Занятие построено на использование интерактивных методов в учебном процессе.В случае интерактивных методов взаимодействие студентов и преподавателя всегда строится на основе какого-либо содержания, какой либо деятельности или ее предмета. Цель состоит в создании комфортных условий обучения, при которых студент чувствует свою успешность, интеллектуальную состоятельность, что делает продуктивным сам процесс обучения.
1.The second month of the year.
1.The second month of the year.
2. When there are no clouds
in the sky we can say :
“The sky is ……
2. When there are no clouds
in the sky we can say :
“The sky is clear”.
3. The temperature is
35 degrees above zero.
It is very ……..
3. The temperature is
35 degrees above zero.
It is very hot.
4.Put on a hat and a coat.
It is very ………
4. Put on a hat and a coat.
It is very cold.
5.Winter is the season of ice and snow,
sometimes the weather is ………
5. Winter is the season of ice and snow,
sometimes the weather is frosty.
6. It is very misty because of fog.
It is .……
6. It is very misty because of fog.
It is foggy.
7. The sun is shining.
It is …….
7.The sun is shining.
It is sunny.
F e b r u a r y
c l e a r
h o t
c o l d
f r o s t
f o g g y
s u n n y
The word “ecology” came from
Greek word which means “home”.
Ecology is the science that tries to
solve the problems of nature or the
ecological problems.
«The world is a fine place
and worth fighting for»
Ernest Hemingway
Look at the apple. Imagine it’s our planet.
I’m cutting it into 4 pieces.
Three quarters (3/4) of the Earth surface is water and only ? is land.
One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is
the deserts, mountains, frozen icecaps and other
places that people cannot live in.
Only 1/32 gives us food and shelter. Less than 1% of water is drinkable.
So you see! People should take care of their small Earth.
1. Is the situation really so dangerous?
2. What can we do to protect the nature
and to save our planet?
«Ecological problems»
What can we
reduce reuse recycle
energy, paper, glass bottles, water,
tins, milk containers,
newspapers, toys, old computers,
rechargeable batteries, natural riches
, old clothes
What can we
reduce: energy, water, natural riches
reuse: old clothes, toys, glass bottles,
paper, old computers, milk containers,
newspapers , tins, rechargeable batteries
recycle: old computers, milk containers,
newspapers, paper , tins, rechargeable
batteries, glass bottles
«One man’s trash is another man’s treasure (сокровище)»
Правила написания синквейна :
1. Первая строка одним словом обозначается тема (имя
2. Вторая строка описание темы двумя словами (имена
3. Третья строка описание действия в рамках этой темы тремя словами
4. Четвертая строка фраза из четырех слов, выражающая отношение к
5. Пятая строка это синоним из одного слова, который повторяет суть
(глаголы, причастия).
теме (разные части речи).
2.Difficult, professional
3.Trains, teaches, builds character
4.It makes you strong!
1. London
2. Ancient, major
3. Grows, develops, attracts
4. I dream to visit London
5. Queen
Задание :
Тема “The Earth”
How environmentally aware are you?
1) What does your family do with empty
А) Take them to a recycling bin.
В) Return them to the supermarket.
С) Throw them in the rubbish bin.
2) When you buy some things at the
supermarket, you…
А) reuse an old plastic carrier bag.
В) buy a new plastic carrier bag.
С) use your own bag.
3) If you were asked to contribute to a Save
the Animals project, you would…
А) give generously.
В) give a small amount.
С) refuse to give anything.
4) You eat a chocolate bar in the street.
What do you do with the wrapper?
А) Save it to recycling.
В) Put it in a litter bin.
С) Drop it on the pavement.
5) When you clean your teeth, you…
А) turn the tap on only when you need
В) leave the tap running until you have
С) only use one glass of water.
6) Would you buy an electric car?
А) Yes, my car will be electric.
В) No, they look funny.
С) No, I love gasoline cars.
7) Do you turn out the lights when you
leave the house?
А) Always.
В) Never.
С) No, my fish is scared of the dark.
8) What do you do with clothes that you
don't want anymore?
А) Donate/give them away.
В) Sell them.
С) Throw them away.
9)What are your cleaning materials of
А) Ecofriendly products.
В) Anything from the supermarket that
С) A whole army of branded mousses,
sprays, wipes and liquids.
6– 9 You are doing your part to
protect the environment.
3 – 5 There’s some room for
improvement. Change your habits
and the attitude to the study, and you'll soon be
0 – 2 It is a pity. You are part of the
“ The Earth ”
•The Earth
•Beautiful, blue
•Live, produce, pollute
•Can be kind, can hurt
Thank you for your attention!