Презентация к уроку Брейн-ринг "Наш Казахстан" 9-10 класс, английский язык

  • Презентации учебные
  • pptx
  • 28.01.2017
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Презентация составлена на трех языках: казахском, русском и английском. Включает в себя фотографии, стихи, вопросы, ответы о Казахстане. Для проведения данного занятия учащимся понадобятся знания трех языков, знания по истории Казахстана, музыке. Можно использовать на уроках, а также внеклассных мероприятиях.
Иконка файла материала брейн-рингПрезентация Microsoft PowerPoint.pptx

Lingua brain ring

Our Kazakhstan

Учитель английского языка: Нажмутдинова Галия Абдулловна,
Мамлютская СШ №3 им.Х.Бектурганова

The aims

Enrich pupils` knowledge about Kazakhstan, activate lexis on theme, talking about our Republic achievements.
Develop skills of communication in three languages Kazakh, Russian, English
Develop motivation to further mastering of English, continue to acquaint with traditions and customs of Kazakh people, bring up pupils to be patriots of their motherland.

The rules of the game

The right answer in English – 5 points
The right answer in Kazakh – 4 points
The right answer in Russian – 3 points

«Казахстан должен восприниматься во всем мире как высокообразованная страна, население которой пользуется тремя языками. Это: казахский язык – государственный язык, русский язык – как язык межнационального общения и английский язык – язык успешной интеграции в глобальную экономику»

«Kazakhstan must be the high educational country where people can use three languages. They are: Kazakh – the state language, Russian– the language of communication between nationalities and English– the language of successful integration into global economic .»

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

When was the last Constitution adopted?
On the 30 th of August

Who is the head of the state?

Who is the author of the anthem?
Zh.Nazhimedenov, N.Nazarbaev, Sh. Kaldayakov.
Who is the creator of the flag?

Answer the questions

What`s the population of Kazakhstan today?
16 865 000
People of how many nationalities live in Kazakhstan?
More 130
What`s the largest lake of Kazakhstan?
How old is Petropavlovsk?
260 years old

What is the name of the capital?

The name of the capital is Astana.

Read the poem about Astana

Астана – арман қала, Біз оны анамыздай  Бағы бір жанған қала. Сүйеміз шынында да.  Тұрады ол жап-жасыл боп, Жүректе сақтап атын  Мен үлкен болғанда да. Жүретін салтанатым.  Төкті оған нұрын дала, Астана – биігіміз,  Астана – сұлу қала. Биіктер күнге жақын. 

When was Akmola renamed in Astana?

Astana was founded in 1830 as a fortification of Russian Empire. In March 1917 the Soviet Power was established in Akmola. In 1961 Akmola was renamed into Tselinograd and became the centre of Tselinny Krai. In 1992 the city got its name Akmola again and since October 1997 Akmola has became a new capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1998 it was renamed in Astana. Now Astana is a modern growing city, a political, financial, economic, scientific and socio-cultural center of the state

Answer the questions

Name the longest rivers which flow along the territory of Kazakhstan?
What region of Kazakhstan is called Kazakh Switzerland?
What countries does Kazakhstan border on?
What was the first name of Almaty?

One of the wonderful sight of our Kazakhstan is Borovoe. Everybody knows about this splendid place. Many tourists from different countries come to Borovoe. They like its beautiful lakes, woods, mountain, hills. One of other sightseeing is “Sleeping knight”, which is in the middle of the lake. Borovoe is a beautiful place. Around it there are many lakes and each has his own history. There is a big and beautiful Zoo in Borovoe. 

The first name of Almaty was Vernyi.

What`s the highest mountain range of Kazakhstan?

Жунгарский Алатау

Пик Хан-Тенгри 

What English, Kazakh, Russian proverbs about home and homeland do you know? Отан туралы қандай мақал-мәтелдер білесіндер?

Отан оттан да ыстық.
Туған жердей жер болмас,
Туған елдей ел болмас.
● Отансыз адам- ормансыз бүлбүл.
● Отан - елдін анасы,
Ел - ердін анасы.

East or West home is best.
There is no place like home.
My house is my castle.
Every country has its customs.
When at Rome do as Romans do.

Толе би Алыбекулы(1663-1756)

Казыбек Би Калдибекулы (1667–1764 гг.)

Айтеке Би (1644–1700 гг.)

Свод законов
«Жеты жаргы»

Who is this man? What was he famous for?

Абылай хан (также АбулайАблайАбилмансур Аблай хан) (1711—1781), хан Среднего жуза, один из самых знаменитых ханов

What do you know about the origin of dombra?

Домбра - самый любимый и самый распространенный инструмент в музыкальном быту казахов. Казахская домбра - это щипковый двухструнный инструмент, изготовленный из цельного дерева. Применяется и как аккомпонирующий, и как сольный, и как основной инструмент в казахской народной музыке.

The dombra is the most favorite and the most common tool in the musical life of the Kazakhs. Kazakh dombra - a stringed, double-jet instrument, made from solid wood. Is used as a accompanying, and as a solo and as a principal tool in the Kazakh folk music.

Listen to the songs and name them

Bibigul Tulegenova «Bulbul»
Roza Rymbaeva «Atameken»
Dos Mukasan «Toi zhyry»
Asylbek Ensepov «Sultan» (dombra)

Abai Kunanbaev

Abai Kunanbaev is a great poet, writer, public figure, founder of the modern Kazakh written literature, the reformer of culture in the spirit of rapprochement with the Russian and European culture on the basis of enlightened liberal Islam

Magzhan Zhumabaev

Magzhan Zhumabayev - great Kazakh writer, poet, publicist, one of the founders of the new Kazakh literature. His verses, poems, stories of inherent keen tragedy, expressing the sense of responsibility before the people and the results of his appeal to the origins and the critical moments of history. At the same time, Magzhan accepted universal artistic and scientific heritage, starting with Shakespeare, Pushkin

What are the names of the Kazakh wowen-heroines in the Great Patriotic war?

Aliya Moldagulova

Manshuk Mametova

What will you tell us about this man?

Бауржан Момышулы (1910-1982) – герой Советского Союза, участник Великой Отечественной Войны, писатель. В составе дивизии имени Панфилова Бауржан Момышулы прошел всю войну. Вначале он был командиром роты, батальона, полка, позже командиром дивизии.

Baurzhan Momyshuly (1910-1982) - hero of the Soviet Union, participant of the great Patriotic War, the writer. In the division of the Panfilov Baurzhan Momyshuly was the war. At first he was a company commander, battalion, regiment, later commander of a division.

What do you know about the movement Nevada-Semipalatinsk?

Международное антиядерное движение «Невада – Семипалатинск»
История антиядерного движения началась 25 февраля 1989 года. В этот день было намечено предвыборное выступление Олжаса Сулейменова, который баллотировался кандидатом в депутаты Верховного Совета СССР. Но поэт заговорил не о предвыборной программе, а о том, что случилось несколько дней назад на Семипалатинском ядерном полигоне, об утечке радиоактивных газов, о том, какую опасность для казахстанцев, для всей страны представляют взрывы в Семипалатинске, о том, что ядерные полигоны должны быть закрыты, и призвал алмаатинцев выйти на митинг протеста.

Движение "Невада-Семипалатинск" выразило массовый протест против ядерных испытаний на Семипалатинском полигоне. Движение - это два миллиона казахстанцев, поставивших подписи под антиядерным воззванием в первые же дни после того митинга, принявших участие в демонстрациях, маршах протеста, маршах мира в Казахстане, России, Америке, Японии.

The international anti-nuclear movement «Nevada - Semipalatinsk» The history of the anti-nuclear movement began on February 25, 1989. On this day, was scheduled for a pre-election speech, Olzhas Suleimenov, who ran the candidate in the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. But the poet did not speak about the pre-election program, and about what happened a few days ago at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, a leak of radioactive gases, about the danger for the citizens of Kazakhstan for the whole country are explosions at Semipalatinsk, that nuclear landfills should be closed, and called for Almaty dwellers come to the protest meeting.

The movement "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" expressed protest against nuclear testing at the Semipalatinsk test site. The movement was two million Kazakhs who put signatures under the appeal to the antinuclear in the first days after the rally, took part in the demonstrations, marches of protest, marches peace in Kazakhstan, Russia, America, and Japan.

What national games do you see on the pictures?

Kyz Kuu


What holidays do we celebrate in Kazakhstan?

Какое число является священным у казахов и почему?

The Kazakhs at the celebration of Nauryz was binding the presence of a number of "7", which represents the seven days of the week - time units of universal eternity: in front of elders were the seven bowls with the drink of Nauryz-skin made of seven varieties of seven kinds of cereals. In the seven components normally consisted of meat, salt, fat, onion, wheat, Kurt, irimshik (cottage cheese)

Can you name the most popular meat dish?

What is the popular culinary dish?