Презентация "Молодое поколение"
Оценка 4.7

Презентация "Молодое поколение"

Оценка 4.7
Презентации учебные
английский язык
9 кл
Презентация "Молодое поколение"
Данная презентация рекомендуется для итогового занятия в 9 классе к разделу "Подростком бывают только раз в жизни" учебник Афанасьевой О.В. ,углубленный уровень
Молодое поколение Чурилова А.П..ppt

YOUNG GENERATION Is it easy to be a teenager?

YOUNG GENERATION Is it easy to be a teenager?


Is it easy to be
a teenager?

Презентация для 9 класса. Подготовила Чурилова А.П. г.Магнитогорск




When it comes to talk about young people, there are two opposing views. Some people believe that young generation is not as good as their parents used to be when they were at the same age.

At the same time there are those who regard the youth as the future of each nation and demand the government and society take into serious consideration their problems, interests and dreams.

Problems Being a teenager and having many friends both in

Problems Being a teenager and having many friends both in


Being a teenager and having many friends both in Russia and abroad, I would say that teens have generally the same problems regardless their nationality, religious beliefs and social status. One of the most alarming and eternal problems is a problem of generation gap. In other words, constant conflicts between youngsters and their parents result in lack of confidence and misunderstanding.

Parents often fail to understand that their child is living a difficult transition in his life becoming a youngster

Parents often fail to understand that their child is living a difficult transition in his life becoming a youngster

Parents often fail to understand that their child is living a difficult transition in his life becoming a youngster. He or she tries to acquire a personal point of view and expresses it more freely even in a rebellious way. In this situation adults should show more patience and understanding and find strength to solve conflicts without insulting their children.

Another issue that should be paid a close attention to is teens’ relationships with their peers

Another issue that should be paid a close attention to is teens’ relationships with their peers

Another issue that should be paid a close attention to is teens’ relationships with their peers. The majority of adults especially those who deal with teenagers on a daily basis cannot even imagine what difficulties face a boy or a girl when they try to fit with their peer group. Peer pressure is a common phenomenon which has two sides of the coin. By this I mean that no teens want to be rejected by their friends or classmates.

The problem is that all depends on the social environment the teenager grows up

The problem is that all depends on the social environment the teenager grows up

The problem is that all depends on the social environment the teenager grows up. If he is lucky enough to have good friends highly motivated to achieve their goals, he will be influenced in a positive way. However, I would like to confess that mostly teenagers are easier influenced in negative way by their peers and are pressurised into smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs and wasting their free time aimlessly visiting clubs. Clearly, it is evident that peer pressure has serious consequences on the future life of any teenager.

INTERESTS Personally, I am of the opinion that broad interests of teenagers can help them to cope with their problems

INTERESTS Personally, I am of the opinion that broad interests of teenagers can help them to cope with their problems


Personally, I am of the opinion that broad interests of teenagers can help them to cope with their problems. I mean that if you are really interested in something, you don’t have time to think of anything else. Enthusiastic teenagers who are keen on a hobby, sport or any creative activity have a more positive outlook on life and feel less disappointed and anxious about their life.

It goes without saying that the most common attribute of a modern teenager is a smart gadget equipped with a state-of-the art computer technology

It goes without saying that the most common attribute of a modern teenager is a smart gadget equipped with a state-of-the art computer technology

It goes without saying that the most common attribute of a modern teenager is a smart gadget equipped with a state-of-the art computer technology. I would not say that it is a new craze but teenagers are very advanced users of any technologies related to computers which have become part and parcel of their every-day life. Their relations with computer devices range from simple users surfing the net and participating in social pages to real computer guru designing sites and software.

DREAMS One ancient philosopher said that if a young man has a dream he has the future

DREAMS One ancient philosopher said that if a young man has a dream he has the future


One ancient philosopher said that if a young man has a dream he has the future. What are the dreams of modern teenagers? It is quite a difficult question to answer to. Dreams differ as much as people who make them. But still there are some which can be made by most teens.

Even if many adults believe that young generation thinks little of making a family, many youngsters realize how important is the issue of choosing a…

Even if many adults believe that young generation thinks little of making a family, many youngsters realize how important is the issue of choosing a…

Even if many adults believe that young generation thinks little of making a family, many youngsters realize how important is the issue of choosing a partner for making a family. Their personal experience of living in their parents’ family, which can be either positive or negative, makes them be more responsible while thinking of the marriage and making their own family. Even if teens do not discuss much their future family life, it does not mean that they do not dream of this.

To my mind, there is no teenager who would not dream of a successful career

To my mind, there is no teenager who would not dream of a successful career

To my mind, there is no teenager who would not dream of a successful career. The most strange and maybe sometimes very annoying thing about this is the fact that all teens dream about making a successful career in general but very few really know what they would really like to be in the future. Very often they follow wrongful advice of their parents and friends without a real wish. A wrongful choice results in frustration and disappointment. I strongly believe that any teenager should listen to his heart while choosing a future job. Choosing a profession according to the amount of money you get can be an attractive option. But what about personal satisfaction? I wish every teenager made the right career choice combining his personal interests with financial security.

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that belonging to a young generation is both exciting and responsible

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that belonging to a young generation is both exciting and responsible

In conclusion, it is necessary to say that belonging to a young generation is both exciting and responsible. It is one of the most exciting periods in people’s life full of memorable moments and serious decisions. Let young people have the right to live this time to the full achieving their goals with only small obstacles.

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