New words
Guard [gɑːd] охрана, охранять
Beefeater [ˈbiːfiːtə] бифитер
Armed forces [ɑːmd ˈfɔːsɪz] вооруженные силы
The Yeoman Warders [ðiː ˈjəʊmən warders] стражники
Raven [reɪvn] ворон
Date back to [deɪt bæk tuː] восходит к
Bodyguard [ˈbɒdɪgɑːd] телохранитель
Prisoner [ˈprɪznə] заключенный
One of their main ceremonial functions is the daily Ceremony of the Keys. In this ceremony the gates of the Tower of London are secured each night shortly before 10.00 pm by the Chief Yeoman Warder escorted by an armed guard of four men.
The ceremony has taken place over the same piece of ground, in war as well as peace, for about 700 years.
While their role is usually confined to the Tower of London, the Yeomen Warders do take part in one State ceremony. At Coronations, they form a guard of honour inside the annexe at Westminster Abbey.
The State dress uniforms of Yeomen Warders are almost identical to those of the Yeomen of the Guard, but the Yeomen of the Guard can be distinguished by their cross belts worn from the left shoulder.
For everyday duties, Yeomen Warders wear a dark blue and red undress uniform.
Explain the words
date back to
(phr v): begin (зарождаться, вос¬ходить к определённой эпохе) be guarded (v): be watched and protected (охраняться)
(n): а man who protects other people (телохранитель, охранник)
(n): work you have to do (обязанность) prisoner (n): a person who is kept in prison (уз ник)
formal occasion
(adj): easy to see (поразительный, впечатляющий, яркий)
(n): special set of clothes that people wear at work or school (форма)
(exp): a formal celebration such as weddings, anniversaries, state ceremonies (официальное событие)
(n): a black bird like a crow (ворон)
(n): a country's military people (во - оружённые силы)
(n): a person who shows tourists around (гид, экскурсовод)
Ex.6, p.31
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