Презентация на тему "Фауна Дагестана"
Оценка 4.8

Презентация на тему "Фауна Дагестана"

Оценка 4.8
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Презентация на тему "Фауна Дагестана"
Презентация на тему" Фауна Дагестана".Животный мир разнообразен, и также,как и флора,В презентации рассматриваются систематические группы животного мира Дагестана,его распространение по отдельным ландшафтам.В данной презентации предоставлены редкие виды животных Дагестана.Презентация может быть полезной для любителей природы и широкого круга любителей дикой природы .Презентация на тему"Фауна Дагестана
THE PROJECT The fauna of Dagestan.pptx




Many people believe that the animals’ world of our planet is something common and taken for granted

Many people believe that the animals’ world of our planet is something common and taken for granted

Many people believe that the animals’ world of our planet is something common and taken for granted. Few people even think about how animals live and how we could help them.

The choice of this theme is justified by its relevance, as many animal species

The choice of this theme is justified by its relevance, as many animal species

The choice of this theme is justified by its relevance, as many animal species Dagestan are on the verge of extinction. Animals of Dagestan play an important role in shaping the food chain. Mammals have important function in the circulation of substances, without which it will not survive, no living body. Animals are involved in the formation of the fertile layer of soil . And another equally important function is using of diseased plants in the food, so the natural selection is carried out in plants.

Dagestan is a home for many rary species of fauna

Dagestan is a home for many rary species of fauna

Dagestan is a home for many rary species of fauna. It is home for such animals as badgers, sandy, jerboas, gerbils, mole rats, fox corsac , antelope, wild boar, jungle cat, badger, marten, wild cat, mole small, ligation of the southern Russian steppe polecat, ermine, Caucasian, European mink, otter, small squirrel, deer, muskrat, hare, common hedgehog, long-eared hedgehog, raccoon, Jackal, raccoon dog, red Fox, wolf. There are a lot of birds in the deltas of river . This is mainly waterfowl such as cormorants, geese and ducks, herons, swans, storks, pelicans, Imperial eagles, eagles long-legged Buzzards, and larks. In the lowlands of Dagestan Is a home for many species of snakes and lizards. More than half of these species of animals are listed in the Red book of Dagestan and the Russian Federation. I want to tell you about some of them.

The small mole lives in kazbekovskiy and

The small mole lives in kazbekovskiy and

The small mole lives in kazbekovskiy and Kizlyar districts of the Dagestan Republic. The number is very small. Of all the types of moles Russia mole is the smallest one. Adults weigh less than 30 grams. Foot of the mole is very small. The peculiar structure of the skeleton is through the hole in the clavicle, the other moles, it is not. It feeds on insects, beetles, earthworms.

The habitation of the giant mole rat – the

The habitation of the giant mole rat – the

The habitation of the giant mole rat – the Northern part of Dagestan. This is the only place in Russia where habitats this rodent. The length of the mole varies from 25 to 35 centimeters and weighs 1 kilogram. Leads a sedentary rodent, subterranean way of life. Building a multi-tiered underground tunnels. Feeds mainly on roots of plants, tubers, bulbs.

The ermine is a very rare animal, lives in the floodplains of rivers and canals in the

The ermine is a very rare animal, lives in the floodplains of rivers and canals in the

The ermine is a very rare animal, lives in the floodplains of rivers and canals in the North of Dagestan. The ermine is a small animal of the marten typical appearance with a long body, short legs, a long neck and a triangular head with small rounded ears. The body length of the males ranges from 17 to 38 cm (females about half), tail length is about 35 % of the length of the body and is sized 6 to 12 inches. Ermine is considered to be a minor predator

The Caucasian forest cat is a cat that lives by itself

The Caucasian forest cat is a cat that lives by itself

The Caucasian forest cat is a cat that lives by itself. It dwells in the entire territory of Dagestan, but mostly prefers lowland Dagestan. Eats the Caucasian wild cat mainly pheasants, hares and poultry. Weigh about 4 to 11 pounds (slightly heavier cats the cats), the body length is 63-75 cm in cats and about 52-63 cm in cats

The Foothill of Dagestan The fauna of the foothills of

The Foothill of Dagestan The fauna of the foothills of

The Foothill of Dagestan
The fauna of the foothills of Dagestan is a transition between lowland and mountain. Foothill Dagestan is characterized by lush vegetation, which is beneficial to the animal world inhabiting it. From mammals here you can often find wild boar, Fox, wolf, stone marten, hare hare, bear, ROE deer, wild cat, forest Dormouse, lynx. Endangered species include ROE deer, wild cat and lynx.

The body length of lynx is 80-130 centimeters

The body length of lynx is 80-130 centimeters

The body length of lynx is 80-130 centimeters. Typically, a lynx the size of a large dog. Weight of adult males from 18 to 25 pounds, can very rarely reach 30 pounds; females weigh an average of 18 pounds. Body, like all lynxes, short, dense. Ears long tassels. The tail is short with cut off end (20-40 cm). The head is small, rounded. The long hair on the sides of the muzzle forming the "whiskers". The muzzle is short, eyes wide, eyes round

The Mountainous Dagestan The nature of internal and mountainous

The Mountainous Dagestan The nature of internal and mountainous

The Mountainous Dagestan
The nature of internal and mountainous Dagestan peculiar. Few forests, only occasionally coniferous forests on the mountain slopes. In Gunibsky district meets relict birch. In some areas trees such as oak, beech, Linden, ash and aspen. With the transition to the highlands the vegetation is impoverished and goes into Alpine meadows.
Dagestani Tur inhabits on Alpine meadows , bezoar goat, red deer. In the mountainous Dagestan live: wolf, bear, Fox, hare, squirrel, Persian leopard, wood mouse, voles, bats, weasels, ROE, ROE deer, badger, wild boar, porcupine is a relatively young resident of Dagestan.
A lot of mountains birds: Ular (mountain Turkey), Caucasian black grouse, partridge, eagle, Alpine Chough, spotted woodpecker, yellow-tailed Wren, peregrine Falcon, Alpine Accentor, blue-rock thrush, owl, eagle, Guldenstadt's Redstart, blue rock thrush, Griffon vulture, owl brownie, Finch, Chough, Kestrel, Goshawk, Buzzard, red-footed Falcon, hobby, black vulture, bearded vulture.


The ROE deer is a small deer. Males have a small double-branching horns

The ROE deer is a small deer. Males have a small double-branching horns

The ROE deer is a small deer. Males have a small double-branching horns. Deer feeds on vegetable food. The name of the ROE deer were due to the similarity with the goat. In the old Russian language the word kozulya, sometimes called the deer wild goat.

The body of Dagestan Tur is 130-150 cm, height in shoulders 79-98 cm, weight 55-100 kg

The body of Dagestan Tur is 130-150 cm, height in shoulders 79-98 cm, weight 55-100 kg

The body of Dagestan Tur is 130-150 cm, height in shoulders 79-98 cm, weight 55-100 kg. Females reach a height at the shoulders is 65-70 cm and weight of 45-55 pounds. The Powered Dagestan Tur plants food of the Dagestani Alpine meadows. The species are listed in the Red book of the world, as the population of the Dagestan Tur is extremely small.

Deer in Dagestan has a limited distribution and low abundance

Deer in Dagestan has a limited distribution and low abundance

Deer in Dagestan has a limited distribution and low abundance. It can be found in the lower reaches of the Terek river and on the Northern slopes of the Main Caucasian mountain range on the territory of the Tlyaratinskiy and Tsuntinskiy districts, and occasionally in Shamil and Rutul districts. But with snow a great part of the noble deer out on the southern slopes of the Main Caucasian ridge on the territory of Lagodekhi (Georgia) and Zakatala (Azerbaijan) reserves. The total number of deer is not more than 200-250 individuals. Deer eats a variety of plant food. Also their diet consists of cereals and legumes. The herd usually consists of 5-6 individuals. Basically, the herd consists of the female and her cubs for the previous few years

Serna – living high in the mountains a slender, fairly and easy animal with a thin neck, not a big head, and strong legs

Serna – living high in the mountains a slender, fairly and easy animal with a thin neck, not a big head, and strong legs

Serna – living high in the mountains a slender, fairly and easy animal with a thin neck, not a big head, and strong legs. Her scent is different from signs of other ungulates. In Russia chamois can only be found in the mountains of Dagestan. Serna eats plant foods and cereals. Chamois live in herds of 15-30 animals.

The Persian leopard is Caucasian leopard or rated in the red book of the

The Persian leopard is Caucasian leopard or rated in the red book of the

The Persian leopard is Caucasian leopard or rated in the red book of the First category, since its population size decreased to a critical point. Habitat Multidisci mountain range and Boguski ridge. The leopard prefers rocky slopes, forested, in the range of 1500-2500 metres above sea level. Individual home range of a male leopard reaches 30-50 thousand hectares, while the females and juveniles of 15-30 thousand hectares. Confirmation of the presence of bars on-site serve give them the so-called "scrapes", that is, marks on the surface of the earth. It feeds mainly on bars round Dagestan, bezoar goat, Caucasian deer, wild boar, ROE deer, and rarely attack livestock

Indian porcupine, but he is also an inhabitant of our mountains

Indian porcupine, but he is also an inhabitant of our mountains

Indian porcupine, but he is also an inhabitant of our mountains. The porcupine lives in South Dagestan. It penetrated to Dagestan most likely from Azerbaijan. The scientists have found the dead porcupine in the highest mountain of Kurush village . And for the last seven years it is well settled in comfortable territory in Uggage. Porcupines live in pairs or with cubs in rocks, in burrows and in rocky deposits

Peregrine Falcon – a bird of prey of the

Peregrine Falcon – a bird of prey of the

Peregrine Falcon – a bird of prey of the Falcon family. This is the fastest bird, and generally living creature in the world. According to experts, in a swift dive it can reach speeds of over 322 km/h or 90 m/s. Hunted this Falcon are mostly medium-sized birds, such as pigeons, starlings, ducks and other aquatic and semi-aquatic species, rarely small mammals. Breeds on rocky cliffs, the tops of the ridges, rarely in tussocks of moss bogs or stone buildings — the roofs and ledges of tall buildings

Take care of animals! The protection of animals is a complex and broad concept, starting with the conservation of nature in

Take care of animals! The protection of animals is a complex and broad concept, starting with the conservation of nature in

Take care of animals!
The protection of animals is a complex and broad concept, starting with the conservation of nature in General.
Conservation includes rational use of natural resources, and the restoration and multiplication of natural resources, and in-depth knowledge of multilateral values and the impact on human life, and understanding of the complex relationships occurring in nature. In this sense, the problem of conservation cannot be solved only by a complex of state measures. Big role in solving this problem belongs to the educational work among students. To begin this work should be in a family and then in school.

RESEARCH After studying relevant material on this issue,

RESEARCH After studying relevant material on this issue,

After studying relevant material on this issue, I conducted a survey among the students of my class. The survey involved 18 people. I asked them the following questions:
1. Is it dangerous extinction and the disappearance of animals?
2. Do you know about the existence of the red data book of Dagestan?
3. Do you love animals?
4. Do you know what animals live on the territory of Dagestan?
Analyze the response, I made a table.
Table 1
No. survey of children Yes/ no/ do not know.

From the results of tables I came to the conclusion that the majority of children recognise the danger of the disappearance of animals and that…

From the results of tables I came to the conclusion that the majority of children recognise the danger of the disappearance of animals and that…

From the results of tables I came to the conclusion that the majority of children recognise the danger of the disappearance of animals and that this can affect human life. The protection of fauna and flora is our sacred duty to the children and grandchildren! We should treat nature with care, because it only depends on us, what will remain for future generations. Nature as a complex mosaic: if one link falls, the harmony is disturbed and the natural connection.So,don’t disturb wildlife! Stop killing yourselves

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