Презентация "English food"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация "English food"

Оценка 4.7
Видео +5
английский язык
7 кл—11 кл
Презентация "English food"
Презентация English food подходит для старших классов.Содержит полезный лингвострановедческий материал по теме Еда. Есть задания на перевод и чтение (рецепт популярного блюда у англичан), а также задание на фразовые глаголы.Конечно,более опытные коллеги найдут недочеты в моей работе.Но я сделала так,что ,если мою работу скачают и воспользуются ею на уроке.Учитель может как бы дополнить презентацию .То есть ,добавить свои задания.Ну к примеру кроссворд по теме и пр.Также материал содержит ссылки на видео по теме "English food"
Презентация Microsoft PowerPoint (2).pptx



Учитель английского языка
ГБОУ «ООШ № 1 с.п. Кантышево им.Осмиева Х.С»
10.01.2023 г


Today we’ll: Speak about English traditional food

Today we’ll: Speak about English traditional food

Today we’ll: Speak about English traditional food Queen Elizabeth II's favorite food Learn some idioms and proverbs and do some exercises watch 2 videos Are you ready? Let’s go!

English proverbs about food Half a loaf is better than none-

English proverbs about food Half a loaf is better than none-

English proverbs about food

Half a loaf is better than none- Полбуханки – лучше, чем ничего. Лучше получить немного пудинга, чем вообще не получить пирога.

First catch your rabbit and then make your stew -

First catch your rabbit and then make your stew -

First catch your rabbit and then make your stew-Сначала поймай кролика, а потом уже сделай из него рагу.

After meat comes mustard- После ужина горчица

After meat comes mustard- После ужина горчица

After meat comes mustard-
После ужина горчица.

Big … Guess the idioms from the pictures

Big … Guess the idioms from the pictures

Big …

Guess the idioms from the pictures




To be full of…

To be full of…

To be full of…

To buy…

To buy…

To buy…

One of the favorite dishes of Queen

One of the favorite dishes of Queen

"One of the favorite dishes of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain is shrimp in pots on toasted bread. However, most of all the monarch loves sweets. Her Majesty will always approve of everything on the menu related to chocolate," Darren McGrady, the former head chef at the court of the British monarch, wrote in his book "Dining Royally: Recipes and Memories from the royal cuisine."




traditional english food https://youtu.be/AeDco_eYzyI

traditional english food https://youtu.be/AeDco_eYzyI

traditional english food https://youtu.be/AeDco_eYzyI

Презентация "English food"

Презентация "English food"

We need: Ingredients: cod fillet – 400 g; fresh potatoes – 500 g; dark beer – 220 ml; wheat flour – 200 g; vegetable oil…

We need: Ingredients: cod fillet – 400 g; fresh potatoes – 500 g; dark beer – 220 ml; wheat flour – 200 g; vegetable oil…

We need:
Ingredients: cod fillet – 400 g; fresh potatoes – 500 g; dark beer – 220 ml; wheat flour – 200 g; vegetable oil – 220 ml; soda – 0.5 tsp; salt, black pepper – to taste

Cooking method: Prepare batter – sift flour, mix with salt and soda, gradually introduce a strongly chilled beer

Cooking method: Prepare batter – sift flour, mix with salt and soda, gradually introduce a strongly chilled beer

Cooking method: Prepare batter – sift flour, mix with salt and soda, gradually introduce a strongly chilled beer. Mix thoroughly until the lumps disappear, leave for 20-30 minutes under the lid. Wash the potatoes, peel, and cut into strips of the same length and thickness. After slicing, soak the pieces in cold water (to remove excess starch), and dry.

Fry in boiling oil at 180 °C using a deep fryer or frying pan and a slotted spoon

Fry in boiling oil at 180 °C using a deep fryer or frying pan and a slotted spoon

Fry in boiling oil at 180 °C using a deep fryer or frying pan and a slotted spoon. After frying, put it on parchment paper to remove excess fat. Then add salt and keep in the oven for 3-5 minutes. Cut the fish fillets into portions, roll in flour and batter, fry until a crust appears. After frying, put it on a napkin to remove excess oil. Combine fish and potatoes, serve fish and chips hot, with a vegetable side dish and sauce.

Cut the fish fillets into portions, roll in flour and batter, fry until a crust appears

Cut the fish fillets into portions, roll in flour and batter, fry until a crust appears

Cut the fish fillets into portions, roll in flour and batter, fry until a crust appears. After frying, put it on a napkin to remove excess oil. Combine fish and potatoes, serve fish and chips hot, with a vegetable side dish and sauce.

Презентация "English food"

Презентация "English food"

Презентация "English food"

Презентация "English food"

ИСТОЧНИКИ Яндекс. Картинки Яндекс

ИСТОЧНИКИ Яндекс. Картинки Яндекс

ИСТОЧНИКИ Яндекс. Картинки Яндекс. Дзен

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