Can you read these words?
holiday- праздник
a festival [ˊfestɪvǝl]- фестиваль, праздник
to celebrate-праздновать
to decorate-украшать
to invite- приглашать
а present-подарок
to cook tasty dishes-готовить вкусные блюда
а ghost _привидение, призрак
a witch [wɪʧ]-колдунья, ведьма
a soul [sǝʊl]-душа
a pumpkin [ˊpʌmkɪŋ]-тыква
scary [ˊskeǝrɪ]-страшный
a stocking-чулок
Christmas is celebrated on the _____ (date). It is the time when Christians around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus. Most people are on holiday in the UK and stay at home with their family on Christmas day. Christmas Day is the favourite day for children. They wake up very early in the morning to find their _______(подарки) have been filled by Father Christmas
Christmas Day
People with romantic feelings for a particular person may send that person ______(открытки), _______(подарки) and text messages on ____________ (День Св. Валентина) Day. Pоpular gifts include chocolates and flowers.
Valentine's Day
Mothering Sunday, sometimes known as __________(День матери) Day, is held on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It is exactly three weeks before __________ (Пасха) Sunday and usually falls in the second half of _______(месяц март) or the beginning of _________(апрель).
Traditionally, people visited the church. People visit and take gifts to their mothers and grandmothers.
Mothering Sunday
Easter usually comes in the month of April. However, Easter can fall as early as March 22 or as late as April 25.
Many people use the day to_________ (украшать) Easter eggs, share chocolate eggs and participate in Easter egg competitions. Easter is the time for _________(праздники), _____________(фестивали).
Easter Sunday (Easter Day)
Big Egg Hunter
In London, found 200 Easter eggs made of fiberglass, each 76 cm in height Each has its own unique design. They created their best artists, designers, jewelers and fashion designers. Anyone for a small fee can join the search for the eggs, using a special card or a mobile application with prompts.
Auckland Waterfront
From the ________(19 й) Century to the present day, ___________(31 ое) October has increasingly acquired a reputation as a night on which ______(призрак), ________(ведьма), and fairies, are especially active. Halloween celebrations include costume parties where people dress as witches, ghosts, and animal figures associated with Halloween
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