Презентация к уроку "Проблемы экологии"
Оценка 5

Презентация к уроку "Проблемы экологии"

Оценка 5
Презентации учебные
английский язык
Презентация к уроку "Проблемы экологии"
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Урок английского языка в 8 А классе на тему «Проблемы экологии»


Учитель английского языка Лебедева Л.А.

МБОУ «Черлакская гимназия»


Тема урока:      “ Еnvironmental problems


Цель: развитие навыков читательской грамотности  учащихся путём вовлечения их в активную речевую деятельность, способствующую пониманию и восприятию прочитанного, развитию языковой памяти, воображения, интуитивного и логического мышления,  творческого использования приобретённых УУД



Образовательные: проверить сформированность навыков и умений  в чтении, по теме урока.

Развивающие: развивать механизм языковой догадки, формировать языковые, интеллектуальные и познавательные способности.

Воспитательные: формировать бережное отношение к окружающей природе

 Оборудование: презентация, видеофильм, раздаточный материал (текст, карточки с заданиями ,  «Карта успешности учащегося»)


Ход урока

I. Оргмомент  (3 мин)

Warming up activity

T: Good morning, children! ( лексика классного обихода) Today in our lesson we’ll discuss a very important problem, may be the most important problem for our planet and the people living on it.

T: Let’s watch video

После просмотра T: Did you guess what the topic of our lesson is? -  Ps: Ecological problems


(Подготовить психологически учащихся к общению на уроке.

Включение детей в деятельность на личностно-значимом уровне.)

II. Введение в сюжет урока 

(Обеспечить мотивацию и подготовку учащихся к активной познавательной деятельности и актуализировать опорные знания по изучаемой теме)

A). Определение темы урока (развитие догадки: с помощью взаимодействия учеников и учителя выйти на проблемный вопрос и формулирование темы и цели урока; динамичное включение  учащихся в иноязычную атмосферу урока, пробуждение их интереса к теме урока.)

 Постановка учебной задачи путем актуализации уже имеющихся у учеников знания по данной теме.

T: We should answer the following three   what-questions:( на доске)




T: And now try to suppose what  should we do to answer these questions?


Ps: I think we should(  на доске)

-  revise topical vocabulary

-  discuss problems

-  practice English

practice reading

III. Актуализация изученной лексики

Повторение изученной тематической лексики. (Фронтальная работа). (2 мин)     

   ( слова на слайде)

окружающая среда                                       бедствие                 

быть загрязнённым                                       тревожное предупреждение

химические отходы                               научные исследования                                         опасные технологии   

переработка                                                  упаковка

разрушение, уничтожение                           использованная бумага

запрещать                                                      выбрасывать

решать проблему                                          мусор 

живая природа                                              люди   

исчезающие животные


T:  I 'd like you to read the text Ознакомление с новыми словами. Снятие языковой трудности.( тексты с новыми словами в раздатке)

to give support –  поддерживать

foam - пена

treasures- богатства

to cause – быть причиной

Чтение текста  ( 4 минуты)

What is this text about?

Where do you think this information comes from?

Yes, You are right. A lot of different  scientists took part in this conference.

Task1 Try to guess What  scientists presented  this information in these texts? ( 2 мин)

1.      Biologists         ( на слайде)   ( взаимопроверка)                                              

2.      Geographers

3.      Mathematicians

4.      Historians

5.      Ecologists

6.      Medical staff

7.       Inhabitants of the city

8.       Ecologists




       3.Inhabitants of the city

       4.Medical staff





    Tfsk 2 Find the main idea (problem) in each text. ( работа в парах - взаимопроверка) ( 3 мин)


   1.disappearing (of animals)

   2. people don’t think about the pollution

   3. A lot of rubbish everywhere

   4.building of  National Parks

   5. people should be eco-friendly

   6. people pollute  themselves

   7. people don’t recycle wastes

   8. Scientists’ alarming predictions


Task3  T: In what  texts can you find the answer to the questions? (индивидуально, фронтально)   (3 мин)

1.Why have many species of birds and animals disappeared?

2.What is the air polluted by?

3.Are rivers polluted?

4.Why are forests disappearing all over the world?

5.Can we see pollution at the seaside?

6.People are in danger, aren’t they?


Task4 In what texts can we find information about  peoples’  treatment  to the environment  some years ago  and today?


Тексты №1, 5, 7


Task5 Find synonyms to  the words and phrases from the text -работа  в группах ( на слайде прав. Ответ)  ( 3 мин)



            Words                    t



                        have died


                atmosphere is polluted


                  ecological problems

special places for getting new things from the old ones

                 young trees are damaged

                to make dirty

                  no fish in the rivers





              inhabitants   -            human beings,

have died              -  have disappeared

               garbage-                  rubbish

Atmosphere is polluted -   the environment is polluted

               deforestation  -        cutting down trees

ecological problems    - environmental problems

special places for getting new things from the old ones -                                    recycling centers

 young trees are damaged- seedlings are damaged

              to make dirty          - to pollute

no fish in the rivers     - are empty of fish


Task6  Find sentences which show that our planet is very nice and rich ( работа в группах   )


     Find sentences which show that  people behave badly to the environment

     Find sentences which show that  people  don’t think about their health (4 мин)


Ответ:   1. It’s a wonderful world we live in.

               For thousands of years the earth has given support to all forms of life - human

               beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants.     

               There are a lot of wonderful treasures in the world.

               Tourists take photos, admire   beautiful landscapes but they don’t think about

               troubles, dangers and pollution.

               2. The rivers that used to be full of fish - are empty of fish now.

               The forests are disappearing, people cut down trees because they need wood

                and paper.

                All over the world people have built plants, factories and power stations, which

                produce chemical wastes and throw it away in the environment.

                A lot of people travel by cars and motor cars, leave rubbish in the places of their

                picnics and they don’t always think about air pollution, pollution of rivers, lakes,

               meadows and forests.


                3. We live among the litter and waste which we have created ourselves.

                 They pollute themselves with cigarettes, аlcohol and junk food.

                  Doing simple mathematical calculation, we see that the amount of rubbish thrown

                 into the environment is shocking!


Рефлексия (2 мин)

T: So, you have read the texts, What are the most serious environmental problems

P:  The most serious environment problems are pollution in its many forms, destruction of wildlife.  Контроль грамматических навыков.

Отвечая на вопрос «WHAT MUST PEOPLE DO TO SAVE THE ERTH?», учащиеся используют в речи условные предложения. (Работа с карточками в группах, взаимопроверка)


Task7 Translate sentences from Russian into English using conditional sentences( work in pairs) (3 -4 мин)


1.Если бы люди вырубали меньше лесов, воздух был бы чистым и свежим.

2.Если бы люди  не загрязняли наши реки и озёра, они были бы полны рыбы.

3.Если бы  люди  сажали больше новых лесов, мы бы спасли диких животных.

4. Если бы  люди не загрязнили планету, многие виды животных не исчезли бы.


     (Правильный ответ на слайде)

1.      If people cut down less forests, the air would be clean and fresh

2.      If people didn’t pollute our rivers and lakes, they would be full of fish

3.      If people planted more forests, we would safe wild animals

4.      If people didn’t pollute the planet, a lot of animals wouldn’t disappear


Task8 What can you do to safe  the environment?   ( 3  мин)

I  CAN…   


 Заключительный этап урока.  Рефлексия. Подведение итогов. Домашнее задание.

(Достигнуты ли цели урока? Чему научились на уроке, что больше всего понравилось, с какими трудностями столкнулись?)

1). Now it's time to sum up and to answer the questions of our lessons.

The aim of our lesson was to answer the following three   what-questions, so

Have we reached the aim?

What have you learned today?

What did you like to do best of all?


2). Оценивание ответов учащихся

T: I would like to thank you for your work in the lesson and your answers.

And your marks are…

3).Your home task is to write an essay “What would you do for  the environment if you were the President of our country?”                   

 Student self-assessment sheet

Дата ____________ класс________  ФИО ____________



№ Task



Your mark

№ 1 TEXT (logical order of scientists)




TEXT(the main idea (problem) in each paragraph
















1 point  for each correct answer   28-34 p.- «5»   21-27 p.- «4»  14-20 p. « 3»( на доске)


 1. It’s a wonderful world we live in. For thousands of years the earth has given support to all forms of life - human beings, animals, birds, fishes, insects and plants. But now human beings are killing our planet.   Many species of animals and birds have disappeared. Millions of animals die every year, because man polluted their natural homes. The rivers that used to be full of fish - are empty of fish now. In some rivers you can see thick foam caused by chemical wastes. The forests are disappearing, people cut down trees because they need wood and paper. Seedlings are damaged. Damage and pollution cause great harm to the environment. If people hadn’t thrown away so much rubbish, the Earth would have been safe now.

       2. There are a lot of wonderful treasures in the world. Hundreds of thousand tourists come to them every year. Tourists take photos, admire   beautiful landscapes but they don’t think about troubles, dangers and pollution. Time is running out and beautiful places may become dangerous places. All over the world people have built plants, factories and power stations, which produce chemical wastes and throw it away in the environment.  A lot of people travel by cars and motor cars, leave rubbish in the places of their picnics and they don’t always think about air pollution, pollution of rivers, lakes, meadows and forests. If people didn’t throw away tons of rubbish they wouldn’t have so many environmental problems now.

       3. European family with two children throws away  50 kilos of paper and  60 kilos of plastic, that means that one person throws away 12 kilos of paper and 15 kilos of plastic. It is also known that every person throws away 70 food cans and 70 drink cans. According to  my mathematical  calculation  - the class of 25 students throws away 300 kilos of paper, 375 kilos of plastic,  1,890 food cans and as well as   drink cans.

It is known that every year in Russia each person produces about 57 kilos of plastic waste. It means that Russia with its population of 146, 804, 372   people produces  8, 367, 849, 204 eight billion three hundred sixty seven million eight hundred forty nine thousand two hundred and four  tons of plastic waste every year!  Doing simple mathematical calculation, we see that the amount of rubbish thrown into the environment is shocking!

       4. So to change the situation to the best people in the USA started up the first national park it was Yellowstone in eighteen seventy two (1872). After that national parks appeared in many other countries. Nowadays there are 41 national parks in Russia. Among them “Losinyi Ostrov” in Sochi, “Samarskaya Luka”, “Mariy Cherda”, Pribaltiisky and  Zabaikalsky national parks, “Prielbrusye”, “Bashkiriya”, “Russkaya Antarktika” and others.

      5. In the Soviet Union only paper was used for packaging, glass cans and bottles were carefully collected and reused. There were no polythene packets, plastic cans and bottles. The number of houses was less and less forests were cut down for wood. People were more eco-friendly. We are not against progress and human activity in developing industry, but we should be well-educated, clever and careful.

      6. We live among the litter and waste which we have created ourselves. People don’t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarettes, alcohol and junk food.

      7.  People say that in the Soviet Union several times a year pioneers competed in collecting waste paper and scrap   metal which were taken to recycling centers. But today in the country side it remains in the fields and on the roadsides unless the people who live nearby pick it up. It can kill or hurt farm animals.

       8. These are the most serious environmental problems. And it’s no good pretending they don’t exist – they do. What’s more, they are getting worse all the time! What will happen if we don’t try to solve these problems? Scientists have made predictions and they are alarming.




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Урок английского языка в 8 А классе на тему «Проблемы экологии»

Урок английского языка в 8 А классе на тему «Проблемы экологии»

T : I 'd like you to read the text

T : I 'd like you to read the text

People are in danger, aren’t they?

People are in danger, aren’t they?

Рефлексия (2 мин) T: So, you have read the texts,

Рефлексия (2 мин) T: So, you have read the texts,

It’s a wonderful world we live in

It’s a wonderful world we live in
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