I worry about our environment very much. In recent years the number of environmental problems has increased greatly. One of the most dangerous problems for our planet is global warming which means that most climates all over the world are changing and getting warmer.
Many rare species of flora and fauna are threatened with extinction.
The disappearance of some species is the result of the pollution air, land and water.
An environmental problem is a serious problem
The price for rapid industrial development is very high: natural resources are exhausted, the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed.
One of the effects of air pollution is acid rain
Radioactive materials from nuclear weapons could cause serious damage to environment
The problem of environmental protection
There are some anti-pollution organizations. The most famous of them is Green peace. The mass media often campaign against different acts of polluting nature. Numerous anti-pollution acts are passed in different countries.
Green Peace is an international environmental organization which fights against the pollution of the environment. It was founded in 1969 by a group of Canadian environmentalists.
Activities related to nature conservation and environmental protection in Russia are also carried out by:*Association "Green Cross"*organization "Bellona"*International Ecological Union*Wildlife Fund*International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
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