Презентация "Summer holidays are coming".
Оценка 4.8

Презентация "Summer holidays are coming".

Оценка 4.8
Презентации учебные
английский язык
6 кл—8 кл
Презентация  "Summer holidays are coming".
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Презентация "Summer holidays are coming".

Презентация  "Summer holidays are coming".

Let’s make a spidergramm “Summer

Let’s make a spidergramm “Summer

Let’s make a spidergramm “Summer Holiday Associations” You see the words and word-combinations on the topic ”Summer Holidays” Put them into the word net.

Where can you go during your summer holidays?

What can you do during your summer holidays?

When can you go on holiday?

Your impressions!

to go sightseeing, to go to the seaside, to sunbathe, to rest, to make new friends, to work in the garden, to have a lot of fun, to visit…

exciting, fantastic, great, beautiful…

in August, from... to..., in July,
at the end of June…

abroad, to the country, to the camp, to grandparents'…

Summer holidays are bright!

Summer holidays are bright!

Summer holidays are bright!

Look, what you can do during your summer holidays

Look, what you can do during your summer holidays

Look, what you can do during your summer holidays.

- To swim in the river -To go to the camp
- To be at the seaside - To make new friends
- To lie in the sun - To gather mushrooms and berries
- To play computer games - To read interesting books
- To eat fruit and vegetables - To go to the village
- To drink fresh milk - To have a rest during three month

Translate word- combinations into

Translate word- combinations into

Translate word- combinations into English and test yourself.

Собирать грибы и ягоды
Есть фрукты и овощи
Путешествовать в другие страны
Читать книги, смотреть телевизор, играть в компьютерные игры
Помогать родителям по дому
Отдыхать в течении трех месяцев
Ездить на море, реку или озеро
Ездить в лагерь

Complete the sentences 1 . Schoolchildren have their summer holidays in ______________

Complete the sentences 1 . Schoolchildren have their summer holidays in ______________

Complete the sentences

1Schoolchildren have their summer holidays in ______________.
2. They have a rest ________. 
3. Children can go to the sea and __________________.
4. Children can go to the village and __________. 
5. Children can go to the forest and ___________.
6. When the weather is fine, they can __________.
7. When the weather is bad they can ___________.

A. Schoolchildren have their holidays in

A. Schoolchildren have their holidays in







A. Schoolchildren have their holidays in June, July and August. Summer holidays are excellent and great fun, because the weather is usually fine and sunny.

B. It is seldom rainy and windy. The sun usually shines brightly. It is warm, even hot! When the weather is shiny, children can be outdoors all day long.

C. They can go to the seaside or to the mountains. They can spend time with their friends in the forest, in the park or at the river or lake.

D. Boys and girls can go swimming or boating, play football, tennis or badminton. They can also ride a bike or a scooter.

E. If the weather is rainy and nasty, they can stay at home and read books, watch TV, do pokerwork or needlework, play the piano or make models of ships, kites or planes.

F. The boys enjoy listening to music, roller-skating and skate-boarding. The girls enjoy playing musical instruments and drawing pictures.

Answer the questions 1).What are summer months? 2)

Answer the questions 1).What are summer months? 2)

Answer the questions

1).What are summer months?
2). Why do children like summer very much?
3).Where can you go in summer?
4).What can you do at the sea, river, pond?
5).What can you do in the forest?
6).Do you like to go to the camp?
7).What do we do there?
8).Do you have relatives in the village?
9).Do you like to go to the village? Why?

Read the text My summer holidays

Read the text My summer holidays

Read the text

My summer holidays
I like summer holidays very much. I spent much time outdoor. Usually I spend June with my parents at the seaside. I like to swim in the Black Sea and lay in the sun.
In July my parents return to their work and I go to a camp. The camp is near my town. We have a lot of fun at the camp. There is a forest near our camp and we go there to have a picnic in the morning.
August comes and I go to the country to see my grandparents. They have a big old house and I come to see and help them. We spend a lot of time near the river fishing or swimming.
I have a nice time in the country.
I return home at the end of August, meet my friends and we have a picnic.
I like summer and enjoy my summer holidays very much.

Find these sentences in the text

Find these sentences in the text

Find these sentences in the text.

1) Мне нравится проводить время в деревне.
2) у них большой, старый дом и я приезжаю навестить и помочь им.
3) лагерь находится неподалеку от моего дома.
4) в июле мои родители возвращаются на работу, а я еду в лагерь.
5) я очень люблю летние каникулы.
6) я люблю купаться в Черном море и загорать.
7) в августе я еду в деревню к бабушке и дедушке.
8) неподалеку от лагеря есть лес, куда мы ходим на пикник.
9) я возвращаюсь домой в конце августа, встречаю своих друзей и мы организуем пикник.
10) я люблю лето и наслаждаюсь летними каникулами.

What is your dream? Where would you like to go?

What is your dream? Where would you like to go?

What is your dream? Where would you like to go?

 I would like to go to…… .

Listening https://www.liveworksheets

Listening https://www.liveworksheets



Презентация "Summer holidays are coming".

Презентация  "Summer holidays are coming".
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