1) Selfridges- маркет ( базар )
2) department stores- отделы
3) employers- служащие
4) escolator- эсколатор
5) Marks and Spenser’s- магазин
одежд по низкой цене
6) corner shop- магазин
7) higher street shop- торговый центр
8) online shopping -покупка через
9) shopping mall- покупка при
Match the key words with
these pricez
• € 1,230,00
• £ 1,099,00
• $ 300,00
• $ 950,00
• € 050,00
• £ 520,00
• 040,00 p
• € 650,00
• 050,00 c.
• UK: five pounds twenty,
• forty pence,
• ten pounds ninety-nine.
• US: three dollars,
• fifty cents,
• nine dollars fifty.
• EU: six euros fifty,
• fifty cents,
• twelve euros thirty.
Complete the sentences using the
words in bracket (shopping malls,
local shop, traditional shops,
shopping on the Internet, corner
1. _________ will be like leisure centres.
2.Small __________ won’t disappear.
3. People won’t visit “________” shops to
try on clothes.
4. We will do most of our shopping on
5. My Mum asked me to buy some eggs