Презентация "Мы и наша планета".Экологические проблемы(7 класс Английский язык)

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  • 10.02.2017
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Презентация разработана для изучения материала в 7 классе по теме "Экология".В презентации продемонстрированы причины экологической катастрофы и последствия загрязнения окружающей среды. Материал презентации способствует формированию способности проявлять инициативу в беседе на английском языке, воспитывает самостоятельность в решении коммуникативных задач. Показ способствует развитию зрительного восприятия, образной памяти, умения сравнивать, обобщать.
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We and our planet. We and our planet. «Problems of our planet.» «Problems of our planet.» • «Мугенская СОШ»-филиал «Мугенская СОШ»-филиал «МАОУ СОШ п.Демьянка» «МАОУ СОШ п.Демьянка» • Уватского муниципального Уватского муниципального района Тюменской области района Тюменской области Автор: Кулагина Елизавета  7 класс  Руководитель работы:  преподаватель иностранного  языка Боннет Л.В.                                Муген 2016
• Environmental problems in Russia   Environmental problems in Russia   • Russia - one of the most polluted environmentally countries on the Russia - one of the most polluted environmentally countries on the planet. The economic situation in the Russian Federation continues to planet. The economic situation in the Russian Federation continues to exacerbate environmental situation. The negative trends are growing. exacerbate environmental situation. The negative trends are growing. The decline in production was not accompanied by a similar decrease of The decline in production was not accompanied by a similar decrease of harmful emissions into the environment . The crisis enterprises save the harmful emissions into the environment . The crisis enterprises save the environmental costs not. For example, in 1992 in comparison with 1991, environmental costs not. For example, in 1992 in comparison with 1991, the emissions of harmful substances into the air was 11% and the the emissions of harmful substances into the air was 11% and the polluted waste howling was negligible. Regular account of harmful air polluted waste howling was negligible. Regular account of harmful air emissions conducted in 18 thousand enterprises. emissions conducted in 18 thousand enterprises. • In some regions is an increase of emissions. In some regions is an increase of emissions. • The reasons are - violation of technological regimes, the use of poor The reasons are - violation of technological regimes, the use of poor quality and substandard raw materials and fuel. Content of harmful quality and substandard raw materials and fuel. Content of harmful ingredients in air grows. Condition of the air basin cities and industrial ingredients in air grows. Condition of the air basin cities and industrial centers is very bad. To the list of cities with the highest level of centers is very bad. To the list of cities with the highest level of contamination (41 city) includes such cities as: Arkhangelsk, Bratsk, contamination (41 city) includes such cities as: Arkhangelsk, Bratsk, Grozny, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, etc. Increased air Grozny, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, etc. Increased air pollution is not only in the cities and surrounding areas, but in the pollution is not only in the cities and surrounding areas, but in the background areas. A large number of emissions of sulfur dioxide (more background areas. A large number of emissions of sulfur dioxide (more than 9 million tons per year), are the cause of acidification of than 9 million tons per year), are the cause of acidification of precipitation. Areas of increased acidity recorded in the European territory precipitation. Areas of increased acidity recorded in the European territory of Russia, as well as in some industrial areas with developed non-ferrous of Russia, as well as in some industrial areas with developed non-ferrous metallurgy. Deposition of pollutants in the Russian Federation is not only metallurgy. Deposition of pollutants in the Russian Federation is not only own sources of emissions, but also cross-border transfer. Water is one of own sources of emissions, but also cross-border transfer. Water is one of the most important and also the most vulnerable components of the the most important and also the most vulnerable components of the environment. environment.
• Strengthening water tension Strengthening water tension. . • Water resources are distributed unevenly across the country: 90% of the total Water resources are distributed unevenly across the country: 90% of the total annual runoff basin accounts for the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and less than 8% - on annual runoff basin accounts for the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, and less than 8% - on the Caspian and Azov seas. More than 80% of Russia's population is concentrated the Caspian and Azov seas. More than 80% of Russia's population is concentrated here. And it is the main industrial and agricultural potential . In general, the total here. And it is the main industrial and agricultural potential . In general, the total domestic needs of water are relatively small - 3% of the average annual flow of domestic needs of water are relatively small - 3% of the average annual flow of rivers. In the Volga basin, it is 33% . In the south of European Russia virtually all rivers. In the Volga basin, it is 33% . In the south of European Russia virtually all water "resources involved in national economic activity. water "resources involved in national economic activity. • Unacceptably high water losses and pollution of surface waters. . Unacceptably high water losses and pollution of surface waters • There is in Russia a long-term growth trend of surface water pollution. The annual There is in Russia a long-term growth trend of surface water pollution. The annual volume of wastewater discharged in the last 5 years has not changed and is 27 volume of wastewater discharged in the last 5 years has not changed and is 27 km3. km3. • The wastewater industry, agriculture, utilities make a huge amount of pollutants. In The wastewater industry, agriculture, utilities make a huge amount of pollutants. In the country almost all bodies of water are subject to anthropogenic influence. The the country almost all bodies of water are subject to anthropogenic influence. The water quality of most of them do not meet regulatory requirements. Most exposed water quality of most of them do not meet regulatory requirements. Most exposed to anthropogenic load is Volga and its tributaries Kama and Oka. The average to anthropogenic load is Volga and its tributaries Kama and Oka. The average annual toxic load on ecosystems Volga 6 times loads on aquatic ecosystems in annual toxic load on ecosystems Volga 6 times loads on aquatic ecosystems in other regions of the country. Volga basin water quality does not meet the hygienic, other regions of the country. Volga basin water quality does not meet the hygienic, and recreational fishery regulations. Only 8.7% of the total volume of water to be and recreational fishery regulations. Only 8.7% of the total volume of water to be treated. Harmful ingredients in water exceed tens and sometimes hundreds of treated. Harmful ingredients in water exceed tens and sometimes hundreds of times: water Ural River near the towns of Eagle and Orenburg content iron, times: water Ural River near the towns of Eagle and Orenburg content iron, petrochemicals, ammonia and nitrate nitrogen. Primorye waters are contaminated petrochemicals, ammonia and nitrate nitrogen. Primorye waters are contaminated with substances and metal compounds. The concentration of copper, zinc, boron with substances and metal compounds. The concentration of copper, zinc, boron reach respectively 30, 60 and 800 MPC etc. Quality test results of water sources reach respectively 30, 60 and 800 MPC etc. Quality test results of water sources showed, that 12% of the surveyed water bodies can be attributed to relatively showed, that 12% of the surveyed water bodies can be attributed to relatively clean. clean.
• Reduced water availability of large rivers Reduced water availability of large rivers.. • By the early 80-ies. reduction in annual runoff of major rivers in the By the early 80-ies. reduction in annual runoff of major rivers in the south of the European part of the country under the influence of south of the European part of the country under the influence of economic activity was: economic activity was: • Volga - 5% Volga - 5% • Dnieper- 19% Dnieper- 19% • Ural- 25%. Ural- 25%. • Don-20% Don-20% • Because to the high volume of water intake in the Amudarya and Because to the high volume of water intake in the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers and reduction of water flow into the Aral Sea, an area Syrdarya rivers and reduction of water flow into the Aral Sea, an area for 25 years has decreased is dropped by more than 12 m . for 25 years has decreased is dropped by more than 12 m .
• Mass mortality of small rivers Mass mortality of small rivers.. • On the territory of small river basins (up to 100 km), constituting one third of the On the territory of small river basins (up to 100 km), constituting one third of the total long-term drain a sizeable portion of the urban and rural population. Over the total long-term drain a sizeable portion of the urban and rural population. Over the past 15-20 years, intensive economic use of resources and trends surrounding land past 15-20 years, intensive economic use of resources and trends surrounding land has led to depletion, pollution of rivers and shallowing. Years of wastewater has led to depletion, pollution of rivers and shallowing. Years of wastewater discharges nullified ability to cleanse itself of many rivers, turning them into open discharges nullified ability to cleanse itself of many rivers, turning them into open sewers. Uncontrolled withdrawal of water, the destruction of water protection zones sewers. Uncontrolled withdrawal of water, the destruction of water protection zones and drainage raised bogs led to mass mortality of small rivers. and drainage raised bogs led to mass mortality of small rivers. • • Depletion and contamination of groundwater Depletion and contamination of groundwater.. • Identified approximately 1,000 groundwater contamination, 75% are in the most Identified approximately 1,000 groundwater contamination, 75% are in the most populated European part of Russia. Deterioration of water quality observed in 60 populated European part of Russia. Deterioration of water quality observed in 60 cities and towns on 80 drinking water intake capacity of more than 1,000 m3/day. cities and towns on 80 drinking water intake capacity of more than 1,000 m3/day. According to expert estimates, the total consumption of contaminated water intakes According to expert estimates, the total consumption of contaminated water intakes is 5 - 6% of the total amount of groundwater used for drinking water supply. is 5 - 6% of the total amount of groundwater used for drinking water supply. Pollution degree reaches 10 MPC on a particular ingredient - nitrate, nitrite, Pollution degree reaches 10 MPC on a particular ingredient - nitrate, nitrite, petroleum, copper compounds, phenols, etc petroleum, copper compounds, phenols, etc..
• of drinking water of drinking water • Water sources (surface and groundwater) and centralized water supply Water sources (surface and groundwater) and centralized water supply systems can not guarantee the required quality of drinking water (191). systems can not guarantee the required quality of drinking water (191). Over 50% of Russians are forced to use water that does not meet the Over 50% of Russians are forced to use water that does not meet the standards for the various indicators. More than 20% of drinking water standards for the various indicators. More than 20% of drinking water samples does not meet current standards for chemical parameters. 4.3% samples does not meet current standards for chemical parameters. 4.3% of drinking water samples represent a real danger to public health. The of drinking water samples represent a real danger to public health. The main causes of deteriorating water quality are: main causes of deteriorating water quality are: • *noncompliance economic activity within the protected zones (17% of *noncompliance economic activity within the protected zones (17% of water sources and 24% of public water surface sources have no sanitary water sources and 24% of public water surface sources have no sanitary protection zones); protection zones); • * absence of treatment facilities for municipal water (13, 1%) and * absence of treatment facilities for municipal water (13, 1%) and decontamination facilities (7.2%), decontamination facilities (7.2%), • * the secondary pollution of water in the distributing networks in case of * the secondary pollution of water in the distributing networks in case of accidents. accidents. • Marine pollution Marine pollution. . • All internal and marginal sea of the Russian Federation are mostly All internal and marginal sea of the Russian Federation are mostly contaminated because the economic activity in the catchment area. There contaminated because the economic activity in the catchment area. There are:are: • Coast destructions Coast destructions • erosion and flooding erosion and flooding • significant damage to the national economy significant damage to the national economy • A particular danger is radioactive waste in the northern seas. In recent A particular danger is radioactive waste in the northern seas. In recent years, quality control of marine waters somewhat weakened and held on years, quality control of marine waters somewhat weakened and held on an abbreviated program due to lack of funding. an abbreviated program due to lack of funding.
• Negative activity on the status and conditions for the Negative activity on the status and conditions for the reproduction of fish stocks. reproduction of fish stocks. • Using of fresh water for irrigation and other needs, water pollution, Using of fresh water for irrigation and other needs, water pollution, exceeding production quotas and other factors have worsened sharply and exceeding production quotas and other factors have worsened sharply and conditions for the reproduction of fish stocks. Declining fish catches in the conditions for the reproduction of fish stocks. Declining fish catches in the rivers the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Kuban are because the contamination of the rivers the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Kuban are because the contamination of the rivers. Catches only in 1993 in the largest freshwater Russia decreased by rivers. Catches only in 1993 in the largest freshwater Russia decreased by 22.4%. Reduced the production in the lakes and seas. Seas Far East are 22.4%. Reduced the production in the lakes and seas. Seas Far East are characterized by the disappearance of sardines - iwashi and destocking characterized by the disappearance of sardines - iwashi and destocking pollock, which is caused by unregulated foreign fishing; the disappearance pollock, which is caused by unregulated foreign fishing; the disappearance of valuable fish species, oppression and death of many fish species (in the of valuable fish species, oppression and death of many fish species (in the Volga disappeared completely natural spawning whitefish. Test results Volga disappeared completely natural spawning whitefish. Test results showed that of the 193 fish samples of different areas Vetluga, showed that of the 193 fish samples of different areas Vetluga, Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoir are contaminated with chemical Cheboksary and Kuibyshev reservoir are contaminated with chemical substances. Causes of the ecological crisis of water bodies connected with substances. Causes of the ecological crisis of water bodies connected with the theoretical and practical unjustified failure almost 50 years. the theoretical and practical unjustified failure almost 50 years.
• Serious problem is waste Serious problem is waste.. • • In the country in the dumps, landfills, illegal dumps and storage accumulated about In the country in the dumps, landfills, illegal dumps and storage accumulated about 80 billion tonnes of solid waste production and consumption. In stores, warehouses, 80 billion tonnes of solid waste production and consumption. In stores, warehouses, cemeteries, landfills and in other places contains more than 1.1 billion tons of toxic cemeteries, landfills and in other places contains more than 1.1 billion tons of toxic and environmentally hazardous industrial waste. In agriculture, there is the problem and environmentally hazardous industrial waste. In agriculture, there is the problem of waste in two groups: of waste in two groups: • prohibited and become unusable pesticides - has 13,355 tons of pesticides are prohibited and become unusable pesticides - has 13,355 tons of pesticides are subject to disposal, subject to disposal, • animal waste that accumulates annually 140 - 150 million tons animal waste that accumulates annually 140 - 150 million tons
• • • • • • • • • • • • • Forest resources. . Forest resources Russia has an area equal to about 1.2 billion hectares (more than 20% of the global forest area), and almost Russia has an area equal to about 1.2 billion hectares (more than 20% of the global forest area), and almost 25% of world reserves of wood. Systematically allowed over logging of softwood. Great waste in the 25% of world reserves of wood. Systematically allowed over logging of softwood. Great waste in the procurement and use of forests. When processing is lost approximately 20% of the timber. Reforestation behind procurement and use of forests. When processing is lost approximately 20% of the timber. Reforestation behind logging annually by 1.1 million hectares. Significant damage inflicted by fires. The process of depletion of logging annually by 1.1 million hectares. Significant damage inflicted by fires. The process of depletion of forests against atmospheric pollution emissions. A significant role in reducing the sustainability of forest forests against atmospheric pollution emissions. A significant role in reducing the sustainability of forest plantations have pests and diseases. Is an increase in area of foci of forest pests. Evidence of general biological plantations have pests and diseases. Is an increase in area of foci of forest pests. Evidence of general biological depletion of the country is to reduce species diversity of flora and fauna. As endangered species of birds every depletion of the country is to reduce species diversity of flora and fauna. As endangered species of birds every tenth one in five species of plants and mammals and one in four species of amphibians and reptiles, 553 tenth one in five species of plants and mammals and one in four species of amphibians and reptiles, 553 species of higher plants and 463 species of animals. Currently 16 - 18% of the country - the zone of ecological species of higher plants and 463 species of animals. Currently 16 - 18% of the country - the zone of ecological crisis. For a few years, life expectancy of Russians, declined by more than 20 years. Back in 1989 it amounted crisis. For a few years, life expectancy of Russians, declined by more than 20 years. Back in 1989 it amounted to 69.8 years. Emerging in the 1980s. tendency to worsen the health of children, probably entail deterioration of to 69.8 years. Emerging in the 1980s. tendency to worsen the health of children, probably entail deterioration of health of the younger generation in all age groups and in the future will affect the quality of the workforce, health of the younger generation in all age groups and in the future will affect the quality of the workforce, reproduction of future generations. Identify causes greater environmental intensity needed to find a way out of reproduction of future generations. Identify causes greater environmental intensity needed to find a way out of the protracted crisis. the protracted crisis. *Environmental problems of the Earth: *Environmental problems of the Earth: - environmental catastrophe with an insecticide such as " Thiodan " occurred in 1969 on the river Rhine - environmental catastrophe with an insecticide such as " Thiodan " occurred in 1969 on the river Rhine - just terrible environmental disaster in Seveso , as a result of the cloud of dioxin emissions in the chemical - just terrible environmental disaster in Seveso , as a result of the cloud of dioxin emissions in the chemical factory near the city. factory near the city. -in 20 years as from the surface of the planet disappeared Aral Sea ... -in 20 years as from the surface of the planet disappeared Aral Sea ... environmental problems and catastrophes environmental problems and catastrophes the greatest danger to the disaster have radiation facilities ( nuclear power plants, processing plants and the greatest danger to the disaster have radiation facilities ( nuclear power plants, processing plants and nuclear fuel , etc.), chemical plants , oil and gas pipelines , sea and rail transport , dams, reservoirs , etc. nuclear fuel , etc.), chemical plants , oil and gas pipelines , sea and rail transport , dams, reservoirs , etc. biggest in the XX century technological disaster occurred in April 1986 at the Chernobyl (Ukraine). The total biggest in the XX century technological disaster occurred in April 1986 at the Chernobyl (Ukraine). The total number of affected more than nine million people , 29 died of acute radiation sickness. number of affected more than nine million people , 29 died of acute radiation sickness. The total area of contamination by isoclines 0.2 mR / h ( more than 10 times the norm) was already in the first The total area of contamination by isoclines 0.2 mR / h ( more than 10 times the norm) was already in the first days of the accident is about 0.2 million km2 , it has covered many areas of Ukraine, Belarus , and several days of the accident is about 0.2 million km2 , it has covered many areas of Ukraine, Belarus , and several regions of Russia . Chernobyl disaster , according to some experts , was one of the causes of the collapse of the regions of Russia . Chernobyl disaster , according to some experts , was one of the causes of the collapse of the Soviet Union . Soviet Union . Nuclear attack on Hiroshima , which occurred in 1945 brought not only humanitarian but also an ecological Nuclear attack on Hiroshima , which occurred in 1945 brought not only humanitarian but also an ecological disaster . According to analysts' estimates the number of deaths in 1980 exceeded 98,000 lives , and continues disaster . According to analysts' estimates the number of deaths in 1980 exceeded 98,000 lives , and continues to still collect their terrible toll in the form of cancer and high levels of radiation, decimate the population . to still collect their terrible toll in the form of cancer and high levels of radiation, decimate the population . In 1979, the U.S. reactor " Three Mile Island " due to the failure of systems and operators negligence spewed In 1979, the U.S. reactor " Three Mile Island " due to the failure of systems and operators negligence spewed radioactive gases into the atmosphere. radioactive gases into the atmosphere. This is a list of the tens of various examples of environmental disasters on the planet alternately polluting , and This is a list of the tens of various examples of environmental disasters on the planet alternately polluting , and today it seems that stop this vicious circle is gone. Man destroying everything around will disappear as a result today it seems that stop this vicious circle is gone. Man destroying everything around will disappear as a result of myself like the dinosaurs that existed at the top of the food chain of the Earth 160 million years old, of myself like the dinosaurs that existed at the top of the food chain of the Earth 160 million years old, disappeared from the surface of the planet about 65 million years ago. disappeared from the surface of the planet about 65 million years ago.
• Nuclear explosion in Hiroshima Nuclear explosion in Hiroshima • After the appearance of the aforementioned public international environmental After the appearance of the aforementioned public international environmental organization based in Vancouver , Canada September 15, 1971. The existence of organization based in Vancouver , Canada September 15, 1971. The existence of the company from a small group of activists in the movement has become a the company from a small group of activists in the movement has become a powerful international organization. But it is unlikely the person understands the powerful international organization. But it is unlikely the person understands the true danger that is happening on our planet. true danger that is happening on our planet. • We ourselves hostage century auto technology. We ourselves hostage century auto technology. • Because we know that the development of an electric vehicle , which could replace Because we know that the development of an electric vehicle , which could replace the vehicles with internal combustion engines , has been at the root ruined buying the vehicles with internal combustion engines , has been at the root ruined buying patents on the development magnates oil companies. patents on the development magnates oil companies. • In 2006, the Sundance Film Festival and premiered sad acclaimed film " An In 2006, the Sundance Film Festival and premiered sad acclaimed film " An Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim . In November box office exceeded $ Inconvenient Truth" director Davis Guggenheim . In November box office exceeded $ 20 million , and the film takes today on charges fourth in the world during the 20 million , and the film takes today on charges fourth in the world during the existence of documentary cinema. In 2007 , the band received two Oscar existence of documentary cinema. In 2007 , the band received two Oscar nominations in the " documentary " and " song for the film ", and the American Film nominations in the " documentary " and " song for the film ", and the American Film Institute named it one of the biggest events of the year . The film is based on the Institute named it one of the biggest events of the year . The film is based on the events , telling about global environmental problems on the planet. Today, average events , telling about global environmental problems on the planet. Today, average temperature of the planet has risen by about 0,7 ° C since the beginning of the temperature of the planet has risen by about 0,7 ° C since the beginning of the process of the industrial revolution . But oddly large share of this temperature process of the industrial revolution . But oddly large share of this temperature increased only in the last 50-60 years . And this wave is caused by human activity , increased only in the last 50-60 years . And this wave is caused by human activity , namely the emission of gases into the atmosphere in a modern society called the namely the emission of gases into the atmosphere in a modern society called the greenhouse effect. What is the danger due to the warming of the earth ? Sea level greenhouse effect. What is the danger due to the warming of the earth ? Sea level rise ? rise ? • - Yes, the process is already running , and even in the case of stabilization of the - Yes, the process is already running , and even in the case of stabilization of the gases emitted into the atmosphere changes will continue for several millennia. gases emitted into the atmosphere changes will continue for several millennia. • And this will inevitably lead to a redistribution of rainfall on the planet. As a result And this will inevitably lead to a redistribution of rainfall on the planet. As a result of all the above occurrence of natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes , of all the above occurrence of natural disasters such as tsunamis, hurricanes , tornadoes. But if anyone thought of us as this will be enough natural well-being? tornadoes. But if anyone thought of us as this will be enough natural well-being? How much more able to withstand the environmental ills of our Mother Earth . Today How much more able to withstand the environmental ills of our Mother Earth . Today it is still not too late . There is still a chance that we learn to live in symbiosis with it is still not too late . There is still a chance that we learn to live in symbiosis with our " green house ." From the cradle that gave the world when that Dostoevsky , our " green house ." From the cradle that gave the world when that Dostoevsky , Turgenev, Blok. With so amazingly beautiful globe who gave life to billions of Turgenev, Blok. With so amazingly beautiful globe who gave life to billions of creatures living subspecies alongside subspecies , called himself a man . creatures living subspecies alongside subspecies , called himself a man .