Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Химия как наука"
Оценка 4.6

Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Химия как наука"

Оценка 4.6
Презентации учебные
английский язык +1
Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Химия как наука"
Презентация предназначена для преподавания Иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности
Химия как наука.pptx

Химия - главный предмет студентов-фармацевтов

Химия - главный предмет студентов-фармацевтов

Химия - главный предмет студентов-фармацевтов








Чтение тематического текста

Чтение и закрепление названий
химических элементов

Запомните следующие слова и словосоетания 1

Запомните следующие слова и словосоетания 1

1. Запомните следующие слова и словосоетания
1. Learn the following words and word combinations.

acid ['æsid] кислота
atom ['ætǝm] aтом
base [beis] основа, луг
carbohydrate [ka boo haidreit] углевод
compound ["kompaond] сложный; смесь;
electron [i lektron] електрон
element [ elimǝnt] элемент
enzyme ['enzaim] Фермент
ion [aiǝn] иoн
lipid [ lipid] липид
mixture [miksǝ] смесь, микстура

molecule [mplikju:l] молекула
neutron ['nju:tron] нейрон
organic [о: gænik] opгaнический
pH [preitf] водный показатель
protein [prǝuti:n] белок
proton [prǝuton] протон
solute [sv lju:t] раствор, растворенное вещество
solution [sa'lu: ( )n] раствор
solvent ['splvǝnt] растворитель
suspension (sas penfn] суспензия
matter ['matǝ] вещество: материя
absorption [ab so:pf(ǝn] абсорбция,
всасывание, впитывание
excretion [iks kri: (ǝ)n) виделение

Read the text.

Read the text.

2. Read the text.

Chemistry, Matter, and Life

Chemistry is the science that deals with the composition of matter. Knowledge of chemistry and chemical changes helps us to understand the normal and abnormal functioning of the body and its parts. The main processes are based on chemical principles. Chemistry is important in microbiology and pharmacology. Atoms, molecules, elements, compounds, and mixtures are fundamental units of matter.

Atoms are the basic units of matter that make up various elements on the Earth. Everything about us, everything we can see and touch, is made of atoms - the food we eat, the atmosphere, water in rivers, seas and oceans.

Each atom has a definite structure. At the center of an atom there is a nucleus with positively charged protons and noncharged neutrons. Outside the nucleus in orbitals there are negatively charged electrons (Fig. 2-1).

Atoms are fundamental units that make up the chemical elements from which all matter is made. The entire universe is made up of about 105 elements. Elements can be identified by their names, symbols, or their atomic numbers.

The atomic number is equal to the number of protons that are presenting the nucleus (the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons).

Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Химия как наука"

Презентация для студентов очно- заочной формы обучения медицинского колледжа по специальности "Фармация" по теме "Химия как наука"

When, on the basis of electron structure, two or more atoms unite, a molecule is formed

When, on the basis of electron structure, two or more atoms unite, a molecule is formed

When, on the basis of electron structure, two or more atoms unite, a molecule is formed. For example, a molecule of water contains 1 atom of oxygen and 2 atoms of hydrogen (Fig. 2-2).
Substances that contain molecules formed by the union of two or more different atoms are called compounds. These combinations may be simple and very complex.

Water is the most necessary compound in the body. No plant or animal, including human, can live very long without water.

It is very important to all physiologic processes in body tissues. Water carries substances to and from the cells and makes possible the essential processes of absorption, exchange, secretion and excretion. Why it is so important:

C and doesn't boil until the temperature rises to 100°C), -it participates in chemical reactions that occur in the cells

C and doesn't boil until the temperature rises to 100°C), -it participates in chemical reactions that occur in the cells

it is the universal solvent (it dissolves minerals, nutrients and gases). it is a stable liquid (it doesn't freeze until the temperature falls to 0°C and doesn't boil until the temperature rises to 100°C),

-it participates in chemical reactions that occur in the cells. Not all elements or compounds combine chemically when brought together The air we breathe consists of gases nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and their proportions in the air may vary. The blood plasma also consists of various components. Such combinations are called muxtures-blends of two or more substances Solution is substance (solute) remains evenly distributed in a solvent (e.g. salt in water,

glucose in water)

Suspension is a dispersion of fine solid or liquid particles in a fluid, the particles being supported by buoyancy (e.g. red blood cells in plasma, milk of magnesia, india ink). Colloidal suspension forms when the particles do not dissolve but remain suspended (e.g. cytoplasm, blood plasma).

An acid is a chemical substance capable of donating a hydrogen ion (H) to another substance A common example is HCI (hydrochloric acid, found in the stomach



A base is a chemical substance usually containing a hydroxide ion (OH) that can accept a hydrogen ion

A base is a chemical substance usually containing a hydroxide ion (OH) that can accept a hydrogen ion

A base is a chemical substance usually containing a hydroxide ion (OH) that can accept a hydrogen ion

A reaction between an acid and a base produces salt:

HCI+ NaOH - NaCl + H.O.

Acids, bases and salts are chemical compounds. In the body there are also organic compounds: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen containing. The main types of them are carbohydrates, fats and proteins
Carbohydrates are the simple sugars called monosaccharides [monac sæka raidz] Examples of carbohydrates in the body are the glucose that circulates in the blood as a food for the cell and a storage form of glucose called glycogen [glaikaudzǝn]
Fats, or lipids, are also a store of energy in the body They provide insulation and protection for the body organs All proteins contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, they may also have sulfur and phosphorus. Proteins are composed of building blocks called amino [a'mainɔo] acids. About twenty different amino acids are found in the body. An important group of proteins is enzymes. Enzymes function as catalysts in hundreds of reactions that occur in metabolism. A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a reaction but is not changed or used up in that reaction. Examples of them are: amylase, lipase, oxidase.

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions

Exercise 7. Answer the following questions.

9.__________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

1 What science is chemistry?

2 What are atoms and what is known of their

3. What chemical elements do you know?

4 Why is water so important to life?

5 What is the difference between a mixture and
a compound?

6. You dissolve a teaspoon of sugar in a cup of tea.
Which is a solute? A solvent?

7. What are organic compounds and what elements are found in all of them?

8. What type of organic compounds are enzymes?

9. What are proteins? Fats? Carbohydrates?

Exercise 6. Translate into English

Exercise 6. Translate into English

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Протоны – это положительно заряженные частицы.

2. Нейтроны – это нейтральные частицы ядра.

3. Электроны это отрицательно заряженные
доли на энергетических уровнях вокруг ядра.

4. Соединения- это сочетание разных атомов.

5. Микстура – это смесь нескольких веществ.


Exercise 4. Find English equivalents of the

Exercise 4. Find English equivalents of the

Exercise 4. Find English equivalents of the Latin words, give Ukrainian translation.

9.__________________________ 10.__________________________

atomus, 1, f
structura, ae, f
celula, ac, f
solutio, onis, f
sulfur, uris, n
oxygenium, ac, f
hydrogenium, i, n
phosphorus, 1, m
simplex, icis
compositus, a, um mixtura, ac, f
saccharum, i, n

Atoms Molecules Elements Compounds

Atoms Molecules Elements Compounds





blends of 2 or more substances.

combinations of different atoms. basic units of

combinations of 2 or more atoms. substances
that cannot be changed into something else.

a chemical substance capable of donating a
hydrogen ion (H+)

a chemical substance resulting from a reaction
between an acid and a base

a chemical substance containing a hydroxide
ion (OH-)

an organic catalyst

Comlete the sentenses

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words:

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words:

Exercise 2. Read and translate the following words:

Periodic [piǝri'odik],_______________________
hydrogen ['haidrǝdzǝn],___________________
carbon ['ka:bon],_________________________
nitrogen ['naitrǝdzǝn], ____________________
iodine ['aiǝdi:n],__________________________
concentration [,konsǝnt'reifn],_______________
ion [aion], _______________________
oxygen ['oksidzǝn], _____________________
phosphorus ["fosfǝrǝs],___________________
chlorine ['klori:n], ________________________
potassium [po'tæsjem], ___________________
calcium ['kælsiǝm],_______________________
human ['hju:mən],________________________
total ['toutl], _____________________________
sodium ['sǝudjǝm],_______________________
protein ['prauti:n], ________________________
bicarbonate [bai'ka:bǝnit], _________________
ammonium [ə'moʊnjem],___________________
phosphate [fosfeit] _______________________
sulphate ['sAlfeit] ________________________

dioxide [dai'oksaid] ________________
metal ['metl], _____________________
molecular [mao lekjulǝ] _____________
molecule ['molikju:1] _______________
organic [3:'gænik], _________________
lithium ['li0iom], ___________________
magnesium [mæg ni:zjam),__________
bromine ['brǝumi:n] ________________
liquid ['likwid]_____________________
component [kəm paunǝnt] ___________
mixture ['mikstfǝ] __________________
practical ['præktikǝl] ________________
caustic soda ['ko:stik'sǝodǝ], ________________________________
sulphur ["salfǝ].____________________

Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening

Thank you for listening

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