Презентация по теме "Those strange but terrific phrasal verbs!"

  • Презентации учебные
  • pptx
  • 15.01.2021
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Публикация в СМИ для учителей

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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

В презентации на тему "Those strange but terrific phrasal verbs" рассматриваются некоторые приемы работы по изучению и отработке довольно сложного пласта английского языка - фразовых глаголов. Представлены видео фрагменты, где звучат фразовые глаголы. Предложенные упражнения можно использовать как для фронтальной, так и для индивидуальной или парной форм работы.
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Those strange but terrific phrasal verbs!

Zhguleva N.V.
secondary school №21


  1. verb + noun

2. verb + adverb

3. verb + preposition

4. verb + pronoun

5. verb + adverb + preposition

From the presented word combinations, select those that relate to phrasal verbs:  

Some tips on learning phrasal verbs

Do not rush for quantity. It is enough to learn and practice just 5 phrasal verbs, but daily.

Pay attention not only to the translation but to the meaning of a phrasal verb as well.
Thus you will be able to understand which verb is more suitable in this or that situation.

Carefully study the examples of the sentences with phrasal verbs. So you can understand
how to use those verbs correctly.

It is highly recommended to think of your own sentences with phrasal verbs. Create as
many as you can.

Devote your time to watching English films with subtitles, reading simple articles in English magazines or adapted books. And the best way of learning phrasal verbs (and the language in general) is online communication with native speakers.

It is also necessary to combine phrasal verbs on a specific topic (e.g. Food, Travelling,
Clothes, Family, Business, Ecology etc.). So verbs complement each other and the result
is much better.

Types of exercises (Типы тренировочных упражнений)

На соответствие дефиниции и значения ФГ
На восстановление пропущенных компонентов
На восстановление порядка слов
Решение пропорций с синонимами
На множественный выбор одного из компонентов
Ответы на вопросы с использованием ФГ
Составление и решение кроссвордов
Составление словаря ФГ
Написание словарной статьи

Excuse me ! How can I find a way to the nearest post office ?

Excuse me ! How can I get to the nearest post office ?

When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who I’ve always had a good relationship with, began criticizing me unfairly.

When I returned home late yesterday, my mother, who I’ve always got on well with, began getting at me.

I’ve always wanted to start learning Chinese but can never find any time.

I’ve always wanted to start learning Chinese but can never get round to it.

I have very little money ! How can I manage to live on it ?

I have very little money ! How can I get by on it ?

Change the words in parentheses for the desired synonyms using
the phrasal verb “go” and one of the following prepositions:
down with, off, with, up, after, through.

1. The dog went … the kitten. (chased)


2. Does this pink shirt go … my blue trousers? (match)


3. The cheese smells awful. It’s probably gone … . (spoiled)


4. Jane went … the flu yesterday, so she didn’t go to school. (became ill)

down with

5. Laura is unhappy. She is going … a very difficult time. (experiencing)


6. The price of petrol has gone … again. (increased)


1. When you don’t know a word, … it … in a



2. If you want to keep your book neat, … it.



3. A lot of children ….   summer holidays
to read interesting books.

look forward to

4. To have an idea of a book you should … it … .



Complete the sentences. Choose from the list : look forward to, look after, to look ahead, look up, look through, look into, look out, look back.

Complete the sentences. Choose from the list :
look forward to, look after, to look ahead, look up, look through, look into, look out, look back.

…. ! You mustn’t take rare books with you.

Look out

6. Clever books can help you …. at your past.

look back

7. A humorous book will teach you …
with hope.

to look ahead

8. Books are real friends. But don’t forget to …
your friends’ face to understand.

look into

Match the phrasal verbs from the videos below with their meanings


act on


нравиться всё больше и больше


count on


ябедничать / доносить


grow on


действовать согласно …


sleep on


флиртовать / приударить


hit on


положиться/рассчитывать на …


tell on


отложить решение до утра

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings


act on

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings


count on

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings


grow on

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings


sleep on

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings


hit on


tell on

Watch the six short videos from different films and match the phrasal verbs with their meanings

Match the phrasal verbs from the videos with their meanings


act on


нравиться всё больше и больше


count on


ябедничать / доносить


grow on


действовать согласно …


sleep on


флиртовать / приударить


hit on


положиться/рассчитывать на …


tell on


отложить решение до утра

Answers: 1 – c), 2 – e), 3 – a), 4 – f), 5 – d), 6 – b).

Match phrasal verbs with their meanings:
begin and seem likely to continue; - start a journey; - save; - slow down.

We 1) set aside some money for a special holiday and I decided to go on a six-week trip around Australia. When I arrived in Sydney, the summer was really 2) setting in and it was getting really hot. Dad rented a jeep and we 3) set off the next day to discover the outback. I was excited. On that first day, the jeep just stopped and we had to call for help. They took hours to come and this 4) set us back a bit, but we were happy just to be there. Anyway, the next six weeks were perfect. We loved it.

1) set aside 



2) setting in 


begin and seem likely to continue

3) set off 


start a journey

4) set us back 


slow down

Make up sentences with the following words

1. his, parents, to, Jack, call back, promised.

Jack promised his parents to call back.

 2. for, looked for, cat, We, a few, our, days. 

We looked for our cat for a few days.

3.  it, to, you, going, If, drink, aren’t, lemonade, take away. 

If you aren’t going to drink lemonade, take it away.

4. going, your, am, to, I, children, not, calm down! 

I am not going to calm down your children! / I am not going to calm your children down!

Make up sentences with the following words

5. had, feelings, She, keep down, her, to. 

She had to keep down her feelings.

 6. you, me, don’t, I, and, trust, You, let down.

You let me down and I don’t trust you.

7.  coming, had, to, forest, We, to, before, home, turn back, the.

We had to turn back home before coming to the forest.

8. beautiful, please, try on, Jane, this, dress! 

Jane, please, try this beautiful dress on! / Jane, please, try on this beautiful dress!

Writing a dictionary entry

spelling and structure

word class





Writing a dictionary entry

spelling and structure

word class





The list of the used sources:

1. https://macmillandictionary.com

2. Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use – Cambridge University Press, second edition, 1994

3. https://englex.ru/phrasal-verbs/

4. Phrasal verbs with particle “on” (Фразовые глаголы с послелогом “on”) - https://yandex.ru/video/preview?text=%D1%84%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5%20%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8B%20%D0%B2%20%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE&path=wizard&parent-reqid=1604323896608552-543358958017865324900125-production-app-host-man-web-yp-255&wiz_type=vital&filmId=4358670625740480802

5. Новый способ выучить фразовые глаголы в английском языке - https://yandex.ru/video/preview/?text=%D1%84%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8B+%D0%B2+%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE&path=wizard&parent-reqid=1604323896608552-543358958017865324900125-production-app-host-man-web-yp-255&wiz_type=vital&filmId=9947197586143734401&url=http%3A%2F%2Ffrontend.vh.yandex.ru%2Fplayer%2F11561449721169147249

6. https://online-video-cutter.com/ru/

7. Английский по фильмам: ФРАЗОВЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ из сериала ОТЧАЯННЫЕ ДОМОХОЗЯЙКИ -

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