Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Оценка 4.8

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Оценка 4.8
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Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Фауна Австралии весьма богата и разнообразна. Первая особенность животного мира: в Австралии обитает огромное количество эндемичных животных, то есть животных, которые больше не встречаются нигде на планете. Это, конечно, кенгуру и коалы, которые признаны символами южного континента. Одних только кенгуру насчитывает 17 родов и более 50 видов. Самые маленькие из них ростом всего в 20-23 см, а самые большие достигают в росте 160 см. Знаете ли вы, что есть кенгуровые крысы, скальные и древесные кенгуру и даже кенгуру-дерби? Впрочем, в самой Австралии словом "кенгуру" называют только двух представителей этого рода сумчатых: серого гигантского и рыжего. Остальных называют валлаби. И здесь представлена презентация о животных Австралии, а именно о сумчатых животных. Презентацию составляли ученики 10 класса
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Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Presentation on theme: "Marsupials of Australia". Performed student 10 "A" class: Batyushkov Vitaliy Valeryevich. Checked English teacher: Abdullina Albina Garipovna.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Kangaroo Kangaroo species of herbivores animals different from any other method of movement (jumping on back legs). Bag for carrying is formed only in female animals. She formed a skin fold that opens up. The most famous of the family is a giant kangaroo. His speed reaches 50 km/h, it uses its tail as a balancer. In this family there are 17 genera, divided into 51 species.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Quokka Quokka - short-tailed kangaroo, looks like a rodent. The animal is quite small, weighs from 2.5 to 5.5 kg and its body length is 50- 90 cm Moves by jumping, like its larger relatives. Cocci have a thick fur, and he knows how to smile. It is a herbivore that prefers to eat in the dark. Despite the fact that the major part of his life he spends on earth, in search of young shoots can easily climb to a height of two meters. Recently quokka became popular as a pet.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Wallaby Wallaby- tree-kangaroo, the conductive part of the life in the trees. It is a small animal with a height of just over half a meter and the tail of the same length. Rear and front legs are of almost equal size. Able to climb trees up to 20 meters. Most often found in North-Eastern Queensland. They like to eat leaves, berries, ferns.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Short faced kangaroo Short faced kangaroo – small (20- 30 cm in height) terrestrial animal with a long tail. Build nests from dry grass, live in packs. A very rare species, occurring in Northern Queensland and in the South-East of Australia.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Large rat kangaroo Large rat kangaroo body length not more than half, the tail is shorter than body, about thirty centimeters. Single animal, leading nocturnal. It prefers to settle in the steppe and semi-desert coastal areas of Australia.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Koala Koalas are marsupials – tree bears. Live exclusively in eucalyptus forests, on the ground never go down, so translated from the aboriginal language Koala means "one who never drinks". The animal is medium-sized, the adult male weighs no more than pounds. Bag females open ago. Calf at birth weighs five grams, is born in a month and still spends half the year in the bag. Koalas feed exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. The animal is extremely sluggish.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Numbat Numbat – the marsupial anteater. A small animal with a length of 25 cm, plus a little shorter than the body tail. An adult weighs less than a pound. He has a sharp muzzle, the tongue may stick out 10 cm, which helps him to extract termites. This one kind of marsupial that have no bags. The young after birth attach themselves to the nipple of the mother's fur donativos. Living on the land, builds nests in hollows of fallen trees. Lives in South-Western Australia, preferring

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Wombat Wombat marsupial animal similar to a large Guinea pig and a beaver at the same time. Live in the land, dig holes. Eat only plant food, sometimes algae. Felled trees, but dams are not built. Meet at the South-East of New South Wales. Are under threat of destruction.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Rabbit Bandicoot Rabbit Bandicoot – funny small animal, like rabbit and rat. The tail is fluffy, with a brush. Small (without a tail up to two feet long) predators, leads a night way of life. Lives in Australia, but everywhere rare.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
Fox Cuza Fox-tailed possum – a marsupial that lives on trees. Body length – to 40 sm, weight of an adult up to 4.5 kg. he has a long muzzle, large pointed ears and a long fluffy tail. Lives and feeds exclusively on trees. In the diet of fruits, berries, leaves. Some time ago, was mined as a source of valuable fur. Very common, especially in the forests of the Great Dividing Range and around Adelaide.

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"

Презентация "Marsupials of Australia"
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