Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
Оценка 4.9

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Оценка 4.9
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английский язык
7 кл—8 кл
Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
Данная работа представлена учащимися школы к годовщине исторического события в Великой Отечественной войне. Прежде всего, работа имеет воспитательные цели: гражданско-патриотические и познавательные. Возможно проведение интегрированного урока совместно с учителем истории и литературы. Тема гражданского долга, патриотизма и любви к Родине поднимается в различных учебных дисциплинах.
битва за сталинград.pptx

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
The Battle of Stalingrad July 17, 1942 is the beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad.

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
To aid the defenders of Stalingrad arrived in time only, that crossed the Volga 13th Guards Rifle Division of General Rodimtsev. Soviet warriors were fought for each quarter, for each house, solidly held their lines.

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
The purpose of fascist invaders was to capture the industrial city, which needed for front. enterprises produced war production, to go to the Volga, where in the shortest time they could get into the Caspian Sea, the Caucasus, where the extracted oil was

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
Hitler planned it to make the forces of one of the 6th Field Army Paulus just for a week.

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
In several days of the battle on the Volga, the Soviet forces preserved and increased the best traditions of the Russian army.

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
And values such as love for the country, honor and military duty, indomitable will win, resistance in defense, strong determination to attack, selfless courage , a military brotherhood of the peoples of our country, are sacred to the defenders of Stalingrad

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
A huge number of victims fell in the Battle of Stalingrad. But Soviet soldiers, once again had the courage, bravery, heroism, love for the salvation of the motherland. Residents of Volgograd will always remember the victims. Total losses of the Red Army in Stalingrad defensive and offensive operations totaled 1129619 persons, 1426 tanks, 12 137 guns and mortars, 2063 planes In the Book of Memory for the Volgograd region recorded 199,975 names of the dead and missing.

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"

Презентация "Битва за Сталинград"
Victory! Stalingrad, 1943
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