Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight
Оценка 4.8

Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight

Оценка 4.8
Презентации учебные
английский язык
6 кл—11 кл +1
Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight
Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight
Презентация1 1.pptx

Getting around in London

Getting around in London

Getting around in London

What means of transport do you know?

What means of transport do you know?

What means of transport do you know?
How do you get to school?
Do you like to travel by car?
Can you ride a bike?
Do you use a metro when you go to school?
If you live in the city what would you prefer more a metro, a bus or a car? Why?

The topic of our lesson is …. Today we will talk about …

The topic of our lesson is …. Today we will talk about …

The topic of our lesson is ….
Today we will talk about ….
We will repeat the road rules.

Match the word and the word definition 1

Match the word and the word definition 1

Match the word and the word definition

1. Parking zone

a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.

2. Pedestrian

b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.

3. Zebra crossing

c) A sign on the road.

4. Traffic warden

d) An area which people use for walking.

5. Pavement

e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.

6. Traffic sign

f) A place where you can park a car.

When you are in the street what groups of people can you see?

When you are in the street what groups of people can you see?

When you are in the street what groups of people can you see?
Do you know the rules for them?

Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight

Презентация по теме "Getting arond in London" для 6 класса УМК Spotlight

Underground ['ʌndəgraund] метро

Underground ['ʌndəgraund] метро

Underground ['ʌndəgraund] метро
Black Cab [blæk kæb] черный кэб (такси в Лондоне)
Red Double–Decker Bus [red 'dʌbl dekə bʌs] красный автобус

Amber [ˈæm.bər] желтый (сигнал светофора)

Amber [ˈæm.bər] желтый (сигнал светофора)

Amber [ˈæm.bər] желтый (сигнал светофора)
City centre ['sɪtɪ 'sentə] центр города
Get around [get ə'raund] передвигаться
Journey ['ʤɜːnɪ] поездка
Luggage ['lʌgɪʤ] багаж
Room [ruːm] место, пространство
Tourist ['tuərɪst] турист
View [vjuː] вид

What colour is the train in the underground?

What colour is the train in the underground?

What colour is the train in the underground? What colour are the buses in London? What colour are the cabs?

Let’s watch a video

Let’s watch a video

Let’s watch a video

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