­th                                    form

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
The aim of the lesson:      Introduction with the  national sport and games of          Great Britain and  Kazakhstan

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Objectives:   To use the lexical material in 3  languages  To develop logical thinking  To bring­up the patriotic and  international sense to the country

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Methods: polylingual teaching, cooperation  creative searching the elements of  interactive technology (critical  thinking, presentation) Type of the lesson:  non­traditional, mixed Forms of working:  work in pairs, groups  Equipments: Video, pictures, cards

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
 The organization moment Plan of the lesson  The presentation to the theme of the  lesson  Phonetic drill  Revision of the lexical material  Presentation of Kazakh national games  Development of dialogue speech  Audition  Home task  Presentation of British national games   Reflection  Summmarize

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Дені сау ұлт – жалпыұлттық міндет ... «Дені сау ұлт» үшін инфрақұрылымын  дамытудың маңызы жоғары. Балалық  шақтан бастап дене шынықтыру мен  спорттық даярлыққа және оған ең  қолайлы мүмкіндіктер туғызуға ерекше  ден қойылуы керек» Здоровье нации – это общенациональная  задача ... Особенно важно развивать  инфраструктуру для «здоровой нации».  Акцент нужно сделать на физической и  спортивной подготовке. С самого детства  и предоставлении для этого наилучших  возможностей. Health for nation is a national task ... It is very important to develop infrastructure  for  «healthy nation». We must underline  physical and sport training since childhood  and give the best opportunities for it. N. A. Nasarbayev

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
It is the first step that costs. Труден только первый шаг. Істің аяқталуынан басталуы қиын.

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Physical Education lessons Higher, faster, stronger

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
None but the brave deserves the fair. Смелость города берёт. Қаһарлы қамал бұзады.

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
It`s not whether you win or lose that matters, it`s how you play the game

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
Cricke t

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport and games

Presentation by english by the theme: National sport  and games
If you want to be healthy, wealthy and wise you should keep yourself fit.
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