Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
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Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

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Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
This is the oldest historical and archaeological city, built by the Idumeans 4 thousand years ago. The rock city was the capital of the Arab Nabataeans. It is known that the last city was completed by the Romans in 106 ad, and in the 12th century the crusaders hosted here.The location of the city is very interesting-on the slopes of the biblical mountain Or.Any tourist will be interested to admire the work of art of ancient peoples, to touch the relics of carved pink stone. Another name for Petra is the rose city. The rose-red city was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1985.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
CITY OF PETRA This is the oldest historical and archaeological city, built by the Idumeans 4 thousand years ago. The rock city was the capital of the Arab Nabataeans. It is known that the last city was completed by the Romans in 106 ad, and in the 12th century the crusaders hosted here.The location of the city is very interesting-on the slopes of the biblical mountain Or.Any tourist will be interested to admire the work of art of ancient peoples, to touch the relics of carved pink stone. Another name for Petra is the rose city. The rose-red city was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1985.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
GREAT WALL Long wonder of the world began to build a long time ago-since the 3rd century BC. The main purpose of the wall-a defensive structure, as in those days China was attacked by Northern invaders. Therefore, the Emperor Qin Shi Huang put all his efforts on the construction of the wall, which currently extends near Badalin and Beijing. Peasants, guilty, criminals, workers, soldiers were sent to work. It is known that many people died during the construction, so the wall is often called the longest cemetery in the world. This wonder of the world is legendary, because the construction of the wall length of 8 thousand 851 km went hundreds of years, the wall was destroyed many times, it succumbed to the drying and destruction of time. But, in the end, restored in so far as it is possible to see in the pictures, great wall of China is the pride of China and the great heritage of the UNESCO since 1987.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
CHICHEN ITZA The pyramids, which remained from the settlement of the ancient civilization – Itza. This nation was associated with the Mayan culture, and the pyramids are located to the East of the city of Merida, the Yucatan Peninsula. The most important attractions that we have inherited from the Mayan people are the pyramids. The highest of them "Kukulkan Pyramid" – 24 meters, consists of 9 steps.This ancient people are very well versed in astrology, the movements of the stars. Therefore, all its facilities people built on the basis of knowledge about the solar system. In this city you can find the solar clock, the Temple of jaguars, Temple of warriors and the Observatory. It is interesting that in certain weather and the solstice of one of the pyramids looks just amazing, it seems that the slope of her entwined 37 meter snake

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Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
THE STATUE OF CHRIST THE REDEEMER IN RIO The sculpture of huge size is located on the top of the Corcovado mountain. Christ with open arms will accept any traveler who has reached the foot. At an altitude of 709 meters, thousands of residents of Rio de Janeiro and other countries, tourists from all over the world, rise to pray to Christ.From the top of the hill there are stunning views of the beaches and the beautiful city of Rio. The railway (electrified) was built in 1882, long before the monument was built. Now it is functioning smoothly and will bring anyone to the foot of the statue. You can get there by bus and by car, and it is worth doing to admire the panorama of the city beaches, stadium and buildings, as well as ask Christ for redemption of sins.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
Brazilians and a symbol of brotherhood. Since 2007, the monument is recognized as one of the seven modern wonders of the world. What can be said about the structure of the monument? Of course, it is worth mentioning the outstanding architects who built this wonder of the world in 1931. The project was developed by engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and the French sculptor landowski manufactured the individual parts of the sculpture in your own country, then part of Christ was delivered to Brazil. A staircase consisting of 200 steps was also The statue, 46 meters high (with a pedestal), is the property of the built.Many times the monument was repaired, work was carried out with illumination, restoration, and now every resident of Brazil is proud of it and that the monument has become one of the seven wonders of the world.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
TAJ MAHAL This huge and beautiful mausoleum was built in India in 1653 by Emperor Shah Jahan. There is a building with a height of 74 meters in the city of Agra, and know about it children and adults around the world. What is the reason for such interest? This attraction is difficult to avoid, it attracts the attention of tourists and people around the globe. The mausoleum was built of white marble, and is decorated in a noble and rich Mughal style – beautiful marble carving, elegant inlays of words and floral patterns. Around the building at an equal distance there are 4 minarets, and the monument is reflected in all its glory in the waters of the canal, specially held near the tomb.It is interesting that the ruler built a mausoleum in honor of his wife, the third in a row. The tombs of other wives farther, but not in the building. The fact that the third wife died in childbirth 14 children, and Shah Jahan decided to build a monument in memory of her white stone. The most interesting thing is that the tomb of the ruler is now inside the tomb, next to his wife

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
COLISEUM Construction of a huge amphitheatre in Rome began in 72 ad, and its builders were Vespasian and Titus. Another name of the Colosseum – the Flavian Amphitheatre. Where did this great pride of the Romans come from? Everything is quite simple, the new ruler of the dynasty-Vespasian decided to wipe out the Palace of the previous ruler of Nero. If it were not for this idea, would not flaunt in place of a Swan pond new building for the entertainment of the Romans – the Colosseum. There were performances, gladiatorial fights, circus performances. The opening took place in 80 ad, the hall is designed for 70 000 spectators.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
still needs a lot. This building is popular all over the world, tourists tend to visit it and walk around the arena, presenting themselves as a performing clown or a Gladiator – winner. The Colosseum is rightly recognized as a modern wonder of the world,and Italy and the memory of Rome will always be alive, as long as the Colosseum is!ruler of Nero. If it were not for this idea, would not fluent in place of a Swan pond new building for the entertainment of the Romans – Now the Colosseum is partially restored and is a symbol of Italy, although the money for the restoration the Colosseum. There were mere performances, gladiatorial fights, circus performances. The opening book place in 80 ad, the hall is designed for 70 000 spectators.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
MACHU PICCHU This ancient city of the Incas, as it is called, is located between the mountain peaks of Peru-almost on a flat ground! In translation Machu Picchu means "old mountain", it is interesting that for many hundreds of years no one knew about the settlements inside the mountains – at a height where there was a peaceful settlement. And the city was discovered only in the early 20th century. How could it happen that people knew nothing about people? Just this city is located at an altitude of 2 thousand 400 meters above sea level-imagine that it is near the clouds. Life in the clouds-probably about such a life dreams of every romantic.Discovered this city archaeologist and traveler — American hyrem Bingham, he decided to explore the legend of the ancient Inca settlement and accidentally stumbled into the mountains of the boy, who showed him the way to the city. It is not surprising that no one knew about it, because the trail that leads to the buildings and the citadel is so narrow, and even overgrown with grass that catch what it is the road up – did not work for any of the archaeologists before. It is not clear why the settlement decided to live at such a height, why it was necessary for the people. And it is still unclear how many people inhabited the town. But it is known that the buildings on the territory is about 200.

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"

Презентация по английскому языку "Man-made wonders of the world"
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