Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Оценка 4.7

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
Детсад—6 кл
Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Presentation by theme "invintation to the birthday party" show how and where children can have a birth party. What and who should to be at the party. Presentation teach us how to write an invintation card and audio show how to invite our guests by phone.
invintation to the birthday party.ppt

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
birthday [ b:    birthday My birthday is in  My birthday is in  When is your birthday? When is your birthday? spring. spring. summer summer autumn autumn

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
A birthday A birthday A birthday party A birthday party A birthday party is A birthday party is A birthday party is a A birthday party is a great holiday for all great holiday for all children. children.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Children can have a Children can have a birthday party in the birthday party in the café. café.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Children can have a Children can have a birthday party  birthday party  at home. at home.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
A birthday party can’t A birthday party can’t be without a birthday be without a birthday cake. cake.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Parents usually buy Parents usually buy a lot of tasty food. a lot of tasty food.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
A birthday party can’t A birthday party can’t be without friends. be without friends.

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
  [[ invite How can we invite How can we our friends? our friends? We can send   We can send invitation cards.. invitation cards

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
Invitation Invitation card  card

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
ToTo Linda Linda Please come to my Please come to my birthday part on 10 birthday part  fromfrom 4.004.00 tilltill 9.009.00 At 12 Bond Street At 12 Bond Street           from Jack. from Jack.            on 10thth May  May

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".

Presentation by English by theme: " invintation to the birthday party".
English on the phone English on the phone We can invite our We can invite our friends by telephone. friends by telephone. speak toto 11.Could I .Could I  speak  Susan, please? Susan, please? 22. A birthday party . A birthday party   Saturday onon Saturday
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