Презентация по английскому языку " Традиции англичан"-8 класс

  • Презентации учебные
  • ppt
  • 26.03.2017
Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Публикация в СМИ для учителей

Бесплатное участие. Свидетельство СМИ сразу.
Мгновенные 10 документов в портфолио.

Данная презентация знакомит с домашними питомцами англичан. Наряду с попугаями,в семьях очень любят содержать собак и кошек. Определённые породы домашних питомцев очень востребованы,даже в королевской семье. Презентация знакомит с интересными фактами и привычками домашних питомцев, с особенностями той или иной породы .Презентация на английском языке -8класс(Традиции и обычаи англичан)
Иконка файла материала Традиции англичан.ppt
МОУ « Шарапово- Охотская ООШ» РУКОВОДИТЕЛЬ: Гололобова Нина Евгеньевна учитель английского языка
The favourite pets of Englishmen Plan: Tasks: to find out the importance of pets in life of Englishmen to bring out the unique national features of English pets to examine interesting facts about pets in U K
I know Englishmen are fond of animals. They like to have budgies, reptiles, rabbits, dogs and cats at home. There are special shops , hotels and even cemeteries for pets. They say «We take care of world» our never more pets as in the
that said I have already the inhabitants of Great Britain love their than children. pets even more The U K created their own breeds of dogs
British bulldog This dog is unique. The fur is very short and pleasant .This noisy dog likes to play with children.
Greyhound This breed is the oldest in Great Britain .These dogs are rather friendly , calm and they love their masters very much.
British mastif This dog is rather heavy. Its weight is about 150 kg .Mastif is kind, friendly and gentle .
It is a small dog , very active, friendly Toy teryer and brave.
Welsh corgi This breed is the favourite dog of the English queen. This small dog is like a fox. They are very kind, playful, brave.
The queen Elizabeth II and her dogs. Nowdays the queen has several dogs. Their names are : Linnet, Emma, Faros ,Swift.
As for cats they are the most popular pets of Great Britain. All in all there are about 8,000mln.About 130 years ago The post office uses cats as guards.   1) Nowdays Englishmen prefer black cats. They say that this colour is very lucky. 2) If the cat sneezes(it may be): a) the weather changes b) the illness c) the wedding
Cats live about 15 years. The oldest cat of Great Britain Puss lived about 36 years.
The most popular species is British blue cat. They are like toy bears. They are called cats for businessman. These pets are quiet, friendly, independent.   The Scottish breed. They difer from other cats. Their ears are quite diferent and they don/t purr,but creak.
As for me I like Englishmen who like and take care of their pets. Their attitude to dogs ,cats, fish and birds is worth mentioning.
Список использованной литературы: Сайт FB.ru Web-zoopark.ru Animal.ru