Данная презентация подготовлена для учащихся 7-8 классов с целью познакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством английского писателя Льюиса Кэррола. Он известен как автор популярной книги для детей " Алиса в стране чудес". В презентации есть также занимательный материал по этой книге.В данном файле дана презентация по творчеству английского писателя Льюиса Кэррола.
Мазитова Р.Л.Биография писателя.pptx
Lewis Carroll
27.01.1832 14.01.1898
Подготовлено Мазитовой Р.Л.
учителем английского языка
МОБУ СОШ с. Октябрьское
Стерлитамакского района
Республики Башкортостан
Lewis Carroll
(the penname
of Charles L.
Dodgson) was
born in the
village of
England, on
January 27,
The eldest boy in a
family of 11
children, Carroll
was very good at
mathematics and
won many academic
prizes. He was a
photographer and
wrote essays,
political pamphlets
and poetry.
Dodgson had no
family, but he
loved children
very much. He
often visited his
friend’s family
where there
were three little
One of them
Alice was four
years old.
Dodgson told
her about the
adventures of
a little girl.
Alice liked the
stories very
When Alice
was about
ten years
old, she
Charles to
write down
the stories.
Нe made a handwritten book
for her and even draw
pictures in it.
Charles decided
to publish the
book . The book
came out in
1865 and all the
people who
read it liked it
very much.
By the time of his
death, Alice had
become the most
popular children's
book in England,
and now it is one
of the most
popular in the
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