Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Оценка 4.6

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Оценка 4.6
Презентации учебные
английский язык
6 кл
Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
My presentation is very useful visual aid for teachers when they explaining the theme " degrees of comparison" to their pupils. This presentation may help teacher to do their lesson interesting and very simple for understanding. Pupils will be introduced with Guinness World Book of Records .
comparatives presentation.ppt

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Presentation for the pupils Presentation for the pupils of the 6thth form form of the 6 The teacher: Kasmakassova T. R. The teacher: Kasmakassova T. R.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Write out  the words you need the words you need Write out to compare things. to compare things. Small, wolf, run, big, clever, Small, wolf, run, big, clever, tiger, cage, feed, beautiful, tiger, cage, feed, beautiful, good, house, mice, happy, good, house, mice, happy, claws, celebrate, interesting, claws, celebrate, interesting, bad, bed, hot, six, nice. bad, bed, hot, six, nice.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
small small bigbig clever clever good good happy happy interesting interesting beautiful beautiful badbad hothot nicenice

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
1.We use  ­­erer  for the comparative for the comparative 1.We use of short adjectives: of short adjectives: small erer small ­  small small ­  clever erer clever ­ clever clever ­ nice ­ nicenice rr nice ­

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
bbiig ­g ­ bigbiggg erer hhoot ­t ­ hothot tt erer happy y ­­ happ happyyii erer happ funnyy ­ ­ funnyyii erer funn funn

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
than      after after   We often use      than We often use comparatives.. comparatives Dolphins are clevererer    than than Dolphins are clever sharks. sharks.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Guinea pigs are smallerer    than than   Guinea pigs are small cats. cats.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
African elephants’ ears are African elephants’ ears are bibiggggerer    than ones. ones. than Asian elephants’  Asian elephants’

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Cats are very funnyy.. Cats are very funn But monkeys are funniierer  than But monkeys are funn than  cats. cats.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
The West End                                                 • It is the richest  and the most  beautiful part  of London.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Hyde Park •  The largest park in  London is Hyde Park.  It is one of the most  popular places for  Londoners on hot  summer days.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
One of the oldest  One of the oldest  churches in London is churches in London is St Paul’s Cathedral. St Paul’s Cathedral.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
­est  for the superlative for the superlative 2.We use  ­est 2.We use of short adjectives..   of short adjectives ) small estest small ­ smallerer­­ ((thethe) small small ­ small ) bigggg estest big – biggggerer ­ ­ ((thethe) bi big – bi ) tastii estest tastyy ­ tast tast  ­ tastiier er ­­ ((thethe) tast

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
2.What is thethe fast What is thethe fast 1.1.What is  2.What is  animal? animal?  fastestest fish?  fish?  fastestest land  land cheetah cheetah sailfish sailfish 70 miles per hour 70 miles per hour 68 miles per hour 68 miles per hour

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
The slowest mammal is the The slowest mammal is the sloth. 15­30 cm per minute sloth. 15­30 cm per minute

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
largestest   3.What is thethe larg 3.What is  mammal? mammal? Blue whale Blue whale Size:25­32 m Size:25­32 m Weight:200 tons Weight:200 tons

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
smallestest mammal?  mammal? 4.What is thethe small 4.What is  Bumblebee bat Bumblebee bat Size: 2­3 cm Weight: 2 g Weight: 2 g Size: 2­3 cm

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
largestest bird is the   bird is the  TheThe larg ostrich. ostrich.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
biggestest reptile is the   reptile is the  TheThe bigg saltwater crocodile. saltwater crocodile. Size: 4­7 m Size: 4­7 m Weight: 408 kg Weight: 408 kg 1metre 1metre

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Part II Part II

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
1.We use  moremore  for the  for the  1.We use comparative of longer adjectives: comparative of longer adjectives: iintnteerreeststiing ­  ng ­ moremore interesting interesting bbeaueauttiiffuul ­l ­ moremore beautiful beautiful

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
2.We use mostmost to form the   to form the  2.We use  superlative of longer adjectives. superlative of longer adjectives. interesting interesting moremore interesting  interesting thethe mm oo ss tt interesting interesting

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Look at these pictures and  Look at these pictures and  say which cartoon is the most say which cartoon is the most interesting for you. interesting for you.

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Remember!!! Remember!!! good ­ better  good ­ better ­­ the best the best bad ­ worse  bad ­ the worst worse ­­ the worst

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Your hometask: Напишите 5 предложений  используйте все степени  сравнения .

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
Thank you for the  lesson! Good bye!

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
cat &cat & kittens kittens goldfish goldfish rabbits rabbits guinea guinea pigpig hamster hamster budgie budgie dog & dog & puppies puppies tortoise tortoise parrot parrot pony pony

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
strong strong weakweak

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
tall tall short short

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
slowslow fast fast

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
beautiful beautiful uglyugly

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
small small bigbig

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
funny funny boring boring

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
oldold newnew

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
easyeasy difficult difficult

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".

Presentation by English by theme: " The degrees of comparatives".
clean clean dirtydirty
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