Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса"Outstanding people: Inventors, Scientists and Explorers"
Оценка 4.8

Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса"Outstanding people: Inventors, Scientists and Explorers"

Оценка 4.8
Презентации учебные
английский язык
8 кл—11 кл
Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса"Outstanding people:  Inventors, Scientists and Explorers"
Презентация по английскому языку для учащихся 8 класса"Outstanding people: Inventors, Scientists and Explorers"
8 form - Outstanding people.pptx

Outstanding people: Inventors,

Outstanding people: Inventors,

Outstanding people:
Inventors, Scientists and Explorers

Learning Objectives Organise and present information clearly to others 8

Learning Objectives Organise and present information clearly to others 8

Learning Objectives Organise and present information clearly to others Give an opinion at discourse level on a wide range of general and curricular topics Interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities and plans for completing classroom tasks Understand specific information and detail in texts on a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives

Learners will be able to:
review information about scientists and explorers who changed the world
answer basic analysis questions
identify facts and details in the short texts
use skimming and scanning strategies
present clear and specific examples for a further developed conversation

Who are these people? What do they have in common?

Who are these people? What do they have in common?

Who are these people?
What do they have in common?

They are inventors, scientists and explorers who changed the world

They are inventors, scientists and explorers who changed the world

They are inventors, scientists and explorers who changed the world.

Marie Curie

Amelia Earhart


Michael DeBakey

Naguib Manfouz

Alexander Fleming

Match these occupations with the people in the pictures

Match these occupations with the people in the pictures

Match these occupations with the people
in the pictures.












Which occupation is shown twice?

is shown twice.


Have you seen a film “Amelia”?

Have you seen a film “Amelia”?

Have you seen
a film “Amelia”?

Now you will watch a trailer to this film.
Be ready to answer these questions while watching this trailer:
Why did she want to fly?
What nouns did the director of the trailer use to describe Amelia?
What adjectives would you choose to describe her character?

Are you ready to check answers on the texts?

Are you ready to check answers on the texts?

Are you ready to check answers on the texts?

When did Amelia Earhart make her first fly to the Atlantic ocean?
- She made her first fly in 1932.
2. What happened to her while this trip?
- She got lost and landed in a farmer’s field in Northern
3. What did the farmer ask when she got out of her plane?
- He asked her if she had come far.

Text 1

CHECK YOUR ANSWERS ! Who was Euclid? -

CHECK YOUR ANSWERS ! Who was Euclid? -


Who was Euclid?
- He was one of the most important teacher of all times.
2. What do you know about his work ‘The Elements’?
- Euclid’s most famous book on mathematics used all
over the world.
3. How long did he live?
- 60 years (325 BC – 265 BC)

Text 2

Check your answers! Text 3 What did

Check your answers! Text 3 What did

Check your answers!
Text 3

What did Michael’s mother teach him?
His mother taught him to sew.
2. Was it helpful? Why?
Perhaps it was helpful later when he performed
more than 60,000 heart operations.
3. What did another surgeon claim?
‘Dr DeBakey is a magician of the heart.’

Check your answers! Text 4 Where was

Check your answers! Text 4 Where was

Check your answers!
Text 4

Where was Marie Curie born?
She was born in Poland.

2. What did she work on?
She worked on radioactivity and early nuclear research.

3. Why did she die?
- She died of cancer of the blood.

Check your answers! Text 5 When did

Check your answers! Text 5 When did

Check your answers!
Text 5

When did Naguib Mahfouz win the Nobel Prize for Literature?
- He won the Nobel Prize in 1988.
2.Which Mahfouz’s book was very popular in both
Arabic and English?
- It was Cairo Trilogy.



Text 6

When did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin
in 1928.
What did he find in the dish when he returned after his holiday?
- He found a strange mould in the dish.

Why do we think that these people changed the world?

Why do we think that these people changed the world?

Why do we think that these people changed the world?
What would be if they didn’t do their inventions or research works?

Work in pairs.
Discuss the following questions.

Why do we think that these people changed the world? -

Why do we think that these people changed the world? -

Why do we think that these people changed the world?
- They made a lot to develop medicine, science, literature, education.
2. What would be if they didn’t do their inventions or research works?
- We wouldn’t have medicine, some people wouldn’t be operated on, we wouldn’t have the research works in radioactivity, etc.


Can you name other famous inventors, scientists and explorers?

Can you name other famous inventors, scientists and explorers?

Can you name other famous inventors, scientists and explorers?
What did they invent or explore?
Was it important for the world?
What was the impact of their inventions on the future?

Work in groups of three. Choose one famous scientist, inventor or explorer. Do your mini research. Find some information on these four questions. Present this information clearly to your classmates

Write about the most interesting thing or idea which you have learnt, have read or have known during this lesson

Write about the most interesting thing or idea which you have learnt, have read or have known during this lesson

Write about the most interesting thing or idea
which you have learnt, have read or have known
during this lesson.

5 minutes writing

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