Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Оценка 4.7

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
Детсад—6 кл
Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
In this presentation there are explanations how tag questions are formed and how are they using in orally speech. After explanations there is test for checking pupils understanding of new theme "Tag questions". This visual aid is very intresting and useful.Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Tag quest-s.ppt

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Presentation for the students  Presentation for the students  of the 4­6thth form form of the 4­6 The teacher: Tulepbergenova. R. The teacher: Tulepbergenova. R.

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Sometimes a simple statement Sometimes a simple statement is too short and does not help the is too short and does not help the conversation to develop in ain a   conversation to develop  friendly way.. friendly way You’re Ted’s You’re Ted’s sister. sister. The other person does not  The other person does not  know what to say. know what to say.

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
a tag to the end of  to the end of We can add a tag We can add  the statement so that it becomes the statement so that it becomes a question. a question. r r ’ s ’ s . . i g h t i g h t t h a t t h a t i s m y b r o t h e r i s m y b r o t h e r . . You’re Ted’s You’re Ted’s sister, aren’t aren’t sister, youyou?? Y e s , Y e s , T e d T e d

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Tags are formed using helping  Tags are formed using helping  ) or a modal. verbs (dodo, , bebe, , havehave) or a modal. verbs ( Elvis waswas born in born in Elvis wasn’t he? America, wasn’t he? America, likes skateboarding, skateboarding, Bart likes Bart doesn’t he?? doesn’t he

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
A positive statement has a  A positive statement has a  negative tag, and expects the  , and expects the  negative tag answer YesYes.. answer  You agree with me, , You agree with me don’t you?? don’t you Yes, we do. Yes, we do.

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
A negative statement has a  A negative statement has a  positive tag, and expects the  , and expects the  positive tag answer NoNo.. answer  You haven’t washed the You haven’t washed the floor yet, , have you have you?? floor yet No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t.

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Tags with willwill can be used after   can be used after  Tags with  imperatives. imperatives. Don’t stay there till Don’t stay there till midnight, will you will you?? midnight, Try on this shoe, Try on this shoe, will you?? will you

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
Let’s …Let’s … has a tag formed with   has a tag formed with  shall.. shall Let’s have dinner, Let’s have dinner, shall we?? shall we Let’s go shopping, Let’s go shopping, shall we?? shall we

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
-- isn’t he?he? 10,isn’t -- isn’t good at Maths, good at Maths, ++ 1.He isis 10, 1.He 2.Kitty isn’t 2.Kitty ++ isis she? she?

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
3.We areare in the fifth form, in the fifth form, 3.We aren’t we?we? aren’t 4.The children aren’t 4.The children areare they? they? 5.I 5.I am not !!!!I I amam busy busy now, now, greedy,amam I?I? aren’t I?I? aren’t aren’t here, here, am not greedy,

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
6. My brother cancan 6. My brother ski very well, ski very well, can’t he?? can’t he 7. Pam hadhad toto do her do her 7. Pam homework at school, homework at school, didn’t she?? didn’t she

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
hasn’t gotgot a rubber, a rubber, 8.Bob hasn’t 8.Bob hashas he?he? 9.She’ss gotgot a sharpener, a sharpener, 9.She’ hasn’t she? she? hasn’t !!!!!! We We havehave 7 lessons today, 7 lessons today, don’t we?we? don’t

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
doesn’t playplay basketball, basketball, She doesn’t She does she? she? does Nancy playplayss football very football very Nancy doesn’t she? she? well,well,doesn’t

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
laugheded yesterday, yesterday, He He laugh didn’t he?he? didn’t didn’t cry cry yesterday, yesterday, He He didn’t diddid he?he?

Presentation by english for the students of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".

Presentation by english for the students  of the 4-6th form "Tag questions".
!!!Remember !!!Remember There isis nono book here, book here, There isis there? there? never sings She never sings songs, songs, She she? does she? does never laugh We We never dodo we?we? laugh at him, at him,
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