Презентация на тему по английскому языку " Seasons " (5класс)

  • Презентации учебные
  • ppt
  • 19.05.2017
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Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

В презентации урока включено четыре времени года: зима, весна, лето, осень. Название двенадцать месяцев. Новые слова по теме: Холодно, жарко,прохладно, дождливо, солнечно, снег, зной,ветер, Новый год, восьмое марта, каникулы, солнце,песок. Презентация включает в себя яркие, красочные картинки. В презентации есть кроссворд по теме, загадки, разные упражнения.Презентация на тему "Seasons" . Презентация с яркими картинками для предстоящего уровня.
Иконка файла материала Seasons.ppt
•What is the weather like today? •Is it dry or wet today? Is it cloudy or sunny   today? Is the weather better or worse than it was yesterday?
Жыл айлары MarchMarch April April MayMay Seasons. Months- Жыл мезгілдері. WINTER SPRING WINTER SPRING December December January January February February AUTUMN AUTUMN September September October October November November SUMMER SUMMER June June JulyJuly August August 4
New words season [‘si:zn] жыл мезгілі spring [sprin] көктем summer [‘sлmә] жаз autumn [‘o:tәm] күз winter [‘wintә] қыс
NEW WORDS NEW WORDS frost [ frɔst ] -аяз dry [ drai ] - құрғақ hot [ hɔt ] - ыссы cold [ kɔld ] - мұздай shower ['ʃauә ] - жауын snow [ snәu ] - қар rainy [ drizl ] - жаңбырлы Foggy [ mist ] – тұманды thunderstorm [ θʌndәstɔ:m] -найзағай
 Trousers - [’traʋzərz] -шалбар  Boots - [bu:ts] - аяқ киім  Gloves –[glʌv] - қолғап  Scarf - [skɑ:rf] - шарф  Sweater – [’swetər]- свитер  T-shirt – ’ti:‚ʃɜ:rt] - футболка  Blouse - [blaʋs- блузка  Dress – [dres]-көйлек  Skirt – [skɜ:rt]-юбка,  Shorts- [ʃɔ:rts]- шорты  Rainbow-кемпірқосақ
Clear Snowy Hot Wonderful Frosty Sleety Cool Wet Rainy Cloudy Humid Sultry  Fine Bad Warm Windy Misty Terrible Dry Good Stormy Cold Sunny Dreadful Foggy Nasty Calm  Freezing
Listen and learn Listen and learn the words the words
snowsnow bird bird table table ССhristmas hristmas treetree chimn chimn eyey hous hous ee snowm snowm anan sledsled gege iceice ice- ice- skates skates sksk ii rave rave nn ssссarfarf
Match the words to the seasons. T-shirt, swimsuit, shirt, jumper, scarf, sun hat, dress, coat , skirt, gloves. Summer winter 1_________ 1 ________ 2_________ 3_________ 3 _________ 4_________ 4_________ 5_________ 5_________ 2_________
Check Yourself!
Crossword 1. You wear it in cold weather 2. The same type of clothing for all the members of a group. 3. You wear them to keep your hands warm. 4. You put it up to cover your head. 5. You wear it on your head. 6. You tie it around your neck U U O P O P I I - - Q W E Q W E R R T T Y Y A A S S Z Z D F D F X X C C G G V V H J H J K K L L B B N M N M
s w t ei ea r un f o r mes o vo d lo g h ha t c a r f s
Winter is the white beautiful season.The trees are white with snow. There is a lot of snow in the streets and in the park.
Riddles «Seasons» This is the season When fruit is sweet, This is the season When school-friends meet.
This is autumn season. The leave in the trees are red,yellow, brown and green.
This is the season When nights are short And children have plenty Of fun and sport. Boating, swimming All the day With a merry song On a sunny day.
Summer is a bright season. The trees are green. It’s hot and we can swim in the river.
This is the season When snowdrops bloom When nobody likes To stay in the room. This is the season When birds make their nests, This is the season We all like best.
Spring is the beautiful season. The sun often shines, the sky is blue, the birds sing songs. In May the trees and grass are bright green.
Do you remember my poem?